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    Wednesday, November 11, 2020

    League of Legends Patch 10.23 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 10.23 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 10.23 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:16 PM PST

    The 10.23 patch notes are a small novel. So I turned them into an audiobook (2:00:20)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:28 PM PST

    Invisible Penta Kill Pyke (New DuskBlade Passive)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:42 AM PST

    Did people actually think this would launch balanced?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:54 AM PST

    Regardless of riots skill as a gamestudio such massive changes take time to be balanced out. The point is these items give them better tools in the future to balance the meta not to fix balancing right now. Literally playable. 6/10 had some fun.

    submitted by /u/Staggz93
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    The new items visual art is too crowded. This is making it hard to see at a glance what each item is.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Putting aside the actual effects of the items, the new art for the items is too busy/crowded. multiple items are hard to tell apart and visual readability has gone down across the board.

    Kind of disappointing that they didn't keep this in mind designing the new splash art.

    submitted by /u/Dife
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    The redesigned items feel incredibly hard to distinguish from eachother

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Like the title says. I've played league since season 3 and i feel like i can't tell the new redesigned items apart at all, their design just feel incredibly generic and all look extremely similiar with a "glossy" hint to them. I know they function differently and i don't mind their new effects, but i'm having a really tough time glancing at the item list and identifying which item is which from a design standpoint, whereas in the past i could easily do so cause they each looked distinctly unique.

    submitted by /u/dont_mind_me_please
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    First game in Season 11

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:17 AM PST

    Some Item Shop changes needed.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:17 AM PST

    Some Item Shop changes needed.

    Just somethings I found out while playing today, which kind of slowed down my gameplay.

    1. The Shop should be resizable.

    It's way too bloody small.

    1. It shouldn't Auto-Lock to your Role.

    If I click All Items, let it be All Items

    1. Make the description text white rather than grey, also brighter.

    It's kind of difficult to see.

    1. Let the Item Slots be permanently open in Shop.

    It will be faster to interact rather than hovering and clicking.

    Just some things I found out while playing today, which kind of slowed down my gameplay.

    submitted by /u/AlphaCloudDit
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    The old shop wasn't better, you just were more used to it

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:37 AM PST

    The title says it all. A lot of players have been playing this game for a really long time, and therefore recognize every item and can navigate through the shop with no problems. Give it some time and the exact same will happen with the new shop and items. Was the change neccessary? I don't know, but stop acting like the world will fall apart because of these changes.

    EDIT: There is nothing wrong with giving constructive feedback about the shop, but saying "aaaa i cant find sh*t and everything is ugly" is not helpfull at all

    People calling me Out for the title, yeah, i might have overshot there, but i hope it delivers what i want to say (take your time before giving a final verdict)

    submitted by /u/derLumc
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    Did they remove the Mouse changing when putting down a Ward, or Selecting a enemy?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:17 AM PST

    The Mouse Icon is not changing anymore, it's static. It used to change when I wanted to ward a bush, or when I was attacking somebody.

    What is going on?

    submitted by /u/GoldenDoodleCanuck
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    New mythic items are broken

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:03 AM PST

    After playing 1 game of the new patch I must say the mythic items are beyond broken. So I played Yasuo, as I always do (mastery level 6, 1 mil points, bronze 1 90 lp), I bought the new item "Liandries Anguish" and holy shit it was bonkers. I would kill minions in no time, and the % true damage was too good be to true...

    We obviously won hard as I acquired the liandries anguish at 20 min into the game with about 3 cs/min, only missed 3 cannon minions.

    I have to note it was versus 3 afks and their jg was a first time Azir, but still, the items are so unbelievably busted.

    I ended the game at 32 min with 80 CS and 2 kills, it was crazy

    Just my 2 cents, let me know what you think of them.

    EDIT: btw, i'm only mastery 6 cuz i don't wanna waste BE, not because i can't get there, also every silver promo it's my teams fault because they are just objectively worse than me.

    submitted by /u/saibot0_
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    Does game feels weird to you, like a headache?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    I don't know if its just me but after the last patch game looks weird to play. I mean, while I was playing I felt dizzy. I've asked my friend and he told me the same thing. Its like there are 2 screens on top of each other and my brain subconciously trying to process them. I know this is a weird question but I need an explanation.

    submitted by /u/kneiboi
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    the worst change of preseason so far

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:47 AM PST

    they removed the little glowy star thing from my champion's hand/attacking appendage when they complete muramana.

    maybe they removed it intentionally, maybe not. all i know is, it looked pretty cool and it'd be nice to get it back.

    submitted by /u/Ackelope
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    Duskblade lacking "gone invisible" visual feedback is frustrating to play against.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:19 PM PST

    Currently when an enemy champion triggers Duskblade's passive and goes invisible it happens within a single frame as far as can be seen. Which ultimately leaves me feeling like a visual bug had occurred.

    In one scenario where the team fighting was chaotic I wasn't sure whether my game had lagged and rubber-banded because a champion vanished without feedback. It cost me more time than necessary to check my ping and the flow of visual effects to make sure I was not in fact momentarily lagged out.

    Champions that camouflage (Twitch's Ambush) or go invisible (Akali's Shroud) have visual feedback of when they shift into stealth OR a clear gameplay mechanic regarding their invisibility (E.g. if Akali is in her shroud you know she's invisible). Duskblade absolutely lacks either; even a small red blip (that lasts a fraction of a second) would go a long way in signalling the start of Duskblade's invisibility effect. Having a visual effect would also allow you to associate that occurrence of invisibility with the item itself without having to hit tab afterwards or if you forget to hit tab when they return to lane and kill your jungler that tried to gank for you for instance; mitigating another potential frustration.

    I'm not sure where the most appropriate place to drop item feedback is so I've written this out here. I'll add that I did not play PBE during the time the item rework was made available for testing, and am fairly surprised it made it to live in its current state.

    What are your thoughts on this particular frustration/convenience (from a certain perspective)?--especially if you're trying the new items out for the first time now.

    submitted by /u/greySynapse
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    The unit collision in this game feels like it's getting worse litteraly by the day

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

    I might be going crazy but i feel like unit colision worked 2 times better a few weeks ago than it does now
    Anytime i go near a minion i feel like my character and the minion are two rusty cogs trying to strangle each other and i'm constantly missing cs as a melee character because of random spazzing out,rubber banding and changing pathing 5 times in 2 seconds.

    I don't even know how unit collision could get worse without any direct changes to it but i can legit swear on my life that it wasn't this bad 2 or 3 months ago

    submitted by /u/EnoMagla
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    [Broxah] on Twitter talking about the for players to have a lawyer ready for free agency

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:14 AM PST


    Offseason is an important time for players and staff, where securing fair and safe deals can be game-changing for the future. For those out there navigating through it all on their own, I suggest finding a trustworthy lawyer or agent to assist and review possible deals. (1/2)

    It can be difficult knowing where to begin and who to trust. Therefore, if you're a player needing advice, feel free to reach out to me. You can also feel comfortable contacting lawyer @chrispaget_ , I have been working with him the past years and he's great. (2/2)

    Broxah once again supporting and trying to help his fellow players, and help the industry mature, by trying to get trusted lawyers involved. It's great to see and hopefully helps players secure better deals that agents can't help with.

    submitted by /u/hawkie135
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    You can Alt+F4 during nexus explosion again

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:57 AM PST

    Just did it out of habit and it worked

    A small change that they removed before for no apparent reason...

    submitted by /u/TheRivenLegend
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Sources: @MisfitsGG are finalizing a buyout agreement with @Rogue for @Vanderlol, which is expected to be completed next week. - @JacobWolf

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:01 AM PST


    In 2020, Vander had a stellar year on Rogue, becoming one of the #LEC top supports. Rogue, though, promoted trymbilol a few weeks ago.

    Oskar "Vander" Bogdan is a League of Legends esports player, currently support for Rogue. His name was previously stylized VandeR. He has been playing professional league of legends dating back to 2011 when he first started out on DELTAeSports. This will be the 6th organization that he will have played for in his career.

    submitted by /u/timeistemporary
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    Akali turns into helicopter

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 01:02 AM PST

    The shop rework made me quit my job and start doing drugs

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:07 PM PST

    Ever since the shop rework came out its all going downhill for me. I became depressed and started doing drugs to get by. I quickly became addicted. I could no longer concentrate at work. All I could think of is how to get my next hit. I had to quit. I couldn't take it any more. My wife found out and called me a loser. She threw me out of the house and didn't even let me say goodbye to our children. I was officially homeless. I had to start begging and stealing, even selling my body, just to afford my expensive hobby (doing drugs). I had hit rock bottom. I didn't even have socks on my feet. Every single night laying on that cold pavement I kept thinking to my self how things could have been different. If only... If only they let us resize that shop window and made the icons clearer.

    submitted by /u/whitestarbg
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    The new items are a breath of fresh air.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:22 AM PST

    I'm absolutely loving the new item system. It doesn't feel super balanced, but it's really a breath of fresh air. Of course seeing the old items makes me a bit sentimental, but the new changes are really good, just give it time to balance it out. Until season 11 starts, it will take a long time to get used to after playing league for so many years.

    I didn't expect anything this radical at least for some time. And I thought I absolutely hate such a change; after playing around with the new items for a while on PBE and now live servers. I think it's safe to say it was a well needed change. I'm really loving a lot of the new items, and the concept of mythic items.

    Amazing work riot.

    submitted by /u/golden-Guru
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    Abuse Olaf ult as a disengage.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Elder Drake + Riftmaker lead to an infinite burn combo. The only way to avoid dying is by waiting out elder buff or constantly heal

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 01:21 PM PST

    Its not just that we were used the old shop, by most metrics this shop is so much better, the biggest problem is the readability of the item icons. The design and colours are all over the place.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Take Ludens Echo for an unchanged image as example. Its a very bright colourful icon, and even though the shape of the staff doesn't take up the whole square space, the emmiting purple does. Even the staff itself has a sharp outline to make the imagine readable.

    But then take a look at something like the new Dorans Blade, or Amplifying Tome. Both of these suffer from a huge issue in that their colour palette is nowhere close to the bright vibrant readability of Ludens Echo, and that 1/3 of the image is empty blank space. Even though these images would otherwise be pretty detailed and nice, this combination of weak colours and empty space make them look like stagnant, boring, poorly rendered 3D models.

    And then you got items that almost do it right. Like the new Lich Bane. The colours are very nice and the image itself uses the most of the square space, but the sword/shape is barely readable. Its too bright. Its lacking the sharp outline that Ludens has.

    Ty for coming to my Ted Talk.

    submitted by /u/FettuTastesBettu
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    If you're getting migraines/motion sickness hardcore while playing league I found out why.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:14 PM PST

    So I was blaming a million different things like bad monitor/computer/ram/etc and eventual what I realized I was having was vestibular migraines. While I'm aware these can be caused by loud music/menieres/other various pathogens, I noticed it ONLY happens when I am playing league or have league client open. This led me in the wrong direction as I continued to tinker with gpu/scaling options but over the past week I finally managed to put myself closer to finding the source.

    What I noticed was that my left and right audio channel were desynced, even stranger is that the desync only happens when I have the league client or game open, which means this is somehow coming from the game itself. It doesn't even happen when I'm playing valorant so I know this is league-specific.

    TLDR: League client (and game) is desyncing your left and right audio channels somewhere between 50-100ms. The only way to fix this until Riot implements something is by disabling sound (unchecking "enable sound" in the client) in the client and the game (check disable all sound in the sound tab in game).

    If the room feels like it's spinning when you open league client it's because your ears literally think it is.

    EDIT 1: The game does not affect your audio, you are safe to use in game audio. This is 100% caused by the client.

    EDIT2: tried mono audio, didn't fix it but if you're struggling to hear what's going on it's easier to notice on mono.

    submitted by /u/extremeperson123
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