• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    League of Legends A 53 year old Mum giving thanks to League of Legends for helping her to reconnect with her son

    League of Legends A 53 year old Mum giving thanks to League of Legends for helping her to reconnect with her son

    A 53 year old Mum giving thanks to League of Legends for helping her to reconnect with her son

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:12 PM PST

    Five years ago, I felt disconnected from my 17 year old son. All he talked about was League and I had never played a computer game in my life. I did not understand why he couldn't just stop mid-game when I needed him to. I did not understand his love of esports. We were drifting apart.

    So, I asked him to teach me how to play.

    To say that it was a steep learning curve is an understatement. But I kept at it because I loved him. The more I understood about the game, the closer we got. After some disastrous games on Summoner's Rift (where I was rightly flamed for not knowing how to ping), I switched to just playing ARAM because it forced me to learn what all champions do. It was also more chill.

    While I was never very good and never tried playing ranked, I understood enough to enjoy watching the LCK, MSI and Worlds. In 2019, my son and I travelled to Taiwan together to watch both of the semifinals of MSI. It is a memory that I will always cherish.

    Now that he has grown up and left home, I don't play anymore but I am so grateful that I made the effort to understand the game he loved. Definitely worth.

    Edit: Thank you so much for your kind words and awards (never had awards before so they mean a lot to me). To those who doubt that this was posted by a old woman like me, you have totally made my day.

    submitted by /u/UmbrellaWard
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    SWORDART JOINS TSM! | The Official TSM LoL Announcement (League of Legends

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:30 AM PST

    Sources: Febiven to join Fnatic Rising as their starting mid

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:35 AM PST

    Upset signs for Fnatic

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Nemesis on why is he not joining a team: "I had 0 european offers''

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:20 PM PST

    stacking execution items with Kindred mid

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Nisqy gets 1v1'd by a european soloq player

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:35 AM PST

    Nidalee : The Scuttlecrab Huntress (enjoy this last bit of S10 content)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Jankos reacts to TSM SwordArt

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Canna has extended his contract with T1

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:03 PM PST

    « 팀이 놓치지 말아야 할 선수, "Canna" 김창동 선수가 2022년까지 계약을 연장하게 되었습니다. T1과 함께 걸어갈 Canna 선수의 여정을 축복해주세요.

    We're excited to announce that Canna has extended his contract with T1 until 2022. »


    Great news for T1, Canna is incredibly talented (+This ends the T1 Nuguri rumor)

    submitted by /u/NzoKr
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    2020 Pre Season Galeforce Caitlyn fears no assassin

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:00 AM PST

    FNATIC YamatoCannon

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:57 AM PST

    If you are wondering yes, duskblade Yi is like a horror movie.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:31 AM PST

    Team Fight Breakdown with Jatt: C9 vs TSM (2016 NA LCS Summer Finals) - Best Doublelift play IMO

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:33 AM PST

    Tyler on Crit ADC this Preseason

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Source (FOMOS Kenzi): Peanut joins .@TeamDynamicsLoL #LoL #LCK @lolPeanut98

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:57 AM PST

    Peanut left LGD as a free agent earlier in the window and sources indicate that he has decided to return to the LCK by joining Team Dynamics, a relatively new team that joined the LCK last year.

    The organization are franchised with financial backing from Nong Shim, one of Korea's biggest food corporations, famous for producing Shin Ramyun - a widely beloved instant noodle brand.

    Source: https://twitter.com/kenzi131/status/1332009066659385344

    submitted by /u/Yubisaki_Milk_Tea
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    Reflecting on what I’m grateful for

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:29 PM PST

    Some of you out there already know who I am, for those that don't, my name is Bellissimoh and I'm the Product Lead for Personalization and Events on League.

    Here in the US, many of us are separated from family on a day known for togetherness. Sitting at home and thinking about what I'm grateful for, a few things came to mind that I thought were worth sharing. Here we go.

    I'm grateful for the mentors and coaches who believed in me early in my career and invested in me. They gave me opportunities, positive feedback to raise my confidence, and criticisms or perspective to check my ego.

    I'm grateful to have a wife that shares a love for League with me. It makes staying up for Worlds or geeking out over things like KDA into things we share and remember together.

    I'm grateful for our two Shiba Inus, Ahri and Teemo. In a year where it's been hard to be home all the time they've made it a joy by constantly reminding me to play and be silly, and indulge in companionship during moments of rest.

    I'm grateful to work on a game that a lot of people really care about. I got my start in the industry working in customer service on a few really small games. (Space Cowboy, Fly for Fun) While I was ecstatic to be working in the game industry, the audiences were small and no where near as passionate and vocal as the one we have here for League today.

    I'm grateful to work for an audience that cares enough to holds Riot and our dev teams accountable. Accountable to what our stated values are as well as our stated intentions. Whenever someone is frustrated I know it's born out of passion and whenever someone says thanks or expresses how happy they are with the game that fuels me and keeps me going.

    I'm grateful to work on a game that has been around for 10 years and by the looks of things will be around for 10 more. When I grew up the most popular games were popular for months, not years. It's crazy to think that some of the most popular games today will likely live longer than I will.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope that you have a great holiday and weekend. Here's hoping your games are good and that your enemy Yasuo goes 0/8.

    submitted by /u/Bellissimoh
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    CRO of OG(Dota) leaks the fact that Fnatic was convinced Rekkless would sign for a new year

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:06 PM PST

    L'Équipe, the biggest french journal that treats esport made an emission on twitch with the CRO of OG(dota) Xavier Oswald,Sakor Ros (CEO of Solary), Kamel Kebir (CEO of Kcorp), Nicolas Aurer (CEO of Vitality). They were talking about business models in Esport and salary of players. It was very interesting.

    After this emission, Xavier Oswald was talking about Fnatic in an interview on solary and he admitted that Fnatic was convinced Rekkless would sign for one more year in the company.subtitles : "It's not that I think, it's that I know. That very morning they thought he was going to sign"

    Then he talks about the danger of building your business around someone who could leave the company.

    This is why everything was made around rekkless when they were trying to sell stocks : they were not ready.

    submitted by /u/kakiboum
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    I drew Miss fortune and Ahri from the upcoming riot forge game -The ruined king~! the hype is real!!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:13 AM PST

    I drew Miss fortune and Ahri from the upcoming riot forge game -The ruined king~! the hype is real!!

    I drew Miss fortune and Ahri from the upcoming riot forge game -The ruined king~! the hype is real!!


    submitted by /u/shir124365
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    The store calls every AP champion a "mage" and that's super weird.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:46 AM PST

    This is minor compared to the whole discussion around preseason items but I hate how Riot concentrates all AP items under 'Mage' and maybe a little in 'Support'. So AD champions are split based on their actual role in a team (marksman, assassin, fighter) but every AP champion is a 'Mage' just by virtue of their scaling stat?

    Is Quinn a marksman but not Teemo?

    Is Fizz more similar to Viktor than he is to Zed?

    Is Mordekaiser the same class as Orianna, but not Illaoi?

    I get that putting AP items in under Fighter and Assassin would be bad for new players, but isn't that the point of the Recommended tab? What about having to look at Mana mythics as Mordekaiser/Vladimir?

    It's not a matter of "these champions build similar items" either, because some champions are recommended mythics from multiple categories (Kled gets Eclipse, Stridebreaker and Trinity Force, for instance). Also why tf is Kayle pushed towards crit mythics when her default build used to be AP and she even got AP build buffs in preseason like what.

    I don't have a solution to propose (weird I know, I should since I'm a challenjour reddit analyst) but would like to hear what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/FizzyDrinksBR
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    Riot's Changing Ryze Rework Goals

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:16 PM PST

    Riot's Changing Ryze Rework Goals

    In my rework crusade, I've done a lot of research to try and understand how Riot views Ryze. What mechanics and play-patterns do they consider important? Why do they make certain decisions? I thought it would be interesting to chronicle this and see if other people find patterns that I haven't. I won't be going too far back, since it's less relevant and there's less information available. It's already going to be a long post.

    TLDR: It's a hot mess. I'll put a chart to show how the main ideas progress:

    Concept/Goal 5.8 6.14 8.9 (scrapped) 9.12 (v2)
    Reduced Damage Reliability This was a goal, but the effectiveness was questionable This was a goal, but the implementation sends mixed signals This was not a goal, the opposite was intended This was not a goal (unclear, seems like the opposite was intended)
    Reduced Root Reliability This was not a goal This was not a goal This was a goal and would have been successful This was a goal, and it was achieved
    Reduce experience dividends (too strong when mastered) This was not a goal This was a goal, but the implementation sends mixed signals This was a goal, but the effectiveness is questionable This was a goal, but the effectiveness is questionable
    More exploitable / counterable laning This was a goal, but the effectiveness was questionable This was not a goal This was a goal and would have (probably) been successful This was a goal, but the implementation sends mixed signals and the effectiveness in pro is questionable
    Visual Clarity This was not a goal This was a goal, and it was achieved (achieved) (achieved)
    Pushing Combat Power Later This was not a goal, the opposite was intended (earlier relevance during power windows) This was not a goal This was a goal and would have been successful This was a goal, and it was achieved
    Reduced waveclear This was not a goal This was not a goal, the opposite was intended This was a goal and would have been successful This was not a goal (unclear, seems like the opposite was intended)
    Reduced Pro Presence lol lol lol lol


    First, let's start with Patch 5.8. This rework brought (mainly):

    - A new Arcane Mastery passive, where Ryze got stacks (up to 5) from abilities and became "supercharged". This supercharged state brought a shield and cooldown reduction on spellcasts.

    - Overload became a skillshot.

    - Spell Flux changes (% MR reduction instead of flat, different bouncing)

    - Desperate Power gave huge passive CDR (instead of Q) and increased Arcane Mastery's duration

    The question is, why? Thankfully, we have a dev post to break it down. In short:

    - Old Ryze was "flat", and he would be 100% or 0% presence in pro based on his numbers.

    - This update tried to introduce "windows of power", where Ryze would have weak and strong periods for allies/opponents to play around. This lower consistency meant that the devs felt comfortable giving extra power during the "high point" of the supercharge.

    - They wanted choices for lane opponents (stand outside the wave and dodge Q, or stand in the wave and get hit by huge E damage). I think this is the least compelling point, since Ryze could still W root to guarantee Q. I won't pay too much attention to this, since I think this was more of a retroactive justification rather than motivating the changes itself.


    Now, we move to 6.14. This is the start of "modern Ryze". Before looking at the changes, we need to know what made those mechanics from 5.8 problematic:

    - They thought Ryze was too difficult to learn and play against. According to them, high-skillcap champions are important, but they shouldn't be "impenetrable" for players/opponents.

    - Ryze was too strong when mastered

    - The kit had low visual clarity

    - Ryze was still too reliable for good players

    It looks like excessive reliability is the common thread here. Even though Q became a skillshot, the constant rooting probably minimized that effect unintentionally. However, the other issues seem to have caught the devs by surprise. Did their standards for visual clarity change, or did they just not think about it (they might have lacked the development resources)? Did they fail to expect some sort of large skill discrepancy with the Arcane Mastery combos? Overall, it's a bit strange.

    Almost everybody knows this kit, so I won't go into detail. Realm Warp was added, the modern rune charge system was given to Overload (replacing the supercharge shield and cooldown reduction), etc.

    Again, I want to look at their logic (found here).

    - The new rune charge system was meant to have higher clarity, focusing only on recent actions. They wanted to limit the "brainpower" invested in tracking stacks.

    - We don't know why they chose to remove Desperate Power in favor of Realm Warp (at least, I have not found an explanation).

    - We don't know why they chose to let Overload bounce to Spell Fluxed targets. They clearly intended for this to be used as waveclear and teamfight AoE, but I can't tell if they were able to accurately judge the consequences.

    This is interesting. The Arcane Mastery supercharge was meant to add "windows of power" and make Ryze less consistent. However, this was removed in favor of the rune charge system (which provides fairly consistent shielding and ability-spamming). If they were trying to reduce reliability and maintain windows of power, why is this the mechanic they settled on? It seems contradictory.

    Also, they were trying to make Ryze easier to pick up. They claim that the new, shorter combos will do this. However, they admit that the new Realm Warp ultimate is something that only expert Ryze players will optimize. Aren't these forces competing? Won't less-skilled players just lack an ultimate, leaving Ryze with a skill floor that remains high? The contrast isn't mentioned and ends up biting back later.

    It's unclear whether or not they even understood the ultimate's potential uses. The rework advertises it as a sort of "in-combat" tool (the example given is EW - R to cut enemies off - EQ) without any acknowledgement of the roaming potential and objective rushes.


    What came next? Some of you might remember a scrapped rework in 8.9 (known as the "true damage rework"). This got very close to being released; I think that this gives some valuable insight into more recent rework goals. I'll post the full thing:


    Here are the stated goals:

    - Ryze is a more vulnerable laner (W will be down more often, since he's using it as a mana refund)

    - Ryze's combat power pushed later into the game (but DPS with lower-CD E is more reliable)

    - Reduced waveclear, especially in lane

    - Less reliable root

    - Fewer chances to use Realm Warp (so that less skilled players don't have to think about it as much). In the linked post, they also say that they are not replacing Realm Warp because:

    The answer is that Realm Warp does exciting things for the champion that we like, but that the primary satisfaction driver of the champion is his core combat loop, so we'd like to keep that intact and just adjust R to be less important overall.

    First of all, the mana refund is IMO a pretty solid concept. The vulnerability is more pronounced as laners get better, so it's the most beneficial for less-skilled players. Reduced waveclear is also a weakness, since it will be easier for skilled laners to manipulate waves in ways that take advantage of Ryze's early weakness.

    The goal of delaying combat power goes against the goals of previous changes. The 5.8 rework was partially due to Ryze's identity as a "give up lane and hyperscale" pick, and the 6.14 rework still kept a lot of that added laning strength intact. On top of delayed power overall, bringing back more reliable DPS (with the extremely low-CD E and huge true damage) pushes this inconsistency more.

    I agree with the less reliable root. It's interesting that this wasn't implemented as a part of 6.14; fixing the perma-root supercharge (making roots less reliable, or maybe even reducing the effectiveness of repeated roots on a single target) could have saved that kit structure from a full-fledged rework.

    They finally address Realm Warp's skill-expression (even though IMO they should have seen the issue during the last rework). I'm not convinced that this would make any meaningful headway in dealing with the mastery curve, especially since the "exciting things" Realm Warp does are also more highly valued in more coordinated play (pro as well as higher elo). I think there are many potential ultimates that wouldn't interfere with the core combat loop, so it seems like they're just really attached to the warp.


    When we get to the most recent rework in 9.12, there were two changelists published. The first one was really wild:


    To be honest, I have no clue why this was proposed. I still remember the epic meltdown on r/ryzemains when we saw this. Since I don't know what conclusions to draw from here, I'll just move on to the second list:


    Unlike the other reworks, I haven't found many public statements about the reasoning behind these changes. We only have the patch notes. Let's see the main claims:

    With the removal of his shield, he'll have fewer means of survivability against bad match-ups

    Apparently, they think of this as a tool for laning safety primarily. The effects on Ryze's overall playstyle, though, aren't mentioned. They seem to know Ryze players enjoy the shield, but it doesn't look like they think of this as critical for his playstyle. This is strange; even though Ryze didn't have shields before 5.8, he had generally gotten strong defensive tools with his reliable roots and spellvamp. Apparently, Repertoir was talked out of re-introducing some sort of sustain mechanic. They might have assumed that Ryze's itemization would provide enough durability; in fact, Repertoir himself was working on some RoA changes around this time to add Desperate Power-style healing. However, this never got implemented.

    by changing his CC to a slow, his gank targets should have better chances of escaping a 2v1 (especially a Flash > Rune Prison combo).

    I agree with this change, and it follows up on the reliability reduction that was proposed in 8.9.

    we're also opening up the bouncing game a bit more by making Spell Flux always bounce off its primary target

    I can't take anything from this comment. The "bouncing game" is not something Ryze ever had trouble with; his waveclear was really good in the previous version, and it was one big reason for his pro priority. It conflicts with the shield removal, since easier/faster waveclear would improve laning safety. It also gives Ryze more reliable damage in lane as well as in teamfights (with less telegraphed bouncing). I would have liked to see some better justification for this change; I have a hard time believing that EEQ bounces are so "high-skillcap" that they warrant removal despite all these issues.

    I should also note that they moved the Overload bonus scaling to Realm Warp, pushing Ryze's DPS later into the game (something that the 8.9 rework desired). Together with the auto-spread flux, this seems like a partial return to the "reliable hyper-scaling mage" identity that initial reworks tried to buck.


    Now, here we are. After the preseason item changes, Ryze is barely holding on to his status as a battlemage. He has a "battlemage-type" range, but he lacks good survivability tools to actually stay there consistently like others in his class. Instead, he's balanced around extremely high damage. Looking back at all the previous iterations, I think that the lack of a clear direction has hurt him, and it ultimately led to Ryze losing much of what made him enjoyable in the first place. Rather than a single issue, it seems like each rework has brought up new problems in their efforts to crush the old ones (sometimes reversing direction entirely). Hopefully, any future reworks recognize and learn from the existing failures to provide more comprehensive answers.

    submitted by /u/HardstuckPlasticV
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    VeigarV2: Bjergsen is the best guy I've worked with in my career.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Most LCS Titles Across All Roles

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:07 AM PST

    In the light of both NA MVPs retiring, I thought it would be interesting to look at all roles and see which players have won the most titles, and which ones even have a chance of catching up to Doublelift and Bjergsen's legacy.


    1. Impact, 4x (TL Spring 2018, TL Summer 2018, TL Spring 2019, TL Summer 2019)
    2. Haunzter and Dyrus are tied at 3x with Haunzter winning with TSM in Summer 2016, Spring 2017, and Summer 2017 and Dyrus winning with TSM in Spring 2013, Summer 2014, and Spring 2015
    3. Balls and Darshan are tied at 2x, with Balls winning with C9 in Summer 2013 and Spring 2014, and Darshan winning with CLG in Summer 2015 and Spring 2016


    1. Xmithie 6x (CLG Summer 2015, CLG Spring 2016, TL Spring 2018, TL Summer 2018, TL Spring 2019, TL Summer 2019)
    2. Svenskeren 3x (TSM Summer 2016, TSM Spring 2017, TSM Summer 2017)
    3. Meteos 2x (C9 Summer 2013, C9 Spring 2014)


    1. Bjergsen 6x (TSM Summer 2014, TSM Spring 2015, TSM Summer 2016, TSM Spring 2017, TSM Summer 2017, TSM Summer 2020)
    2. Pobelter 3x (CLG Summer 2015, TL Spring 2018, TL Summer 2018)
    3. Hai and Jensen are tied at 2x, with Hai winning in 2013 Summer and 2014 Spring with C9, and Jensen winning in 2019 Spring and 2019 Summer with TL


    1. Doublelift 8x (CLG Summer 2015, TSM Summer 2016, TSM Summer 2017, TL Spring 2018, TL Summer 2018, TL Spring 2019, TL Summer 2019, TSM Summer 2020)
    2. Wildturtle 4x (TSM Spring 2013, TSM Summer 2014, TSM Spring 2015, TSM Spring 2017)
    3. Sneaky 2x (C9 Summer 2013, C9 Spring 2014)


    1. Biofrost 4x (TSM Summer 2016, TSM Spring 2017, TSM Summer 2017, TSM Summer 2020)
    2. aphromoo, CoreJJ, Olleh, and LemonNation are all tied at 2x. (edit: Lustboy is also tied here, with 2x titles with TSM in 2014 Summer and 2015 Spring)

    Currently, based off LCS titles alone, the uncontested best team of all time would be Impact, Xmithie, Bjergsen, Doublelift and Biofrost.

    submitted by /u/SunWukong13
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    Drawing all champs day 71 - Malzahar

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:43 PM PST

    Drawing all champs day 71 - Malzahar

    I tried to make him in similar pose to Kassadin, cause you know, they're like rivals or something. I originally wanted to just draw voidling crossing through his portal but after drawing 3 of them I decided that shapeless alien void shadows are better idea, you decide.


    submitted by /u/MrKisiel
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    Shadowbox of Divine Sword Irelia / Handmade with Photo Paper / Commissioned

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:55 AM PST

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