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    Saturday, November 21, 2020

    LoL Guide Play according to the rank you are in.

    LoL Guide Play according to the rank you are in.

    Play according to the rank you are in.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:50 AM PST

    It took me too long to get this. I was plat 1 close to hitting diamond 2 seasons ago, but this season I was just stuck around gold for some reason no matter what I did.

    But when I thought about why I just remembered that I brought the enemy 5 Players to fight me on top, and my team rather than pushing mid and bot, getting an easy tower in bot lane, they just ran into enemy team 5~ seconds after I died, started a 4 v 5 and lost the fight (and later the game).

    Bot huge wave is about to hit the tower with no one to take it, losing a huge amount of gold and EXP.

    It was possible to get mid tower with a little bit of pushing, but rather than doing any of this, they decided the best thing to do is to fight fresh enemy team 4 v 5.

    I now know that the best thing I could've done is to play with the team 5 v 5 the whole time. We definitely wouldn't have won that game as my team was behind, but my chances of winning are probably a lot higher that way.

    You might think this doesn't happen often. But it actually does. Basic macro is very rare in anything lower than plat. Not at all.

    TL;DR: don't count too much on macro in lower elos. You can't depend on your team to use it.

    submitted by /u/SadisticFlamingo
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    Trying to help my girl to learn league.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:40 AM PST

    So my wife just started league (right before worlds) and she is just having fun with bots. Anyway she plays Ziggs now because she likes "the little creatures" so called Yordles, she finds them cute.

    I started this game in season 2 and previusly i was playing Dota, so i dont really remember how i learned to play this game, and because of that i have a hard time teaching her or helping her in the game. I really try but i dont think she is getting what im trying.

    Any advice ? Either for new players or for someone trying to teach?

    submitted by /u/troubleis1
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    Ability haste from a dummy to dummies

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:48 PM PST

    Imagine a car going 100km/h it takes 1h to reach 100km.

    The ability haste works like this if you get 25 ability haste you are going 125km/h, like riot said 25% faster.

    The cooldown reduction works instead of going 25% faster it was cutting down the distance to travel so instead of 100km it was 75km.

    Then the ability haste with 100% faster it means you are going 200km/h that is instead of 60min to reach 100km you reach it within 30 mins, that means when you go, for example 300km per hour thats 200 ability haste you reach within 60/3 20 mins to reach then.

    100 ability haste 50% reduction but 200 ability haste is 75% reduction, what im trying to say its that from 100 ability haste the returns gets disminished by half and to reach 99% reduction you would need like 1000 ability haste, because it halves it time in this way.

    since the 100 ability haste you get half for every checkpoint (double the ability haste) it half the cd of the half.

    100 gets you 50% 200 gets you 75% 300 gets you 87,5% and so on.

    The conclusion, just buy 100 ability haste everything from there is wasted.

    submitted by /u/Accomplished_Alarm10
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    Oracle's Lens at late game

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:55 PM PST

    So Oracle's is useful against wards, invisible champs and traps.The question is: In case all of the enemy champs replace their wards with farsight and Oracle's ( which happens at some games in the lategame) and if they don't have invisible champs and traps ( like Teemo shrooms, Jhin's E etc), would it be worth for you or someone else in the team to replace their oracle's back to farsight or normal wards? Because it's practically useless, unless if it has another good use still after these circumstances that i am probably missing. What are your thoughts? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/DunkeSchoen
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    Regulate your sound for better mental

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:44 AM PST

    First off, completely mute the announcer voice. You hear somewhat unnecessary information like turrets falling or minion waves arriving. Not only that but hearing that your allies died, that the enemies captured baron or whatever is subconsciously tilting you. You will see how you enter in a better world when you mute that announcer.

    Secondly, pings are important but you can be irritated even if you hear a few of them. I'd recommend lowering the ping sound to 30.

    When it comes to the client, it also has tilting sounds like the ambiance + "found a match" sounds when queing or the music when selecting a champion. Mute them all, they're useless and tilting as well. You can listen to some music before starting the game.

    For the rest (SFX, champion voice, etc) you can leave them at 50.

    submitted by /u/SSj3Rambo
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    Is selling a stacked mejais ever an option?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:00 AM PST

    Hey guys! In one of last nights games my buddy told me to sell my (fully stacked) mejais for another item, I did a quick math check and figured mejais gives me more ap than any other item I could possibly buy (correct me if I'm wrong). But here I am thinking if it would have been beneficial to sell it, so maybe someone here can enlighten me :)

    For context: I was playing Xerath with my usual runes (comet, manaflow band, transcendence, scorch, secondary pom and last stand) Its very late in the game (it was 4v5 so it took us a while to finish). I am full build with ludens, horizon focus, void staff, rabadons, mejais and sorc boots, and sitting on 3.5k gold only buying elixirs every back. Also I'm ridiculously fed with something like 16/3/xx

    In my situation, am I correct that selling mejais would've had no positive or even a negative impact?

    I appreciate any advice!

    submitted by /u/leinad9966
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    Cheater recall, what next?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I just finished watching a couple of videos explaining cheater recalls and its effectiveness. My only question is what happens after? Do you use your item advantage in an aggressive way and look for a kill/summoner spell? Do you play passive, freeze and outtrade him in case he wants to look for some? What are the optimal ways to use this tecnique and what items? Should you buy items that give you more mana or do you usually look for items that give more hp/damage/armor-mr? Is it worth going for another starting item (considering it doesn't develop into anything)?

    Hope my questions are not too confusing, and thanks for any reply I'll receive!

    submitted by /u/Waterstyle-fart
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    When should Supports roam

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:06 AM PST

    I've been playing alot of tank Supports and one thing. I see is that they roam the map to look for possible plays in other lanes, either when the lane is shoved and your ADC is backing. Can you just roam more to secure objectives like herald and deep ward at the risk of having your ADC be 1v2d most of the time?

    submitted by /u/ProbSomethingElse
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    Cassiopeia, Orianna or Syndra to climb from gold with macro?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:05 AM PST

    My mechanics were always pretty good, I was Katarina OTP, easily picked up Irelia. But even tho my ELO was going up, my Macro stayed almost the same from Bronze to Gold. All I did is freeze the wave, punish opponent's mistakes, shove the lane, roam, get fed. Every game was the same (except the matchup), I always was able to find some bad played to get fed off of him.

    I started watching a lot of high elo players/streamers and was impressed how they won games purely with good macro. So I started to play Syndra, Orianna, Cassiopeia. And I was shocked how different the game became. I reached Gold 1 playing Katarina without placing wards, thinking about the wave (except freezing, shoving), I'm not even talking about deep wards and jungler tracking. My macro was ZERO, my CS was around 5 per min. So I dropped Katarina, and decided not to reach Platinum, cause with zero macro I don't deserve it. I set the challenge for myself to improve my macro and win games with it.

    So I put a lot of work in CSing, it went to 7CS in average (I was even able to reach 10CS once). Started to buy pink wards on every back, placing deep wards against Shaco/Evelynn. My positioning was always okay, cause my second roll is ADC (that's why I enjoy Cassiopeia). I wasn't able to reach Platinum in S10, cause I kept switching between these 3 champions. So I have to finally decide my main for S11 so I can focus primarily on improving my macro, rather adapting to my champion.

    How would you rate (from best to worse) Cassiopeia, Orianna, Syndra by climbing efficiency? I enjoy all three of these champions. Here is my feeling about these champions:

    • I would've played Cassio, but in 70% of my games I face assassins, she can literally 1v9 in mid-late game, but has low impact in early game. I can't create much pressure early, so opponent can roam, contest objectives whenever he pleases. And not all players are able to notice 7 pings in their face to back off and ending up getting killed by Zed and thinking about that FF 15.
    • Syndra is super good at bulling and dominate early to mid game, can delete squishies and make teamfights 4v5, but super unsafe, can't follow assassins and one missed E can cost you a life, even with good positioning you have to rely on your team.
    • Orianna is good lane bully as well, has much safer and can change win teamfighs with her R, even with inting Kled running into 5 man. But her 100-0 is much weaker that Syndra's, and you can't punish overstepping enemy's that hard.

    TL;DR: How would you rate (from best to worse) Cassiopeia, Orianna, Syndra by climbing efficiency in gold-plat ELO?

    submitted by /u/Morlino
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    How often do you look at the minimap?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:48 AM PST

    Hey y'all, I've been playing for a bit and I'm something like 500 SR games in as a support main. When I'm playing support, I find myself looking at the minimap every 10-15 seconds (down to every 4-5 before an objective or when my lane is missing). However, trying to replicate looking at the minimap every 7 or 8 seconds in mid seems to mean that I can't farm at all. Is there some kind of interval/timing I should be looking for when looking at the minimap?

    submitted by /u/FusRohDad
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    What's with AP Maokai support and AP Twitch support?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:05 AM PST

    OP.GG is listing AP Maokai with E max and Mandate as a tier 1 support. Meanwhile, I have a friend swearing on his life that support AP Twitch is a thing with dark harvest and stuff... like, can someone break these two picks down for me? I can't see how any of the new items would bring Twitch to light, and while I can see Maokai bot being strong with Imperial Mandate I struggle to see how he performs in lane, especially with only spellthief for being... well, discount Alistar with bush control, I guess.

    submitted by /u/SparklesMcSpeedstar
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    Which ADCs counter Draven

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PST

    Im an adc main and i can comfortably play any adc (except ezreal), but draven always gives me problems during the laning phase. I understand Draven is made for an earlier power spike than other adcs but I don't know which champ counters him. I love playing draven, but i hate playing against him, Plz help.

    submitted by /u/ouv123
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    Help with poke bot lane

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:45 AM PST

    Just want to ask for some advice on how to fight poke bot lanes (cait morg, mf xerath/brand, etc.), since they make me want to gouge my eyes out with how boring it is. I typically get tier 1 boots, dshield and pots but it never seems like enough and they carry the game. I really dont die that much to it (2-3 times usually), but i am woefully behind and am very useless. I am silver and typically play ezreal and tristana.

    submitted by /u/disposaldevice
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    Why am I losing botlane?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:32 AM PST

    Having played league for a few years, this summer was the first time I took any of it seriously. These days, in most lanes, I've got a much better understanding of macro and objective awareness (I'm currently Silver, but not stuck).

    Now, I never take losses to be a bad thing because I always learn something from them. If I lose top, I learn the matchup better, and consider where I went wrong in lane. In Jungle, I get a feel for how their jungler played differently to me, and what the outcome may have been.

    Now recently, I've been playing botlane with a friend. He's good, slightly lower level than me, but we're usually pretty good. The issue is, after I lose an 'active' botlane (one where people are actually dying) I often struggle to pinpoint exactly why, or what I could've done.

    So I'm wondering, do you guys have any tips? As ADC I play Jhin, Citlynn and Jinx, what are my worst matchups? What are the best support synergies, scariest supports to play against, and 'small' macro mistakes low elo players make in lane? How are you supposed to play safe against people who poke you under turret like Sera?

    Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/AsapRetard231
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    Maining support in bronze?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:20 AM PST

    Hi guys, I'm bronze support main (pls don't laugh) who is trying to get good at this game playing support in ranked.

    I think I've been making some good progress in terms of game understanding in mechanics however, I still lose the majority of ranked games. Is there any advice for people like me?

    If we forget about games where there is troll/afk on our team, remaining ones follow one of two routes:
    1) We get a decent team (no straight-up feeding or inting) and win
    2) There is 0/6 midlane, adc who has no idea about laning, jungler who dies to a dragon or something like that and we lose.

    I understand that this is bronze and people will play bad (I am one of them after all), nothing I can change about that. Before I've tried communicating with my team during champ select to pick a better composition, majority of time there is no response. Same goes for all other attempts to interact with a team (i.e. asking adc to buy pink/ward river): it is either ignore or flame.

    So the question is: what I as (very) low-elo support can do in these situations?

    Now I primarily play Kench (it can eat things and very cute) and pantheon (nice all-in, also cute), should I switch to more conventional supports like Sona even though I'm not a big fan of their playstyles?
    Should I focus more on my mechanics/map awareness in practice/pve/normals, which imo won't be a huge help if I'm a support and we are losing? Should I forget about soloQ as support and only play in duos?

    Recently I've decided that I shall try every support (including off-meta picks) in game to better understand playing against them and role in general, is this something you would recommend spending time on?

    Tnank you everyone for answers in advance, pls ask if smth is unclear.

    submitted by /u/AsobiAsobase
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    How to practice and improve Mid Lane Macro?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:10 PM PST

    I'm a high silver mid laner, my strengths are in my micro (at a silver lever at least lmao) but I have a very weak macro skill level. What are ways that I can physically "practice" macro skills more effectively, aside from just spamming coaching videos?

    submitted by /u/D1rtyDanOfficial
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    When to stop side laning while behind?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:36 PM PST

    I started seriously playing league a few months back, and I'm confident with what to do in a situation when I'm even or ahead. I've gotten to the point where I know enough about wave management to keep myself ahead, but when it turns around, I'm a lot more clueless. For example, if I'm 1/4 on a champ like Orianna, and nobody on my team is carrying, I'll head to a side lane from 15-20 minutes to try to get my cs the highest it can be. My problem is that, during this time, I often find my team taking bad fights, or at least what I perceive to be bad fights. While I usually bring TP, most of the time I like to save it for when it's a fight I'm confident my presence will help win, primarily objectives. Playing from behind, when should I stop focusing on getting more income and resources and join back with my team? Generally if there's someone super fed on my team, I'll stay for fights more often to at least provide CC so we can snowball harder, but I really don't know what to do when nobody on our team is particularly ahead.

    submitted by /u/1Darude1
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    Can variable ping affect muscle memory?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:40 AM PST

    Hey all, I've been playing for a while and I've been trying recently to shift from support to mid. However, a lot of the mechanical things people attribute to muscle memory, such as last hitting, I can't seem to actually get down. In practice tool, and even in bot matches, I can generally get around 7-8 CS/min at 10 minutes. However, in an actual game, I seem to constantly miss simple farm and last hits that should not be possible to miss. Part of this I attribute to the difference in pressure and mental differences, but it genuinely feels like I can't get myself to consistently last hit, like I'm fighting my character. I'm wonder how much my ping varying might be affecting this. The lowest ping I get is around 80 and my ping stays around 80-100 in bot matches and practice tool (though it does, admittedly, jump around in that range quite a bit). However, in an actual game, my ping goes from anywhere between 80 and 180 at random intervals (e.g. 80->100->120->160 over a few seconds, and this happens every 15-20 seconds). Is this actually having an effect on my ability to use the muscle memory I've learned from bot games and my ability to last hit or am I just actually bad?

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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    What do I do as Shen in teamfights?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:51 AM PST

    I recently picked up Shen, i do well in lane but I struggle to find my role in teamfights, my engage isn't that strong, I can't just sit in the middle of the enemy team. Peeling kind of works, but by the time I peel the enemy assassin from my adc my mid support and jungle loses 3v4.

    submitted by /u/CryFlash11
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    When are you considered ADC and when SUP?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:51 AM PST

    I always play with the same team and we use to use double ADC on bot lane. At the end of the match the statistics are not the best because both acted as sup and ADC at different times. So what is the criteria to be considered as ADC or SUP? in order to keep a playing style and count as the desired role.

    submitted by /u/Toajaller2009
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    How are you supposed to deal with yoricks lane priority

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:52 AM PST

    I usually do very well against Yoricks by either all inning him or using his lack of mobility depending on who i play(Wukong/Renekton/Camille/Voli). My question is how do i actually achieve lane priotity vs him which seems impossible to me.Im always in my turret when hes in lane and cannot match his push or contest him in the waves: Is there anything i can do about?It is really depressing to kill him 3 times and still not be able to be first to move to a skirmish and never be able to translate your lead to the map unless you want to loose atleast a turret since i cant get him pushed in for atleast a wave.

    submitted by /u/CeemoDeNiro
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    I'm trying to play better in the Jungle, how can I learn?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Got completely wrecked in an autofilled game, Kindred vs Lee.

    I know the matchup didn't necessarily favor me in early game but the issue wasn't there: I got completely counterjungled and couldn't really do much. The Lee Sin was WAY better than me.

    Unlike lanes, where you can try to stay in the game by farming and maybe rotating, in the jungle, when their whole team is actively looking for you or stealing your camps, that's not possible since they can literally steal all of your minion income or deny you kill/assist income.

    I think it was more of a knowledge difference than mechanical/champ difference, however, even when I'm out of my main lane (mid), I can usually let myself be carried if I'm not carrying, which is something I simply couldn't do because of a complete knowledge difference.

    With this in mind, how can I improve as a jungler? Asides from the obvious trial and error from scratch, I wanted guides about how this works, how to react to certain stuff, what to do in some situations...

    I don't want to start playing as an iron jungler and learn my way to plat, because I don't have enough time to learn like that, so I wanted something more like a tip/guide/introduction to the jungle.

    submitted by /u/Revangelion
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    Provided the new item doesn't give move speed, why is it preferrable to replace boots with something else in the late game?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:57 AM PST

    I of course understand the other item will give more stats. What I don't understand is that boots are simultaneously so important you need to buy one every game AND still worth selling late-game, where a difference in move speed could definitely make the difference between a win and a loss.

    What's the point of getting more stats in exchange if you don't get to use them in time?

    submitted by /u/Darkunov
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    Requesting tips for lane management as Tristana

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Hi, I've been trying to improve my lane management as Tristana, but a lot of the information i find on youtube doesn't apply to her because of her poor early range and E passive.

    I play about 50% solo queue and 50% with an Alistar main friend who is at the same ELO as me (average elo, not very high not very low).

    First, a problem I'm seeing is that most enemy ADC will try to push me in my tower, they dont freeze. At early levels, it can be a little difficult to not lose any cs in tower because of my passive. It's not as simple as when I play another ADC and I just have to auto-tower-auto casters, or tower-tower-auto melee. After my first back, on 3 mages, killing one brings the other ones in 1 shot range from turret, but still 2-3 shots kill range from me.

    So I have to push back. I'm very good at fighting, especially in team fights. I know when win conditions are met for an engage, I very rarely lose an engage I did myself, I have great awareness, I'm quick, but man, do I suck at lane phase (on all champs really). And tristana is already weak enough at lane phase, you can't afford being bad at it.

    I haven't found a way to push back level 1-5 efficiently. If I'm fighting long ranges like zerath+jhin, or CC zoning support like leona + ashe, I often find myself pushing the melee minions because of my lower range, and then I can't get safely to the casters for last hits, and I end up just freezing the lane for him, he builds a large minion wave just before tower and then I'm extremely vulnerable when they get to tower.

    I get that I have to let go of some CS as trist, be safe and wait for kill opportunities. But I am not in control at all. I feel extremely pressured, easily punished, with no way to punish back, unless they are idiots who hang near my last hits and get hit by my passive.

    All other champs seem to have perfect patterns, number of autos on each minions. But for me, it's pure chaos. I have no plan. My plan is basically to get dominated in lane phase until they get cocky and underestimate my burst and then jump on a kill. This isn't always that simple against say a Samira who can block my E/R or a draven who can not only farm better, but has much more damage in all ins.

    I have a serious problem dealing with Leona, she is my default ban right now. But looking at win rates for tristana, it shouldnt be my biggest concern. Early swain/brand is extremely painful too. Good aphelios (they are rare), can completely shut me out too.

    What are your tips. How do you do standard lane management, how do you act under heavy pressure, against heavy pushers and against zoners such as leona?

    submitted by /u/user_8804
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