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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    LoL Guide After a teamfight win, 95% of the time you should crash minion waves into turret

    LoL Guide After a teamfight win, 95% of the time you should crash minion waves into turret

    After a teamfight win, 95% of the time you should crash minion waves into turret

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    By crashing the minions into the enemy's turret you are denying the minion gold & exp, and also you set up the wave so it will push back to you.

    If you don't crash the wave and it's slow pushing away from you, the enemy will come off their death timer and be able to collect the wave at their turret, reducing the disadvantage from the teamfight loss.

    The 5% of the time when you wouldn't crash the wave is if you have a freeze set up on your side of the lane. Because the minion wave is actively denying your minions (playing the role of the turret), and holding the wave in a favorable position for you.

    This is one way you can snowball leads and build advantages into the mid/late game. For more tips on closing out games, here's a video guide: https://youtu.be/YZ9U2IJFlRk

    For those of you who would rather read, here's a text version:

    Capitalize on teamfight wins

    Don't just go back to your camps and farm. Ask yourself "What else can we take while they're dead?"


    • Crash the wave, drop herald if you have it. Take the turret if you have time.
    • Secure drake or herald
    • Counter jungle
    • Reset for tempo, get back on the map with items before they even respawn

    The key is to not get greedy and try to get too much. Be realistic with what you can accomplish during death timers.

    Play around Herald

    I think Rift Herald is the most under-used tool for generating early leads and creating map pressure. The team who takes first herald wins 63% of the time, but a lot of low-elo junglers ignore it. You can take herald quickly and without losing much health. You should be looking for it if you have priority mid and top, or if the enemy jungler shows bottom.

    Counter jungle

    If the enemy makes a play on the opposite side of the map from you, don't try to run there for the fight. The fight will already be over by the time you arrive. Instead, counter jungle their opposite side.

    If your team is ahead, your allies will most likely survive or trade kills. It's important to punish the weak side of the map so the enemy jungler doesn't have time to reset, farm, and stay in the game. A failed gank followed by an empty jungle should be a death sentence (at least for their mental).

    Match reset timers

    In the late game, if the majority of your team resets, you should too. Your team is strongest after spending their gold, but the team will never be synced if everyone is waiting for their next item.

    If you're farming when your team is ready to fight, it's partially your fault if they lose a team fight. Farm when they're farming, and fight when they're fighting.

    Push the right lanes

    Don't push lanes that already have super minions, unless you can end. Pressure another lane, and wait for the enemy to send someone to answer the pushing super minions. When they do, you get a free 4v5. If they don't answer it, the minions will destroy their base.

    Fight around number advantages

    Before a major objective spawns, set up deep vision to pick off any mis-positioned enemies. After a pick, you should have a pretty easy time taking the objective and running it down.

    Also, you can force for a 4v5 when an enemy shows on the opposite side of the map (like #5).


    Use pings and chat to tell your team WHAT you want to do and WHY you want to do it. Don't expect them to read your mind or know what the right play is. If you played the early game well, they will most likely listen to you.

    I hope this helps you guys close out games more effectively! Let me know if there are other tips you think I may have missed. :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    A Guide to Runes on Swain

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:58 PM PST

    I made a guide talking about all the viable runes on Swain, and when you should take each rune. This is my first time making a video and I would appreciate any feedback (even if you think it's complete shit).


    submitted by /u/CouncilOfZodiarchs
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    Don't get caught up on the mythic passives.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:34 AM PST

    I see a lot of people trying to organize their builds around the mythic passives of each item. I just want to put in perspective how little actual gold value this particular stat gives.

    Immortal Shieldbow gives 50 hp and 5 dmg per legendary. That means once you are at full build this passive will give you the stats of a single phage. Not negligeble, but nothing to write home about.

    Kracken slayer with two legendary items (roughyl a mid/late build) will give you 20% attack speed, less than two daggers.

    The average value of the mythic passive at full build is around 1000 gold.

    TLDR: The mything passives are a bonus, not a restriction.

    submitted by /u/HEV_tux
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    Find out who the real shaco is

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:18 PM PST

    think this has been around for some time but I just found out about it in a game. Spam ping shaco before he ults aka the entire time he's fighting UNTIL he ults cuz the red marker stays over the real shaco while the clone will be normal, nice and easy way to prevent humiliation :)

    If this was covered here before tell me and I'll remove the post or if this was just a big for me I'll also gladly remove this

    submitted by /u/cryobot215
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    You don't need a kill or even an assist for the gank to be successful.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:12 AM PST

    Here's what I mean. If you gank a lane, best case scenario is the enemy is shoved up, you get the kill, AND you shove in the lane as well. Ganks don't need a kill or assist to help out your laner. For example, if you are in need to run through your jungle to contest your second crab, instead of looping around your jungle, you could instead just run through midland and throw in some ranged poke at them meanwhile. For example, fiddle E, mundo Q, nidalee spear, reksai Q, lee sin Q. Added bonus of you also hit some minions and allow the wave to shove in to the enemy turret.

    Why should you do this?

    The main reasoning for this is 1) You get your laner some prio and pressure in lane for them 2)Enemy laner will be shoved under turret 3) 1 and 2 will result in your laner to be able to rotate to (in this case) the scuttle quicker than the enemy laner, meaning you have the upper hand in getting it.

    This also goes for multiple ganks. For example, say you just full cleared towards topside, but top just reset, and the mid laner is an akali(difficult to successfully gank in most cases). You look botside and see that your laners are shoved under turret. You can walk through mid, get your laner prio, and walk through river, pinging your mid laner as you go. If they know what they're doing, they would likely listen to your pings and roam bot as you gank, 4v2ing the bot lane and getting 2 lanes prio, as well as access to the entire enemy botside jungle,(due to your botside being near), AND drag, as well as the 2 kills/assists from ganking bot.

    tldr:Walking through lane and just poking instead of committing to the kill is just as useful as getting a kill.

    submitted by /u/Nocheese1
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    Influencing the rest of the map from top lane early

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:52 AM PST

    I wanted to start a discussion about solutions to the idea that top lane has no influence in laning phase. To give some context, I have been playing a lot of Kayle since I like the champion and she's strong this preseason, but contrary to her strength this patch I have been losing a lot of games on her due to the enemy botlane getting insanely ahead.

    I am comfortable on Kayle but I wouldn't say that I know the limits of the champion like I do on Jax, which is my most played top lane champion. Because of this I typically hold the wave on my side more often on Kayle, which theoretically shouldn't be a bad thing considering her weak early game, but I'm thinking this just causes the enemy jungler to focus more attention towards ganking my mid/bot.

    Comparing this to how I play Jax, sure I will occasionally set up freezes but I naturally break them at points to run down the enemy laner and find myself pushed up to tower much more frequently, and at least anecdotally I see a correlation between this and not having as many inting 0/8 botlanes.

    This leads me to wonder if intentionally overextending/drawing jungle pressure is inherently a better strategy than freezing and trying to win the 1v1 as hard as possible. As top lane typically the only means of impacting bot early is through tp, but you shouldn't always do this depending on wave state, whether bot lane is worth trying to save, and especially if you play a champion like Kayle without much utility. Often times people say that burning your tp isn't really worth it because of what you have to give up.

    Wanted to get other opinions on whether constantly playing for push when possible is better than accumulating the calculated, small advantages and/or if there are other ways to minimize the chance of the game going mega boom at 15 minutes when using tp isn't really viable.

    EDIT: also as a followup, let's say it's better to play for push so that you can draw jungle away from the other lanes. This makes it a bit trickier to kill your own lane opponent when playing champions like irelia or jax who benefit from running the enemy down when they are on the other half of the map. In this scenario the only way to punish the enemy is to dive them, but how do you manage to whittle them down enough to kill them when they are at the safety of their tower since you're pushing more?

    submitted by /u/Autstorm
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    How a Bronze Player Climbed To Challenger with Zilean Support

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:55 PM PST


    Text Version - I have done a ton of VOD reviews of his games, and spoke with him in depth, and here is all you need to know about playing support zilean at a challenger level -

    The Zilean Support playstyle is mostly about getting through laning phase even, then gaining an advantage in fights. He has small windows where he can win 2v2 fights in lane, when he has all cooldowns up, and lands a double bomb + slow on enemy adc - it is possible to get a kill in lane. Otherwise do not fight as you will not be very useful. In a way he is one of the best scaling supports due to his ult, so a lot of his power is put there, and thus before lvl 6 he will not be strong.

    lvl 1 - looking for bombs for manaflowband - use when its available Lvl 2 - QWQ can get enemy flashes/early kills in good matchups, otherwise keep looking for manaflow lvl 3 - full strength, slow enemy, qwq speed adc

    lvl 6 - big powerspike, 2v2 becomes hard to lose. Your ult does 600hp base heal and that is a huge deal in bot lane fights. lvl 10 - max CDR, 2nd big powerspike - strongest point of the game

    Mid game is where Biotic Zilean says he is at his strongest. Once you reach lvl 10 you are close to the strongest you will get all game. Super late game, biotic believes he is outscaled by shielding supports who can constantly spam their spells to protect allies, so you want to be looking for fights in mid game instead.

    Biotic does not play zilean as a roaming support. ZIlean needs xp to become a good champion, and so will not be great at following roams of champions like bard or pantheon, and instead tries to focus on staying in lane with his adc. HE does occasionally roam mid, especially if he is smurfing below challenger as he knows he can catch them off guard. He mostly does this after basing, quickly to mid, then straight back to bot.

    Guardian is neccessary on Biotic's zilean. It just gives you the extra survivability and trading power in lane. As I said, zilean loves getting through lane alive, and guardian is just another tool biotic uses to do this. Other runes like aery are not really needed as they dont really help zilean do enough dmg to kill more people or provide enough protection.

    THE most important part of zilean is having synergy with champions on your team, and countering enemy champions. Biotic belives that some combos are actually gamebreaking, for example, a champion like darius whos main weakness is his lack of mobility which makes him easy to kite. This is completly solved using zileans speed up. One single speed on a darius can get him right into the enemy backline, ready to unleash his high damage. AND THEN zilean also fixes his lack of tank stats by using his ultimate to give darius 'artificial tankiness'. This means that zilean can basically turn any teammate into a tank with his ultimate. It is a deterent for enemies to even hit them and pop the ult, as well as provididing the reveive at high HP so they can keep fighting. You can think of it as a huge shield that lasts for 7 seconds, that also is unaffected by antiheal.

    Zilean thrives with hypercarries on his team this is a great segway into season 11 where Biotic believes they will be very common. There are a ton of new items being added, and that includes a LOT of on hit items. This means that champions that auto attack a lot are going to be very strong. So champions like Master Yi, xin Zhao, olaf, kayle, jax should all gain a lot of power. Champions like this are the hypercarries that zilean loves. He can speed them up, give them his revive and throw bombs to stun anyone who tries to kill them. This, combined with a lack of viable tank items, means the meta will shift to high damage bruisers and divers which is perfect both for zilean working with his teammates, but also, zilean is amazing against dive champions as he can slow them and ult their target to ensure their dive is unsuccessful. For example a champion like zed - he has a single target ultimate, so zilean can just use his ult on the same person zed does, and zed is actually no longer a champion.

    Biotic thinks that Zilean will fully commit to the support + peel playstyle in season 11, mainly focusing on protecting allies rather than going for high AP burst. Items like Imperial Mandate should be amazing on zilean and many other supports who have lots of cc. This item basically marks enemies that you cc, and allies can pop those marks if they hit the enemy, giving both you and your ally a lot of bonus movement speed. Very similar to this is Zekes convergance which just like last season links to an ally, and their basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to any enemy you CC. The new locket of the iron solari should also be amazing once again. It has had its passive changed back to the old OP version that was a REQUIRED ITEM in pro play every single game. It gives all nearby allies bonus armor and MR, so it is baiscally like having a teamwide buff that keeps everyone alive without you having to do any work.

    In season 10, Biotic often took the Relic Shield support item so he could have guarenteed gold in lane as zilean cannot always guarentee landing a lot of bombs unlike many ap supports can poke more. He always gets ioninan boots of lucidity for the extra cooldown reduction. So in season 11, Biotic would reccomend a build like Relic Shield, Zekes Convergance into either mikaels if enemies have important CC you need to help allies avoid, or redemption if you just need to extend fights. Then grabbing locket. This order may change depending on what is optimal for the new items, but it makes sense to get locket last as it gains effectivness depending on the amount of legendary items you have. It is important to buy Kindle gem, Glacial Buckler and ionian boots as your first 3 items/components as these get zilean to as high a cooldown reduction/ability haste as fast as possible which really helps his early game.

    For runes, Biotic has used the same runes to get to all the way to challenger in season 10, and plans to keep them the same for sesaon 11. Here is the page, with guardian keystone, resolve tree for safety and sorcery 2nd for the extra mana and cdr, with cdr adaptive and armor as the stats.

    submitted by /u/G0ldenfruit
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    How to Climb/Get better at League.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:53 PM PST

    Hey folks, I started League in March of 2020, got smashed into bronze, made some friends in high Elo's (GM/Chal), got some coaching from them, and made it to Platinum before the season ends.

    I see questions on how to improve all the time, so I thought I'd share the concept and building blocks you need to actually improve and climb in this game, whoever you are, whatever bracket you're in.

    From this point forward, I want you to think of league as a tower of lego's, Every-time you play league you're basically measuring your towers foundation and maximum height against your opponents. If your foundation is missing pieces of Lego's, you're tower will be easier to knock down and be more unstable at heights than those who's towers have more lego's in their foundation. Every-time you add a Lego to your foundation, the stronger your tower, every-time you add one to the top, the higher your tower.

    So here it is, the magic trick to doing it all in league. Mastery of the basics.

    What in the heck does this mean?

    It means you cannot build a tall tower and perform fancy flash faker outplays consistently at high elo (tall), if you do not have a strong foundation. (The basics.)

    So what are the basics?

    I've broken them up into a few categories I'm going to share with you; however, League resources and innumerable as is its player base and their own distinctions, so feel free to research and break it up how it best suits your mind and style.

    The basic pillars to your foundation are:

    -Gold Income

    -Vision/Map Awareness

    -Objective Control


    Each pillar can be broken down into dozens if not hundreds of basic building blocks. So I'll list a few for you, to get the general idea. When doing this, be as SPECIFIC as possible. Never generalize. (Aka Wave Manipulation is too general.)

    Gold income basics: (Break them down further into why, when, and how)


    -Playing pushed Under your own tower


    -Slow Pushing

    -Fast Pushing


    -Back timing

    -Kill Participation

    -Pathing for maximum farm efficiency


    Vision/Map Awareness basics: (Include why, when, how) -Pings

    -Ward Placement locations

    -Walk timers to those preferred ward locations from your lane

    -Frequency of mini-map checks

    -Buying control wards

    -Control Ward placement

    -Buying sweepers

    -Clearing wards

    -Buying Farsight

    -Farsight placement

    -Spawn timers

    -Walk time from base/lane to spawns at varying boot levels


    And the most coveted, and one of the most in depth...

    Combat basics: (again, when, why, how)

    -Lane Trading

    -Lane positioning

    -Mid/late Game trading

    -Mid/late game positioning

    -Auto Spacing

    -Ability dodging

    -Bush cheesing

    -Ability timers

    -Summoner timers

    -Composition synergy

    -Power Spikes


    When trying to improve, you should use the "drill down approach." The first thing is to self identify, don't blame your teammates. Pretend your faker, even if they're "bad" you can carry. So if you lost, why couldn't you go full faker and carry? Identify the pillar and drill it down to the basics. You lost because you couldn't win fights? Review video. Why did I lose fights? I got hit by skill shots so...Bad dodges? Spend 10-20 games focusing only on skill shot dodging. (Never work on two legos at once, it doesn't end well.)

    And that's it folks! Try to break everything down as specific as you can before you work on it. "I want to get better at lane trading" is not specific enough. Drill that down more like "I want to get better at autoing my opponent when they try to CS." "I want to get better at auto spacing always"

    By doing it one Lego at a time, being hyper specific, you'll find much more applicable information to you on your Google searches, and to be honest, you won't notice improvement immediately. It can feel bad. But if you keep doing it one block at a time, and always looking inside to see what you sucked at, you'll look at your rank one day when you login and wonder....

    "How the bloody hell did I get into Plat when I'm a scrub lord, I suck at this game?"

    Checks self stats. "Wtf I have chal vision, plat income, and master objective control, with silver combat. Wtf? How?"

    And it all just makes sense.

    Happy holidays, best of luck folks!

    PS: Huge Shoutout to my EUW coach and friend paralift. I couldn't have done it without him!

    submitted by /u/Tymazen
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    One thing still baffles me

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:27 PM PST

    How do grandmaster/master/challenger smurfs literally solo carry 1v9 every single low elo game? Low elo I mean from Iron to up until plat ( let's say. )

    I always try to farm up, have the most gold, get gold everywhere on the map that I can, always try to be near objectives to help my team or at least contest if I think it's worth and still it just doesn't matter.

    How do you 1v9 a game when your teammates feed their asses off? They ignore farm, they look for useless fights in the jungle with no objectives to fight around, always getting caught etc.

    Now I didn't say my game is perfect because it's FAR from even even great. Still, I have NO clue how do very high elo players do that consistently.

    Anyone mind taking a few minutes of their time to shed some light?

    submitted by /u/Wutroslaw
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    Any good educational content creators for ADC?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:02 PM PST

    I love watching people like NEACE & Foggedftw for educational top lane content.

    And a special shout-out to Coach Curtis for unbelievably high quality content on midlane.

    But I haven't been able to find content creators like these guys for ADC. Any good recommendations?

    submitted by /u/fraternize
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    How do you zone someone from XP without missing your own minions?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:41 PM PST

    I'm fine with freezing, but when I am ahead and try to zone people off of CS and XP they just walk away as I walk up to then and walk right back to the wave when I go to farm. And a lot of times I can't even engage them/punish them without breaking my freeze. Because once I hit them their minions focus me.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    At what time you should start to put pressure on map as toplaner?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:23 AM PST

    I've been hardstuck gold for years and got P4 but close to be demoted again.

    Usually I'm ok at laning phase, wave management and roam top side of river to get vision when wave is pushed towards enemy.

    If I spot enemy jungler topside I try to pressure him with few trades.

    That's how I finally reached P4 but I can't help enough the rest of map.

    A TP bot cost me tons of minions and turret plates and even if I get 2 assists I lose my advantage on top.
    Even worse when my tp just scares them and nothing happens.

    Is there a minimum time you should stay in your lane before starting helping others even you're ahead?

    What if i'm even or behind in lane?

    For example enemy adc was 6-0 in 8mins few games ago, I didn't know if I should save them with my Shen Ult or just ignore them because it would be useless saving them.

    submitted by /u/hu_simone
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    Matchups Spreadsheet/Document

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:22 PM PST

    Hey guys. I found some cool matchups guide on the internet, which said what runes to use, items, playstyle, matchup difficulty, etc. Porblem is that I barely can find this documents, and I only found Shen and Teemo. My question to you guys is where can I found more treasures like this? This really helps me troughout the game!

    Here are some examples: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Lx-_eCZLWDTOLbsDwMfJCFG-jkwdxvGbt8oUtF6Rx9U/edit#gid=0


    submitted by /u/di0g0_duarte
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    How to Play Out Teamfights as ADC

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Hi guys, My name is Eyez1l and I'm a high Diamond ADC player. I decided to make a guide on how to teamfight as an ADC, so here it is.

    Concept: You want to hit the highest priority target you can, while maintaining safety.

    How to choose priority, first thing you have to understand, is that priority is not static, depending on the type of summoners/abilities the enemy players have available, also how much HP, how fed they are and if they're CCed, priority can change. Ex: Fizz without E is is a way more important target then if he had E up.

    Now that we figured out that priority changes over the course of a game, how do we choose priority at a specific point in the game. You want to hit the target that is the easiest to kill and is the most dangerous to your team if left alive.Thankfully, in order to keep this game balanced, these two aspects, go hand-in-hand.( Vladimir says hi)

    Priority is really important, but let's not forget the second part of the concept, while maintaining safety, sometimes, you can't hit anyone and you have to wait out certain abilities, since if certain abilities are up, hitting anyone is not safe. Ex: Malph R,Annie R, Malz R.

    Anyway, here is the link to the video, in the first 1:30 I explain the concept I just explained here, then I go over 3 exemples of properly played out team fights and how this concept is applied in those fights.


    submitted by /u/eyezil
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    Confusion regarding how mmr works and my experiences with soloq

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:22 PM PST

    Hey all, just want to preface by saying im not trying to rant about my league experience or complain that im "stuck in losers queue" or whatever that means. Just trying to get a reason as to why this might be happening and get a better understanding of the mmr system and its mysterious ways.

    Recently, I had started playing soloq on this account (https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=keanu+chungus+l9) and for the past 20 ish games, I am getting pretty much full teams that are running it down. And I dont mean playing badly, I mean just straight up inting the game away.

    Some games I am able to get ahead enough to drag everyone across the finish line, but the games where I play anything below smurfing, its doomed. I understand I have a lot to improve, however I wanted to know how mmr works and how I can approach dealing with it.

    Anyway, I am a bit convinced that after so many games, it has to do something with mmr and not just to do with pure luck that my team is full of inters and trolls. Does anyone have an explanation as to why this might be happening? Thanks! Apologies if this is violating some rule on the subreddit.

    submitted by /u/ammoman21
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    Summary of Yuumi's strengths/weakneses?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:06 PM PST

    A friend of mine is trying to 'come around' on their Yuumi hate, and wants to know her strengths and weaknesses. I'm not an analytical player though -- I do what 'feels right' intuitively, and find it hard to summarize in words (especially later once it's done). I find it hard to tactically explain what I just do as second nature. ><

    Can someone provide a brief tl;dr of Yuumi's strengths and weaknesses (especially in lane, which is their primary concern) so I can send that to them?

    (Hopefully this will also be useful for anyone wanting to pick up Yuumi, as a basis for where to start.)

    submitted by /u/tigercule
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    Top lane macro

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:53 AM PST

    I'm very new to playing top lane so I'm kind of helpless at the macro play. I've kind of been one tricking Illaoi top lane so 9 times out of 10 I've dominated lane phase. But whenever the rest of my team falls behind I can't manage to pull the game back. What kind of macro play can I look to do in order to increase my win rate?

    submitted by /u/sadkinz
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    Where do people learn in-depth league content?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Is there a guide / video / forum where people learn things about the game that are a bit more advanced? Mostly things like really precise wave management, useful macro map movements or global game knowledge on when to do what (how to usefully transform small wins into steady leads, when to look for pics, how to aquire map control..). Coming from a platinum player who feels that he needs to extend his game knowledge in order to climb higher in ranked.

    submitted by /u/NesquikBoi
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    A guide on Katarina S11 Rune and Build options.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:22 PM PST

    What do i do if my lanes are camped/allowing themselves to be ganked

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:10 AM PST

    So i was playing against 2 Vi's in a row. I found her almost all the time on the other side from where i was, So logically i invade her jungle, Setup Vision etc. But the problem came up on both games that one of the lanes got perma ganked and i was way to far away to help. I was super ahead in farm but she snowballed way harder on me, I feel like i coulda helped the bot lane. I dont feel right just saying "oh stop allowing her to gank", I just feel i could do something about it instead of complaining. If you need more info please tell me

    submitted by /u/Hoodiehead
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    I feel like i can only climb with jungle, is my top play wrong?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:24 AM PST

    Hihi, i'm a hardstuck silver player who bounces back between s4 and s2 every week. my question is, I can play and win lane top, do to ganks and roam, but i consistently fine that it isn't enough, and i end up losing majority of my toplane games (which is the role i prefer). however, when I queue up for jungle, i consistently both perform well and win more games. i just...really...dislike jungle. i feel too pressured and it's a lot less fun for me to concentrate on so much. i feel like top just has so much less of an impact. i'm conflicted because i love toplane and playing riven etc but i can't climb, but i hate jung but can climb but it stresses me out/don't have fun

    point being, what can i do as a top laner to make sure i'm pressuring my lead and having impact so that we can win the game?

    summoner name : DanimalDanyal

    submitted by /u/StonefaceDanimal
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    Question about specific wave management scenario

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:09 AM PST


    You're a late game scaling champion, let's say Vladimir in this case, in the top lane. The enemy is a strong early game champion, let's say Renekton. You are behind on cs, the Renekton killed you once and your first turret is gone. So there is no way you can even come near the Renekton without possibly dying. Your jungler is pretty weak as well and you guys can't 2v1 him. Also let's say Renekton is not as strong to the point that he can tower dive you (I know know he easily can, but let's say he can't), so you are safe sitting just next to your tower.

    Now in this case do you either:

    - Try to freeze the wave near your second tower as much as possible and just farm up and try to scale? By doing so you have no pressure on the map at all. You allow the Renekton to just go wherever he pleases. He could gank mid, he could invade your jungler, he could take Herald etc.


    - As soon as a wave comes to you, push it as hard as possible so the Renekton has to keep coming top to farm the wave and not let it die to tower. Creating pressure so he can't just freely roam wherever he pleases (he has to play Mundo if he wants that).

    Now obviously this is all really situational, but let's keep it as average as possible. What would be the best thing to do?

    submitted by /u/IIIDzire
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