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    Wednesday, November 4, 2020

    LoL Guide Observations after reaching EUW Grandmaster while working full-time.

    LoL Guide Observations after reaching EUW Grandmaster while working full-time.

    Observations after reaching EUW Grandmaster while working full-time.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:22 AM PST

    Howdy Summoner School! I'm stoked to have reached Grandmaster before the end of the season at 374 LP (https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=HillGigas) playing Top lane. For some clarification I haven't been working full-time the whole year but I've risen about 400lp whilst working 40 hour weeks. More time spent playing doesn't necessarily mean getting better!!

    Here are some of my personal views on how to consistently climb. Feel free to question or challenge these points I'd be happy to discuss details further in the comments.

    I'll try provide an 'abstract' viewpoint and some concrete actions you can take to improve upon it.

    • To climb you simply have to be better than the average role counterpart in your elo, not more. You don't have to 1v9 every game or even win every lane, you just need to be a better e.g. top laner than the average toplaner in your elo.

      • An concrete example of how to improve this is to study replays of either your lane counterparts at your elo or high elo counterparts, see what they are doing right and where they are making mistakes. If you can do what they do right and eliminate mistakes they are doing from your gameplay, you will be on average better.
    • Focus on improving things you can affect. You can't affect your teammates but you can affect yourself and how you play around them. You don't need to win every game, just every game that is winnable.

      • Example of how you can work on this is to not blame your teammates during a game, and not stress about your champ select lobbys, if you are a better player theres a chance for you to have up to 4 bad teammates, while the opponent team has a chance to get up to 5
    • Don't give up below 50% winrate scenarios. This you see in all elo ranges, your opponent is ahead by 2k gold at 10 minutes so everyone gives up and wants to forfeit. This game could be a 30% chance to win if people played their best but people go next. Think what it could do for your winrate if out of 10 games like this you won 3 and lost 7 instead of losing 10.

      • Concretely: Don't FF when you see your team underperforming. Just because someone in your team isn't playing well doesn't justify you making mistakes. This is something we all see all the time, the opponent teams midlaner is fed, teams ADC gets caught by the midlaner and instead of acknowledging their own mistake they blame the midlaner for losing the lane.
    • Focus on Champion mastery rather than Role mastery. I see a lot of people saying they can play everything in top lane or everything in mid lane, but they lose 50% of the matchups they play. I've personally found much more success in understanding a particular champion and its matchups thoroughly (e.g. Rumble and Neeko in my case). The good thing here is that you can blind pick these champions when you know how to play them in their worse matchups, and you can also flex them into multiple roles. I've had success at high elo playing Neeko in Top, Mid, Bot and Support.

      • Concrete action points: Choose a champion you enjoy first, try understand their strengths and weaknesses as you play over a hundred games, and then start incorperating new champions in your pool that cover their weaknesses. For example Rumble is an AP dmg toplaner with not so much CC, a good counterpart could be an AD heavy bruiser or tank, like Urgot or Aatrox.

    There's a lot more that goes into this beautiful complex game, but always remember that if people in your elo are making mistakes, have a bad mindset and are childish, that's good because that just means those people are more likely to be in your opponent team while you can work on eliminating those flaws. Spoiler: people in challenger elo make a lot of mistakes still; Which is reassuring.

    submitted by /u/bakes_for_karma
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    I have detected a very common critical error while coaching low elo friends.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 01:19 PM PST

    So we always stream games on discord and comment them, about two months ago 3 of my friends (low silver-high bronze) asked me for serious coaching because all of them wanted to reach Gold by the end of the season (currently 2/3 success) so I started watching their games live and supporting with picks, igl etc.

    There are some very common mistakes that they all make but the one that really shocked me is about focusing on advanced terminology and strategies when they are not even able to cover the basics of the game.

    Guys, really, if you are silver, bronze or even gold don't focus on high elo tips and start with the basics. At the beginning of the coaching everyone was asking questions like: which champion do I get to rotate with the jungler and win 2v2? Which counterpick is the biggest one here? And then in game more of the same: rotate as adc to top/mid, cheese bush lvl 1 to freeze wave, fake jungle pull, or getting tilted with small and almost irrelevant mistakes in lane that they called "microadvantages"

    Ok guys, time to calm down and rethink if that should be the mindset of lowelo. All this data is fine, but why so much obsession for that kind of details when you don't even know how to build your champion, you forget to put wards for 15 minutes, you don't look at the minimap, you don't know the skill order, how to farm/lasthit and when to push/not to push or which objectives are the priority?

    If you are able to understand the basics while refining more advanced strategies is ok but lets be realistic, stop focusing on this kind of things and jump straight onto the basics, Im 100% sure that if you are low elo you make enough basic mistakes not to be able to correct all of them in 50 games.

    TL:DR: Stop focusing on advanced strategies and correct simples mistakes like getting the habit of looking at the minimap all the time, place your wards, farm properly, learn when to push and when to not push and which objectives are important for winning the game.

    submitted by /u/sKeLz0r
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    Invading and counter-jungling in solo queue -- Always have an escape plan!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:41 AM PST

    So whenever you see high elo jungle guides or pro player jungle guides, or even if you watch pro play -- you'll always see junglers invading because they have priority.

    That's what they all say, "Invade when you have priority"

    Basically means if your adjacent laners are shoving in and have the enemy pinned under their tower, the idea is that your laners will be able to get to you first because the enemy laners have to take care of their minion waves, your minions are granting you vision of them, and if they leave they're going to lose gold and experience.

    It all looks really great on paper, and you might find yourself wanting to try this in your yolo queue games. "My bot and mid both have priority so I'm gonna go steal a few camps from the enemy jungler!"

    So there you are, minding your own business without a care in the world, taking some enemy jungle camps because hey, your laners have priority right? There's NO WAY the enemy laners could POSSIBLY show up and kill you, because all the pro guides tell you that this is the correct time to invade, and that they won't leave because they'll lose gold and experience. Even if they DO leave, your laners can rotate first because of priority!

    Except that's not how solo queue works. Nobody's watching your invade except you. Your laners don't care. So while you're invading, standing on a ward you didn't know about -- the enemy jungler is spam pinging his team and raging at them in chat "HE'S STEALING MY BLUE GO GET HIM WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU PIECES OF SHIT" and the enemy laners are like "OMG HE'S STEALING OUR JUNGLER'S BLUE WHAT DO WE DO"

    Chaos and confusion ensue, and in the emotionally combustible situation the enemy laners are like "GAAAAH FUCK FINE SHIT" and they leave their tower and a whole minion wave of experience and gold to come collapse on you in their jungle, and you die. Now the enemy ADC has blue buff and a kill, the enemy support has an assist, and they missed 6 minions. Who actually won here? The enemy laners did.

    B...but you had priority! Your laners...they just.... they didn't come! Its all their fault! Clearly YOU'RE not to blame, because the challenger guides said that if you had priority you could invade because your laners can collapse faster, and the enemy laners wouldn't come because they'd miss CS! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! Its not my fault its my teammates fault!

    Wrong. It is 100% your fault. You didn't have an escape plan. In solo queue, you should always CONSIDER what your teammates MIGHT do -- but you should never, EVER bet on what your teammates WILL do. You need to ALWAYS be looking out for #1, and you need to ALWAYS have a plan for when your teammates behave erratically or incorrectly.

    Instead of thinking "I have priority in my adjacent lanes, I'm going to go invade because HAHA... what could go wrong!?" You need to be thinking "I have priority in my adjacent lanes, so its likely that my teammates can come bail me out if this goes sideways.... but.... what do I do if they DON'T?"

    And then you'd identify the blast cone in the area, maybe check if you've got flash available, or some kind of gap close that can get you over a wall. You'd consider where the enemy might be coming from, you'd consider what paths you have to get out, and once you formulated a solid escape route in your head -- you'd proceed with the invade.

    This goes for all things. Soloing drake. Soloing rift herald. You need to always consider what you're going to do if your plan goes sideways. Because if you get caught doing some risky shit with your pants down, and you don't have a plan -- you're gonna have a bad time.

    As a good friend of mine loves to say -- "Shit happens when you party naked."

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Zac Top??

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Ight guys srry for asking too many champion pool questions but I have another one. So since I chose ornn as my third top lane champion along with poppy and Sett, I have no Ap top laners. BUT, whenever I jungle, Zac is my man(or blob). So I have a question, Since Zac is Ap, Can I use him decently as a top laner against those vladimirs and ryzes? I'm not really gonna use him constantly in top as champs like Darius and Garen will destroy him, just against mages or if my team needs more Ap.

    submitted by /u/jaytheasian04
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    Why am I such a 2head when I actually start playing games?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:02 PM PST

    So, basically, I know a lot about the game. It's pretty much the only thing I am good at. I always know what's going on and what I should be doing. I know every champ, how they work, and etc. However, whenever I start playing a game, my mind just goes blank. Like, I'll know everything that I'm doing is wrong and may even comment on such, but I feel powerless to stop it. I can, at best, focus on one factor to tunnel on, but otherwise I always turn into a caveperson. I just can't think and act simultaneously. This is pretty much a problem I have in every game, but League especially. I'll often go into teamfights as a squishy champ and be like "This is a horrible idea. Why am I doing this?" but I am unable to stop myself from doing things that I know are bad. Like, an impulse takes me, and I am unable to even resist it. I feel like I haven't played a game of League in a while. I've just been sitting around while my fingers touch the keyboard until I inevitably lose. What is wrong with me, and how can I fix it?

    submitted by /u/xxdoctordonnaxx
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    Trying to get to challenger (Pt. 2)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:24 AM PST

    Ok, last time I posted, I was Bronze 2. Now I am silver 3! (woo! Good Improvement). So what changed?

    First thing I did, was just completely dropped my jungle champs from play. I realized that when I was playing my nunu and evelynn, I just wasn't able to win anything, and often relied on my teammates staying even/win lane (which is very unpredictable in low elo). Not only that, but my tryndamere was REALLY good. I was consistently winning lane and being a very important and fed player on my team. So what I did was swapped my secondary role from jungle to midlane (keeping top as my priority role). Surprisingly, my number of top games skyrocketed. I went from having half of my games top and the other half jungle, to only playing mid once in like 25 games, it was incredible.

    Second, I got a lot better at finding and punishing low elo mistakes. I never really looked specifically for this until now, but laners make soo many mistakes. Half of my lanes I wouldn't have been able to stomp, if the enemy didnt walk up to try and take a cs when they have 400 hp against a tryndamere with ignite and all cooldowns up. For everyone still in bronze, DONT TRY FOR LAST HITS AGAINST LANE BUllIES SO MUCH. For most of my mordekaiser games that I won lane, it was because I chunked them for half hp, and then they walked back up to get 21 gold. Congrats on that 21 gold! now I get 150 from your death, and you miss an entire wave, I hope it was worth.

    Last main thing, I learned how to freeze, and effectively. It is so nice having the opponent 0/2, and then forcing them to last hit at your turret. I can almost always run my enemies down, because my spin forces all ins.

    Now I need to talk about a lot of the things im struggling at, making me stuck at silver 3 still

    My mid/late game. It is garbage. I can win 80/90% of my lanes (I think in the past 20 games I lost like 1 or 2 laning phases). But I just completely throw my lead because I dont know how to convert that into a 1v9 game where I can teamwipe. I had a game where I went something insane like 13/1 and I had back to back 700 gold shutdowns, and I lost. (https://lolprofile.net/match/na/3644361727#Repacharge) I just couldn't convert what should have been an easy win, into an actual win. And this has happened to me a lot. If there is one thing im actively looking at to improve, its my mid game.

    My warding. This doesnt get as punished as it should most games, but my vision score is absolutely atrocious. In every stage of the game, I just can't correctly ward. My main problem with warding during lane phase is that I miss 1 or 2 minions going for it, and it always feels so bad to have even the slightest minion exp disadvantage during lane. I think what i'll do is learn how to do the ward trick over the wall as blue team. Also, I never know where the enemy is in mid/late game because I don't have good enough wards. This goes back to poor mid/late game play, but it's still something I need to learn about and work on.

    Wave management/Recall timers. I don't see this as #1 priority issue, because my wave management, although bad, is miles better than my opponents right now. But I still don't know when to freeze or shove after a death/recall, I dont know what to do when my opponent recalls, I dont know when to recall, and I dont know if or when I should proxy. I feel like sometimes I should be hard punishing my opponent, but I can never do it correctly.

    Lastly, my csing needs to improve some more. I think a problem I have is that I don't know when I should go for trades vs. when I should last hit. i often find that I lose out on 2-4 minions every time I go for a trade that I know I will win. I dont really know how to balance that out yet, but I think there are other areas of my game that need to improve a lot more before I worry about this too much (It will probably be a bigger issue when i hit gold)

    So with all this being said, can you guys give me tips on how to improve my warding as a top laner? Any and all advice on how to play the mid/late game effectively? How about the fact that I can never close out a game, which usually makes us lose the long game. How do I prevent that? Or if you guys want to talk about anything pertaining to league I will have a discussion with you about it, I just like talking to people here. Alright, have a wonderful day everyone!

    submitted by /u/Repacharge
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    What constitutes a scaling champion?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:46 PM PST

    When somebody says "x champion" is a scaling champion, what are they basing that off of? Like i know what champions are scaling champions, like jax, cass, kass, vayne, veigar, nasus. Some are obvious like nasus and veigar who scale infinitely just get better the longer the game goes. Is it that their ratios are are high, and their base damage low early on, or are there other factors than just pure numbers?

    submitted by /u/yeehaw_partner123456
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    Annie Support is EXTREMELY broken/underrated right now - Full breakdown + video

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:10 PM PST

    So more recently in the patch notes annie got a chance to her e, no longer is it damage reduction, it now gives a target champion a shield.

    This has flown under the radar massively in how absurd this change was. Annie support was bad before this change, lets not sugar coat that, but it still had potential because of the extremely high damage and close to best in class engage power of flash tibbers. She also has a high attack range at 625 making auto attack/spelltheif stacking pretty good.

    Molten Shield TARGET RANGE: 800CAST TIME: NONECOST: 40 MANACOOLDOWN: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10

    SHIELD: 40 / 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 (+ 40% AP)

    MAGIC DAMAGE: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 20% AP)

    This shield HAS THE SAME BASE VALUES AS LULU SHIELD, with BETTER UPTIME. Really needed to put this part in caps lock because of how absurd this is.

    So Annie now has one of the best shields in the game with an E max, but this shield is also a high damage thornmail effect and a movespeed boost.

    Movespeed boost, on demand, on target, with a low cooldown.

    Again a classic people not respecting how amazing movespeed is. Escape ganks, roam faster, chase people down. This was good enough as an ability on only annie, now you can throw it on your olaf jungle or darius toplane as extra utility.

    And all of the above is EXTRA over annie support before, like annie was not unplayable just from her insane damage, but this was not often enough reason to pick her in the support role over say brand.

    You can one shot adcs with the full combo still while maxing e, combining the best worlds of enchanter and assassin.

    I have expanded on this a bit in the below video plus added a full game showing off how the pick plays/build order.


    submitted by /u/mazrrim
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    Please help a laner with Blast Cone and Honeyfruit etiquette

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:18 PM PST

    As a laner, I sometimes find myself in the jungle after a roam, helping the jungler, on the way to an objective, etc. Should I use up the Blast Cone / Honeyfruit, or should I leave that to the jungler's discretion?

    I understand that if I'm directly escaping a death or in another time-sensitive situation, I'll just hit it. But, I'm hoping for some general tips on jungle plant usage. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Mapathetic
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    Ward importance

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:58 PM PST

    I'm quite new (haven't unlocked ranked yet) and while preparing for my soon to be ranked debut it occurred to me I do not ward often. I know they are important but I kind of take vision for granted. I also don't know which wards do what, so basically- which roles should be warding? How often should a team re-ward? And honestly, where should you be warding (I only place in bushes)?

    submitted by /u/Goopatron
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    ADCs from high Silver to low Plat, you should seriously practice playing with Cleanse

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 01:46 AM PST

    As a support playing around that rank, I have been suggesting Cleanse to my ADCs for a while now.

    Heal won't help you survive their Sejuani +Leona engaging onto you.

    Heal can get crippled by Ignite.

    You only get QSS way later in the game.

    If the situations calls it, you should be semi-comfortable swapping to cleanse, which my ADCs told me directly they are not.

    It helps you become better players and it helps me as a support not having to always disengage you perfectly if you get caught.

    I can rush Mikaels for you, except I am not always playing enchanters to do so and some enchanters lose big powerspikes for not going Athene/Ardent first.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/ChristianTheOne
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    Why are ionan boots more popular on enchanters than mobis?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 11:26 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm a plat 2 support main. I love playing enchanters, in soloq I mostly play zilean and yuumi, with a bit of lulu, nami, soraka... A lot of the times I'd rather build mobis than ionan boots, because I always try to roam as much as I can to make positive impacts on the map.

    I'll expand on 2 champions:

    First, zilean. I get that ionian are good because cdr is basically all you need besides mana, and having access to a cheap 10% cdr early on is very good, especially since you usually always want to build boots as support, so that cdr feels kinda free? Of course, summoner spells cdr is always nice to have as well.

    Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't view ionian boots as particulary strong late game, when you would have had 40/45% cdr with 2-3 items and maybe runes. So they are really an early-mid game boost.

    Mobi boots give you a strong roaming power really early into the game. Once you buy them, you can start running across the map to get more vision, and it's now way easier to help your jungler/midlaner. Even when you are behind in lane, you can make clutch plays.

    To me Zilean is weak in lane, and stronger in skirmishes. The E slow feels really OP, it makes killing an enemy so easy. I find it easier to abuse this with your jungler or midlaner, since they are usually better in fights than your adc (more xp, more cc, earlier powerspikes...).

    So instead of "compensating" his early weakness by having 10% more cdr in early game,wouldn't it be better to just build mobis, roam and play with the team?

    Second, nami.

    She also feels really op in fights with her W and overall good cc, and she is already very good in lane. Instead of being a bit stronger by getting 10% cdr, why not buy mobis to just go and win some fights with the rest of your team that might have been lost without you?

    Thanks for reading, and thanks to whoever will answer! Have fun on the rift, peace :)

    submitted by /u/PINPIN-GENTIL
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    Autopiloting Isn't Bad. You're Doing it Wrong.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 05:30 PM PST

    "You're losing games or not climbing because you're autopiloting." is incomplete advice.

    If you follow teachers of LoL, you might have heard of autopiloting. Definitions may differ, but the core message is pretty simple. Autopiloting is your tendency to play without deliberate focus. You don't pay too much attention to your gameplay. You're not asking questions about next decisions. You're just playing the game. You're taught that autopiloting is bad practice. But what if autopiloting isn't bad? What if it's essential to your growth?

    The Paradox of Autopiloting

    Suppose there's a machine that detects whether a player is autopiloting. You and I pick turns playing 100 games under the machine's analysis. After playing our games, the machine shows that we were both autopiloting for all games. Based on wins and losses, we discover that you're the better player. You play at the Gold level while I'm Silver. If we were both autopiloting during this experiment, why aren't we the same skill level? Some may point to variables such as experience, champion mastery, and knowledge. These variables don't best predict skill level. You can find a Bronze Yasuo main with 1000 games and 5 LoL seasons under their belt. The reason why skill level varies is because autopiloting varies. You're the better player because your version of autopiloting is better.

    Challengers Autopilot Too

    Look no further than your favorite streamer as an example of this paradox. While playing Ranked, they're interacting with viewers, alt-tabbing through programs, and checking donations. These tasks are taxing and hinder performance, yet these streamers still play well. Their ability to play the role of entertainer and competitor is what makes you watch. Streamers are aware of this duality and play off-stream when they need to focus on their climb. Even though these streamers engage in autopiloting, you still aspire to their performance. What you're aspiring to is their optimized autopilot system. The same is true for pro players. Their autopilot systems must free up attention for high-level strategy and teammates' callouts.

    Autopiloting Is a Good Thing

    Your brain absorbs millions of pieces of information every day. It doesn't feel that way because your brain filters only the important bits. That way, you can make quick accurate decisions without expending too much energy. This feature is the result of our evolution. Without it, life would be exhausting, inefficient, and dangerous. LoL is no exception to this rule. It may seem you're making your decisions in game, but most of them are happening at the subconscious level. Every day, you're autopiloting inside and outside LoL, and that's a good thing. You should thank your big brain. When teachers chant active focus, they often miss the second half of the equation. If you ever tried to focus at 100%, you know how tiring it can be. There are too many elements in game for us to track and not all elements deserve are equal attention. You should leverage your tendency to autopilot to build good habits.

    Champion Mastery is Autopiloting

    A positive example of autopiloting is champion mastery. Maintaining a small champion pool is essential for improvement. By focusing on 2 or 3 champions, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the fundamentals. These fundamentals include matchups, mechanics, farming, playstyles, and much more. When playing Riven, I have no clue what I'm doing. I don't have enough experience to execute combos and gauge kill opportunities. To a Riven main, these things are second nature. Champion mains don't have to focus on controlling their movements and spells. Their champion's instructions are part of their autopilot system. They can now focus on more important things, such as outplays and objectives. That's why teachers advocate playing easy champions, such as Annie.

    How Real Pilots Build Good Habits

    Playing LoL is much like flying a plane (mayday, mayday, we're going down). Your cockpit is your main source of information alongside some apparatuses. Your controls are within arms reach, arranged for comfort and performance. The slightest mistake or misplay can jeopardize your mission. How can you prevent making blunders around Level 1? How can you close the game before the inevitable throw? You follow a checklist. According to Boeing, human error causes 80% of plane crashes%20failures.). Moreover, most accidents occur during takeoff and landing. To prevent disaster, pilots follow checklists during different stages of flight. These checklists keep them accountable for safety protocol and good practice. If you think about it, Champion Select is your takeoff. It doesn't matter whether you follow a checklist every time. What matters is that checklists help you become aware of your habits.


    Your skill level at LoL is the sum of your habits. Autopiloting is your tendency to gravitate to these habits. You should improve your autopilot system to increase your baseline performance. The best LoL players have high baselines of performance thanks to their habits. Yes, you must leave your autopilot system from time to time for refinement. You must step back and look at the bigger picture. But you must also remember to step forward into the flow of the game. Your gameplay should be natural, not robotic. Following a checklist can help you kick bad habits and form good ones. Start with Champion Select. Ensure you don't ever take the wrong Runes or ban someone's hover. In the words of Marcus Aurelious: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

    submitted by /u/Riftwalkerdotgg
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    What do you think about kai’sa’s state right now?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Hey guys! So I've been trying to pick up kaisa but i feel like I'm not able to impact the game. Of course kaisa is a scaling adc and I won't be impactful in the early game but later on i feel like i don't deal much damage, in comparison with other scaling adcs like vayne or ezreal. Do you think that kai'sa might be in a bit of a week state in the current meta?

    submitted by /u/Skydog1606
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    Help picking a main

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Hey so I play with some friends and we have a good adc, a good jungler, and a good flex. I am the best of my friends (not bragging just stating) what should I pick as my main in order to help carry our team. I understand I can't carry every game (I'm not nearly good enough) but I'm trying to focus on one lane and idk which one. Thank you all your advice is appreciated.

    Update: I am not sure which lane one of my questions. I really play anything melee, range, whatever.

    submitted by /u/Thunar13
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    Tips on adc + yuumi botlane

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:30 AM PST

    So, I ( Plat 4 maining top ) have been teaching my gf league for like 8 months or so and we recently started ranking and got to Silver I with around 55%wr on 70 games. She has been playing almost 100% of the time Yuumi with me as the adc and we have done well. But recently I have noticed that I cant help get shoved all the time thus lose cs and get poked out of lane. ik that with yuumi you must scale but we just get hard smashed in lane when I play hypercarrys. What can we do to counter this? And also any other tip you can think of for this duo ( best adcs for yuumi, laning tips, etc, etc )

    submitted by /u/DS3_RedditUser
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    Getting kills on ADC.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Hey all! Gold 3 Jhin main (yes my username is that), but I don't really play ranked at all. Recently I noticed that most of my jhin games end with near to the same amount of assists as my support. I found out that because I tend to start stormrazor/IE, getting gold for items early game hurts if I'm not getting kills constantly, and SUCKS if I'm behind. Because of this, I tend to play more passively to secure more CS.

    CSing seems perfectly fine to me, I know how to get it done. My question is: as a supposed late game ADC, should I start playing more aggressive? I noticed that majority of the time I'm just landing a long range W or some ult shots to support my jungles or midlaner (and this happens a lot mid-game too), other than that I'm just farming.

    Yes, once I hit 200 farm 4 crit items I oneshot practically anyone, but is it worth it to play more aggro in hopes of getting more kills? I've played into aphelios/vayne/Caitlyn recently and early game it just feels like my damage output is terrible compared to theirs even when I'm playing something like Jhin/Zyra into Aphelios/Bard.

    edit after two seconds of posting: title is kind of misleading, meant only for Jhin.

    submitted by /u/jhinglbells
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    Time to climb but I have a poor understanding on meta

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:31 PM PST

    To make a long story short, I lost my best friend and league buddy to gun violence in our city, I'm streaming and grinding his account to diamond and going for master next season.

    I'm a plat 3 jungle player who offroles mid but I'm feeling like swapping to midlane permanently. It's difficult for me to win in jungle games that I'm not playing Lilia or Nidalee but I don't like playing them. I enjoy the game on Iverm, Fiddle, Kha'zix, but they don't feel very good right now. My main issue is I don't know what is good. I have a vague understanding that carry jungles are strong, Graves and Lilia are broken, Eve on red side. That's it.

    As for mid it's even worse. I have no understanding of what is good or why. I am able to pull off carry games on Akali/Sylas/Zoe because I played middle when I was in highschool and better at the game so I still have mechanics, but I don't have a brain to go with it when it comes to mid.

    What is the current jungle meta, what champs can be snuck into it to perform? I enjoy odd or interesting stuff in the role. Same for middle. What is the strongest mid pick? Why?

    Thanks for all the help

    TLDR: what's the jungle meta and why? What's the mid meta and why? What are the strongest picks in each respective role?

    submitted by /u/TheBigChimp
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    Free Falling

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:25 PM PST

    Like many others I'm grinding the end of the season to try and get gold for the free skin. I was silver 2, 90 something LP and now I am Silver 4 4LP. I know I probably should take breaks on a losing streak but it's hard to not want to keep playing. I use to play a lot of top, but recently been playing mainly support (mostly lulu, but also seraphine and blitz). I was doing bad top lane, feeding or just not being useful all game so I switched to lane where I can try to get our adc fed and play safer. My question is would it be better to try and go top maiming someone like trynd/garen/malphite that can make an impact and just don't feed? Or should I keep doing support? I think my current last 19 games are like 3 w 16 loses.

    submitted by /u/SouthLime4
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    Top Lane Pool

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:22 PM PST

    My current pool: Aatrox, Teemo, Nasus, Malphite

    The first three are non-negotiable as I love playing them. I recently added Malphite because he counters specific picks that I find frustrating to play against. For reference I float around high silver low gold. I'm looking for 1-2 more champions that I can add to my pool. I want to add Kayle but I heard she doesn't really do well in most matchups. Any input is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MrFourSeasons
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    Locked vs unlocked, which would be the best camera settings?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:36 PM PST

    I've been playing this game for a few years now and for as long as I can remember I've been using locked camera. I sometimes unlock it to look somewhere else, so it's not static. I really like irelia tho, but i figured it's 10 times better to play with an unlocked camera while using her and probably other champions too. But trying to focus on my character in teamfights with my camera unlocked is SO MUCH HARDER. I don't even know if I should try to play with unlocked or just stay with my beautiful locked one. What are your views on this?

    submitted by /u/CeesarG
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    How do You identify whether a player or team is good?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Day 1: Relearning League from Season 2 on Twitch x-post from r/leagueoflegends

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Greetings r/summonerschool!

    Not sure if this is the best place to post this buuuuuuut, my name is LazyJinn (or lazyXinn) and I am a top 100 NA Dota 2 player. I previously have had experience with playing League back in season 2 but left after I got access to Dota.

    There is a lot of negative connotations about this game from the Dota community that I feel is unjustified. I think it is a beautifully complex game that works differently, but not inferior, to Dota. There are pros about this game that Dota doesn't have, and vice versa. I hope to bridge this gap and help people understand the differences and similarities of each game.

    Recently, I've been put into a position where I need to go all in on something and I am hoping for that to be streaming.

    What I'm going to be doing:

    • Learning League of Legends from the ground up. I'm creating a new account (Twitch & League acc) and documenting every moment I play through streams.
    • Taking in chat's suggestions and interacting mid-game.
    • As I am a top 100 player in Dota, I'm sure you know that I am very competitive and I want to get good at this game as well so I am welcoming every and all suggestions that people have and I'll try to incorporate them into my game.
    • Coming from a Dota background, I might make some comparisons so please excuse me if I make too many.
    • Also might play some weird music from time to time.

    So come and flame the shit out of me and help me get better by watching the stream!



    Edit: still downloading game might be a few mins before stream starts :)

    Edit2: Stream is up!

    submitted by /u/Lazyjinn
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    Mage pick

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:45 PM PST

    I'm a mid laner who mains sylas and Lucian, but if I need ap and sylas is bad into their team or I'm blind picking I'm stuck. Which mid laners are decent picks to climb with, fun, and arent very situational? I used to play a lot more mages but I've started playing less, really just playing sylas and Lucian.

    submitted by /u/KamiNeedsAMouse
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    When your team is even (or ahead) in kills, but just keeps falling behind further and further in gold, is it just doomed?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:03 PM PST

    In my last minute climb through gold I have been trying to learn as much as I can from my losses. But in some of them I have noticed this puzzling pattern. My team stays even, or ahead, in kills, yet seems to just be continually getting gapped further and further in gold.

    For example some stats from my most recent match:
    (us vs them, time, our gold gap)
    14 vs 7, 10:00, +456
    26 vs 24, 20:00, -7,890
    41 vs 41, 33:00, -10,274

    Is this kind of situation just hopeless? My team just seemed entirely unknowledgeable and outmatched. My team would get kills and then sit around doing basically nothing. Their team gets kills and takes our map.

    submitted by /u/tbu720
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