• Breaking News

    Friday, November 27, 2020

    League of Legends Sources: @TSM will promote @Lost_adc from their academy team to starting ADC position in the #LCS (BloopGG)

    League of Legends Sources: @TSM will promote @Lost_adc from their academy team to starting ADC position in the #LCS (BloopGG)

    Sources: @TSM will promote @Lost_adc from their academy team to starting ADC position in the #LCS (BloopGG)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Sources: @TSM will promote @Lost_adc from their academy team to starting ADC position in the #LCS

    Lost will be the botlane partner of SwordArt after the retirement of Doublelift.

    Link: https://twitter.com/BloopGG/status/1332440550155440132?s=20

    Follow up:

    With @Lost_adc going with @TSM , @EvilGeniuses will take back @deftlylol as their starting AD Carry for the 2021 #LCS season.

    As reported by @JacobWolf, Deftly was initially heading to FLY Quest, who recently confirmed Johnsun as their starting ADC.

    submitted by /u/EnergetikNA
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    How does the League client still suck so much ass after 11 years?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:12 AM PST

    It crashes more now than it did when I first started playing in 2009. I play with a group of 6 or 7 friends regularly and every single one of them has the same experience.

    I am legitimately curious for any insight as to why it's so hard for Riot to create a functional client?

    submitted by /u/jsung19
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    Seraphine has failed tremendously as a midlaner

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:24 AM PST

    Per Lolalytics, Seraphine is picked 83,4% of the time as a support and only 14% of the time as a midlaner. Her winrate is also better as a support than as a midlaner (which probably has to do with the fact that I still am not sure what Seraphine is supposed to do in lane other than hug turret and scrape CS with Q).

    According to Riot (Champion Roadmap: September 2020) Seraphine was supposed to be:

    This leaves us with a mid-lane mage and a support to round out the year, which I'm happy to say we're on track for (but as always, things could change).

    Seraphine was intended to be a mid-lane mage, but a month after her release it's honestly preposterous to pretend she's not another enchanter-ish support. She didn't even go the usual route of midlane -> nerfed -> played support, either, she was played more as a support from day one. And as time goes by I assume she'll get her playerbase of support players which would be sad if she was moved mid. What do you think will happen to her?

    submitted by /u/tredli
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    Pick rates for ADC pretty much show how broken the role has become.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 02:23 PM PST

    There's currently a 43% pick rate for Jhin which is so far beyond any other lane's top pick rate it's hilarious. (Samira would clearly be top if she wasn't banned in nearly all games.) And frankly I don't even think Jhin is particularly overpowered. He simply works in the current meta. Pretty much every ADC that isn't Jhin and MF (and can build full lethality) feels awful. You come online way too late to do anything and are just food for the top/mid/jungler for all of mid-game.

    I've tried many of the ADCs this season and none of them feel good anymore. Cait is completely useless now because her damage is just miserably low. Ashe is ok but doesn't get anywhere near the power spike she used to and can't compete. Twitch is better as AP now... (really...?) Kog'maw can be great but needs a team that can peel at all...

    In general I feel like I have even less choices than I did before the item changes. Sure, I was picking the same items all the time before, but I'm basically doing that now... There's no real options for ADC, it's still the same "build optimal for dps and die instantly."

    Really Riot did nothing to address the problems with the role and simultaneously buffed assassins with new items. They also made tanks even stronger and half the time a fed tank shrugs off the ADC like they're not there. Especially with how much self healing tanks have now you need penetration and grievous wounds to deal with them, which means big investment into lower DPS, but necessary, items.

    That's to say nothing for the fact my options for survivability suck. Guardian Angel is fine, but if I'm up against heavy AP I'm basically stuck with Mercurial Scimitar or Maw, neither of which really gives you enough to not die immediately still.

    The game really feels like it was constructed to completely remove the agency ADC had. Outside of premade games, I don't see a huge place for ADC anymore and it's frustrating trying to play the role. I don't need to be able to 1 v 5 a team, but if I'm 5/0 and the enemy top lane is 2/5, I shouldn't have to run in fear of a 1 v 1 with them every single time...

    submitted by /u/versipelis
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    K/DA - I’LL SHOW YOU [Official Concept Video] LIVE AT 8 AM PST / 1 AM KST

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Welcome Armut! | MAD Lions 2021 Roster Announcement

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:03 AM PST

    The screenshot that summarises why bot is the way it is.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:19 AM PST

    This screenshot summarises all the botlane issues of the last year.

    I'll quote in text format here too:

    Patch 10.8:

    At levels 1-6, a champion's solo kills grant 20% more experience and assisted kills grant 20% less experience. At levels 7-8, these numbers are reduced to 10%.

    Patch 9.23:

    Minion solo experience increased to 93% from 92%.

    Minion shared experience reduced to 116% from 120%.

    What was the context for these changes?

    • 9.23 changes were to help top, which felt low-agency at the time. However it is obvious that solo-XP buffs and shared-XP nerfs would end up buffing mid more than anything, being the closest role to the XP-deprived botlane, full of champs that already counter ADCs, making mid the role that prays on the underlevelled ADC the most by far.
    • Toplaners being overlevelled makes sense and it makes up for their lack of early map impact, they're mostly melees that need to soak up a ton of dmg while they go in. Darius needs to be ahead in xp to not get melted in teamfights, Syndra/Fizz don't, them hitting lv11 while Ashe is lv8 is an unnecessary gift.
    • 10.8 is the funny one: it was a change to encourage solo killing in proplay instead of just waiting for ganks, and then Riot said in the patch notes "we understand reducing shared-kill XP might hurt junglers, we'll react accordingly". But they didn't mention anything about how this would completely gut botlane XP gains. Botlane had to pay the price because junglers were ganking too much early on.

    Now I know the usual counter-argument: "it's fair that botlane is XP-deprived because Ashe+Leona are two players and Viktor is only one player, so when they fight is not lv8 vs lv11, it's lv8+lv8 vs lv11".

    Allow me to explain why this is absolute bollocks: League isn't about solo laners trying to 1v2 ADC+Supp, it's about skirmishes and teamfights where both teams try to match the same number of champs as the enemy, whether it's 3v3, 5v5, etc. Viktor is ALSO allowed to pair up with teammates in fights, just because he's laning alone, doesn't mean he has to fight in minority fights. In fact if the support is smart, he'll choose to support the lv11 carry instead of the lv8 one in fights where both are present.

    Being 3 levels up is equivalent to an extra 1800g from stats (without even considering ability level-ups). When the dragon fight starts, as a solo laner you'll have this raw power advantage over your ADC, even if you both have the same KDA and farm.

    Now, botlane is already balanced around lower XP gains, so you can't just give them full XP gains anymore, however a part-revert to the XP gutting from 9.23/10.8 should be considered, instead of permabuffing ADC items to make up for their chronic low stats.

    submitted by /u/Jandromon
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    100 Thieves 2021 Academy Roster

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:17 PM PST


    Tenacity, Kenvi, Ry0ma, Luger, Poome

    Tenacity and Kenvi are two of the most hyped talents in North America. They were the undisputed best top laner and jungler in amateur last year. Kenvi made the jump to academy last summer, and was immediately a top 4 jungler.

    Luger was the 2020 Summer TCL MVP. He is 19 years old and should have good potential.

    submitted by /u/-Basileus
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    AOC describes her experience playing League

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:57 PM PST

    IDK if anybody recently checked but Wickd still does Toplane Guides and their Quality is CRAZY good

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Y Pretty much as the Title says...Im impressed by how good these are....and i wonder if someone does some guides in even or better quality atm.

    here is his recent Shen Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui8vZDsEFEc

    submitted by /u/Dyresk
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    Farewell and thank you FPX Khan

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:53 AM PST

    At the end of Season 10 the EUW Server has just surpassed 4 million ranked players

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:07 AM PST

    More than a million more than last year when it was 3 million at the end of the season. This is the also the first time EUW has reached the 4 million ranked players milestone. Really insane number ngl.

    Other servers for comparison:

    KR - 4,795,550

    EUW - 4,032,653

    NA - 2,235,007

    EUNE - 1,958,275

    BR - 1,727,466

    TR - 1,037,559

    LAN - 922,118

    LAS -910,671

    RU - 285,982

    OCE - 270,318

    JP - 148,095

    submitted by /u/xourc3
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    I sampled Bard to create lofi beats to abandon your ADC/collect chimes to

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Consecutive Runnan's bolts count as a single source for Ravenous hydra passive, making it doing damage only 1 time in the entire game

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Have you ever wonder how Hydra's Cleave (the AoE on attacks and abilities) and Runaan's Wind's Fury (The two extra attacks that Runnan's gives) interact? Well, contrary as expected, not so good...

    Hydra's Cleave states "can only hit each target once per Attack or Ability". This is intended to prevent multiple hit abilities (or attacks *cofcofGuinsooYicofcof*) to abuse the effect too hard. If someone use, for example, a Kayn's Q, that hit twice, and you get hitted with the first proc of Cleave, the second one will do nothing to you (but it will do damage to anyone who doesn't get hit with the first one). It's kinda like refreshing the AoE of the effect, more than another proc.

    The thing is, with Runaan's, the bolts of Wind's Fury count as a single source for the entire game. That means Runnan's extra attacks will carry the Cleave effect all the game, with only the possibility of hitting one time each champion. IN THE ENTIRE MATCH. Wich leads to a very confusing interaction and lack of visual clarity.

    I think Riot should fix this interaction, making Runnan's bolts a different source of damage when they come from different atuto attacks, or get rid of it at all, because it's pretty inconsistent.

    You can test it easily in the practice tool:

    1. Pick a ranged champ
    2. Buy Runnan's Hurricane and Ravenous Hydra
    3. Place four dummies mildly distanced from each other: Make sure you can hit one, send the Runaan's bolts to others two, and the fourth one being in range of the Cleave effect of the dummies hit by the Runaan bolts, but not the main target one
    4. Cleave from dummies hit with Runaan's bolt will hit the 4th dummie the first time, and never will do it again unless you restart the match

    Image for example

    submitted by /u/Innate_flammer
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    I took smite as support on accident, but I ended up having a lot of fun with it.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:35 PM PST

    Imperial Mandate on Mid Laners? - How the item works with Rylai's, pros and cons and best champions

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:40 AM PST

    Don't be an ass in ARAM

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Just a reminder. If you enter an ARAM game please do not do the following.
    -Flame someone for not knowing how to play a champ
    -call someone on the opposite team trash
    -get mad at your teamates because your team is losing

    Aram is a casual game mode lets try to keep it as a mode for fun not seriousness or tryharding. If you wnt to try hard try hard but keep your emotions in check and don't ridicule others. I personally play aram to destress and find that a good amount of the time people stress me out by being unnecesarily rude or BM

    submitted by /u/TheFakeG
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    Yi S11 Full Clear 3:13 Leashless. If Cowsep can benefit from it, so can you! <3 (Since it worked so Well on /r/YIMO)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:08 AM PST

    Clozer signs multi year deal with T1

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 02:08 AM PST

    We're excited to announce that Clozer has re-signed 2+1 multi-year deal with T1.

    T1WIN #T1Fighting


    Nice signing imo. Wonder how mich chances will he get this year. Dude is pretty talented. T1 is stacked 8n every position except jungle lol.

    submitted by /u/Ace_OPB
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    CoreJJ the moment he realizes how much he just bet on in house games

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Has Riot commented on removing friend's list game information?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Before, you used to be able to see what kind of game (summoner's rift/aram/TFT), how long they have been in game for, what champion they were playing, and whether it was ranked or not. 2 patches ago all of that was removed except for normal/ranked. Have they said anything about why they removed this? It was very nice information to have.

    submitted by /u/BloodTrinity
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    Is Grievous Wounds even working? Heals are still massive.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:35 AM PST

    I remember Riot saying they would nerf healing runes and buff Grievous Wounds in pre-season, but some champions are still healing for massive amounts. I recently faced this issue two times, with different types of champions, once with a Yasuo that would outheal even tower shots with what seemed to be lifesteal only and another was a Yuumi that made a Shadow Assassin Kayn tank more than Rhaast while still having massive damage. Both of these cases had the team building Grievous Wounds, but the healing was insanely high regardless and made them basically unkillable. I wonder if the debuff is even working, because it has done a very bad job at controlling healing so far.

    submitted by /u/Macaulyn
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    [News] Nuguri will go to the LPL

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:11 PM PST


    Quick translation:

    - A ton of LCK teams were in the bidding war for Nuguri

    - According to this, Nuguri made his decision this morning. He's going to the LPL.

    - With T1 announcing an extension for Canna & calling up Zeus to the main roster, and DWG announcing Khan and Chasy, the main teams thought to be in the Nuguri sweepstakes are out.

    The strongest rumor is FPX, amongst the Korean league community.

    submitted by /u/chainer9999
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    Kayn was AFK for the first 25 minutes of the game. When he reconnected, he got to practice his 1v5s while the rest of us spent the entire 54 minute ARAM killing each other exclusively with sunfire passive.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:42 AM PST

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