• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 19, 2020

    League of Legends Farewell Broken Blade

    League of Legends Farewell Broken Blade

    Farewell Broken Blade

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Crownshot will not be playing in the LEC / LCS next split (confirmed on Twitter)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:10 PM PST


    It seems that I will unfortunately not be playing in the LEC /LCS next split. Will keep you guys updated on what I plan to do in the future, I felt like I finally showed people this past year what Im capable of and Im eager to prove myself again in the future. I'll be back.

    Pretty absurd tbh. He had a really good showing last split and really deserved a starting spot. Hope we see more of him in 2022 I guess. edit: or 2021 summer split maybe?

    Crownie :(

    submitted by /u/SpeedyTurbo
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    100 Thieves announce Damonte as starting mid-laner

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:01 PM PST



    Welcome @Damonte to 100 Thieves as our starting mid-laner for the 2021 LCS season! #100T

    Ryoma seems to be staying in the org, so it seems like Ryoma in academy and Damonte starting?

    submitted by /u/February14th
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    Spica Leaks 2021 Roster

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:02 PM PST

    My dads first pentakill, the commentary is amazing.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:29 AM PST

    Pro tip: Agreeing to 1v1 offers from a salty teammate/opponent can result in higher quality games

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:39 AM PST

    That way, while they go set up the custom match, you can search for your next match without them queuing up with you.

    I don't understand why people are so toxic this preseason, but with this pro trick I get much less toxicity in matches overall.

    submitted by /u/Maninhell
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    Sources: @G2Esports is expected to present former @FNATIC star @RekklesLoL tomorrow as their brand new AD Carry for the #LEC 2021 season.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:56 AM PST

    Sources: @G2Esports is expected to present former @FNATIC star @RekklesLoL tomorrow as their brand new AD Carry for the #LEC 2021 season.

    It's happening.

    Released by a member of Esportmaniacos, Bloop.

    submitted by /u/xWangan
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    Hylissang signs for another year with Fnatic

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:07 AM PST

    Enjoying Preseason with full AP Gragas but the community even more.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:46 AM PST

    Farewell Santorin & WildTurtle | FlyQuest

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:25 PM PST

    100 Thieves announce Huhi as support

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:34 PM PST


    And the final piece of the puzzle…

    Welcome @Huhi to 100 Thieves as our starting support for the 2021 LCS season! #100T

    So their roster is 2020 GGS + Ssumday, as was reported. Looks to be a strong team heading into next year.

    submitted by /u/Usteen
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    [ARAM] Cannon oracles are the shittiest attempt at balancing oracles I've ever seen

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:06 AM PST

    It's completely dependant on who's winning.

    If you're winning it's extremely OP and has barely any counterplay (before you couldn't hit stealthed objectives inside bushes meaning you had to get vision I'm the bush first) and if you're losing its almost completely useless. Teemos feels so horrible because of the fact that he relies on enemy team advancing forward and stepping on shrooms, but that's impossible now.

    Edit: not to mention this only disabled traps so akali and new duskblade users have gotten considerable buffs

    submitted by /u/rascal3199
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    SK Gaming Roster Announcement

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:42 AM PST

    SK just announced their new Roster on Twitter

    Top: Jenax

    Mid: Blue

    Jungle: Tynx

    ADC: Jezu

    Support: Treatz

    Very happy to see Treatz coming back to Europe and getting a fair chance here. This obviously is not a roster full of star players but i like the approach they took and with some good choaching these players all could make a big step forward on this team.

    submitted by /u/Flaihl
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    flying amumu! (new akali skin confirmed?)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:56 PM PST

    MAD Lions: Today we part ways with Orome. Thank you for your dedication and hard work as a part of our team. Best of luck for your future!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:48 PM PST

    How Prestige Edition ACTUALLY looks.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:36 AM PST

    How Prestige Edition ACTUALLY looks.

    This is how Presitige Edition skins ACTUALLY look. Anyone else think the summoner icon border on the Prestige Edition skins looks a bit odd or perhaps lame? I'd play with a Prestige edition skin WIHTOUT the border.


    submitted by /u/MilkSheikh007
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    100 Thieves 2021 Roster

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:49 PM PST


    Our roster for the 2021 League of Legends Championship Series:











    Time to get to work. See you on the Rift! #100T


    submitted by /u/MrBubble4u
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    Patch 10.25 Early Preview

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted

    OK, here's our current set of investigations for 10.25.

    Nothing is 100% guaranteed here, there is a lot of change in 10.24 and we will need to reassess if these changes are still needed after that patch. Just getting a head start on what we think are the most likely issues.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/YPXEKhb.png

    • Crit ADC buffs

    • Support role (especially enchanter) buffs

    • Other areas were burst is increased from s10 (10.23 fixes a lot of these in the AP items but there are few other cases)

    • Tanks still may be OP after the nerfs (slightly, not nearly as much as before)

    • Champs that used to buy Tiamat first needing help (Rengar, etc)

    • Unbinding champs that need tear so they can have it as an option but not mandatory (Kassadin, Anivia, Cass)

    • Some specific AP junglers who still need buffs after the item buffs (Taliyah etc)

    • Pantheon Solo Lane shift

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Bwipo Twitlonger on his comments on the Crackdown and apology to the Korean fans.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:36 AM PST


    After yesterday's events, and my apology Tweet to T1 and Effort, fans/colleagues endemic to the Korean scene reached out to me. During these conversations, they helped me understand the history of fans' reactions on my statement in Korean forums and the full context behind these reactions.

    After the conversation, I now understand that I failed to create a reasonable statement addressing the issues properly. I apologize for this.

    Firstly, the initial Twitlonger I posted on the 8th of November was handled poorly by me. I should not have opened with "To my Korean fans" as the statement falsely nuanced that all Korean fans are acting out of hatred/toxicity towards my friend LS. This is not the case, and was not the case. My error of generalisation in my statement is why I wish to take responsibility for my part in this. I always understand the action of fans giving valid criticism to new additions to their favourite team. It is a given for fans to have the opportunity to criticise freely. As long as there is no ill intent aimed at the individual. I understand after the conversations, that the majority of criticism at the time being given from the fans was honest, and with the intent of improving T1's competitive chances.

    The second error I made was not recognising the situation LS was in. LS was seriously stressed by the situation at hand and I failed to remain calm. I felt the need to incite a reaction from my fanbase so that there would be attention on how difficult the situation was for LS. I recognise now that I was unable to help LS in a manner that avoided further hate. I wish to apologize for that too.

    The third error, was not standing up for the Korean people that are not homophobic, racist, or anything remotely close during a recent podcast aired on the 18th of November. I was present in a podcast where statements that could be construed as such were discussed. I am uneducated on the subject, and lack knowledge of the culture to discuss such a matter. However, this is no excuse to sit there and accept the generalization of Korean culture when voiced by other people. Though I had already understood that before making this statement, I have failed on this front during the podcast. I apologize.

    The last error (to my knowledge), was demanding a statement from the T1 players, more specifically Effort, specifically during the podcast above. I recall suggesting that he should apologize for the leak. My intent was never to allude to the fact that he did it intentionally. After being explained how it happened, I understand that it is certainly not his fault.

    I am sorry, Effort. I have also reached out to T1 and they have agreed to let me reach out to him personally. I will apologize to him myself, once more, when he finds an opportunity to have the conversation. I have been told Effort is currently working hard together with T1 in scrims to make the 2021 year a success. That is why the apology to Effort has not happened yet. I also wish to extend this personal apology to Faker, with the same sentiment in mind. I understand now that a rushed statement could have done more harm, as mine has. I am sorry to everyone involved in the hatred involved in my poorly handled involvement in the matter. I will reflect on the course of actions and its results, and in the future, make sure to inform myself better on the situation before commenting.

    To finalize this apology, I do not intend to stay quiet. I wish for an open line of communication where I can admit to my fault, hoping that my audience is understanding of my intent. I wanted to help a friend in need, and it turned out to be a mess.

    To the majority who try to reason with me and others from all sides, thank you. To the minority who spread hatred further, I have no sympathy for you.

    My sincere apologies for these misunderstandings Best, and kindest regards, Bwipo.

    submitted by /u/ShamylSA
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    Treatz's Letter to TSM and The Fans

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:19 PM PST


    Over all looking back at the time in TSM I think of all the awesome people I've met, the memories we've made together and how much I've grown as a player and person. I don't feel like I fully closed my chapter with TSM for multiple reasons, but I know that I am ready to write a new one with SK. I wanted to write this short Twitlonger to show appreciation to the people I've worked with in TSM and the fans that supported me for the past 2 years. From Cardboard Treatz, LCS Treatz to Worlds 6th man Treatz, the journey was an insane one and I appreciate every single one of you who sent me kind messages and supported me throughout. Hopefully you can support me and my new teammates here in SK and give them the same love and appreciation.

    I joined TSM Academy 2 years ago with the intent of improving myself and eventually joining the LCS team. Despite improving myself and technically joining the LCS team, it doesn't personally feel like I fully accomplished my goals. The emotional rollercoaster of the LCS playoffs and Worlds is something that I learned a lot from. There's no point in me dwelling on the past, but instead learn and improve from it and move forward. I'm very excited about my future with SK. The roster and organization feels like a perfect fit for me and I will put in the work to take full advantage of this opportunity. I know we can create some magic this year and I'm very excited to begin my new journey.

    Thank you for all your support
    Erik 'Treatz'

    submitted by /u/MrBubble4u
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    The enemy team made me go AFK during mid teamfight

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    TIL you can survive the fountain turret longer than a zhonyas

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 01:08 PM PST

    Tony Top Breaking Ankles During the LCS in-house games

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Apologies for the microphone quality- all of my screaming during this in-house started to make the microphone glitch!

    Tony Top 1v3 vs Huhi, Lourlo, and Gryffin


    submitted by /u/iDoNotCap
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    Why C9 Perkz is the biggest signing in LCS history + a look at his legacy in LEC - Run It (Tim and Travis)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Twisted treeline was removed exactly a year ago, this was my last game playing amumu because i was sad

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:25 AM PST

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