• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 22, 2020

    League of Legends Sometimes the loot box gods REALLY want you to have that skin

    League of Legends Sometimes the loot box gods REALLY want you to have that skin

    Sometimes the loot box gods REALLY want you to have that skin

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Corejj advertising his friend Haru is something wonderful

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Corejj advertising his friend Haru is something wonderful

    Recently Haru (ex world champion (2017) and ex jungle from T1 (2019)) was unemployed. With that his friend CoreJJ help him find a new team


    submitted by /u/Luciano_TLD
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    M... Malphite mechanics?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Neeko is unique. Neeko is inspiring. So I drew this

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Neeko is unique. Neeko is inspiring. So I drew this

    Youtube recommend me a video of Neeko release. It's intriguing . I decided to make a mix of my inspiration, feeling and how much stress I had of today's game into this drawing

    I drew this

    submitted by /u/JoJoOfTheStorm
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    Balance the game around ADC again.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    I main adc because I am a superior being. I lord over my teammates and crush my lowly enemies because I am a mechanical kiting God. But then riot decided that unskilled players should be able to have fun, one tapping me with a basic point and click ability, or a stray skillshot. This is simply unacceptable. You do not give fangs to sheep, you don't give bad players a fighting chance in a video game. League is about attack damage carries. About stutter-stepping and orb walking. Unskilled players should be paying the price by getting kited by a god, not given overloaded base stats to compensate for their lack of skill.


    submitted by /u/LongjumpingGanache0
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    The amount of players who have weak mental is actually insane.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    No, i don't expect anything to change by me posting this thing. It's just a rant/discussion. I just had a darius afk who was 21/6/8 just because we lost 2 teamfights, which by the way was his fault since he went headfirst without waiting for the team to catchup.

    the silver lining is the instant feedback report i got. So that's nice.

    submitted by /u/failworlds
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    Zeronis Leaves Riot

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Zeronis tweeted:

    I have left Riot Games last week to venture off on my own. It was a very difficult decision because I loved working with the amazing talent and friends there. It was an epic 10 year journey of being part of super fun projects and learning a ton. I'm excited as a fan!

    For now, I'll be a full time content creator on Patreon and try something new! I'm excited and nervous at the same time but I have taken the leap.

    For those of you who don't know him, Zeronis was a Senior Concept Artist at Riot and worked on multiple skins and champs over the years including but not limited to: Vi, Hecarim, Elise, Ahri, Syndra, Star Guardians, K/DA and Elementalist Lux.

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    Profile of TES's Playstyle

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Foreword: TES has honestly been incredibly difficult to break down and explain for me. Inherently what they play is a highly accelerated version of traditional League of Legends but to call that an over-simplification doesn't even cover half of it. Hopefully, I did a serviceable job.
    G2 tomorrow.

    For the other teams in Semis that I have already covered:

    SN - https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jfn9hm/profile_of_sunings_playstyle/

    DWG - https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jeuns8/profile_of_damwons_playstyle/

    Disclaimers (same a last time):

    1. I do not do this professionally so keep in mind that my opinion is just that - my opinion. I'm likely going to be making claims about how I think the game should be played and these might not align with your views.
    2. The region I watch the most of is Korea. As prep work for this writeup, I have watched all of TES's games from LPL Playoffs as well as rewatching all of their matches in Groups and Worlds Quarterfinals. Bear in mind that my limited perspective is off of these recent few matches
    3. I will qualify the above - that recency bias is more useful either way if you want an analysis of how a team is performing at Worlds. For example - we aren't going to look at C9's VoDs from Spring to analyze how they would do at this World's - different metas, different playstyles.

    TES is actually one of the most unique teams I have looked at thus far. Though I haven't watched much LEC, TES plays a lot like what I would imagine G2 plays like from what people have been telling me - though I'll find out that for myself tomorrow when I go watch all of G2's recent games. Also this one's going to be a mouthful because TES plays a pretty complex style that's hard to summarize neatly.

    Anyways, here goes:

    TES plays a highly frenetic style of League of Legends that focuses on movement, fighting, and skirmishing the moment lane phase ends. Their early games seek to accelerate any of their three strong lanes through opportunistic ganks from Karsa and they like to use these leads to force fights. Unlike the other two teams I have analyzed thus far - SN and DWG - TES plays with much higher freedom in their fight selection and movement. They don't necessarily fight to secure objectives but to secure territory and to accelerate the pace of their game. They care very little about Dragon in most of their games and seek to end games off Baron.


    Okay, let's deconstruct that.

    If I had to try to describe it in brief to someone, I'd basically just say that TES plays the most chaotic version of a traditional League playstyle.

    TES's Weaknesses

    • Greater freedom in fight selection isn't always a good thing. Sometimes TES plays with what you might call too much hubris.
    • TES is a team that suffers immensely when the enemy team does not get caught up in their pace or is the team dictating.
      • In Fnatic's two wins over TES, Fnatic was usually fighting within their own territory on their own terms rather than meeting TES in neutral territory.
    • Against coordinated teams, denying Karsa the ability to solo first Dragon stifles their ability to force fights immensely. A TES that can freely force fights around Soul Point or Soul is significantly more dangerous than a TES that is on the play

    On a note from my personal opinion, after watching all of TES's VoDs and hearing about G2 plays, Fnatic being able to drag TES to 5 games makes more sense to me. Based on how people describe G2's style to me, the two teams actually seem to play relatively similarly which might suggest that FNC is probably used to having to play against this kind of frenetic, high-energy, skirmish and fight-based playstyle. Though I'll know for sure tomorrow after I actually watch through all of G2's VoDs

    submitted by /u/TormentedLoL
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    Talon thought he had me beat - Talon thought wrong.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Selfmade talks about TES vs SUNING : "I felt like Suning was by far the best LPL team during the whole tournament in scrims, and they also have showed off on stage already". Predicts Suning to win against TES in semis

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:53 AM PDT


    Selfmade continue to talk a bit about Worlds during his stream!

    This time on Suning vs TES mostly:

    He said that Suning was really underrated and that in current form he felt like they are the best LPL team. Though he added that they still might loose to TES because of experience.

    He also had a small segment about Bwipo vs LPL top Laners and Nuguri in scrims.

    submitted by /u/TheBibou
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    EU inhouse wombo combo

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Dardoch stays with Dig for 2021

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    I realized something while i was playing with Cow Alistar and listening to The Baddest... (Maybe is a bit offbeat but xD)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    PBE jungle camps right now are like fighting raid bosses at every camp.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    If you ever thought jungle diversity was bad, if these current PBE jungle changes go through any jungler that has less than average clear speed or not the healthiest clear will be absolutely stomped by strong dominant junglers like Hecarim/Leesin/Fiddles.

    Even Lillia can't survive the current PBE jungle changes. Pick her and watch as you can barely maintain 40% HP at level 9 with your mythic item. These changes are brutal.

    EDIT: Just read Hunter's Talisman is possibly bugged and providing 0 healing/omnivamp. Can't confirm if this is true or not but no wonder these camps are kicking my ass even after completing my Mythic item.

    EDIT: Rioter confirms Hunter's Talisman is bugged: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jfzaxj/pbe_jungle_camps_right_now_are_like_fighting_raid/g9nh09n/

    submitted by /u/smitekrugs
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    When Riot Made Seraphine (Satire)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    Ammnu Outplay

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    [COSPLAY] Maokai

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    [COSPLAY] Maokai

    Hello everyone! I don't have the money to make expensive cosplays. But I have a ream of paper. And this Maokai cosplay was made from it.


    submitted by /u/nadekvatius
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    Gamsu explains his decision to leave OWL and return to competitive League, says of former teammate CoreJJ: "He encouraged me to play league again... he was one of the reasons I started to play again. I'm really thankful for him."

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Viktor passive suggestion by u/Innate_flammer

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Jungle is fun and impactful but its just really mentally straining compared to other roles

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    There's so many things laners can do to just make you mental boom , not leashing , last hitting a camp when they are tilted at you and are passing by , recalling when drakes are up , not listening to coming to baron , rage quits when u are on your 2nd camp and they solo die ( happens almost all the time in toplane) .. I'm pretty sure ALOT of people just won't touch jungle because of how mentally exhausting it can be at times not because its hard.

    submitted by /u/war5188
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    LS, Raz, and Azael on European Fans Constant Flaming: Really weird to get flamed for picking Damwon over G2 & having ppl say "I've been hating on G2 the entire tournament"....I've already learned that no amount of things that display arguments in favor of suggesting youre not bias, never works.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT


    Really weird to get flamed for picking Damwon over G2 & having ppl say "I've been hating on G2 the entire tournament". Let's review...

    Picked G2 to win their group

    Picked G2 to beat GEN.G

    The absolute audacity of me to hate G2 this much


    I've already learned that no amount of things that display arguments in favor of suggesting youre not bias, never works.


    Okay, so you said they'd win against these other teams... But you think they'll lose against this one????? Can you even be more biased??? Both GenG and Damwon are league of legends teams so what's the difference???? You just hate Europe this much??

    Raz after FNC lost to TES, and a thread said theres a bias against Eastern teams (really Europe)

    Personally have noticed this as well recently. It seems as if the fans don't want to hear ANYTHING negative about their team whatsoever and will look for any reason to call you out for if you aren't completely 100% on their teams side.

    I get everyone is a fan of their team especially G2 because they are so phenomenal, but this is getting ridiculous. How can we expect analysts to say anything truthful or be themselves if we can't accept anyone saying anything negative about your team and players?

    This is how TSM and NA fans were acting when many analysts were down on the region before worlds.

    You can open the threads of the recent dive, or hotline league, or anything about LS or Dom... it is like people just don't want to hear it, they refuse to.

    submitted by /u/RedditAnalystsLULW
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    TheShy outplaying the scuttle crab

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Dan Dan and Misfits part ways according to global contract database.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    The Crack Down S01E37 ft. Razleplasm - Caps Is Top 5 Of All-Time G.O.A.T.'s

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    League of Legends: [Worlds 2020] DWG Nuguri on facing G2: "We got our chance for revenge."

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 01:35 PM PDT

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