• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    League of Legends Kind reminder: while we are all talking about western GOAT Caps, this is the FOURTH Worlds Semis for Jankos in last 5 years. Second player to achieve it after ... Faker

    League of Legends Kind reminder: while we are all talking about western GOAT Caps, this is the FOURTH Worlds Semis for Jankos in last 5 years. Second player to achieve it after ... Faker

    Kind reminder: while we are all talking about western GOAT Caps, this is the FOURTH Worlds Semis for Jankos in last 5 years. Second player to achieve it after ... Faker

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    For those who young enough: Jankos played with H2K in 2016 when they reached worlds semifinals.

    I am not sure that I checked everyone correctly but my homework says that only Faker have the same achievement with reaching Semis in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017 (yes, basically he makes finals, but still counts). Bengi missed 2017. Bang and Wolf was not here at 2013. Uzi make it 2013, 2014 and 2017. Deft makes like 4 quarters and 1 semi. Who else I might forget?

    submitted by /u/ZloiAris
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    I just reached [x rank] and I couldn't be happier.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    I've been playing league for [x years] now, mostly playing [x lane] and sometimes [other lane]. I know that this isn't a huge achievement compared to everyone else on this subreddit, but my [chronic illness/lack of time] has made it quite hard for me. However, finally after all these years I was able to reach [x rank], after just over [x number of games].

    I have no friends who play league, so I just wanted to share this with you guys because I'm super proud of myself and reaching [x rank] has been my goal for [long period of time], but most people I know wouldn't really care. Thanks for reading, love y'all. :)

    submitted by /u/Byepolarpolarbear
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    URF is just lovely

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    i miss snow map sooo much

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    i was watching a a video about some best plays and i saw the snow map how MUCH I MISS IT how much it was soo good i hope so much that they bring it back since they didnt last year it brings so much nostalgia

    submitted by /u/Fr3nkl12
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    Profile of Damwon's Playstyle

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    I wanted to make this post mostly because I've seen a few fans comment that Damwon seems to play LPL-style or safe Korean macro or a bunch of different things that, in my opinion, are just mischaracterizing. I also believe that most of the subreddit, given that reddit is mostly a western media site to begin with, does not watch much LCK, so I wanted to give a brief overview for people who might not have been able to catch most of their games.

    Here is my thesis:

    Damwon's identity as a team is that they play team compositions in absolute textbook style.

    • They do not play for any particular tempo, win condition, or timing, rather they rely on fundamentals to win. This is not to say Damwon is some infallible monolith of perfect play - rather, Damwon plays by very simple rules
      • If Damwon drafts an early game team composition that is top-centric, e.g. Renekton-Nidalee, Camille-Nidalee-TF, they will look for a dive pre-10 minutes on the Renekton lane, likely with an 8 minute Herald take off their solo lane priority, and look to accelerate Renekton and crack him out of lane. Recent example games
        • DRX vs DWG - Game 2 LCK Summer Finals
          At precisely around 8 minutes on the clock, you see both of Damwon's solo laners begin to aggressively push their lane opponents in. Beryl moves to mid lane to ensure that Jayce cannot take any aggressive stance, Nidalee begins to solo Herald from the solo priority she has. This is transitioned into a top lane dive threat on Volibear and ultimately a first brick take
        • DRX vs DWG - Game 3 LCK Summer Finals
          Exact same setup. Beryl begins moving into mid lanes, solo lanes push, Nidalee takes Herald.
          Damwon sees DRX take the Dragon, Canyon moves for a top lane dive. Kill converts, first brick is taken
        • DWG vs DRX - Worlds Quarterfinals Game 1
          5 man pull for the Herald which devolves into a winning teamfight for Damwon. Herald is originally intended to be used top but DRX rotates to stop
          DWG is not willing to take the 2v2 so they compromise for a lackluster Herald summon mid lane where it does not even crash.
        • DWG vs RGE - Worlds Groups Day 2
          Beryl rotates for Herald as Pantheon. DWG actually intends to drop Herald mid here for Sylas (as accelerating Lulu is much less consequential):
          but good rotation from Rogue prevents this from succeeding. Instead, they opt for plan B, which is still just crack Nuguri out of top
        • DWG vs JDG - Groups Day 1
          Damwon does the Herald a bit later on this one due to timings (they took Dragon off bot priority earlier but took longer to rotate. But still the same set play. An early Herald take into:
          A play top side to crack Nuguri out of lane. Obviously this doesn't work, but it's still the same play they make against DRX
        • DWG vs PSG - Groups Day 3
          Early Herald take, 4 man pull. Canyon drops Herald mid because top lane has been heavily focused by PSG and Damwon is unsure if Nuguri is accelerated enough to be worth funneling gold into and because they cannot find proper footing to make a play happen
        • DWG vs JDG - Groups Day 6
          Same play again. Notice Alistar has begun moving towards Herald again. In this game, the Camille is ahead so they look for a reset timing to try to crack Sett out.
        • In all of these games, the early leads accrued off rotational play around objectives like plates and early towers usually lead to a massive snowball in gold advantage. In many of these games, the snowball is relatively bloodless. Damwon is not really a "skirmishing" team, they're much more map-based and macro-based. Not every team that plays for "early-game" plays for massive fights or 3v3s or skirmishes. in Damwon's case, most of their early game drafts are centered around top side objective control in turrets, heralds, plates, and the rare kill. This isnt to say they aren't good at skirmishing or don't skirmish at all - just that they oft don't do so if a lead can be accrued without the risk that an early fight brings.
        • It's important to note that every single one of these drafts from Damwon are playing around a strong 3-man core on the top side of the map and are drafting early-mid game team compositions.
      • If Damwon drafts a mid/late-game front-to-back teamfight comp, they obviously do not do this. In general, when Damwon plays scaling comps, they play relatively anemic early games that feature incredibly low risk. They give objectives until they hit proper key item spikes to blow the game open in one teamfight. This does not mean they do nothing, they do take what objectives you give them for free, but in general, when Damwon plays scaling, they play to scale. Example games:
      • This isn't to say Damwon does anything particularly special. In fact, Damwon, if I had to describe it, does the least special things of any team at the tournament. If you had to write a manual on expectations for what a draft should do Damwon, tries to play that manual out.
        • There are obviously exceptions. The primary caveat to this is that Damwon will play around Canyon over the rulebook. This sometimes leads to disaster:
        • Canyon really wants a red buff (DRX vs DWG LCK Summer Finals Game 2)
          In fairness this one can be interpreted still as a the textbook play cause they see Lillia top, but he doesn't have appropriate priority in the mid-lane for this
        • Canyon really wants a red buff part 2 electric boogaloo (DRX vs DWG Quarterfinals Game 2):

    The main takeaway I want to give you guys on the Damwon style is this: Damwon plays the game to the pace that matches their team comp. They are one of the most rigid teams when it comes to playstyle at the tournament. Draft is probably one of the most fundamental important parts about Damwon, because their draft entirely dictates the way they play a game. In essence, Damwon drafts a team with a clear picture of how they want the game to progress. Their drafts are almost always built around a particular theme and they execute said theme.

    If we look at their one loss to JDG, they drafted an early game team comp, failed to create the leads created in all the example gives I gave (in part due to their normal rotations critically failing thanks to crafty map play out of JDG), and were forced to teamfight their way out of the hole. It is important to note that even in that losing game, once Damwon got behind, they still continued to try to force as many teamfights as possible through the early-mid game because they knew their comp was one forced to accelerate. Their team comp was a brawly mid-game team fight comp that excelled at securing objectives in Kalista. And even in the losing situation, that is exactly how they played said team comp (they even got Dragon Soul).

    Damwon does not play LPL League of Legends, or LEC League of Legends, they just play good fundamental League of Legends. Now you guys might be saying:

    "But /u/TormentedLoL, aren't you just jacking off to the Korean team now? Don't all good teams just play good League of Legends? Aren't you just painting Damwon as this unbeatable monolith that plays their compositions perfectly."

    And I'd say

    1. Yes, but most have their own particular identities about how they want to play. If you look at how Suning plays, I'd say most of the times they don't execute specific drafts in a set playstyle
    2. The weakness of this playstyle is incredibly obvious. I'm not trying to set up Damwon to be unbeatable. In fact, I think Damwon's largest liability, is precisely in the fact that you should be able to guess at exactly how they want to play the map the moment draft ends - maybe even halfway through draft.

    Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you guys found this insightful.

    submitted by /u/TormentedLoL
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    The addition of Smurf Queue has greatly improved the quality of my games as a hardstuck Plat player.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I've been hovering in Plat for multiple seasons now, never reaching Diamond. Before recently, it felt like every other game had a level 30-40 with a 75%+ winrate with under 50 games, and their play usually determined the outcome of the game.

    Now when I OPGG my games, it seems like 90% of my games are full of people around my rank with 200+ games played this season.

    Games are still stompy because it's just how the game / meta is currently, but the overall quality of my games and people in them has definitely improved a lot since smurf queue came into play.

    Just wanted to post this to counter all the people complaining about getting into smurf queue, and thank Riot for actually doing something about the "smurfing problem".

    submitted by /u/Taylor1350
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    14 months and 11 days ago, we were told that Riot would not be satisfied if Pantheon ended up a support after his rework. How far we've fallen.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    "We won't be satisfied if he ends up a support"

    From Mark Yetter's twitter. I know he is finally getting "changes" to make him more viable in solo lane, but it took well over a year for them to even approach this idea despite feedback on Pantheon players that wanted him back in top and jungle.

    submitted by /u/UngaBungaRegion
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    Patch 10.22 Preview [Full Changes]

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    A follow up from the previous post yesterday

    This post is WIP, check the Twitter post or the image i uploaded for the full change list

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the patch 10.22 preview with the full changes.

    10.22 Patch Preview with full changes. Not 100% locked but pretty close.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/c1TyaHc.png

    >>> Nerfs <<<



    • Damage: 50-130 >>> 45-125

    Lulu Top


    • Damage: 80-260 >>> 80-220


    Base stats

    • AD: 59 >>> 57

    • Armor: 28 >>> 26



    • Damage: 70-170 >>> 70-150

    >>> Buffs <<<


    Base stats

    • Attack speed per lvl: 3.3 >>> 3.9%



    • Mana cost: 70 >>> 50

    • Base damage: 40-120; 50-130

    • Delayed damage: 70-230 >>> 80-240



    • Short range damage: 100-150 >>> 125-175

    • Long range damage (and delayed explosion): 150-350 >>> 200-400



    • Bonus resists: 15-55 >>> 40-70

    • No longer gains 1-3 resistance per second



    • Explosion damage: 12-16% (1.5% per 100 AP) >>> 10-14% (2% per 100 AP)


    • [NEW] Always spreads to nearby enemies

    • Spread range: 375 >>> 300

    • Blaze effect doubles spread range to 600


    • [NEW] Can now bounce to Brand

    >>> Champ Adjustments <<<



    • Damage reduction >>> 40-240 (+40% AP) shield for 3 seconds

    • Mana cost: 20 >>> 40

    • [NEW] Can now be cast on self or ally within 800 range



    • Fires: 9 >>> 7-11 arrows (by rank)



    • Traps deal full damage immeditely instead of over 1.5 seconds
    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    My small 1v5 Aatrox Outplay in Ranked :) Hope u like it!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    (Eng Sub) IG Rookie's Prediction on G2 vs DWG

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Don't forget to claim the 2020 Refund Token!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Not sure who needs to see this, but don't forget to claim your refund token here. I didn't realize there was one available to claim, so I wanted to share it with everyone just in case anyone didn't grab theirs! ^^

    submitted by /u/Arashiiko
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    Why is remake not available on ARAM?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    I get ARAM is a 'fun & casual' game mode but when there are people that afk or never connect at the start of the game it just leaves a bad experience. Summoner's Rift has the option why cant ARAM have that too?

    submitted by /u/Bamfist
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    10/20 PBE Update: Loot Assets & Tentative Balance Changes

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    J Team is acquiring eStar's LPL slot.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    Reapered breaks down GEN's drafts in 0-3 loss to G2: "I felt that they had only one pattern to win and were far from the meta. It was as if they were an old stubborn hermit from the countryside, insisting that LoL’s a teamfight game."

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Is Blitzcrank a bracken?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    As some of you may or may not know. The key to blitzcrank's sentience is a hextech crystal that was implanted in them by Viktor. I wonder if the consciousness was implanted along with the crystal, or something else happened.

    Let me know what you think? Is Blitzcrank actually a bracken consciousness trapped in the body of a golem?

    submitted by /u/Kiwidul
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    What a BANGER! | Fnatic Voice Comms - Worlds Quarterfinal (FNC vs TES)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Latest K/DA skin adjustments, including Kai'Sa now getting a BADDEST chroma for the December event

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Producers of the latest K/DA skins released an adjustment list for them. Included in this is the news that Kai'Sa will eventually get a BADDEST chroma after she was previously left out of getting one due to receiving a prestige skin instead.

    The chroma will not be ready for the current Worlds event and instead will be available during the next event in December

    Other changes include a more natural idle animation for Ahri, Evelynn VFX, and Bao's eyes have been changed so that Bao actually looks like a cat now

    submitted by /u/Straiteis
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    IF EU can make such a showing in last 3-4 years, can NA take a leap of faith with young talent to revive their presence at international competitions also in maybe 3-4 years

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Hope NA fans and owners don't resign to fate " we just suck " " we did all we could, this is best NA can achieve". Maybe importing is not the answer ( except the coaching probably) ..I think NA needs it's young talent to feel they should be grinding and that they can be pros and not sit on benches till they are 23-24, improve the solo queue ping experience.

    submitted by /u/FanInPain
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    This is why you don't flash your mastery before you go in.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    [Data] The most hated champions are Samira, Darius, and Morgana. The most liked champions are Jhin, Ezreal, and Ashe. Here is the math (and the full list).

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    TL;DR I trained a machine learning model to figure out which champions are banned more than their performance and popularity deserves. The top 5 most over-banned/hated champions are Samira, Darius, Morgana, Zed, and Yone. The bottom 5 are Jhin, Ezreal, Ashe, Kaisa, and Thresh.

    The process:

    • Data taken is for Plat+, global player-base, patch 10.21. Data is collected from lolalytics.com.
    • For each champion, we record their pick-rate, ban-rate, and win-rate.
    • We train a multivariate linear regression model with the data. The model is trained such that it tries to predict the ban-rate as a function of the win-rate and play-rate of a champion.
      • Actually, ban-rate and play-rate are log'd first, then put into the regression model.
    • For each champion, the model will predict a ban-rate based on their win/play rates. We take the difference between the predict ban-rate and the actual ban-rate. If the actual ban-rate is significantly higher, it indicates that a champion is being banned more than their stats deserve.
      • I admit this method has its weaknesses; i.e. it assumes that the relationship between the different variables are in fact linear. Upon inspection, ban-rate does appear to be a linear function of pick-rate. However, it is difficult to say exactly whether ban-rate is a linear function of win-rate, since the relationship between the two is surprisingly weak to begin with.
      • Another concern is whether the win-rate and play-rate are correlated with each other, since you ideally want independent features for multivariate regression. Win-rate and play-rate are in fact not correlated with each other (p-value=0.92).

    Champions towards the top of the list are widely hated, with ban-rates significantly higher than their play-rate and win-rates would justify. Champions at the bottom are they opposite: They tend to be popular, yet have ban-rates much lower than normal for their pick-rate and win-rate. Champions at the middle aren't really liked or disliked; people are generally ambivalent about them.

    Below is the complete list of ([actual ban rate] - [predicted ban rate]) values for each champion.

     Samira:63.05 Darius:33.33 Morgana:29.93 Zed:29.23 Yone:23.49 Yasuo:21.41 Evelynn:20.76 Hecarim:19.83 Akali:19.35 Pantheon:16.32 Kassadin:16.17 Yuumi:13.39 Lillia:10.77 Master Yi:9.90 Renekton:8.57 Lulu:8.21 Vladimir:8.01 Irelia:7.41 Lucian:7.26 Blitzcrank:7.19 Fizz:6.98 Fiora:6.08 Karthus:6.04 Nautilus:6.00 Ekko:5.96 Graves:5.83 Caitlyn:5.01 Elise:4.92 Jax:4.79 LeBlanc:4.59 Sylas:3.96 Rammus:3.83 Leona:3.67 Shaco:3.65 Mordekaiser:3.25 Kha'Zix:3.00 Fiddlesticks:2.95 Rengar:2.64 Katarina:2.40 Sett:2.31 Malphite:2.26 Garen:2.25 Illaoi:2.11 Pyke:1.96 Zoe:1.95 Malzahar:1.90 Volibear:1.65 Olaf:1.64 Tryndamere:1.64 Nidalee:1.62 Cassiopeia:1.53 Quinn:1.41 Diana:1.29 Teemo:1.24 Draven:1.04 Nasus:0.97 Talon:0.93 Rek'Sai:0.85 Urgot:0.81 Nocturne:0.75 Zac:0.75 Swain:0.73 Vayne:0.62 Brand:0.61 Kled:0.42 Heimerdinger:0.26 Yorick:0.23 Tahm Kench:0.23 Kayn:0.23 Aatrox:0.21 Dr. Mundo:0.18 Nunu:0.16 Qiyana:0.14 Jayce:0.13 Xerath:0.09 Gangplank:0.08 Trundle:0.07 Poppy:0.03 Anivia:0.03 Taliyah:0.02 Lissandra:0.01 Rumble:0.00 Syndra:-0.01 Ivern:-0.03 Neeko:-0.04 Azir:-0.06 Aurelion Sol:-0.08 Maokai:-0.09 Cho'Gath:-0.09 Vel'Koz:-0.10 Kog'Maw:-0.11 Taric:-0.11 Corki:-0.12 Veigar:-0.12 Zyra:-0.14 Shyvana:-0.14 Varus:-0.15 Kennen:-0.15 Wukong:-0.16 Skarner:-0.17 Gnar:-0.17 Kalista:-0.18 Sejuani:-0.20 Ziggs:-0.20 Udyr:-0.24 Amumu:-0.31 Gragas:-0.34 Viktor:-0.34 Annie:-0.35 Galio:-0.40 Zilean:-0.42 Warwick:-0.43 Aphelios:-0.45 Xin Zhao:-0.45 Sivir:-0.51 Singed:-0.52 Xayah:-0.53 Senna:-0.57 Braum:-0.61 Kayle:-0.64 Ryze:-0.64 Sona:-0.71 Camille:-0.79 Jarvan IV:-0.82 Shen:-0.94 Tristana:-1.00 Kindred:-1.03 Twitch:-1.06 Sion:-1.07 Riven:-1.11 Ornn:-1.36 Vi:-1.38 Twisted Fate:-1.71 Soraka:-2.15 Rakan:-2.29 Ahri:-2.31 Karma:-2.44 Alistar:-2.64 Nami:-2.71 Lux:-2.96 Bard:-3.00 Jinx:-3.35 Janna:-4.85 Lee Sin:-5.79 Miss Fortune:-5.93 Orianna:-6.12 Thresh:-9.45 Kai'Sa:-10.87 Ashe:-17.44 Ezreal:-25.13 Jhin:-35.18 
    submitted by /u/Swyft135
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    URF tank spellvamp tenacity nimbus cloak Karma vs AP nunu Part 1

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Summoner's Rift easter eggs in Shanghai

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    The Scorpion King gets a Pentakill ft. Ovilee

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:10 AM PDT

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