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    LoL Guide Climb Faster with Flow

    LoL Guide Climb Faster with Flow

    Climb Faster with Flow

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:21 AM PST

    Have you ever played a game and lost sense of time? You were most likely immersed. What do you get if you take immersion and give it steroids? Flow or as it's more colloquially know "Being in the Zone" or "Runner's High". Here is a look at a Starcraft II pro Cho "Polt" Seong Hun player's brain"

    "Polt's brain activity showed that he not only moved to new tasks quickly, but also efficiently shifted his focus to kick in milliseconds after a switch. Additionally, in high-pressure situations, like controlling an army to fight on multiple fronts, Polt's measurable mental state highly resembled that of top athletes in a flow state, i.e., "in the zone." This means he was focused and relaxed, not distracted and frantic""

    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is considered the father of flow state and research. It's a state of intense concentration, loss of self, and intrinsic motivation. It makes us happy and while in this state we objectively do everything better. It's been said we can perform and learn 300% better. That sounds badass to me and I would definitely like to consistently enter flow during my ranked climb.

    Here are some bullet points on the neurology of flow for other biohacking nerds like me:

    • Beta brain waves (awake) change to alpha waves (meditative)
    • Implicit memory (unconscious or automatic) is a key functioning region
    • Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulates working memory (briefly hold new information)
    • Medial prefrontal cortex does self-monitoring and reflective processing.
    • Flow has a decrease activity in the medial prefrontal cortex area (transient hypofrontality)
    • Combination of anterior cingulate cortex and temporal pole
    • Increase in neurotransmitter release of Dopamine, Serotonin, Norepinephrine, Endorphins, and Anandamide


    https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00274/full This study was done using Tetris and CS:GO



    When in flow the parts of the brain that perform executive function (thinking) actually quiet down. You reach a state of incredible presence and focus in what you are doing and you react faster and intuitively because you have less need to "think" about your actions. You basically run on autopilot. This is a common experience for pro gamers. You see their expressions can be blank and it's because they are in flow and not actively self-reflecting. Or have you ever made a ridiculous play, then afterwards thought "Wait, what just happened?". You were most likely in flow (but asking yourself that probably kicked you out of it). Much of the function goes to the basal ganglia and cerebellum. There is variation depending on the skill level of the individual and the type of video game being played but we will ignore that extra complexity for now.

    Let's look at the pre-requisites of flow:

    • The 9-part framework:
      • Challenge/Skill balance
      • Clear goal
      • Unambiguous feedback
      • Action-awareness merging
      • Intense concentration
      • Sense of control
      • Loss of self-consciousness
      • Transformation of time
      • Autotelic experience (You play for the love of the sport)

    Let's break these down and see how we can trigger flow:

    • Challenge/Skill Ratio. Your activity has to be slightly more difficult than your current level of skill. If it's too difficult you become anxious and stressed. If it's too easy you become bored. Make it 4% harder than what you can do. Explained in this graph https://imgur.com/a/Uf381sr
    • Clear Goal. Have a clear goal for the session and for the match.
    • Immediate Feedback. Have access to immediate feedback to see how your progressing.
    • Intense Focus. This can be trained with things like mindfulness/meditation.
    • Eliminate external distractions- Don't multitask. There is a steep cost to this called cognitive switching penalty.
      • Put your phone and any other devices where you can't hear it or see it.
      • Is chat being toxic or distracting? Mute. Can't emphasize this enough.
      • Tell others that you do not want to be interrupted for a certain period of time.
    • Eliminate internal distractions
      • Stress causes mental instability which dissuades hyper focus. Work on lowering your stress. Exercise, meditation, etc.
      • Mental reminders. Keeping reminders in your head takes up mental bandwidth. Write it down and forget about it. Free up the space for full concentration.
    • Optimal energy
      • If you're tired, your body will naturally decline reaching flow state since it's a state of high energy. Be well rested and keep your mind sharp.
      • Mornings are also great since it's the time when you naturally increase cortisol levels. This increased energy can be directed to the task at hand.
      • Use tea instead of coffee. Tea has caffeine but also L-theanine. This allows the benefit of increased attention of caffeine without jitters thanks to the soothing effect of L-theanine. Allows for calm focus. Stay away from energy drinks.
    • Rich Environment
      • RGB lights. You can use them as triggers. Pick a color for each moment. There is some science to the use of colors to influence emotional and psychological states. These are mine:
        • Red – In-match tryhard mode
        • Blue – Post-match analyzing my mistakes and what to improv
        • Green – Relaxing
      • Music
        • Music is highly subjective but has some good research to back up its application.
        • Different tempos are conducive to different states, for example music at 120-140 bpm is great for running while music at 50-80 bpm is better used for problem solving and increasing creativity because it aligns our brains to the alpha state.
        • Use relatively repetitive music because distractors like lyrics take up some of our attention.
    • Self-Talk/Imagery
      • These techniques will be explained in a future post but they are effective in inducing flow

    Some more triggers https://www.cwilsonmeloncelli.com/17-flow-triggers-to-hack-into-the-flow-state/

    Some extra research on flow and elite athletes:




    Practice entering flow under similar conditions each time so it becomes automated. Our brains are incredible at making ties between states of being and context. You can see how many pro players have specific little "rituals" that allow them to influence their emotional, psychological and physiological state. Make it a habit and you will become overwhelmingly OP.

    If anyone has any other tips or tricks I'd love to hear about them!

    submitted by /u/MetaDoc_OP
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    Tips for ADC Players, especially low elo

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:50 PM PST

    Yo, what's up. Just wanted to share some of the knowledge I have on how to play ADC right about now. I'm not perfect, but these are just a few tips that I know work well, especially in low elo.

    Level 2 All Ins

    I'm sure you're familiar with the idea of a level 2 all in - you try to fight the enemy bot lane if you're level 2 and they aren't. It's especially potent in bot lane where there's 2x the advantage, meaning that almost all level 2 all-ins give you some kind of guaranteed advantage, whether that be health, a summ, or even a kill if you can do it in time. That being said, be careful when you're doing this - it's not always a guaranteed advantage. Know that Draven Nautilus at level 1 can possibly beat Ezreal Sona at level 2 with a decent hook onto the Sona and an ignite, if Ezreal can't focus Draven safely.

    Another important for Level 2 All Ins is to start walking up before you get level 2 when you know you'll get it first. This almost always works in low elo when people aren't thinking about it until they see you actually get it. Because level 2 in bot lane is first wave + 3 melees, you should start walking up (tell your supp to do this if you're on vc) when you're killing the 2nd or 3rd melee, so that when you get level 2, you're already cutting them off and you'll definitely get some sort of advantage from the level 2 play.

    I love doing this especially on champs like Kaisa/Jhin that can kill/chunk you to 1/3 hp with level 2 advantage.

    Know What Champions Do What

    I kinda hate seeing these types of tips on this sub so I won't bore you, but this is important when it comes to how to play against certain champs.


    Against hook champs, when there are only a couple casters left, just back up - it's worth missing the CS than 50-50ing the hook, which will usually force you to burn a summ if it hits. Similarly, just respect the Leona engage if she's on you.

    Don't try to trade with really good trading champs like Nami - you'll get fucked over really fast. Just wait for your support to do something before you try to trade or fight.

    Against poke champs, it's very very very worth rushing Tier 1 boots. Trust me. The difference is huge.


    Caitlyn is a bitch to deal with, but here's how I like to deal with her:

    Your health is a resource. Besides pushing for level 2, where you can take maybe one or two autos, just try to only last hit minions and try to get CS when Caitlyn goes for CS. Caitlyn can't 1v1 trade that well cause most of her quick trades are just with a single auto, so if you're in auto range of her and your support is in position to respond to a 2v2, hit that bitch back, like with a MF, Jhin, Kaisa Auto Q. When this happens, try not to run unless Caitlyn herself backs up or if your support won't help you in time, or if the enemy jungler is coming bot.

    Know that MF wants to get a Q crit on you, so don't stand behind low HP minions.

    Jinx and Tristana want to poke you by autoing/last hitting minions.

    Tristana has really good burst - careful when she's level 2/3, and know that non-duelist champs like Jhin and Cait will usually just die to her in a 1v1, even if she's a little behind. This holds even truer when she brings hail of blades.

    Twitch loves to go into fog of war or a bush and then Q, and then surprise you with his W slow. Don't walk up past the beginning line of the bot river if he is missing and didn't just back, and try not to play side lane when he's not on the map.

    Stand away from a wave that can get Jhin Q'd and do extra damage.

    Don't be afraid to poke and trade

    A lot of lower elo players don't really understand this concept too well, which is why you can really abuse it. The key concept of it is that when someone is CSing, the fact that they're stuck in the animation gives you a window to land an auto or an auto Q on some champs. Caitlyn's laning playstyle revolves around this: she can hit you when you CS, and you cannot respond because she was already so far away and is now backing up. This also applies to people autoing wards or Draven going to pick up an axe, though I would be careful with the second. He can gap close really fast with W and E.

    Trading is something you should only really do if it's applicable. Here are a few instances -

    You're shielded or buffed - Especially with Lulu, Janna, or Nami, being shielded or buffed can do some serious damage if you apply your trading pattern, like Lucian/Kaisa/MF/Jhin Auto Q.

    Enemy just used key cooldowns - Mostly applies to the support, unless its someone like Trist who has no E. If a hook or a shield is down, try to trade with the adc.

    Enemy can't hit their hook - If a Blitz/Thresh/Naut can't hit the hook and your support can help you 2v1 trade with the adc, you can try and trade.

    Focus the ADC in a 2v2

    Say your support gets hooked, but you're both still full HP. You shouldn't try to run away immediately. Now that they have no real catch on you, you should look to fight back, because if your support can get something like a good Nami bubble, you can turn the engage pretty easily. However, when anything like this happens, you need to focus on the ADC. The support will deal less damage and can probably tank more if they have something like Leona W or Aftershock, so look to use your abilities on the ADC. If you can't get to the ADC safely, just auto the support and pray that you can discourage them from attacking more. However, focusing the ADC can often win you all ins, because you are getting free damage on them while they're focusing your support.

    That being said, make sure not to overstep, making it the enemy ADC and support 2v1ing you while your support can't do much. I made a similar mistake in a game as Kaisa/Sona vs Varus/Pyke. I had a sizeable health advantage and Sona got a nice ult on Varus while Pyke missed the hook, and I immediately E'd forward past the Pyke and began to auto the Varus. Sona didn't have her E and couldn't catch up with me, and was too far away to attack them, while Pyke was in melee range and could auto me freely while Varus could auto me as well. This actually ended up forcing me to burn heal in the end, while Varus just ran away. What I should have done then was just auto the Pyke in front of me and W for the true sight, and with the added damge from Sona and her buffs, we could probably just kill him. Pyke is just as squishy as Varus, if not squishier because of lower levels.

    Rotations and Back Timings

    Congratulations! Hopefully with these tips, you've killed the enemy bot lane. What do you do now?

    In general, what you always want to do is push the wave and make sure that it crashes into tower, and then back. This makes sure that the enemy loses as many minions as possible when they're coming back to lane, makes sure you lose as little minions as possible when you're coming back to lane, and usually sets up a slow push towards you.

    My general rule for getting plates are kind of vague, as it's more of a feeling, but - if you can push a wave, get plates, and back before the enemy comes back to lane, do so. But usually, it's better to get a better base timing than an extra 80 gold from a plate.

    As for rotations, you should rotate to help your jungler at a skirmish unless the wave is pushing towards you, because losing a ton of cs to get 75 gold really isn't worth it.


    In general, you should just hit what's in front of you and what's closest to you. I know it's tempting to go for the back line, but this season especially, tanks do a SHIT ton of damage, and having a bunch of people turn to kill you can lose your team fights. Just hit the most valuable target in front of you.

    MOVE MORE. This is such an underrated thing. It's better to move more in between autos than to barely move and try to do max dps. Do like 2-3 autos and take a moment to look at the fight, then MOVE. You should always be kiting in a direction.

    Don't look at the person you're autoing. It should take 1% of your brainpower to auto someone. You should always be looking at everyone else when you're autoing someone. Low elo ADCs always make the mistake of tunneling on something, and then because you're not looking, Morgana hits a free Q on you and the fight is lost.

    ADC is especially hard to teamfight with now, where stepping the wrong way once is just death. Be careful and move more.

    Mental (Yes, I know you hate these tips, but please read this)

    I hate reading these long winded posts about mental on this sub, but this is important. You need to understand that ADC in low elo is, well, hard, and probably the hardest role to play at low elo. It can be challenging sometimes, especially in those games where you get the braindead support or the inting solo laners. Just remember that there will be some games that you just can't carry on, but think about everything that you could have done better. I've noticed that even in the games where I get frustrated at having an inting team when I'm fed, I make a lot of positioning mistakes that could have won the game or turned fight.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    submitted by /u/CareBig
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    What Should you be Doing Before Your First Base - Diamond 4 ADC Coaching

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Hi guys, My name is Eyez1l and I'm high Diamond ADC player. I do coaching, and since I thought this coaching session with a Diamond 4 player playing Twitch/Janna vs Miss Fortune/Lulu might be useful,I decided to make a video out of it.

    In this video, I go over everything that leads up to your first base. I go over how to decide what your game plan in the first few levels should be. More specifically how to set up your wave as a poke lane.

    I then go over on how to track the enemy jungler, since that is really important because it lets you know when you have to play passive and when you can play agro. I went over that since I saw the client play super passive in a winning match up, when he had the tools to know that the enemy jungler was not going to gank him.

    I also go over how to recognize if the enemy bot lane is setting up a gank by watching what they're doing with the wave. For exemple, if the enemy bot lane has been constantly pushing during the whole laning phase but suddenly, they decide to freeze, that might mean they're setting up a gank.

    I also go over concepts such as how to setup a base in advance (so you can be sure that you crash the wave into the enemy team tower before you reset). Also why, splitting damage between targets in a 2v2 fight is really bad.

    All this was explained in the first 5 minutes of the video and the video is 20 minutes long. I really believe that there is some really important information in here and it would be highly beneficial to anyone below grandmaster tier to watch it.

    Anyway, here is the link to the video: https://youtu.be/mVfGHlV_KYE

    Any criticism is highly welcomed :)

    submitted by /u/eyezil
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    For the life of it, i cannot win a game in Silver. Looking for tips.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Hi Guys,

    Are there any tricks/systems to climb in Silver? :D to get out of Bronze I have abused split-pushing and early leads quite a bit. But for past months I am super stuck in silver. I got to silver 3 at one point, but since the new (pre)season has hit, the game has turned into a sh*tshow for me.

    I have seen some advices that you should group with team and stick with the teams decisions. I have tried it multiple games, but first of all that just feels like a darn coinflip, and even if we win a 5v5 with few of us left alive, we don't know what to do with it. The lines are generally (at best) neutral and you can't just rush objectives.

    Splitting also does not work, maybe I am not playing the right champs for that (Voli and Vi). But it's like the team has in most cases been destroyed if I am not around. And I have no idea how to turn the game in our favour. Sometimes someone can spamping baron or drake or something, but in general there is little use to that.

    And I am not exaggerating, in nearly every game, from past week, I have had teammates just like to take fights in enemy jungle mid game. It is like they just LOVE to fight there. Most of the time unsuccessfully. Or legit chase a single target down into their respawned team.

    I am seriously trying to win the early game. Doing 3 camp clear, get early ganks - summoner spells/first blood, if successful, help the laners push and take a plate or so. Always checking the lanes in the map (not only in map but actually looking at the lanes while farming). If I see enemy jungle i go in their jungle, take at least something down there, and try to invade. After base I try to do objectives first (scuttle/drake/countergank) and then clear my jungle. And I think I am winning early game/laning phase. . But somehow I cannot figure out what to do once that ends.

    When I look at my stats on these data (https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/WillIDo) sites, it seems that my farm, vision, objectives, kills etc. is mostly higher than for my elo.

    If you can give me any tips or advice, I'd be happy to hear it. There is probably something fundamentally wrong with my gameplay, but I legit don't know how or what to improve. Maybe I just have to switch to a lane and leave jungle behind?

    Anyway! Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Tamburineman
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    Kai'Sa ADC Guide for Season 11 (Best Item Builds and Runes)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Link to the guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1miJ3wyYcaYI69M6-x1FgTPefbfhyI9sQDX81fCD_6pA/edit?usp=sharing

    Link posts are not allowed in this subreddit which is why I have to create a new post here, instead of crossposting the original post from r/kaisamains, which can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/kaisamains/comments/k15cyx/kaisa_adc_guide_for_season_11_best_item_builds/

    submitted by /u/xvhayu
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    How do you actually improve?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:36 AM PST

    Greetings! I've been playing the game since S2, by spells starting from S5 since I began attending university. My ranks varied from high silver to mid plat.
    Recently I read a post somewhere with a person ranting about how unlucky they are, and there was a comment: have you actually tried to improve?
    What stands behind this sentence? Because I really felt what the user was saying and I asked myself the same - how is it possible to improve in silver when every second game you get a 2M Katarina OTP or a Jhin/Pyke duo with over 1M points combined, or somebody leaves after giving two kills to Darius, or even the most basic one - a player picks a champion with zero knowledge of the respective character?
    Note that this is more of a practical question rather than a rant, since I genuinely want to figure out how to act in a situation like this, suffering defeat after defeat for such asinine reasons.

    submitted by /u/nitrous33
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    Don't help your jungler take dragon/herald unless he asks for it

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:15 AM PST

    Most junglers will tend to try and take early neutrals, provided they have a suitable champion to do so. Almost every single jungler can solo hearld (it will take time though) and most who attempt early dragons are capable of taking them alone (given enough time).

    Dissapearing from your lane suddenly and walking towards the river as an adc WILL GIVE AWAY THE SNEAK. Don't go for it, unless the jungler is pinging/asks preemptively because he is an idiot and miscalculated his damage/survivability.

    Obviously, this doesn't apply when all the potential contesters are dead or if you have priority in your lanes and can take the disadvantageous 2v2,3v3,4v4 after being chucked from the objective.

    submitted by /u/ImUnderYourBedDude
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    Almost 2 years ago, I created an in-depth ADC guide. Now, I'm creating an updated YouTube version of it!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Hey everyone!

    So, almost 2 years ago, I created an in-depth ADC guide and shared it with you all here. You can find the post here:


    Back then, I was platinum. In the meantime, I have reached Diamond in S9 and 10 and have coached a lot of ADC mains. I have been thinking about this for a while and I decided to update this guide for S11 and make a YouTube version of it.

    The updated version of the written guide can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15aTweWK8IF59dmOYhHLU2hUK2HRL20bw/view?usp=sharing

    The biggest changes are:

    • No more embedded videos, since the file would be too large. Instead, I uploaded the tutorials to YouTube and copied the links in the guide.
    • The item changes are mentioned, as well as my first impressions and opinions on them.

    You can follow the YouTube version on my YT channel. Here's the first episode: https://youtu.be/z--3RutEjIQ

    I hope you guys find this helpful! I wish you all good luck on the rift!

    submitted by /u/smnbmby
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    Disable Chat

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:52 PM PST

    Since I turned the chat off on both teams I noticed my tilt is nonexistent, I seriously recommend everyone to do this since nobody, and I mean NOBODY has anything useful to say to you in chat. Everything can be pinged and everyone does ping stuff like summs or ults or items or wards.

    Not only does this help to ignore morons who try to trash talk from the other team or kids who cry ff after giving up first blood, but you focus on the game instead of what the other guy is saying and what you need to type back. Its about the game, not about being social.

    As a bonus you reduce the chance of getting punishment for toxicity by 100%

    Disable. Chat. On. Both. Teams.

    submitted by /u/kingstone213
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    How to watch a pro replay?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:59 AM PST


    I want to learn ekko and I thought a good way would be to watch pro replays (by example from caps), however, from the ingame client i cannot download it (it says it is expired). I tried op.gg and there it says i cannot download it because it detects a virus (i looked up the F.A.Q on op.gg but it coulnd't help me).

    I know youtube channels exists, however i am specifically looking for recent ekko gameplay, which is why they are not an option.

    submitted by /u/xnalem
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    How do you deal with deep wards on the botside as a jungler?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Im currently plat3 (udyr otp) and i keep struggeling with ungankable lanes and deep wards... What do I do when my lanes keep getting ganked and killed but i cant even get a gank off because the enemy support deep warded all the available ganking routes there are to me. Obviously i buy sweaper every game but you cant always clear all wards, but i may be wrong idk.. Can someone tell me where people usually deepward the botside and how to play around those deepwards? Or what to do in general when ur whole jungle keeps getting warded. It is literally so frustrating.

    submitted by /u/Diawayptoxityps
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    Are some ADCs just not able to keep up with everyone else at the moment?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:13 AM PST

    I've started playing 2 months ago, so I'm definitely not a good player. I started with playing Morgana sup, then switched to ADC with Ashe. Now I'm trying out Jinx, but I just never manage to do much with her, she's always so week, never wins a 1v1 and doesn't really do a lot in general.

    Am I just playing poorly (which is totally a possibility) or is she just not that viable in the current meta?

    Also, I keep reading in this sub, and around too, that ADC is a bad role right now, that it was weakened with the new patch and everyone seems to suggest not to play ADC, but there are also many that say that Jhin and MF are busted with the new items. So should I maybe play them, instead of Ashe and Jinx? Or should I just keep practicing and improve with my two favourite ADCs?

    Thanks for helping out a newbie :)

    submitted by /u/OrangeBowtie_
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    Slow Resistance and Tenacity?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:38 PM PST

    One of those things that didn't hit me until today, but Slow Resistance and Tenacity; what is the mechanical difference between the two? I had always thought Tenacity WAS Slow resistance (that Tenacity encompassed all CC resistance), but reading the text for Turbo Chemtank, it talks about Tenacity AND Slow Resistance, so something in my knowledge is missing here.

    How would this item impact something like Nasus' W (Wither)? And would it be better to resist the W with Merc Treads or Boots if Swiftness?

    submitted by /u/FandangoGhandi
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    Love the rune, but can't see it being usable ever again.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:44 PM PST

    Not new, but I need some help with understanding its current status and future changes. The rune I am talking about is Glacial Augment. The new season has largely made what I play stronger, but the loss of Glacial as a viable rune feels bad. What are all of the items that can actually proc it now, and what champions can use it effectively currently? And does anyone know if it will be receiving changes or new items to proc it in the future? As a support main, I enjoyed taking it for the extra utility, and I similarly played a lot of Veigar and used Glacial with an extremely utility-oriented build (which is unusable now because most of the items it used have been removed or reworked into a mythic, thanks Riot for making lots of item routes impossible), so I am pretty well-versed in its use, I just don't know how I'm supposed to use it in the new season.

    submitted by /u/Loggit-Chan
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    What to do after team fights or after laning phase?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Pretty much what the title says. I'm a new player looking for advice here.

    What to do when split pushing is not an option? Should I always look for 5v5's? Should I go back to lane and freeze under t2? I get really lost mid game, after team fights too. Like; ok we won but what now? Drake? Baron? Farm? Base?

    Can someone tell me what their mindset is?

    submitted by /u/Mxrechal
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    Its chemtank good?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:30 PM PST

    The question its simple, but righteous glory used to be an important item for the characters i play (Skarner, Rammus, Maokai, Cho'gath, etc..).

    So i would like to know what do you think, if it is viable or do i just run sunfire aegis? it works on those

    champs a lot better than Chemtank.

    submitted by /u/Fan224
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    Question about ADC mythic item efficiency

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:52 PM PST

    How gold efficient is to rush a mythic as first item and is it strongly advised? I'm currently playing vayne and I'm struggling during the landing phase due to the components that lead to adc mythics. Compared to last seasons botrk rush, going into slayer or shieldbow feels lackluster either in sustain or attack speed. I've been having success with trinity rush lately. So my question stands, is going mythic first item mandatory on adcs that do not directly abuse shieldbow? (example: samira, kaisa)

    submitted by /u/The11thArchAngel
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    When should a Kayn gank a lane that is the opposite of the form he wants?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:49 AM PST

    I don't play kayn but I know that he has two forms and needs to gank in order to get a form. It happens to me all the time; I'm playing a mage and I just get ganked out of the blue by a conq Kayn, and it utterly confuses me why he would gank when I'm not even low. Is it just the elo I play in, or is there a specific reason I constantly get ganked by kayns who are not going blue Kayn?

    submitted by /u/Shimadacat
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    How do you come back as an ADC when you’re behind?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    As a relatively new ADC in season 11, when I'm down a few kills in lane and our bot lane is effectively worthless, how do I come back in the mid-late game? After I fall behind in the first 20 minutes playing just feels impossible, because everyone rolls over me with their superior damage and health pools.

    submitted by /u/eidolonwyrm
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    Why do low elo players view "roam" as bad thing?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:54 AM PST


    I played 3 games as support, where I roamed in earlygame. Everytime I roamed mid or helped jungler with scuttle, my team just pinged my ass off and shittalked me to ground. ADC blaming me for helping mid (where I got 3 kills btw) and not him and lets enemy naut hook him while he is overextended. You could say that I should roam only if adc was safe and sound, but I play at plat4. I expect people to understand these things. It's ridicolous to see someone bitch about good play and him making a bad play.

    What should I tell them for my defense and how should I act.

    Yeah Im writing this out of frustration and yes, 3rd game adc afked cause I was roaming mid and helping jgl, instead of him.

    submitted by /u/PandLiker
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    ADC secondary Sorcery rune options? (Gathering Storm, Celerity+Galeforce?)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:57 AM PST

    First of all, is Gathering Storm still a good option on adcs considering games are shorter and scaling is more skewed towards late game anyway?

    I mainly play Xayah and I've been considering going (hear me out) Celerity or Transcendence.

    I always go Galeforce on Xayah which gives 3% bonus MS per every other Legendary. Xayah's W gives 30% bonus MS. The Celerity rune makes all MS bonuses 7% more effective and gives 1% bonus MS. It seems like it should give quite a bit of bonus MS, so would it be a good choice instead of Nimbus Cloak or even Gathering Storm?

    submitted by /u/SpeedyTurbo
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    Adc Fundementals ?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Hey all wassup , im a plat 4 toplaner ( mostly singed and gp ) , i really want to switch to adc this season ( i know its the worst time to start playing adc because of this stupid assasin meta ) , i dont really like this role alot specially since its a 2 v 2 lane and ur support dictates how the laning face goes , but im willing to put in the time and hard work to learn , just becz of jhin , im inlove with this champ , see with new item changes , i stopped having fun with my main champs , i feel like riot ruined and jhin made me have fun with the game again ! I could say that my adc is silver 2 level , i really need alot if help to improve and i would like ur suggestions such as fundemantls , macro decisions , specially i want to know if adc could work in this stupid meta , can u still climb where asassins are top tier in the game ? Also im having a problem that i could only play jhin to a decent level , if he gets banned i think im doomed , i cant perform well on any adc plus i cant seem to enjou an adc other than jhin !

    submitted by /u/Sailing_Pirate
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