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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    League of Legends The Truth About Riot Games

    League of Legends The Truth About Riot Games

    The Truth About Riot Games

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:58 PM PST

    The Power Of Duskblade Jhin

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:55 PM PST

    Riot Games Support : " The ranked season ended a while ago, so no point into playing on ranked queues"

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:06 AM PST


    This has to be one of the most iconic riot games support official twitter account responses to ever exist, so basically a guy was questioning the system of lp gain/loss in MASTER elo only to be told , by some riot games employee , that the ranked season ended a while ago and it's pointless to play ranked ? ! So where the hell are players supposed to practise the new changes and the new items ? on normal draft mode ? Pro players should not be queue'ing up anymore and facing each other in high elo and should rather wait a couple of months until the new season starts ?

    I think this reflects the mindset of some people working on riot games, we have a problem ? oh let's take it easy it doesnt matter anyway we are in preseason...

    submitted by /u/jokerdofy
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    TSM welcome Sword and Babip to their academy roster

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Link: https://twitter.com/TSM/status/1332851800639205380 @TSM: We're incredibly excited to announce 2 new additions to our 2021 Academy roster.

    Please welcome @TSMSword and @babiplol

    2 very exciting prospects, Sword has been a rising streamer and very talented NA mid laner, being challenger since he was 14, and Babip is coming off of a promising showing at worlds. With the rumours of Kaori being TSM academy's ADC, their roster looks to have one of the highest ceilings in acadamey.

    Edit: Sorry for the confusion, Sword(TSMA mid) will be going by the ign "Swordd" due to naming rights

    submitted by /u/InsigniaIsVayne
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    Nisqy slips up

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST

    [Art] Hextech box as a Secret Santa gift

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:17 PM PST

    [Art] Hextech box as a Secret Santa gift

    In the company where I am working, we will have a secret Santa this year. I got the person I don't know well but I found out, he is playing LoL for 7 years now. I have a laser cutter at home so I decided to do something on my own because the budget we have is limited. I dont play this game but did a little research and come to an idea to draw, cut, and assemble a hextech box. From the inside, I put a LED, and looks amazing in the dark(can post a picture later). I still have some budget left. Do you have any idea, what to put inside? I thought about some LoL gift card, engrave it on wood and put it inside somehow.


    submitted by /u/lolek_1337
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    T1's new Top sub Zeus has 3 accounts at Rank 4, 5 & 17

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:02 PM PST

    T1 recently promoted Zeus to the main roster. Canna is still a star player and a solid carry, but now we know where he gets his practice from. Zeus is a proper monster.

    Montage (video not mine): T1 1군 콜업된 04년생 제우스 11월 롤 매드무비 [T1 Zeus Montage] - YouTube

    His profiles: T1 Zeus Rank 5 , T1 제우스 Rank 4, 우 제 Rank 17

    submitted by /u/mobijet
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    Lethality Sion Deals a Lot of Damage

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:51 PM PST

    [comic] Poppy is excited for 10.25

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST


    I was filling a request for somebody asking for Poppy in casual clothes and I imagined she would be super thrilled about a) Rell busting passive shield b) Rell stealing her bonus stats and c) Rell peeling her with ult.

    submitted by /u/alphabetadraws
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    What happened in r/draven

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:29 PM PST

    When did that subreddit turn into the way it is? I really tried to find some backstory behind all the posts but I could not find anything. I don't know if this is the correct sub for this but I didn't know where else to ask. I would really appreciate If you could tell me the history of that sub.

    submitted by /u/CemDoruk
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    The new infinity edge is absolutely terrible.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:00 AM PST

    The old IE gives 80 attack damage, 25% critical strike chance and increase your crit damage from 200% to 225%. The new one keeps the same price, but now only gives 70 attack damage, 20% critical strike chance and increase crit damage from 175% to 215%. In conclusion, it loses 10 damage, 5% critical strike chance and 10-50% crit damage while having the same price. And I really don't want anyone to say things like everyone is effected by 25% crit damage nerf. Even in ADC classes, not all ADCs depend fully on crits.

    But, is the nerf really justify? This is not the first time IE is in this much sorry state. In v5.22, when Riot buffed all the ADCs, IE had 65 damage, 20% crit chance and 25% crit damage. However, keep in mind that ADC still has 225% crit damage fixed when buying it, and Riot even buffed it later on v6.12 with many other ADC items, not to mention the meta is still around tanks at that point (instead of oneshot meta). Also, please remember that the 5 AD Riot gives to ADCs in v.52 are taken back in v8.11 for some health and damage growth (even the damage growth is effected by the exp nerfed afterwards).

    So you have it. No matter what you say, the value of IE has dropped for a long time, and with the fact that it gets a huge nerfed in the preseason, it is now a trash item to me. Instead of building IE, crit ADCs now should build on-hit or lethal.

    And please remember that on-hit build also got nerfed as well. Bortk price is reduced by 200, but it loses 5% attack speed, 2% current health damage and its activation damage got nerfed as well (most combat lasts around 20s, so you may activate Bortk effect once in the whole 5v5).

    In the conclusion, just build lethality with manamune like season 1 Sivir.

    submitted by /u/mq003at
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    Night Harvester Gragas in Preseason

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:26 PM PST

    Games are decided based on who wins early jungle skirmishes

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:37 PM PST

    It's especially apparent with Graves or Hecarim. If your jungler loses an early skirmish the game is over. You can't come back as a jungler ever since they removed catch up XP. The jungle player that wins is free to farm, gank, and invade due to how easy it is to get behind. The only thing you can do is try to catch up in farm but while that's happening your lanes get fucked by ganks, if that's not happening you're even further behind on farm.

    It's not impossible to come back it's just way too hard with the snowbally design of league

    submitted by /u/K4grenac
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    Sion fanart I made

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Sion fanart I made

    I was thinking lately that Sion looks a lot like character from Darkest Dungeon so I decided to make that. Hope you all enjoy!


    submitted by /u/Gnot_a_gnomeblin
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    Train Conductor Zyra accidentally leaked?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Was playing zyra in ARAM, and noticed what could be seen as a typo, but in reality is most likely preparing her for her legendary skin where she realises gardening just isn't paying the bills these days.

    Q: Give rise to a train

    W: Mounds of dirt that give rise to passengers instead of plants, they either flay around or throw garbage

    E: Throw a train

    R: A large circle full of train tickets appears. After a delay, a crowd of passengers poop out of the ground to grab these tickets.

    submitted by /u/Fioraously_Fapping
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    Drawing all champs day 73 - Maokai

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:07 AM PST

    Drawing all champs day 73 - Maokai

    Yes, I know he should be yesterday, I'm an idiot.

    This one was based on his short story where he protects a flower from ghosts of shadow isles. This guy has one of the saddest stories in the entire universe, I hope that shadow isles story will move on with the release of Ruined King because for now Maokai and Yorick just sit there and wait.


    submitted by /u/MrKisiel
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    [LCK] DRX Roster Announcement

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Top: Kingen + Destroy

    Jungle: Pyosik

    Mid: SOLCA (edit: formerly Quad)

    ADC: BAO

    Support: Rebeca (edit: formerly Pleata)

    Head Coach: cvMax

    Coach: Museong



    submitted by /u/nokaydokay
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    Was cleaning my SSD out for Cyberpunk and found this. Guess its what I get for being toxic.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:17 PM PST

    LVL 1 Invade

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:51 AM PST

    Making the Rounds: Esports Journalist of the Year End Review

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:59 PM PST

    [LCK Official] Sang-ho "Effort" Lee joins Sandbox Gaming

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:41 PM PST

    Commander Ledros needs to become a champion.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:39 AM PST

    He has high potential to be a dark support according to the lore (he tried to protect, save and die for Kalista, he has a shield to protect his lover and a ghost sword to cut in half anyone who touches her). I can already see special interactions and some good legendary skins (maybe both in the human form) for them with the same tematic (just like Xayah-Rakan and Senna-Lucian). Anyway, I expect Ledros as the next 2021 Support. Or he can be that Huge Raid-Boss Juggernaut Top Laner, but nah, I still see him as a tank support (it fits him too much). It would be great if he'd be released when The Ruined King videogame is out, because he's "The King's Shield". What do you think? Any chances for our Commander to become one of the next season 11 champions?

    submitted by /u/ithrowstacksonegirls
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    the poor zed blinked and his whole team was gone

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:34 PM PST

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