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    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    LoL Guide Don’t duo with someone who tilts easily

    LoL Guide Don’t duo with someone who tilts easily

    Don’t duo with someone who tilts easily

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:03 AM PST

    I love playing with my friends and there is nothing better than getting a 5 queue and playing the most off meta stuff in norms just for a laugh.

    However when 1 person is constantly getting tilted every game and wanting to ff, even if it's only their lane that's losing, DO NOT DUO IN RANKED WITH THEM. It will only make them even more toxic, and your going to be the punching bag for most of it.

    I have a friend I will call jimbo. Jimbo is a great friend of mine who I made when I first moved at the start of the year. I will do a lot of things for jimbo, but I will not play ranked with him. Mainly for the simple fact that he will tilt off the earth, blame me for all of his landing phase issues, and proceed to tilt me into no longer having a fun time. I have lost many a ranked game with him before I decided to no longer play with him. And now that I have I have overall had a much more fun time playing league. I'll still play with him in normals, but I will never play a ranked game with him ever again. Don't force yourself to play with a friend in duos if that friend is toxic in game.

    submitted by /u/A_flightless_birdie
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    Minimap now natively scales to 2.5000

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:29 AM PST

    You can make your minimap larger than before without editing the persisted settings file and doing read only trickery.

    Your minimap should be at 33 in the settings menu and can scale 2.5 times its original size. This is not recorded in the patch notes for some reason.

    submitted by /u/iMpactfuze
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    You Can Win Against Tilt

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    "You control how you respond to the cards, not what cards are dealt." - The Mental Game of Poker, Jared Tendler.

    Tilt is always viewed as the inevitable enemy that you always lose against. Many times forcing you to take a break for a few hours and sometimes even days, depending on the situation.

    I spent some time researching what techniques we have available to fight it. However, most of the things I see on the internet are obvious tips like "take a deep breath" or "play a different game". And in my opinion, they don't really seem to fix the root problem, they just distract you away from it.

    So I researched in the scientific literature instead, and I think I've found a very effective technique to actually take care of the emotional state that Tilt puts you into.

    The technique is called Cognitive Reappraisal

    TL;DR: Here's everything explained in a video format: https://youtu.be/Qrp0RM9D85Q

    I will first mention the scientific evidence and then how to perform this technique in League.

    In the following scientific study (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21185551/) researchers separated participants into 3 groups. All three, first conducted an anger inducing procedure (in other words, they made them angry). Then each group was asked to perform a different anger management technique in order to measure which one was more effective.

    In order to manage their anger, participants were asked to either:

    • Suppress it
    • Accept it
    • Reappraise it

    They saw that accepting the anger was more effective than suppressing it, but what was even more effective is Reappraising the anger.

    Reappraisal is a cognitive coping technique in which stressful events are re-constructed as valuable or beneficial. Re-framing an event in order to change one's emotional response to it.

    Essentially, cognitive reappraisal focuses on changing the meaning and significance of the event rather than dwelling on the event itself.

    Let's see How to perform Cognitive Reappraisal:

    • Your brain subconsciously builds up and explanation (mostly negative) when the tilting experience happens. (this is what creates the negative emotions in the first place)
    • So your job is to consciously build up a better and more positive explanation for it.
    • This will change the emotions that the brain produces in order to handle the situation.

    Simply sit down and try to re-frame your current negative experience by extracting useful lessons out of it.

    Example in League:

    You queue up to play a game. You are feeling fresh and ready to climb ranked.

    You get into champ select and the first thing that you notice is your bot lane getting into a discussion, you get slightly bothered but decide to continue to focus on the game. During the game the conversation escalates and you notice that they have already gave up, you then start to realize that the game is most likely lost.

    In a normal scenario, most players would start building up thoughts like "why did i even queue?", "this is unfair", "what a waste of time". But it's here where Cognitive Reappraisal can be used.

    Someone who uses cognitive reappraisal can find meaning and usefulness for this situation through many ways. For example:

    • The next time that I see similar behavior in champ select I will dodge the game
    • I can accept that this game is lost and use it to practice mechanics.
    • I will try to maximize my farm during this game to boost my statistics.

    There are probably many other things you can extract from that game, but you get the point. The important thing is to switch your negative thinking into a constructive mindset. Basically, try to get something out of this game.

    By doing so, you can actually change how your brain tackles this game and get rid of the negative emotions of tilt.

    And like with many other skills in life, the more you use this technique, the more effective it will be. Sometimes improving as a player means, improving as a person.

    I've explained everything more detailed in the video, so I'd appreciate if you could check it out. Hope this is useful info for you guys.

    submitted by /u/Iam_Blink
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    Best Mythics for Annie from a Challenger Annie

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:02 PM PST

    Hi Everyone,

    With the recommended store becoming a lot more intuitive and the huge changes going on this preseason, it's easy to get lost in the plethora of new choices and lose your grasp of what to do.

    I've provided some pros and cons for each mythic for Annie Mid. Annie is a champion with a simple kit and is perfect for players who are learning the game and also for players who want to strengthen their fundamentals, and the new mythic items definitely open up her options further. I hope some of this helps a bit.

    Here it is in video form:


    Hextech Rocketbelt:

    pros -

    • Active gives a dash to escape or engage
    • dashing to engage gives movement speed to engage faster
    • Great roam potential
    • Great skirmish potential
    • additional option for wave clear
    • Gives penetration
    • Great snowball potential
    • Ability to break spell shields

    cons -

    • adds an active use so not recommended for newer players
    • lots of nuances that you will need to learn, lots of mistakes that can be made
    • Weak wave clear compared to old protobelt


    pros -

    • Great tank-buster item vs MR stacking tanks
    • Omnivamp allows for survivability
    • % pen mythic bonus allows for great late game vs tanks
    • Tibbers keeps passive going

    cons -

    • weaker vs squishies
    • % pen means more value later game than early/mid
    • Required to play slower

    Luden's Tempest

    pros -

    • consistent item
    • strong waveclear
    • great stats
    • great snowball potential
    • stronger lane presence

    Cons -

    • difficult to break spell shields
    • weak vs tanks

    Night Harvester

    pros -

    • great vs squishies
    • stronger one shot potential vs squishies
    • proc on multiple targets
    • Great snowball potential

    cons -

    • weak vs tanks
    • weak if behind
    • weak if enemy gets early MR
    • Mythic bonus wasted if behind

    Liandry's Anguish

    pros -

    • great vs health tanks
    • scales well in late game due to max health %
    • tibber's can keep it procced

    cons -

    • weaker 1 item spike in early game
    • weaker in early/mid due to max health %
    • weak vs MR stack with less health


    pros -

    • Wave clear on low cd, can clear backline with w + active
    • synergy with root and combo
    • highest scaling mythic for single burst

    cons -

    • active is clunky with combo
    • short range
    • mythic passive not as good for Annie

    I hope some of this helps, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Appreciate your time

    submitted by /u/HoityToityOce
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    Need advice on ADC "crit" item builds

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    I'm a fairly new player, started last season and have played for about 7 months and around 500 games, almost entirely as ADC. I mostly play Vayne & Xayah and need some advice on Crit builds.

    So with the rework I've realized I'm absolutely ignorant about items and item builds; in the past I just went with whatever was on mobafire.

    So lately on Vayne I've been building Kraken > Berserker's > Guinsoo's > Phantom Dancer. With just Kraken's and rageblade it's an extra 100 damage per hit, and 200 extra damage every third hit - on top of my true damage W. In matches this feels so good I don't see how I should build any other way, to buy the cheapest AS items with 20% crit. But I'm asking you guys - what am I missing here? Outside of situational stuff like Shieldbow and GA against bursty assassins.

    I feel like I should try to hit a high attack speed number through a combination of runes and items to make up for Vayne's weak early-to-mid game.

    My second question is: would this work on Xayah as well? Since she is mostly crit-based, was weak in season 10 even before the crit nerf, it seems that trying to build crit on Xayah is a waste of time. Wouldn't going with a similar rageblade build work well for her, relying more on her W than her E?

    Essentially, with the crit nerfs it just seems pointless now to build for crit, which I guess is Riot's intention. Other than caster-based ADCs (like Varus I guess?) maximizing a good balance between AS and AD seems like the best way to go? Is there any reason to build crit without ragelblade now?

    submitted by /u/OldGehrman
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    For the love of god how do you play engage support in lane?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:24 PM PST

    So usually I play enchanter supports because it is way easier to poke and shield my adc to win lane. However, whenever I play vs Leona or Pyke we often lose lane because if one of us gets caught by a hook or engage we either have to burn our summs or if we do not have them up one of us dies.

    So I thought okay engage supports look kinda easy because you can punish enemies making mistakes really hard, let's give it a try. And oh boy I am not able to win a lane with any engage support. May it be Nautilus, Leona, Alistair or Thresh.

    Usually I do not try to push the wave in any way since I want the minions to stay in the middle of the lane and in the best case have the enemy minion wave closer to our side of the lane while still being able to position myself in the first bush to apply pressure on the enemy adc.

    If I then see an opportunity to engage the enemy adc because they overextend for a minion last hit or because they did not realize they are in range for my spells and the enemy minion wave is not too big I engage. However, 90% of the time I apply my CC and my ADC does not manage to catch up until all CC is already cleared.

    I try really hard to apply pressure in lane so my ADC can farm minions very easy and is able to position itself close to the waves so they can easily follow but most of the time my ADCs keep such a huge distance from the wave and do not stay in poke range.

    It is really frustrating to see enemy ADCs catch up and fight directly after the engage happens while my ADCs almost sleep all the time and do not use the pressure I provide to their advantage.

    Obviously I can not change the playstyle of the ADCs I get queued up with. So is there any general advice you can give me on how to play engage supports?

    submitted by /u/hullunistTEMP
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    Looking for strong 3v3 drafts

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:23 AM PST

    I'm taking part in small local tournament, where the rules are:
    - ARAM 3v3 with 3 bans (with ARAM balance changes)
    - Bo3

    I wanted to ask if anyone here can propose strong drafts for 3 champ teams. I can think of some simple ones based on adc+apc+tank, but I'd love to see something more imaginative.

    submitted by /u/genuyalnyul
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    How do you prevent jungle camps from resetting?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Basically just title. I see when I watch streamers and pros play they are able to kite around or clear two camps at once but when I try to clear camps farther away from their spawn points they randomly just run back and gain health and I start again. How do I prevent this or what should I be looking for?

    submitted by /u/abc1155
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    Help with Maokai Support

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    It seems whenever I play Maokai support I always feel like I'm not doing anything until I hit 6, but even then I have the most deaths. I can't get aggro cause I 'm always dying to whatever's happening. I'm using the build from u . gg. Any help on how to play Maokai?

    submitted by /u/Magnitite
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    Could I as Sivir ADC built better in this game?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:29 AM PST


    The most recent game, 48:40 min loss. Full build. Krakken > Zerks > IE > MR > LDR > GA

    We were against a Singed, Ammu, Zed, Cait, Leona

    Very tanky team, with a hard to get to back line cait and an annoying Zed.

    End game team fights were fought pretty much front to back +zed problems.

    I went what I think is the most efficient build for going through these tanks. But I know I messed up in picks when I didn't switch to Cut Down for this game.

    Should I have built BOTRK? If yes, then instead of what/when?

    Thanks fam

    submitted by /u/redbedding
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    What should I do as a yasuo late game when I’m ahead?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Lately I went from iron two to silver three and I only played yasuo and pyke mid and I was wondering what to do as a yasuo that is fed do late game? What would I try to do? Roam and get my team ahead or go with my jungler? How do I control my lane while doing that?

    submitted by /u/piko-player
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    What to do when playing a mid-late game jungler?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Lately I've been finding it impossible to affect the outcome of a game if I'm not playing a jungler like Nunu, Graves, Elise, or Warwick who can dominate the map the second they hit level 3. Games with them are easy, but if I play any other champion that takes longer than 2 minutes to come online the entire game becomes a coin flip. My bot lane dies 3 time before 3 minutes, my top lane dies to a level 2 gank, and my mid does the same.

    My champs can normally dominate once the game hits around 5 minutes, but in my last 10ish games we are already losing by that point. I'm not sure what changed to make the game like this in preaseason (maybe nothing changed and I'm just getting unlucky), but I really feel like I'm not able to play anything other than the few champs I listed.

    What should I be doing?

    submitted by /u/Inmonic
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    How do you play Vs Kayle Mid as an assassin?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Specifically Qiyana and Katarina. She always outdamages me early (she always first bloods me for some reason) and as soon as she hits level 6 game's done for me. Also junglers won't really come gank or even help my lane at all most of the time so please don't count that as a possible answer.

    submitted by /u/my_beloved_bedroom
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    Stridebreaker is amazing

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:57 PM PST

    This item alone made my toplane experience extremely different. It changed everything and how I play and the buildpaths I take. It's such an amazing item, that now I can say that finally juggernauts have a place on the game. This items gives you so much options and so much mobility, while also adding a layer of mechanical skill that wasn't there before on juggernauts and fighters. Champions like Sett Darius Garen Poppy can get this item and add much more options to their kit.
    It's the one I like the most from all the new items, and I hope Riot doesn't nerf it into the ground or anything, because it's not OP but rather it gives a huge QoL to the class as a whole
    I have been using it for a week nonstop atm and I still feel like I need to learn so much more about it, even with my main champion (Darius) who I tought I really couldnt get any more juice out, now I feel like when I was learning him all over again.

    submitted by /u/Apokita
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    I'm having a hard time understanding how to be good at botlane

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:30 PM PST

    I've been a casual player for years now and for a year now I've been sometimes playing adc, mostly Ashe. Now I will not complain about anything I think is "broken" or not about Ashe, or about any other champ. Though, although I can handle many matchup at midlane (which is my main role), even if it looks bad, I feel like any matchup destroys me at botlane, and if not, it feels like my supp did more job than me. And each time I find myself thinking "damn this champ is so broken I can't bear it. Wtf the damages ?!". And I don't like to think that many champ are just "too OP" (I mean, it's the easy answer to every lost game).

    Tristana, Lucian, Draven, Cait, Samira, Rakkan, Nautilus, Leona, Xayah, Jhin : every time I play against these (and this feeling is present at many games, but these are the names I recall the most) I feel that I just cannot win. Like, once lvl 3 if they have an easy engage (like rakkan dash or leona's grab, things like that), I got killed so fast, whatever my supp does. Yes, the first time I use flash/heal and I live, but then they just deny me so easily and I just don't know what to do.

    So, I come here to have your advices. What are the things to know when I play bot ? I'm not here to complain or anything, just looking for advices so please be nice to me :)

    submitted by /u/Tiranyk
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    How Can I Properly Pull a Wave

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:20 AM PST

    Against hard matchups, i decide to stay passive and let the wave come to me. I know basics of wave management. Yet against seasoned players, i feel like a total iron. I always find my wave pushed, and enemy zones me and keeps me away from the gold. Over time enemy gets the cs lead and my team flames me. I am a gold elo player.

    I just dont get how he gets all cs from a lane while harrasing me, while im zoned, only trying to last hit under heavy fire. And yet my wave pushes.

    Can you tell me some tips about wave management. Those videos on yt wont cut it.

    submitted by /u/blagic23
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    How to play from behind without forcing your team to scale?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:41 PM PST

    G4 mid/adc main. I know when you're behind you're supposed to play safe and avoid fights, but I'm an ape who doesn't know how to do that. I can't help but watch as our team has to give up 3 dragons and 2 rift heralds because the midlander can't get prio. I feel like we have to fight for something. Do I just rely on my other laners to not fuck up? How do I macro from behind?

    submitted by /u/CSnare
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    Start Berseker's Greaves before finishing Kraken ?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:01 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I main MF as an ADC. I'm currently silver II

    Sometimes I start making a Kraken slayer build and after buying noonquiver and pickaxe I have 600-800 gold. I feel like buying cloack of agility for 15% crit damage isn't worth at this stage of the game so 99% of the times I use my 600-800 gold to buy boots and dagger to start Berseker's Greaves. It seems more " worthy " to me in order to be more aggressive in lane, whereas having 15% crit damage doesn't feel like it makes any difference.

    Which is better ?

    - Start a Kraken Slayer and when there're only the clock of agility + 625 gold, start to buy boots and dagger THEN finish Kraken Then finish the Berseker's Greaves

    - Start Kraken Slayer and finish it, then buy the Berseker's Greaves

    Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/Palawton
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    About the changes on Mid Cannon minion

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:11 AM PST

    Hello there,

    I want to share with you this little analysis about this change. Please, feel free to correct me or add stuff, or your own conclusions.

    Mid lane controls both sides, crabs, fast respond to ganks, Its a nice position for roaming overall and has a loooot of impact in the game.

    So, Riot seems to be punishing a pair of things. First, the snowballing, a bit less of gold. Ok but not a big deal.

    Now, more attack speed against towers by the cannon minion. That's the main change. This is for me, a direct nerf to assasins and the first attempt to avoid the Assasin meta we are suffering nowadays. is it way more dangerous to roam for a mid assasin? Why? Lets look at Control Mages, Like a Xerath, Malzahar, Vel'koz . They can push lane veeeerry fast, along with the changes in the cannon, they will likely take a lot of "armour points" and get a lot of gold if the other mid is roaming or it's sent back to base, so Assasins will have to be effective on ganks or fall behind if they are pushed. I expect a change in meta towards a more stale mid lane as control mages return, and a more important Jungler role (which i think its already the most important one imho) in high elo play. Competitive will be the same (but with more ganks in mid)

    submitted by /u/Ocelot921
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    When is a good time to upgrade my support item?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:56 AM PST

    Hello, new player here. I've noticed my support item upgrading a lot earlier then before the item changes. I used to get my first upgrade around 18mins before (really bad, I know) but after the shop update, I consistently get my first upgrade at like 8mins, second upgrade at 15mins. Am I improving or is this because of the shop? Been playing Brand recently, not sure if it helps. All tips are appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/poppitypopp
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    What made Sivir meta in the past, and what made her not meta now?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:38 AM PST

    I know certain types of champs, roles and classes will go in and out of the meta but I was recently watching some old vods of pro play (G2 vs RNG to be one of em) and I saw that Sivir was being played. What made her good then/in previous metas and why hasn't she been meta for a while now?

    Was she only meta in proplay or in the solo queue environment aswell?

    The casters also talked about a 300 cs mark for Sivir to hit before it becomes really difficult to play against, could she really be that oppressive with 5/6 items?

    Srry if this isn't the right subreddit to place it, I just felt like here would be a better place then the main subreddit.

    submitted by /u/Sijakov16
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