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    Friday, October 9, 2020

    LoL Guide Laner's burst damage make smite contests harder

    LoL Guide Laner's burst damage make smite contests harder

    Laner's burst damage make smite contests harder

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Say you are ahead or won a small team fight. Some of your enemies are dead but the enemy jungler is alive and is attempting a hero play by stealing a dragon/baron.

    You are a mage. You are standing beside your jungler and hitting baron. Baron is getting low and you are getting stressed from the hidden presence of the enemy jungler. You decided to give some extra help by unleashing your full combo on that 2000 health baron. Now the baron is dead but non of your team got that 3000 gold nor the buff.

    You enemies got to comeback using the baron buff. You whole team blame your jungler for failing to secure the objective.

    The thing is, your jungler was looking at baron's health the whole time with their index finger hovering on the smite key. They saw the health went from 5k to 2k steadily and estimated that they should smite in one second. Only that baron is dead before then.

    If you don't have smite, maintain a steady DPS. Don't burst an objective near the end.

    submitted by /u/StarIU
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    What's the most "safe" midlaner I can play in Clash tomorrow that minimizes the odds of me throwing the game?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    My buddies want me to play Clash with them this weekend, but I haven't really played much League this year. Definitely not midlane, which is the lane they need me for.

    So I'm asking for suggestions for "safe" midlaners that are hard to throw with that that you can be effective with using any reasonably simple strategy. I'll have some time to practice before I go to bed tonight.

    Thanks for any tips!

    submitted by /u/HEIR_TO_DESPAIR
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    Can junglers work in lanes?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Can junglers work in lanes?

    I'm not new to league by any means but most of the time I see junglers refined to the jg, and I have a few specific junglers I'd love to play more of that I just don't have the macro to play them in jungle consistantly, specifically looking at lee sin top lane, kindred in any lane, and kayn or Elise in any lane.

    submitted by /u/Tanosuri
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    Is it normal to struggle as a diamond adc player in gold 2?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Hello guys

    After a bit of grinding this month a played my account finally from Plat 4 all the way to diamond 4 and im extremely proud of myself for that. But I have the problem that I played myself to diamond on my "smurf" and not my main. My main is sitting currently in Gold 2 and while I dont want to get it to diamond I really just want it to get to platinum and thought: "hey that shouldnt be a problem" but it is.

    Im playing exclusively adc because its the only role im fairly good at but my champion pool entails only champs like Xayah, Kaisa, Jhin, Caitlyn and Ashe. These adcs arent Lucians or Dravens that can stomp their lane if you are good enough. I feel so extremly team reliant and despite me mostly performing better then the enemy adc, I feel I have very little impact on the game and struggle hard to carry the games, despite the elo being lower than what im capable of.

    im slowly beginning to feel self concious about if I deserved diamond to begin with or if it was just sheer luck. Has anyone here experienced something similar? I feel in high plat people start to play around the botlane and the adc more and I can flourish if that actually happens but thats a lot harder. I originally struggled alot more to get out of gold then I did to get out of plat. Can I somehow increase my impact on the game except by playing early aggresive adcs?

    submitted by /u/MoItendo
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    What do i do in the mid/lategame.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    Gold 4 kha onetrick here and i was wondering how i should be playing late. Lets say im level 14-15 and a few items in. What should be my prio? Today i go to drag if its up or baron if reasonable. If neither are up i try to get all lanes pushing and then ill go farm some jungle.

    Now what should i actually be doing? Should i be 5v5 mid for no apparent reason other than pushing turrets?

    submitted by /u/Needmeawhip
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    Keeping leads in the Jungle role

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Hello, I am a silver 4 hardstuck lee sin/shaco main. I always do good early due to the natural power of my champions, and I am invading with prio, getting the first two or so drakes, and using hearlds to get plates and then push to the tier 2 towers. My team is up kills and we are doing good. However, as time goes on and I start falling off, I notice that I am helpless and cannot carry anymore, leading to throws. Any tips on closing out or keeping the lead I create so I can make it into wins?

    submitted by /u/Ev8845
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    [Worlds Clash] Question about team building!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I never played clash before and did a lot of research but didn't find any satisfying answers to my question:

    • If I make a team with 4 other people for this saturday (10.10) but 2 of them cant play on sunday (11.10), is it possible to add other players? And how does it work for the next week?

    I only heard about the substitution system but they removed it right? I am sorry if this a stupid question or it doesn't belong here, but I favor r/summonerschool over r/leagueoflegends.

    Since I am responsible for the whole team building I hope someone can help me out! Thanks in advance!

    Edit: Thanks for all the answers!

    submitted by /u/LMAOMyNameDoesNotFi
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    Any tips for a platinum player?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    Hi, I main midlane and I've been hardstuck plat 3/4 for a while now. Just wanted to see if anyone has any general advice/tips/tricks for me? Or to watch out for any mistakes you did when you were my rank?

    If it helps I usually play Anivia and Katarina. However I have had a hard time carrying with Kat recently so I've been playing more Ahri when I want a more burst like champion. Also been picking Kayle situationally and I've been really enjoying it.

    I feel like my vision score/control is good, I always try get deep wards into their jungle if i have lane prio or defensive wards if I've been counter picked or I'm just straight losing lane. I also try carry a control ward all the time just so I have one ready to use at objectives or skirmish.

    I'm also quite good at not losing lane super hard. Like if I lose lane I wont feed super hard, maybe a few deaths but never anything ridiculous. I'm also quite good at farming.

    So yeah, not sure if any of that is helpful but figured it might let you guys be able to give more specific help? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/jackhart01
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    Could someone explain mmr and lp gains to me?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I've been playing league for a few years now. I took a break about a year ago and came back during quarantine. I was a past bronze player but took the grind seriously this year and made it all the way up to gold 2 after being placed in iron.

    I've played over 800-900 ranked matches, consistently with around a 52% winrate.

    I'm probably a gold level player, but I'm happy that I've kept a positive winrate all this time.

    Recently, however, I've noticed a difference between certain accounts. I keep a positive winrate over nearly 900 games and am hardstuck gold, whereas some people can create brand new accounts and go from unranked to diamond in less than 200 games with a sub-60% winrate.

    I've gone on 15 game winstreaks and still only gain 15-16lp per win and lose 21-25 lp per loss.

    Sometimes I feel like starting a brand new account because it feels like my main is cursed with fucked mmr.

    How can I have a 52% winrate over 900 games and be gold 2, and a brand new account can have a 55% winrate over 200 games and be diamond 4 100lp?

    submitted by /u/Garlic_Bread_Sticks
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    I can't figure out how to position as melee

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Hi. I've been playing League for about 3 years. I've been a pretty shaky S4-S3 each year. I spent the first two years playing either enchanter supports like soraka or mage supports like zyra/brand. I recently started playing mid as Veigar/Malzahar. I have been playing video games all of my life and I almost always play ranged classes.

    I really enjoy the solitude of top lane and I really like Kayle, Darius and I'm interested in Garen. My problem is that I can't figure out how to safely farm as melee...so unless my opponent is terrible I wind up turbo feeding. I have a really hard time learning from videos so I was hoping you guys could help me out

    submitted by /u/idkwhatever6158755
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    Lucian mid

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Im a plat 2 midlaner , i play adc secondary . I mostly play mages or ap champs in the midlane and i dont play a lot of ad champs mid , is lucian mid a reliable ad pick i can rely on or should i just train on talon or zed maybe. I have been seeing some luc lately so it looks meta . Should i just play him?

    submitted by /u/zazou003
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    Client Bug

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Everytime I open league of legends it pop up every tutorial for the client like if I was a new player in the league, like what are the runes, "See your stats" "What is rank?" and it's annoying, and all this happened since I got my first chat-ban. (sorry for my bad english)

    submitted by /u/calabazon3000
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    Advice to an adc main

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    I would really appreciate help in order to know what I'm doing wrong in ranked, my 6 recent games were all losses. Yesterday I was G2 99LP but thanks to these games I'm now G4 56LP

    I barely die at all.

    I have good farm

    I win my lane

    I have good vision, not only on my lane but also on dragon

    Map awareness is good enough, most of the times I notice incoming ganks and roams

    my kills are decent. However, my teammates always seem to feed an enemy early game who hard carries that game. I find it quite hard as an adc to carry when I just have average stats as an ezreal for example. Do I just need to get more kills? is it my teams fault? or maybe something else.

    My playstyle is mostly passive, I prefer focusing on farming and taking dragons early game, but if the jungler comes to gank or my support gets cc on the enemy then of course I engage but otherwise I don't look to engage myself.

    My champion pool consists of Ezreal and jhin. I like these two champions because I feel like they respond well with my playstyle, to be able to deal damage from a safe distance.

    Here's my OP.GG profile for those who want to take a look.

    submitted by /u/-Planky
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    Is Jayce a good pick to climb with in Silver/Gold?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    I just got his academia skin in chest and want to learn him (main role top). I play kennen/illaoi/shen mostly and also really like playing elise when I jungle. His winrate in low elo looks below average so is there anyone who actually climbed with Jayce? Or is he one of those champs that is only good in proplay (minus those few worlds games)

    submitted by /u/towerdiverbot
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    What items would give the MAX AP build on Lux?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    I am talking pure pure insane Max AP

    give me the full list, I am talking about NO boots. Just insane Damage and no survivability this is how I play Lux

    What I am concerned about is when it says Unique Ability does that mean it won't stack?

    Which items would stack? how important is the boots when it comes to damage? would dual rabbadons or triple work?

    Please help me out here I am seeking important advice on how exactly to accomplish this.

    submitted by /u/FatUglyFeminist
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    As a relatively new Top Laner, what are some of the best spots to place wards?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    For anyone who has ever used Facecheck or Porofessor, you know what your teammates are like. I constantly get told by my jungler to ward since "I'm a terrible warder" which is true. The only place I ward, for the most part, is the all the way to at the end of the bush that is next to the river entrance. So, like the title says, where are the good spots to improve my warding?

    submitted by /u/ElBiggsby
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    Teach a brother out

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Hi l'm new at the game at level 26 My friends stared playing before me and thy are at level +100 Now i wanna enjoy the game like they do but I can't :( Every game i join i get destroyed easily and it's so hard for me to come back for it Is there any way of playing or heroes that can make the game more fun for a beginner like me? Thank you in advance _^

    TLDR: Newbie player can't find the fun in the game need to find a hero or way to play the game and have fun

    submitted by /u/D7man_66
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    How to win lane?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I just cant do it consistently, its the one thing that keeps me from climbing, i am Silver 1 right now so my mikro must be super bad. I do know a lot of makro but it doesnt come to play when im not wining lane and it makes playing in low elo so much more frustrating when you see all the mistakes people make but cant capitalize on it because you have no hands. I feel like you only need to be good at mikro to climb until reaching dia.

    But how to improve in mikro other than just playing the game for hours every day? Seems like im not very talented in this game, maybe i should just go back to shooters.

    Sad that all makro focused Champs in the game aren't fun to play

    submitted by /u/LeronFlates
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    How do I convert winning lane into winning games?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I'm an Urgot main/one-trick, currently Silver I with 26W/22L, I've been finding lately that I win lane almost every game, but my issue is winning the game itself. I have issues with map presence since with TP a whenever I'm in a state where I could gank bot they're either pushing or shoved in without any wards behind the enemy bot lane, I also feel like I'm depending on at least one other lane to win/scale. How can I convert the lead I get into a win?

    submitted by /u/StrikeUnitREI
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    Is there a discord for 1v1s?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Hi, I am a bronze mid laner in NA who has only been playing for the last year. I find that I am struggling with the early game the most and can eventually have solid teamfighting power.

    I was wondering if there was a discord that focuses on 1v1s to help me improve on my early laning to make the transition to the mid game easier on myself. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Gods-Pee
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    As a tank player, how do I figure out how to manipulate the wave?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    I've been playing mainly ornn and malphite and I keep feeling confused and indecisive with how I should try to control the wave states. I've learned HOW to create certain wave states but I'm terrible at understanding when to do what. I win lane a lot but I'm almost certain I could win even more even harder if I knew what to do with the waves.

    submitted by /u/Battlepeng1
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    A Good Comp Featuring Urgot?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm a captain/coach/player for a semi-casual circuit and I'm currently trying to build out a couple team comps for my team to practice with and I could use your help with one!

    I've built comps that 'feature' our Mid, Jungle, and Bot Duo, but I'd like one to feature our Top Laner who is an Urgot main. My problem is that though Urgot might perform pretty well in Solo-Queue, I've not seen any recent professional performances to get an idea where he fits into a 5v5 setting. And though he may be the 'feature' I certainly don't want to make him the sole carry of the team, ya know?

    So, I guess I start with Top-Jungle synergy? What Champions work best with Urgot? I'd love to hear from Urgot mains especially on this one! After that, do you think it's more beneficial to just supply a hard-cc team around him to enable him as a feature? Or do you think him acting as a zoning/counter engage presence is more impactful?
    Let me know what you think!

    So far I have only one idea and it is:
    Urgot - Top
    Zac - JG
    Galio - Mid
    MF/Leo - Duo

    If you've got other ideas I'd love to hear them :)

    submitted by /u/Teasticles
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    [Gold 4] I feel that I force solo kills too much on Katarina. Should I just be waiting for free kills or be trying to dominate my lane so I can carry my teammates?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    I feel that if I'm not dominating my lane then I'm running out of time and won't be able to carry my teammates who always seem to be doing poorly. Like I know how to take good trades, but then I see how low they are and I become obsessed with getting the solo kill. Should I just be waiting for free kills or be trying to dominate my lane and then roam? I feel like if I just sit back and wait for opportunities then I will be pushed under tower all game and the enemy mid and jungle will have all the pressure.

    submitted by /u/Shuasan
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