• Breaking News

    Monday, November 16, 2020

    LoL Guide Supports: before you engage a 2v2 vs a Leona, place a ward next to her. Leona mains will AA~Q~AA the ward to destroy it and you will have a 5 second window to engage before the stun comes back up.

    LoL Guide Supports: before you engage a 2v2 vs a Leona, place a ward next to her. Leona mains will AA~Q~AA the ward to destroy it and you will have a 5 second window to engage before the stun comes back up.

    Supports: before you engage a 2v2 vs a Leona, place a ward next to her. Leona mains will AA~Q~AA the ward to destroy it and you will have a 5 second window to engage before the stun comes back up.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 11:41 PM PST

    Leonas are drawn to freshly placed wards like moths to a lamp, even if the ward is in the middle of the lane, she won't think twice about destroying it.

    Even if you're not playing an engage support like Alistair/Nautilus, you can still bait the Q for a jungler gank while playing Karma/Soraka.

    5 seconds might not seem like a long time, but remember that one of Leona's weaknesses is that she can only go IN (unlike Nautilus/Pyke/Rakan/Alistair (sometimes)), this means that her options are counter~bursting in the 2v2 WITHOUT a stun or retreating and taking lots of damage.

    submitted by /u/teachenglishinkorea1
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    Big tips I got from a Challenger coach as a Gold mid player.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 05:41 AM PST

    I am a Gold mid main and recently got coached by a multi season challenger player. I will put everything he's told me here in hopes others can get some good advice from it as well.

    1. When going for trades ALWAYS know where the enemy jungler is. If you don't know where the enemy jungler is assume they are in your lane.

    2. Roam. A lot. Roaming can change the course of the entire game. Gives your team pressure on virtually the entire map once you go missing from mid. If you can capitalize on the roams there's a good chance you can win that game.

    3. NEVER PLAY FOR YOUR TEAMMATES PLAY FOR YOURSELF! If you're stuck between saving a teammate or getting out safe. Choose the latter every time. Play to keep yourself safe.

    4. Don't throw away your lead for pointless reasons. If you're ahead, you're expected to be the carry. Don't go making mistakes that could throw away your lead for absolutely no reason.

    5. Micro can only take you soo far. If you rely heavily on your mechanics to make plays then you'll find yourself in situations you don't want to be in and relying on your mechanics to get you out (which they usually don't). While relying on your mechanics sounds bad it actually isn't. It shows you trust your own play. However you need to learn to use your brain on top of your mechanics to bring a deadly combo to summoners rift.

    6. Have hope. If you believe you can get to a rank then push yourself to learn and get to that rank. Elo hell doesn't exist. When you're trapped in a rank you're trapped mentally. You need to keep pushing and get that breakthrough to start climbing to where you want to be.

    Hope this helps out some fellow low elo players like myself.

    submitted by /u/Dazzman2
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    The game is suggesting getting multiple items with the same unique passive

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 09:44 AM PST

    I know the game is kinda jank right now, but I'm having trinity be suggested as my mythic, and then it's suggesting essence reaver as the second item. Both of those items have sheen which has the spellblade passive.

    I thought that was a unique passive. Is the game just messing up, or does spellblade now stack?

    submitted by /u/Plane_Conclusion_209
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    If you are chased by Urgot, put a ward between him and you

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 12:55 AM PST

    If you ever get chased by Urgot (works well after he reached lvl 9+ bc he usually has his W activated) and want to escape, put a ward between him and you bc his W automatically targets the ward and will slow him down, so you have more time and might escape. Works even better If you have a control ward and/or a normal one or 2 controlls. Remember 75/150g < 300g

    submitted by /u/CyprixEU
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    Has anyone ever won vs yi + yuumi?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 01:03 PM PST

    I'm D4, whenever i get queued into yuumi and yi I know the game will result in -22 no matter what. Red smite, grevious wounds, tabis on everyone, poly, all objectives including 2-3 inhibs and nashor at 20 minute didn't matter. As soon as yi gets yuumi on himself and you don't have shit ton of tanks and cc to lock him up permanently it's pretty fucking impossible to win.

    The fact that he was the only person that wasn't behind and wasn't fed either and all he needed was yuumi + kayle to oneshot everyone is crazy. 3 teamfights after 20 minute, all lost due to yuumi+kayle R resulted in 2 quadras and a penta within 7 minutes for him. What do i do as graves in that scenario? Do i just dodge the games with yi and yuumi or is there anything i can do in game?


    submitted by /u/magnFLOR
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    I calculated the new crit dps in comparison with the old crit dps at two items and found that they are pretty much the same.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:44 AM PST

    Please review this, if I make any mistake/oversight in methodology and/or calculation do let me know.


    Use Lv 1 Draven (anyone without passive DPS modifier would do): Base AD: 60 Base AS: 0.68

    Non DPS runes (Fleet, Overheal, Bloodline, Last Stand, Hextech flash, Future's market, AH MR AR).

    Zero resistance dummy.

    Basically as naked as possible in terms of DPS, to purely test the item's power.

    Kraken Slayer + RFC: Kraken Slayer because is the purely offensive 3400g item, the closest to old IE and RFC because it is the item that changes the least.

    Old Crit DPS multiplier

    % Crit Chance per Item DPS Multiplier no IE DPS Multiplier w/ IE
    25% 1.25 1.3125
    50% 1.5 1.625
    75% 1.75 1.9375
    100% 2 2.25

    IE + RFC: 6000 gold, 80 AD, 30% AS, 50% Crit (1.625 DPS multiplier)

    Total old DPS: AA DPS + Energized DPS

    1. AA DPS

    Total AD x Attack/second x Crit multiplier

    (Base AD + Bonus AD) x (Base AS x Bonus AS) x Crit multiplier

    140 x 0.884 x 1.625 = 201.11

    2. Energized DPS (6 charge per hit):

    120/(100/6) x 0.884: 6.365

    Total old DPS: 207.475

    New Crit DPS multiplier

    % Crit Chance per Item IE Crit Dmg DPS Multiplier no IE DPS Multiplier w/ IE
    20% 183% 1.15 1.166
    40% 191% 1.3 1.364
    60% 199% 1.45 1.594
    80% 207% 1.6 1.856
    100% 215% 1.75 2.15

    Kraken Slayer + RFC: 6100 gold, 60 AD, 70% AS, 40% Crit (1.3 DPS multiplier)

    Total new DPS: AA DPS + Energized DPS + Kraken TDmg DPS

    1. AA DPS

    Total AD x Attack/second x Crit multiplier

    (Base AD + Bonus AD) x (Base AS x Bonus AS) x Crit multiplier

    120 x 1.156 x 1.3 = 180.336

    2. Energized DPS (6 charge per hit):

    120/(100/6) x 1.156 = 8.32

    3. Kraken Slayer TDmg DPS:

    Average per hit x Attack/second

    (78/3) x 1.156 = 30

    Total new DPS: 218.656

    And yes, the math does checks out in the practice tool, I have 216 DPS hitting the dummy for 5 minutes with Kraken Slayer and RFC. Although I can't test the old IE and RFC for obvious reason.

    Edit: Will be going to bed, not going to be able answer questions for a while. Sorry lads!

    submitted by /u/dmcstuff
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    How Do I Top Lane? I’m horrible at it. I play Jax/Fiora.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I literally am horrible at trading or knowing when to go in. I can wave manage. I never know when to push. When to back, when to use TP. What I should do if I don't get any ganks and I'm behind. I usually just pick up whatever cs I can't and just try not to die. I have a bigger minion wave than my enemy I want to fight inside my wave. I've watched hundreds of videos and still can't get the hang of it.

    submitted by /u/TheBlackLuffy
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    What does a low elo support do when their adc has 0 clue as to how to cs.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 04:20 PM PST

    I'm on the verge of raging because I keep getting matched with adc's who don't know how to cs, leaving the enemy with triple their cs the entire landing phase. It's obvious I cannot engage, so what can I do? Asking them to cs only results in a slew of insults about how I need to mind my own business. I'm thinking of just giving up the position but I know it gets better once people get a hold of the game in higher elo.

    submitted by /u/kwdavila
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    Why is the collector supposed to be OP?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 12:06 PM PST

    I hear everyone saying that the collector is super op but I can't exactly see their angle. Like the stats are decent, but it's easily replaceable with other items with little to no change. The gold passive also seems meh, and the execute passive is pretty much useless imo. I've played 3 games with the collector and in all 3 games the only thing it's executed before are minions. So what exactly makes this item so "op".

    submitted by /u/Jell01
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    How to ACTUALLY proc Moonstone Renewer?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 12:04 PM PST

    The item description says, "affect champions with attacks or abilities in combat to heal every two seconds".

    I play Sona. I spam abilities affecting champions in combat all the time.

    The healing effect that is reported when I hover the item is underwhelming, as was already reported elsewhere. In my last 4 games I've seen something in the range of 2k over a time frame of like 10-15 minutes.

    Is there a trick to it? Do only certain types of attacks and abilities proc the item? Do auras count?

    submitted by /u/huusmuus
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    What should you do as a jungler when the enemy team 5 man invades your buff?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:37 PM PST

    I just had a game as jungle Hecarim where the enemy team 5 man invaded my blue buff and took it. I started red and rotated to the enemy top side jungle (our team was red side) and tried to take the enemy jungler's (Ekko) blue buff. Ekko moved from my blue to his straight away and killed me.

    What should I do in this scenario? I feel like I should have started on Ekko's blue, but I didn't because Hecarim can't really start blue and because I was worried that the enemy mid and top would 2v2 us in their jungle.

    Edit: To clarify, this was at the start of the game.

    submitted by /u/ForceSufficient
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    Want to return to the game with a friend, helpmeplease

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 12:38 PM PST


    I want to return to the League. I've played through 1-5 seasons but then dropped the game completely. My GF asking about LoL as she never played before and I can teach her basics and together we can learn new things that changed.

    I have a lot of questions before we even start to play:

    1. Should I create a new account? Currently, I have 31-32 lvl of the account with a bunch of skins. Will this give as smurfs as enemies? Will the new account protect us from smurfs?
    2. She has never played before games like this (RTS, Moba, Diablo-like). I think support will fit her nice as she plays as support in other games (overwatch, a healer in WoW). Which champs will be better for her? Soraka or Sona viable? Or maybe Lux?
    3. Does kill stealing is a thing still? When I've played LoL, KS was an object of rage in the chat and Support should give all creeps and kills to his ADC/Team.
    4. How to teach her which talents for champion should she take? I don't even understand them by myself, the old runes system was much easier to understand, they were just stat-buffs.
    5. Any advice on how to set up the learning of the game? The game for a new player is pretty overwhelming with tons of stuff, what things to focus on first?
    6. Free-cam was mandatory back in the day, but after playing a couple of games it's doesn't feel so now (90% of the time I just playing with pressed spacebar lol). Am I missing something or things are changes? New camera mode feels hmm... 'smarter' I suppose?
    7. Free stuff and skins for new players is a thing or only through microtransactions?
    8. Would you recommend to play this game now? :)

      There are a lot of guides, videos, tactics and even I'm a bit confused and scared to play this game. How to show a newcomer that this game can be fun and not so overcomplex to start to play casually?

    submitted by /u/Denzzil_Mushroom
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    For those that play with mouse acceleration on, perhaps think about turning it off

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Mouse acceleration makes your cursor speed change depending on how fast you move your mouse. If you move your mouse quicker, your cursor will basically travel further, and vice-versa. I introduced this concept to my friend a few years ago and he thought I was smoking something, but he recently decided to disable it, and he's happy with it now.

    It will take some time to learn because your cursor will move at the same speed regardless of how fast you move your mouse. My friend missed CS a few times because he wasn't used to it but now but he's back to normal.

    If you move your mouse a bit too quickly in fights, you might end up missing the hit-box for the champ/minion. Many of my friends are playing with it turned on, so it doesn't mean you HAVE to have it disabled. It's just a way to get a more accurate feel for the cursor rather than relying on software to accelerate the cursor.

    When I was playing Osu with a mouse (5+ years ago), the mouse acceleration was turned on, and I realised that me missing the hit circles was due to mouse acceleration and not the £15 wireless mouse I got.

    This behaviour is about Windows. I know you can disable mouse acceleration on MacOS by entering it into Terminal but I didn't get it working properly, so I can't comment for MacOS.

    submitted by /u/a_bigdonger
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    Teleport vs. Ignite on Support as Low-Elo

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Hey guys, I was thinking about some of my bronze games that I've been in and was curious as to the viability of running teleport as a support. I've been noticing a distinct snowball effect coming from the top-lane and wanted to have some agency there when the JG refuses to gank for any set of reasons.

    Now, I have thought of the extreme lack of coordination in low-elo solo q and realize this would be miles better as a top/supp duo but the idea is out there.

    submitted by /u/espuinouge
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    Is there ever any reason to go Frostfire Gauntlet over Sunfire Aegis?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 04:38 AM PST

    This item seems so good right now that it outshines other tank mythics. I can see the use of the Chemtank for maybe Nunu or Gragas, but all the champions that can use the Frostfire Gauntlet can use Sunfire as well, and it's just straight up better. Am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/uyopi
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    Preseason Ranked

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 04:45 PM PST

    If you're gonna buy tear and run it and flame your Jg because you don't understand wave management and jungle pathing by preseason 11 then you should probably just stop playing this game and go see a mental health professional. You are legitimately ill if you tilt in preseason and peaked < plat. You don't know how to play the game so maybe just stop typing and try to learn in the preseason.

    submitted by /u/KOOSHBLAZER
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    5 Things Every Ezreal Player Needs to Know [5 minute, No-BS guide]

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 04:33 PM PST

    Ezreal can be INSANELY strong when you know what you're doing, so in my latest YouTube video I've brought you guys some tips in a concise and no-BS format.

    Here it is: https://youtu.be/Ef-b9Kn9jIM

    For those of you that are too lazy to watch, here is a very dumbed down version of what's in the video:

    1. Obviously, weave auto attacks between your abilities

    I go a bit more in depth and show an example of the damage differences it can make. Obviously you don't need to do this in every situation, but whenever it is feasible you should be auto attacking after every ability. This increases your damage output by a ridiculous amount. You are an ADC after all. It only makes sense to auto attack.

    2. Proper Arcane Shift usage.

    Go a bit more in-depth with how to use the ability in lane and the importance of the ability in Ezreal's kit. The E cooldown is very long and Ezreals safety is very dependant on his E being up. I explain how it works in terms of buffering abilities from enemy champions, and why/why not you should use it for damage output.

    3. Utilize the Q- Flash mechanic.

    Explain "why" and how as well as the different situations where it is useful. It's simply much easier to aim than a flash Q, and it goes off instantly. You can also use it if you think someone that has your W marked on them is going to dash or flash away from your Q and you want to instantly burst them.

    4. Utilize the E-Flash mechanic.

    Explain "why" and how as well as the different situations where it is useful. Explain cursor placement to ensure it's not messed up. The E-Flash is very useful because you pretty much just teleport across the screen instantly. It makes it so the combo of ability and spell goes off 0.5 seconds faster but it is actually slightly more difficult to do. Watch the video for a good explanation. Cursor placement is important to use this technique.

    5. Correct Ultimate Usage

    Various tips such as the usage of fog of war, when you should use your ultimate, and how it can be used to stack passive in team fights. Your ultimate stacks 5 stacks of the passive if you hit 5 enemies. This gives you crazy attack speed buffs throughout the entire teamfight - so you should always use it at the start. Also, I explain fog of war usage to ensure that your ultimate actually hits on enemies and that they can't react to it.

    I highly recommend that anyone who wants to play Ezreal watches this video. I go into depth for all the points and explain my thought process to give a better understanding of the champion. You can learn a lot more from spending 5 minutes here than 30 minutes in one game.

    Thanks for your time, hope it was helpful!

    Let me know what champion I should do next

    submitted by /u/MugheesJ
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    Giving League a try after Dota, questions about advanced mechanics.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:53 PM PST

    Played nearly 6k hours of Dota, sat at low Immortal (Basically low Challenger) and was wondering what dota knowledge I could adapt into league. To that end I have a few questions regarding some specific stuff, so I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for these kinds of questions. Note that the two roles I am most interested in learning at this time is Top and Mid, Top moreso.

    1) When is it generally best to Recall? When I kill my opponent, push out the lane, and have money for a decent item (~1k gold)? When I'm out of regen and am unable to farm without risking a death? When I'm just hoarding too much gold despite nothing really happening?

    2) Is it better to static farm a wave or to push them out in order to secure level advantage?

    3) When is it best to use Teleport? I've heard people say either when your tower is getting pushed or when you have a gank oppurtunity (generally ganking bot), but I'm not sure about what's super efficient.

    4) Damage in this game is insane; people get bursted down in seconds and lane pressure can lead to 1/4th of my hp gone with one move. Especially this season. It just seems so off to me, but is this just the reality of the game?

    5) Ideal champions to learn? I got a big list of champs I'd like to learn but want to avoid the pitfall of putting champ mechanics ahead of game mechanics.

    Sorry for the wall of text. Any help is appreciated!

    Edit: Thanks all for the advice, you've given me quite a bit to dwell on.

    submitted by /u/ShammySham
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    Control Assassins?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:53 AM PST

    I know this might seem like a weird question but is there any such thing as an assassin who can control and zone the lane. I played Syndra and Orianna a lot, recently been playing Ryze and Twisted Fate, and am looking at Qiyana. I mostly play mid lane but any suggestions are helpful!

    submitted by /u/basementmeth
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    How do you beat tanks?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 05:48 AM PST

    I'm having trouble with this for a while, whenever I see a team pick up 2 or more tanks I know it's gonna be a pain. Last night I had game a against mundo and he 3/8 yet our whole team couldn't kill him. Keep on mind we all had anti healing while him dealing mad damage at the same time. How can tanks be so tanky and deal so much damage at the same time it just feels unfair.

    submitted by /u/HauntedVortex
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    Converting Haste to CDR

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 01:55 AM PST

    I hope this hasn't been mentioned before or this post is gonna be redundant lol

    So I know the stat bar does it for you once you buy some Haste, but to figure it out by yourself, I saw TF Blade mention an equation in Yassuo's stream:

    CDR = X/(X+100)*100 where X is how much Haste you have E.g. 100 Haste = 100/200 *100 = 50%CDR

    To understand the concept a little better, Hashinshin had mentioned on his stream to think of it as attack speed: if you have 2.0 attack speed, you can attack twice a second; if an ability has a 1 second CD and you have 100 Haste, you can cast it twice as fast

    Hopefully this helps anyone still confused by the concept of Haste!

    submitted by /u/lazyasian23
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    An easier way to convert haste to ability power, plus some random math

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 06:49 AM PST

    I heard haste described as 10 haste equals 10% more cooldown reduced per second. Not sure how clear that is, but here is some math that is easy to understand.


    example 130 haste

    1.30 + 1 = 2.3,

    100/2.3 = 43.5. (difference between this number and 100 is your CDR)

    43.5 - 100 = -56.5 (56.5% cdr)

    ez calculator stuff if youre theory crafting.


    So, if you think about it as a per second thing, Every 1 second, your cooldown is reduced by 1 second base with no CDR

    say you have 200 ability haste, you are getting 200% more cooldown reduced per 1s. So, you have a total of 300% cooldown reduced per second compared to your base cooldown reduction. Confusing but hear me out. For every 100 haste, an extra second counts down on your base cooldown.

    So imagine, you have an ability that has a 100 second cooldown with no items. Now if you had 200 haste, you would count down by 3s, every second. How long would that take? 33.3 seconds, thats pretty easy to do in your head.

    Now your cooldown takes 33.3% as long to come back up, therefore the distance between that and 100% is your cooldown reduction.


    The Highest Haste with only items you can get in game is 218.

    2.18 + 1 = 3.18

    100/3.18 = 31.44

    31.44 - 100 = -68.55 or 68.55% CDR.


    After doing some testing on the Practice tool, With fully stacked ultimate hunter, max CDR with blue buff it would take a cooldown, and reduce it by 68.55% from haste and that output by 65% from ultimate cdr, for a combination that totals 89% CDR on an ultimate ability

    submitted by /u/RAZGRIZTP
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    Regarding Anti-Tank Itemization S11

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:17 AM PST

    This is one of maybe 3 Reddit posts I've made, but like many others Preseason 2021 has brought me here looking for answers:

    I'm a Plat 4 Samira/Vayne Co-Main and I largely play top and ADC. Throughout the past week I've had a couple games on alts where a Mundo went Sunfire -> Visage -> Warmogs -> Filler and I was no longer able to do any meaningful damage to him. I'll post a specific example of how I itemized against him below- but going Kraken over Immortal onto that team comp just to handle a Mundo seemed like a bad call.

    Was I wrong? How would you have itemized in this situation?

    Screenshot from Match History

    submitted by /u/Dontanos
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    Whats wrong with screen lock

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 05:22 AM PST

    I can see how having it off can have its advantages but only situational but most people say never have screen look on but i don't see the problem with having it on as long as i remember to look around and be aware for rotations and ganks also please be patient because i am new to the game I've only been playing a few days so I'm not even ranked yet but so far having it off only seems like more work with all that flicking

    submitted by /u/ShadBenoot
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