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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    LoL Guide Random less known tips

    LoL Guide Random less known tips

    Random less known tips

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    Honeyfruit spawns around 6:00. So if you are chunked and are thinking whether you should stay or recall for sustain - use that timestamp to make the best decision (they spawn on both sides of the map)

    Fiora can proc her vitals with any kind of damage, as long as she's the source. Things like her W, Botrk active, Tiamat active, etc. Also, she can Q-W combo (essentially moving her W hitbox AND making an untargetable dash). Except ignite, it seems.

    All of the things disappear in Morde's R. For example, Illaoi's tentacles (even those that she spawned by her ult if she ulted prior to Morde R), Shaco boxes, GP's ult, Annie's Tibbers, Yorick's maiden, etc. However, Camille's R remains. Also Ivern's bushes are completely immune, they always stay and even appear in Shadow's Realm, if Ivern outside makes a bush. Shen's Q is nto affected by Morde's R in any way. Azir's Sand Soldiers however do not tag along to the Shadow Realm.

    This one is known to Shen mains, but most casual Lulus, Tahms, Sorakas and Zileans don't realize that they should use their saving ability on the teammates' champ icons on the HUD, to avoid misclicks (Lulu R herself or Tahm eating a minion in the middle of a skirmish, while his Ashe is getting Knife Catted). Also, use F-keys boys, it's 2020.

    Lee's Chinese wardhop is actually easier than most people think. The trick is you can buffer ward placement. So in reality to do this "most advanced mechanical combo" you simply point your mouse where you want to wardhop (it must be in the W+flash range), then simply quickly press [Trinket] - Flash - W.

    If you play ranged champs, then learning to use Attack-move and "Target champions only" is going to make your kiting so much easier. For max comfort, bind "Target champions only" to a button that is easy to click, and then in Settings - Game - enable "Toggle Target champions only". Before entering a fight/dive, turn it on and never auto minions/wards/turrets in a fight again.

    If you are playing Teemo/Akali/Kayle/Katarina, you can OPGG your game in loading screen and find out whether your lane opponent has MR or Armor in his runes. Then choose your first item accordingly, boosting your early damage (your adaptive damage from Electrocute/DH/PTA/whatever will also swap to magic/physical damage according to that item AND your AD/AP from runes also adapts).

    Boneplating still exists. It's still pretty good on squishies that just need to survive that first burst before beign able to escape/cc enemy assasin, like Kai'sa/Ashe/Lux/Senna. Almost guaranteed to surprise and shutdown a Rengar/Khazix who jumped on you hoping to one-shot you in the midgame.

    You can buffer Warwick's Q, Naut's Q, Tristana's W, and other bufferable gap closers to not get knocked away by the Drake and by the Herald.

    Lucian can driveby with his R in Bard's tunnel, while taking Thresh's lantern, and even Tahm Kench eating lucian won't stop his R. Same thing can be done with Samira's R.

    Zoe must kill the minions with summoners in them herself. Please leave minions with stars above them for Zoe.

    Darius automatically autoattacks enemy champion that is grabbed by E (even if he also grabbed some minions too), so simply E - wait for auto to start - W is the mechanically simple, correct way to do this combo. Same thing happens with Quinn E too.

    Speaking of Quinn, she will always land on the opposite side of the wall if she crosses it with her E. If she stands close to the wall and E-kicks nearby enemy she will cross the wall and land away from the enemy. Useful when escaping ganks, or chasing people over the wall.

    Again, Quinn - she has a timer on her passive mark. You can force the mark to land on your desired target and immediately proc it by timing your autoattack ~0.5-0.75 seconds before timer refreshes.

    It takes 13 seconds to get executed.

    Scorch procs Comet, Taste of Blood, Liandry, and so on

    WW can get extra autos in by forcing his autoattack timer to recalculate itself with reset auto command (move-reacquire a target). This is important in clutch situations, and especially because the lower the enemy is, the faster WW's AS.

    Will add more later.

    EDIT: typos and grammar. EDIT2: updated some tips with info from the comments. EDIT3: thanks for the awards, guys!

    Please share your own less known tips!

    submitted by /u/kid_ghibli
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    Just walk up! A tip for all bot lane players

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    If you are playing ADC or Support there is one thing that you can do to massively improve your laning. It's really simple and actually doesn't take much more than knowledge of your matchups to execute on. If you don't know your own strengths than maybe you won't be comfortable with this tip.

    Just walk up!

    If you are support and you walk up, you relieve pressure from your ADC. This allows them to farm, poke, and takes the threat of a hook/bind/snare etc off of them.

    If you are adc and you walk up, you can zone your opponents, guarantee a push, set your support up for success, and if they back off you get to lane for free.

    Here is a clip of me walking up at level 1 on Ashe. I see that Karthus uses Q so I have a second or two to step up. I know that I can press W and dodge the Karthus Q and I should be able to win the trade. If Sona focuses me than it could go bad but with lethal tempo I should have the damage to win a sustained trade. Now I may not be the best at judging whether I will always win the 2 v 2 when I walk up, but look what happens:


    I get all this space to work with. Karthus loses the push, they open themselves up for a double root from Zyra and a free 2 man W from Ashe. All I did was walk up.

    Hope this tip helps, and you use it in your games! If a support walks up for me, I know we can win lane. Good luck and have fun.

    EDIT: It's amazing what you see when you watch your replays. Watching this clip makes me question why I pushed so hard. I could just walk up after they pushed the wave, and zone them from xp and cs without them being able to retaliate.

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    5 Common Jungling Mistakes in Gold + How to Fix

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    While coaching, I've seen a lot of patterns with the small mistakes junglers are making. Most of them revolve around efficiency, meaning they waste time or don't maximize the opportunities they're given. I'm gonna mention the problems, as well as things you can do to correct them!

    Here's a video that touches on many of these issues: https://youtu.be/LjgvKXvUYrs

    Waiting for a gank to develop

    • Scenario: Your top laner is returning to lane, the enemy top laner is in lane. You are looking for a gank opportunity, depending on whether or not the enemy laner pushes the wave and opens themselves up to a gank.
    • Gold: Will walk up into river brush and wait to see if they push the wave.
    • Plat+: Will farm gromp while waiting to see if the play develops. Is ready to leave the camp and blast cone over for a gank as soon as the window opens.

    Pathing prior to objectives

    • scenario: Drake is spawning in 2 minutes, all your camps are up.
    • Gold: Goes straight to the bottom half of the map, clears red quadrant, sets up vision around dragon, spends the next 45 seconds looking for a play bot/mid.
      • Sometimes they'll go into the top jungle with 30 seconds to drake spawn because those are the only camps up.
    • Plat+: Full clears jungle from top to bottom, arrives at drake 30 seconds before spawn, secures vision around drake and then starts it on spawn (if they have priority)

    Target selection

    • Scenario: 5v2 (you've killed 3) sieging mid. Enemy Sion and Kalista are clearing the wave.
    • Gold: Uses cooldowns on the Sion when he steps out of turret range, team follows up and slowly whittles down the Sion. But Kalista is left to free fire without being pressured.
    • Plat+: Coordinates with teammates to target the Kalista with their CC, ensuring she can't put down damage, then kill Sion after if healthy enough.

    Rift Herald Usage

    • Scenario: 2v2 win top side around Herald, 5 plates remain on top turret.
    • Gold: Drops herald immediately while teammate crashes the wave. They eventually get through all 5 turret plates, spending most of their time on the final plate that has 4 Bulwark stacks (increased MR and Armor for each turret plate taken)
    • Plat+: Counter jungles a camp while teammate crashes the wave. Takes the turret down to 2.5 plates before summoning Herald. Then Herald one-shots the remaining plates with the highest resistances.

    Matching reset timers

    • scenario: After a successful siege mid, your carries counter jungle the bot side, then push the bottom wave.
    • Gold: Resets immediately, then gets back on the map when the carries start channeling recalls. OR jungler completes a full clear, then resets after carries have already recalled and gotten back onto the map.
    • Plat+: Watches carries and matches their recall timer to ensure they're coming back on the map at the same time as the rest of the team. Makes sure they aren't lagging behind or too far ahead, matches the team's tempo.

    These were just a few that I picked out from a recent coaching session with a Gold 2 Warwick main. I hope these insights help you to climb as we approach the end of the season! What other differences do you see between elos?

    Edit: typos

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    How to make the final push from D1 to Master?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Hello. For a few weeks now I've just been bouncing up and down in D1 not making any progress.

    I wanna try to make Master before the season ends, so I'm looking for general tips/advice on how to make that final push, be it ingame advice or a mentality thing.

    I play jungle, specifically Elise. I try to snowball the game early through ganks, dives, invades, drakes.

    submitted by /u/hjonk-
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    Don’t waste flash when your going to die.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    I see this all the time, the enemy team will do a level one invade with say a blitzcrank, you end up getting grabbed and then instantly flash but then get run down and die.

    Just take the death don't loose your flash.

    It's not a complex tip just learn to die without giving the enemy team more that they can take advantage of later.

    submitted by /u/LikeBotting
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    As Kayle, What Do I Do When My Botlane Is Losing Extremely Hard?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I've been playing Kayle Mid/Top for most of this season but I've been stuck at my Plat 4 promos for a very long time. Going through my op.gg (https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Outskayle) I noticed a trend where when my Botlane wins Lane or goes even I win, but when my Botlane loses extremely hard I lose, which seems to be more than half of games.

    I understand the concept of roaming or making TP plays, but on Kayle I'm shoved in and any TP can be outmatched by my Lane opponent. I build to scale and hopefully carry teamfights but more often than not the enemy carries are up 1-2 full items on me and teamfight better than me.

    Even worse, often the enemy jungler/mid/sup will get fed in these early plays and then come to dive me once baiting my ultimate and then a second time during the CD, killing me, and then snowballing my Lane opponent to the point where I can get solo dove by them and can't really get back into the game.

    My duo partner actually uninstalled his game after the last game we played yesterday night where our top and bot lost extremely hard and neither of us could do anything to change the outcome of the match. I went even in my lane, winning actually until the enemy support began roaming mid constantly and forcing me to play back, I rushed earlygame impact items like Sanguine BoRK Wit's End, but in the end I couldn't do enough in the teamfights to avoid us just losing due to the difference in damage output and effective health.

    How do I win games as Kayle where my Botlane loses out early and then can't/won't stem the bleeding?

    submitted by /u/Zwitch110801
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    Some Twisted Fate tips

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    (I already posted this on r/TwistedFateMains but this reach more people that may not know the subreddit)

    I'm currently Platinum, but got Diamond season 8 and 9, and the champ that makes me do it is TF. I have almost 800K with him, and I think I can give some tips for new and not so new players:

    1.- Your W auto has less windup animation than the normal one. This means it is faster over all, use this in short trades.

    2.- You are still a normal midlaner. Roam without ult. If you have early adventage, usually roaming at 5 into blow up sums, roaming at 6 into double kill + drake is gg.

    3.- You may be tryharding to use the specific optimal card in every situation, but in lane, double tapping W, chunk and back is usually good and unexpected.

    4.- Build tips are probably get outdated soon with s11 coming up, but talking about Catalyst/Roa, use the sustain in lane to trade aggresively. If you lose 20% hp and they lose 15%, you can sustain in the long term so it is not an actual lost trade.

    5.- Is your cannon low? Gold card and walk up.

    6.- Your ult have two instances, and both of them are good. Ye, TF's identity comes from unfair roams, but your ult reveals all of them (includes INVISIBILITY AND CAMOUFLAGE) and pop veils/edges.

    7.- Bind a key for (something + Q) to show you the range, so you can reliably Q both layers of the standing wave.

    8.- Use more red cards. Stun is OP but if they are huging each other a 50% AOE slow probably makes the teamfight easier. Also good for poking + pushing in lane without taking minion aggro.

    9.- Start Zhonya's from Stopwatch (or maybe you got it from runes), but if you don't use it, dont complete Zhonya's yet.

    10.- If your team can follow up, test your limits and engage with TF. R in a place without vision in range of them, and gold/red card + Zhonya's.

    11.- Identify win cons as soon as possible. It is not always peel adc, maybe the fed person is your Elise and you need to back her up in flanks. Maybe you need to go Trynda mode and split all the late game.

    12.- Fx keys are way too far from your fingers, but they are soo good for sidelane awareness. Bind them in something confortable for you, and use them as much as possible, since they give info that minimap doesn't: Intentions and cooldowns. If you wanna try my configuration, I got 123 for jungle top adc.

    13.- If you got priority, hide and look sidelanes. How are they reacting? They don't care about a TF miss, or do they back? This gives info and pressures both at the same time.

    14.- Does your very smart jungler only come to mid to catch some juicy wave under turret? Change roles and meanwhile he/she is mid, ping like crazy and ult mid to kill that pushed greedy opponent.

    15.- If it is risky to control ward the pixel bush of river, pink the narrow path between your turret and river (image).

    16.- Void Staff is usually not good on TF. If they stack MR, you as TF ain't gonna have enough dmg anyway. Try utility items, like Morello, Rapid Fire, Veil for CDR and shield, etc.

    17.- Probably heard this tip a lot but I wanna say it at the last one: Give yourself time to last hit, or auto the wave by cycling and not selecting a card with W. You can both pressure them and deny their pressure by not selecting a card... Yet.

    Hope these tips are useful for everyone. GL and HF in your final push of the season :D

    EDIT: I don't know why I can't add the image from tip 15th but I guess you know the spot, between blue side raptors and right side mid bush, and the mirror places for top/red side

    submitted by /u/Skr0w
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    What do you when you can't stop dying no matter how safely you play?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    This happens to me from time to time on people like Vel'Koz who have no escape. A game the other day, we did pretty good bot lane but mid fed a Fizz like 8 kills before laning phase ended.

    The ENTIRE rest of the game, literally the second I left base, I died. Just flat out, auto died.

    I would try to ward jungle with 2-3 body guards moving along with me. Still die when Fizz dove out of a bush and bonked me on the head and told me to go to respawning jail, then he'd just flip away like Fizz always does and spam laugh while my team failed to kill him as usual

    It was seriously near comical how fast I would die upon leaving base, I guess Fizz was making a sport of it. He'd delete me in team fights so I couldn't melt his team, kill me if I tried to go past first tower or even inhib tower, kill me I tried to ward etc.

    I've had quite a few of those games where there's a fed assassin and I'm playing a squishy support, and I legitimately don't know what I'm even supposed to do besides just sit in fountain. I can't provide any utility to the team when I'm in fountain, but I also can't provide utility when I'm dead. I try to play as safely as possible and not feed, but because Assassins exist, I die so fast I couldn't even activate Zhonya's . . .if I actually had enough gold for one

    submitted by /u/YobaiYamete
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    What do my teammates mean when they say I'm not building items?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    I am a Plat Kled player and have been questioning my early builds lately. The standard build path for our champ is to rush a Tiamat for wave clear and then build into a Black Cleaver- for the CDR mostly. After Black Cleaver, we go back to finish up our Tiamat into a Titanic. We chuck tier 2 boots wherever it's convenient and that makes up a majority of our early builds for most games.

    However, let's say I'm up against an akali. She's a very bursty champion that has very high lethal at level 6. This is a matchup where I really like to rush hexdrinker to survive her burst and potentially kill her. What I've been doing, that causes my teamates to question my build, is continue to build Tiamat into Black Cleaver after my Hexdrinker.

    Another example would be where I'm in a very snowbally matchup (Matchups like Riven, Irelia, etc), and want full control of my wave early on as well as dueling stats. Instead of Tiamat, I like to opt for a Caufields Warhammer for the early CDR, Damage, and the option to keep my wave near my turret. That being the case, I still usually build tiamat once early game begins to transition into mid game as my wave clear is fairly poor as Kled. And now my inventory is looking like Caufields Warhammer, Tiamat, Phage, and Kindle Gem.

    I thought the comment: "You're not building any items" might be because some random butthurt person was trying to find a scapegoat for a losing game, but because I've gotten remarks for my build multiple times now, I'm genuinely questioning my build decisions. Am I shooting myself in the foot?

    I admit Tiamat, Hexdrinker/ Warhammer, Phage, and Kindlegem look really ugly in my inventory, but do I have any other option available to me? If I don't build Tiamat, I lose out on waveclear and a faster conqueror stack. If I cut BC and rush Titanic Hydra after my Hexdrinker/ Warhammer, I lose out on a lot of tankiness and CDR.

    submitted by /u/TheYellowEmperor67
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    Is akali bad against tanks ?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    So I've been destroying a lot in my games with akali recently easily snowballing everything in my path.but then there are 2 champions who always seem to fuck me up.volibear and garen.everytime I go against these two without fail they always seem to fuck my shit.km talking mostly 1v1 in top.but even then their would be team fights where I would wipe 3 people and then a garen just comes and destroys me.its like no matter how much I hit him it just doesn't matter due to his health pool not to mention he has cc.now for the main question Is akali bad against tanks or just these two tanks or am I just playing into them wrong.if so should I avoid fighting them in 1v1s and switch lane?and finnaly what's a good champion that's good against those two?

    submitted by /u/Blackkage1
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    what am I supposed to do vs elise dives.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    I main top lane in d3 and i play jax and yorick,, both champs with weak early game/weak pre 6. Elise recently got a skin so I've been seeing her pop up more often, and I really dont know what I am supposed to do. I mostly see elise paired with renekton so if I get dove I really struggle with this. pre 6 on yorick or pre tiamat on jax renekton will always out wave clear me. my problem comes when I get dove and I get stunned by renekton into elise cocoon or the other way around. if I ping for assistance and my jg comes I can usually prevent the dive but when my jg doesn't come it feels like there is 0 counterplay for me. elise rapel feels like it lasts 5 seconds and I always struggle against elise, but I have to use my ban on shen because that champ is actually broken. if anyone can tell me what I can do vs elise renekton on champs with low wave clear early that would be very much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bigboy918
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    Any recent videos where top players grind through diamond?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    As title says. Are there any videos from this season made by ex pros or master/gm/chall guys who just grind through diamond alone?

    I'd love to see a high level jungler going through D4/D3/D2 solo. And i'm not talking about those unranked to chall challenges because it doesn't reflect the reality in any way. I want to see someone jungling through diamond without insanely inflated mmr. Perhaps there are some videos of boosters that are just hard to find.

    The reason is because i want to see what high level players do in highest cancer environment and what would they do in the situations that are seemingly unwinable or out of control SO often. I would like to compare myself with them in similar situations in similar elo.

    Yes, i do realize diamond is embodiment of coinflip and most reliable way to get out of it is just to play more games if you have a bit of brain in the skull, but i doubt they'd need as many games as me to get out of it, given their knowledge.

    submitted by /u/magnFLOR
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    What are some common misconceptions about the Strength and Weaknesses of Champions?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Recently in a post about Nasus I saw multiple people saying that nasus is more of mid-game champion, in spite of his infinite scaling, which quite suprised me. So now I was wondering what other common misconceptions might be, regarding when/in what situations a champion is strong.

    submitted by /u/Joyeuse666
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    Can you be a two trick pony?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm a kat main that's starting to see the benefits of being able to play more than one champ (started seeing kass in ranked lol), but I get bored of less mechanically demanding champs really quickly. I just drop new champs after a few games because I lose interest. Recently I've been trying out Irelia and I've come to a realization that it's going to be really difficult to know Irelia as well as I know kat. Every matchup has to be relearned, the different play styles from early to mid to late have to be adapted to, etc. My question is, can I main both of these champs (or really just any two extremely difficult champs) and still get really good at both? Or will it mean that I'll end up being just decent at both champs, not really capable of mastering either of the two?

    submitted by /u/Shabix
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    Returning after 3 years...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Hey summoners!

    I stopped playing League of Legends 3 years ago and now I want to get back into it. The last thing I remembered was the combination of masteries and runes, and the addition of kayn. I've already played some matches against bots to refresh my memory about how everything works.

    I mostly played mid or top and sometimes jungler.
    My mains were Zed, Ekko and Jax/Warwick for jungle.
    I was more of a casual player and didn't play ranked often, but now I want bemore competititve.

    Here are a few questions:
    - what are eternals?
    - does the "fates pass" only include cosmetics or is it pay-to-win?
    - what is the turret's armor plating? I'm assuming it makes them take less damage.
    - last time I played level 30 (my level) was max level, what is the max level now or is there no max?

    Are there any other changes I haven't noticed yet (except for the new legends ofcourse)? Some tips and tricks would also be very useful.

    submitted by /u/PHANTOM_BLADE_27
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    A Small Tip for Bot Laners.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    This is a small tip to have an advantage you can abuse very often in low elo.

    If you are not leashing your jungler but the enemy bot laners are, walk up to the side bush nearest to their tower and pull in the minions as soon as they arrive.
    What this does is the enemy minions group up near your melee, and 1 of your melee dies before the enemy laners reach.
    This means when the next wave comes you get level 2 faster than the enemy laners.
    You can use this to harass/create pressure/gain prio, etc.

    If you see the enemy doing this while you are leashing, leave the leash immediately and sprint to the lane.

    This is a small handy tip that might be useful from time to time.

    submitted by /u/Thegenius760
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    Many Top Laners can beat Renekton 1v1 at lvl 1

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Consider fighting Renekton before minions spawn or before the second wave gets to the lane. Examples of champions who can use and abuse Renekton lvl 1 include Urgot( E start, hit E and aggressively walk around him while autoing), Darius(W start, AA -> W -> aa until he walks to his turret, if he tries to fight pop ghost and run him down), Volibear(W start, you can start beating him once you get W-stacked Ws off, also consider stacking passive on wave, hit lvl 2, and engaging with Q), Jax(E start, if you manage to use E to dodge his W, you autowin trade and can just chunk him out of lane). Most importantly, remember that if you cannot go for the kill, that is totally okay. Chunking him out of lane and keeping him at 50% hp can help reduce early pressure a lot and help you get through laning phase and outscale. Also, keep in mind that on certain champs such as Urgot and Jax, you will be able to outscale him at two items+, or in Jax's case, once you hit an E to dodge his W, you win trades at basically any stage of the game.

    submitted by /u/Meteor53
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    Struggling to ADC in low elo

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    First off, a disclaimer that I am 4ish months in to league and am in low silvers. I started off playing with friends that were playing for a while and kept being forced to adc as no one else wanted to. Cut forward, I ended up really liking a few ADC champs and regularly spend time watching adc streamers, coaching and guides.

    My problem is that as much as the concepts in high elo gameplay make sense, I find it tough to actually implement them and be viable in the game. The supports that I play with seem to disregard matchups and are completely okay with ks'ing/roaming (without roam timers) with the goal of solo carrying the game. It's frustrating how many times I've 100-10'd an opponent to have it be taken by a lux ult or morg q.

    I understand support is a very underappreciated role and it's easy to feel like you're not doing anything but I feel that pushing back your adc spikes is not worth a good kda. I end up not reaching my spikes until the very end of the game.

    I tried ranking and it's been a coin flip. I've had supports that steal farm and break my freezes repeatedly vs some that actually feed gold (leading me to stomp a couple games due to just sheer adc power). Again, I am not a good player and there's a lot for me to learn yet. But I do find it difficult to not feel underwhelming especially when not playing early lane bullies i.e. cait, ashe or jhin.

    Any suggestions on how to get out of this limbo? Is it worth holding back in fights to last hit champs? Or just switch to solo lanes/lane bullies until I reach an elo high enough to find supports that trust their adcs to carry?

    submitted by /u/ComfortableShoddy443
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    Give Me Your Opinions on Graves Runes I'm Running

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Ok, so I've been running the standard Phase rush primary, but for my secondary I decided to try out inspiration for the magical footwear and future's market-- I know Graves loves precision and you usually go cosmic insight for the cdr/scaling, but here are my thoughts for this rune set up:

    -- Allows you to completely funnel gold into damage items instead of t1 boots

    -- Get your first item power spike faster and help steamroll the game

    -- Can skip out on camps since futures allows you to get the item, so you can reset/apply more pressure on the map

    -- Forgiving of failed early game aggression/ lvl 2 ganks/ invades


    I built such a huge lead from early power farming/item power spikes, also attack speed isn't necessary on Graves since you can pull your full burst combo lightning fast without building any attackspeed.


    submitted by /u/yourLocalStorage
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    If your team has a bad comp and its behind on the game, seek to create pressure with macro and micro decisions

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm a Silver player from EUW and I feel like a lot of low elo players, like me, over estimate the power of macro and micro decisions instead of fighting. You don't win games through fighting but through having better decisions than your opponents.

    Let's create this situation: your team is behind and you have your Zed split pushing bot lane when baron is up. If you don't have wards on the map, pay attention to see who is going to stop the split push from Zed and seek to take either a top lane tower or baron as an objective. Eventually two people will show up to stop Zed so you should either start baron as the 4 remaining on top river side or create a strong push on top lane to pressure the enemy team to split and you are now able to have a more favorable situation where you can win. A 4v3 is always more easy to win than a 4v4, especially when we talk about objectives, such as herald, baron, soul or towers.

    Fighting is not a priority if you are falling behind on the game. Instead, you should try to create as much pressure as you can in one side of the map and then smoothly pressure the other one, so you don't get the chance of the enemy team to team up mid and finish in a 5v5.

    If you can't win them, split them and destroy them one by one until you are back in the game.

    It doesn't matter if they are stronger if you make better decisions and control the map better than them.

    Decisions lead a game to victory, so the best decisions will be the one that will guide you to victory.

    submitted by /u/ItzWhiteFTW
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    Is CS'ing too op??

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Guys I'm a hard stuck silver cait... I was never bad at CS'ing (usually 5/m) but this match I had a pretty bad morg, if the other adc would get something other than tw I'd be done... but thanks to this 0 fight laning phase I hit 8.3cs/m for the first time and I'was going parr with an 8 0 garen... So the way to climb... Sustain sup, something like cait,just cs forever... easy climb

    submitted by /u/kelomerosan
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    Something even junglers in gold don't seem to understand...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    I'm gold 4, about to be gold 3, highest I ever got was platinum promos -- didn't win.

    One thing I've noticed my counterparts doing a lot that I don't realize they're doing is showing on the minimap WAAAYYYY too much.

    Every single time you show on the minimap, it gives the enemy jungler (yours truly) an opportunity to take something from you. You have to plan for that. You have to take steps to prevent that.

    Don't show top side with your entire bottom side jungle available, and drake spawning in 8 seconds.

    Don't show bottom side with your entire top side jungle available and herald up.

    You will get PUNISHED.

    Ideally, what you want to do is know where you're going ahead of time and plan your route in advance. Lets say you just ganked bot lane and their ADC flashed, and you were able to shove the wave into their tower.

    This game is so wonderfully designed that, as a jungler, you can now recall -- clear your top side camps -- maybe make a visit to mid lane if its free -- and THEN head to bot lane to gank, and it will be juuuuust in time for the wave to be pushing in again and a gank will very, very likely be available.

    If you do this, the enemy jungler goes "Oh man, he showed bot -- I'm gonna snipe a camp off of him in his top jungle!" -- and boom, there's nothing there and they just wasted 20 seconds. If you're REALLY smart, you'll leave a ward behind so you can spot their invade, and then after your gank bot YOU can snipe a camp from THEM!

    You win everything! They get nothing!

    TL;DR -- prepare your ganks in advance to mitigate opportunities for the enemy jungler to punish you. Pay attention to when objectives are coming up. Don't gank on the opposite side of the map as the current objective. Make sure your camps are clear on the opposite side you plan to gank. Leave nothing. Take everything.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    ADC main advise on no front line comps.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Forst off i dont have time for a lot of games. Sub 200 per season. Im hanging around gold 3 and 2. Are there any higher elo ADC mains with advise on how to deal with these no front line no peel Gold comps i keep getting. My mechanics arent great. The reason i am where i am is my positioning and macro is good. I find im losing because of my teams comp more than the enemies. It seems like most supports in gold dont want to support and nobody peels. Do i need to just position insanely far back and let some CDs blow before i engage?

    submitted by /u/Brau87
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    What to do when the opposing top laner is playing extremely safe?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    I was playing Camille vs a Kayle that banned out my Irelia that I usually play, so I wasn't 100% comfortable with it, however I have still played maybe a dozen or so games with Camille. I'm currently in Bronze 1 but this was a normal draft game.

    So I know that Kayle is super weak early but she was playing extremely safe the entire lane. I was able to poke her out lv with my w and chunk her but afterwards she just basically watched me farm the whole time. She would never get within range of my e and I had the wave frozen on my side for quite a while. I was able to get a cs lead of 75 to 16 at about 10 minutes or so.

    At this point I felt like I wasn't accomplishing enough since my team was generally losing, not a crazy amount but enough for us to eventually lose the game if I did nothing but farm (at least I think) and I didn't want to go to late game because I was afraid of Katie's massive powerspikes.

    I ended up trying to roam a lot and get my mid lane or jungle ahead but ended up only getting a single kill in the next 5 minutes by roaming to help out mid. I eventually got collapsed on in my own jungle and mid lane didn't notice so I died. At this point Kayle had been farming a ton and had caught up in cs and the enemy team rolled us.

    Any idea of what I should have done instead? Should I have just kept the freeze and farm instead of buying Tiamat to push and roam?

    submitted by /u/TheColorDown
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    How to use Minion dematerialiser?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Should I use one charge on every kind of minion? Should I use all the three charges on ranged minions so I could clear them all with one aoe? Should I use them all on melee minions so I just could shave all the wave with two aoes?

    I know this may sound like a stupid question, but I recently started playing midlane after 3 seasons of jungling and I caught myself not being sure when to pick it and how to use it.

    I mostly pick it when I play TF or LB vs an opponent that can push me hard

    submitted by /u/No3nvy
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