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    LoL Guide 3 basic question for a successful gank

    LoL Guide 3 basic question for a successful gank

    3 basic question for a successful gank

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Here are 3 basic questions you should ask yourself for a successful gank

    1. Do we(you and the laner) have enough damage? You have a Soraka top playing against a Sion and you are playing rammus. The Sion probably won't even have to go back. Now instead of soraka you have a Camille ore something else with a high damage output. There is a good chance that the gank is successful.

    2. Do we have enough CC? You are playing Kha(pre 6) and you have a twitch/Yummi (pre 6) lane playing against a Ezreal/janna. They will probably just run away. In an other scenario instead of a yummi you have a nautilus playing against a MF. MF has no mobility and nautilus has a lot of CC so the chance are good for a successful gank

    3. Is the enemy overextending (especially on Side lanes)? When the enemy is 24/7 pushing the turret with 0 mana or he wasn't in base for years. It's a free kill because he has a really long path to go back under his turret (tip: don't walk directly on the enemy, run in his path)

    of course there are many other factors that are important when it comes to which lane you should gank like win conditions, weak/strong side but that's only matters in higher Elo. For the most of the player base it should be enough to ask yourself these 3 question.

    Also a successful gank don't need to result in a kill. It is enough to force the enemy has to go back that you can deny CS, getting platings and Objectivs. It is often enough if you only get a flash which brings us to another point.

    1. Summs? Something I notice that no one really cares about summoner spells. An ADC without flash is a Free Kill for the next 5 minutes.

    Edit: to make it clear this just about how to find a generally good opportunity for a potential gank. Something like is your laner paying attention is (for me) part of the execution which wasn't part of this guide and depends on your mechanics. You can have the best gank setup if your execution is bad it won't be successful

    submitted by /u/Kyurl
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    Pinging ultimates and summoner spell cool downs

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:51 AM PST

    Coming from a jungle main, I hope that this post helps you. When I'm ganking, there's a few things that I take into consideration, with a big thing being whether or not the laner has ultimates or summoners.

    Sometimes when I'm ganking, getting a flash or ult from a laner is great, but it's still helpful to know whether or not that flash or ult is even there in the first place.

    I might even path differently based on cool downs, so if you're someone who thinks you never get ganked, it might be because your jungler is hesitant due to not knowing what the opponent has.

    Hope this helps you laners get a few more ganks in your games, and I hope junglers get easier ganks because people ping ults and sums.

    submitted by /u/TheoMorrison
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    How to play out first 3 levels as ADC | Diamond 4 Coaching

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:08 AM PST

    Hi guys, My name is Eyez1l and I'm high Diamond ADC player. I do coaching, and since I thought this coaching session with a Diamond 4 player might be useful,I decided to make a video out of it.

    Since the part we go over in the video, is a game that gets remade, I go really in depth on how I would have played out the early game if I was him, and I also go over why I would have done those things.

    The first thing I try to do, is try to teach him how to "think" in league of legends. In my opinion, in league, you have to always find small goals that let you achieve your win condition, and then ounce you figure out what does goals are, you have to think how you can achieve those goals.

    Exemple: in a poke vs poke lane, the way to play it out, is to have the push on the enemy so you can have a big minion wave and use that minion wave to your advantage in trades so you can win said trades. In this scenario, pushing the wave is your goal, now you have to find out how to execute your goal. In this case I suggest to the guy getting coached to get in lane quicker by not leashing and starting the push before the enemy team gets there.

    I then go over on how to setup the perfect push level 1. By perfect push I mean a push that lets you get level 2 first but keeps the wave away the furthest distance possible from the enemy tower, giving you your best case scenario to abuse your level advantage.

    I then go over on how to track the enemy jungler, since that is really important since it lets you know when you have to play passive and when you can play agro. I went over that since I saw the client play super passive in a winning match up, when he had the tools to know that the enemy jungler was top.

    All this was explained in the first 5 minutes of the video and the video is 20 minutes long. I really believe that there is some really important information in here and it would be highly beneficial to anyone below grandmaster tier to watch it.

    Anyway, here is the link to the video: https://youtu.be/Qgofu0Kay8g

    Any criticism is highly welcomed :)

    submitted by /u/eyezil
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    What to do after winning top lane?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:43 AM PST

    Hello. I am a new player currently in low silver. I mostly play Yorick or Tahm Kench top and find that I can somewhat frequently get a solid lead during the lane phase. However after I get the lead I don't know how to snowball it and carry my team. My question is, what should I be doing in the mid game to building off of the early lead from top?

    submitted by /u/Runberduck123
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    Season 11 Mundo Jungle Guide

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:19 AM PST

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZv7UptMMUk - Video Guide

    Text Guide:

    Mundo is one of the big beneficiaries of the preseason changes, specifically the added value to golem camps and Sunfire/other tank items being broken. In general farm jungles are strong right now and Mundo has insanely fast clear speeds. He's akin to Kassadin where he can be picked into magic heavy team comps as a counter and power farm into late game. Your looking at power spikes around level 11 and 16 where your ultimate really starts to come online. Tier1 Mundo ulti is only good for 1v1's or 2v2's, but level 11 is when your ulti starts to really take off.


    Runes are fleet footwork/Triumph/Legend: Tenacity/Last Stand

    Secondary tree: Free boots and Approach Velocity

    Fleet is necessary as it in general just speeds your clear and keeps you healthy. Your constantly trading life for damage so having an additional way to supplement your health is huge. Obviously, conqueror will scale better and be better in extended trades which you do partake in. But, if you don't make it to that point, then it's a useless rune. Whether or not you scale you will still get a lot of value from Fleet, healing and the MS which will help you clear and run around the jungle faster. Free boots and Approach are just nice, buying boots slows down your sunfire and Approach velocity will help you stick to targets.


    Winfire most broken item in the game rn. Keep watch on it though, it's power comes entirely from the damage, the stats on it are garbage, mythic passive being ability haste is quite bad. But, getting this will just make your clear speed insane as well as your objective control, tanks now have the ability to solo drakes quite fast.

    Spirit Visage second is standard, the unique passive is too nice to ignore, HP/MR are good and ability haste is whatever. But, the unique passive is just insane,

    200HPS + 200HPS *.3 = 260HPS

    Sunfire+Spirit Visage: 155HP/s + 155HP/s *.3= 201HP/s

    Sunfire +3Ruby(450hp): 155HP/s

    You'll get a 45HP per second buff with Sunfire + Visage.

    After that you'll build against whatever the enemy team has a lot of, either MR or AR. Demonic Embrace is kind of questionable for me rn. I think it seems good, but whenever I go it I don't seem to get a ton of value from it. But, if you want damage, it's a better version of liandries which was already decent on mundo last season. You have 2 good sources of AP damage to proc it.

    Vs. heavy AP, FoN/Visage/Sunfire should be enough MR, remember your E has a passive where he gains percent MR for either suffering magic damage or paying a health cost. So stacking MR isn't a necessity, Mundo by himself is a counter to AP heavy team comps.

    Vs. heavy AD, the standouts are Thornmail + Randuins, deadman seems good if you are ahead. But the tank stats from it aren't super great, but if you don't need them it has a lot of utility and bonus out of combat movespeed will help you clear faster.

    submitted by /u/manbearbeaver
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    Alternative ways to play the game: considering the state of ADC

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Let me start of by saying I don't necessarily have answers, just thoughts. Also, if rank is important to you, note that most if not all of the problems I'm going to talk about are not things I have identified but things prominent adc's (namely sneaky and a recent post made by a Grandmaster player) have noted.


    1. Shared exp leads to adc and supports to be 2,3 even 4 levels behind the solo laners, and even junglers now in this farm heavy jungle meta. You may point of that adc's don't need levels since they scale with items; and while this is true you do benefit from the additional stats (at least the extra health) and the solo-laners you are fighting are much much stronger being higher level.
    2. Adc items are bad. Crit - as everyone is aware - took a big hit this preseason. So much so that the only truly viable adcs are on-hit (vayne, kog'maw) and champions that can built lethality (jhin, mf). Crit isn't the only stat to suffer either. Crit chance per item, Crit damage and AD per item have all taken massive hits and with Marksman items being the most expensive items in the game ... well it's no wonder the role is in the dumpster.

    This, however is not a complaining post. Above is the problem, now what are the solutions?Possible Solutions:

    1. Other classes bot lane. We've seen mages bot lane and occasionally things like wukong + fasting senna, but could tanks, fighters, etc also duo lane? Addresses the itemization issue but still suffers from Shared Exp. Also, adc currently functions as late game insurance and tank shredding (though to a lesser extent now since kraken is hot garbage). Going mage bot lane makes your team have to draft ad (and ideally some form of tank busting) elsewhere or be a single-damage comp which is bad.
    2. Safe adc with a perma-roaming support. This has been roughly the approach the pros have taken. Cait,Senna,Ezreal sit bot lane and farm all game while panth/leona/naut/blitz go and mess with other lanes/the jg. The support is then super under-leveled but able to use catch up exp to not become completely irrelevant, in combination with gargoyle's to compensate for their lack of tank stats from levels. This addresses the shared exp problem but not itemization, additionally it doesn't really work for the now-meta adcs. Good luck playing vayne/kog/mf/jhin in a 2v1 against any remotely aggressive bot lanes.
    3. This one is mine so be gentle lol. An adc jungler (graves, kindred, etc) and a ganking/cc/tank jg with 3 solo-laners(none of which are adcs). Shared jg exp isn't a thing since season like... 7 or even before, but kill exp is pretty nuts. Currently junglers have to juggle helping lanes, counter jungling and powerfarming to stay even with the other jungler. This is really just an adaptation on solution 2, where the "roaming support" just takes smite now. Taking smite though allows the support/ganking jg to counter jg in addition to ganking. This addresses both the shared exp issue and itemization issue (graves can build bruiser/fighter items). Hypothetically it seems this would either result in the 1 enemy jungle being severely under leveled from being double counter-jungled constantly, or the 2 jgs being under leveled because they aren't able to counter jg effectively and are splitting the jg.

    perhaps the answer is a combination of these or something not listed.

    Edit: Oh, I forgot, I had one more idea:
    Debuff Ashe - Basically abusing her built in slow. You'd take font of life and all the cdr you can get in runes, then go runaans, black cleaver, grievous wounds (your choice), shieldbow (I even experimented with tank mythics and Imperial Mandate), lucidity boots, etc and just be a slow, shred, grievous, ult bot. Utility carry FTW

    submitted by /u/NyukaNyuka
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    Being positive does more than just prevent tilt it also can really build trust between teammates.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:52 AM PST

    I was playing a game as Lee sin and our team was behind by a pretty large amount early, one of my teams mates was calling to FF at 15 while our mid was being super positive telling us how we can stay in it and always complementing good plays.

    Fast forward a bit and me and this guy were in a skirmish between their fed volibear and Shaco, we were backed up behind our second turrets and even than it was looking like we'd be lucky to stay alive much less kill anyone, I noticed the enemy shaco kinda out of position and knew what I could do, keep in mind we were close to our turrets but we weren't under them so even a good kick wouldn't mean we'd be able to get shaco taking turret damage. Regardless I flashed ulted the shaco towards Mal who I had to trust could be able to kite out and secure the kill, there was a chance he wouldn't be able to do it and we'd both die but he did eventually burst him. We didn't kill Voli but we did push him out of our jungle letting me free farm for a bit.

    I'm serious when I say in that split second a lot of the confidence I had in Mal to finish off shaco was in his mental, if this was the toxic jhin I don't think I would have decided to go in. Even when it doesnt effect gameplay a good attitude can build a lot of trust. That pick that Mal got ultimately lead to him snowballing and winning the game.

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    What’s the correct high elo way to attack? Right mouse click?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:21 PM PST

    So I'm starting to get good enough to move from norms to ranked but I saw a meme that said something like "the reaction when ____ LCS player finds out ____ LCS player attacks with right click on the mouse.

    ....I attack with right click on the mouse...

    Is there a better way to do it?

    This sounds like a stupid question in my head but this is the sub to ask the stupid questions lol

    Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/yeetzamillion
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    How to counter a heimerdinger?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Coming from a bronze newbie. Im pretty young in this game, Ive been playing roughly for a month, and Im permabanning heimerdinger from now on until I get to know how to counter it.

    So... any help? How do I avoid being shredded by its turrets? Cant break them cause as soon as I get close (I play melee champs most of the time) it just throws a bunch of missiles and grenades and then his ultimate ocasionally. Same reasoning to why I cant get close and kill it, because in the process it just spamms all its abilities and takes half my hp. The other half is taken for free by his turrets.

    Im obviously doing something wrong but I wanna know what.

    As a side note, its the first champion ever that has made me quit a match so bad. It wasnt ranked so theres that, I still feel bad about it. I just felt so useless and the laning was so boring against heimer that I just didnt want to play anymore. Im also starting to question why people hate on teemo more than on heimershitt...dinger. It feels way more annoying to me.

    Cheers and ty for reading

    submitted by /u/FETU55LAYER
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    Playing from behind with no map & objective control

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:37 AM PST

    The situation:

    You are playing jungle and you doing great. you took first drake and herald and had some succesfull ganks on mid bot and top, give them some kills but also take some for your own, put herald on mid after killing the enemy midlaner and take the mid tower, ect. But around the 18 minute mark, for some reasons all your laners lose first tower and you get pushed in as team. You lose objective control and do not have proper map vision (because its low elo). Resources are getting scarce because you dont dare to push the minion wave further then the middle of the map. You cannot win teamfights either because the enemy team is winning them for some reason? idk. The enemy takes all of the objectives from now on.

    I always get super frustrated when this happens even though i tried to help my team in multiple ways as much as possible. I litterly cannot see my efforts being rewarded and instead they backfire me instead. I get toxic and i start to vote FF because i cannot trust my team.

    What are your options as a jungler(Especially one that scales in lategame and is weak in midgame) and maybe some tips against getting tilted?

    submitted by /u/lBlackAce2
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    Things to know before playing jungle

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:10 AM PST

    This is a counterpart to my midlane post from yesterday: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/jwmnfz/things_to_know_before_playing_midlane/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    TLDR at end.

    I find very frequently that people don't seem to understand how they can affect the game from each role. And while this is true for all roles to varying degrees, I think it is most true for 2 of them, Jungle and Midlane. ADCs and Supports generally get the idea of farm and try to get tower, once they do that they tend to dictate the flow of the game since others seem to habitually flock to where a group is. Toplaners just do whatever TF they want just as they have for a decade now, and then we have jungle and mid. At best they are powerful partners and at worst they bring the team down with them kicking and screaming. Today, I am going to go through some of the ways the jungler influences the game, regardless of if the player cares. If you aren't interested in contributing towards these goals, I'd advise queueing a different role since it will be more helpful to your team and more likely to result in a game experience you enjoy.

    For transparency: I will NOT be detailing nuanced jungle pathing or mechanics. A few reasons include the sake of relative brevity, and my lack of proper expertise. While I feel that 8 years of this game has given me a thorough understanding of the larger systems at play and how roles interact, I am still pretty low ELO (silver) so even though jungle is my main role, I know my advice is imperfect. This post, like the midlane post, is targeted at lower elo and learning players, with hopes of helping them get a proper understanding of the role early on. I will, however, leave two names of youtubers that I feel are good sources of jungle content.

    - Virkayu

    - Nathan Mott (Specifically the series "Your First Jungle Clear")

    1. As a jungler, you are more or less team captain. You come equipped with the ability to secure major map objectives (Herald, Baron, Dragon) since you take smite. You have the ability to create a numbers advantage anywhere on the map. You have the most freedom in your vision control.

    - As a jungler, your duty is to the team and the map, no matter if you are an early game jungler like Xin Zhao, a lategame scaler like Karthus, or a tank like Nunu. Your job is to use your freedom of movement to shake up the game. Your job is NOT to ensure you get a full 6 camp clear every time it spawns as fast as possible. Jungle pathing IS important but for different reasons.

    - Jungle pathing is (while also about other things) PRIMARILY about minimizing time spent while maximizing gold / exp earned. What this means is that ganks and invades are part of jungle pathing, and that a 3 camp clear that includes a transition gank on mid is often more efficient or equally efficient to a fast 6 camp, ESPECIALLY for scaling junglers who won't match up well vs a Lee Sin or similar jungler in the 1v1 or 2v2 on even gold.

    2) Jungling should never be peaceful. If it is, either you are failing your team, or the enemy is playing extremely well.

    - As I said above, jungling is about minimizing the time spent. While in the previous context I was referencing time spent farming, here I would like to expand that to everything the jungler does. Farm fast, don't waste unnecessary time in a bush hoping for a gank. The entirety of jungling hinges on being BEFORE the other jungler. A youtuber I like, Virkayu, used the word "Frenetic" to describe jungling in a video he released in early season 10.


    1. fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way. "a frenetic pace of activity"

    - While we do not need to be wild / uncontrolled, it may seem that way to the opponent and sometimes to our teammates. It may even FEEL this way to you. Personally, my best jungle games have left me feeling as if I hadn't ever THOUGHT so quickly in my life.

    3) Jungling is a game of strategy, not quite chess but with similarities. Every play is made with a goal, and every goal is towards the objective of the enemy nexus.

    - There is no great secret to jungling. Aside from mechanics and game knowledge, great junglers differ from average junglers simply by effectively setting up a sequenced set of plays that they can execute or adjust as the game progresses. An average jungler might automatically full clear every game, but a better jungler might see the opponent on Lee Sin, a strong early duelist, and decide to do Red buff, gank mid and soak a bit of EXP, then blue buff for level 3 and gank toplane, and be ready for the crab spawn. Now, they are level 3 with 2 buffs and pressure in both solo lanes, thus able to contest a scuttle that would've been dangerous otherwise.

    - Dragon and Rift Herald do not always have the same value to you. If I am an early game jungler like Rek'sai, Elise etc.. I am not going to scale well into teamfights. So why would I prioritize dragons, which provide scaling, over herald which gives me more power RIGHT NOW while I am strong? I would much rather use rift herald to knock down turrets and open up the map so that I can go for more assassination plays and snowball my early advantage. If we get to 20 minutes and have gone even in turrets with the enemy, their karthus will be much happier than me. On the flipside, if I am Nunu and I have a Kai'sa botlane with a Syndra midlane, I am very VERY happy to count on grouping as a team for lategame objectives and fights. I would much rather focus on getting those 2 through the first 20 minutes. By camping for them, I can help their lane win which makes taking dragon easier. If we have even 2 dragons to 0 or 1 at 20 minutes in this team comp, we should feel VERY good. See the forethought here? Decide team power window, pick according objective, play for nearby lanes to make pressure near it.

    4) the jungler is a force multiplier.

    - I think I've heard this elsewhere but cannot recall from who.

    - Superceding all of the above strategic points is that when one of your allies is popping the hell off, you are there for them. Are you the nunu from above? Well, if the toplane Riven on your team is 4/0 at 9 minutes, You are gonna make sure you help her break a tower or 2 and extend that lead. Are you the Rek'sai? Well if that botlane Samira on your team forces both enemy flashes at level 3, you get your ass down there and get her a few more kills and the tower so that she can go mid and spread the word of DEATH. Help them reach their lane objectives so they can move their strength around the map. Be sure to shift your focus once this is done though, because other people may need you.

    - Why is it better to play for the laner than to continue your personal snowball? Well, it isn't ALWAYS true but it also isn't mutually exclusive to playing for your own snowball. When you camp the ever loving shit out of a lane, you make pressure there. If you get your Tryndamere a sweet 3/0 start with a 30 cs lead, it is pretty safe to bet that either the enemy jungler is gonna be up there a lot, or he is gonna pull other laners up there once he hits the inhib tower. This pressure can help you go across the map and take dragons, or gank botlane. Their lead is your freedom. Your freedom is your strength.

    5) Mid. Mid mid mid. Mid. Mid.

    - Mid. Mid mid midmidmid. MID. M I D.

    - Mid is the best battle buddy. Mid is close to dragon, herald, all your buffs and both scuttles. When mid wins, the enemy jungler can't quickly cross in front of mid tower without revealing, it slows their rotation. When mid wins, the enemy jungler can't easily take crab. When mid wins, you can safely get deeper wards. When mid wins, you can break mid tower and that is THE most important first tower to take.

    - Help. Your. Mid. Win. Gank them when you change sides of the map. Gank them and then DON'T change sides of the map. Walk into their lane just to land some damage. Ward for your mid to protect them from ganks. Stop halfway through clearing raptors to countergank for them. When your mid winds, your job gets 1,000x easier. If you can early snowball for your scaling mid, even better. Yasuo? Camp. Yone? Camp. Kassadin? Campn'Win. Syndra? Camp. Vlad? Pray and only gank on cannon waves since that cannon minion will do more damage to the enemy mid than vlad will early on. But countergank, protect that vlad. Like any lane, mid can lose, but seriously you gotta do everything in your power to prevent that. Even if your mid can't carry, just don't let them get snowballed on, for your own sake.

    TL:DR: Jungle is a team captain of sorts, and a force multiplier. You amplify lane leads when you show up, and your freedom of movement gives you the greatest power on your team to drive the game. Junglers aren't there for the purpose of farming, they are their to minimize the amount of EXP that gets wasted on the map. Those camps are a tool that allows you to get the EXP and gold needed to snowball the map and your team. You get level 3 so you can gank or fight. Sometimes you get level 2 for that purpose. You get level 6 so that you are ready to fight at dragon or make very powerful ganks. You get sunfire so you can spend less time on farming between ganks. You gank for pressure to get big objectives. You gank to make the enemy leave so you get towers.

    EDITS: Clarified my point in a couple sentences, spelling and added youtube suggestions.

    submitted by /u/Spacemn5piff
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    Plas Twisted Fate

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:05 PM PST

    I decided to main Twisted Fate midlane a few weeks ago and I can only say everyone should play Twisted Fate. As there is not much space for mechanics you will have to win by macro decisions and this alone made me a so much better player in a short periodt of time. With just 2 concepts you have to learn it is actually really easy to pick up Twisted Fate at an Gold level at least (not the lane maybe).

    1. Push sidelanes slightly over the middle when behind so you get a nice slow push towards you. Then you come back a few minutes after to pick up a huge wave

    2. Splitpush when ult ready. Twisted Fate does very much damage to turrets especially with Lich Bane. When someone tries to stop you (which they have to) you ult to your team and force a 5v4 fight

    In no time you will find yourself with a huge gold lead from turrets and minions to just simply oneshot the enemy carry with no kills at all.

    submitted by /u/MagisterHegoDamaskII
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    Matchups become much easier once you’ve played as the champ you’re going against...

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Part of league is mechanics and macro and the other part is simply game knowledge. Knowing what a certain champ looks for during their all-ins, poke patterns, ability to push waves, cooldowns, mana issues, etc can make a huge difference when playing against that champ. You only learn those things by actually playing that champ. It doesn't have to be 20+ games but the more and more you know a champ from first person experience the better you'll be at playing against it.

    For example, Irelia seemed like an impossible top lane match up for me. I knew she had a stun and passive I had to worry about but I didn't truly know how they functioned. Irelia was a pretty daunting champ for me so one day I decided to play her a bit. I sucked at her, but that's not the point. I learned the ranges of her Q and stun. I had a better idea of her cool downs and how she likes to play lane around those cooldowns. I learned how hard she can spike off just one item and In general, I learned her champion tendencies. Now when I lane against her I'm thinking for two champions basically. I'm concentrated on who I'm playing and what I should be doing but I also can stay diligent on what Irelia is doing too. Im not just sitting there in awe as she Qs 5 minions and then proceeds to all in me because I know the second she does that, she's is trying to play aggressive.

    Preseason is the perfect time to try this out. You might play like crap on these champs during your first few games but who cares? It's preseason and as long as you aren't inting your team, you're fine. I really suggest playing different champs within your role, learning them at a basic level will help you play against them on your own champs.

    submitted by /u/SemiterrestrialSmoke
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    Is there a way to automate the flash timers of your enemies wiht a single keystroke?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:04 PM PST

    i have an idea for a macro in lol. basically whenever you push NumPad 1-5 you push enter (for chat) and it takes the current timestamp and adds 5 min on it. basically when the adc flashes i push NumPad 1 and it automaticaly pushes enter for me, takes the timestamp from the game and adds another 5 min and the pushes enter again

    is something like that possible?

    submitted by /u/mokura
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    A tip to improve your flash combo on Vlad + three teamfighting combos for beginners (and also an analysis on mythic itemization)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:44 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm a Vladimir main currently ranked eigth on League of Graphs (which I know doesn't mean much and by no means makes me better than or even remotely close to Challenger players, but I'm hoping this lends me some credibility).

    I'm here with two mini-guides, on two things that I see a lot of Vladimir players doing "wrong", and I've yet to see any guides or videos point them out.

    Mini flash combo guide (4 minutes): Vlad's standard laning kill combo of E charge -> flash -> R -> Q -> ignite () is slower than it could be and leaves the enemy time to react and flash away. You can remedy this by releasing E before you cast R, and do the same amount of damage with some "mechanical prowess".

    Mini teamfighting combo guide (5 minutes): three universally applicable* combos that you can use in almost any teamfight situation, and the reasoning behind them.

    Read the descriptions for a better articulated summary of the points made in the video.

    I hope this helped, thanks for everyone's time :D.

    (*) I make the assumption that you are building Rocketbelt. This is something heavily debated on in Vlad communities, but it's my opinion that Rocketbelt is strictly better than Night Harvester for these reasons:

    1. Night Harvester gives movement speed after you damage an enemy. If you're in range to damage an enemy (that is, to Q or E an enemy, because your initial R cast does no damage and doesn't proc NH), then you've probably already procced Phase Rush, at which point you have more than enough movement speed to work with even without Night Harvester's 25% bonus. Night Harvester doesn't solve the issue of how you're going to get into range to proc Phase Rush on targets that are either running away or spacing well.

    2. Vlad's damage is high enough for Night Harvester's multi-target damaging capability to not matter too much. You will overkill squishies, Night Harvester or no, so getting ONTO them is more important. Rocketbelt does this better with a dash, rockets that apply 1 stack of Phase Rush, and 25% more MS for half a second more. (Tanks you need to kill with multiple rotations of your spells, so an item active's damage is negligible)

    3. You have no choice over when to use Night Harvester's "active" in lane; with Rocketbelt you can guarantee a good trade with an empowered Q, but Night Harvester procs willy-nilly.

    submitted by /u/IGunnaKeelYou
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    The importance of playing with the team

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Rank-specific advice here: plays that may work at [x rank] will not always work at [y rank], and those that try to imitate often end up dying alone, pinging their teammates and asking 'why they didn't help'.

    Here's an example: (link)

    If you have sufficient macro, it may be apparent that the fight is easily winnable. Starting the fight is the obvious choice, but then you end up dead. In hindsight, it's pretty clear that the team, for various reasons, does not want to fight, and does not want to win.

    Not everyone is capable of seeing the same things, and, unless you are a substantially better player than everyone else, and know exactly what you're doing, it's usually better to follow the team, while simultaneously keeping these possibilities in the back of your mind.

    submitted by /u/Stranger924
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    How to play late game as a support and just in general?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Last few game I've played we've gotten off to early leads (more specifically a fed ADC) and fall behind later in mid to late game. I'll try to get people to come to drake, but there's almost always 1 or 2 people that won't which can make taking drakes iffy. I assume (maybe not right) that taking a baron is only a good idea after killing at least 3 or knowing where everyone on enemy team is. Even then after pinging for baron and asking team to go to baron there's ALWAYS someone farming or just randomly wandering around which once again makes it iffy. Besides drakes, what should we be looking for? As a support I usually don't farm too much and try to ward as best as I can especially when drakes are spawning. I usually call for our team to group mid or near an objective that's spawning (which pretty much never happens) since I find these games can go bad if people start getting picked but I'm not sure if this is the right play. Maybe we should be picking? Anyway what can I as a support do and what in general should our team be looking for when we get an early lead?

    submitted by /u/TrueField
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    Strategic Map Tool

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:39 AM PST

    Hey everyone

    Tool link: https://wickd.gg/map

    The League Of Legends community have shown me tremendous support throughout the years. As a pro player, and now as a content creator. I have always been looking for a place that developed tools to help players improve at the game. Sadly most tools are extremely basic. That's why I wanted to give it a shot at getting those tools made myself. The first advanced tool we have is a map tool that should be able to help players improve their own play. Hopefully it's also a tool that coaches and content creators can use to help their clients and teams.

    The tool is currently in beta. We have focused on rushing out the necessary tools to make it useful, but the UI is big and clunky. We will slowly change that over time.

    The tools we currently have in the map

    Champion Ranges: We should have all champion ranges in the tool. There's some edge cases that we have in the backend, but don't have an option to change on the live version yet. Basically champions that change range on level ups.

    Ward Ranges:

    Tower Ranges: I have died a million times because I didn't know the exact range of towers. Easy to take a quick look and know the exact shooting range.

    Drawing tool: Going to improve our drawing tool a lot. Planning to add opacity slider, different colors, better erasing tool and much more.

    Different Dragon maps: Will also add the Cloud and Ocean Map

    Some of the tools we're looking to add

    UI Revamp: Proper icons and make the entire UI much cleaner. Overall it looks pretty raw right now.

    Draft Tool Multiplayer: A draft tool like LEC, but we want to connect it to the map. I've seen content creators draft against each other but thought it would be great if they would also talk about the strategy behind their choices more in-depth.

    Path Finder: Optimize pathing and tell you how long it takes to move X distance with X movement speed

    Fog Of War:

    Jungle pathing tool: with experience and killing mobs Combined with Path Finder it should tell you how long it takes to move around the jungle and get ganks going. Super beneficial for laners to know exact times that their junglers will gank.

    Wave management tool: Minions that you can click to kill. Should be moving like in game and stop whenever they meet enemy minions. Can help players better understand wave management.

    Tricky ward helper: Showcases the unique ward spots like Scarra ward and so on. Basically hard to place over the wall ward spots.

    and more

    submitted by /u/Wickd
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    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:21 AM PST

    I have been trying to learn how to play with unlocked camera for a bit now, because of the apparent benefit it brings.

    But when I'm playing with locked camera I find that my focus is 50/50 from my screen to my minimap, so I pretty much play league from the minimap and then click the minimap to look around as well as just using locked cam for micro play. I find I am still quite map aware from this (thanks Shen as well).

    So I was just wandering if I actually need to unlock my camera because I often lose my champion during fights and I have no muscle memory or reflex to press space during them to centre my camera. I do also use my buttons to watch allies too, I just like the immediate flick back to me after I release the button or my mouse.

    Your opinion or input would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Doc8176
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    Why not freeze every single game if allowed?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Hello. I am a player in bronze 2 and I'm wondering why I shouldn't just freeze every game. I main Irelia in top/mid and most of the time I win my lane by just killing the enemy level 2. If I can't I let them shove in (since nobody i play against freezes) and I farm (since I'm Irelia I can get pretty much everything) until I eventually catch them out and kill them or I get a gank. I get flamed so often by the enemy team for doing this, as they constantly call it "boring" or call me a pussy for doing it. I think this is just salt from them not knowing how to counter it, but I might actually be doing something wrong. Is what I'm doing fine or should I try to shove more?

    submitted by /u/KingWalf
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    First back on shield bow / Kracken AD's

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    So on AD's that build Shield Bow or Kracken Slayer as their mythic item, I've been struggling to figure out the best first couple of buys.

    I don't think the passives on the two mythics (with a few exceptions.. Vayne) are that exceptional on one item and champions like Ashe for example are probably going to prefer having just a Hurricane to just a Shield Bow.

    That said, I'm struggling to figure out what the first few buys should be. The way I see it you have three options at the moment.

    Pickaxe & dagger

    25 ad 12% att speed - 1,175 gp

    Moon Quiver

    30 ad 15% att speed - 1,300 gp

    Rage Knife + crit cloak

    26 on hit damage 25% att speed - 1,400 gp

    In terms of raw DPS the rageknife opening is probably the strongest by quite a margin, it also lets you stack crit cloaks every 600g so you always have a good reset. On the otherhand your dealing with a constantly full inventory because you have crit cloaks everywhere and you need 1,400 gp on first back or its not worth it

    Moon Quiver vs Pickaxe i'm pretty torn on. they're really similar DPS and you're pretty much always going to have 700 or 875 gp on first back respectively. So i guess it just comes down to hurricane or Mythic first.

    Also I'm pretty consistently D4 on AD and i can't seem to CS for love nor money on this patch, so hell maybe Moon Quiver is always best, idk..

    So yeah, thoughts?

    submitted by /u/RedditoAccount
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    When Iam autofilled i am 1 Level behind enemy Jungle with even farm ?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:15 AM PST

    Due to the autofill system I want to learn jungle and understand the role more but when I am farming i am always one level behind enemy Jungle. The strange thing is I invade enemy Jungle, deny XP and Cs and I am still behind?

    Someone said its because I take no minion waves but they nerfed the gain from jungle Item to normal minions cause of an Funel tactic with yi/ Taric. Is this really enough to be 1 or 2 Level ahead? For me its so strange I even watched Guides and have a path but I am still behind

    submitted by /u/MonkeyDDeltaZed
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