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    Thursday, November 12, 2020

    LoL Guide Comparing rageblade damage conversion vs Crit

    LoL Guide Comparing rageblade damage conversion vs Crit

    Comparing rageblade damage conversion vs Crit

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:03 AM PST

    (its my first time posting, please excuse any mistakes and errors)

    Since the item update, rageblade now convert every 20% crit chance to 45 damage(on hit), so I was wondering if this is more efficient than just building crit? From my rough estimate, its actually quite a bit better than just building crit.

    For the purpose of this comparison, I know on hit damage isn't as good as actual AD since many champions have AD or crit scaling, but those are hard to quantify so I'll look at their effect on auto attack only. This obviously also ignores itemization and item passives.

    Rageblade: gives 45 dmg for 20% crit, so 2.25 dmg for 1% crit. so

    Rageblade dmg bonus = CritChance * 2.25

    Crit with no IE: Critical strike now only deals 175% damage(used to be 200%)

    Crit damage bonus = AD * (critChance/100) * 0.75

    Crit with IE: IE now grants 8% crit damage per 20% crit chance, so 0.4% crit dmg per 1% crit chance. This bonus is capped at 40% increase.

    Crit with IE bonus = AD * (critChance/100) * (0.75 + min(0.004 * critChance, 0.4))

    I've plotted them: Graph!

    Some observation:

    • if you have less than 300 AD, converting crit chance into on hit damage is more efficient, especially if at lower ad
    • after 300 AD, Crit damage still don't significantly outscale rageblade
    • with IE crit damage amp accounted for, you will need 275(20% crit) to 200(100% crit) AD to break even with rageblade

    In end, it's pretty clear that any attack speed champion that doesn't have a lot of ad scaling gets way more value out of rageblade. This result isn't too surprising, but I thought it might be interesting to figure out the exact numbers.

    Edit: Thanks for all the reply guys! I thought the discussions were very interesting. For some clarification, Im not suggesting all the adcs should be building rageblade. For champions like tris, cait, sivir, xayah etc, its most likely better to build damage still, considering that on hit builds tends to sacrifice damage for attack speed. I think rageblade might be really strong on Yasuo/Yone, Jax, Irelia, master yi and obviously the on hit marksmen like varus, kogmaw, vayne, kalista, kayle etc.

    Personally I like how rageblade could make some off meta build more viable, I will taking onhit teemo, lulu, and karma top lane xd

    Finally, I think IE's passive is honestly not that strong, and is definitely weaker than before since both crit and the passive itself is heavily nerfed. I would probably buy it third or forth item, so its passive is more effective. Riot's intention is to make IE kinda like deathcap for auto attackers.

    submitted by /u/somestickman
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    5 Reasons Why Social Media is Killing Your Most Important Skill

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 04:43 PM PST

    "One more YouTube video and I promise I will go to bed!"

    You've been here before. I know you're capable of exercising discipline. But the odds are not in your favor. The creators of social media want you to use their platform as much as possible for more profit. You're up against powerful search algorithms and years of behavioral research. Social media at first glance seems like a harmless pastime. But have you wondered how it affects your focus? Your ability to concentrate is the most important skill in League. It separates the naïve amateurs from the dedicated competitors. And anything that diminishes this ability should worry you. Social media is killing your focus.

    Multitasking is a Myth

    With the rise of technology, it's too easy to multitask. You're checking Instagram while taking notes in class. You're scrolling through Reddit at the office (hello there). Society often encourages you to juggle entertainment and work. This advice, while far too common, is bad . First, the term itself is misleading. In 1965 IBM coined multitask to describe the capabilities of their recent model. Computers can only perform one task at a time. Because they switch between tasks at incredible speeds, it looks like multitasking. Computers with more than one CPU can multitask. When concentrating on a task, humans can only use one brain. The better word here is task-switching, and task-switching comes at a heavy price. Research on task-switching shows that 'multitasking' can reduce your productivity by 40%. During task-switching, you're engaging the ventral striatum, your brain's reward system. During deep focus, you're engaging the hippocampus, your brain's high-level learning center. The phrase "use it or lose it" is relevant to this topic. The more you task-switch, the more you're using the ventral striatum instead of the hippocampus. Over time, task-switching can make it difficult to focus when it matters. To summarize, alt-tabbing during game to check Discord is catastrophic to your decision making.

    That Notification?—It's a Trap

    Suppose you're playing a promos game. Your team is performing well, and if you play your cards right, this game is free. Out of nowhere, your iPhone vibrates on your desk. You take a quick glance and notice your friend's message: "Hey, are you free tonight". The floodgates open. This question plants a seed in your mind. Does he want to hang out? Are we grabbing food? What should we eat? McDonalds! Instead of focusing on your promos, you're thinking of eating Big Macs. Your friend's question created an open loop, a cliffhanger. Unless you close the loop by answering his question, the loop will linger in your thoughts like an unfinished school assignment. Even if you answer his question, the conversation will continue and spawn more distractions. Some experts describe this itch as attention residue. It's why task-switching is dangerous. The worse part is that notifications are addictive. On the other side of that badge icon or new message, your brain expects social reward.

    Cheating on Yourself

    Most people consume social media during idle time. Waiting in line for coffee, using the washroom, riding public transportation. You're bored or tired during this time and need to entertain yourself. Social media is the perfect solution. But the urge to cure your boredom or discomfort with social media is a bad habit. Every time you encounter similar feelings, they act as a cue to reach for your phone. In return, you're bombarded with funny cat videos and quality memes. Dopamine. Now, suppose you're playing a Ranked Game. Their Hecarim ganks your lane once again, and you're death timer is 30 seconds. In these 30 seconds, you can check the enemy's items, think about upcoming objectives, and regain composure. Instead? You alt-tab and watch your favorite streamer. Streamers do this all the time when interacting with Twitch chat. That 30-second break is stopping you from training your focus for longer games. Fast-forward 50 minutes into the game. One tiny mistake can cost everything. Because you're tired and impatient, you throw everything. League requires your full attention all the time. Improving your concentration isn't supposed to be fun or comfortable. It's hard work. But riding out these feelings is essential to growing as a player. Could you imagine how pros feel during game 5?

    A Waste of 365 Hours

    You spend a few minutes here or there checking social media. These minutes tally up to a large sum over the course of a day. This year people spent 82 minutes on social networks this year. Suppose you're cautious and round this number down to 1 hour. This amount still doesn't factor the additional wasted time due to task-switching. What could you do instead? Pay more attention to the task at hand? Study Dopa's famous Orianna? Improve your CS in Practice Tool? The opportunity cost is too high. Here's a shower thought: do you feel energized or drained after using social media? Aside from using social media while playing League, it adds unnecessary noise to your life. Your goal is to cultivate focus from the ground up.

    The Curtain Call

    Social media conditions you for external validation and comparison. These platforms revolve around highlight reels and an empty race for the most likes. Part of growing as a League player and as a person is focusing on yourself. Your life is limited. Why squander it on watching others live? Even inside the League community, you might feel down because someone reached Gold and you didn't. Or you might feel better about yourself knowing you're better than your Bronze friend. Neither will lead you to your best self. Aim for excellence, not glory. Put the phone down. Live this moment.

    submitted by /u/Riftwalkerdotgg
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    Theory: You need to be mentally exhausted after playing a few games

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 08:32 AM PST


    I am a silver 1 scrub and this is a partial reflection over how I have played the game over the past 8 months. I played wayyyyy too many games to be silver 1. Over a 1000 :((((((. (My first season plus a 3-month hard lockdown and 4+ months of soft lockdown left me with way too much time on my hands.

    First of all watch this video, and all of his videos actually

    If you arent climbing, or are hard stuck. You've played 1000+ games last season and saw minimal progress you aren't playing the game. You are filling your time. You are playing on autopilot. You are just going through the motions. Last hitting, shoving wave, attacking the player it's all just muscle memory. You can not do that at your elo, no matter how high you are. You can do that at a lower elo but not at your current one. You need to think and I mean think. Every single thing you do you should think about why you're doing it and what purpose does it serve in the context of winning this game. How do I do this?

    Play like you are a good vibes educational streamer.

    I want you to narrate yourself out loud while you play. Talk to your audience! Tell them why are you in the position you are in? Why did you take that trade? Why are you where you are right now? Talk to them and tell them why you are doing it!

    after every death ask yourself these questions on a grey screen/ walking back to lane:

    Why did I die?

    Why are we losing, and what can I do to make sure we win the game? or

    Why are we winning, and what can I do to make sure we keep winning the game?

    What OBJ's are coming up and how can I make sure to secure them?

    What should I do in the next 5 min to get myself ahead?

    Think about these. This game is so simple it's stupid yet so many people can not climb, me included.

    You need to fix your mental before anything else. You have the basics down most likely, please apply them actively.


    Write down a goal for yourself and before every game look at it and say it aloud. Then ask yourself how you gonna get there. Set your own these are examples obvs.

    "I want to get to plat 4"

    "How am I gonna do that and how is this game gonna get me closer to that goal"


    Every time your teammates do some stupid shit tell your "audience"

    "You can't control what your teammates do"

    Last Words:

    You should only be able to play a few games a day 2-3 no more tilt queuing or Perma queuing. If you can play more than 3 games in a day you aren't thinking enough. I want you to want to do chores that's how mentally exhausted this game has made you.

    submitted by /u/fatman0091
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    Season 11 Swain Everfrost Combo Guide

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:29 PM PST

    Hey summonerschool,

    A couple days ago I posted a video about how the new preseason changes will affect Swain, and discussed which runes and mythics would work on Swain. One of the ones I talked about was Everfrost, and I decided to make a combo guide to help people get used to it faster. Feel free to ask any questions if you have any.


    If you enjoyed or learned something I would really appreciate a like and sub!

    submitted by /u/CouncilOfZodiarchs
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    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:09 AM PST

    Hey there everyone It's me again! Cat.

    I would assume most people know me by now, or have at the very least heard of me, but if you don't...

    Hello! I am a Teemo OTP and I create guides / spreadsheets for everyone new, returning and or who are looking to swap over to our lord.

    I am an Official Guide Creator for MobaFire for both TFT and TEEMO and also a MOD over on TeemoTalk.

    The name is BRIAN or just CAT and I, like you \probably*, love Teemo!)

    I'm a Diamond IV peak Teemo player, but prefer to play casually and torment people with weird builds making people question their life choices.

    I have updated the TEEMO SPREADSHEET and the TEEMO GUIDE the second the season switched over to 11, with a lot of broken and interesting types of playstyles you can choose and look forward to. Well... until RIOT catches on and starts fixing them that is.

    This spreadsheet is very large. I know people still have problems loading it, without their browser crashing and I have been trying to get some help making an APP or something you can simply load up to view it individually, but that will come with time as I don't have any knowledge in that regard.

    If you really hate TEEMO and just wanna beat him up, you could use it aswell to counter us. But why would you wanna do that?

    We all just want to watch the world burn \^)

    I hope that the information I provide in the form of Guides/Spreadsheets/Responses, helps all and anyone ever interested in the lil guy!

    The Teemo Enthusiast \CAT)

    submitted by /u/SovereignKitten
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    Lethality builds vs. Crit build for Jhin - Some testing and conclusions from the practice tool

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Hey folks! I posted this in the Jhin Mains sub, but I thought it may be of use over here as well.

    I saw it claimed by someone that they'd done the math and lethality was better than crit. The problem was, they didn't provide any math. I was pretty skeptical, so I decided to load up the practice tool in league and test. Yes, I'm very bored at work right now.

    I set up a target dummy and added armour to it to match my own. I tried one lethality build, and one crit build. I would do three shots, Q, and then hit the fourth shot and check DPS. I kept rough notes of averages, and ranges where crit was involved.

    TL;DR: Lethality is better.

    Here's the test notes:

    Level Armour Item Damage Item Damage
    6 50 Eclipse 160 Galeforce 150 to 160
    9 60 Youmuus 350 Stormrazor 300 to 320
    12 70 Collector 570 to 600 IE 500 to 600
    15 80 Edge 840 to 880 Collector 850 to 950
    18 90 Glaive 1200 to 1300 RFC 1200

    Not included: The doran's blade I bought at level 1 and sold for the last item.

    The only time the crit build pulls ahead is at the fourth item, and it can be argued that this is due to the lethality on Collector. There's no range at level 18 because with 100% crit damage is more consistent.

    I was skeptical, but it really looks like lethality is the better build. I love the active on galeforce, but the passive on eclipse just does solid damage without having to be thought about. And while the slow on stormrazor is great, the speed up on ghostblade has roughly the same effect. Lethality looks like it's cheaper and stronger.

    Disclaimer: I'm not much of a theory crafter so feel free to rip apart my testing and conclusions.

    I later realized I didn't consider tanks, so I decided to do another round of testing. I made a Nautilus and loaded him up. At level 18 with no items, he had 124 armour. With armour items and a wardstone he was at 229 armour; without a wardstone (THE FOOL!) he was at 292.

    I used the same builds as above and slammed on a dummy that had matching armour values and 3100 HP.

    Against a dummy with 230 armour:

    • Lethality build did 700 DPS.
    • Crit build did 640 DPS.
    • Anti-Tank build did 800 to 900 DPS.

    Against a dummy with 290 armour:

    • Lethality build did 580 DPS.
    • Crit build did 550 DPS.
    • Anti-Tank build did 700 DPS.

    What's the anti-tank build you ask? Kraken Slayer, Collector, Serylda's Grudge, RFC and IE. Why didn't I talk about it earlier? Because I didn't consider it a viable build. Kraken slayer does bonus damage based on enemy health every third shot. It's for Ashe, Vayne, Varus. The speedy attackers. I tested it for the hell of it, and against a super tanky target stacking armour, the anti-tank build DOES do more damage. I still don't think it's worth it, however, because you'll be so behind GETTING to that point that you'll be a non factor.

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    What makes high elo (d2+) different?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:05 PM PST

    Title. People often say that once you hit d2 league becomes a different game—what are the specifics from an individual or teamplay perspective make this elo and above so noticeably different from d3 and below?

    As a plat player my understanding of how much you know based off your tier is as follows:

    -iron/bronze: kills are overinflated in importance, a lot of grouping, apm is not very high because laning/trading fundamentals aren't there yet so there's no need to be clicking too much

    -silver: objective control tends to increase in importance, drag/baron important but still very prone to 'discipline' mistakes e.g. overstaying at inhib, chasing kills, etc.

    -gold: start to learn wave management, awareness of level 2/6 powerspikes, recall timings etc, this is where once you're high gold/low plat you start to really have the basic understanding of what the 'flow' of a league game is

    -plat: mostly refinement of the basics, developing micro, understanding of strong side/weakside comes into play and jungle tracking is important

    Based off my subjective experience it seems like as you increase rank your view of the game becomes slightly less zoomed in and you begin to see the whole picture more clearly. Because of this it makes me curious what is it about d2 from an information perspective that makes it harder to access for a majority of the playerbase?

    submitted by /u/Autstorm
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    Are we getting a tank meta?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:31 PM PST

    So, I look on lolalytics tier list to check what is currently "strong". I know we are just 2 days into preseason and a lot of builds on champs need be figured out, but I saw that currently tanks are pretty strong when you look at win rate. In the over all tier list, 6 out of the top 10 WR are tanks followed by anther 2 tanks. In the jungle there are 8 tanks in the top 10. And Viktor ist just busted with around 55% at every role.

    So do you think we are getting a more tank heavy meta or are they currently so strong because their build is quite straight forward?

    submitted by /u/LividHarry
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    Mental setup against bad teams

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:29 PM PST

    Hey guys, in this post I want to talk about a more psicological aspect of League, and yes, it is related to matchmaking and feeding teams. I have heard millions of times, and have accepted the fact that I cant blame my team for a lost match and that 90% of the times I dont lose just because my teams are bad, but because I havent played good enough to carry them, but sometimes... I just feel unmotivated to do so. I feel like my team will always be a handicap instead of a help. There would be times when I had the early lead as a jungler, secured objectives, took some kills, made my laners fed and all that for nothing, because my vladimir or kayle decided it was a good idea fighting meele range vs some darius, over and over, giving him 15 kills. Im sure you all know this feeling. So, what should I do to not get tilted or unmotivated in situations like this, and to eliminate the thought that my teams will always be horrible?

    Thank you so much for reading, and excuse me for the possible grammar mistakes, english is not my main lenguage.

    submitted by /u/Thunder192
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    How do you build and buy items?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:44 PM PST

    So I'm a new player, been playing for a week or so, and have reached summoner level 12. I usually main support or ADC.

    I have been looking online for builds for the champions I own, because I still don't have much champion sense yet. My question is, do you guys usually directly buy core items, or do you buy items that go into the recipe for core items? Usually on my first or second back, I don't have enough gold farmed for me to get, say, Redemption, so what should I do then? Because I definitely want to get something that will help me boost my stats, but I feel like I'm doing something wrong with the way I'm choosing items to buy.

    Same with other core items, how do you manage to get them if you don't have enough gold for a while? Do you buy things that contribute to its recipe, or do you search through what you need, like AP or Armor?

    Thanks for reading. I'd like to get better at LoL so I'll be playing a lot, and I'd also like any general tips too.

    submitted by /u/Wurbled
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    Playing for 10 years, finally hit gold

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 08:26 AM PST

    Hey everyone, so like the title states, I have been playing since 2010 ADC main. Started ranked, I think, in season 1 (maybe 2, don't remember). I was placed in bronze 5, and bronze 5 - 1 is where I stayed until season 3. From season 3 until a couple of weeks ago, I remained in silver, failing gold promos dozens of times. This lead to many months, even years of breaks out of frustration. This is mainly a rant? Lol, so be prepared.

    I genuinely love this game, even though being arguably very bad at it/ extremely slow at learning, haha.

    So what changed? Or what held me back? I believe that if I got tested, I really might have ADHD, but I don't use that as an excuse. I have a lot of trouble staying mentally involved in the game and focusing. When you drive to work in the morning, exhausted, and then you're at work but can barely remember going there? That's the best way I can explain it; I am playing but not mentally present.

    I started getting coaching sessions by many different coaches to get different perspectives and opinions; some helped, some didn't, and some were game-changing. The most significant help I got from coaching was thinking about what I was taught and applying it in the game; this started to keep me mentally focused and present. I still struggle with zoning out and autopilot, but I can honestly say I notice a vast improvement.

    I have watched tons and read tons on wave managements and guides etc. over the years. But for some reason nothing made me actually think in game like after coaching sessions.

    So for any of you out there who may struggle with this same focus problem, I do think coaching can be a high help. Granted, you need to go through many different coaches before finding a few that work for you. I probably have been coached by at least 12 different people, and most I never go back to. Some coaches are good at live play; others are only good at vod review.

    The most impactful change in my gameplay seems so simple, actually, haha. Prioritize the level2 all in / engage. This one change won me lots of lanes, and for some reason, I never did this in the past (most likely because I was never thinking about playing).

    Alright, well, I'll end this long run-on rant end here, but feel free to ask me anything and have fun, everyone =D

    submitted by /u/TFP_FuzZ
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    Teamfight triage

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:12 PM PST

    We all see and hear advices how to climb out of your elo, how to macro, tips to improve etc etc. But advices about the most common way of fighting, full 5v5 teamfight are mostly vague and relative. Assassins should break through to the backline and tanks should frontline. However, I personally never saw positioning divided like this, there's no front and back, teamfights are chaotic and there's always a threat of splitpushing zed flanking you. So how to determine priority of your actions (aka triage) in a teamfight?


    Your job is to create a numbers advantage. Laning phase is over, you should've snowballed enough to deal significant damage to squishies and you can carry teamfights with a single kill. Check enemy comp and depending on your speciality, position yourself to either catch an enemy joining the fight if you are good at dueling (kha6, nocturne) or get access to team sustain (sona, kayle, ivern, whoever can heal, shield and lacks armor/mr to survive), then get on top of adc/apc and after that either disengage to protect your shut down or be pseudo-DPS.


    You either engage or chain cc on one. Your job is to not let tank get between your dps and the rest of their team and cripple them and/or draw aggro. e.g. Darius catching everyone with E (engage) and Diana ulting (cc chain). Very hard to prevent and basically loses you the teamfight if you don't respect it; second example red Kayn flanking from a wall, knocking everyone up to draw aggro and ulting someone so team can lay down damage. After that you're the DPS and can push the numbers advantage.


    Your job is to block access to the carry and the sustain with cc, rarely able to engage but has to somehow take aggro or you're just a sitting duck. e. g. Braum taking all of the damage from enemy adc to let your own adc do their thing; Ornn locking down flanking Zed long enough for his team to reposition and shift focus on the threat. Prioritise flanking enemies to which your team isn't paying attention to, then lock down enemy to which your ADC has easiest access to

    ADC/artillery mages/DPS

    You're the top on damage charts, the most valuable resource. All you have to think about is micro management and positioning. Stay close enough to whoever has engage tools or sustain. If there are multiple enemies locked down, prioritise the one with highest DPS. Better to keep Aatrox alive than Veigar.


    Champs with short burst or single cc ability but not the main carry, either designed that way or just behind in that specific game falls in this category, and it is most important thing to realize if you are one. Pyke who landed his hook, used his stun and now just waiting to land his ult; Darius whose E is on cooldown and doesnt have 5 stacks on anyone; Syndra without E and R etc. You have to position carefully until you can do your thing again so you don't get locked down, because if you do, you just gave up numbers advantage and have to pray that the 4 apes you call teammates survive which is especially difficult if you're killed by someone who specialises in multikills (kata, akali, pyke). When at heavy numbers advantage you can help take down the rest for the ace.


    Usually the support or tank. Your job is to pay attention to when the teamfight is lost and how long you can pull your team through to make it worth. Identify the carry, pay attention to numbers advantage (3v4 is still winnable if their carry is dead but yours isnt) and lastly ensure that you make it out with least casualties as possible.

    The order is also when your role is most needed (assassin at the beginning, disengage at the end). Macro reason for the teamfight is irrelevant, when it's about to happen you have to know your role, if it changes and when.

    submitted by /u/bfg9kdude
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    Thoughts on practicing methods for league?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:31 PM PST

    How do you think you should go about practicing and learning new skills for league? What techniques do you use? What works for you?

    I personally get really impatient when practicing which is a big problem I know, but maybe if i were to switch up my methods or try something a little more sustaining I can break this weakness.

    So, how do you practice and how do you work?

    submitted by /u/ChyChieemi
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    JG Item changes - Open the meta to new Junglers?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:49 AM PST

    I for one am a fan of the new jg item changes, maybe it doesn't allow as early of a spike without the full jg items, but I like the freedom to build straight into a standard build path. I also kind of felt that sometimes the jg items were pretty basic and didn't always synergize with the champ, like if youre and ap jg, you always go runic, you have to, every game, even if your kit doesn't synergize super well with ludens compared to other items. Like, playing ekko, it feels really nice to go straight rocket belt into lich bane.

    The omnivamp changes, without choosing between machete and talisman early had me thinking about viability of new champs as junglers, so I tried out riven in the jg. And it didn't feel that bad, honestly. I cleared red -> raptors -> wolves -> blue and finished at 3:08. Her W is good to break the new shield on scuttle and take easily. I'll admit, I smited big raptor, but to be honest it wasn't a sustain thing, it was more just to get my 5 smites out early.

    Has anyone else tried anything similar, currently non meta junglers that actually felt good to clear with with the new item changes?

    submitted by /u/TheAntimetal
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    You should actually THINK when playing ranked

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 12:51 AM PST

    So a lot of the time I play a ranked game. I really wanna climb and get out of Plat 1-2 that im hovering for a while now.

    So I start a game, Pick my lovely nobrain xin, and do red-blue-gromp.

    Then, I realize, that in the really important promo game, I didn't think about what my enemy champion is, and didn't even look at where he started.

    I also didn't think about win cons, or who my laners are to know prios of where I should actually go.

    So wanting to win and "tryharding" is not enough. you have to actively think about what you're doing and why you're doing it and how to achieve a win.

    A win is achieved by getting a nexus. Randomly killing is not enough. and although I managed to get plat somehow - you'd be surprised that randomly ganking lanes is also not enough!

    So yeah, I might go to a proguides video, and answer all questions correctly. and I might have decision making of a diamond player, but If I don't use any of these, and if I jump on crab when I have no prio because I'm used to going to crab without thinking about it, I'm obviously going to stay plat.

    I like to think about it like I'm a streamer who explains everything I do. If you want you can even do it out loud. by thinking of saying what you do and why you do it, it makes you think more actively. (This is probably why I had a 60% win rate in D4 last season when I streamed to 0 viewers, but have a 49% win rate in p2 this season).

    Again, knowledge is not enough, but you gotta use it in game actively.

    submitted by /u/gitrikt
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    Need help with mental

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Hello summoners.

    I have been on a grind this season to plat, and I hit it a month ago or so, and I climbed to plat 3 in a matter of a day or two and felt ready to get even higher, but beside only playing ranked, I am playing for a team and playing teamplay which also made me a better player with scrims etc. I was playing in a gold team, but after the tourn ended I got the offer of joining another team which is better, and we know each other quite well.

    They are all plat going from p1-p4, spread around, and I was feeling ready for this, I was confident and everything, I felt like I was ready to smash people, but the thing was, on the team I was on before, I felt I was the best player at the team and I had huge confidence, both playing in ranked and in scrims, but on the new team I don't feel like im good enough and I stopped having games where I get fed etc and overall feel insecure and not good at all. This mental is making me play bad, and deranked already to plat 4...

    My mental before going into a game was I'm ready to give these noobs a lesson, but now... Well, let's hope we can win this game.

    I don't play nearly as good as I did before, I am rusty in my movement as I watched in my replays and it doesn't feel great to play.

    I don't know what to call this, but I want to find a way to recover this. Has anyone of you been going through the same thing?

    submitted by /u/Dumbo0
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    Ranked system

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:39 PM PST

    So I haven't played ranked yet, but I'm soon gonna be level 30 so I'm gonna start playing ranked. As far as the ranked system goes I understand everything but I have a question that I could seem to find an answer on google. So we all know that season 10 ended 2 days ago, so ranked system restarts. But they say that season 11 will start in like January, so what happens if you play in between? Can you even play ranked between 2 seasons? If yes do you lose all your progress when season 11 begins?

    submitted by /u/Eddy_Bunjee
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    How to get diamond +

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:15 PM PST


    I'm not the best player out there but I got challenger a couple times as a Zilean OTP in support/top, and I can get GM with most control mages. I mostly play URF and TFT these days, but I wanted to make a post about how to improve at league, because I think that most of the advice given here, while good, is fairly general.

    Let's start by those common pieces of advice:

    • Skill order/items/runes: just go on any .gg website. done.
    • Play only a few champs: probably the most important tip; it has been repeated a lot of times. I would add that it's probably a good idea to play a wide range of champs at first to know which ones 'click' for you. For example, I'm master+ level with most control mages/supports, but I'm pretty bad at bruisers and assassins. I must have played 100 games of Jax and I still lose lane in gold/plat sometimes. It just doesn't fit my playstyle. Even if you only play a few champs it can be good to have a couple counterpicks for every situation (for example my pool toplane is Zilean, Malphite for Jax/Fiora/Jayce/bruisers, Ryze if I need more consistent damage, Trynd for split and because some lanes are free, Quinn for riven, Sylas for malph)
    • Play a lot: there's a lot of muscle memory and automatisms involved in League. There's also just general game knowledge, i.e. knowing in a given situation: 'do I have kill pressure', 'is this dive-able', etc. It's okay to play League casually and just play for fun (I have a full time job and rarely play anymore), but if you want to get high elo you'll probably need to play a lot. Even after 1 week of not playing you can feel rusty, your mouse clicks seem unaccurate, etc. Note that this mostly applies for your first 'climb', once you understand the game, the knowledge kind of stays with you, I got challenger in S10 while working a full time job.
    • Focus on CS: even after hearing that advice a lot, I think some players underestimate what that means. I remember that this clicked for me when I was a gold player a few years ago. I was watching Bjergsen stream; he was coming back from base and was going to miss 1 or 2 minions under tower. Instead of just missing those CS he used 2 spells (like half of his mana pool) to get those 2 minions. That's how important CS is. Watching Tyler streams is probably a bad example in terms of CS-ing, he's one of the worst high-elo CS-er I've seen, and it's probably a big thing holding him back. The opposite of this advice is also true: it's ok to give up CS as long as you know why you're doing it. I play a lot of Zilean top and there are games where the lane is frozen and I can't walk up at all (for instance against irelia). It's ok, just go roam somewhere else! It's better than giving up kills top, you can make play happen 4v5 elsewhere on the map. Cut your losses and scale.
    • No toxicity/Mute all: not much to add
    • Wave management: honestly people seem to make this more complicated than it is. There's only 2 things to know:
      • you need to have a PLAN for your wave, instead of just pushing mindlessly. Can the enemy set up a freeze if the lane is pushed into him? If they are Darius, Irelia, Jayce, probably! So don't push and try to freeze on your tower! Can the enemy easily roam bot if you don't push? If they are Talon, LB, yes! So try to shove the wave! Is your jungler looking to invade/get crab? If yes, hard-shove level 1-2! It's hard to know what to do for new champions, so in that case just watch some high elo replays/streams to see what they do with the wave, it can really make or break your game. For example Azir mid usually always hard-pushes level 1 and 2, Zilean top usually freezes level 1, Illaoi always freezes pre-6, TF freezes against Fizz but pushes against most mages, etc. You just need to have a plan.
      • Second thing to know is basic push/freeze/recall situations. This is different than your general laning plan, it's about micro-decisions like when should you recall, etc. It's pretty simple: recall on cannon waves to lose fewer minions. If you kill the enemy laner: either the lane pushes into you, then just recall to let it freeze. If it doesn't push into you try to quick hard-shove it. When your jungler is on your side of the map, it's a good idea to push to assist in skirmishes and set up dives, if they are not, it's a good idea to freeze, but don't let the wave crash or you can get dove.

    Those tips are pretty well know, and can already bring you pretty far. I have 3 other tips, that may be even more important:

    • watch streamers/replays with an analytical mindset. This, for me, is the best way to improve quickly. For example TF Blade is really good at wave management and early trading on jax. Don't just watch and think: "he's challenger, I can't do the same thing, I don't have the mechanics", watch EXACTLY what he's doing to win the lane. For example, on jax vs vlad/kennen matchups, he always goes for Q start and Qs the enemy on CD, then backs off to the bushes. Watch how he walks with the enemy to get more autos. Watch how he fake turning back to the enemy to make them back off. On tryndamere, he likes to take a small step backwards then suddenly spin on the enemy to surprise them. I played against him a few times and these small details really matter. A huge difference between high and low elo is those trading fundamentals. I can beat a silver player with yuumi top just based on these. This is probably the top thing you're doing wrong, and closely watching streams and emulating what they do is probably the fastest way to improve. The most common mistake from low elo players in trading fundamentals is usually not pressuring enough. If you're Jayce lvl 1-3, go stand in front of your minions! If you're Syndra, wait until the opponent is mid-AA animation to Q them, etc. Second biggest mistake is that their movement/actions are too predictable.
    • What I think is the most important thing is to really at all times THINK about the game. There's some basic things to think about: backoff if enemy bot gets lvl 2 first, where did enemy jungler start, what itemization will I get during the game. Then there's more mechanics related-thinking: plan ahead of time for how the trade is going to go, which CC do they have, how will you win the trade, if there's a chance they flash engage on you, etc. The more you think about these situations and internalize them, the more they will become automatisms and you'll be able to focus on other stuff. Same think for macro/teamfight: can I catch this extra wave or do we need to setup for dragon? Can I get a flank position here? Is my lane lost and I should try to cut my losses, waveclear under tower and build tank? Which carry should I reserve my CC for? Can I have bigger impact by flashing offensively (which is usually better than defensive flashing)?
    • Be confident: I think everyone had the experience where they lane against a smurf or just an outright better player and they know they are going to get crushed if they take trades. You then start playing super passively, and conceding trades, etc. The issue there is that the enemy player can feel your weakness/passivity, and uses it to push their advantage. There is a big psychological aspect where if you don't play with confidence it automatically gives the enemy an advantage by letting them get away with riskier plays. They can walk to you and throw spells from better angles because they know that you're too scared to retaliate, and you're little by little going to bleed HP. If I'm on Zilean, I know that I can throw a bomb behind you and you're going to walk into it because you're scared; but if you just walk up to me and know that you can dodge spells then you're taking much better trades! There's two things you can do:
      • if you really need to win the game (promos, etc.): bide your time, play patiently, scale, rely on your team, wait for overcommits, call your jungler, etc.
      • the better long-term solution is to play with more confidence yourself. It doesn't mean playing recklessly, it means: play as if you know you're the better player. Of course it can backfire, especially in a carry vs carry matchup, if you lose the first fight it probably means that your game is over, and then the game becomes very boring. But I believe that in the long-term it puts you in more high-pressure/limit-test situations, and you improve more from it. I think it's important to understand that psychological aspect: the "pressure" that you can apply by playing confidently

    And most importantly: have fun! (I personally don't understand the players on reddit that say - maybe jokingly - "I stopped having fun at this game years ago, etc.". If that's the case, just stop playing! I think the game is fun as ever and provides a lot of highs)

    submitted by /u/PeriwinkB
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    What new items are good with glacial augment, aside from Everfrost?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:01 PM PST

    Hi! If i'm not mistaken, twin shadows was removed from the game, so what items are now good with glacial augment for a midlane mage such as ahri, neeko, veigar? I know there's everfrost, but sometimes the reason i take glacial is because i face a lot of tanks i want to kite, but i now feel with mythics im missing out on liandrys if i take everfrost, and liandrys is a good option into tanky teams. I'd like to know if there is another item i can proc glacial with if i take liandrys first item.

    submitted by /u/Pissyellowknight
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    I'm really good at getting massive leads and pressing them early in the jungle, but after 15 minutes I just... eh. I need help with my godawful macro and my inability to do anything of importance, despite getting 7-10 kills.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:24 PM PST

    Title. I find that a massive problem I have is that I fall back on my above average mechanics, being able to land skillshots, do combos, dodge everything, etc. but I just can't fucking do anything and it's so, so frustrating. I have these totally cool "pop off" moments where I do something flashy, get a triple kill, stomp the early game, and then spend the last 15 minutes of the game in silence while I do basically nothing, waiting for item powerspikes, looking for picks, and being altogether unable to take any objectives at all.

    I don't want to blame my team for this - 80% of games these days have a hard carry, but when the burden falls on me I just come up short. How do I press my early game advantages and become a better player by closing out games on my own and not relying on other people?

    submitted by /u/MrMeem1
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    What to do when behind as ADC?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 12:36 PM PST

    What am I supposed to do as adc when i fall behind in lane, especially with Lucian or Jhin? Only option to me is spam ff if we don't outscale. There is no world in which i'm gonna be relevant until 4 items (not 3, 4), it's completely up to my team to hold the game long enough.

    Literally all i do, and can do, is go into a sidelane and hope i don't get killed again while i try to sneak a wave.

    I do 0 damage in tf anyway, 1 hard cc from fog of war and i'm out... might as well try to farm up

    edit: plat elo

    submitted by /u/Zekutsu
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    Is there any actual counterplay to a half-way competent Zoe if you don't counterpick her?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I never was a huge mid player but I really like Viktor and used to play Cass a ton before her rework, and sometimes pick Veigar if I want something "safe". I hate Zed, Yasuo, and Kat, but I can't fathom any way you could actually play against a Zoe if you aren't playing one of those or another bursty super mobile assassin. As soon as she hits 6, she can ult into you through minions and land a point blank bubble, and with its massive hitbox and flash on a long CD, there's not really any stopping it. First instinct would be to try to hide behind minions so she cant Q you but she has all the time in the world to set up, especially with her W movespeed boost.

    If i'm getting dumpstered I usually try to sit under tower and farm but even that doesn't help; a single tower shot (best case scenario usually) vs a combo that does half, or more, of my HP, on at most a 20 second cooldown, no one would ever not take that trade. Lane swapping would be an option, but I can't think of many top lane champs that would fare much better. She's even got great response to ganks by just throwing a bubble and not popping it, and the aforementioned MS steroid she gets from using one of the free summoners her W gives her, so you'd yet again just need a really strong counterpick jungler to shut her down at that point, like a Warwick.

    Obviously if you counter pick her she's probably a joke. Fizz E always has a shorter cooldown than her bubble unless he builds no CDR and she builds a good amount, but I cant think of anything I might be missing that would make immobile champions not be forced to lane swap or risk turbo-inting into her, and I cant see how that could ever be seen as healthy design if that is the case.

    submitted by /u/Pinkaminks
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    coming from Dota2 I have a question about the towers

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:39 PM PST

    I am new to LoL and in Dota... when the first towers are still standing the 2nd and 3rd towers have "backdoor protection" meaning its VERY hard to take down 2nd and 3rd tower then the first one is standing.

    How is it in LoL? can I skip the first tower and go for the second one?

    submitted by /u/xxR3B3Lxx
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