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    Wednesday, November 11, 2020

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.23

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.23

    Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.23

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Hello summoners!

    In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar!

    What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.

    What you can do to help!

    For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!

    If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.


    • Our 101 page, with a ton of free content!

    • Our weekly mentoring thread: We have many users willing to provide free mentoring services!

    • Champion discussions: Check out our previous discussions on champions!

    • Summoner School Discord: A voice and text chat platform for teaching and learning. We also have a mentors who are available for personal coaching.

    • Leagueofgraphs: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • Lolalytics: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • OP.GG: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more. Note: stats are for Korea plat+ only, so sample sizes tend to be low.


    Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve!

    submitted by /u/furiousRaMPaGe
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    Schrödinger's Annie

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:43 AM PST

    I know this sounds odd, but I was in a Normal Blind game … nothing special … down in bot lane with Ezrael pushed under turret. Suddenly the opposing Annie (who was in mid) shows up and dives. I fire my root when she gets close. And … she's gone. I didn't see her flash. She just vanished.

    I downloaded the game to see what happened, and sure enough … for 4 or 5 seconds Annie was in mid lane and bot lane at the same time. It was right there in the minimap. What a glitch.

    Has anyone else seen this sort of thing?

    submitted by /u/Krow101
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    I Read Patch 10.23 Notes For People Who Want To Listen To Them

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:58 PM PST

    I thought I'd read over most of the patch notes for the main game so if people saw the massive length of it (15,000 words) and got dissuaded that they might just listen to it instead. Even with reading it it's an hour in length but if you don't mind the video being read faster then putting video speed to two will have you finishing it in about 35~ minutes.

    I have yet to go through and edit different points for the video but I'll be going back in and editing timestamps for each major section, I covered most of the important information but decided not to read Gold Prices and stats for weapons due to the fact they're probably subject to change in preseason, but the general principle of the item will remain the same.


    If there's any improvements I can make if I decide to do more readings in the future please let me know.

    submitted by /u/NooneStaar
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    [Help] My minimap scale have been reduced its size after the patch and i cant change it.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:43 AM PST

    in my config files game.cfg and .json file i used to play with a minimapscale of 3 in order for me to see the map because of my eye disease. Now i cant change it, i cant see pings i cant see icons or marks. I cant even see if the jungle camps have spawned or even exist.. I cant play the game.. Do anyone of you have same issue or anyone who have a possible fix for this?

    submitted by /u/gencgello
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    When will matchmaking realise that I'm bad?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST

    I'm a new player (level 20) and my winrate is pretty bad. 40% to be exact. One thing I realised in the last few games is that I'm playing against some players that have way more experience than me. I have had multiple enemies with 100'000+ mastery on a champ. My team is usually about my skill level but the enemies are often way higher level (level 50+) and play better in general. I know that I am bad at the game, but i still think that I should be matched against people on my skill level, especially after losing like 8 times in a row. Is this a common problem in normals? Or am i just unlucky?

    submitted by /u/Schwelout1291
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    The Wukong Illusion: Why You Tunnel and 3 Ways to Improve Awareness

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 04:59 PM PST

    How many times has tunneling costed you a stupid death or even a game? I bet the answer is too many.

    You didn't notice the enemy Jungler ganking your lane. You're mad at Mid for the enemy's roam, but he spammed the Missing Ping 4 times. When you tunnel, you miss the obvious because you're so engrossed with a specific task. This sort of focus is great, but without all the information, it can lead to critical mistakes. Learning some science and tips can improve your decision-making.

    Inattentional Blindness

    Tunneling in LoL is similar to what cognitive psychologists call inattentional blindness. Inattentional blindness is the failure to see unexpected yet obvious visual information. How did I not see that Ward? Where the hell did Warwick come from? If you didn't notice something in front of you point-blank, that's inattentional blindness. This phenomenon doesn't happen because of visual defects. It happens because of a lapse of attention.

    The Wukong Illusion

    An example of inattentional blindness is a famous study conducted by Daniel Simons. The researchers asked subjects to watch a video of two basketball teams, white and black. Their goal was to count how many times the black team passed the ball. You can watch the video here and see if you can pass the test.


    If you counted 15 passes, you're correct! Congratulations, you're a genius! But did you see the gorilla? Watch the video again and see if you can spot him. Most people don't see the gorilla due to inattentional blindness. You were too busy paying attention to counting the passes. That gorilla takes many forms in League. It could be the enemy Jungler, a Thresh Lantern, a Control Ward. They're screaming for your attention, but you fail to notice. Other studies which use more simple distractors, such as a red crosshair, see the same effect.

    Okay, But Why?

    Theory 1: Perceptual Load
    One supported theory that explains inattentional blindness is perceptual load. Your brain power has a limit. Some tasks demand more of that limit, leaving less room for other tasks. During the gorilla video, you were paying close attention to the passing. This task was demanding enough for you to neglect the gorilla. Expert basketball players are more likely to notice the gorilla than novice ones. That's because they've honed the skill of tracking the ball. They can use less energy to achieve the same level of performance.

    Theory 2: Expectation
    This theory is more straight-forward. You just didn't expect a gorilla to be in this video. You know what a gorilla is, how it behaves, and what it looks like, yet you didn't notice one. Likewise, you know Wukong is their Top Laner and has Teleport. You just didn't expect him to tp-gank 4 minutes into the game. The combination of poor game awareness and inadequate knowledge causes tunneling.

    3 Ways to Improve Awareness

    By understanding this phenomenon, you're now better-equipped to avoid it. The same researchers have found ways to lessen inattentional blindness. Moreover, these theories lend themselves to actionable advice.

    1. Practice for Automation
    League is a complex game. You can break it down to thousands of small, significant tasks. Some of these tasks, such as controlling your champion and farming, are part of every game. Think of how much energy you spend on last-hitting minions and landing abilities. That's why having a small champion pool is favorable. Over time, you will build up enough practice until these tasks become second nature. You can kill cannon minions and time Wind Walls in your sleep. Automating these tasks through practice means freeing up your brain's RAM.

    2. Study the Unexpected
    In the moment, you're convinced that no one could have seen that gank coming. But a simple review of the incident reveals telling signs. Their half-health Vayne stepped forward into your huge minion wave. Your summoners are up. In no world she kills you here. Alone that is. League is a game of common patterns. If you study these patterns, you can protect yourself and trick the enemy. Topics, such as Jungle Pathing, Warding Times, and Rotations, are a great place to start.

    3. Exercise Mindfulness
    Studies show that performing a mindfulness task before cognitive tests reduces inattentional blindness. Being aware of your senses is a form of deep focus. It can also quiet your racing thoughts, freeing up more brain RAM. There's no right way to mindfulness, but Transcendental Meditation is a popular method. Follow a short guide before or between Soloqueue games. I recommend Sam Harris's 9-minute guide on YouTube. You can even do micro exercises during death timers and walking to lane. You can talk to yourself about the game state and next steps. This internal dialogue may seem weird, but it primes yourself for conscious thinking. Okay, no one is on the map and I'm heading to their Jungle. Huge nope.


    Inattentional blindness is a well-studied phenomenon in cognitive psychology. The research in this area helps explain Tunnel Vision in League. In a sense, tunneling is a double-edged sword. You're concentrating on a single task with immense focus. At the same time, you're ignoring other information which can change the game. By applying these tips, you can strike the perfect balance between stepping back and going all in.

    submitted by /u/Riftwalkerdotgg
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    I guess they call it a mini-map for a reason. Boo.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:45 AM PST

    Like every other Summoner, I watched the youtube videos on how to tap into the league json files and change the size of my minimap. Apparently that counts for nothing with the new update, as my minimap is back to the size of my thumbnail. Anyone out there have a solution?

    submitted by /u/v4-digg-refugee
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    [LONG POST] I climbed from bronze 4 to gold 4 as a midlaner being taught by my friend who is a Master midlaner. The game was a very different experience for me, I was actually PLAYING the game, and I learned a lot from him that I would like to share

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 04:56 AM PST

    First of all, I would like to thank my best friend for his very hard work and patience. 99% of my games were played with him watching me live on share screen. That means he watched me play around 450 hrs of my gameplay. He also watched my vods with me, where I tested his patience by getting angry that he corrected so many things at once. He also 1v1 me a few times. I realise how lucky I am to have an opportunity like this, and learning from someone like this taught me so many things about the game that made it feel very different to me. Right now, gold IV doesn't feel like a good elo, because there is a lot more to learn.

    I have been playing league since season 7 and I started out playing pretty much Sona. I couldn't play any other champs and I would play only sona. This caused me to learn nothing about the game, but somehow I was silver 3. So it's possible of course to climb spamming a champ, more on that later.

    Preface ( you can skip to the points if you want): When I met my friend, he told me to switch to jungle, because we couldn't decide what role was best for me. So I played jungle for a season and I got to gold IV as a jungler with his help teaching me. That was last season. This season, he told me that even though I can play jungle, I'm still not playing league. So he said I need to make a fresh account, and play midlane control mages and try to get to gold. I thought this was going to be easy. I was very wrong. I started out bronze 1 I think, and I demoted to bronze 4. I could barely control my champ, and my ego took a hit too because I couldn't believe a bronze 3 Zed main was shitting on me, a gold jungler. It made me realise how much I wasn't playing the game. How much I missed out playing Sona, and playing jungle. But I kept going, and he kept teaching me. There is so much to say, I've been fed so much information. It's very difficult for a high elo player to teach low elo, because the game they play is very different. I watch many of his games, and so many things he does and thinks about simply can't be implemented into low elo. There was one time I was against orianna mid, and as soon as minions reached our laneand I saw her move I knew she was diamond. That's how big the difference is.

    Anyway, here are some points I think are important, and some things I had to learn/do in order to improve. I could go on forever...

    Please note I might be biased. Maybe there are other ways to play and improve, but I was taught by one person, I trust my friend and I am his little fanboy

    1. Understanding the difference between playing to climb/win and playing to IMPROVE.

    This was a difficult concept for me to accept, even now, but my friend kept repeating it. You can go into ranked games, and play them out, and you can basically go 50/50 it. Dice roll whether you get the good teammates, matchup, whatever. You'll still hit gold. You can even hit diamond if you play enough games. There are animals in diamond as much as there are in low elo. It doesn't matter. A good example is a streamer called Gross Gore. He is a TF one trick who has been diamond 1 since season 3, but if you watched him play the game you would realise that he knows nothing about the game besides playing his own champ right. He can't play other champs, he can't control his lane, he can't itemise. Many players are like this. You can decide whether you want to improve at the game as a whole, or you want to just reach a certain elo. The best mentality you can give yourself is to not care about the outcome of the game, only to focus on what you want to improve. Every game I would go in thinking about what I'm going to focus on. There are times, especially towards the end of the season, where I felt I didn't have time to focus on improving and I would go in with the intention to win., and I would go on loss streaks and get tilted. When I was tilted it was 100% guaranteed that I was dice-rolling my game because that's when I would make mistakes, and start to notice what my teammates were doing, and typing. When I played to improve, I wouldn't even realise what's going on with my teammates, and most of the time I would end up winning my lane and able to help out my teammates who were behind. Low elo is a great place to practice many new things. You are less likely to be punished for your mistakes. This point is number 1 because it's the most important thing I had to learn. Stop complaining about your teammates, stop typing in chat, don't focus on win or lose. Just play to improve every. Single. Game.

    Don't type, don't flame, don't [?] Ping for no reason. Do not try to talk to your animal teammates,

    just play your best.

    1. Champion pool (I only play control mages)

    This was something that was very important and saved me a lot of time. I had to pick 3 SIMPLE champs only. For me, this was mainly Veigar, along with Annie and some Lisandra, but I would say 90% of my games were veigar. There's no point in playing more than 3 champs when you're trying to improve. There's no point in trying to pick up a complicated mechanical champ. You will waste so much time trying to play a complicated champ, it will take away from you actually trying to learn the game. For example, I love champs like Zoe, but taking the time to learn a champ like that means that I waste time focusing on tiny details. A good champ to learn when you're starting midlane is Annie. The important key here is that she is for learning, not climbing. I didn't want to play Annie for a really long time, because her range sucked and herabilities felt slow to me. But when I realised my positioning and movement sucked, I played Annie and this helped me improve a lot. She is a very simple champ, with a simple kit, who challenges you but also teaches you a lot. She is also very easy to learn how to punish mistakes, and good to learn matchups and roaming times. I really recommend trying her at least for like a week. Just play her.

    Other than that, I played veigar mainly. This champ is very unique. He is the ONLY champ in the game that literally increases in AP as you cs. His abilities involve a cage that can zone out enemies, win you team fights and objectives. He is not an early champ, but his leaning phase is simple and forgiving, and the champ forces you to focus on cs. However, I'm biased towards my little yordle so you can pick any champ you like, as long as it's a simple one. Every champ forces you to learn something new.

    1. Learn how to CS and MAINTAIN cs

    CSing is a popular concept, everyone will tell you to learn how to cs. What they forget to mention is learn to MAINTAIN high cs throughout the game. Maintaining high cs is something many, many players in low elo forget to do, and this causes many lanes to lose early leads. This is true not just for midlaners.

    For example, if you have a fizz or katarina vs a veigar in midlane. Fizz usually wins this matchup when he reaches level 6, or sometimes even level 4. The fizz is going to do what he does, he will roam, get more kills, get fed. Your team will spam ping you. You will succumb to the pressure from your teammates and follow the fizz, lose the teamfight, lose cs, lose objectives, and if enemies are smart enough they will end early. The problem with low elo players is they don't know how to end games and play with leads. They will waste so much time doing pointless things so that games that would be over by minute 15 in master will go to minute 35 in silver. This is where late game champs like veigar, Kayle, and kassadin shine. By abusing this fact that these players will extend the game. The catch is that you have to cs. The fizz in this situation will be so blinded by his early lead, that he will keep chasing out kills throughout the game and forget to split and/or farm. By then, the best chance you have is cs. Maintaining your cs score throughout the game is very important, it basically keeps you in the game no matter if you're behind or ahead. If fizz has 120 cs minute 20, and you have 200 cs minute 20, you are winning and the fizz is falling behind. If you want a good measuring tool for your cs maintenance, check your opgg. You should, as a midlaner, start by aiming for like 7 cs/min. If you go into games making this a focus (not neglecting your team) you will notice you will win a good percentage of your games. This is true for some junglers and adcs as well

    (don't know shit about top honestly)

    1. Learn how to cs under tower, and wave control

    This is something I struggled with a lot when I was learning how to cs and maintain it. When I was taught how to cs under tower it made a huge huge difference for me, and I started to realise that most players in these elos do not know how to do it. I still don't know how to do it 100% but every game I improve at it. CSing under tower is not easy for control mages. Very often, mages can get pushed under tower or pressured, especially by champs like yasuo, Syndraa, or Ekko. This causes you to miss cs that would otherwise be easy to get, and then this means that you can neither back nor get item. This gives your enemy advantage to roam and pressure you to fall behind. I suggest watching some videos on csing under tower, or watching a replay of a higher elo player doing it. If you have a patient friend like I do, ask them to go into a custom as Nunu vs you as control mage. They roll their w down midlane, and basically you will be constantly pushed under tower with uneven cs and you can practice all you want :D for csing in general I also suggest going into practice tool every day for 10 minutes. Do not buy items, do not level up abilities. Just practice CSing.

    When you feel more comfortable with these concepts, I suggest also looking up videos on wave control. Wave control provides you with a good advantage against your enemy. Knowing when to push, freeze, hold the wave is very important. There are some obvious things like.. don't back without pushing your wave, don't back until you have gold for an item you need, learn when to tp and when you have tp advantage, etc. I think freezing is also a good concept to learn, I didn't learn how to freeze until I was silver 1 but it gave me a good advantage on having the upper hand in my lane when I felt I wanted more cs but could not risk walking up without dying. Freezing is nice to do when you are against champs like yasuo. Setting up a freeze against a yasuo is so easy, yasuo players will constantly push you under tower,and you should kinda let them. When a freeze is involved, you have even more cs. Just don't forget to break the freeze before you base or roam... This is the video I used to learn

    An important note.. realise when cs under tower is lost, and realise when it's better for you to take the L and back. If you have no mana, and your health is low, and your wave is shit, just back. It sucks but you get to come back with a better chance rather than risking yourself dying. This is really important if you realise you have tp, and sometimes coming back to lane with item advantage means that you win the 1v1 against your enemy with no tp who hasn't based yet. It's also good to realise when it's a BAD time to roam. Do not give up cs to follow enemy mid roam. This means that he gets there faster, gets the kill, and you miss out on cs that would otherwise compensate. Just ping your team to back., Ping ping ping. If they miss it, then too bad. Not your fault. You need to focus on yourself and do not succumb to the pressure of your teammates. Your adc has been hard stuck silver for 7 seasons, why should he tell you, a midlaner, how to play when he can't even play properly? The proof that he's bad is that he's going to get upset and come to take your cs mid. Bad player. Mute

    1. Practice splitting, going sidelanes, and when to join your team.

    Sometimes maintaining cs difficult to do because for some reason adcs have a built in timer where at one point they will completely abandon their lane and come to yours. It's crazy to me because I will look bot and see both towers still up, but your jinx insists that mid is the family lane now. Soon enough, your jungler will come mid, your toplaner is mid, and it's just ARAM. This is bad for BOTH teams, because this situation forces you to share XP and farm. This point is actually very important to junglers as well. This is actually the most infuriating thing these players do, I'm getting angry just writing about it. It's also a very difficult concept to explain, because your actions at this point are very situational and it takes a while to learn how to decide where you should go. There are some times where you should stay with your team and fight, because if not you cause a big number disadvantage.

    But other times, if you realise they are literally just standing there doing nothing, ping them away and then ping that you are going sidelanes. I promise you 100% of time during these ARAM nonsense periods, if you look sidelanes and jungle you will see:

    Top is pushing

    Bot tower is going down

    Your jungle camps are all up

    There are no objectives to be taken.

    That's it, there's cs to be picked up, and no objectives to play for. The logical decision is going to take that sweet cs. I usually advise against chatting and stuff, but at this point just try to talk some sense into your team and explain that you need cs and you are going sidelane. Tell your jungler his camps are up. Tell your team enemy team is losing their time, farm for cs and depush. Whatever it takes. At this point, splitting or farming guarantees a big advantage for you and your team in terms of xp, gold, objectives. This is a common mistake with junglers as well,they will come to lane for no reason and push a lane. They will take bot cs while their jungle is up, so by the time adc walks bot the lane is already pushed and the adc will overextend and die etc. Of course this is all situational, my best advice is to think about these things constantly, try to maintain cs, and know when to and when not to join a teamfight. Sometimes the difference between this might be that you get death cap, a huge power spike for midlaners. Usually as a midlaner I will push only one or two waves, and then walk mid to join my team. It takes trial and error but soon enough you will see the big difference between these situations and why it's so beneficial. This is basically why champs like tryndamere are so broken in low elo.

    1. Realise what your champ wants to do, your matchups, watch replays

    Every champ is situational. Every champ will teach you something new about the game.

    There is a huge difference in playing 100 games on a champ, and watching 5 replays of a high elo player play the same champ. The latter is better. I learned this the hard way, I have attention issues and it's very difficult for me to watch videos. It took me a while, but I completely believe that this is one of the most important things to do when you're trying to improve.. watch someone better play your champ. League is now at a point where we don't have to figure things out ourselves, we can learn from others. Generally, I like to stay away from click bait videos and "tutorial" videos unless there is something really specific I want to look up, like a combo or a guide on wave control. I almost always type in "x champ replay" and usually watch a KR GM or Challenger play the champ. If you're really into a certain champ, I also advise going to KR opgg and searching for one tricks of that champion in high elo, favouriting their page and following their builds. The more you look into it, you will start to find foreign one tricks who are amazing... mangofish for fizz, xiao Lao ban for ekko, veigar v2 (European), love veigar (kr), etc. Please trust me and watch as many replays as you can. It will make an almost immediate difference watching someone better than you play your champ. Similarly it's also important to watch your own replays... however painful they might be... I highly encourage screen recording your gameplay instead of downloading league replays, so you can see where you are clicking and looking. That also leads to my next point...

    1. Be conscious of your clicks, and practice camera control

    Okay, this might not apply to everyone... but actually, I think it could. I have never seen how anyone from my elo plays, but according to my friend I click in the weirdest, worst way, and I don't use my camera and minimap enough. I didn't know what he meant until we watched my own replay and I saw where my mouse was clicking. At first, I used to click too much. Then, I fixed that and I realised that I click too far from my character, so I had to fix that too. I used toalso click my character AWAY from fights and that caused me to miss out on so many potential kills. My clicking is still bad, I can see that, but what I did to remedy the situation was to play games where I ACTIVELY made an effort to click shorter and better. It was extremely difficult at first, because I felt like I had less control, but after about 10 or so games it improved. Clicking is a very habit based thing, so you neeed to make sure you're feeding the right habits. I think my crazy clicking started from watching faker play. While spam clicking isn't the problem, the issue is when you start to click like a maniac in the wrong places..I can guarantee a lot of players do this without realising. Also, now that I'm not playing serious ranked games anymore, I'm playing more melee "fighting" champs that allow me to practice better clicking.

    Camera control is another thing that needs working on, but luckily I think this is something very easy to fix it just needs some getting used to. I used to be a lock screen Andy, believe it or not. That was easy to do playing Sona, because the champ basically did nothing and her abilities were high range. When I was learning unlock screen it was so difficult, I was basically playing ping pong with my camera. I still have the screen recording of me trying to control my camera as a Velkoz, it was crazy. After fixing my setting to something I'm more comfortable with, I went and watched replays where I could see what other players were looking at. League is about information control, your minimap, camera buttons, and your tab are the most important keys to that. This is still something I actively work on, and it's honestly munch easier to practice when playing jungle, but every time you improve how quickly you cam grasp information, the better you will be at punishing enemies and figuring out your next steps. This is something that is pure practice.

    Also I don't know if it applies to everyone, but I have small hands so pressing the F keys to see other lanes is difficult for me, so I have reassigned the, to zxcv. This is easier, maybe you will enjoy it too.

    Honestly, I have so many more things to say. But then I will end up writing so many things and I am worried about getting boring. These are my most important points, and I think some of these points are often overlooked by players. It's very easy to forget improving, and wanting just to win. Especially when things like rank come into play. The most important thing to me was to forget about rank or winning. I hope you can do the same. Do not coin flip your games, do not rely on your teammates. Carry yourself out. Silver and Bronze are the worst elos to ever play in, a lot of players are basically burnt out, mental is boom, and will give you a hard time. You can't control them, you can't reason with them. Be the better player.

    I haven't told my friend I'm writing this post, because he will say it's very cringe and try to talk me out of it. When this post is live, I'll tell him. If you have any questions for me or him, please ask! good luck to everyone <3

    EDIT: fixed formatting

    submitted by /u/Reddy_Mix
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    So, how are you guys handling new items and adjusting item sets?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:13 PM PST

    I just played a few games with my main Soraka, and the new item routes feel super weird and like a straight up nerf. But, I was buying items like it was the old item system, cas I'm not really sure what or when I'm supposed to buy mythics or whatever. I never tuned into any PBE content so it's all super new to me. My components are more expensive and it delays my buys, and I'm constantly sitting on what I consider a decent amount of gold, and it takes me much longer to get the same amount of CDR and I feel like Soraka just feels off because of it. Ardent Censor specifically having a Blasting Wand as a component is super weird, I feel like it takes forever for it to have an impact on my game, and it doesn't even give CDR anymore.

    I noticed that people were getting mythics as their first items, so is that just how we're supposed to do it now, or should we treat them more like regular items? Think the recommended tab is better, or still kinda useless like is used to be? Let me know how your experience was with the new items, cas I'm really not feeling it so far.

    submitted by /u/Chivibro
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    A major reminder: Legendaries can be just as strong as Mythics (in a 1-1 analysis)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:08 AM PST

    The idea of Mythics being so all-mighty is a bit supersaturated due to the months of propaganda and our habits as players to look at items too individually, overfocusing on the shiniest bits. So i feel it is a major time to recall things: don't overdo it. The true trump of Mythics over Legendaries is merely the scaling stat passive. When you take a cost analysis you'll see they tend to equalize in efficiency before accounting passives (with minor exceptions to items TOO focused on stats, like Phantom Dancer).

    Mythics are in the same design space as jungler Enchantments: they are perfectly fine fallback buys due to being generic stat bundles and can be slightly delayed for more interesting buys - such as every Trinity jungler just buying Triforce first with no consequence, then capping it with Cinderhulk- , but are surrounded baseless overefficiency myths and that's just that: comfort buys for when you can't seek something better and overall tolerable additions for any character and build.

    It is perfectly fine to take something cheaper/less efficient but with a much more relevant effect to you (Essence Reaver, Collector, mage/fighter defensives, anything built from Executioner's or Oblivion Orb), then cap it off with a mythic to trigger the extra stats on second buy and recoup stat efficiency. For many champions like caster marksmen who would much rather fuel their CDR or chain-killing potential, this is outright preferable. If you have anything more pressing to solve than your mythic, do it. If you spike harder with something as silly as first item Runaan's Hurricane or an early Nashor's Tooth, don't feel ashamed. The system got you covered.

    So before you Corkis and Planks come complaining "how can i Triforce into crit if crit got weaker?" and similar cases of confusion, i'll point you at ER and reinforce: any legendary big enough can be your actual build centerpiece. You just gotta pick a mythic that supports it instead of trying to support a mythic that doesn't fits it.

    submitted by /u/ZanesTheArgent
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    Getting Scuttler before drag / herald / baron?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:10 AM PST

    During some games, when my team moves in to take objectives (drag / herald / baron), and the scuttler is alive and crawling about, someone (the jg most of the time) would be killing the scuttler instead of focusing down the objective, which the rest of the team is doing. Would it not be more benefitial if that dps was used on the objective, or does killing the scuttler ensure some degree of advantage for our team?

    submitted by /u/Cubic_Corvust
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    Did anyone figure out how you can resize the minimap to be bigger than the default size on this patch?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:47 AM PST

    i was using this method but it no longer works for me. https://twitter.com/RickFox/status/1156315713130258432?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1156318291792748544%7Ctwgr%5Eshare_3&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdotesports.com%2Fleague-of-legends%2Fnews%2Fhow-to-expand-your-minimap-scale-past-100-percent-in-league-of-legends

    i have been playing with a large minimap for months and it's impossible for me to clearly read anything on the small one. can anyone help please?

    submitted by /u/EndOfSilence0
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    How Do I Resize The New Store?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:06 PM PST

    Hi, the new store update went live, and for some reason it made my store page extra small and it is so hard to read/look at something with how small it is, the old menu was big and customized and i really want to make the new bigger too, is there a way to resize the store menu? Can someone help me please?

    Also: here's the picture, look how small it is https://imgur.com/a/gZV6uBe

    Also: The menu that comes out in-game when you press ESC is pretty small for some reason too, how do i make both bigger? Please someone help me.

    submitted by /u/Ejderiya5
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    Noc and Fid builds with the new items

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Just figured I'd toss in a discussion on my two mains. Having a good time with the items so far.

    Nocturne (Lethal Tempo):

    1. Eclipse
    2. Boots -> Guardian Angel (Last item)
    3. Black Cleaver
    4. Blade of the Ruined King
    5. Against AP: Wit's End, Edge of Night
    6. Against AD: Death's Dance, Sterak's Gage

    I find that given Nocturne's inability to effectively escape, best to go all in for the later teamfights with Eclipse's shield and that one big hit. Most squishies still evaporate if you're ahead, even if you're not going heavy on the upfront damage. This also gives good play against tankier opponents so you're not useless if there aren't many good targets, and you end up being pretty hard to kill.

    Fiddlesticks (Electrocute):

    1. Riftmaker
    2. Sorcerer's Shoes
    3. Zhonya's Hourglass
    4. Rhabadon's Deathcap
    5. Void Staff
    6. Abyssal Mask

    Basically just a heavy AP build for Fids. The Mythic seems to work great, as the Fear keeps folks in combat for a bit and you can pretty successfully drain tank in those longer grindy fights. May try Abyssal Mask earlier, since Fear counts as immobilization. Definitely a good time for the spooky guy.

    submitted by /u/DoomDuckXP
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    Help with Toxicity/Tilting and Mindset

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:50 AM PST


    So I am no stranger to League or MOBAs in general, but I am picking up the game again for fun after not touching MOBAs much for 3-4 years. I'm generally fairly knowledgable in DOTA 2 and general MOBA game knowledge, but have been learning lately about LoL specifics. Now to my issue: I have a hard time dealing with toxic players, and anxiety regarding my performance.

    Background knowledge without going too deep into it, I struggle with mental health, and being flamed by my team tilts me 9/10 times. I even got my main 14-day suspended for going off on a guy (I'm not looking for sympathy points, I deserved it).

    I really like Kindred and want to learn to play Jungle so I can play my favorite Champion, but my anxiety is preventing me from hitting Queue, even if it's normals. I always have a huge dif with the enemy jung, and usually end up causing a loss, and subsequently getting flamed and tilted irl.

    How do you cope with the flaming and how do I improve jungling? I've tried finding guides, but they're either really old, or some video on YouTube that is hard to digest.

    submitted by /u/Tossberg97
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    How to beat a Heimerdinger

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:20 AM PST

    I just don't get what to do into Heimerdingers, either as the laner or the jungle. When I'm playing top or mid, and I'm getting afk shoved in, my first thought is, "Ah, this is free food for the jg if they gank." Typically it works, however i feel like heim is a completely different beast. His shoving potential is so ridiculous that I'm basically under my tower over half the game, luckily I'm in low LOW elo so the Heim's farm is 4-5 per minute, and I'm good at farmer under tower so we normally go even in lane, but I'm sure this is not the case when the heim is good. But at the laner my instinct is say "hey jg, heim is literally under my turret. Please kill him thanks" but from the jungle perspective, I feel like I can't gank a heim. His turrets chunk you out so much and if he's level 6 once you get in the middle of the lane BOOM, you're in turretville with a rockety Oceanside view, which very soon will turn into dull gray as you are sadly teleported back to fountain. I could at least understand this if heimerdinger was like darius and falls after laning phase, But from what I understand heim scales prettt well.

    submitted by /u/Dustdev146
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    Can someone explain to me how Scuttler respawn works

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:04 AM PST

    I swear I haven't been able to find a straight and proper answer. Someone told me that depending on which scuttler dies first ( top or bot ) the third one will spawn there but I swear to God I have killed the first scuttler top only for bot to spawn first.

    submitted by /u/soareceledezumflat
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:15 AM PST


    I'm a (or was, since new season) b2 ADC main, and I was wondering if there are any higher-elo vayne players that have any tips on the champ.

    I know most of the mechanics, and that I don't really need to be taught, I kinda just need to get it into muscle memory with kiting and etc.

    I do want to know macro, like how to play lane and how to position and when to do what in team fights. Usually, I get ahead in lane, contrary to the average Vayne I'd imagine, but I have trouble carrying or just converting my lead even though with a champ like that I probably can.

    Recently though, I've been losing lane a bit more than I used to (I'd say most of the time it kind of is support diff, not trying to be that guy but I rarely die more than once in lane and my support might have a few deaths), and I don't know how to play lanes if I can't just aggro on them. I like playing with engage supports (nautilus) but I always hear vayne works with enchanters like lulu, how do I play with that?

    Sorry for length, thanks for reading if you did :)

    submitted by /u/MEDAKk-ttv-btw
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    Question : Buying mythic item components

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:57 AM PST

    Here's what happened.

    I played sett jg like I used to. I bought bami's cinder on first back as I always did if I had enough gold. Then I had to decide what to buy next since there's no jg item now and you get chilling smite for free.

    I decided I want to buy eclipse as my mythic item. I bought two components after a few minutes. But then it wouldn't let me complete the item.

    If I sell the bami's cinder, I am able to complete eclipse. Why is it like that. Not allowing 2 mythics is fine but why not a component ?

    Eventually I sold the cinder and bought tiamat but I don't understand why I have to do like this.

    submitted by /u/nc_bruh
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    TF builds and runes?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:35 AM PST

    I plan on playing tf in this preseason.I dont know what should i build on him.I kinda think mythic is either ludens or everfrost.The first one gives more ap and stuff and the second is kinda like RoA.Maybe even liandries if they have more tanks?I assume lich bane into zhonya is the same but im not sure what is good after it.Is RFC still good?Also i would like to try out some AD and hybrid TF builds if they are still viable.Which runes should i use for each?Which runes do you prefer for normal ap build?

    submitted by /u/AlphaPotato2137
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    Objectives win games but only if you have teamates.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Objectives are important never overlooked in any elo but we dont realise their importance. I have 2 friends with a completely different playstyles. One of my friends is silver,every single game he plays is important and he plays the most generic hypercarries,doesnt take drakes unless we are all ahead or we tell him to,same thing for heralds and turrets. Friend 2. is another story,hes a bronze player that plays for fun,takes drakes,heralds turrets,and has pretty bad scores.His internet doesnt help him either. But heres the thing:If we are even or ahead F2 is way more useful because of all the drakes heralds and turrets it pushes the game foward gives us the edge and wins us the game. When F1 is jungling we trow way more.But he can carry REALLY hard when we are behind.Thats the reason he has more succes in ranked than F2. So when F2 is on our team we win 2/3 scenarios. TL;DR:Objectives win games in 2/3 scenarios. Edit:Sorry for the bad formating im on mobile.

    submitted by /u/dack191
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    What is the interaction between Ashe's passive and the new Guinsoo now?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Guinsoo's Rageblade says that you can no longer critically strike. How does that interact with Ashe's frost shot? Does it mean she can no longer apply the empowered slow?

    (I would post this in the simple questions thread but there isn't one up for 10.23 right now.)

    submitted by /u/arpangupta
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    QUICK HELP (I'll delete after solution)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:16 AM PST

    The menu options in game used to be a lot bigger, but then suddenly it became smaller, I can read the options but previously it was better to read, and now that the shop changed it got smaller too, how do I change this? I tried to look on interface but nothing.

    submitted by /u/Vidramir
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    Best midlaner to pick up

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:21 PM PST

    I'm currently an ahri 1 trick, but I'm starting to get sick of this champ because she isn't 1 v 5 carry type champion. Obviously, I know I have so much room for improvement, and I would benefit a lot by learning how to play matchups (I'm only silver 2 and started in march), but I just want a more carry type champion. I was wondering if there are any carry type champs that have a lot of potential in season 11.

    submitted by /u/fallenguy1
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    How to calm down? Question

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:52 AM PST

    Hey there guys. First things first. I'm an old man (mid 30s) who played games all his live (mostly RPGs) and picked up Lol about 5 years ago.

    I played mostly AI games as I really got over exited playing normals. My pulse got high as hell, my throat started to get sore and all those crazy stuff. Just because I played normals. I really could relax in arams and Ai. I just muted all other players to play for myself and not to feel bad because of flaming and that worked quite well. But as soon as I qued for normals things started to impact me physically. So I stoped playing league. Sad stuff as I loved playing it, whatching worlds, guides gameplay and stuff.

    Five years later (like 4 weeks ago) I wanted to give it a try again. And guess what. It didn't change at all. I mute all, play top, and just start shaking when starting a normal/ranked. I tried to duo with a friend so I have someone to talk to while playing and that's a little bit better. But he isn't online most of the time. Tried to listen to different kinds of music. Doesn't really help.

    Do you guys have some kind of strategies to calm down and relax while playing? Sorry for the dumb question but I don't want to quit again.....

    submitted by /u/chezchris85
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    Learning during preseason

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:38 AM PST

    So , i played one game today and everything feels so broken and like an urf game.

    My question is :it's possible to tryhard and improve during preseason? Not a flaming post, i love the new items and i'm looking forward to see ho the meta will change when everything will be balanced. But atm in your opinion can someone tryhard and play to improve? I saw an akali oneshotting a Tank an she was 0/3 new items are broken so how can i focus on improving if the meta is changing a lot? I'm asking bc i would like to start the season after i have improved my self.. at least this was the tought.

    submitted by /u/_kindred__
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