• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 10, 2020

    League of Legends Sources: PowerofEvil notified TSM Tuesday that he will sign with the team as their new mid laner at the opening of the League of Legends Free Agency window on Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. ET.

    League of Legends Sources: PowerofEvil notified TSM Tuesday that he will sign with the team as their new mid laner at the opening of the League of Legends Free Agency window on Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. ET.

    Sources: PowerofEvil notified TSM Tuesday that he will sign with the team as their new mid laner at the opening of the League of Legends Free Agency window on Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. ET.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 03:35 PM PST


    Sources: @PowerOfEvilLoL notified @TSM Tuesday that he will sign with the team as their new mid laner at the opening of the League of Legends Free Agency window on Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. ET.

    PowerOfEvil chose TSM over @EvilGeniuses, who have been aggressive in the mid lane market.

    submitted by /u/kakusei_zero
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    I pulled the KDA Origins Bag with the last of my tokens and got every single KDA & True Damage skin

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Cosmic Skarner, Hecarim & Nidalee!

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 10:04 AM PST

    Patch 10.23 notes

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:07 AM PST

    In his most recent stream, there is something interesting that G2 Perkz mentioned about his relationship with the G2 management.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:32 PM PST

    In his first stream since worlds G2 Perkz mentioned a couple of interesting topics.

    One being of his relationship with Carlos/ G2 management. In his stream he went on a tangent about a story based on a Wolf and a Sheep, and I don't think this was random since you can see the parallels between the wolf being Carlos and the Sheep being Luka:

    https://www.twitch.tv/g2perkz/clip/IntelligentBigWeaselStrawBeary Part 1

    https://www.twitch.tv/g2perkz/clip/PoliteMiniatureDonutGivePLZPart 2

    https://www.twitch.tv/g2perkz/clip/AbstruseAmericanKoupreyFloofPart 3

    https://www.twitch.tv/g2perkz/clip/CarelessFrigidEggnogHotPokketPart 4

    https://www.twitch.tv/g2perkz/clip/UninterestedSneakyTarsierKeepo Part 5

    If you watched all the clips you can see that Perkz didn't randomly just tell a fable but that he feels betrayed by G2 org and Carlos especially, calling him greedy and what not.

    TLDR of the story is that there was a wolf and a sheep and no-one liked the wolf, so the wolf and sheep became friends and started running errands together. Which they became successful at but the wolf became greedy and famous and all of the other wolves (could be his G2 teamates) resented the wolf for liking the sheep. Even though the sheep was hardworking, all of the other wolves wanted the sheep to be gone. So, the wolf got rid of the sheep so everyone started liking the wolf. Even though they were friends, it didn't matter as they were a wolf(Carlos) and a sheep(Perkz)

    Also, he also talked on stream about wanting to stay in e-sports after retiring. and wanting to treat his players fairly.

    I can see why this sub might see this as a stretch but I think Perkz wanted to stay in EU and be competitive on a team like Fnatic or be the midlaner for G2 , and may feel backstabbed by Carlos after all he's done for the org, that his owner is letting him spend his final few years as a pro player in a retirement region.

    Edit: He also talked about how everything is not what it seems like

    Edit 2:This post was also helped by u/Nichisi

    submitted by /u/BigBoiBimesb
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    [Esportmaniacos] Sources: FNATIC showed interest on signing Perkz, but G2 declined to start transfer talks

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Jungle Monsters are dealing an undocumented 50% extra damage to pets (Shaco Boxes, Elise Spiderlings, Yorick Mist Walkers)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 04:46 AM PST

    Hi /r/Leagueoflegends,

    IMPORTANT: Apologies fellas but it appears i didn't look hard enough, the change was intended and put in place during season 3 at some point to manage malazahar jungle. Thanks for the insight and clarity, hopefully we can get a visual buff stat on the camps at some point to make it easier to recognise changes like this. Thanks again and enjoy preseason!

    I'm a Yorick Jungle main and i've noticed that my pets are taking extra damage from jungle monsters, and it's likely been in the game for a very long time.


    For my testing, I set Yorick to level 2 and had him raise Mist Walkers which then took damage from the Red Buff.

    Red Buff has 82 AD on spawn, Yorick's Mist Walkers have 0 Armor/MR, 203 max HP and 50% reduced damage taken from Jungle Monsters.

    This means that the Mist Walkers should be taking 41 damage per attack by the red buff (82x0.5), however, it seems that the red buff is instead dealing 61 damage per attack ((82x1.5) x 0.5). There are no items on the red buff that indicate that it should be dealing bonus damage to pets, and I had a search of every league of legends database that I could find and none of them noted this interaction.

    The frustrating thing about this interaction is that instead of the Mist Walkers dying in 6 attacks (6x41 = 246 damage), they are dying in four. Which means my sustain in the Jungle and my clear speed is being heavily affected by me losing my army prematurely.

    I decided to test it further and brought out other pet junglers, Shaco and Elise.


    Level 1 Shaco's boxes have a max of 150 and base armor of 50 which provides 33% damage reduction to physical attacks. With 82 base attack damage, the red buff should be dealing 54 damage (82x0.66667), however, the red buff is dealing at total of 81 damage to them ((82x1.5) x 0.6667). This is particularly noticeable given the total health of each jack in the box because they should be each able to tank three auto attacks from the red buff but instead are dying to two.

    This is just testing out on the red, the rest of the jungle monsters are still dealing undocumented bonus damage to the boxes which is affecting the junglers clear speeds and healthiness.


    Level 1 Elise has spiderlings have a base max hp of 84, and have 30 armor and magic resistance which provides 23% damage reduction against physical attacks. With 82 base attack damage, the red buff should be dealing 63 damage, however, they are being dealt 95 damage ((84 x 1.5) x 0.77778) and killed in a single auto as a result.

    Like the other two champions mentioned, these spiderlings should be able to tank more than one auto attack from these buffs and other jungle monster camps but aren't able to as a direct result of this hidden mechanic.

    Other Champions

    These are the first three champions that came to mind when testing the interaction. I also went ahead and tested Zyra, but because her plants have a differently coded health (base maximum health of 8 per plant), they take pre-determined damage of 2 per large monster attack.

    Other champions that will be affected are Heimerdinger, Annie and Malzahar.

    So is this just left-over code that was used to contain Snoopeh's Malzahar Jungle way back in season 3 or is it actually intended to remain in the game? It's such a specific change that affects 6 out of the 151 champion pool, but the effect it has on their early jungling ability is pretty large. Any thoughts?

    EDIT: Just reviewed an old jungle-clearing video of mine from three years ago. My Mist Walker takes over 50% of his health in damage by a single blue buff auto at level 3, where it has 82 base attack damage. It was likely dealing 123 damage (82 x 1.5), which means that the change has been in the game for at least 3 years.

    EDIT2: I was requested to check Baron and Dragon interactions and now i'm even more confused. Baron seems to be working with the same specifics as the normal jungle monsters, but the dragons are dealing very weird damage numbers are working as intended. I had no idea that dragons deal 8% of the targets maximum health per hit. Math checks out, no 50% damage amplification.

    Edit3: sorry fellas, a commentor has let me know that it was indeed changed during season 3 and is intended. I thought I looked pretty thoroughly, but I guess I missed it. My bad!

    submitted by /u/NinetalesLoL
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    Preseason 2021 Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:00 AM PST

    [Wolf] The buyout market for Licorice has been a hot topic of conversation among LCS team execs the past two weeks. Golden Guardians had won a bid to Cloud9 for $1.75 million, but later pulled out due to some budgetary concerns, according to sources. (cont)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:36 PM PST


    The buyout market for @Licorice has been a hot topic of conversation among #LCS team execs the past two weeks. @GoldenGuardians had won a bid to @Cloud9 for $1.75 million, but later pulled out due to some budgetary concerns, according to sources. (cont)


    @FlyQuest was bidder No. 2, at $1.5 million, and they also withdrew their bid among similar concerns to Golden Guardians, sources said. Licorice is still available as of today and the team willing to buy him out remains one of the biggest questions of the offseason.

    submitted by /u/DaveidT
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    There was a dude getting into Challenger in EUW, literal seconds before the ranks got locked.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 12:58 AM PST

    New Fiora WR For fastest R (0.36sec.)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:35 AM PST

    Soraka Prestige Skin

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:41 AM PST

    Soraka Prestige Skin

    A lot of people are complaining about the Soraka new skin (to much yellow ), so a made this. I hope someone can make it better!


    submitted by /u/ThyagoKomy
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    Skarner Retires from 1000 Day Skin Club

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:23 AM PST

    Hi all! I know it has been awhile since my last post but I wanted to give a brief update to the 1000 Day Skin Club. As of today's PBE announcements I am bittersweetly retiring Skarner as the Club President finally receiving a new skin after 2025 days. Yes he actually broke the 2000 day milestone! Along with other recent skin announcements over the last month, the club has been cut down drastically to only 6 members. To put it in perspective around the same time last year there were 19 champs in the club.


    As always here is the link to the chart I consistently curate and update. As you can see our newest club president is Shyvana and her current club mates are Kalista, Azir, Quinn, Ornn (sadly) and Gragas.

    Other champs that are close to membership or remembership in some cases include Wukong, Rumble, Cho'Gath and Xin Zhao.

    As always feel free to leave any comment or skin ideas in the comments. Let us all support Shyvana in her new endeavors as Club President! Thank you for you time.

    submitted by /u/FalconGaels
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    PBE Preview: Cosmic & Prestige Star Guardian Soraka

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 10:20 AM PST

    ESPN have canceled 2020 Rift Rewind League of Legends Free Agency Special, scheduled for Nov. 16

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 10:51 AM PST

    ESPN have canceled 2020 Rift Rewind League of Legends Free Agency Special, scheduled for Nov. 16


    ''ESPN have canceled our annual 2020 Rift Rewind League of Legends Free Agency Special, scheduled for Nov. 16. Here's a statement from me:''


    submitted by /u/Eqvilium
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    Jankos can't stop himself from memeing NA in an interview with Travis: talks eventual retirement plans, his take on the LCS format changes, G2's worlds run, and more

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 10:45 AM PST

    Perfect Barrier (Eve chat log: Wtf my ult did no dmg)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    end of season 10 ranked population distribution

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:23 AM PST

    end of season 10 ranked population distribution submitted by /u/Sdgedfegw
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    In light of Perkz going to NA and seemingly being screwed by Carlos, take a look at this article of Carlos refusing to pay LS.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:09 PM PST


    This article is from 2014, I am bringing it up just to shed light on Carlos behaviour since I don't think many people have even heard of this story

    G2 tried to get LS to coach the challenger team at the time but refused when he was too expensive

    Later on when they played qualifiers they hired him and promised to pay him. Yet Carlos refused to after they lost.

    Here are some of the things said, (Carlos comes off as extremely selfish, disrespectful, and flat out disgusting with some remarks)

    "This is clear," he continued. "Talk as much as you wish but do not come out with a single lie. There is no evidence that you would get paid the amount you said. We have the receipts of your payments for four hours of work, I think Reddit will like how much we paid you for those four hours."

    LS had worked 12-14 hours at this point, and was told by the manager he would be paid when they asked for an emergency coaching session.

    "He is the manager of the team" Rodriguez stated. "He helps us in tournaments, to get into places, to do interviews and to give us water when we need so." That was when he threatened to stop De Cesare from going "anywhere" in esports.

    This is Carlos' comments on the manager who reached out to LS. He is literally calling him a water boy. No respect whatsoever. Disgusting.

    "For all those wondering. Gamers2 will never, ever, miss any payment towards anybody. I rather live under a fucking bridge than leaving somebody without his payment. Word."

    Carlos' statement to public after LS broadcasted this conversation and Ocelote threatened him.

    Privately the conversation between the two continued. Rodriguez said that Rivera would pay "from his own pocket" so that De Cesare wouldn't "make noises about the club."

    Now he's insinuating the manager will pay from his own pocket to shut LS up, not himself. Taking 0 responsibility.

    "Everything [you did] was for free as we were literally testing how you coached. Your analysis is poor so we decided against it."

    Here he acknowledges he was aware of LS being hired however, since he says they were doing it test him (test during qualifiers in an "emergency" situation btw)

    The aftermath saw Rivera agree to pay $200 to De Cesare, the amount for a single hour of coaching. Even that money has yet to materialize, De Cesare said.

    In the end LS got $200 for 1 hour of work when according to LS it was 12-14, and it was paid by the managers personal pocket.......

    "They obviously viewed everything they did with me as essentially wasted time because it didn't pay off for them" De Cesare concludes. "I respected Carlos a lot, respected his ability to build his image and build his brand. All my interactions with him prior to this were really positive. I'm just super disappointed that it has come to this.

    LS comments on Carlos and the situation

    1. Why am I making this thread?

    In response to how Perkz is being treated, which is still not confirmed but quite obvious, but regardless people should know what Carlos is really like. This isn't the only example, dude is a 🐍 through and through

    1. I typed some of the contents of the article cuz I know a lot of people don't click on it...
    submitted by /u/RedditAnalystsLULW
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    How many new items will ezreal break and nerf this preseason?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:44 AM PST

    i think at least 5 is a safe bet. Too many new ad toys, we never know if the invisible assassin ez will be the new sensation that sweeps the nation. Or perhaps on hit ezreal with the new rageblade. Or, may gods pardon me for uttering these profane words... jungle... ezreal... again...

    submitted by /u/jal243
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    What if all ADCs skill sounds were translated into text

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 06:50 AM PST

    I had a few hours to kill this weekend while I was waiting for a cool league of legends machine learning project to finish training (coming soon). I was exploring my result histogram when I remembered a cool post in this subreddit making skills sound like a machine translation (it looks in some sense the same). So of course, I had to replicate it for the new ADCs :)

    Enjoy and let me know what you think! If it will be successful I'll make some for Mid/Jung


    Calibrum the sniper rifle

    Q: cagaaachabowwwweeeyuu (hit) owoohhh

    Q: (active): ggghhhwwhaaachieee


    Q: (active): Chikchikchikchik

    Gravity (blobs)

    Q: (active):(stomp) gabaammmmememememmm


    Q: (active): grththththththhthgadeeeeem

    Crescendum (boom)

    Q: (active): kateeekatasweesh

    Moonlight vigil

    R: mmmmyaaaaaaahhhwaaaayahhhh (hit) powewwweehhhh


    Q: fffftttffeeefffen ting-ting-ting-ting

    W: fffffeeenn tttteeennnn wahhhhhhh

    E: fllaaweepP (proc'd) kkkkewwwwhhhh tchweww

    R: ttteeehhnnnnnnhhhhh (violin) twooh tchk tchk .... (choooooooooooir) twooooh.. tchk tchk...twooh tchk tchk.... twooooooh


    Q: teeehh ketchh(hit)Q: (active) twerrkwerrrrch (hit) wovwov

    W: waaaaeeeeeeyvvvvv

    E: kateeeech

    R: tuugtuugtuugtuugtuugtuugtuugtuug


    Q: teennnnnhhhhhhhhha.. haaaaaaaaaffffff

    W: ehhhhhhhhhhaaaa… (hit) bffft ksh

    E: tnahhhhheeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (via obstacle) tennnnnhhh (finish) fahuuuuu

    R: tahhhhhhahhhhhhh vishhhhhhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


    Q: techeck chkchk

    W: ennn chinnnnnnn

    E: poohhhhhoowwww

    R: thennnnnnnnn chowwwwwww paw.


    Q: vennn cheeew

    W: veerrrrrrhhh rererererereeee

    E: vennnhhhowp

    R: wHeeeeahaaaaa zhwerwerererw


    Q: tinnn tinnn tinnn (thhhawww) phhoww phhoww phhoww

    W: vehhh zzzzzhhhhheeaaaa ezhwp

    E: echkkk taktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktak bahhmm chwmp

    R: pecouwwww vouwmhmhmhmhmhmh boooooom


    Q: vaaahhhmhhhmmm chhum chummmmm

    W: chhheeeemmmmmm chiemmmmooooaaahhhhh

    E: vaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm zwah zwah zwah zwah zwah

    R: wahwahhhhhhhh vamvamvam


    Q: whiii shla shlam!

    W: wheeee ahhhhhhh

    E: tcha

    R: bummmm.. flak!


    Q: tlaaa blup

    W: whheeeesh blararharg blargh blargh blargh

    E: whiithaaa blurblblblp

    R: shlaaaa whiii bluuuurb


    Q: fefefefefefefefef kawsh foufoufoufou kwash

    W: chawwww mwwwwww

    E: teechewwww foufoufoufou

    R: VamuShhHhh vvvvvefffffffffffffffffff


    Q: dweee boom

    W: dchwee uum

    E: huuui

    R: vavavavavavavavavavavavavavavava


    Q: tkdo - thunk

    W: tk, tk, tk flap!

    E: tiio flap!

    R: Time Beckons!


    Q: sneaky sneaky... heeheehee…. Hi! I was hiding

    W: tvuuu splash

    E: tsadabush

    R: tsada papao papao papao


    Q: thet thet thet (proc Q) phtftftft phftft phfttft phftft

    W: keewwhftttttt

    E: weeeeeeeeefffffffffffffffffffshhhhhhh tahhhhhhhh spwishhhhhhhh (wind chime)

    R: ahhhhh tenhhhHekWwwwwww thunk


    Q: tslalo… babump babump babump

    W: tlbabaooo... boom

    E: tslaoooo wip wip wip wip wip wipwipwipiwpwipwipiwpiwp boom

    R: tsabooom pow

    Miss Fortune

    Q: clark pow-pow

    W: shiyawooooi

    E: talk - paoowawawawawawaw

    R: yeeehahaha hahahahahahahash! paupaupaupauapupauapuapupaup


    Q: haaaaaaa scheew

    W: (no sound)

    E: shiiio thumph thumph thumph

    R: whaaaa chhewww


    Q: trrrr swoosh swoosh

    W: fffft swoosh fffft swoosh

    E: swoosh

    R: swaaaa tu-tu-tu


    Q: whaooo wawawawwawawawawawa wawa

    W: wawaum… wahoo whimwhimwhimwhimwhimwhim

    E: whaooom

    R: whooo Ahhhhhh

    submitted by /u/EyalBens
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    Star Guardian Nami • Skin concept

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:39 AM PST

    Star Guardian Nami • Skin concept

    Hi everyone !

    I made this skin concept of Star Guardian Nami, with splashart, in game model & chromas, spells, border, summoner icon & emote !

    It took me sooo much time but I love it so much, I hope you will too ♥


    In game model & chromas



    Summoner icon & emote


    You can find me on instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kreemesque/

    Have a nice day :)

    submitted by /u/Kreemesque
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    T1 T1, after amassing enough LP to end the season Grandmaster goes 9-16 to secure his spot in d1 99lp. With 50 minutes left for the ladder reset, it is impossible for him to climb out of diamond before season end.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:41 PM PST

    Op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=HULKSMASH1337

    T1 has played something like 45 games in one sitting. I believe the top comment of the thread "T1 secured his spot in GM" is currently "T1 is still streaming. He will either end the night 300lp or 0." Well, he's ending it even lower than that.

    submitted by /u/Cellybear
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    The LCS is doing a bad job of promoting scouting grounds.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST

    There's no schedule showing the matchups start times. It's not being streamed on the lolesports website or their youtube channel. I only found the link to the stream from a comment referring to LCS' twitter. You can't check the vods on the website, although I'm not even sure if any games have been played yet because there's no schedule and you can't rewind on Twitch. It's a shame since I'm sure plenty of people are just hungry for lol content to fill the void after worlds.

    When I think about it, they're really shooting themselves in the foot with this. Scouting grounds can get you hyped to see players perform in LCS Academy. Their failure to promote the event stops most people from knowing anything about the players or caring enough to watch them in Academy.

    Edit: Now I'm watching the stream on Twitch and after two pauses in the first game they moved on to the second game without finishing the first or telling us who won...

    submitted by /u/cerealkiller1036
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