LoL Guide Pre-season PBE Changes Megathread |
- Pre-season PBE Changes Megathread
- How to climb & improve efficiently & spot your own mistakes by a D1/Master NA/KR Player
- Garen Jungle Guide for Updated Items
- How do I maximize my farm? (Jungle)
- Dealing with teammates as a Jungler
- How do I roam efficiently?
- When should I help out my team vs do my own thing?
- How Do I Deal With Assassins? [As Viktor]
- How to play: Win lane or Win game?
- How to deal with Renekton top?
- Kassadin different playstyles
- Minion management
- Quicky Diamond GUARANTEED Vladimir guide from CHALLENGER midlaner Elite500 © God of scaling
- Questions about Jungle XP
- Tips to playing against Tristana
- Think before using your abilities
- Why are Lucian and Corki mid so weak (and should I play them)?
- How to abuse empty lane
- I swear to god Kayn feels OP
- Shen or Riven?
- How to die less (adc)
- Looking for very in depth guide on Darius
Pre-season PBE Changes Megathread Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:24 AM PDT Welcome Summoners, With Worlds around the corner pre-season has made it's way to the PBE. We're super excited for all the new items, builds and changes that are happening at the moment and we would love to give you guys a platform to discuss these changes. However because we have our Relevancy rule:
We can not allow PBE changes to have their own post, therefor we've created a megathread in which you can all post your builds, ask your questions. Big or short just drop it here. Don't know what's going to change?
See you in the rift! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to climb & improve efficiently & spot your own mistakes by a D1/Master NA/KR Player Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:34 AM PDT Hello, I have not posted on Reddit in a while. I coach LoL/Master Tier fill player. I am currently in Korea attempting to hit grand-master tier. I have achieved the rank of 100LP in NA playing Mid/JG & D2 as ADC & Top. I also work for Blitz.GG as their League of Legends content scriptwriter (more releases on their channel soon on my work) Below I posted some videos, hopefully, to help people climb with the last few weeks of season 10 finishing up. The videos are fairly advanced for most of the viewer base (I say some things assuming the viewer already is adept at the game) so please feel free to ask questions. The first video discusses how to have a game plan going into the game - sequencing waves and knowing what to do on each wave. In many cases, players will die on certain waves and not be able to determine why they ended up dying in the first place. Looking at previous waves and identifying the mistake can fix this and improve a player greatly. These sequences can also work in the side lanes (however may change slightly due to the lane being longer) - I can answer any questions about that if needed. Wave Sequencing In The Early Game Video #1: Wave Sequencing The second video covers more advanced macro. Lane swaps, what to do after lane phase as each role, how to play around the objectives, bleed swaps, reading CS and knowing where to move relative to Jungle routes, understanding tempo, and much more. Advanced Macro In LoL Video #2: Advanced Macro in LoL Good luck. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Garen Jungle Guide for Updated Items Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:45 AM PDT I've been playing a lot of Garen jugle on PBE and I'm surprised to say it it legitimately not a troll pick anymore with the Jungle Changes.
Why it Works
The Path
Raptors > Red > Krugs > Gank/Invade > Crab
This pathing is meant to be done without a leash. Yes, thats correct. Garen jungle clears without a leash.
Start E, and spin to win on the raptor camp. One E plus the burn damage from the jungle item with kill all the small raptors.
Level Q, then clear Red Buff and Krugs. Look to see if bot/top lane is gankable, or if you have an opportunity to invade the enemy blue side (even just a getting a deep ward is a successful invade). This start is pretty fast, even without a leash so you'll often times beat the opposing jungler to the level 3 gank.
Secure those crabs! Season 11 crabs have a 50% hp shield which falls off after being hit with hard CC. The silence from Garen Q removes the shield, allowing him to take crabs pretty effectively with E.
Predator - this is a must for early aggression. It helps Garen get right up next to his target and land a full E
Cheap shot - this works with the silence form Garen Q to add a little extra true damage to the ganks
Eyeball Collection - Getting some free AD from runes is great since it lets you focus on building tank stats while still doing damage
Relentless Hunter - Helps you get around the map and get on targets quicker during ganks
Celerity - Enhances the effects of your Q, predator, relentless hunter, and synergizes with your mythic item bonus (more on that later)
Waterwalking - Gives you bonus MS in the river, which helps you transition between areas of the map much faster. Also gives you adaptive force in the river which is essential for objective fights and dueling over crabs
Mythic Item
StrideBreaker has given me the best results out of all my tests. Since I'm sure people are still unfamiliar with a lot of the new items, I've copied the stats here:
This item does a lot of things for Garen in the jungle. First, it build out of kama which has the old tiamat active. This helps clear AOE camps easy and can be used during E. It gives a lot of movement speed from the passive, which as I'm sure you've noticed by now is sort of a theme here. When fully completed its active does a good chunk of damage and slows enemies by a pretty large amount, letting you stick on them with E.
The Rest of the Build
Boots on first back for the predator bonus is optimal, after which I like to build into my Mythic Item, buidling kama first.
The rest of the build is really dependent upon the game. Garen has sooooo many options of build paths so just build smart and you'll do just fine.
I like to build Deadman's for more MS and Spirit Visage if I need MR since it now enhances your W shield.
If you are doing well, the new black cleaver does a TON of damage, or you could take Steraks for a little less damage but more survivability (note: steraks and Spirit Visage synergize really well together now).
There is still very much testing to be done, but this is just one fun new off-meta thing to play with the new S11 items. I highly recommend you hop on the PBE and try it out yourself! Hope you all enjoyed and good luck on the rift! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I maximize my farm? (Jungle) Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:59 AM PDT I'm a B1 jungle player who main Warwick and Olaf. I have no trouble carrying games and getting a high KDA but I don't seem to be able to keep my cs as high as Diamond/Challenger level players. I've seen people hitting 100 cs on Olaf by like 13 minutes and I hit that at around 18. My clear on both champs is basically as efficient as possible so I don't know what I'm missing. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dealing with teammates as a Jungler Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:57 PM PDT Hello everyone, I'm seeking your opinions and input on how you handle Jungle toxicity. I've played the game on and off for awhile, topping my grind at plat a few seasons ago. Since then I've recently (within 6 months) gotten back into the game and enjoyed playing top. Within the last month I've primarily moved back to my favorite role as a Jungler. While this is obviously very different from laning roles and I don't claim to be perfect, I feel like I've been receiving an inordinate amount of toxicity and blame. I want to reiterate I'm by no means saying I'm always right and have no room to improve, I constantly strive for better and review my previous games. But it has largely prevented me from enjoying my games as much as previously and makes me want to go back to top so I don't have to deal with it. I don't mind using mute and am generally pretty liberal with it but even spam pinging gets tilting over the series of a few games. (I know you can ping mute but I don't like to start the game with all on ping mute since that's the primary way to communicate) Should I continue to Jungle and just try to get better and muddle through it? Should I go back to top and just enjoy the game more because that's how life is for JG? Am I missing any critical tips? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:58 AM PDT I think I hit a new low today. Been falling from P1 to P4 but now it seems I don't even know how to play anything properly. Even when I hard win the lane I don't know how to properly snowball the advantage and help other lanes, I will try to make a few roams but it's nowhere near good enough... [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When should I help out my team vs do my own thing? Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:33 PM PDT League at its essence is a team game. Yet there are times when my teammates pick bad fights, and I'm looking at the map and noticing the rest of the enemy team isn't appearing.....So my question is should I join them and try to escape with a kill/help out vs just keep csing to prepare for a more even team fight later? Problem is that I might get spam pinged for not helping out...I'm low gold 3. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How Do I Deal With Assassins? [As Viktor] Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:39 PM PDT Hello, I've been trying to find ways to deal with assassins as Viktor. When looking online I find that people just keep mentioning how easy it is to defeat Viktor with an assassin, and how it hard counters Viktor. I was wondering if anyone had some tips for me, if so, thank you! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to play: Win lane or Win game? Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT Hey Guys, I have a question about play styles and if anyone has any input on them. I have two playstyles currently. I am a plat 4 ADC main and I mostly play Ashe. The first play style is to play for lane. I use wave management to slow push and whittle the enemy down. This results in a couple kills and a cs lead for me. The other play style is to go afk in lane, only last hit, and just stare at the minimap. I ping everything I see, track the jungle, and give my team a headsup. I am usually first to roam, and feel like I help the team a lot. The 2nd play style results in me losing cs, losing plates, and generally coming out behind the enemy adc. I've seen a lot of advice on here that says you should always play for lane. Always try to win your lane, pressure the enemy off of cs, build up waves to deny cs, and get a good back timer off, and try to take as many plates as possible. What I have noticed is that in general, if I play with playstyle 1: I come out of lane with a massive CS lead, Kill lead, Item lead, and generally an Exp lead. I play well in the 2 v 2, and do alright in teamfights, and I just constantly lose to the other team. In most cases the enemy ADC is completely irrelevant coming out of lane (Ex: 132 cs on Ashe to 70 cs on Lucian, As the Ashe I took the entire bottom turret and Lucian didn't take any.) Despite this, they either get free kills on my teammates, and get a bounty (The lucian had a bounty when he had 162 cs to my 310) or their team carries them and their presence in the game was irrelevant. When I play with playstyle 2 I have a much higher winrate. I lose lane just about every time unless my support carries me, I am always down in farm, I am always losing plates. I never die to jungle ganks though, I help with river fights, and I ping my team back. When I play this way I get around 6.5 cs/min. The question is should I really be playing for lane if I have 10 cs/min and high KDA if I constantly lose the game this way? If I play like bot lane doesn't exist and just use my hawkshot to help my teammates survive ganks, and invade jungles, I win so much more frequently. Why should I really be trying to win bot lane if it means I will lose game? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to deal with Renekton top? Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:17 PM PDT Hey all, I'm a gold 3 top lane jayce/gragas player. Aside from irelia, there is another champ that just ruins my day, Renekton. How do I lane against him? I know that you want to play safe against him when his bar is near red. But it seems like his bar is always near red. I'm not sure when to trade with him since he always wins it. Do I rush grievous wounds? When is renektons power spike? Thanks. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Oct 2020 01:04 PM PDT Hello everyone, I am just curious about Kassadin playstyle. So, I learned how to play Kassadin with electrocute & flash ignite. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:54 AM PDT Hey so sometimes you might need to push your lane, maybe when you are against a stronger opponent and you need to kill him before level 6. As an advantage, you need to get level 2 before him, how would you do that? Lets take an example: Jax vs Garen So im jax, and i push my lane by killing lets say the first 3 minions quicker than Garen. Thats cool and all, but now my minion wave is also pushing alot faster, by the time i get level 2 he is kinda close to his turret, so an all in is not an option, also a short trade isnt the best idea against garen because of his health regen.
[link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quicky Diamond GUARANTEED Vladimir guide from CHALLENGER midlaner Elite500 © God of scaling Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:21 PM PDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:34 AM PDT With all of these farming carry junglers being popular in pro-play, I got curious about the experience increase in the jungle past level 9 that a lot analysts talk about. According to patch 10.8, Jungle Camp XP went from 1.25x more XP at levels 9+ to 1.35% more XP at levels 9+. So the way I understand this, is once your camps hit level 9, they will increase in XP by 35% from 9 to 10, from 10 to 11, etc. So I went into practice tool to test this out. At first, the way I understood the camp level was that each time you clear a camp, it will respawn at a higher level than the last time. I was only clearing a couple of camps at a time and I'd write down camp level and XP gained while waiting for the next respawn. I started having quite a few camps respawn at the same level as the last time I cleared it because my champ wasn't leveling up (for example I'd get level 6 raptors 3 times in a row). This led me to the first question. Do the camps level based on each time you clear or is it based on champion levels? And which champions, average in the game? just the jungler? After this, I assumed the jungle camps respawn based on champion level (contrary to what I first understood), so I chose to clear raptors and manually level up. Level's lined up more for this one so here are the results: (Raptors only, used fully upgraded jungle item the entire time, if that matters).
Could be different for different camps, but for the raptors I cleared, the XP was the same levels 5&6, 7&8, and 9-18. This doesn't at all line up with what was in the patch notes so I feel like I must be missing something obvious or doing it wrong. Getting zero increase when it's supposed to be 35%. Anyone have any better knowledge of how all this works? tl:dr i guess- Question 1: How do jungle camps level up? Is it supposed to level up each time you clear it, or is it more inline with your Champion level? Question 2: Why did the camps stop giving me additional XP at level 9? According to the patch notes, they should be increasing in XP. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tips to playing against Tristana Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:06 AM PDT Hi everyone. I'm a P4 adc main and have been struggling really hard against Tristana for the last six weeks or so. She is super oppressive in lane and seems to be able to all in any bot lane combination you throw at her with a few exceptions (Samira + pantheon, Kai'sa + nautilus, etc.) at level 2. Her slow from her jump and the jump resetting upon a completion of her E stacks is so outrageous. It seems as though if you get hit by her jump slow you have no option but to fight. Any tips on playing around Tristana would be appreciated. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Think before using your abilities Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:26 PM PDT Hi fellow Summoners! There are situations where it seems very tempting to use an ability, but in fact it is a huge mistake. Here is an example of a fight that got screwed due to this hotheadedness: Here their Urgot tps is to contest Baron, but that tp location is horrible against Anivia (and he has no flash, so he should be dead easily). There are two massive misuse of abilities: Shen dashes in to cc him (which is unnecessary, he cant get out before getting bursted by Kaisa Anivia and Swain), but also Swain activates his passive, which actually gets Urgot out from that horrible position, which enables him to kill our Kha. Also that pull is extremely badly timed, which results in Shen getting stuck between rock and hard place, getting killed. So please do think about using the abilities before you actually do it, displacements are very powerful tools, but they can do more harm than good in some situations. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Why are Lucian and Corki mid so weak (and should I play them)? Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:42 AM PDT Basically title, I would love to play marksman in mid (gold ADC main) but their winrates are so bad. I assume it's because they are balanced for pro play, but many champions that are played by pros don't have a ~46% winrate. Is it worth me learning them or am I just putting my team at a deficit for no reason? What kinds of strengths or weaknesses do they bring to a comp? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:40 AM PDT It's easy to push your lead when you make your laner ragequit because you took first blood, but what if he isn't there for some other reason and they didn't remake, connection issues, bugged remake, etc. I had too many games we won despite having an afk member because people don't know how to play without a laner, they end up perma pushing so what is the correct play. Going 2v1 in another lane will piss off the enemy but you will lose in exp compared to him and you risk premature aram that you might lose. If you stay you can't not push and with a champ that has a problem taking turrets you'll be susceptible to a gank. Different lanes have different problems, as top you don't have access to the whole map, on mid you can get sandwiched if you don't have good escape tools and botlane has certain champs that I won't name but we all know who they are, that can easily capitalize on a misplay and score a double. TL;DR It's a heavy advantage going 5v4 but how to ensure you don't make mistakes and push the lead because I've experienced too many players fail that [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:33 AM PDT He is supposed to be weak early game but his Q and E are both mobility spells which help him escape from a jg invade so unless you are an assassin like kha zix or rengar which needs 1 or 2 seconds to kill someone at level 3 you cannot do anything against him. His E may have big cooldown early game but he doesnt use it almost at all to farm so its a free escape at almost any time. After that he becomes a monster in late game able to travel anywhere and oneshot anyone which is not a toplaner or able to survive teamfights the same way as vladimir with spirit visage can. So how am i supposed to deal with this? I play champions like tailyah and kindred in the jg. They are both able to 100 to 0 someone taliyah with a well caught full combo and kindred in 5 seconds cause of her E and dps. But i am not able to catch kayn at all in his jg and even if i deal half of his HP he is still gonna go through his jg and heal all ofit cause of his amazing jg clear. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:05 PM PDT Started getting into top lane recently, with camille being my go to top for now, now that I have enough BE, I was hovering between buying shen or riven, although I do like engage champs that can snowball early, I'd also like something that plays safe and can teach me about map awareness. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:37 AM PDT Basically just title. I want to learn how to die less in game because 80% of the time I'll have 10 kills but also 7 deaths and that's a lot of deaths. It's hard to survive as an adc because of how much I'm getting dove but I also play really mobile champs like Lucian, kai'sa, Ezreal, and samira so I think it's possible to be able to live. One game I was getting really frustrated because I had about 11 kills or so but 9 deaths and every single death was from mlaphite support one shotting me with his ult and I didn't know how to counter it if I didn't have flash. If I did have flash I just easily dodge it but then his ult is back up in 60 seconds while I don't have my flash for like 5 minutes. That's Jsut one example of the ways I'm getting high deaths in my games. Any and all advice helps because I Jsut got gold and I want to keep climbing!! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Looking for very in depth guide on Darius Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:02 AM PDT Hi im trying to climb ranked and i recently started playing darius and im very enjoying him, ive tried to look for a very in depth guide on him but i cant seem to find anything video vise, didnt look for a text version but that would be ok too. I really would like to know eveything from laning, power spikes, counters, to how to team fight, when to go out ext. Would be nice if someone knows where i could findsomething like that? [link] [comments] |
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