League of Legends Worlds pickems megathread! |
- Worlds pickems megathread!
- Worlds 2020 teams' logos are on Shanghai streets' manhole covers
- Is Rageblade converting full crit builds into massive magic damage maybe a bit problematic? Now any AD user can switch to magic damage late-game after their opponent tanks have stacked armor, e.g. Lucian mid.
- After playing LoL with barcodescanner, joystick, steering wheel, ... he (Maxim) is back playing LoL with a bicycle
- Doinb records Renekton's flash timer solely looking at minimap. Some next level s&%t
- Why am I being forced to accept the new summoners code every time I log into the client.
- 1 vs 1 montage - kr,china super server
- Quicky Diamond GUARANTEED Vladimir guide from CHALLENGER midlaner Elite500 © God of scaling
- Worlds Pass 2020 | Official Event Trailer - League of Legends
- Not a huge fan of Immolate on ALL THREE Tank Mythics...
- Does playing Sylas shirtless improve performance?
- Does someone high up at Riot just hate the League balance team?
- Laure Valée, the LEC interviewer and main interviewer for 2020 Worlds, tells Ashley Kang her expectations and hopes for this years' Worlds, the secret to "a great interview", what it would mean for her to walk onto the stage for the winner's interview if LEC wins 2020 Worlds finals
- My top 20 list for worlds 2020
- LCK Valdes just tweeted that he will not be casting at Worlds this year.
- The Dive| 2020 Worlds: Play-Ins Reactions and The Players to Watch
- So this happened on my last promo game from Bronze to Silver. My Pantheon support pick finally paid off.
- (Orginal Animation_ Reksai Proxy Jhin/Taric at foutain) - League of Two Trolls
- Russian Casters: “In 5 years' time, LoL will be more popular than Dota in the CIS region”
- PSA: URF is now live
- URF would be a funner, more fair game mode if all players started at level 3
- Drawing all champs day 15 - Braum
- Worlds Pass Tracking Spreadsheet
- As a community we need to stop using the term “group of death” incorrectly
- Why the stats say Top Esports are the favorite team to win Worlds this year - Run It (Tim and Travis)
- After watching League of Legends for 2 years I finally got the opportunity to play!
Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:33 PM PDT What's up everyone, its pick'ems season! Here is the link to the subreddit leaderboard, join in to see how you match up vs the rest of the reddit analysts. This thread also serves as the megathread for sharing your picks! Screenshot, link, or otherwise show via abstract art, your picks below! Official Riot Games prizing information Wanna join, but don't know how to play? Here is the how to play guide! GL in esports fam [link] [comments] | ||
Worlds 2020 teams' logos are on Shanghai streets' manhole covers Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:51 AM PDT
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Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:51 AM PDT Just a concern I'm having. Part of the reason there's some diversity in pro play is to get some champions with magic damage in somewhere. The new PBE Guinsoo's converts crit chance into on-hit magic damage, meaning that you can build 2/3 crit items, be a massive physical damage threat, and then, as soon as your opponents finish their armor items, build Guinsoo's and convert into doing massive, rapid on-hit magic damage. Of course, you can also choose not to. Meaning the opponent can never actually itemize against you. As a matter of fact, I hardly see why the pros won't just start playing Lucian mid every game if he can choose to transform into a scaling magic damage threat late game at the drop of a hat. In fact...every ADC can do this now. Meaning that magic damage from midlane/jungle, or from certain ADCs, stops being unique. Just play whoever, but build Guinsoo's to fix your comp. It seems really unhealthy and, to be honest, a very lazy implementation of Guinsoo's. Instead of building crit and on-hit items separately, you just combined them... [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:04 AM PDT
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Doinb records Renekton's flash timer solely looking at minimap. Some next level s&%t Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:39 AM PDT
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Why am I being forced to accept the new summoners code every time I log into the client. Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:44 AM PDT It is getting obnoxious. Everytime I've logged on since the new code came out I have to go through the motions of accepting it. Along with that, I keep getting told about how clash is starting, season 2020 is here and I should check my profile about it, that One for all is now available. Whats going on? Why is that these things aren't being saved and I have to keep going though them? I thought they were supposed to be fixing the client so this stuff wasn't happening! [link] [comments] | ||
1 vs 1 montage - kr,china super server Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:38 AM PDT
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Quicky Diamond GUARANTEED Vladimir guide from CHALLENGER midlaner Elite500 © God of scaling Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:36 PM PDT well hello there wonderful peopleLet's begin with me.I'm Elite500, a Challenger midlaner who's been coached by the legendary veigarv2 multiple times. I've played vlad consistently since season 5, peaked challenger every eason since 7, ended it in s9 and just achieved it with 63% WR in s10 with a total of 850 lp
Well, season is gonna come to an end soon, and somebody still hasn't managed to reach diamond yet, so who are you to deny that craving for lp. Let's Start: here are your runes and how to use them Phaserush:Phaserush is easily vlads best keystone, allowing you to run at your targets at high uncounterplayable speeds. It's easily proccable especially considering vladimir's initial ult cast applies a stack. The rest of the runes are nimbus cloak for speed, transendence for optimal cdr,then gathering storm for scaling Secondary you're gonna wanna take cosmic insight for cdr and free boots because who passes on some custom made free adidas ultraboosts. Summonerspells:since vlad is incredibly immobile flash is a must-have, depending on how you wanna play the game you can either go ignite to kill, ghost for teamfight zooms and tp for optimal scaling. Itemisation:the main thing that changed in season 10 is itemization. I played on the korean server for 4 months and this is the main thing I learnt, I needed to pack a punch and do it FAST since in korea games are almost always decided pre15 minutes, a time which vlad has negative agency. this is by far the strongest spike you can get: Starting item:D-ring if youre too insecure to buy a girthy throbbing mejais later in the game, dseal if youre a manly gachi enjoyer, and cull if youre completely deranged and don't want to exist for the first 12 minutes and then become a god. Next begin phase one by buying a spellbinder, and let your fiendish codex just chill in your inventory. If you think you need gods power to win this game, proceed with a mejais next. however if you find yourself in a game with human teammates, just buy a deathcap Boots can be bought at any time, flat pen if you think enemies won't buy mr early, cdr boots if you wanna cap max cdr without getting any other cdr later, and swifties if you want to embody the fast. That's it, youre fullbuild, and should already have won the game. If your enemies still dare to not vote green at this stage, show them the error they've made. if the targets you want to nuke like adc and enemy mid buy any slight amount of mr, get a voidstaff. If they have a lot of AP get a spirit visage and laugh at their non existent damage. Nearly all ap items are pretty viable at this stage and just mixing and matching and figuring out what works best is down to you. my full six item build usually looks like -> spellbinder -> dcap -> zhonyas -> pen boots -> void -> spirit -> gg Now the basics are out the way, how on earth do we play vlad and ascend to godhood How to play vlad throughout the gameearlygame you are probably one of the weakest, squishiest, most fragile little bitch of a champion in the game, act accordingly and just focus on farming. spam your q on the wave and try always have the minions near your turret so you can farm safely, your empowered q and fully charged E can deal a devistating 400 dmg as early as level 2 if your opponent gets low. you better have practiced hitting 100 farm in 10 minutes in practice tool lest you wish to play an empowered canonminion the easy thing about vlad is decision making. nearly always when you see something happening you must ask yourself, will this benefit me more than farming and sitting midlane? If yes, go go, take what is yours, if not, getting 10cs/min is all you care about. remember kills are cool and stuff, but what can you get every single game, 10 cs per minute, and you know, if you get your items, you will carry, soloq is all about consistency. so after playing as selfish as possible, and eating your junglers farm every available oppertunity you've now either lost the game at 15 minutes, or lived long enough to actually become an unkillable warlord demon angel dps mage bruiser assassin, aoe dps healer lategame archmage paladin warrior knight of anal fisting destruction with no counterplay. now that we've farmed it's time to carry, teamfights usually break loose around objectives like herald, dragon, and baron, so be there when they spawn and make your presence known. how do i teamfight? be patient and see if any enemies clump up, that's your oppertunity to hit a fat ult and run in, most of the time your job is to flash on the enemy adc or mid, whichever is stronger and take their lives. if you have no flash or cant get to the backline, just peeling for your adc is usually a good option aswell. remember to always farm everything in site, have at very minimum 8 cs per minute every game or your champion won't be able to keep up. Here are some tips and tricks on how not to look like a n00b:don't build kindlegem, 800g is a lot of money and you need it to invest into your powerspike the option to not upgrade boots all game is perfectly fine. vladimir is actually a hard champion, don't feel bad if you have 100 games played and still negative winrate. after around 15 minutes, your flash becomes really valuable, never flash for one person unless it gives you an objective, let's say you flash on the enemy adc right before dragon spawns, that would be worth it, flashing for the 300 gold certainly isnt. farming all game long is essential if you wish to scale like some delicious swiss cheese, your enemies will scale like left over milk in the sun every game is winnable, don't lose hope and keep the consistency up Finally skin tier list.definetly the biggest change since season 9, with the release of nightbringer vladimir you want to play it as long as you can bare Thank you for your time :D [link] [comments] | ||
Worlds Pass 2020 | Official Event Trailer - League of Legends Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:00 PM PDT
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Not a huge fan of Immolate on ALL THREE Tank Mythics... Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT I don't like this. By doing this you are reinforcing that tanks need damage to compete at all. This isn't true. Should damage be a factor? An option to be taken when the game is going very well and you're trying to snowball a lead? Of course! But immolate on all three? Tanks are more than Sunfire Cape. They are raw bulk and crowd control. Locking tanks into immolate as a consistent choice across all three makes it feel like you have a very homogenous view of what a tank actually is, like people who think Mundo and Sion are the same exact thing because they're both "Tanks" Edit: Wow, this blew up a tiny bit. I want to clarify that when I said it isn't true that tanks need damage to be competitive, I meant that, in a game like league, there are ways to design champions so that they are not overly reliant on damage to matter. I understand that waveclear is a necessary thing, but I don't LIKE that it is necessary. I wish that I could play tanks like in the old days, soak all the damage and peel for allies. Is it true that tanks don't need damage to be relevant in this current era of league? Absolutely not. Is it true that Riot could have kept tanks interesting with better decision making regarding the design of the game? Absolutely. Tanks right now feel like wannabe fighters, and I hate that. [link] [comments] | ||
Does playing Sylas shirtless improve performance? Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:36 PM PDT Sometimes it gets really hot in my room so naturally I take my shirt off and play soloq or with my friends. When I do this and play sylas at the same time, I feel like my sylas gameplay improves immensely. Can anyone confirm a similar phenomenon? Of course ignoring the fact that playing lee sin with a blindfold is just step 1 to getting permabanned [link] [comments] | ||
Does someone high up at Riot just hate the League balance team? Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:29 AM PDT I know people who are in charge of balancing champions in League get a lot of flak for doing a poor job, and honestly, a lot of time it's deserved. But really, their joh is hard. Very hard. And lately it seems like someone is really trying their best to make it harder. It all started when Sylas was released, almost 2 years ago. For 9 years, League's balancing team was used to balancing every champion's ultimate around the strength of the rest of their kit. Champions with strong basic abilities had weaker ultimates, champions with weak kits had stronger ultimates, champions with no hard cc in their base kit could afford to have an aoe knockup in their ult and so on. Sounds simple, right? Maybe too simple! Why not give these guys a challange, and have them balance every single ultimate in the game both around their own kits and the kit of a completely unrelated champion, that's also made to work without an ultimate. Then came Yuumi. You know how enchanters are extremely strong and are only balanced because they are extremely squishy and have no escapes? Well, here's one that's untargetable! Then they came up with Senna, a support that they came up with when someone remembered how Thresh used to be semi-viable as both support and adc for like 5 minutes, and decided to make a whole champ based around that concept. What's that? Making a champ simultaneously viable in the 2 most different roles in the game, while not too good at either is kinda hard? Oh, someone will figure it out eventually. And finally, the last champion of 2019 was Aphelios, a champ so complicated that every person who ever plays against him has to memorize a novel-length wiki page just to know which of the 90 things he can do is gonna kill them and their entire team in the next 3 seconds. Cause if balancing one champion is hard enough, then 5 for the price of 1 must be a bargain. In 2020 it seemed that the monkeys throwing poop at a wall to decide the next champion's dumb gimmick had finally taken a chill pill. Sure, Yone and Samira were both ridiculously overtuned on release, but at least they're straightforward enough. Then came the new items. And holy shit, they're a nightmare. You know how there's a whole class of champions whose entire identity is based around being extremely strong but immobile? Fuck you, they all get dashes now. Invisibility is an extremely powerful mechanic that only a handful of champions have access to. At least until preseason when every single champion with ad scalings can pay 3k gold for the privilege of making Kha Zhix obsolete. And does everyone remember how cdr has been capped at 40%(or 45%) since forever? Well, not anymore. Cause what could possibly go wrong with Morgana having a 3 second root on a 3 second cooldown. Seriously, all jokes aside, I think some of the new items are cool, and I think it's great that Riot is still making big changes after 11 years. But the fact that they continuously prioritize ideas that look cool on paper without giving a second thought to how they impact the game seriously worries me. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:49 PM PDT
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My top 20 list for worlds 2020 Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:07 PM PDT I wasnt gonna post this bc I thought it was too similar to all the other ones going around but I thought it couldn't hurt to here you go.
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LCK Valdes just tweeted that he will not be casting at Worlds this year. Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:40 AM PDT Brendan Valdes (@BrendanValdes) Tweeted: I've been incredibly busy recently with some projects; sorry for the lack of tweeting and interaction. A lot of people have asked so I'll confirm it: I will not be casting any of Worlds this year. It was a fun year of multi role-ing as the Valdanalyst and I'll continue to grind! https://twitter.com/BrendanValdes/status/1311706275827183616?s=20 Honestly, It's really sad that he won't be casting, he is a really good and entertaining caster. [link] [comments] | ||
The Dive| 2020 Worlds: Play-Ins Reactions and The Players to Watch Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:06 PM PDT
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Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:02 AM PDT
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(Orginal Animation_ Reksai Proxy Jhin/Taric at foutain) - League of Two Trolls Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT
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Russian Casters: “In 5 years' time, LoL will be more popular than Dota in the CIS region” Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:14 AM PDT Got into this interview, where the casters for the Russian stream are very hopeful for the LoL growth in the CIS region. Thought its interesting to share, since not too long ago the LoL scene in that region was basically non existent. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:12 AM PDT I don't seem to notice anything about it in the patchnotes, but apparently URF is now on the live servers. [link] [comments] | ||
URF would be a funner, more fair game mode if all players started at level 3 Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:47 PM PDT I think starting URF at level 3 would make for a less snowball-y, less frustrating player experience.
Right now, the overwhelming meta seems to be 5v5 battle royale top lane, then 2-1-2 lane assignments when minions spawn. I like the idea of dueling with incomplete tools, the kind of "fight with what you have" way normal SR invades feel, but it also lives in a completely different balance area. Some characters like Qiyana are overwhelmingly useless at level 1, while others like Blitzcrank and Nidalee are oppressive. URF already has its own discrete meta, and URF level one power level meta is completely separate from the main URF balancing which places a couple degrees more of a knowledge burden on players for a rotating game mode.
The issue is: invades in SR are optional, with teams deciding when and how based on their assumed strength. When you decide to go for it, they're carried out in this little tactical guerilla units squirreling around corridors, leaving traps, retreating when things go sideways. EVERY game I've played of URF has started with this massive dogpile top lane, full collision regardless of the power differential. There's not a ton of space to try to debate the strengths or caution people off, and anyway URF completely distorts our perception of relative power levels. I end up repeating this scenario where, even if my character would be better off turret hugging, it's still a better outcome for me if I join the fight they've already started.
Immediately after, there this awkward transition from Battle Royale top to lane where we're stuck with whatever we leveled up first for 2-3 minutes. Sometimes, you're left deciding between two bad decisions. Sona M4A W is lifechanging in a level 1 teamfight, but then you're stuck in a lane with an even less interactive version of herself. Skilling Q is more fun and lets you play around with threat ranges while you try to poke, but it might end up hurting your team and snowballing the entire game away.
URF already snowballs incredibly quickly, and having 3 abilities available off the bat would make pre-three minute kill stats skyrocket, but you'd also be left with tools to cope with the new game state and have more choices to make. I just played a Lillia game where my lane partner was a Malphite and the enemy laners were a Swain and Sona with 5 kills between them. I'd started Swirlseed for the top lane nonsense, which normally would have let me stay back and farm safely, but Swain started E and there was no room to maneuver. Without Q, I couldn't leave lane to farm jungle camps, or try to force an all-in before their healing became out of control.
I think players should still be able to scrap it out top lane, and should still be able to snowball a winning first few minutes into a victory. I still want to preserve that power fantasy of walking into lane with 3 kills and 10 assists. But there need to be more tools to help the losers cope with that state. "Unfair" doesn't have to mean "frustrating", as long as players are empowered to make their own decisions. I don't mind losing, but I prefer to lose in my own way.
I love URF as much for the newness as the power fantasy. There's a shelf life on how long a game with cheat codes unlocked can be fun, but URF gives you space to test out characters in a new dimension, and try to find your own, individualized optimizations and solutions. Even though it's an intentionally dysfunctional fun game mode, I think there's still space to improve and iterate. [link] [comments] | ||
Drawing all champs day 15 - Braum Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:04 AM PDT
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Worlds Pass Tracking Spreadsheet Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:39 PM PDT It's that time again! The Worlds Pass has just released in the Riot shop, so if you're looking for a way to set up token estimates per day - I have a spreadsheet you can checkout/use! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a2uqplYjLDIvOJIY1ec1XlU4kmqJZPJ_lRDj_y1SmyA/edit?usp=sharing I have been working on this spreadsheet for over 9 event passes now! I didn't post my spreadsheet for PsyOps because I wanted to test this new wishlist menu fully. Please let me know if you have any questions/problems here in the comments. There is also a FAQ page for common questions to check out. I have my contact info in the sheet, too. After making a copy for yourself, this is the 2nd thing you should do: Fill out the Worlds Wishlist page with anything you would like to purchase. Simply make any selections with the dropdowns below each item. All numbers are dynamic and will adjust as you gain tokens. They will also adjust for each day automatically, so no matter if you over or underachieve each day - you will know exactly how many you need to get everything you want! Here is an example of what your sheet might look like midway thru the event: Screenshot 1 / Screenshot 2 Please note: if you don't have the pass, this spreadsheet is not for you and will calculate incorrectly. I will post below with any updates to the spreadsheet:
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As a community we need to stop using the term “group of death” incorrectly Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:15 PM PDT From Reddit, to the broadcast, to discussions with people on the community, every time international tournaments comes around the idea of a "group of death" is brought up. The definition of a group of death comes from the World Cup. Here is the definition:
So in that case I think people would mostly only call group C a group of death. It does NOT mean group B or D because they have 2 clear favorites. That is exactly not a group of death. Opposite to that, a group life is a group where someone who usually might not make it out has a chance because of the unusually weak group. You might say this with TL and group A? Maybe? Anyways, riot and those on the broadcast especially. Please stop using the term wrong. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:26 PM PDT
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After watching League of Legends for 2 years I finally got the opportunity to play! Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:32 PM PDT
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