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    Sunday, November 15, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: November

    LoL Guide Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: November

    Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: November

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:37 AM PST

    If you need help with what roles or champs to play, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools or advice on what roles to play/swap to. Since these threads are only applicable to a single person -- the creator of the posts -- we have created a megathread to keep more generally applicable threads on the frontpage.

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include a link to your op.gg profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    If you're a new player, consider checking out this page for champion recommendations as well as other beginner advice, guides, and explanations of champion classes/roles.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't necessarily have to answer these questions, but they do help responders give better advice.

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Before posting check this guide to see if your question has already been answered.

    Also be sure to check out websites like https://lolalytics.com/ and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Thanks to our big contributor: u/Blasterus

    submitted by /u/furiousRaMPaGe
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    Leveraging MID.GG to improve your gameplay

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:41 AM PST

    MID.GG is now in beta and this post will guide how to get the most out of it.

    If you ever find yourself sifting through VODs of streamers looking for particular matchups or champions being played, this is the tool for you.

    This unique learning approach will allow you to view up to 4 vods in unison of the same matchup, so you can spot laning patterns, whether that be trading patterns, wave manipulation, ward control or roaming opportunities.

    P.S: just ensure that you 'resync' the videos if watching more than one video & all videos will now be synced to 1:30 in game.

    If you're struggling with a particular portion of your gameplay like playing from behind, filter all games where the gold differential is quite high, and in their advantage, but the outcome is still won, this will allow you too see how pro players play from behind, and still win.

    Easily traverse the site using the same link structure as https://mid.gg/matchup/Faker/Lucian - this will show all instances where Faker has played Lucian.

    Games are added daily, meaning that the newest content is always at your disposal. If you have any feedback or streamer suggestions, leave them below or join the public discord here: https://discord.gg/WV22Ebxm


    EDIT: Mobile view is currently unsupported, but we are working on it!

    submitted by /u/mid-gg
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    Runaan's Hurricane does not actually work with Ravenous Hydra's splash damage

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:25 AM PST

    I've seen quite a bit of comments in this sub but also in other championmains subs talking about the crazy synergy of Runaan's with the tiamat effect, but it is current bugged. Simply put, a single attack will only create a single area of effect, even if appears that there are multiple tiamat procs visually.

    Here is a simple demonstration with test dummies. Notice how only the dummy near the main target actually takes damage. Another demonstration shows this more clearly, that the aoe around the Runaan's bolt is purely visual.

    Since I was already researching this interaction, I also checked to see how abilities interacted with ravenous hydra, and found some interesting stuff for Kai'sa's Q. The Q does interact with ravenous hydra, but adjecent targets can only be hit by one aoe. However, the tiamat procs that appear do in fact deal damage.

    Something else that was interesting, however, is that if two tiamat procs overlap, only one of them actually deals damage. Take a look at this example, where the adjecent dummies take a different amount of damage, despite being basically identical distance away from the dummies that are being hit. The game only counts one of the dummies that got hit with the Q, resulting in the dummy that is farther away from that specific one taking less damage.

    submitted by /u/MoonlitKnife
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    How do you learn champions or early laning if a mistake early nearly always completely shifts the lane.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:04 AM PST

    Basically the title. I just can't ever get a good feeling for how to learn a champion or position if when I screw up and die early, the matchup is now completely ruined and I'm at best, learning to play from behind.

    Renekton vs Camile dying early and now she gets he triforce sooner and the I assume the matchup is doomed. etc

    There has to be a better way than tilting the hell out running into a wall over and over hoping that I just randomly click and stop hard inting.

    submitted by /u/majorcoleThe2nd
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    How does Dark Harvest work?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 09:28 AM PST

    I see a lot of builds that recommend this rune and have even tried it but I always wonder how it works to maybe use it better...

    Do the stacks we collect add more damage to our abilities or basic attacks?

    And is there a cooldown to when that extra damage activates?

    I see videos of champions one shotting enemies with this rune and it's never happened in my games 😅

    submitted by /u/aroushthekween
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    I really need help and I'm not sure what do about it. Essentially: I feel like I'm not able to be useful or really even perform in game.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:02 AM PST

    I really hope this doesn't get removed because I honestly have no idea what do to. I feel like 90% of my problem is laning phase. On the rare occasion my enemy laner is so bad that I win by default, I usually do quite well. If I go mostly even or a bit behind and my team does well, I can usually do pretty well for everyone in the latter half of the game. However, lane phase just feels so damn abysmal to me. I play top and mid, a smattering of champions in each role, but lately I've been playing a lot of Morde and Malzaharin those roles respectively.

    There's so much to talk about. But a few things bother me a lot.

    1. It feels like any time I trade with my enemy, the damage I inflict goes away almost immediately whereas the damage I take never goes away. I feel so behind in gold because the only way I can't die is if I stay so far back that I dont get minions. Oddly enough, my farm usually comes back pretty strong after the 10 minute mark.

    2. Wave management. Every time I try to set up a freeze, the minions just build up and push under my turret anyway because the enemy laner can just go on my side of the map with impunity. Wave management feels next to either impossible or useless. On the rare occasion I get jungle help, I can't response because I have a massive wave crashed under my turret.

    3. I feel... so so squishy. Even building bruiser as morde and with malz's passive. I feel like I can't get close enough to anyone to use my abilities without either getting cc'd for literally 15 seconds or immediately obliterated. Malz ult is super useful, but not if im dead.

    I'm holding my friends back and even though they say it's okay, I feel like a massive detriment.

    If you want to see my op.gg, my name is MadrigalKing. I would really appreciate any help. I'm relatively new to playing SR but ive been playing other modes and some occasional rift on and off for... God, 4 years now? I dont care about being good or even winning... I just want to be able to have fun and feel useful through the game.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    Baron empowered minion movement speed

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Wiki says:

    Gain bonus movement speed equal to 90% of the averaged movement speed of all nearby champions, capped at 500.

    But if you click a minion ingame that's empowered by baron buff and compare the MS with a non empowered minion, it says it's the same, even though I've seen waves "split" because you buffed the melees and not the casters, so the melee minions split from the group. Which one is right?

    submitted by /u/Kvothex
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    I pushed this lane so enemy lose cs then our top went to troll my jungle. Am i in the right to push the lane?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:14 PM PST


    Here is video of the lane. So to explain im mundo jungle we have mao top vs xin top i went to clean up the kill then i see that the wave is slow pushing since we have 2 casters and a wave is just arriving. My thought is to push the lane so resources go to our team (me in the situation) since mao is at spawn and those minions will be missed also xin just died so he loses wave and 2 casters. Mao then went to my jungle and started farming and trolled the game. Am i in the right here?

    submitted by /u/draganov11
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    What mages can reliably use Horizon Focus?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:52 PM PST

    For 3k gold, you get 100 ap and if you cast abilities over 750 units, you deal 10% more dmg to them for 6 seconds. My question is how long is 750 units? I imagine a Xerath and Vel'Koz can use this well. How does it work with Ziggs bouncing bomb? Long range Morg/Lux Q and E? I'm very interested in trying the item out but don't wanna spend 3k and realize I can use it that well or at all lol

    EDIT: I tried it in a game as Vel'Koz and turns out, if you hover over the item in your inventory, it shows you the radius so it's very easy to tell. Gj rito

    submitted by /u/Aterix21
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    LoLFetcher - Reddit's new item information bot! (Works in r/summonerschool too)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:13 PM PST

    Guinsoo's Rageblade vs Infinity Edge: a Mathematical Analysis

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Given the strength of Rageblade and the questionable strength of Infinity Edge, I ran the numbers to see when an Infinity Edge build would break even with a Rageblade build. NOTE: This is directly comparing the average damage of a single auto attack. It takes crit chance, crit damage, and both Rageblade passives into account but normalizes the damage spikes across all autoattacks and completely ignores attackspeed. EDIT: Direct DPS comparison has been added! I'll run through the math, then sum up the conclusions after so feel free to skip over the math if it isn't your jam. If anyone catches a mistake in my calculations, please let me know!

    MATH (edited)



    Crits deal0.75*a*c+a.

    Infinity edge increases the amount of crit damage dealt by 8% per 20% crit chance so(0.75+0.08c/0.2)(c)(a+70)+a+70

    Rageblade adds 2 damage on hit per 1% crit chance and applies this effect twice every third hit so1.33*200*c+a266*c+a

    Setting crit damage (no ie) equal to rageblade damage gives

    0.75ca+a = 266c+a

    0.75ca = 266c

    a = 266c/0.75c

    a = 266/0.75 = 355

    Without IE, 355 total AD is needed to break even with a Rageblade build at the same crit chance, regardless of crit chance.

    Running the same calculation with IE

    (0.75+0.08c/0.2)c(a+70)+a+70 = 266c+a

    a = ((266c-70)/(0.75c*c))-70

    EDIT: The 40 attackspeed offered by Rageblade increases dps by 40% (assuming no other attackspeed is built). This percentage decreases as more attackspeed is built. Tables and conclusions have been updated to reflect this.



    Conclusion (edited):

    With IE, the total AD needed to break even with Rageblade at the same crit percentage scales from -142 to 239 with 20% to 100% crit chance. This means IE is pretty comparable in dps as first item and requires more AD to break even as crit chance increases. This is mostly manageable as long as you purchase items that have both AD and crit.

    HOWEVER. Rageblade costs 2800g while IE costs 3400g (600g differential) which means a Rageblade build can always have an extra Cloak of Agility (15% crit chance) for the same cost of an otherwise equivalent IE build. To match a Rageblade build with 15% more crit chance, an IE build needs between 195 and 299 total AD depending on crit chance and makes breaking even only really feasible at 4 crit items.


    Some theorycrafting:

    Completed Zeal item + Zeal. This combination grants as much MS as Berserker's Greaves, letting you pay an extra 100g to skip boots while squeezing out 15% extra crit to match the extra Cloak of Agility the Rageblade build picks up. With this you can break even picking up IE second (143 total AD).

    Sources of AD:

    • IE grants 70.
    • Base AD varies based on champion and level. Likely around 90.
    • Runes.
      • 5 from each adaptive force shard.
      • 18 from fully stacked Zombie Ward/Ghost Poro/Eyeball Collection.
      • Variable from Gathering Storm. Likely 14 - between 20 and 30 minutes.
      • Variable from Absolute focus.
      • Variable from Conqueror.

    Depending on rune setup, any Zeal item may be completed first, though Hurricane is a heavy favorite as it provides AD and offers more value as a first item than Mortal Reminder. I suppose you could also build either Noonquiver or Pickaxe/Vampiric Scepter (depending on Mythic) before your Zeal item, but none of the other completed Zeal options are a core component of a build the same way that Hurricane is.

    Final build path: Completed Zeal item (Runaan's Hurricane) > second Zeal > Infinity Edge > Mythic

    Jinx, Aphelios, Ashe, Varus, and Twitch are the most likely candidates for this build as they favor Hurricane already and don't mind rushing it but Ashe, Varus, and Twitch all use Rageblade well and would likely prefer it over IE.

    This still leaves you with less attackspeed than the Rageblade build.

    TL;DR: Build Rageblade unless you want to sacrifice boots.

    Edit: Added calculations to account for the 40 attackspeed Rageblade provides (40% increase in dps if no other attackspeed is built). Added calculations to account for the 70 AD that IE provides. Please note that this assumes the only difference in builds is Rageblade vs IE. So all other values (armor pen, etc.) are constant.

    submitted by /u/OmniOmega
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    Kai’Sa Build?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 07:29 AM PST

    I tried playing Kai'sa with the traditional manamune>rageblade>mythic>nashors tooth build and it took FOREVER to get my upgrades and i was useless until suuuper late game. What's kai'sas optimal build with the new patch and how do you get her upgrades the fastest?

    submitted by /u/oXMinii
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    When to pick what ADC

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Hey there,

    I am currently a gold 2 adc main and I have been grinding this preseason because I really want to try and grind out the next ranked season to see how high I can climb since I have never really tried before.

    My current adc pool is Cait, Ashe and Vayne. I used to play Twitch alot but the new items changes have sadly gutted him (at least for me). In preparation of the coming ranked season, I was curious when it is best to pick what. Obviously I would pick Vayne into tank-heavy teams but beyond that I am rather lost. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Khastle
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    Helping a losing lane?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    Silver adc player here.

    Hey jg mains, do you guys try to help a lane that inherently is going to lose? Like I was playing kindred jg (vs udyr), and my bot lane was kog yuumi (KY) vs Jhin lulu (JL). We were red side, and KY loses that lane, so I started red, went to wolf blue gromp and tried for a gank. Enemy wave was right under our tower, but kog lulu didn't want to start. JL backed, so KY pushed out two waves and called for drag. I just finished skirmishing with the enemy mid/jg, and was preparing to push out mid wave in order to invade udyr's blue side b/c our top was also pushed out, and kog flamed me for not knowing how to jg b/c I didn't know they wanted to drag. When I tried for another gank bot lane, KY still didn't want me to be there and I went in by myself and died. Ofc, that's my fault. I take full responsibility for not respecting their call, but I still wanted to help them have an easier time with their lane.

    Today, I was playing adc. I'm learning xayah right now (even though I don't think any of the mythics synergize well with her), and we had xayah morg (XM), vs Jhin pan (JP). When we first loaded in I said "We lost this lane, jhin pan goes super aggressive early, we need to get level 2 first". I think my team misinterpretted it as me being pessimistic because they were trying the whole attitude shpeal like "we will win if you're positive" or something, when I was trying to be objective about our lane goals. Again, I do think that's my fault for not communicating clearly about what we needed to do to win lane, and so when we did get into lane, morg tried for level 1 trades and (obviously) got out-traded by JP. I didn't want to trade level 1 because I didn't have any trading tools, and since morg started q, they got first push and hit level 2 first and all inned morg level 2 and she died. She then blamed me for not using exhaust even though we were still level 1 and the wave was pushing in. Jax didn't came down once during the game, and that was towards the end of laning phase, where my tower was just about to fall. Do you think anything different would've happened if he came down level 3/4? I mean he started red so I guess JP would've already gotten the kill by that time, but is this just coming down to my lack of communication skills?

    Thanks for reading this btw. I'm really not sure what to do about this hahaha. How do I communicate effectively without looking like an asshole/sounding pessimistic?

    submitted by /u/Jonnyexe
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    "Concepts" discussion

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Let's have a discussion on "concepts" and "attention" that Dopa mentioned. He said you understand these by watching one tricks, and understanding why they do a certain thing.

    Example of a concept: Recall at level 5 on TF, q the back wave twice - doesn't matter if you miss the last hits on melee. This way you get back to lane, full mana & hp and you are level 6, other mid has no counter play.

    Dopa mentioned, that you need to develop your own concepts through your own experience. Let's share some of the concepts that we know.

    Regarding Attention, when I play MF/Varus - i don't need to think about csing as much as when I play vayne or some other champ. This lets me focus more attention on looking at the map to see if a fight break out, and with varus focus on harrassing.

    I'm a Varus/MF d2 main:

    When lethality varus was a thing, I would always aim to shove in, dodge the level 3 gank and look to base/tp back with 1100 gold. The goal was to ensure that other AD didn't have a BF sword.

    For Ezreal before this season, Inever put yourself in a position where you have a tear vs bf sword. Game becomes really hard, so ensure you can match by buying pickaxe/sheen first - or if you can wait 1600g+ get pickaxe and tear.

    For MF, she has insane movespeed. Use that to ensure your JG gets skuttle, easy to rotate if a skimrish breaks out - so keep the wave in a good position

    submitted by /u/nephthyis
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    How to Assassin

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 09:40 AM PST

    With the new season, I've been getting into playing assassins a lot more. I really enjoy playing them, I just have a couple issues I figured I'd ask about.

    The "Feed or get fed" issue

    I've found that, by nature, the assassin is the easiest class to coinflip on. Its fine when I'm ahead, because I'm able to easily complete my role in roaming, oneshoting, and eventually diving the backline. However, when I'm behind, I can't necissarily do that without putting myself further behind. For example, if I'm behind on Kha'zix in a team fight, I could dive the backline, end up not getting a kill, and feed the enemies another kill. But by not diving, I find myself useless, as I can't do anything but stay around the fringes of a fight and look for opportunities, then get pinged when my team loses the 4v5. By being behind, I have to risk feeding to complete my role. How do I deal with this?

    Getting out alive

    The other big issue I have is getting out of the backline alive. Nearly every assassin has an ability to get in and out: Kha e, Noct R, Eve passive and R. However, my problem is that, in teams with a bit more coordination, I end up being cced as soon as I dive and not being able to kill primary targets. Are there any tips for this besides engaging once cc is down? I see that as being the main answer, but its not always plausible in a team full of cc.

    If it matters, the main assassins I've been playing are Kha'zix, Nocturne, Zed, and Rek'sai (debatable as an assassin but I'd call her one).

    submitted by /u/thehammer10025
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    How to camp a lane?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Hey gamers! For season 11, I've recently decided to pick up jungle and actually attempt to learn how to play it well, and I've actually had decent success so that's good! However something I don't understand at all is how to camp a lane. I know camping a lane is a valid strategy, I've seen it done before, mostly on ranged top laners who just AFK push wave after wave into tower. Considering that playing like this should just be free gold for the jungler, how can I punish this style of play while still farming and maintaining some sort of map pressure?

    submitted by /u/Dustdev146
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    About Auto Piloting.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:51 AM PST

    So I at this point I think we can all agree that auto piloting is something very hard to avoid. And it will just subconsciously haplen every now and then.

    Here's the good news: by all means do not avoid auto piloting. It's completely unnecessary to avoid auto piloting. And here's why.

    If you're auto piloting that means that you've reached a point where your brains feel comfortable with your current state of knowledge over the game. It's generally perceived a bad thing because it means that it becomes very difficult to improve. Basically, you'll be hardstuck.

    There's one simple solution to this issue. And that is a question or a task that throughout the game you repeatedly ask yourself or tell yourself to do. Something that keeps you thinking throughout the game with eventually the goal that it becomes part of your auto piloting. It has to be something that you feel like you specifically need.

    Do you think you should work on your grouping skills, then every time that you look at your minimap ask yourself "Should I group right now?". It doesn't matter if you get it wrong or not, as long as you keep thinking and improve.

    Do you think you're getting ganked too much, then every time you look at your map ask yourself "Where would the enemy jungler be right now?"

    Would you like to work on your objective control as a jungler? Then every time you look at your map ask yourself "Do my lanes have priority? Where is the enemy jungler?" And decide to take the obejective or not.

    I'd like to ask you guys to come up with questions or tasks that you feel like you personally could work on. With the goal of inspiring others to come up with their own tasks.

    EDIT: Also you can ask yourself the same question in the future if you feel like it's something that you can improve some more upon, you'll never be perfect at doing a something.

    TL;DR Auto Piloting isn't bad you just need to build upon it and keep yourself thinking

    submitted by /u/Setflus-YYZT
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    How can I start transitioning from ADC to Top?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Summarized in title. G2 100lp peak ADC main for S10 in the Garena server, wanting to learn how to play top lane, specifically Jax.

    Jax is a champion I've always wanted to learn and main, and I've decided I wanted to try OTPing him for this season. Problem is, I have no idea how to play top, having played ADC most of my career.

    I can fundamentally break down most of my top games below:

    1. I start off relatively even, or pushed in.
    2. We trade, and I usually lose the trade.
    3. I get pushed in really hard, or I get frozen, and usually end up ending the laning phase with a 40cs deficit (in losing matchups).
    4. I farm and splitpush whenever my team wants to get objectives, only TP-ing/roaming for crucial fights (specifically as Jax).

    Maybe it's just a Jax thing, because on champions like Poppy (briefly mained a while mid S10) I seem to win most of my trades and lanes. I just seem to lose so many of my matchups as Jax.

    Even if I end up scaling to late game, while doing relatively well, I can't seem to carry the game. As a JAX. I think there's something fundamentally wrong there. I feel like whenever I splitpush, I don't create much pressure as well, enough to be a win condition.

    submitted by /u/MediocreFPS
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    Normals … what’s the best way to take them?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:48 AM PST

    Just to set the scene, I'm a total noob trying to figure out this amazingly complex game on my own. I was told by a very knowledgeable source that the best way to prep for ranked is to play several hundred normal games. I'm following that advice, but sometimes the games are so strange I'm not certain I'm learning anything that would carry over.

    What's the best way to approach normals from a student perspective? Especially when they go kind of haywire.

    submitted by /u/Krow101
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    Is support fiddlesticks viable again?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    According to lolalytics fiddle is being played at around 10% in the support position, which is of course pretty low, but a little bit higher than it was before and certainly higher than any other non-jungle position.

    According to the site it stands with 51% wr at silver, 52% at gold, 50% platinum and 48% Diamond and above, which, i mean, is respectable you know, maybe not awesome but 48 its higher than karma and yuumi (rip enchanters).

    My question is:

    Do you guys think this is just an artifact of the preseason nonsense, or is nightharvester combined with the increased gold income from support items actually making this long lost position viable again? If so... Is night harvester the best option? Is riftmaker actually better because of omnivamp and true damage?

    Would a quickbuild with imperial mandate be worth enough for fiddle to have enough early impact while not falling off too much late game (mandate + full support item + 1 legendary puts you back into 70AP) 2 legendary items actually exceed both rift and harvester ap-wise. (pink-carrying stone is an AWESOME option)

    And to end the post, any other considerations? any tips? i really really like fiddle but i hate jungle, so i'm very hipped to see fiddle in the support position coming back you know, at least enough for it not to be considered a troll pick.

    submitted by /u/Nifaxizzi
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    Dopa's thoughts Pt 2

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:37 PM PST

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