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    Sunday, November 15, 2020

    League of Legends 2020 LCS and LEC Roster Rumors/Changes Megathread

    League of Legends 2020 LCS and LEC Roster Rumors/Changes Megathread

    2020 LCS and LEC Roster Rumors/Changes Megathread

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Live thread is, well, live: https://www.reddit.com/live/15zhm45icd8nl/

    Ladies and Gentlemen...welcome...to Roster-mania!

    Here is a resource for all the teams, their rosters, and their coaches. I will update this continually throughout the next few days/weeks/whatever. Please feel free to correct the information in this post if you see something wrong and if I miss any updates.

    READ THIS FIRST: This megathread is meant to be a central hub for roster change news as well as general discussion surrounding roster changes.

    You can also discuss all of these things over in /r/lolesports or #esports on our discord server.

    I will only include information from journalists, teams themselves, and information within Riot's contract database. Click on the name for link confirmation. Players with no link have a contract according to the Riot Contract Database.

    ★ = Confirmed

    TSM Impact / Dhokla Spica / Winston PowerofEvil / Evolved Doublelift / Lost Biofrost Bjergsen★ / Peter Zhang
    C9 Fudge★ Blaber Perkz / Palafox Zven / K1ng / Tomo Vulcan / Diamond Reignover★ / Mithy / Westrice
    TL Alphari / Jenkins Santorin / Grig Jensen★ Tactical CoreJJ / Rhino Jatt★ / Kold★ / Yaltz★ / Spawn★
    100T Ssumday / Tenacity Closer / Contractz / Kenvi Ryoma FBI Huhi / Poome / Breezyyy Zikz
    GGS Ablazeolive Inero / ChuChuZ / Raz
    FLY Solo / Revenge Fanatiik Triple WildTurtle Big
    EG Huni Svenskeren / AnDa Jiizuke / Giyuu Johnsun IgNar / Matt Peter Dun★ / Artemis / Timkiro
    DIG Lourlo Dardoch★ / Akaadian Damonte / Froggen / Fenix Neo Aphromoo Invert
    CLG Finn / Deus Broxah / Fragas Pobelter Deftly / Stixxay / Wind Smoothie / Fill Moon
    IMT Xerxe / Potluck★ Insanity★ Raes / Apollo Isles / Hakuho Guilhoto★ / Malaclypse★ / Jensen Goh★

    G2 Wunder Jankos Caps Mikyx GrabbZ
    FNC Bwipo Selfmade Nisqy Rekkles Hylissang YamatoCannon / Tolki
    XL Kryze Dan Czekolad Patrik Tore Youngbuck
    MSF Agresivoo Razork Vetheo Kobbe Vander / Denyk Hatchy / Enatron
    AST WhiteKnight Zanzarah Nukeduck Jeskla Promisq AoD★ / iHansen★
    RGE Odoamne Inspired Larssen Hans Sama Trymbi fredy122 / Blumigan
    S04 Gilius★ Abbedagge★ Dylan Falco★
    MAD Armut Elyoya Humanoid Carzzy Kaiser Mac
    SK Jenax TynX Blue Jezu Jesiz
    VIT Szygenda Skeanz Milica Labrov Duke


    Includes players looking for opportunities or expiring contracts

    LCS & LEC

    FakeGod Hard Goldenglue Mash Chime
    Kumo Soligo Prismal Treatz
    ZionSpartan Inori Yusui Keith Zeyzal
    V1per Wiggily Tuesday Altec Gate
    Ruin 5fire Rikara Stunt
    Broken Blade Cody Sun JayJ
    Licorice Bang
    Allorim Gorica
    Hauntzer Sneaky
    Dan Dan Mowgli Special Woolite Destiny
    Orome Trick LIDER Neon Doss
    Cabochard Kadir MagiFelix FORG1VEN
    Th3Antonio Kirei Diplex Comp Dreams
    SmittyJ Shad0w Sertuss P1noy LIMIT
    Memento Xico YellOwStaR
    Obsess Febiven Crownshot kaSing
    Lurox ZaZee Innaxe Jactroll
    Nemesis Attila Targamas


    LCK & LPL

    Doran Dread Naehyun Deft Secret Langx Kanavi Xiye Light Mark
    Nuguri Spirit Dove Aiming Jelly Flandre SofM Teacherma Kramer Five
    SoHwan Flawless Mickey Hybrid Life Gimgoon Xx Scout LokeN SwordArT
    ikksu Pyosik Kuro Route Hoit 705 Zeka Smlz QiuQiu
    Flame bonO Chovy Viper TusiN chenlun17 Maple Y4 Meiko
    CuVee Haru Cover Nuclear BeryL Lies Jinjiao
    Mireu Mystic GorillA ADD Duan
    Keria Morgan Fate
    Lehends Poss

    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    The best first blood I've ever got

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 07:42 AM PST

    Jacob Wolf: Sources: @FNATIC are expected to complete an one-year contract extension with support @FNCHylissang

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:51 PM PST


    "Sources: @FNATIC are expected to complete an one-year contract extension with support @FNCHylissang, marking his return to the team after an impressive #Worlds2020 performance.

    Now the big elephant in the room for Fnatic: re-signing Rekkles, who will become a free agent Monday."

    This confirms that Hylissang is staying and with the verbal agreement on Nisqy, Fnatic is just waiting for a decision on Rekkles and their ADC position to finalize their roster for 2021.

    submitted by /u/carrixcake
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    Bwipo "will be staying with Fnatic 99%"

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Travis Gafford: 100T Closer and FBI, verbal agreement

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:47 PM PST


    Sources: Golden Guardians and 100t have verbally agreed to transfer the contracts of Closer and FBI when the trade window opens tomorrow.

    Travis who previously provided a video telling these rumors

    New 100Thieves Roster:

    • Ssumday

    • Closer

    • ??? -> Palafox?

    • FBI

    • Huhi? / Poome

    Contractz out to where?

    submitted by /u/axw30
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    Esportmaniacos: IgNar will join Evil Geniuses

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Who says season 11 is an assassin meta? 5 bami items taking baron without touching it.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:04 AM PST

    @Astralisgg will pick up four players from the European Regional Leagues for their #LEC roster: @WhiteKnight108 , @Zanzarahlol , @Jesklaa and @promisqxd

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:14 AM PST


    @Astralisgg will pick up four players from the European Regional Leagues for their #LEC roster: @WhiteKnight108 , @Zanzarahlol , @Jesklaa and @promisqxd , sources told me.

    @Esportmaniacos first reported Zanzarah, Jeskla and Promisq. The four players will join @Nukeduck .

    submitted by /u/Aromatic_Reindeer
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    Baron clip got stolen from me, here's our tank sunfire team killing the enemy by just sitting on them

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:56 AM PST

    A brief summary of Crit this Preseason

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 09:09 AM PST

    • Crit dmg without IE? Lower
    • Crit dmg with IE? Lower
    • Crit chance per item? Lower
    • AD in crit items? Lower (10-30 AD lower per item)
    • Price of crit items? Higher

    When Riot said they wanted ADCs to have better earlygame options to compete with the other roles, I didn't know they were literally lying and planning a systemic NERF of EVERYTHING crit-related across the board. Not to mention all other carry roles have become way more bursty with their new toys.

    Wait, it's all 8.11?

    Always has been.

    submitted by /u/Jandromon
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    Why would they take away Adaptive Helm when they buffed Liandry's and created Demonic Embrace

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:36 AM PST

    What sense does that make? Adaptive Helm was for burn champs and in most cases AP champs built Liandrys later if at all because it didnt have synergy with everyone. The only champs that built Liandry's were burn champs like Malz/Brand/Zyra and champs like Shaco who could get the get synergy out of it. Now they removed that synergy so anyone can build it then gave it a MR shredding passive


    added Demonic Embrace which not only has a percent health burn but gives resists and health. Now all this would be fine if Adaptive Helm was still in the game.

    submitted by /u/ParadisePrime
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    Shroud asks Tyler1 to teach him League

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:39 PM PST

    Amumu has been able to solo baron at 20 minutes with two items for at least a year. As an Amumu main, this worries me.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:11 AM PST

    Hey guys. So as you undoubtedly have seen there is quite a trend with Amumu players soloing baron this preseason on spawn. However, this is not exactly a new phenomenon.

    Especially when taking Ravenous Hunter, I have been able to do it all year as long as I have three or four Ravenous stacks down. Usually the build is Aftershock with Domination secondaries, and I will take Cinderhulk and Liandry's. Usually there's also a Dark Seal with a few stacks too, but I don't know if a Dark Seal really counts as an item.

    Anyway, so long as you have at least two points on W and three or four Ravenous stacks, all it took was Cinderhulk and Liandry's to 20 minute solo baron.

    The W needs nerfed. I hate to say it as an Amumu main, but it is the only way.

    The end.

    EDIT: After much consideration, the W does not need nerfed. The baron needs buffed.

    submitted by /u/EFTurkeyHead
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    Jacob Wolf: @SKGaming will sign former LDLC jungler @TynXlol, ex-@FBespor mid laner @BlueEG7 and former @MisfitsGG Premier AD carry @Jezu_lol, sources told me. @Esportmaniacos first.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:13 PM PST


    "@SKGaming will sign former LDLC jungler @TynXlol, ex-@FBespor mid laner @BlueEG7 and former @MisfitsGG Premier AD carry @Jezu_lol, sources told me. @Esportmaniacos first."

    Lots of changes for SK Gaming this offseason after a sixth place summer #LEC finish."

    Jacob Wolf confirms Esportmaniacos on SK signing Tynx (jungle), Blue (mid), and Jezu (ADC) onto their roster for 2021

    submitted by /u/carrixcake
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    TheBausffs clash with MikyXD, Nemesis, Crownshot and Elite500

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:29 PM PST

    ADC issues in preseason summarized by Masters-GM player (EUW)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Some information about my total experience on the role: I play on EUW since Season 1, have been Master tier + the last 3 Seasons, got Masters in s8 GM in s9 and Masters in s10 (almost all of my games played solo).
    Proof: https://prnt.sc/vjo3my https://prnt.sc/vjo3f0 https://prnt.sc/vjo463 https://prnt.sc/vjo3v4

    It is extremely tiring to see that Riot decided to nerf every single aspect of standard crit builds just for the promise of increased versatility. The items are excessively expensive for the stats they provide. 2.9k gold for a 40 AD item (Essence Reaver) with a very underwhelming form of spellblade (compared to Lichbane for ex.), Lord Dominiks providing 30 AD for 2.9k gold, etc. etc.

    The Mythics themselves have many flaws, Krakenslayer not interacting with onhit steroids like Guinsoo's, Shieldbow mythic passive being completely useless (+50 hp +5 AD is underwhelming compared to other Mythic passives). Galeforce mythic passive is a non factor with the mobility creep thats been introduced (for ex. Prowlers Claw and Chemtank) whilst the CD of the item doesnt even benefit from ability haste (meanwhile a vastly stronger Mythic called Goredrinker scales down with AH).

    On top of this, they decided to reduce crit damage by 25% flat, aswell as reducing crit chance and making earlier powerspikes SIGNIFICANTLY worse than previously. Botlanes EXP deficit is still not being addressed, solo kill EXP makes it so that winning topsides have 3-4 level leads on neutral botlanes while also having better itemization since Season 8. Every single level lead accounts for 500 gold of raw base stats, excluding the worth of higher ability levels. Lopsided balancing like this creates huge disparities between roles and creates more frustration, not just for ADC but everyone else involved. Playing Support for lane leads means nothing if the ADC you're funneling gold into is made completely useless by traditional counter classes whilst also getting countered by the classes they're supposed to fare well against (Bruisers and Tanks).

    If you increase damage on other classes, the class, which solely exists for dealing consistent damage, should at the very least receive similar damage creep and be in the "Top 3" damage wise across all classes.

    The reasons why ADC hasnt been dropped yet on botlane by high level players is because it provides better early game lane control (you outclass most Mages pre first reset) and because of players experience on the class itself. The EXP issue is also preventing Mages to fully strive on botlane. If you believe that sololane statistics of ADC, specifically Lucian mid, are justifications for the class being balanced, then lets look at the statistics: on EUW in Masters + the champion has had a negative winrate in Season 10 with a 45% winrate over 4 patches+ despite having highest pickrate. https://prnt.sc/vjo7t5

    The reason for Lucians competitive viability goes in line with something I have mentioned earlier: early game lane control. Season 10 Midlane meta was all about providing control for junglers (river control), which Lucian facilitated. Orianna being the strongest control mage post Syndras early game nerfs, and Lucian being one of her strongest counters, exacerbated this issue. My biggest problem is the inconsistency between Riots intentions (increase early game spikes and agency for marksmen while reducing late game power and it not reflecting in the changes). I hope this issue can finally be addressed as its been progressively getting worse.

    submitted by /u/GGWPBALANCED
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    Part 3 (Final) - Dopa reveals his secrets after his last season

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:37 AM PST

    Before the translation

    This post is a translation of a video that Dopa put up on his youtube channel.

    video link

    It's the continuation of a different video, and I've translated the previous video and divided it into 2 different posts. I would recommend reading those first if you haven't read them already.

    post #1 post #2

    A rough translation of this video already exists on Reddit, but I thought that I would be able to add a bit more nuance to what he says, and show the connections between what he's saying and why he's saying it.

    This video is a bit different from the previous ones in that there isn't one underlying idea behind what Dopa says. He talks about whatever comes to mind, but the topics are still a bit connected.

    Coaches, Head Coaches, and drafting

    (TL's note: I want to clarify something. The eastern coaching system may be a bit different from the west, in that the roles of a 'Head coach'(감독) and a 'Coach'(코치) are a bit different. I couldn't find better terms in English, so that's how I decided to translate it. 'Head Coach' could also be translated into 'director' or 'Supervisor', but I thought that "Head Coach' would be more appropriate.)

    I've often thought about drafts while watching pro games, and have a lot to say about it. Before I start, there's something I want to say just in case you get the wrong idea about my opinions. As many of you know, I am close friends with Cvmax(DRX coach at the time of posting). None of what I am about to say comes from him, and to be honest we don't even talk about anything League related. Most coaches and head coaches won't like what I'm about to say, so I'm just trying to make sure that you guys realize this has nothing to do with him.

    Just as people have fantasies regarding pro players, people also seem to have fantasies about what coaches do. I personally think that Head coaches and Coaches aren't the ones responsible for drafts. In other words, to say it badly, I don't think that Coaches and Head Coaches are very useful when doing in game drafts.

    I personally can't understand the concept of being taught League by a diamond or master player. If I was a pro, and some guy came to me and said "Qiyana is pretty OP these days. Why don't you practice Qiyana?" I would obviously say yes, but would that mean I actually took his advice to heart? I don't think so. From my perspective, I can't fathom how a player would truly be able to take that advice. Despite that, all teams seem to need a coach and head coach, and most players seem to agree on that. So why would teams need them?

    My conclusion was that the Head coach is a kind of manager, and that coaches are people who take various opinions and merge them together. League of Legends are in their teens or twenties, so many of them aren't very mature. They might not want to get out of bed, or they might not want to practice with the team. The head coach is the guy who solves all these problems. He makes them scrim at certain times, and forces them to practice when they should. He manages their lives. He uses his authority to keep the team running smoothly.

    Coaches are people who take in the opinions of the players and keep them all on the same page. Let's say that the team's top laner thinks that Kalista is OP and only tries to play Kalista all the time. Then the Coach would bring the team together, and prepare his theories behind the game. He'd talk about the bot lane meta, talk about the importance of champion pools, and then suggest to the team that other champions would be needed. The important thing here is that he can only 'suggest' his opinion. Then the players would talk about it, and in the end they would all be on the same page. If the coach wasn't there, then the players wouldn't come to the same conclusion as often. A coach is there to stop in-game conflict between players who all have their own opinion.

    Before teams go to play in tournaments, they should all have the same set of 'concepts'. Through the Coach, they should all have the same understanding of how to play out the game. Whatever happens in-game, there's nothing the Coaches can do to help. If the opponent brings out a sudden joker pick that nobody was expecting, it's up to the players to play the game out. The coach might remind players of things that they may have forgotten, but as far as I can tell, players should be in charge of the general flow of the draft.

    Of course, I'm not saying that Coaches and Head Coaches are unimportant. Being able to keep the team functioning smoothly and making sure that all of the players are using the same set on Concepts is important to making a strong team. I'm just saying that Coaches and Head Coaches are not people who have a powerful effect on in-game results. Then again, I've never been a pro, and I've never received feedback before, so I have no idea how coaching actually works.

    Do you guys know the clip from 2016 World's Semis where Kkoma says "I know that we didn't lose because of the MF pick, just like you guys, but I'm going to ban it anyways"? That's a game where Bang and Wolf were too stubborn to admit that they lost because of MF support, so Kkoma used his authority to override their opinions and banned MF anyways. That's the kind of authority Kkoma had. That resulted in them winning worlds that year. So there may be cases where coaching is impactful.

    3 in a row

    There are many games where teams use the same champion 3 times in a row, and the opposing team didn't change their draft. The reason they keep the draft the same is because they think that the loss was due to in game mistakes, and that the draft was perfectly reasonable. While it may be true that mistakes lost them the game, I personally think that according to the Attention theory, the losing team also had a higher chance of making mistakes. The team that won will just play the same, and they won't make mistakes. The team that lost, however, will start to question the pick, which leads to a loss of attention. So why don't they change their draft? It's because they don't think about attention in the same way that I do. Their understanding of the game is different from mine. Isn't that interesting? It shows how unique each person's 'world view' is. Learning about someone's world view and their 'Concepts' is like reading a fun novel.

    On that note, I think that competitions are a direct challenge between different Concepts. Each player has their own set of Concepts that they use to build their own world view. The teams that won Worlds all had concepts that were different from those of other World's teams. At that level, I think that the difference in execution becomes somewhat minimal, as all players are of a certain caliber. The much bigger difference is in how they understand the game. Luck also plays a big role in Worlds because of the curse of mastery. If the champions that you excel at are meta, then you have an advantage over the competition. If your playstyle fits the meta, then you have a much higher chance to win. Pro players can't just change their playstyle according to the meta, so you have to be lucky enough to be in a meta where you can shine.

    Achieving rank 1 8 seasons in a row

    As you guys probably know, I've held the rank 1 spot at least once for the last 8 seasons. As time progresses, I can feel that I'm not as good as I used to be. Back in season 3 and 4, I could hit rank 1 on command anytime I felt like doing so. It took me 3 weeks in season 5, 4 weeks in season 6, 6 weeks in season 7, and 8 weeks in season 8. In season 9, I was rank 1 at the beginning of the season, so it's hard to give an exact estimate on how long it would have taken me, so we'll skip that. This season, it took me 3 months to finally reclaim rank 1. You can see that it's taking me longer and longer every time, and that's because I'm not good enough anymore. I don't deserve rank 1, but I forced myself across the finish line somehow this year.

    This season, I didn't really want to claim rank 1. But I did it again this year because I wanted to make a point. I believe that solo queue rank and actual skill level aren't closely related. As long as you utilize all kinds of tricks, such as dodging, you can inflate your LP way above where you should be. If I said that without actually getting rank 1, it would sound like an excuse, so I got rank 1 one last time in order to prove my point.

    Advice to aspiring players

    When I was younger, I wasn't perfectly aware of how high my level was. That applies to other players as well. Younger players sometimes aren't aware of their value, so they constantly get paid less than they're worth. Older players are paid more because of their reputation, but that doesn't always mean that they're better. I'm getting worse with time, but my value always seems to rising. If you are a young player, make sure that you are getting paid enough for your worth.

    Red Queen hypothesis

    I read something the other day that struck me as being similar to my situation. Have you guys heard of the Red Queen hypothesis? It proposes that when species are pitted against other opposing species, they must constantly adapt, evolve, and proliferate in order to survive. They are constantly evolving, yet that evolution only serves to keep them in the same place. If they didn't evolve, they would die off. That's me. I'm constantly evolving and absorbing new concepts, but it only serves to keep me in place. So what is dying off? That's when you get stuck in diamond 2.

    (Starts reading wiki page on The Red Queen hypothesis)The Red Queen hypothesis also states that no species can transcend the other and win the battle singlehandedly as long as they keep on competing against each other. The only thing that they can do is to keep on evolving to maintain balance. It also says that sometimes one species can make a significant advancement. I wonder if I still have it in me to make a significant advancement. I once had this false hope that I could transcend other players and become someone like Flash or Bisu (legendary Starcraft players). They were so much better than others in their prime, and still play the game at a high level today and stream. They are still the best players that play the game. League, however, has too many new players for the old guard to remain at the top without evolving. You can't stay at the top without actively evolving, unlike Starcraft.

    Game settings

    A lot of you guys might think that physical setup doesn't matter much, but that's because you haven't found the perfect setup for your body yet. This is connected to the Attention theory. There are some days when you play well, and others when you play badly. I won't deny that form changes from day to day, but it's not that important. The important thing is who you're playing against. When I play against gold or platinum players, I don't need to obsessively fix my setup. Even if I only use 30 of my attention, and leave the other 70 alone, I can still win easily. But when I match up against opponents like Showmaker, I need all the attention I can muster. And if my mouse feels slightly off, that takes away some of my attention, which I need to play the game. However, if my setup is perfect, I can focus on the game. The stronger the opponent, the more attention I need, and that makes every last bit of it matter. That's why I'm so obsessive over my setup.

    Do you guys want to know about my setup? My desk always has to be perfectly level, and the monitor has to be 47.3cm away from the edge of the desk. I also have some tape at the edge of the desk, and I use stick that tape to the side of my chair to make sure that my chair is in the same position every time. (He continues to talk about his setup obsessively)

    How to find your own perfect mouse sensitivity

    Have you guys tried using aim booster? Personally, I think that the best way to use aim booster isn't to just click all the circles as they come up. If you really want to find the perfect setup, make your aim booster window small. Then, move it to a corner of your screen, and move your mouse to the center of your monitor in between clicks. Repeat this for all 8 directions (Edges and corners), and you'll get a sense of which direction feels uncomfortable to move in. (Time stamp 33:34 if you didn't understand)


    Let me tell you how to check the quality of montages. You don't look at the champion or the skill usage or the reaction speed, but the names of the opponents. You guys have seen a lot of Irelia montages right? Have you ever seen me in any of them? The answer is no. I don't let them style on me like they do to other people. If someone was truly skilled, there would be videos of them styling on players like Chovy and Showmaker. But those montages don't exist. Why? Because good players would never expose themselves in a way that would make those montages possible. Always look at the other player's nickname. There are lots of youtube channels that show master tier players dueling it out in a flashy manner, but those montages are all meaningless. Against better players, that duel wouldn't have happened in the first place.

    In my opinion, the most amazing play in World's history was made by Ambition in the second game of 2017 Worlds finals. Against some of the best players in the World, he managed to hit 3 people with Jarvan's eq combo. He actually also used q twice with one e, and still managed to get them airborne. It's not just that he used his skills perfectly, but that he managed to do it against players of that caliber.

    Random stuff that might be interesting

    - Anyways, see how long it takes me to explain stuff? If I start blaming other people while playing solo queue, just assume that I'm right and stop talking about it. In the rare case that I rant about my teammates, there's a good reason behind it, even if I don't explain it to you guys.

    - Some guy in chat: You once said that Faker established many of the concepts that mid laners use today, can you explain?

    That's a classic example of what I mean when I say that I steal concepts from other people. I was playing against him, and for some reason I kept on losing for some reason. My movements were restrained, and he always seemed to know where I was. I watched the replays, and I learned how his creative ward placement would restrain my movement. So I stole that, changed it a bit to fit my playstyle, and used it to win.

    - These days, the value of a kill is way too high. If the opponent gets a kill, it's not something that you can overcome just by crashing in a few waves. The AD assassin items in S10 were OP because they were cheap compared to the value they gave. Draktharr was broken because you could always tell if the enemy had vision of you. Presence of Mind and Ravenous Hunter were also super OP, so kills were worth much more. (TL note: They were both nerfed. The video was recorded before preseason)

    - If I were to go into the specifics of the Concepts that I have created, it would take at least 10 hours. I don't plan on doing that.

    - If you guys think that some of the stuff that I said contradicts itself, it's probably because most things are situational. Nothing is always true, or always wrong. And I didn't plan this out in advance, so I might babble on at times.

    TL comments: I tried my best to translate what Dopa said without losing the nuance in the process. My translation doesn't cover 100% of the topics that Dopa brought up while he talked, but I believe it covers almost all of the topics that Reddit would be interested in. Thank you for reading these posts!

    submitted by /u/yoonitrop12
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    ARAM needs a remake too.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Just bringing attention to this, it's boring to have a 4v5 in aram just as it is in a normal summoner's rift match.

    Yes it's not a competitive game mode, yes you can win 4v5 and yes aram is just fine without it, but so does normal summoner's rift but it still has remake. (Just quickly going over the "counter arguments" to remake in aram)

    submitted by /u/donaldgrump423
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    The fact that only 4 adcs have a 50%+ winrate in the new season really shows how much they've been screwed over this preseason

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:54 AM PST

    Seriously, if what op.gg says is correct, only 4 champions that are actual marksmen, have a 50+ winrate. And 16 champions have a sub 50% winrate. 16!!

    Only 1/5 marksmen champions actually do well in the new season. That's just insane.

    With the amount of damage that has been introduced, it's almost necessary to buy Shieldbow every game. And even then you're gonna get blown up way too quickly.

    Not only that, but the nerf to crit REALLY had an impact on many adcs. Only dealing 175% damage instead of 200% takes away 1/8 of your damage... That's a lot. And if that wasn't enough, now, if they want 75%+ crit rate, they need 4-5 crit items.

    While adcs might have a smoother power curve, with more options this preseason is fine and all. But the problem is that while adcs got quality of life changes and more options, every single other class has been buffed so much that adcs are completely dwarfed in comparison.

    This might sound like your typical "adc 2021" post, but I honestly think that this time, adcs are just outclassed completely.

    Wanna hear one of the easiest way to tell that adcs are outclassed? Remember when I said that 4 adcs have a 50%+ winrate? Well none of them exceed 54%.

    But what is the storngest champion in the botlane right now you might ask?

    Well currently Swain is sitting at a whopping 60% winrate in botlane.

    That's all you really need to know.

    submitted by /u/TheGronne
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    Baiting out my friend with a fake TP during 4 v 4 inhouse games

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Jacob Wolf sits down with Ashley Kang and discusses everything: His vision for the upcoming Free Agency Show with EG, C9 Perkz and the Licorice domino, how he has maintained an impressive 100% record with roster change news since 2015, the Western team that will make a deep run in 2021 Worlds

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:17 PM PST

    Why does Seraphine spawn with full stacks while a champion like annie, whose stacks work in a similar fashion doesn't?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:12 AM PST

    When I first played Seraphine I was surprised when I got full stacks on level 1, I was also surprised I was spawning ready to go in! I couldn't grasp why that felt so good, but now I know. Going back to Annie feels terrible. Can't contest lvl 1 properly and you basically spawn with cooldowns. My question is why?

    submitted by /u/FranciscusFonsecae
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    The definition of season 11

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Season 11 Dr mundo YEP

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:15 AM PST

    You can now lose gold for farming minions

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:41 PM PST

    You can now lose gold for farming minions

    -3 gold for a melee minion

    -6 gold for a ranged minion

    You can now buy the support item after smiting 5 times making your jungle item disappears. Meaning you can get both the monster hunter and support minion rule for farming too many minions. The support farming penalty is cutting the gold you get from minions by 50-80%. Then monster hunter is reducing that gold by 13 giving you negative gold.

    submitted by /u/RayKey0
    [link] [comments]

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