• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    League of Legends Doublelift announces retirement

    League of Legends Doublelift announces retirement

    Doublelift announces retirement

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:08 PM PST

    Perkz pays his respects to the great Doublelift

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:37 PM PST



    I would like to take a moment to truly appreciate @TSMDoublelift 's career

    Not only NA hero, but also EU hero - he is the one who gave EU the first international trophy in MSI 2019

    Thank you Peter you are a legend

    submitted by /u/Goofy_030
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    Official Announcement: Welcome Broken Blade! Broken Blade joins Schalke 04 Esports as our Toplaner for the 2021 LEC Season!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:32 AM PST

    Nemesis leaves Fnatic

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:58 AM PST

    DoubleLift and Bjergsons Departure may show us if league trully has what it takes to be a longterm esport.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:59 PM PST

    I am no longer comparing league to any other Esport im comparing it to sports. For LoL to be on par with the big 4 sports (in NA) it will need to have insane longevity. My personal fear was that with people being player fans and not team fans when those players retired the fans would leave the game. If NA has the same or more viewer ship now that the 2 fan titans are out of the league it could mean a lot for the future of the game.

    Edit: im talking from a solely NA pov. Obviously without Na league would still be at the very least fine.

    submitted by /u/naterator012
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    Dignitas Announces that FakeGod will be their Starting Top Laner

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:08 PM PST


    It's time to win lanes and win games.

    Welcome @FakeGod as our new LCS Top Laner!

    Glad to see him on a starting roster. With Soligo, Aphromoo, it is kinda looking like 100 Thieves during their 'bad' year. Hopefully with a new mindset they can turn it around. Especially since Soligo and FakeGod never actually got to play together.

    Confirmed Roster:

    • TOP: FakeGod
    • JG: Dardoch
    • MID: Soligo
    • ADC: ???
    • SUP: Aphromoo

    The signing of FakeGod also means that Hauntzer and Solo are likely both without teams this upcoming year.

    submitted by /u/GameBoy09
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    YamatoCannon and Tolki to coach Fnatic LoL

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:08 AM PST

    Dignitas welcomes Soligo

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST


    It's time for a new generation to take the stage.

    Welcome to Dignitas, Azir God @soligoms !

    Glad to see more and more NA teams giving a chance to NA academy players, especially mid laners.

    submitted by /u/February14th
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    Chinese Fan Reaction to Doublelift’s Retirement

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:47 PM PST

    "Doublelift Retires" is trending on Weibo this morning, currently at #14. I wanted to share some comments and reactions from Chinese fans on his retirement. He wasn't just a mark of an era in NA, but around the world.

    1. No one remembers Top 16, unless they're Top 16 year after year. The end of an era.

    2. Everything tonight is doing its utmost to remind me — time is quickly passing.

    3. The audience everywhere remembers you because of your Groups appearances and drive and determination, wishing you nothing but success in the days ahead.

    4. NA is suddenly boring.

    5. Wish you the best, the eternal king of NA.

    6. The era belonging to us is leaving us behind.

    7. "I'm a remnant of the past generation, but the new world does not have a boat that can hold me."

    8. Sigh, in the end I was never able to see Peng Yiliang in quarterfinals.

    9. How many ten years are there in one lifetime?

    Source Trend

    submitted by /u/luberrys
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    Zombie Sion and Urgot E Interaction

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:27 AM PST

    Nemesis won't compete in the upcoming Spring Split

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:27 AM PST


    After careful consideration and a lot of thinking I have decided to not compete in the upcoming Spring Split. I have had plenty of chance to join a team but felt like the presented opportunities were not of high enough interest to me. More updates coming soon.


    second Tweet

    Rendezvous in Korea. https://t.co/ygEIuXepbY

    submitted by /u/irgendjemand123
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    The world's first esports broadcasting station, OGN will disappear into history

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:28 AM PST

    According to Fomos, OGN, which once ran LCK, is going to disappear for the last time this year. OGN was a broadcasting company that shared the history of e-sports in Korea, which started with StarCraft, but recently the company was having a hard time. OGN has been operating LCK and APEX (Overwatch), but APEX was abolished when Blizzard established OWL and LCK is currently operated exclusively by Riot. OGN advertising sales fell due to the influence of Covid-19 pandemic.

    They chose PUBG as their new E-sports, but PUBG E-sports did not grow as much as they expected.(Other games such as Dota2, CS:GO, and Fortnite are not popular in Korea.)

    One of the saddest things is that 2020 is the 20th anniversary of OGN.

    submitted by /u/bddpsxj12
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    Team Jatt vs Team Spawn inhouses tonight at 7pm PST

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:06 PM PST

    The man the myth the legend CoreJJ is back with another round of inhouses tonight, this time captained by Jatt and Spawn! The lineups look interesting and can be found here, and will be streamed at twitch.tv/corejj and i'm assuming flowers will be casting it at twitch.tv/captainflowers22

    submitted by /u/Jezzerai
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    Doublelift Retires - My Reflections on his Legacy (Travis)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:45 PM PST

    I think we need way more reworks

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:22 AM PST

    I'm totally fine with getting new champs but I think reworks should be more important.Riot already proved that they can make good reworks(bad ones too).I dont think any slchamp isn't viable but some of them just arent on the same tier as newer ones bcs of outdated kits.I think we need more reworks like Fiddlesticks one in which champ stays kinda the same but still gets better to play.

    submitted by /u/AlphaPotato2137
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    Amumu Hotfix Inc.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Riot Scruffy tweeted:

    Amumu still looking like a big outlier after the patch, overperforming other tanks (and everyone else). We have a hotfix nerf coming today:

    -Mana per lvl 60 >>> 40

    -E base damage 75-175 >>> 75-155

    -R stun duration 2 >>> 1.5-2s

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    Getting US date format in as EU player can be confusing.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:50 AM PST

    Edit: it's EUNE server, didn't check euw, apologies for not specifying

    http://prntscr.com/vptf6t EN

    http://prntscr.com/vptk68 CZ

    Pretty sure this isn't the first time this issue is brought up. I understand US date format, but still, my first thought was "why the hell is 12th of november still locked, and what's the next thing starting all the way in august. Especially when I switch to non-english it makes absolutely no sense.

    submitted by /u/aamgdp
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    What even is the point of still having Glacial Augment as a rune when its only niche use (Items with slow active) was made unplayable with the item changes?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:21 AM PST

    Twin Shadows was removed and the Everfrost active has about half the max range that GLP used to have. (aside from the fact that building Everfrost is basically griefing anyway atm)

    Legit the only time Glacial Augment is even used anymore is by Senna or thebausffs

    Seems pretty obvious that this itemization would no longer be an option, so whats the point of the rune now? Why not rework it or replace it? At least the other 2 inspiration keystones are somewhat usable, even though they aren't great either

    submitted by /u/Yvraine
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    Why Does Manamune Have Ability Haste While Archangel's Staff Does Not?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:00 AM PST

    It's completely backwards. Literally backwards to how it was before the item update. Manamune did not have cooldown reduction and Archangel's did; now Manamune has ability haste and Archangel's does not.

    What's the logic here? What's the justification?

    It feels like Mages and other users of Archangel's are getting the short end of the stick here.

    submitted by /u/jayjaybird0
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    RoA could have been a good mythic item

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:01 AM PST

    How about remaking it with health and mana for ap mid-range mages? It would be nice to give it a passive to restore health proportionate to mana cost like before. And a mythic synergy to grant additional health.

    So sad there's no item for Ryze, Asol, Anivia or Kassadin etc. For the balance team, adding a new mythic item would be much more convenient than compensating all those champions.

    submitted by /u/Salmonlover97
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    New Support Mythics seem to forget that AD supports exist

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:52 AM PST

    Sett, Pyke, (Pantheon but I know Riot doesn't want Panth in the Support role), and most importantly Senna all use AD instead of AP. These are all champs that are expected to be played in the support role, yet Riot refuses to add any AD support items to the game. Sett is expected to build tank and most Pyke players just build full assassin anyways so them not scaling off AP is fine, but Senna in particular can't use any of the support items effectively. This forces her to either try to afford an expensive Assassin / Fighter Mythic on a Support's budget or get dud stats by buying a support item which gives AP to an AD champion. The Support items are already bad for Senna with the only one that's really usable for her being Moonstone (Mandate is buggy with her passive, Locket isn't good for non-tanks, and Shurelya's is just plain bad) but the fact that they all give AP is just insult to injury to a support who already had one of the more expensive build paths in Season 10.

    What I don't understand is that Adaptive Force exists as a stat specifically so that you can build "non-conventional items" on champions and still get value from them. I don't think any ADC or top laner in their right mind is going to buy a Moonstone so why can't these items just give Adaptive Force instead of AP? It seems like such an easy and obvious fix to help champs like Senna. She currently exists in the bottom 10 Supports with a 48% win rate at time of writing. The only item I can see being a problem if it gave AF is Imperial Mandate (as heavy CC tanks may abuse it) but then that item could just give AP while every other item gives AF.

    Making the support items give Adaptive Force instead of Ability Power would open up a lot more builds for Senna and Pyke, as well as open up the possibility of new champions entering the support role. I don't see how making support items grant Adaptive Force could harm the game in any way.

    submitted by /u/TigerKirby215
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    Announcing the 2020 All-Star Lineup! #AllStar2020

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:03 AM PST

    Why Argentinian superstar Josedeodo joining LCS on FlyQuest is a big deal - Run It (Tim and Travis)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    Nexus Blitz is Coming Back!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:10 PM PST

    On the PBE, the Nexus Blitz game mode is back. That means it should be coming back soon on live servers as well. Hopefully by next patch because I'm sure a lot of us really enjoyed that game mode.

    submitted by /u/Digipoke5
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