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    Sunday, October 25, 2020

    LoL Guide Unlocked camera

    LoL Guide Unlocked camera

    Unlocked camera

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    I learned this video game on locked camera. I've played this video game for three years on locked camera. The only time I've ever used unlocked camera for a substantial amount of a game was this weekend when I got lee sin in an aram.

    I want to learn unlocked camera because it's obviously superior, but in actual games it feels weird to play or even attempt to learn. How would you suggest I learn/practice playing with unlocked camera?

    Edit: Dang I just wanted a little advice and now I have awards lol. I appreciate the tips everyone, thank you very much. My inbox is exploding just a little, so I'm going to summarize some of the best suggestions I've heard here in case anybody in my situation would like to know without sifting through the comments!

    Many people have reminded me that semi-locked mode is a thing. Semi-locked mode locks the screen so that it still moves with the character, but the character may not be in the center of the screen. This is extremely useful for laning, particularly on red side so that you can properly see your lane opponent.

    Some have said that they use the middle mouse/scroll wheel to drag the camera, and I will definitely be giving this a try. This sounds like a very effective method of moving the camera, even if you would simply like to work up to simply using the mouse at the edge of the screen to drag.

    I believe the top comment mentions that you can increase and decrease the speed of the camera movement and this is one of the best tips I've gotten. As of now it feels incredibly sensitive to pan the camera normally so I'm sure this will help me adjust.

    Some people have stated that they use wasd to move camera and 1234 or qerf for abilities. I can see how this would work for a new player or somebody willing to readjust to their keyboard, but I personally will not be trying this. If you are willing to relearn your keyboard placement to have easy camera movement, this is certainly worth a try.

    (Baby edit: I forgot to mention that there are many talking about space bar. Very important as it will auto lock the screen back to you if held. You can rebind the Y key to space bar for easier centering of the camera.)

    Finally, the most frequent suggestion in this thread would probably be to just try. Lots and lots and lots of people saying that it's best to just throw myself into it and get used to it, otherwise it will always be uncomfortable to play unlocked.

    Thanks to everybody for your help and advice. I hope my little summary will be of use to somebody who is in my same position, be it sooner or later. GLHF!

    submitted by /u/famslamjam
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    How to improve at league macro and basic wave management

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Just understand this 2 concepts to improve in macro.

    1. Purpose
    2. Why things occur

    Its such a simple concept. have an idea in your head and execute it. after that, understand why did it work, or why it did not work. Everyone who is hardstuck low elo is just mindlessly playing the game. You straight up can't improve at the game if you play just to churn out 1 more game.

    Improving at laning

    Before u enter the summoners rift, PLEASE JUST CREATE A GAMEPLAN. It doesn't matter if your gameplan is wrong, just create one. Next, EXECUTE IT. no point making a gameplan and not executing it. If you gameplan works, ask yourself why it went well, and if it didn't, ask why not. was it a misplay or your gameplan was wrong?

    Example, TF vs Sylas -cough- (g2 vs dwg)

    As a Sylas, your gameplan is this

    1. Let TF push
    2. Collect CS with Q or when uncontested
    3. allow wave to crash into turret
    4. allow wave to bounce back to generate minion advantage
    5. If TF steps up, or/and blows his W during this period, choose to all-in or go in for a trade(depend on rune)

    What Caps did -

    get chunked by TF early, blowing his pots early

    wave did not crash into tower so he had no wave advantage from the bounce back

    all in at half health while tf had corrupting pots, all cds and was at full health

    look, if caps makes this kind of mistakes, probably, so will you. but it doesn't matter if you lose 1 game out of the hundreds if not thousands of games. what matters is that you learn from them. Don't play for KDA in lane, play for improving.

    note: your gameplan might differ if you have a jungle duo

    Then the question comes, how to figure out your gameplan? to try everything is ridiculous, that is not to say you can't make mistakes in your gameplan, but how to minimize them.

    1. Use your brain (duh)
    2. Learn about the minion wave

    Learning about wave management.

    There are 4 waves states and I will be breaking down how to execute them/how they occur and what that means to you. (i might explain in different viewpoints, but its vice versa)

    A slow push wave

    To execute this without the opponent, u drag the melee minions and drop aggro with a bush. useful mainly at start of the game when opponent leashes for jg

    With the opponent trying to fast push, u want to somewhat match the dmg he deals but just let him deal slightly more dmg, if not just chill back.

    general rule is to not fight during a slow push towards you, while u want to look for fights while there is a slowpush towards them

    do not recall during a slowpush unless u are going to die. if enemy recalls during this period, fast push and crash the wave.

    if not, when the huge wave crashes into tower, look to roam/counter jg/back/tower dive, while opponent is stuck csing.

    When you have a slowpush it is time to go on the offensive

    A fast push wave

    Use everything u have to push. used to deny cs from backing laners or getting priority to make quick roam to scuttle or skirmishes close by. might be possible to make a roam to sidelane. possible back timing depending on enemy waveclear. unless u have a good reason, don't fast push. slowpush.

    possible vulnerability to all-ins/ganks due to no cds or mana, while being pushed up.

    A even wave

    only at the start of the game, and after crashing a fast push. if you recall and your opponent recalls, both lose the same amt of gold and exp.

    A freeze

    used to deny cs and exp from laner, or cs safely (used when jungle threat or ahead or scaling)

    good setup for ganks

    done when stopping a fastpush or slowpush from happening. hard to stop a slow push, but easy to stop a fast push.

    if there are no laners, u can tp to a minion to delay it, causing a slowpush towards you, helping you set up a freeze. pref tp to cannon.

    note: depends on whether u want to lock yourself to your lane and make it 4v5, or u want to impact the map.

    learn tricks to set up wave states to execute your gameplan.

    eg the teleport freeze

    instead of conventionally doing a traditional freeze, perhaps you can do a teleport freeze to take your opponent offguard.

    How to macro midgame/lategame?

    same concept, ask yourself, why are you at this position at the map. doesn't matter if your position is correct or not, give yourself purpose and execute that plan. then ask, did your position at the map change anything for your team.


    You aram with your team, but you still get wiped in a 5v5. Learn from that shit, go to a sidelane and farm. perhaps your team might choose not to fight a 4v5? maybe they do and they die, but what matters, is that you made the right play, to not let free gold and exp go to waste.

    Then the question is, how do you correctly make choices?

    1. LOOK AT THE MAP (you can't make decisions if you don't look at the map.) you need to constantly look at the map. if the jungler shows bot, and next moment he is gone, and you decide to decide on your next course of action based of the fact that he is missing is quite stupid. thats why looking at the map, and securing vision is so important. cant make choices without information.

    when to look at map? i think youtube videos with the buzz thing is good, but can be improved. Try to look at the map everytime you go for cs and everytime you have nothing to do. learn to use F keys too.

    1. Make inferences (if you just see jungler top side, u can assume, he will be bottom side in the near future, but not in the immediate future) so lets say 2min later, you can assume he is bot side without him ever showing on the map for a long time.

    always think about how u impacted the map by being there. easiest way to improve in macro. its ok to be wrong, but learn.

    Matters to take note:

    Analyze why something works out too. sometimes its just a misplay from the enemy, sometimes it is the right play.

    Do not hindsight analyze. only analyze based on knowledge you have, not what u see without fog of war.

    You can't improve macro by going into a game without conscious learning. churning out games only improve micro, but conscious learning will improve micro much faster too.

    Any mistake I made while typing the guide? feel free to point them out.

    submitted by /u/782394
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    MikeYeung Nidalee Guide - (Mechanics, Clear, Runes, and Items) Great for new nidalee players

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Video- https://youtu.be/nmjeY8fFuLs

    In this video you'll learn the clear and ganking mechanics of nidalee. We also go over when it's best to pick nidalee in the beginning, and which items to build on her.

    Hope you guys enjoy the guide!

    Feel free to ask any questions in comments, I'll be on the lookout!

    submitted by /u/mikeyeunglol
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    Playing late game scaling jungler against enemy top who invades you multiple times early game.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Exactly as the title says. Today I was struggling against the enemy camille top while I played ap shyv in the jg. After my red side full clear, I moved on to the blue side only to find out that my darius had his minnions shoved in our tower, meeting the camille while I Was on blue. Well yes, I got killed and she got the doublebuff. She snowballed hard from that, and ever since whenever I went for my blueside map its either everything was gone or she kills me. My mid had no prio either, so do I just ditch my whole blueside or what should my decision be? low diamond games btw

    submitted by /u/Zeroshirochan
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    How to learn League from the ground up?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I have no experience in MOBAs, but I am no stranger to competitive games. I like structured learning as I don't want to form bad habits or play a certain way for months just to realize I was playing wrong. I would say I'm "decent" at games as I used to be GM/Top 500 In OW, Tekken God in Tekken7, and I have hundreds of wins in Fortnite/COD. Those feats don't translate into LOL because I'm a shooter player not a MOBA player. I also believe LOL to be much harder than all of those games. Anyways, can someone link me a systematic approach as someone who's never played LOL? Like full series of videos or articles from top players meant to specifically teach beginners. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/88glamXO
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    Why is gangplank difficult

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    I've seen a couple youtubers and comments on this sub about how tough gangplank is. Stuff like "nobody under masters should be playing gangplank because they can't play him properly" and I don't get it. I don't really see an explanation for why he's so hard, and his kit seems to be very forgiving to new players(extra gold from Q seems nice when falling behind and W obviously). What makes him so difficult? Is he very macro intensive or is his micro more difficult than I can tell?

    submitted by /u/KamdynS7
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    Video on How to Play Around JG Earlygame

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT


    I am a D2 Midlane player and I play on my main in the games that I show as examples. I say some stupid stuff in this video and didn't really explain everything/speak precisely so feel free to ask me questions, I'll be keeping an eye out on this post.

    Something I forgot to mention is the video is that you CANNOT be afk level 1. Level 1 can be extremely volatile and not 5 pointing correctly/watching entrances can literally lose you the game in the first 2 minutes of the game.

    Topics that I go over in the video:

    Warding lvl 1

    Checking leash side


    Dropping ego

    When to actually follow

    Certain jg clears (from lane perspective)

    Skuttle Timing

    submitted by /u/SugoiSwag
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    What should I be doing as ADC after the laning phase?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    As an ADC, my laning is pretty decent, and I often can go out of lane fed or at least with a CS advantage over my opponent. However, I usually int during the midgame and lategame due to not knowing what to do and overextending for farm. This is very troubling because as ADC I am always supposed to farm in order to keep buying items for powerspikes, but also be there for any fights breaking out. I don't really know what to do.

    submitted by /u/MonkeyIdiot1245
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    I still can't figure out top lane

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    I've been playing league on and off for the last fewer years, but I've only truly started to "get it" in the last 4-5 months.

    I'm mostly a jungler main and I'm getting much better at sup/mid/adc

    Guys I CAN'T figure out why I always lose top lane. It feels like it shouldn't be so different but I always get shut out hard in lane phase and barely end up holding my own in mid-late game because I haven't scaled.

    What is so special about top lane that I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/petahbread256
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    Is it worth to trade 1 early drake for a full side invade ?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    I'm talking in the early game, for example the enemy has no drakes, and I'm top side, the enemy red jungle is fully spawned, should I just clear his jungle even knowing that I won't be able to gank top or kill herald or should I just contest drake ?

    I'm asking this because I'm a really agressive jungler, and sometimes I end up having to make this decision and never know If it was the right one.

    I'm a Diamond 3 support player now smurfing in platinum in order to learn jungle.

    submitted by /u/igorpn13
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    How to correctly trade as ADC

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    I understand the concepts of trading and playing parallel with your support. However, I always have trouble remembering after the first couple of levels. Should I always look at my own minions hp to look for trades? In what situations should I just sit back and farm instead?

    submitted by /u/llawite111
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    Jhin starting boots?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    I've seen other adcs start boots and potions but it has been most prevelent with jhin. I've seen people say that it's for more sustain and celerity gives you bonus AD. Is the extra pots and move speed really worth missing out on the hp, long-term sustain, and the AD that doran's blade gives you? Also if there is any other reason for starting boots, let me know :)

    submitted by /u/Capsaisyn
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    What do you do in games where you are completely dominating and it has no effect?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    I usually play jungler, but sometimes the other roles, and it's very frequent for me to get 20-30+ kills in a game where I am just wiping teams left and right (usually Khazix, Elise, or some others), and no matter how many people I kill, it makes zero difference.

    By the team we get to a tower, they are already re-spawned, and defend the tower with their lives and we cannot uproot them under the tower. Even when we manage to kill some of them, they kill a few of ours, and I have to wait again for my team to respawn.

    I just got out of a game where we wiped the enemy team 7+ times, two barons, almost all the dragons, and still could not close the game out. My teammates just keep fking dying over and over during the final push to the nexus and there's nothing I can do about it.

    It keeps "resetting" the game back some neutral state where we never again any ground.

    We wipe the enemy team again, and get nothing out of it. I ping a tower, everyone arrives, and there is almost always 2-3 people who have respawned and are back to defend the tower.

    I had like 5k extra gold and 6 -slots on my jungler and it's like...wtf else am I supposed to do?

    I don't play ranked really (haven't in years), but I would like to at least understand what else I can do in these games. How many of these fuckers do you want me to kill? Why can't we get any objectives off these wipes?

    Yes, I ping and tell people what to do. I ping towers or inhibs. It never accomplishes anything.

    submitted by /u/SorenKgard
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    How to farm as an ADC mid game

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    I often have trouble farming well when playing ADC and end up behind on gold.

    One particular problem I have is if my team has an immobile mid laner (for example Xerath) and the enemy bot lane has rotated mid. If I rotate mid with them I have to share the gold/xp with the mid laner as he is unable to overextend safely. Meanwhile the enemy mid laner is able to split as they are playing Zed or Kassadin.

    What should I be doing as ADC in this situation?

    submitted by /u/Anarbor
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    What to do when losing trades and they have froze?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    for example I was playing Yone vs syndra, gold 3 elo, I was unable to trade with her without overextending because she was frozen by her turret and by putting myself in close range I would definitely get hit by turret or her abilities, she was just able to stomp me by freezing and I was unable to break it in time before the next wave because my abilities were out of range. What can I do in this scenario?

    submitted by /u/TheArchmagister
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    How to support a struggling ADC?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    How should i go about supporting an ADC who is generally struggling with the game? Who should I pick and how should I approach the landing phase?

    I am talking about regularly playing with an ADC that struggles with farming, poking and following engages.

    Should I fall back to playing a long range poke heavy support that can cause problems without the ADC controlling space or should I try to go full babysitter?

    submitted by /u/soycubed
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    Teach me Graves.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    I saw Graves is played in almost every games during the Worlds, but I don't understand why he is good? He might have lots of dmg or what but I don't see the good points on picking him instead of other junglers. Why is he so much picked? And how do we play with him?

    submitted by /u/ZawaruDora
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    Not auto-attacking after Yi Q

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I don't know if it's because of my internet/lag or maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I find it annoying when after I use Alpha Strike, I suddenly stop auto-attacking. This is annoying especially at the beginning of the match when I'm clearing my first camps. I lose momentum and often I end up less healthier. Anyone have the same problem as I have ?

    submitted by /u/chromosome_not_found
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    Should I play mid instead of Adc?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I am main Adc gold 3 and my goal is to go platinum before the end of the season but I have a hard time winning games like Adc, so I tried to play tristana mid and of the 4 games that I played 3 were stomp and I was able to win other lines roaming and the other one I lost line but still it continued to do a lot of damage so I could recover easily, which does not happen to me when I lose line as Adc, and for this reason I have been thinking about playing Mid until the end of the season, is it a good idea or should I keep playing Adc?

    submitted by /u/Pablo_v2
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    5 Tricks You Must Know Before Playing Senna. [Educational]

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:08 PM PDT


    Hey here is a short video about some useful tips/mechanics for Senna, this is targeted at people who haven't played Senna before, I hope it will come in handy. I'm sure if you haven't played Senna you can use any of these in any elo.

    I hope everyone enjoys, thankyou :)

    submitted by /u/-CoachMarv
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    Best champs for each lane based on my favorites?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    So I've been trying to experiment with new champs and while I mostly main Mid and Top, my champ pool for those roles is relatively small and even smaller in other lanes so I was wondering if I could get some champ recommendations for each lane based on my most played/favorite champs.

    My favorite champs for top right now are Lillia, Poppy, Sett, Kled and Morde

    My favorite champs for mid are Zoe, Sylas and Rumble.


    submitted by /u/DuckTheMomo
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    I'm climbing back up again.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    After ending S8 in Silver 5, S9 in Gold 4, this season I started in Bronze 1. I bounced around roles in those seasons, mostly being top, jg, mid. From the end of March to the end of April I climbed back up to Silver 1. I dropped back down to silver 2 a month later and took a 5 month break.

    I came back a month ago just to drop back down to silver 3 almost going down to silver 4. It was frustrating because I was trying so hard to do everything I could to win. That's when it hit me: I was trying TOO hard at the game and focusing on too many things at once. Another thing that helped me was telling myself "every game is winnable". Putting myself in that mind set has helped me tremendously.

    In my last 7-8 days, I've played many matches, and went from Silver 3(20 something lp) to Silver 1 100 LP for my promos to Gold IV. I wanted to share my progress and findings here because I think it will help other people the same it did for me. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=StrangerAxe There's my op gg. If you have any other questions, please ask. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/TerlocTheRanger
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    roughly 15 out of my last 20 games have been losses.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT


    I recently picked up league again and have been trying very very hard to improve. I started out around Iron IV and in the last week ranked up to Bronze I but that's where the trouble began.

    Immeidately after getting promoted to bronze 1 I noticed that my teams were consistently more toxic and feedy (I'm not blaming my teams for this cause I will admit I played bad a few of these games). I kept grinding and grinding and lost 7 straight games after being promoted but didn't end up going back to Bronze II. My friend who is D3 coached me on 2 games and I ended up winning those but then after I went on a another losing streak and am sitting at 0lp yet again.

    I think it's quite possible that I'm maybe on tilt super hard right now after grinding literally a week straight but I'm not really sure what to do. It feels like I'm in this like pit of hell that's reminding me why I quit 2 years ago.

    So I guess, in short... am I on megatilt or is there something I can be doing better in my games?

    submitted by /u/Joe_Scotto
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    Should I go to default hotkeys?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    So, right now I'm using pretty strange hotkeys, and the question is: should I relearn to default ones? I don't actually remember from where I started using them, was it from dota2 or even before it. So, it's something like this:

    A S D F for skills ( quick cast with indicator )
    ZX for summoners(flash on z)
    SPACE E R C V for items
    G for ward
    Q attack move
    W stop
    T for "there is enemy vision" mark, Y for emotes :)
    1 center camera on my champ(2-4 for teammates, but I don't really use this)
    Side mouse key for moving camera(use move on edge too sometimes): not sure how this setting called in eng, probably "mouse drag", which mean that then holding this key I can move camera with just moving mouse in any part of screen(something like 0:19 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUd-nBb4Jt4 , it's a very popular way of camera control in dota2)

    My main problem with these settings is items usage. I usually play supports, and they have a lot of active items: ward item, control wards, redemption, locket, mikael's crucible, gargoyle, and so on, and sometimes I even chose another item instead of needed because otherwise I'll not be able to press them fast. So, what should I do: switch to default, somehow modify these settings? As I remember, default settings have active items on 1-6, 5-6 is pretty far keys to press for me. Also, maybe these settings have more problems which I just didn't notice?

    p.s. Sorry for mistakes in advance, I'm non-native Eng speaker.

    submitted by /u/Theio666
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