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    Friday, November 27, 2020

    LoL Guide If you're the one who summons Herald, you don't have to stay in range to get plate gold

    LoL Guide If you're the one who summons Herald, you don't have to stay in range to get plate gold

    If you're the one who summons Herald, you don't have to stay in range to get plate gold

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Not sure how many people know this tip, but you only have to stay in range for plates if you WERENT the one to summon herald.

    I've frequently seen people try to stay in plate range, and they end up getting caught out from enemies who are rotating over. This may help some people get out of danger faster when sieging with Herald! Also if you're the jungler who drops herald, you can leave and get back to farming, ganking, or pressuring objectives without losing out on the gold.

    For a video explanation and a few other Herald tips, you can check out this video :D https://youtu.be/RoRBgkMg2X0

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    The new Death's Dance only reduces physical damage, not magic damage

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:02 AM PST

    It blows my mind that people don't read tooltips. Death's Dance got reworked in preseason and it only reduces and stores damage against physical damage. It no longer affects magic damage. Felt obligated to post this before anyone purchases it against AP comps.

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    PoM > Manaflow

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Presence of Mind is better than Manaflow for a few reasons

    1. Easier to proc - PoM procs on any auto attack. While I have not tested if it procs on immolate from bami's items or tiamat, I assume that it will given that on the lol wiki, it states " Damaging an enemy champion increases your mana regeneration by 1.5 − 11 (based on level) mana per second ".
    2. PoM gives far more mana. On a recent game on malphite, I took both PoM and Manaflow because I was playing Comet malphite into a Lucian. What can you see? 3809 Mana restored from PoM, only 838 from Manaflow. While Manaflow also gives 250 mana, I feel that the 250 mana is less important, and in a situation where you can only take Manaflow or PoM, you should definetly consider PoM.
    3. PoM has no cooldown, this can be abused by certain champs such as Teemo or Brand who have DoT in their kit, hit one ability and you will get increased mana regen for longer.

    So, who should take PoM?

    • Champs with atleast one poke ability
      • In my example game, I showed poke Malphite, but any champ with a long range poke ability such as Sion, Camille, and ranged champs can take it as well due to it being easier to proc.
    • Any champ that builds AoE items such as Cinder or Tiamat - Again, this is assumption, however I think that champs that build either of those items can proc PoM, I will test this in practice tool and update the post.

    What should you be wary of?

    • Ranged champs will not get as much sustain on PoM as melee champs would
      • They get 80% effectiveness on PoM as compared to their melee counterparts, as a result ranged characters might find more benefit taking manaflow.
    • By taking PoM, you will forfeit Triumph. Adjust your runes according to your playstyle, if you like fighting risky fights and coming out on top, you should definetly take Triumph, as it only augments your playstyle. If you tend to poke alot more, you should thus consider PoM.
    • PoM is a part of the yellow tree, mages might find more benefit taking ravenous hunter and taste of blood, supports and junglers might want to take zombie ward or ghost poro.
    submitted by /u/Meteor53
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    You don't want to climb.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:47 PM PST

    After my last post, I got numerous claims from people that they simply could not improve (they hit a plateau), or that they had hit their talent ceiling, or that not everyone can get to diamond so what's the point? This person compared getting into diamond with getting into the NBA - funniest comment by far. Some said that they had subsequently given up learning or improving at the game. That was not the intent of the post.


    Before I go on, I want to be clear: natural talent exists. Life isn't fair and some people are born with innate gifts that will dwarf yours somehow. They will get further than you with less work, and if they put in the same work or more as you, they will get much further....and that's just how it is.

    HOWEVER, only a handful of people are supremely talented AND hardworking. After all, how many Fakers are there? Also, most people are reasonable enough to not assume that they can be the next Faker, and aren't looking to; they're just trying to get into Gold, Plat, or Diamond.

    "Working Hard" vs "Working Smart"

    I also got numerous replies saying it's no good to simply play a lot of games and "grind it out", that you need to goal set, deliberately practice, review, study, analyze. I completely agree. Ideally, if you are looking to improve, you should be doing these things. Playing a lot of games can help some people improve, but not everyone learns in the same way. When you're stuck in a plateau and don't see yourself improving, there are so many things you could be doing other than/as well as playing games that can help. I won't go into that here since there are numerous resources out there if you bother searching for them.

    But at the end of the day, you also need to put in a decent amount of ranked games if you want your improved skills reflected in your ranked status. And you have to be consistent about it, you can't just weekend warrior 20 games in a row every once in a while. That might work, but it also might cause you to lose your sanity (been there).

    Sample Size

    Which brings me to my next point, sample size. Some people complain that they are the magic exception, that no matter what they do, they always get the bad players, the intentional feeders, the leavers, the disconnects. For some reason, they just want you to take their word for it and listen to their rant and accept that yes, they are the exception. They never seem to link their account name to look up, and when they do, without exception, they've usually played a pretty insignificant amount of ranked games.

    If you have a small sample size (small number of games), variance can skew the results drastically. Flipping a coin is a 50/50 chance, but if you didn't that and flipped a coin only once and never again, you might think heads comes up 100% of the time. Likewise, if you flip a coin 5 times in a row, the chances of getting heads 5 times in a row is 1/32 (1/2 ^ 5). Think about that, there's a 3.125% chance that you could flip a coin 5 times in a row and it lands on 1 side every flip, and that's for a perfectly even chance beforehand. If your rank is a reflection of your skill, most people simply do not play enough ranked games to even see a proper reflection.

    For those of you who have played a significant amount of games and still found it difficult to improve, there are generally going to be other issues at play (mostly mental), and that's another matter entirely.

    I have no talent, can I climb?

    For those of you who have given up improving, this is for you. I can't vouch for the sincerity of the other people's stories, but I believe that I can give you a rough idea of what it takes to climb to the highest levels with my own.

    Short Background:

    Before League, I never played DOTA or HON. I was too busy playing Starcraft Broodwar for many years. I messed around a lot and didn't play too much ladder, but I did eventually play a season of PGTour and got C+ for those of you who remember that. Eventually I got around to playing SC2 in the beta and a friend and I played decently on the 2v2 ladder (top 5 global). Getting bored of SC2, I started playing SOTIS (a custom map on SC2 that was a DOTA clone) but it was heavily imbalanced so I quit and started playing League.

    I started partway through Season 1, and at this point I was already in my 20s (definitely not a prodigy). Though I never played any MOBAs before, I did play a lot of SC and I thought I would just use the same method I improved with on there:

    Step 1) Watch some pro games.

    Step 2) Play a lot of games, try to copy them.

    Step 3) ????

    Step 4) Profit

    Unfortunately there were no replays (we still don't have replays as they exist on SC1/2) at the time to learn from, so it ended up being mostly just watching random streamers once in a while and playing lots of games. When I started playing ranked, I immediately placed at 1450 (gold) Elo. I ended the season at 1999 Elo. Season 2 is when I went HAM and grinded out a lot of games. I believe I was roughly 1500 games (maybe more) into the season when I plateaued around 2.2k Elo. Eventually I started jungling more and peaked at around 2750 which at the time was rank 7, then went on some spectacular tilt near the end of the season and ended around 2500.

    I don't remember the exact amount of games I played, but it was easily over 1600 that season according to that screenshot in the post linked above. Over 1600 games in 1 season, that's (on average) over 4 games a day for a year. Of course, that was to get to a decently high rank. YMMV, if you're aiming to just get to Gold, it probably won't take that many games.

    Skill transfer vs Talent

    Now you might be thinking, "you are talented and played a lot, that's the only reason you were able to climb." I don't think I'm particularly talented at all, but I will acknowledge there are certain skills that transferred from playing other games (namely Starcraft). So let's take a realistic look at my situation, with the benefit of hindsight:

    1) I was already in my 20s (not some young prodigy), which at the time was nothing special, and in these days with younger and younger pros (Faker was scouted at what, 16?), I was a dinosaur.

    2) Mechanics: I was never a fast player in SCBW, more so played a macro game. I would average maybe 150 average, 200 peak APM. In League my mechanics have also been fairly average, definitely not my strong suit. Mechanics are probably the least important skill to climbing the ladder, though it gets far more important at pro levels of play.

    3) Game knowledge: This is one area where I am probably better than average. I tend to immerse myself into something, and League when I started was no exception. I just did the same thing I did when I learned Starcraft. Try to understand the champs, items, and watch pros and other high level play to get a sense of the metagame. I spent a lot of time when I was starting the game (under level 30) just understanding the champs, items and metagame, so when I could start playing ranked, I never really had any issues climbing right away. This is something that people don't seem to do anymore (now especially due to role selection). These days even I barely keep up with what's going on with updates and new champs, and I would say my game knowledge could definitely use some improvement.

    4) Mental fortitude: This is probably the area where I have the most "talent". I guess I've always been a fairly stubborn person, and when playing games it's no exception. When I was trying my best to win and improve, I wouldn't get dissuaded at all from doing whatever is necessary to win. I would play a lot, study builds, test builds, theorycraft, study up on other players, strategically pick and ban, play any style, play any champ, tryhard every game. I've went on 20+ game loss streaks (in 1 session) and kept playing. Hell, I've played pretty much every ranked season, grinding enough games to get to diamond (took over 300 games last season). I might tilt hard every once and a while, but I've always understood that at the end of the day, it's because I'm not good enough. When I do succumb to these tendencies, I tend to fall into the "tilted out of my mind but still want to win this goddamn game" category of player, which at the end of the day has led to significantly more wins than if I'd simply AFK'd or straight up inted.

    Consistency/Mental Fortitude

    Luckily (or unluckily for some), climbing any competitive ladder (especially in a team game) is going to be mostly consistency and mental fortitude. When I say consistency, I mean:

    - Can you play at the highest levels of your ability game after game? This isn't just about tilt, but whether you actually have the capability to play to the best of your ability. IE: not playing when extremely tired or under the influence, playing with little to no distractions, playing with functioning computer/internet (not playing on a Pentium I with 56k).

    - Can you push yourself to do due diligence (read: boring stuff) outside of the game? Ex: Practice skill shots, practice last hitting, practicing 1v1s, reading up on the meta, studying various builds, watching replays, spectating games.

    - Can you maintain a consistent mental state from game to game? Note: this doesn't only mean tough it out, stop tilting, etc, but whether you have the will power to step away and take a break when necessary (for those who become too emotionally invested).

    - What else are you willing to do to give yourself the most possible advantages? Are you physically healthy? Are you mentally in a good place? Are you down to optimize the various facets of your life? These are all factors that will play a part in your performance, whether it's in League or elsewhere.

    - Can you put in the requisite time daily? All of this takes time, and to maximize consistency it can't be too spread out. Unless you're inundated with talent and natural ability, don't expect to just play a couple games every once in a while and shoot up the rankings.

    If you answered yes to the above questions, then you can eventually climb the ladder. Of course, you can expedite this process (as well as push it to your natural limits) if you put some extra effort in (working smarter), but regardless, if you can put in the work and be consistent, you will end up climbing.

    The good news is mental fortitude is the easiest skill to learn and train. We all practice it every day in our daily lives. You can learn about improving it from numerous sources, and there's no barrier to entry - it just requires some self reflection and contemplation (not always easy). Everyone is different so I won't go too much into the various strategies, but needless to say a lot of it is psychological or philosophical (I'm a fan of the stoic line of thinking myself).

    Wrapping up

    For those of you who have made it this far, I hope this helps in some way to understand the lengths that I went through to climb the ladder and what you will have to go through to do the same (though probably not to the same extent).

    Now, you might argue that everyone sucked back in the day, that a S10 Gold player is equivalent to a 3000 Elo player in S2, but in gaming years I'm a relic and I still manage to crawl my way into the lowly ranks of Diamond every year.

    Additionally, most people don't have such lofty goals, maybe you're stuck in Silver and you're just looking to make it into Gold in season 11 for the reward. I replied to someone in my last post that I believe most people could easily make it deep into Plat at least, maybe even Diamond. I actually believe this to be the case: the biggest improvement that most people can make is a change in mindset.

    Climbing a competitive ladder is a Sisyphean task - every day you're going to be pushing that boulder up the hill. Every day if you even let up a little bit that boulder is going to roll down even further than you pushed it. Changing your mentality will have the single biggest improvement on your game, as it enables you to do everything else. Without a strong mentality, people are liable to give up rather than to push through challenges/plateaus. Also, because it's so specific and individual, no one can really give you tips on how to accomplish it, which is why most advice tends to fall into the "play this champ, do this build" or "just dont tilt!" category. This also makes it difficult in a sense to improve (as the root issue has nothing to do with gaming, let alone League of Legends).

    I don't want to give "4 simple ways not to tilt", I searched through google/reddit and saw that topic comes up repeatedly, so I thought I would share my story and reflect on it and hope that it opens some eyes and maybe convince some people to give learning and improving another shot. It is completely doable to climb the ladder and definitely not the same as making it into the NBA. I mean come on, it's been 10 years, and people still believe in Elo hell / "Loser's Queue" / whatever meme name for blaming external factors on not being able to climb.

    You have to take responsibility for your own journey. At the end of the day you're going to be the determining factor in whether you can improve and climb, not some guide that will soon be obsolete, not some streamer or video, not a coach, and definitely not some reddit self-help bs post (hah).

    Good luck in season 11 everyone!

    Obligatory shout out to this site where I sometimes write about stuff (it's been a bit on and off since I've been busy with other stuff). I'm also doing a 1* game a day challenge for season 11, and I'll be writing up every game on there for those who are interested.

    submitted by /u/durrhurrd
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    Learning5s once again here to help you improve! Signups are open until the 28th! Hurry

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:14 AM PST

    [Click Here To Join Our Discord!]

    What is Learning Fives?

    Five players and one coach join together for six weeks of FREE team based learning and practice.

    During those six weeks, teams meet together at least twice a week for 2-3 hours and their coaches will spectate the games, working to create a well-oiled machine out of 5 chosen players.

    How do I signup?

    To sign up for Learning Fives, you must join our Discord server, which can be found at the very top of this post. After joining, the signup forms can be found in the #program-info channel or #announcements. Once you reach the end of the signup form, you are all set!

    Upcoming Dates

    Sign up period - November 26th - November 29th; signups end at 11:59 PST on November 29th.

    Team selection - November 30th - December 4th

    Start to End Dates - December 5th - December 17th

    For the most up to date information, please visit our Discord! You may also visit our various social media. Twitter @learning5s and Facebook @learning5s.

    How does selection work?

    Coaches; After you complete your application, you will be put in a private unnamed team room along with our senior coordination staff. After sign-ups end you will be assigned a personal coordinator who will guide you through the team creation process.

    Understudies; Should a coach desire an understudy, they'll select one from those signed up. You'll receive a Discord PM from a coordinator offering you a position. If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. Unfortunately, there are usually a smaller number of coaches than understudies, so it's impossible to put you all on teams.

    Students; During Team Selection week, coaches will be building teams to their specifications. Once they have found a mix of players that they are happy with, Discord PMs will be sent out to notify you and you will be added to the coach's team room where they can tell you more about the schedule and their coaching style. Please ensure you put your Discord name on the signup form! This is necessary for us to contact you!

    If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room by the end of team selection, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. It's unfortunate but the number of student signups we get means that it's impossible to find coaches for all you motivated players. Keep signing up for the sessions as they come and you'll find your way onto a team!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. Do you have to be ranked to sign up?

    A1. Yes, you must be ranked to sign up.

    Q2. Does this program run in all regions?

    A2. Yes! We do offer support for teams in any region although the majority of our sign-ups come from NA and EUW. If you are not from either of these regions we highly recommend telling your friends and signing up anyway to increase the chances of a team being put together.

    Q3. How will we be contacted?

    A3. You will only be contacted via Discord PM by a coordinator. Please make sure you put your correct Discord name on the signup form. Make sure your Discord PMs are open.

    We ask that Students…

    • Be teachable
    • Be team players
    • Be motivated
    • Never talk down on teammates during games
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    We ask that Coaches…

    • Do their best
    • Ask for help when they need it
    • Cover most of the major team concepts
    • Avoid frustration
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    As always, we want to hear your feedback about anything. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions not covered above feel free to leave a comment, or join our Discord and shoot one of the admins a question. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/licorices
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    Use bard portals to trick enemies to go through them

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:55 PM PST

    I discovered that this works on accident by opening a portal as I was getting ganked and the enemy went through the portal before I did. I just didn't go through and was able to walk away free and clear.

    I now intentionally do it all the time and it's pretty amazing how many people just spam click the portal to go through before considering whether they should. There are a lot of applications like when you're getting ganked, trick enemies to portal out of baron/drag pit, or in team fights to just scatter the enemy team.

    Keep in mind I'm pretty low elo at silver II so it may have diminishing returns the higher elo you are

    submitted by /u/wcc8
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    Terms Explanation - Auto Attack animation cancel, Auto reset, Cancelled autos

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:52 PM PST

    This is originally a comment, but i figured id make it a post too

    Auto, Auto Attack, Attack, Basic attack --> all the same thing

    Auto Attack animation cancel, Auto reset, and cancelling autos --> terms to be explained


    1. Auto attack animation cancel

    - Do stuff as soon after the auto attack happens

    2. Auto attack reset

    - Remove/"reset" your auto attack cooldown

    - Some abilities can reset Auto attacks

    - Usual combo pattern: Auto > Ability > Auto

    3. Cancelling autos

    - Do stuff before the auto attack happens, cancelling it

    - Generally a bad thing, but it can be good in some situations


    Long explanation:

    This is what happens when you Auto attack

    Right Click > Windup time > Effect

    Right Click

    - Right click

    Windup time

    - Short time period before the Effect

    - This is a time period, so this is not instant

    - Your champions stops moving during this

    - Visually, this is when you windup an attack

    - Like charging your kame hame ha wave

    - Or when youre about to throw a rock, but the ball havent left your hand yet1


    - For melee champions, this is when the damage happens

    - For ranged\* champions, this is when the projectile comes out

    - This is instant

    *Ranged champions are divided into two: Projectile and Non-projectile

    Projectile- their auto attacks are moving

    ex. Ashe, Caitlyn, Kindred, etc.

    Non-projectile- their auto attacks are instant, not moving.

    - theyre like melee, but longer range

    ex. Thresh, Senna, Azir, Vel'koz, etc.


    1. Auto Attack animation cancel

    - Doing other actions AS SOON AFTER the Windup time completes

    - AFTER the Windup time completes --> the Effect happens

    - Effect happens = youve already "done" the auto attack

    - When youve done the auto attack --> you want to do other actions now

    - Other actions: Moving, casting abilities, casting summoner spells, etc

    - This is called "animation cancel" because

    After the Windup time --> Wind down animation(this is just a visual animation)

    Doing other actions during the Wind down animation --> interrupts/cancels the Wind down animation (hence animation cancel)


    Additionaly, when the Windup time completes --> Auto attack cooldown starts

    Auto attack cooldown/ Auto attack timer

    - Cooldown, but in Auto attacks


    1. Auto attack reset/ Auto attack cooldown reset

    - Removing/"resetting" the Auto attack cooldown

    - Some abilities in the game are Auto attack resets

    - Cast that ability --> removes current Auto attack cooldown

    - One common combo pattern with Auto attack resets

    - AA > Ability > AA


    1. Cancelling autos

    - Doing other actions during the Windup time

    - Do other actions DURING the Windup time --> interrupts/cancels the Windup time

    - Interrupting/Cancelling the Windup time --> Effect/Auto attack wont happen


    Too much formatting i know lol sorry. Its also super messy in text, but its easy to understand really

    My original comment:


    submitted by /u/rimidalv25
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    Burst mages: whenever possible, swap Morellonomicon for Chemtech Putrifier

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:45 AM PST

    An extremely recurring thing i see are midlaners starving themselves out of Ability Haste. While 28 Magic Penetration is in one-and-a-boot items a massive asset, you all are to be reminded Luden's/Sorc as a combo strips you of your earliest source of high cooldowns now - Boots of Lucidity. While theoretically it IS possible to do well purely relying on Luden's per-item scaling (it is 30 mpen from NOTHING guys), doing so begs you to get CDR from elsewhere.

    This leads us to Chemtech Putrifier.

    It is easy to diss it on the pure basis of it having less AP, but Chemteck Putrifier is completely more usable for mages than Morello's under the basis 0 wasted stats. It has 20 less AP than Morello's because it costs 200g less and nothing there doesn't contributes to your damage output.

    Factually speaking, midlaners only Took Oblivion orb for its magic penetration. If looking for a similar statistical damage amp, look no further than Bandleglass Mirror instead. 20 AP + 10% Ability Haste is easily more efficient than 40 AP from a Blasting Wand by multiplying all your base damage, which is the basis of a penetration build. Mana regen is also another great boon so you can go longer for your no-interaction patterns.

    Second, almost no mage is incapable of fully benefiting from its Grievous Wounds clause. Accounting from half-second knocks to charms, hard CC is recurrent in the entire class. You all have died the moment a Lux snared you or Veigar caged you where you'd flash. Don't fake it.

    Morellonomicon now is basically built around DPS-oriented users who are pulling cooldowns out of Liandry's - so the likes of Anivia, Cassio, Morgana and Zyra. Insisting on it based in discourses is gimping yourself. It is not a spellblast tool anymore.

    submitted by /u/ZanesTheArgent
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    Vision as a jungler

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm a plat 2 jungle main, EUW. I want to climb to diamond, but my warding game is very bad. I want to know some things about warding as a jungler so I can improve on this.

    My ward score is always very low, especially when I wardtrick/ go sweeper early on. This is because I'll rarely actually find wards from the enemy team to remove. When I do find them, it's usually only after a gank that failed, because the enemy lane had a ward.

    When should I buy vision wards?

    When do I switch my warding totem to a sweeper?

    When should I take time apart to just ward, instead of clearing camps/ganking?

    Where are good places to ward as a jungler?

    I would like to hear from you guys!

    submitted by /u/noah_legerstee
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    Educational Jungle Compilation From A Diamond Jungler

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I make educational jungle videos to help jungle mains grow and evolve the macro side of their jungling which I believe is the most critical skill for the position. Unfortunately, while micro mechanics such as skill combos and animation cancels can be quickly learned through youtube videos and practice tool, growing your macro skill as a jungler is much more difficult.

    Your macro can be summarized by all of the decisions you make throughout the game. Which side of the map you start and how many camps you clear, what you do after your first clear, when you take your first recall, and what side of the map you go to after your first recall are just a few examples of the type of decisions junglers have to make every game. These decisions should take into account all game variables such as jungle matchups and lane matchups as well as the present state of the game like health bars, wave positions, and ability/ss cooldowns as well as camp and neutral objective respawns. It is not hard to see why jungle can be such an overwhelming role for new players and current jungle mains alike especially after the exp nerfs to jungle in season 10 which make macro mistakes very punishing for junglers (which popularized the term jg diff).

    My video commentary is designed to not only talk about what the correct decisions are but why those decisions are better than the alternatives. Here is a compilation video of some of my commentary from season 10 which I hope will be of some use to those of you looking to grow as a jungler! Comments and feedback are appreciated, and I would be happy to provide my take on any jungle related questions about s10 or s11 as well. Thanks for watching:

    Arfreezy - Season 10 Educational Jungle Compilation

    submitted by /u/Arfreezy_LoL
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    What is your opinion on the new Rylai Crystal Scepter?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:48 AM PST

    I always liked the item, but it was an obviously bad choice for mages like Ahri, Ryze, Cassiopeia, Swain, Azir... there was always a better option for every situation, and Rylai became unused because of all the other better items that were available.

    Now with Rylai rework, what's your opinion on it to certain champions? I find Giant's Belt a lifesaver against assassins and though mid lane matchups, and the increased slow is good as well. On the other side, there's a lack of CDR and a big price.

    PS: question being made especially for champions that don't commonly build Rylai's like Ryze, Ahri, etc. Lets forget champs like Singed and Malzahar.

    submitted by /u/Haubrick
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    Jungle main

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:47 PM PST

    So I played 3 games I'm in silver 2 bc I can't get a solid team ever. I always am positive and am helping but for example last game my team went Ashe support and Mf adc. Ashe went 0-7 mf went 0-9 and then both blamed me for not helping their lanes. What am I supposed to do when the enemy adc is 4-0 at level 6? I just focused on top and mid and securing heralds while power farming to somewhat have a chance. I play yi hec Kha and rammus .

    submitted by /u/Coast2Coast420
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    How to beat Kayle? How could I have won this game?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:46 PM PST


    This game was an easy stomp but turned into disaster for the last 10 minutes. I started it off by crushing Yas mid as Diana and snowballing my botlane and jungle to oblivion.

    Early game I couldnt do anything about ganking top, Kayle would just ulti everytime she came close to getting bursted by me. Even if I had ignite, I don't think I would've been able to kill her. I had a teemo top as well and he couldn't help me with ganking at all.

    By 20 mins we got an inhib and a few dragons. They managed to hold t4s and we couldnt push any further

    by 25 mins we got all 3 inhibs and dragon soul. We couldn't end the game because the waveclear from Kayle was way too damn strong

    by 33 mins we had all 3 inhibs and super minions, with baron buff on all of them. Kayle was able to solo clear the entire damn time. They lost the turrets and nexus was exposed - but other than that we couldn't push at all. Kayle would auto the wave and our team couldn't poke that well. We did a risky dive for the nexus but they killed our entire team. All they could get was 1 tower mid.

    by 38 mins our baron buff expired and we took a bad fight at elder dragon, where kayle 2v5ed us with Janna

    by 40 mins they got baron and we just FF'ed

    This was such a great game, I had something like a 8/0/4 kda but Kayle just dumpstered us everytime we tried teamfighting.

    Every teamfight we had, ww would focus kayle with ult and she would just go invulnerable so we couldnt kill her.

    When we killed Kayle we would easily sweep every teamfight. By lategame, this was impossible. Her kit just seemed to counter mine so god damn hard. When she went invulnerable I would take the initial damage then zhonyas when there was that brief period of time where she had invulnerability and could still AA.

    She could even ult THROUGH WWs ult... Fucking bonkers if you ask me. This made focusing her impossible.

    How do I fight against a Kayle like this? As soon as she hit level 11, pushing waves against her was impossible. By the end of the game she had 400 CS. She was just hitting waves and we couldn't do shit to stop her as she nuked them like fucking crazy. Whenever we dived her she just ulted and we couldn't do anything.

    Ideally, as an assassin I do great with focusing in on one target. But with kayle i cant do that at all because her ult is fucking crazy

    So... What could I have done to win this game? My macro was great, we got all 3 inhibs, baron buff and got almost every dragon. The only issue we had was fucking kayle 3 shotting every wave and 1v5ing our team.

    If you look at the gold graph, our team was solidly ahead until the last elder dragon fight.

    Is Kayle just broken? Am I missing something? Was the thrown around that 33 minute dive?

    submitted by /u/gasmask866
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    How does Riot LoL matchmaking work in normal games where there is a large elo range?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:45 PM PST

    For example, if there are 4 bronzes and a gold.

    Does Riot try to match them with 4 bronzes and a gold?

    Does it try to match them with 4 bronzes and a gold in the same roles?

    Does it just average all the ranks and try to match with a team of the same average rank?

    I'm not sure if this is anywhere on the league site but I was just wondering.

    submitted by /u/edititabit
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    How Do I Play A Tank?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Hello! Im pretty new to this game (2ish months of playing) and for the most part I've been playing mages and marksmen but I've been wanting to learn tanks (especially with Rell coming soon) so I've been trying some tanks but I can never seem to get the hang of them so I have some questions.

    1. Is poking still a viable option when you are tank v. tanking? I am still nervous as I play tanks so I tend to want to poke or kite (if possible), is this still an option or should I try to go all out?
    2. How do I sustain damage? I feel like in many cases I still lose a lot of heal quickly. For example, I was playing as Mordekaiser the other day and I was probably at half health and the enemy at quarter health but they still ended up killing me when I tried to go in. Is there a way to prevent this or is it just based on skill level and I should just keep practicing?
    3. What are the easiest tank champions to learn?
    4. How Much Should I Roam? Lets say I am winning lane and their first top tower is down, should I try to roam or push? Does it depend on the game type? Should tanks not roam until we are out of the landing phase?
    5. How Do I Team Fight? When in team fights should I try to be at the front to do more damage even if my whole team is ranged or should I try to go in for kills and then back off?

    If you have any more advice that does not answer these questions I am more than willing to take it as well!! Ty so much!

    submitted by /u/Sam-has-spam
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    How to Practice Movement in League?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Hi all.

    I am currently a mid lane main playing in d2-d1 area for almost the entire season. Something I frequently hear talked about is movement and clicking and how important it is to have good movement to be able to play at a higher elo and higher level. While I understand the concept is important I have never found a good way to actually get better at clicking accuracy and speed/my overall movement and was looking to see if anyone had tips to give in any of these areas. Thank you to anyone who gives advice!

    submitted by /u/Worried-Confection89
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    How to turn early game kills into a late game lead.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    I constantly see myself getting early game kills, like a 5 and 0 start on Sett. But even after the good start I find myself still in par if not below my other laner in gold or progress on towers. I'm not sure what Im doing wrong. If I'm low health after a kill I do back, instead of staying in lane to farm. Anyways if anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/sketcherdown
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    How does scaling work? And How do u figure out who scales well?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST

    So really just that^ I dont get what factors contribute to define a scaling champ? Also is it just based on experience or can the best players just read about a champ and figure out if they scale well? Also when is scaling important in games? (Btw get the champs like nasus and veigar, theyre very obvious scalers, but other champs like yone and mf dont make a whole lotta sense to me)

    submitted by /u/PantherX0
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    Video on How to Win Games Even if You Lost Lane

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:14 PM PST


    I am a D2 MIDLANE player. This is a video of me talking over a game I played on my main. I say some stupid stuff in this video and didn't really explain everything/speak precisely so ask me questions on this post!

    In this video I go over pressure in the lane, playing for team/the win condition, taking bad trades to keep enemy in lane, missing cs for suboptimal recalls, suboptimal roams, buying wards, and ego.

    submitted by /u/SugoiSwag
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    3 inhibs down -- what's next? (macro)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:51 AM PST

    What's the next step after the enemy takes all three inhibs? By doing so they essentially guarantee themselves dragons/baron, as leaving the enemy 3 super waves in our base will definitely take both towers.

    I heard one streamer say that you just wait it out and force a fight JUST out of base so that they're baron doesn't get applied to the minions? But even so, if we engage in a 5v5 it leaves the other two super waves completely open. What's the play here? I know its definitely possible to come back, but it's just hard considering they have such easy access to baron, elder, or soul drake.

    submitted by /u/cosmic1132
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    Akali runes :0

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Hi summoners, i have a question. I'm a lv 7 mastery akali main but i dont know which runes with which build are better.

    1. Electrocute with Night harvester
    2. Fleet footwork with Riftmaker .

    With electrocute before this patch in which they nerfed night harvester and lich bane i was doing sth bout 15-30/0-4. And in this patch im playing with this fleet footwork and i have really poor early. Please help me

    submitted by /u/sumin4567
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    Is there a reason to ward the bushes in the middle and where do i put each type of wards?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:49 AM PST

    I have been struggling at warding lately specifically when and where should i put them, I dont have enough free time while laning against certain champions so i usually put them in the middle bushes or raptor camp, Are there better places to put them at?

    submitted by /u/aracheareo
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    Maw of malmortius viability on tanks

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Is this item good on tanks, if enemy team has a lot of AP threats? all MR items aren't good enough against liandry-demonic combo, since there's no adpative helm anymore (rip). Maw scales off max hp now (20%) and it should be great. But this item also has bad buildpath for a tank (lots of wasted AD, and also this item doesnt give HP itself)

    submitted by /u/brokerZIP
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    Advice on Akali top gameplay and overall toplane gameplay..

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:38 AM PST

    I posted this on r/akalimains aswell, but I figured why not shoot my shot elsewhere aswell?

    Hello, I've played plenty of league but the difference between my mid/jg/supp hours played and my toplane hours played is ENORMOUS. I've barely touched that lane, I remember spamming poppy and maokai in season 6. So I've really enjoyed playing Akali mid these past few months, but as you know, the matchups there are a bit harder than on toplane and I think you can get advantages more often if you're playing toplane. Here's the thing though, since I've almost never played toplane I don't get what I'm supposed to be doing there.. I might have a good xp and gold advantage and in best case scenario get an early tower, but I can't place vision everywhere on the map, I can't roam (I can only tp bot like twice a game) I might win lane, but I can't convert my advantage to the other lanes. So if my mid and bot dont stomp the enemies and make us win in 15 minutes, I usually just sit around in toplane and get farm while my team loses horribly and we end up falling the game... can you guys give me some tips on overall toplane game plan and what the hell i'm supposed to be doing while playing toplane, how do I effectively become good at toplane and how do I win games often with Akali top? This question is convenient for me since I've been thinking about picking up Fiora aswell. She's a splitpusher, so game plan might be a bit easier, but I'd appreciate any advice on playing Akali top.

    submitted by /u/maribestgirl
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