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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    LoL Guide Extremely new player that needs A LOT of help.

    LoL Guide Extremely new player that needs A LOT of help.

    Extremely new player that needs A LOT of help.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:42 AM PST

    A little background of me: so basically a friend of mine (diamond 1) encouraged me to play league with earlier this year with him. Played about 13 games and then got extremely frustrated and put the game down because of the skill gap in this game. Fast forward to now and I decided to give it another go in hopes of actually improving. Three games in and There's basically a couple things I need help with.

    1) how do I CS properly? I know this sounds dumb considering that fundamentally speaking it's definitely the easiest thing in this entire game, but I can never get it exactly correct. For example, I'd be farming on some minions but right when I'm about to kill my minions steal the kill from me. I've been trying to avoid fighting and just attack the minions when they're low health, but even that fails sometimes because my attack gets them to an extremely low health, but doesn't finish them. It's so bad to the point where the opposing enemy does basically over twice as much farming as I do.

    2) when it comes to fighting in general, I seriously don't understand what's going on. 1v1 situations are so cancer for me because I already know I'm gonna die before the fight even starts. I guess this can be attributed to me not knowing what any champion does or what items are the best for me, but man there is something that makes me die inside when the enemy players health barely drops in a 1v1 while mine goes down like a rock. And team fights..... I cannot even visually comprehend what is going on in those fights. All I know for certain is im dying at the end of one.

    3)what exactly are runes? When I play with my friend he automatically goes over my runes and just gives me what are the best options for the champion that I play, however I wanna know exactly what they are.

    Those are my 3 main questions. Also if possible, is there any sources I can use that basically go over all the items in the item shop (along with what they do) as well as what each champion in this game does and what they're strong and weak to?

    submitted by /u/Mythical-door
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    Which ADCs can build Crit and why

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:37 PM PST

    I am a miss fortune main and in season 11 I used to build full lethality because a Youtuber mf one-trick said it was the best build. I lightly understand what lethality does but not extensively at all. After looking at a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/k2b1o8/pick_rates_for_adc_pretty_much_show_how_broken/) on the main Lol Reddit. It says only Jhin and mf can build full lethality. But what about their kits make them able to build full lethality while others can not. I am silver and do not fully understand all the mechanics and how they interact but as far as I can tell it does not seem like mf kit is that different from other ADCs. So in finally what makes an ADC able to build full lethality and what are the upsides and downsides of Lethality vs Crit.

    submitted by /u/Nickwn1
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    Why do I win lane and mess up on everything else?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:39 AM PST

    Hello, I am a pretty bad gold 3 mid laner who primarily plays fizz, twisted fate, and lucian. I find that I go 2/0 or 3/1 or something like that in lane about 70% of the time. I think that a lead like this usually should mean a pretty smooth sailing game for any good players. However, I find that I often mess up pretty often during the mid game due to very greedy plays (I make these plays usually only when my team is behind by a pretty big margin), because I am splitpushing while my team is 4v5 at mid to protect mid turret, or because I solokill my laner over and over again and I don't impact my other laners. Could anyone explain why I am making so many throws and how I could change my playstyle in order to snowball my leads.

    submitted by /u/08312005l
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    So are y'all building Rylias & Imperial Mandate on Champs yet?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:29 PM PST

    Rylias makes it so you always proc imperial mandate. I tried it out as a Karthus Jungle and it felt crazy strong. The items are cheap and it's a very large power spike once you finish the two.

    I guess ASol is building it now and people are trying it out on Viktor and Cass.

    You guys have any other champions you've tried it on? It's for sure worth a shot, it might end up being the best build on a lot of Champs.

    submitted by /u/ubernat
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    How much does it really matter what are currently "good tier champions" on silver games?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:44 AM PST

    Should I start main champion that is put on a S tier on tier list sites or should I just believe that riot tries to make the game balanced and is going to nerf these chamoions currently consired better than most other champions. What about playing champions that are consired worst tier currenlty are they completely unplayable and should I expect them to get buffed in the future by riot.

    submitted by /u/rasse768
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    How to play with an unlocked screen

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:33 AM PST

    I played this game for fun for many years but I have always played with a lock screen. I had never played a game with similar camera movements so I guess it was uncomfortable for me from the start and I never got used to it. Now I want to rectify this. How did you guys learn or what tips do you have. I see YouTubers play with unlocked screen all the time and whenever I try that i just get lost.

    submitted by /u/salzared
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    Why use minion dematerializer on caster on TF ?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:41 AM PST

    So I've watched many dopa vods from midbeast, and he always use minion dematerializer on the caster minions .. even midbeast said this is something every tf player should know .. my question is why not use it on the canon minion which will make it easier to wave clear and shove

    submitted by /u/xravi9
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    Orn future's market

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:24 AM PST

    Do you think ornn with future's market will work? I think it will make grtting items even more faster because of his passive. Will it be that bad if i swap it with cookie delivery(the rune i had)? Maybe i can build some mana if i need it. Im somewhat new to orn so im not really sure if this will go well( i have been playing or for around 1 month,not maining him yet). What do you think?

    Also if its not good please explain why.

    submitted by /u/Piklas04
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    Posted this on official lol sub and got no answers. Is there anyone can help? (recommend champs)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:43 PM PST

    It's been a month since I started the game, I am looking for champs to get better at the game. I mostly play toplane since my champion pool is limited for other lanes.


    I mostly play Sion and sometimes Riven. I am trying to learn Ornn now. I played Sett before too when he was on rotation. I enjoy tanks and bruisers.

    I played a lot of Nasus and Dr. Mundo and some Jax in Wild Rift, I reached to silver thanks to them. But didn't try them in PC yet, how are they on PC?

    Also I want to try Shen next and maybe I'll buy Sett too since he can also be played as support.


    I especially need some new champs for mid. I kinda struggled with Veigar and Ahri, I am only comfortable with LeBlanc now so I only play her.

    I also got Talon for free and didn't try him yet but he seems easy. Is he viable?

    For mid, I want to try Twisted Fate, Azir, Xerath, Ryze and Qiyana.


    I only play Udyr and Nunu for now. I don't play jungle, support and adc too much unless I get autofilled.

    I tried Master Yi, Graves and Gragas in Wild Rift, Master Yi was so boring, I struggled with Graves and I couldn't figure out Gragas but he seems fun tho.

    For jungle I want to try Nidalee, Shaco and... Lee Sin.


    I don't play adc too much and I am so bad at it. I am only decent at Tristana. I want to try Kalista, Lucian and Xayah.


    I only play Thresh and Kayle for support and I played Blitzcrank and Nami a lot in Wild Rift (didn't try them on PC yet).

    For support, I have Bard, Nautilus and Galio in my mind.

    So these are the champions I play, can you recommend me some champs to play and get better at the game? I want to play champions that would make me better at the game, not just easy champions like Garen or Lux. And I like champions that can be played in different roles too.

    submitted by /u/ssLoupyy
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    Who is Dark Harvest good on?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:37 PM PST

    I have tried it on many assassins and mages. In most games if it's not a stomp then I'll get around 20+ stacks of Dark Harvest. The only champ that I can consistently get 40-50 DH stacks is Brand due to his passive. The burn will usually give me 2-3 stacks per teamfights regardless. So aside from Brand, seems like the other champs are better off with Electrocute or Arcane Comet since DH rarely gets the chance to scale better than these 2 keystones in a game.

    submitted by /u/hsm4ever10
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    How do I deal with poking champions?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:23 AM PST

    Hello guys! I'm a bronze II player. I usually go top with tanky champs like trundle, volibear, mordekaiser, and garen. I like playing them because it gives me enough security to trade since they have innate tankiness, sustain, and high damage output. But, the thing is I do bad when my enemy has a good poking potential. I just freeze trying to get my healthbar steady but I sacrifice my creep score and let my laner farm. Last time, I played volibear and my enemy laner is an azir main. I can't comfortably kill minions because his sand soldiers keep on bugging me. He can chunk out almost 1/4 of my health while I'm there wondering how to close the gap without dying. Usually, when I match up with ranged or pokey champs, i just go all-in and let my tankiness soak the damage. But it doesn't work really well.

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/nipsydoo
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    When to buy mythics and how to pick them?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:33 PM PST

    So I've just been playing aram a bunch lately to get used to the new items, how they all look now, effects and so on, I want to jump back into normal but I'm a bit hesitant with the new stuff. I've seen people say that the mythic pretty much decides your whole playstyle for that game, so it leads me to assume that in that case getting it as the first time would help the other team figure out how to counter you easier and faster, my guess was that it should then be the second item maybe? but frankly it's been too confusing to tell. i also guess that depending on the enemy team you might have to pick one over the others, but i don't know if doing that would be too counterproductive and you should just stick to one all the time? or if there are actual benefits to playing with different ones.

    i'm asking generally because i do kinda want to play more champions this season, but i'm mainly a mage and adc player if that helps?

    submitted by /u/UndeadFae
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    Need advice with choosing role/champion

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:42 PM PST

    So i have a lot of problems with sticking to one role and several champions, which doesnt seem to help climbing and frustrates me. I tried to choose it by myself, but i just cant, so if anyone would like to check my profile out and propose a role or champ, i would really appreciate it. Thanks from advance!


    submitted by /u/piotrekkubiak
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    How do I play with unlocked screen?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Hi, I'm a new player

    I've seen that many pro players play with unlcoked screen, I was wondering how it works. My friend (the one who taught me the basics of the game) told me that I should get used to play with unlocked camera, but I think it's too difficult to me. I need advice, beacuse I want to improve my gameplay.

    sorry if my english is kind of weird, I'm learning. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/99owr
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    Why is it that many players seem to not be able to take genuine advice in-game?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:20 PM PST

    I get it, most people don't like being told what to do, especially by people they might perceive as equals or even lessers. But I also like to think that most people want to improve at whatever they're doing, in this case, improve at league of legends.

    Sure, some advice is bad and sure, some advice is unwarranted when you know that you do the thing you're being advised about 9/10 times and they just happened to watch you fail to do it that 1 time (prepping minions, use heal etc.).

    But I was just in a game where my support Ziggs failed to get a sweeper after 3 back with their support item quest completed, so I politely asked him to grab a sweepers as it helps destroy enemy vision. They proceeded to tell me to lose weight by stopping eating burgers, then they placed all their wards under the friendly turret and went to play midlane.

    Is it truly just ego that drives that decision making? I know that if someone tells me 'f*cking top afk', I'm gonna mute them, but if they say 'hey Sett, that would've been a great time to tp and help the drake, watch the map when it happens!', I'll apologise and take it on board.

    I'm sure many people will say that in-game to strangers is a bad time to 'advise' but I'm personally more interested in why that is!

    submitted by /u/MrMosstin
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    I’m ALWAYS behind in JG

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:06 PM PST

    Hey gamers, I recently started jungling and I'm really liking the role. I love the champs, and I like the map impact you have, but the issue is...

    I kinda suck at jg

    Sure I have those one off games where the enemy jg feeds me 3 kills and gets me kayn form at minute 6 and I just take over the game, but that's rare. Most of the time, I see that I'm behind in farm, ganks, and objectives.

    Now I play a variety of champions, definitely a pool that's too big atm, but I'm trying out a lot of champions to see who really clicks with me. I have some early game champs in my repertoire like Rek'sai and Xin, but most of my champs are, as I understand them, level 6 spiking champs who can still gank lanes before 6 if it's juicy enough (Vi, hecarim, kayn to some extent, Lillia for teams that need AP, and kha'zix though i DO try to fish a bit more for ganks on kha'zix than most.)

    Let me give an example, I feel that I'm actually rather strong at making early gameplans. I want to start X to gank Y because Z. Most of the time, these actually work really well! My most recent example was as kha'zix. I did a 3 camp topside clear, went top at level 3, scored myself a first blood and patted myself on the back! Then the rival Vi came out of the jg, 24 farm after scuttle, killed my mid, and waltzed right into my jg to clap me. I'm now down 30ish CS, and two kills. Maybe this was a specific MATCHUP problem? Another example, I play hecarim. Do I fill clear skipping krugs, gank top, get scuttle. Nice right? Well it sounds nice, but 3 minutes later graves is ahead in farm and has 3 kills. scenarios like this happen nearly every game, and while my number of jg games are limited, it Is a CONSISTENT enough problem that I don't think it's just bad luck. I farm/gank, and by the time I see the enemy jg theyre either way Ahead in farm, ganks, or both.

    This tends to just result in then being a level or two up on me when the first drag fight breaks out (this is about minute 7-9 in my elo normally) and I just cut my losses to go farm and try to keep map pressure up. And yet, their lead tends to stay exactly where it was, significantly ahead of me and able to impact the map in so many more ways.

    I feel that I do an okaaayish job of pulling camps. I'm not some challenger kiting expert, but I don't just sit in place and clear either. So I don't THINK it's a problem that I'm just clearing really really badly. It seems to be more of the fact that no matter how hard I powerfarm, I'm always BEHIND in farm and don't get the ganks. And when I'm really fishing for those ganks after ganks, I get 1-2 kills and the jungler is up 4-6 camps.

    It seems that no matter what I do, I'm behind. Then I get invaded, tracked, and beaten down to the point of irrelevancy.

    submitted by /u/Dustdev146
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    How to play against Morgana

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:44 PM PST

    I can usually dodge most skillshots but I can almost never dodge morganas, I feel like the hitbox is complete bs. Also I feel her root is far too long and no champ should have a 6 second cc combo. I mean people complained about amumus when his is only 3 seconds like wtf?

    submitted by /u/redplatypus84
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    Question about Mythic items

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:26 PM PST

    In general should I be rushing to get my mythic as my first item? I feel it's different because in prior items I would get a mix of items before I rush my First complete item. But now it seems I need to get mythic items before any other items.

    Is this the general rule of thumb for the new update?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Some hints for Malphite?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:06 AM PST

    I'm a pretty new player, started July, qualified bronze at the end of the season. Played mostly ADC, now went top as a sort of therapy: playing ADC sometimes feels like having AIDS, any cough can kill you. Being rock-solid feels very relaxing after that experience.

    So I started Malph and here are my questions:

    1) for Malphite there are two sets of runes with pretty close win rates: Comet and Grasp. I understand that basic trading patterns be different, short trades with one and just poke with other. The thing is, I don't understand which matchups which runes would be preferable.

    2) I typically use some abilities to push the wave and sure for trades too, and I'm running oom quite often. Buying some mana items or corrupting potion is delaying my mithic, so doesn't seem right, but without them, I don't feel in control of my lane. How should I handle mana problems early?

    3) how do I finish games with a tank? Being ADC, for example, I could take Nashor quite fast with the help of jungler, and those guys are usually interested in using their smite so I could shout call at the right moment and we take nash. Now I need to call for both jungler and carry, which typically doesn't result in anything. So what should I do if my team is leading in gold, but refuse to take objectives and win the game?

    submitted by /u/DrBiven
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    Kai’Sa Tips

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:51 AM PST

    So I have been filling for a lot of PBE games, and I am usually getting assigned ADC. I have been using this opportunity to try Kai'Sa. I can't really wrap my head around how to play her correctly. Do you have any good tips? Especially around use of her ultimate and how to team fight with her. I feel like I just blow up instantly. Also, what is the best itemization path in the new season?

    submitted by /u/pWasHere
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    Transition from mid to top

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Im a gold 3 mid-lane main, playing akali, qiyana and viktor mainly. I want to make top my second "good" role so i dont just int whenever i dont get mid. The last games i played top with aatrox and camille and i fed my ass of. I just dont understand when to push or frezze the lane and even if i win a trade i can never manage to capitalize on that, while in mid i manage these things pretty automatically, I feel like on top-lane i allways do the wrong thing. A lot of the games I just completely missread the enemys jungles pathing and die to a gank (I assume the jungler is bot-side but hes not). Once im behind i never come back, when im behind in midlane and cannot lane anymore i go for roams, which helps in catching pretty often. However on the top i dont know how to do that, i just become utterly useless. Does anybody had the same transition and how did you work through those mistakes?

    submitted by /u/StarfishLachs
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    How to play against Sett?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:19 AM PST

    I have been playing against a lot of sett's recently and i lost all my games against them. Yesterday for whatever reason i only saw sett in the top lane and no matter how hard i try i lose my lane against him. Can you give me any tips on how to play against sett? I would like you to just give me tips such as playstyle, things that counter sett(not champions), when to engage and things like that. Dont reccoment me just counterpicks of sett because i would like to learn how to counter him with my current champion pool(mordekaiser,orn,yorick,aatrox,kayle and im a bit embarrassed to say this...teemo).

    submitted by /u/Piklas04
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