• Breaking News

    Friday, October 2, 2020

    League of Legends Why does remake vote even exist? Shouldn't it be auto remake if you have an AFK from the beginning

    League of Legends Why does remake vote even exist? Shouldn't it be auto remake if you have an AFK from the beginning

    Why does remake vote even exist? Shouldn't it be auto remake if you have an AFK from the beginning

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    So I was in a game recently where our mid laner was AFK at the 3 min mark. I initiated a remake vote and for some reason the vote was turned down. As a result instead of being able to remake without losing any LP and wasting time, the game ended up going on and subsequently ended in a loss. It seems ridiculous that even a vote is needed where if someone trolls on a vote you end up having to spend the next 20min or so playing and most likely end up losing. I know I'm ranting but wanted the community's thought on this.

    submitted by /u/hcarp1
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    Tanks (and supports) need a lot more mythic items if Riot wants people to feel that they have dynamic build paths in every game.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    This comes from someone who enjoys playing tanky champs in mid diamond. Let's just start by listing what I feel is wrong with them:


    • Immolate on everything. You can't freeze/zone near enemy minions anymore even if you have a lead. Then when your minions push to the enemy turret, don't even think about hitting it without getting shot by turret.

    • Both resists. You should be allowed to punish enemies for picking full ad/ap comps.

    • No way to deal with lane poke. Anyone that has magic poke still forces you to build spirit visage first. GL if your team/your kit doesn't have healing/shielding because Adaptive helm doesn't exist anymore.

    • Every class has some kind of "anti tank" item, which isn't even anti tank, but perfectly viable or even must to have item for many champions even if the tank isn't any kind of threat to them.

    • No mana option. This is a a bit of stretch, but personally this completely killed my Taric top which I used as a counterpick vs full ad teams.


    • We got some cool non mythic items.


    • Sustain based item. Similar to rushing catalyst or visage first.
    • Dynamic build paths. Let us choose what kind of resists we want on the items. Don't force us to get armor if we're versus full ap team but want frostfire effect.
    • Remove Immolate from everything but one item. Create legendary items that has it if people want waveclear.
    • More interactive items. This is just brainstorming, but some effects that would IMO fit tank mythics. Most of these are active effects:
    1. Grey health, activate to shield (Same way as tahm)
    2. Active to block a lot of damage for short duration. (Burst mitigation)
    3. Gain stacks while in combat that you can use to heal yourself. (Regen)
    4. Gain X% magic damage shield based on physical damage that you take and X% physical damage shield based on magic damage you take. (Helping you to deal with mixed damage teams)
    5. Anything that is interactive and can be minmaxed, but also denied by the opponent by CC:ing you if you try to stretch it for too long.
    • Rethink "Anti tank" items. They shouldn't be core items on anyone unless it seems that the tank might actually be a problem. Maybe they're not good fit for mythic items in the first place, but rather a 2nd or 3rd legendary item?


    submitted by /u/JjyKs
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    Game Of Thrones Theme X League of Legends

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    League hitting all time high Korean PC bang playrate now

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    League hitting all time high Korean PC bang playrate now

    It seems League of Legends has reached a new peak of Korean PC bang share at 52.34%. This is both really impressive and crazy for a non-korean league of legends player like me. How can a game be more played than the rest combined.


    submitted by /u/raynap
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    I made a site so you can watch auto synced Worlds Live Views & VODs with streamers (eg LS, IWD, Midbeast, Sneaky), whenever and wherever

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    I have been loving the Live Views of Worlds, but the timing of games was kinda difficult for me to make, syncing VODS has been a pain, and even watching live on mobile has sucked. So i fixed it!

    Check out : Watch Worlds With

    Cool features:

    - you can click a game below to go straight to the VOD, and if the streamer has live viewed it, it'll automatically sync the timers. You can even move the VOD timer and it'll stay in sync.

    - when the streamer is live and worlds stream is live, it will automatically show the streams side by side, with different views and chat toggles.

    - works on mobile, even iphone, with 2 vids playing.

    - Streamers also have their own pages like LS Dom Midbeast Sneaky with only their vids showing.

    I'm adding more features all the time like language support, VOD search, visual clarity (without spoilers) on when there's a VOD available etc.

    Hope you like it! Let me know what features you'd like.

    submitted by /u/justlookingaboutred
    [link] [comments]

    Riot Scruffy on PBE preseason item focuses after week 1

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT


    There are many iterations coming to PBE preseason but the top three we're focusing on are:

    1. Major tuning pass to all items to avoid power creep
    2. Better supporting an AP+healer fantasy in mythics
    3. Giving tank mythics shaper resist profiles to better adapt to enemy comps

    He mentions in the replies that they'll be sharing changelists next week.

    submitted by /u/HolmatKingOfStorms
    [link] [comments]

    Behavioral Systems: October 2020 Update

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Couldn't get Mid so the best Support aka Pyke was the only option because X marks the spot and the spot has a lot of gold

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Worlds 2020 Group Stage Opening Tease

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    As an Asol player; What dreams are made of

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    How it feels to play Ezreal vs. Ezreal in URF

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    KDA - All Out Teaser

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    KDA just posted this with the caption "THIS IS OUR NEXT EVOLUTION"


    They will be performing their new song at the finals on the 31st of October.

    The teaser is for the new skins and ep. Ep is out on the 6th of November. The skins just look amazing to be honest. Can't wait for the release on PBE along with Seraphine. I really wonder which one is going to be legendary tho.

    Post with the EP cover

    submitted by /u/FROST_R6
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    World 2020 Main-Event predictions by GOSU.AI

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Riot Games Brazil announced the 10 franchised organizations that are going to be competing in CBLOL from now on.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Corejj rank1 on the super server (among the worlds players)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Right now Corejj is 1256LP and rank 21 on the super server.

    Proof: https://www.lolvvv.com/worlds2020

    As you can see he is the highest ranked out of all the worlds players.

    I find a bit interesting that corejj is doing so well, but it's not surprising. He has always been one of the best and this just goes to show that he still is. Corejj is without a doubt one of the best supports in the world if not the best?

    submitted by /u/GroundbreakingAlps2
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    (Eng Sub) FPX Doinb thoughts on group stage at Worlds 2020

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    League voice chat settings resetting is a breach of privacy

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    League of Legends settings resetting for seemingly no reason is nothing new, but it's usually nothing more than an annoyance. The voice settings resetting, however, is a big deal, and I'd argue it's a breach of privacy. I'll explain why.

    When your voice chat settings reset, it will put 'Join the voice channel automatically' and 'Input mode - voice activity' back on. This could mean that someone logs in, doesn't realise their settings are reset, hops in to a lobby, then looks away from the screen. Someone else might join their lobby if it's public and join League voice chat. They could then overhear the individual discussing all kinds of private information (use your imagination). This is a huge breach of privacy.

    Most of us have come to accept that the LoL client just doesn't make any sense, but this particular bug could be a huge issue. I'd argue that, as a temporary fix, the default voice chat setting should be to have 'join the voice channel automatically' off.

    submitted by /u/Vegan-bandit
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    Return Taliyah to her former mid-lane glory

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    Taliyah is currently ranked 42nd of the 46 junglers, and she is not considered a mid-laner at all anymore. Personally, I'm still mourning her being changed into a full on jungler. She's the champ I carried myself to gold 1 with in season 7, and she holds a special place in my heart for that. I want to play her more, but I despise the jungle role, and even if I wanted to, Taliyah is no good as a mid-laner anymore either.

    I want to see Taliyah be returned to the mid-lane. She was originally designed with this in mind, and as she is underperforming in the jungle, I find it is a good time to return her back to her original position.

    The main problem with mid-lane Taliyah is that she was too good at roaming. Built in out of combat movement speed, plus a great ult for ganking, plus great waveclear from her AoE Q and E made her presence undefeated. Then, she got the dreadful Q nerf, making the stones single target, and in one motion she was unviable in the mid-lane.

    I think nerfing her waveclear was the right way to go. She was, after all, too strong in higher elos. However, Riot overlooked one crucial detail which thrashed her viability; the AoE on her Q was essential to her poke damage too.

    Taliyah needed the AoE part on her Q to damage her enemy during laning phase. If an enemy stepped too close to his minions, or stood in his minion wave, Taliyah could use her Q to poke them down. She could benefit from the Worked Ground too because of it, as hitting the single stone was a lot easier and thus made it worth to put the ability on cooldown for. But, with the nerf to her Q, none of that was possible anymore, and that combined with the waveclear nerf made her laning much too weak, giving her 0 lane priority and subsequently also destroying her roaming capabilities.

    I want the AoE on her Q to be reinstated. Make it so that the AoE part only deals damage to champions. That way, her waveclear stays weak enough, but she gets her poke back, allowing her to have a chance at winning lane. It'd also give her back the extremely satisfying 3-man-W-into-E-and-Q combos that could wipe teams if the situation was perfect.


    Taliyah's very weak as a jungler right now, I want her back in the mid-lane. Give her back the AoE on her Q, but make it so that the AoE only does damage to champions. This because I understand that her waveclear was too strong pre-nerf, but she needs that AoE to poke enemies through the wave too. Without it she just has 0 prio.

    submitted by /u/THICC_Baguette
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    With new mythics, tanks are forced to build both armor and magic resist in their initial item regardless of matchup.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    All three tank mythics incorporate both armor and magic resist into their build path (either 30/30, 50/30, or 30/50 respectively).

    Since mythic items are being presented as a first item rush (and their passives/actives are strong enough to make certain of that), you are practically forced into putting gold into a stat early that will have no effect in lane, compared to all other item classes which don't have wasted stats. Even attack speed can be applied on every fighter.

    Want to play tank Urgot top vs. Quinn and have the Righteous Glory active? You're going to have to waste gold on 50 MR to get it. Meanwhile Quinn can get any of the AD mythics and make use of every stat that they offer.

    Maokai vs. Mordekaiser?
    Malphite vs. Camille?
    Sion vs. Riven?
    Cho'gath vs. Ryze?
    Ornn vs. Darius?
    Shen vs. Fiora?

    How are any of these tank champs going to compete with fighter champs when they already have a strict disadvantage in lane purely through itemization?

    submitted by /u/boogerpenis1
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    Immediately following their loss, Kaiser speculates on what lead to Mad Lions downfall at Worlds 2020: 'Our scrim results went really well, even against strong teams. We were not that worried coming into play-ins."

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    AND FOR MY NEXT TRICK Championship LeBlanc , Fanart, Painted on myself

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    AND FOR MY NEXT TRICK Championship LeBlanc , Fanart, Painted on myself

    Championship LeBlanc Living Painting

    Here is the link, https://media.giphy.com/media/mPTGH4ZPGBOErx7zUb/giphy.gif incase your having trouble getting it to show up

    Its been a minute since I posted here, I'm just gaining the ability to do larger propworks again, I did this rush iron-cosplay hand done pep for LeBlanc's staff. This is a more complicated piece then you might expect small parts like the earrings, collar, bangs, all having to blend into the painting. It worked out :)

    submitted by /u/KayPike
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    Bwipo on Fnatic's legacy: "The name is built on success, right? I never believe that success comes from what happened in the past. At any given point, any person can lose what makes them successful if they become complacent."

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    League of legend montage - china super server (caps, bjergsen,knight,chovy,nuguri)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    "it’s hilarious, you know, that there’s a couple of keyboard warriors that pipe up every time a host plays dumb" Machine talks about his role as host at Worlds 2020

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT

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