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    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    LoL Guide The Importance of Clean Rotations - How sloppy rotations cost G2 a win over TL

    LoL Guide The Importance of Clean Rotations - How sloppy rotations cost G2 a win over TL

    The Importance of Clean Rotations - How sloppy rotations cost G2 a win over TL

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    *Day 3 Game, NOT Day 5 of Group A*

    I think we were all surprised after TL bounced back to beat G2 after getting dismantled by SN the day before. But how did they do it? I decided to break down the VOD and analyze just how the pulled it off.

    Here's a video version if you'd prefer: https://youtu.be/J1tgBnvEdl8

    1. They stole a strategy from the playbook of Suning Gaming
    • Took a strong early game bot lane (HoB Kalista/Sett)
    • Invaded at level 1 to pressure the enemy jungler
    • Ended up securing a kill and setting Nidalee behind because G2 opted into the fight
    1. Broxah used this advantage to pressure Nidalee out of the jungle and make sure Jankos couldn't impact lanes

    Then, the #1 downfall of G2 was a sloppily executed rotation to Rift Herald.

    Broxah was spotted soloing Rift, and the bot lane of G2 crashed the wave and rotated all the way up for a 5-man contest. TL conceded the Herald, and kept Tactical and CoreJJ bot lane to continue farming minions and turret plates.

    G2 wanted to use the Herald top, but they had to shed several plates to get it into one-shot range (maximizing Herald's true damage on the bulwark plates). 4 members were chipping away at the turret, meaning Ashe got less than half the gold and XP that Tactical was getting in bot lane. Despite securing Herald and rotating top, they were unable to secure first turret, and they were still trailing in overall turret plates.

    From 9:50 to 13:40, here's how the ADCs spent their time

    Perkz - 78 → 95 CS (4.5 CSPM)

    • Walked from bot to top
    • Helped secure Herald
    • Shared farm and plates with multiple teammates
    • Walked around the jungle in case a fight broke out
    • Had no lane to farm

    Tactical - 83 → 146 CS (16.4 CSPM)17 CS

    • Caught bot wave
    • Crashed waves into turret uncontested and secure 3 plates
    • Caught top waves after herald push
    • Crashed waves into top turret
    • Secured 2 turret plates top

    Looking at this transition into mid game, it's no surprise that G2 (yet again) lost to a play-in team.

    I look forward to seeing how Group A shakes out, I was up late making sure I could post this before Day 4 of groups, I hope you enjoy the analysis!

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Roaming/leaving lane questions

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    I have a couple of questions about 2 scenarios where I thought I should stay in lane, but was flamed for it. This is in norms but my rank is gold (support main)

    Scenario 1 - I'm top lane (Cho), pushed under turret and trying to clear the wave. My opponent in the lane moves into our jungle and starts fighting our jungler. Should I abandon the wave to go help?

    Scenario 2 - I'm mid lane as orianna. My opponent is roaming, I MIA ping, but stay to push tower and plates. Should I be counter roaming? Or is it ok to signal bot lane to back up and take an objective?

    Edit : Thank you everyone! (And everyone who might answer later) It feels like the answer is depends on more of what's going on. I think there are some good things to think about when my counter Laner leaves the lane to go fight.

    In situation 1 - I think I needed to have better vision to react faster/get my jungler more time to react to the fight. Wave clear and go help looks to be the right call. Especially if I can turn it into a 2v1.

    In situation 2 - MIA Ping, shove wave. If we can win the fight/bot not being able to back out I counter roam safely (through my jungle/pockets of vision), grabbing a plate can help me pull ahead if my bottom Lane can get out safely without losing to much. If they die, it's not a worthwhile trade. I probably should have countered in that instance.

    submitted by /u/varvite
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    Blitz.gg vs Op.gg.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    In my recent game I just played I believe that I have finally found an important distinction between op.gg and blitz.gg . For those unfamiliar with the sites, the two mentioned sites are perhaps the biggest two sites that promote self analysis and rank players based off how well they did. Now today I came across something very interesting when reviewing my games between the two (I decided to screenshot the two for the sake of longevity of this post, blitz's review: https://gyazo.com/1579be326bbfa6d94dfb1e163fcb6c89 , and op's: https://gyazo.com/9d4b340f52ed3d9801d60160e47e4c03)

    A couple of things I noticed from this are as followed:

    1. Blitz.gg rated me 5th whereas op.gg rated me MVP (or 1st here.)
    2. Despite my placement difference, Illaoi is 1st on blitz and 2nd from op.gg.
    3. Kindred's position is altered significantly (I can say this with confidence since op.gg gives an OP score out of 10 here) given that Kindred's OP.gg score is 1.2 higher than Katarina (op.gg rated her 7th on the team too.) Whereas blitz.gg ranks her 10th
    4. Speaking of Katarina, she is 10th on OP.gg but 7th on blitz.gg.

    From here I wondered on what could cause drastic differences and which I should base my performance on (without me just saying op.gg is right and calling it a day.) After thinking about my own play I came to a conclusion here that proves correct:

    Op.gg rewards better lane play whereas blitz.gg rewards better team play (wait, how did you win lane as Yasuo???) Let's start with on why I believe op.gg rewards better lane play.

    From Blitz.gg's side stats shown, you can deduce my CS and an approximate of Katarina's. It states that I had 33% more CS than Katarina (pictured here are the actual CS values of the both of us: https://gyazo.com/52d245f7593a32fbb32fbc33e4a49f78 )

    What isn't shown: I take the turret at 15:59 (Pictured here: https://gyazo.com/f3168781579dcc7540dd03821bf0fd7e ) and also point out that my middle turret is also quite healthy.

    Lastly, I solo killed Katarina at 11:14 (although I did indeed die to a gank shortly afterwards.)

    From these reasons shown above: It is clear that by most solo metrics I have "won lane." However, this alone may not be the only reason I was MVP and Katarina was 10th on op.gg. Other reasons include:

    1. My CS per minute being 7.9 (also note that I out CS'd Illaoi as well, with her's being 7) where Katarina's was 5.2.
    2. Katarina did not purchase a single control ward and only placed 4 and killed 1, where I bought 4 control wards and placed 13 while killing 4.

    Now let's look at the opposite side of the theory: blitz.gg rewards team play.

    And now for the data... this is where I'd put it... IF I HAD SOME! As disappointing as this is, I cannot get an accurate score based off data alone. I searched many games of my own and a Teemo one trick on my friends list to see if it goes by KDA, damage dealt, team kill participation, and found little success when only one of these is accounted for. In fact, even the paragraph above is proven incorrect by a game played earlier today where I had lost lane early but still managed to come back on.

    Despite my shortcomings from my initial hypothesis, I was able to see an incorrect set of data from blitz.gg (pictured here: https://gyazo.com/be6950acf68b62022f71ebd4127eaaf0 )

    Shown here I believe most could spot the difference if a million dollars were on the line, but since that's not the case here I'll just type it. Blitz.gg thought I had laned against Urgot. After recalling the game, I had turret dove him at 3 minutes in and killed him while he was under his t1 top turret. This alone must have assumed that my opponent was him where my real opponent was Syndra. I won't sugarcoat it, I LOST in CS worse than the game shown above.

    In conclusion, the real reason behind what OP.gg rewards and Blitz.gg rewards is not easily seen, but from the games that I have at least searched, the trend of laning skills being favored by op.gg and teamfighting skills being favored by blitz.gg is close to the truth, but not exact. I would like to challenge anyone else here that may know of the true answer and to report on it. If you read all of this, I greatly appreciate it and wish you the best of luck!

    submitted by /u/cruelscotty
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    I made a Video about self improvement and strategies to get better at League

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:41 AM PDT


    I haven't had the opportunity to play league in the past 7 months. Now I'm focused on getting to Diamond before the season ends. This is the start to how I plan on doing that over the coming weeks.

    submitted by /u/SpecialistQ
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    Attack move how does it work? any downsides binding to left click?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Right now i never used attack-move, and my left click is almost unused, i use it only rarely to click on people to check their stats, i don't even use it in shop because 1 right click is fater than a double left click or click item+click buy.

    i have also the default A button but seems "difficult" because you have to press A and after left click.

    How i'm supposed to use it? if i'm running away from champ and also want to attack i go for right click to run away than left click near him, right click away left click near him?

    submitted by /u/aluxmain
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    I can't main or OTP a champion

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    So like the title says, I'm having a hard time maining or one tricking a champion. My most played and loved champion is Riven, but even though I really love playing her, eventually I always get bored and want to play something else. Anyone having tips to make me commit to one (or a couple) champion(s)? I just like the variety of playing different champions.

    submitted by /u/IIIDzire
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    Dealing with Syndra and Orianna

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Hello, I am high gold mid player, mostly playing Sylas, Aurelion, Ryze, Swain, Akali and I can hold my own in most matchups, play safe etc.

    However against good Syndra and Ori there is not much I can do with their safety and kill potential. Also they always feel more impactful in all stages of game.


    submitted by /u/DrHouse064
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    Clash tips that we can use

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    So clash is coming up and my friends and I decided to participate! We are going to be placed in tier 3.

    Any tips we can use? Any good comps?

    I am top lane even though it isn't my main role. I've learned the basics of wave management and manipulation. I am going to have 3 picks that i will mostly play: Ornn, Wukong, Mordekaiser. Btw im Silver 4. OP.GG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Dabikiller

    In jungle we have a quite a good player who mains jungle: He knows the role very well and he has climbed only by playing this role, he always outfarms the enemy jungler however he can get a bit too trigger happy and try to do very hard plays. Other than that he has high knowledge of the game. He is really good on many champs however his mains are Nidalee, Lilia, and Kha Zix. Btw he is Plat 2 or 3. OP.GG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=RM+dJOLE

    At mid lane we have probably the best player on the team: He mains mid and mostly plays mages such as: Orianna and Syndra, but also plays champions such as: Irelia, Sylas, and Yone. He has been playing the game for quite a long time and he has hit diamond 3. He is the usual carry of the game and we rely on him to win our fights by his damage output. Btw he is plat Platinum 4 at the moment. OP.GG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=frimbsy

    At the adc/bot lane role we have a main Vayne who always gets his picks banned. He rarely gets to pick Vayne unfortunately but he has picked up Ezreal recently and is performing quite well with him. He has good mechanics and is a good micro player however the rest of the team helps him out with macro decisions. Btw he is Gold 4 at the moment. OP.GG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=AKG%20xRivix

    At support we have a support main too! He can play many champs in the support roles as he has practiced with many of them during his time playing league. He has high knowledge of the game, extremely good micro play and usually makes correct decisions. He mains Bard and they rarely ban him. Btw he is gold 2. OP.GG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=AKG%20Acrux%20

    (Sometimes we play nautilus Senna bot, do you guys think that is a good bot lane duo?)

    Any reply is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/NasosDabi
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    What defines "Winning lane"?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Being a jungle only player for multiple seasons and now switching to mid lane what is the goal to achieve during laning phase? Am i supposed to get multiple solo kills? Or just farm well and roam alot to help my team? Should i focus on getting turret plating and eventually first tower or try freezing as much as possible to deny my lane opponent gold and exp? In the jungle i already knew what lanes i had to get ahead to win and how to setup for objetives but im not sure what i should be doing in mid lane. I try doing everything but i end up screwing up since im spreading myself thin and i don't get a lead i can abuse. How should you play mid lane to win lane and snowball?

    submitted by /u/droovieboobie
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    The state of ranked placements currently is absolutely untenable for new players.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    A little background: I played league 2011-2015 and peaked maybe low plat. I haven't played since and came back recently, had no account so I bought a level 30. I am probably low goldish level. I understand that that makes me a smurf in a sense so I'm part of the problem, but at least on the server I play on (OCE) the current state of ranked placements will absolutely destroy any influx of new players.

    I've played about 30 games so far and only recently has the game leveled me out of the smurf rut. My first 15 games can be characterised as 4-8(!) smurfs in a game. I was actually getting destroyed in games in bronze mmr, whereas when I play on my friends acc in gold 2 I was winning lane. Games are decided by what characters the smurfs are playing and which smurf vses a legitimate new player. Here are some of the new players actually trying to play ranked I've encountered in my games so far:



    As a player that easily holds their own in gold mmr I'm simply not good enough in these games to carry - Most smurfs are better than me. I still have a negative winrate over 30 games, there are so many smurfs that the "weaker" smurfs who still destroy actual bronze players are being artifically kept in bronze longer than they should be because riot won't level people quickly out of their placements. Back when I played in 2015, your placements started mid silver and if you won you quickly accelerated mmr until you were gold 1-plat 5 if you 10-0'd your placements. Now you can go 9-1 in your placements and end bronze 1 60lp, or you can go 3-7 in your placements and end bronze 1 48 lp.

    I understand I'm part of the problem, but in this system noone wins apart from people legitimately buying accounts intending to ruin low elo games, not level a smurf to their main's mmr. I don't want to still be in bronze. I want to be silver 1-gold 5 and grinding games with a 60% winrate, and I want these plat/dia+ smurfs out of bronze players games within 5-6 games. Instead, we have me stuck in bronze after 30 games with a negative winrate AS A SMURF and actual new players going 0-10 every game no matter which team they are on.

    Be interested to know if players on other servers are having the same issues on other servers. I don't know why Riot made it so hard to move elo quickly on smurfs, but its destroying ranked for fresh 30 players. Just my 2 cents.

    submitted by /u/Lumineer
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    Tips on playing assasin junglers?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Hi, I've mostly played bruiser and tank junglers like nunu, graves, and voli. I'm trying to learn assasin junglers but I suck apparently. Specifically blue kayn, evelyn, and khazix.

    My question how do you gap close without getting hit by cc and bursted? It's slightly better on kha because u can invis in. But on eve or kayn u have no invis or ur invis drops before u get into e range.

    When I play as a mid mage against an enemy eve it always feel like I get one shot before I can react, but when I play eve it feels like I am also getting one shot before I can react. I must be doing something wrong.

    submitted by /u/NiceCanadian1
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    Educational streamers that are doing content on PBE items?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    In this season, there's not enough time left for me to hit any significant goals. With such huge changes coming next season, I figured I'd get a head start adapting. But right now I'm kinda just figuring it out on my own. Does anyone have suggestions of content creators to help me learn the items?

    submitted by /u/Ildigrub
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    I just hit plat 2 and got demoted almost instantly?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    I played 3 games in plat 2. I won one, i then lost 2 and immediately got demoted?

    I lost one game at 0 lp and it kicked me back down? How on earth is that fair? I got my second role one game, I got autofilled in another. How is that giving me a fair chance to try stay in plat 2 or even climb further?

    I was super excited cause plat 2 is the highest I've gotten and I lost it in the space of 3 games, I won my first game when i was playing my main role. I then got my second role ADC and lost then I got autofilled jungle and lost. I'm not saying I 100% caused the loss but I'm just not as good at these roles and struggle to carry.

    I thought you get a demotion shield?

    submitted by /u/jackhart01
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    How can I fix my MMR?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    So I'm a Bronze 1 top main and like for 10 games I've been hovering at around 0-20 LP. I get like 20 LP for a win and 18 for a loss. So I probably win half of my games and win lane 75% of the time but I guess my elo is a bit inconsistent and you can't expect the people not to int. How can I even climb like this? This is my op.gg Can anybody help me to fix my MMR or any tips to use so I can win more often.

    submitted by /u/Neat_Ticket_8114
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    I finished the tutorial. Now what?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    Um... I have no idea how to improve and what to do. I think the only thing I understand is that you can gain gold if you last hit minions. I looked up each role and I think that top lane is the role that I would be most attuned to. But... like what next? how do you play top lane? I don't necessarily need a book. I just want to know what I should focus on now :)

    submitted by /u/Tricuspidv1
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    Anyone else experience physical anxiety while playing - even winning?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    When I finish a game, win or loss I'm extremely red / flushed my hearts beating and I feel so stressed.

    I'll walk away and consider doing something else while I calm down. I think I'm addicted to that stress, I always come back soon.

    It's pretty bad that I could never stream with a camera because I look as red as Brand and feel dizzy. Any tips or just deal?


    submitted by /u/FellowSlimeRancher
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    Experimental Pyke Build

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Rush Tiamat into Berserker's Greaves, Duskblade, Phantom Dancer, Death's Dance, Bloodthirster, and upgrade Tiamat into Ravenous Hydra.

    Runes: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend Bloodline, Alacrity, Cut Down/Last Stand.

    Secondary Tree: Domination - Taste of Blood, Ravenous Hunter

    I enjoy playing Pyke but I always die before I can do much to help my team. So I decided to experiment with a more sustain heavy build while still having that damage built in. I have not experimented with the build much so I don't have any thoughts on how it feels yet.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/mooncultist
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    Help ! I'm struggling after taking a 4 month break

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I'm a top lane main silver 1(Nasus , Yorick), I've just got back into the game and I'm just doing terrible at it I don't know if my champions has gotten weaker or the meta has changed quite a bit.

    Apart from if feels like I'm up against a smurf most my games , when I'm not and do well we have trolls or afks .

    Can anyone give me a few tip on how to get back into things or what I can do

    submitted by /u/Owwlman
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    How do I improve my smiting?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    I've been playing this game for 8 years and I just threw harder than I ever have. I've never lost a game so badly where it was so easy to win. 2 times. 2 times in a row I missed smite on baron basically losing the game for our team. Please how do I improve my smiting?

    submitted by /u/EvilMono
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    Some questions about split pushing

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Hi, so I've been playing a lot of Irelia mid (low plat) since BOTRK is pretty broken and she has really good matchups. I usually always get a lead in laning phase, usually a couple of kills, up on cs etc. Now when mid-game rolls about I usually don't know what to do, typically I have most of the gold and I'm stronger than anyone on their team, but the rest of my team isn't that fed, or they're even losing. At this point what should I do? Is it better for me to group and try and help my team win fights (assuming no objectives are up) or split? I mean, theoretically I get that it's probably better to split since there's nothing to fight for, but in low elo fights break out all the time.

    Also I have a question about split pushing in general, since I don't fully understand it I guess. I get that the objective is to pull someone to a sidelane, and then to roam, but usually that's all I can do because they can just easily wave clear under the tower. For example I was against a Malzahar in the sidelane, he was just perma clearing whenever I would push the wave into the tower and I obviously can't threaten a dive versus him so I just had to push and roam, is that all that I can do in scenarios like these or is there better alternatives? I've seen people split push and win the game from just getting towers but I can never do this because there always seems to be someone matching me and just hard clearing the wave, is the purpose then just to make him sit in a sidelane so that I can help my team around the map?

    Just a third question, I always find that I don't do THAT much damage on Irelia, even when fed. I feel like I'm impactful in fights and the game in my wins, but I usually end <30k damage or around that, even when fed, is this normal?

    submitted by /u/WikiaRS
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    can ardent censer from multiple sources stack?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    this might sound ridiculous but i just ended a game with lulu and nami both building ardent censer and the thought occured to me. i know that if, for example, nami builds multiple ardent censer the unique passives dont stack, but if bouth nami and lulu have ardent censer does the unique passive get doubled or not?

    submitted by /u/Xazam0297
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    How to beat Neeko top

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    I recently played against alot of neekoes and it feels unwinnable. A single E-AA-Q-Electrocute proc. combo burst away 1/2 of my healthbar. And her W and ult make her almost unable to catch.

    One round I played under tower all day and went 1/8 after laning phase.

    Any tips how to beat it? I would even go as far and learn a new champ to beat it.

    submitted by /u/MaikabutGucci
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    Effective trading when playing melee into ranged?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    I recently watched a video (someone here recommended) and it changed my game entirely. Standing on dying minions to initiate trades. Something so simple has turned me from a completely trash top laner into a mediocre one. I dominated my next three games in a row right up until i picked trynd and the enemy picked teems into me. Suddenly the only thing i could do was wait under turret for ganks and wait for my ult and pray for a good all in opportunity. Is that literally the only thing i can do? Is there an effective way to trade into a teemo or other ranged top laners?

    submitted by /u/shaggy1452
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