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    LoL Guide 5 Tricks You Must Know Before Playing Ashe [Educational]

    LoL Guide 5 Tricks You Must Know Before Playing Ashe [Educational]

    5 Tricks You Must Know Before Playing Ashe [Educational]

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 06:23 AM PST


    Hello everyone here is a video about Ashe, it is mainly aimed at people who haven't really played Ashe/ don't know much about her.

    It is a short video and straight the point so I hope you can follow along and not get lost. I hope I'm able to help anyone willing to try out Ashe

    submitted by /u/-CoachMarv
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    How do you beat nasus?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:39 AM PST

    So I ask this as for other top laners and for myself as a frequent nasus player. How do u beat him? No matter how bad he goes in lane, if you leave him alone for 10 minutes, he becomes an unkillable 1 shoting machine. And his early game isn't all that bad either. He has so much sustain from his passive and is one of the few champions that scale infinitely.

    So how do you beat him? The best thing I can think of is abuse him early, but the moment u leave him alone he starts scaling like crazy. And you can't stay in lane with him for 30 minutes or your team is sure to flame you for not helping.

    submitted by /u/UgandanFerdinand
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    Why do team fights break out randomly in low elo?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 11:10 AM PST

    Okay, so I'm in low elo s4, and I get so confused when a random team fight just happen on mid or anywhere on the map and I'm the one that gets blamed because I was on top getting towers or farming while drake is 2 minutes from spawning or something like this, and I just don't understand what are we even fighting for? A cannon minion? Like why does it even happen and how can I track when will it probably happen?

    submitted by /u/Zealousideal_Flan529
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    Ranked and normal anxiety. Can w etalk about that?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:08 AM PST

    Im not sure if anyone have experienced this but i have it now and lately. Ive been watching some youtube videos about it and it was first then i started to understand what was going on with me.

    Is there anyone else that have experience this? How did u get out of it or what did u do different? I really just wanna enjoy the game again but i feel So stuck..

    submitted by /u/Khanzay
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    How to farm as midlaner in mid/late game?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:33 AM PST

    When playing midlane without teleport i often find myself with this problem:

    The first turrets are down, a few drakes are taken and the classy aram starts happening. 2 or even 3 of my other teammates hang out in mid and do whatever they do. Usually this is the adc and the support, sometimes the jungler as well.

    The adc starts taking the midlane cs and everbody shares the midlane exp. Meanwhile the enemy midlaner sits under his tower and just clears the wave. Maybe with some help by his jungler.

    Now here is my problem: How am i supposed to get gold and exp in this situation? Most of the time i loose any gold/exp lead i had over the enemy midlaner because my team takes the resources from mid.

    When i go to bot and start farming there my team will most likely start a big fight while i am not there, loose because they have a numbers disadvantage and then spam ping me for farming bot. I also can't tp to join the fight because i am playing without tp. When i have tp, obviously this is not a problem.

    When i try to compensate by taking jungle camps my jungler rages at me for stealing 'his' camps.

    What ever i do it feels like the wrong move. So what can i do?

    submitted by /u/Crazkur
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    Challenger Mid Lane - Mirroring

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 11:50 AM PST


    Hey guys, I'm Azus. I'm currently 551LP Challenger, and I wanted to make a video based on mirroring. It's a very cool tip to know, it's mainly applied in mid lane however it can be applied to other lanes.

    Also, my flair is currently showing as Grandmaster. I think it's due to the flair system being currently down and not updating the current rank.

    More than happy to help people, thank you.

    submitted by /u/oxform
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    Are on-hit, late game builds (and adcs), a "trap"?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Hi. I'm an gold ADC main who really loves to play Kai'Sa, Vayne and Varus but... the more I play Tristana, Miss Fortune, Jhin and Caitlyn, more I think on-hit ADCs are pure garbage - until, of course, you get 6 items, which is where you'll start to shit on everyone's heads.

    The problem is that, to get to that point, you are basically late game insurance - you'll often lose lane prio to a Draven and Swain combo and you better pray your team doesn't give everything to the enemy.

    Taking Kai'Sa as an example, I'm finding way more success in building crit with her (i.e: ER > Guinsoo > Runaan > IE). I mean, yeah, I won't be that eldritch horror that preys upon the miserable souls in the 40min mark (muramana > guinsoo > full AP), but at least I can be a 5th player to my team until we get there.

    In short: I love the fantasy of bot late game monstruosities because the champions that benefit of it are cool, but I just hate how by doing that, in practice, you're just useless 90% of the games.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/StandoPowa_
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    Jungle Camp Patience Map

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:25 PM PST


    Hi! I'm a new jungle main. I was looking for a map that showed the approximate ranges of the patience of each camp but couldn't find anything. So I made one myself!

    Each line indicates the general distance each camp can go before they start losing patience. The monster can sit on the line and attack you but if you go too close to the end of their attack range they will start losing patience.

    EDIT: I'll be making another one once the jungle changes come out :)

    submitted by /u/lol_lauren
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    How do I keep up my CS after laning phase as a mid lane mage?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:57 AM PST

    When I play something like Ekko mid, after laning phase I'm able to fairly safely go to side waves to catch farm and keep up my CS numbers. However, when I play something like Orianna I can't necessarily go to a side lane to CS since I'm incredibly immobile and liable to get picked off.

    Of course I can always farm the mid wave, but more often than not it seems that the ADC will hang mid after laning phase since they also can't safely be in a side lane. This results in us fighting over CS and splitting them, lowering both our CS numbers.

    So like the title says, how do I go about keeping my CS up on a mid lane mage after the laning phase? Do I need to work on side lane wave management so that the opponent minions will be pushing towards my base where I can farm them safer? Do I need better deep wards so I can farm the side lane more safely? Do I need to yell at my ADC to gtfo of my lane?

    I just can't wrap my brain around it, so any tips are much appreciated!


    It seems these are the answers:

    1. Have good wards in the jungle of where the enemy could flank the side lane. Ideally you want support and jg help but even without them a yellow and pink ward would help tons for this.

    2. Have good map awareness so you have a sense of where the enemy is and know when you need to back off. So for example if you're farming bot side and you can see their top laner top but the other four members have been missing for 10 seconds you probably need to leave.

    3. Once you've done 1 and 2 keep track of objectives so that you're continuing to gain resources when there's nothing to fight over, and also so you're not off farming when you need to be with your team to fight.

    4. Take jungle camps but don't be a dick to your jungler.

    5. Wave management on side lanes so you can freeze them, or to set them up for later when they push back to you.

    Thank you everyone, now I just need to put all this into practice.

    submitted by /u/TheRealSlimSaady
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    High Resolution Images of Top, Mid, Bot, and all of Summoner's Rift

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Hi /r/summonerschool!

    For the millionth time in 10 years I was looking for high res images of lanes. This time I got annoyed enough they weren't there that I want them to exist on the internet. Here: https://imgur.com/a/LI5vKwx

    Useful for making reference images for yourself, team discussion, youtube content, whatever.

    submitted by /u/Totobean
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    Help me understand how to split push without crashing the team with no survivors

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:57 AM PST

    I'm a Gold Top Camille player, and i've come to almost exclusively split-push during the game. If i finish the game 2/3 or 8/6, then 99% of my KDA was during the lanning phase, or some fight during my split push. Sometimes it works, like when the enemy team lost a opportunity to do Baron because i was at their T3 tower, but other times, i can't even touch their T1 tower.

    I know very well that there are 100 differents ways to do split push, but how can i, in Gold Elo, do it in a efficient way that doesn't make me lose the game and get 4 reports? Are there any tricks, or tips o should be aware of?

    submitted by /u/Proxy115
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    I feel like maining Talon for years made me a bad player

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 12:24 PM PST


    I'm gold since season 6, main Talon. What usually happens every single season is that i get gold spamming Talon, usually with 60%+ win rate. Later on the season I eventually get bored and start playing other champions (mostly assassins who can roam, I love that play style) but I genuinely fucking suck.

    I mean even with champions like Qiyana or Katarina, which more or less match Talon strengths (Talon is easier in lane), I'm literally TERRIBLE. Let's don't even talk about LeBlanc (I swear I tried hard to learn her but hey, 35% win rate or something lol)

    Lately I'm testing new champions because I want to find an overall fun and strong champion to focus on, in season 11 (I'm learning Zed right now), but I feel like every tip / trick / knowledge I've learnt during these years are hard to transfer when playing other champions.

    Is this normal? Is Talon specific?

    submitted by /u/kidsshouldntdodrugs
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    Climbing - Carry or Consistency?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Is climbing in league more about consistency or carrying (or both)? I'm attempting to hit plat before next season, but struggling with feeding teammates.

    I play Sett top primarily. Easy to play champ, never lose my lane, never feed my lane even when countered. I'm consistent.

    However, I don't carry in terms of damage. I have good initiations, or peel for my carries. Obviously, there is more I could be doing and many will respond to this with you can do X or Y. Totally understand that, but I'm looking for a solution or goal to aim for in terms of champ pool/playstyle for next season.

    I guess I want to hear from those who have hit Dia or above. Is climbing more about playing consistent or do you feel like you need to carry in terms of damage/pressure in order to climb?

    submitted by /u/alan-dev-ramsey
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    What are your best tips for me to do that last bit of climb at the end of the season?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:54 PM PST

    I'm looking to get back to plat for that sweet victorious chroma. I primarily mained Khazix this season but I feel like I had a hard time climbing with him because his weak earlygame as a jungler meant there was almost no opportunity to impact the map during the first 10 minutes of the game making him incredibly reliant on his team not fucking up during the earlygame. Jungle is also the role I played the most, even though I have decent experience on everything else I tried as well.

    Afterwards I tried different things. I had some successes with Fiora and Shen Top with the occasional Sion or Riven game and briefly picked up Annie mid but my games still always felt super coinflippy. I am mechanically quite sound at all the champions I played. Even complex ones like Riven, however I feel like my macrogame has been lacking and I havent been as impactful or able to win lane as frequently as I'd wish to due to it.

    Any general tips on how to be more effective or get some quick elo in gold?

    submitted by /u/AnAngryYordle
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    Teemo Top rune help

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:43 PM PST

    Wondering which tunes are best for teemo in the domination tree? I am Running PTA with don secondary. I have ravenous hunter but I'm stuck between taste of blood (I think is the best) cheap shot (feel like it's not all that useful) and sudden impact (maybe some cheese from out fo stealthing?). I'd appreciate all the help

    submitted by /u/KarateKidDBoy
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    How to deal with mid/late game teammates refuse to utilize advantage from early gamr?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 03:58 PM PST

    I am jungle player and recently started to play early game bullies - Lee Sin and Graves. Usually I am invading and doing great, take a lead in a jungle, contest and take objectives - have more gold and lvl than enemy jungle. At the same time help with other lanes, and not a rare situation when I end with solid positive score to 10 or 15min. The issue that people in my team refuse to push, siege towers and etc. Feels like they just don't want to finish game when we have advantage in exp and gold. And, as expected, everyone from my team (sometimes include me) start to make mistakes and die for nothing, what leads to lost game. How can I deal with it? Pickup mid/late game jungle champion and scale? I've read it's normal situation at low elo (silver II), and close to high gold situation will change a bit. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/pemens
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    If there's an invisible champion on the map, or someone with high mobility like Rek'Sai, Lee Sin, Talon, Leblanc, Zed -- You HAVE to act like they're always in your lane.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 03:01 PM PST

    I can't count how many times I've watched laners just hard feed a champion like this simply because they don't know how to play into it.

    These are roaming, ganking champions. That is their strength, it is what they do. They shove their wave and gank a side lane, or they clear their jungle super fast and just gank repeatedly early because they're worthless late game.

    That's the key. They fall off incredibly hard late game unless they're giga fed. So that should spell out pretty simply what the counterplay is to them. Don't let them get fed!

    These champions are WORTHLESS mid-late if they don't get ahead. So if you play the early game super safe, pull your wave, freeze, and don't take any trades you can't be 100% you're going to win -- they just starve. They don't get the gold they need to be effective. "Well then they just roam bot and get a double." -- then your bot lane wasn't playing safe. That's all there is to it. Point blank, period. Every laner in the game should be playing like there's a LeBlanc/Shaco/Zac/Etc. in the game that can show up wherever, whenever. Not just their opposing laner -- EVERYONE. So if you're playing the way you should, and your bot lane is shoved into the enemy tower and dies to LeBlanc -- that's on them. I mean -- unless you're in Iron or Bronze, you should know LeBlanc wants to roam. Common knowledge. Play accordingly.

    "Just ward for them and I can play however I want."


    I've seen the wards people drop in the river bush and think they're just invincible as long as that ward is there. That ward is useless against these champions. They can just blink, dash, or jump over it, or go around it. It is absolutely worthless. If you want to ward for these champions you have to ward in their jungle, on their camps, or in weird places in the river they wouldn't expect or sweep.

    If you see a shaco or a zac or a rek'sai on your river bush ward -- you're already dead. You just haven't died yet. Same goes for things like LeBlanc, Talon, Fizz, etc.

    "Well I can just outplay them"

    Yeah maybe. Maybe not. Why risk it? Why not just play back, play safe, and win the 4v5 later in the game? Why not just choke them out? Its 100x more consistent.

    Oh -- Draven is another one I didn't mention. Same thing. Literally just play the lane as passive as you can and don't give him anything to work with, and he's worthless. Its that simple. Just don't die to him, and you win.

    Why do you think he's so rarely picked in pro play? He is 100% dependent on either his enemy laners being stupid enough to fight him, or jungle intervention -- which you'll never see in solo queue on any consistent basis. If Draven gets no jungle help, and you just simply never fight him unless your jungler is around and its free -- you win the lane by default.

    You don't have to go hyper-aggro in every lane you ever play. You don't have to fight every opportunity you see to fight. Sometimes the smarter option is to just kick back, relax, put your blue jeans and flannel on, and just farm for a while.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Jungle invading help

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Hello, I play Yi, Kha, Lee, and Sej in jungle and have been doing really well with them. However, one thing that I don't know how to deal with is when you can't 1v1 the enemy jungler and they counter jungle you 24/7.

    For example, one champ that counters everyone I play is Vi. Last night I was playing Yi into a Vi and things were going pretty well, cleared red side and helped mid from not being first blood to a Yasuo. Then I went to my blue side but my gromp and blue were gone with no sign of Vi. Also, before minions spawned I had asked top to ward my blue since I know that Vi's counter jungle is strong and I can't fight her early. I probably missed her somehow but she continued to do it until she was level 7 and had a massive farm lead on me.

    I play Yi pretty aggressively, so I focused on objectives and ganking since I couldn't stop the Vi's counter-jungle other than warding my blue side. So my question is, what could I have done here? Is vertical jungling the answer? I know it's weird to explain it since this isn't a VOD review but since I couldn't really help my teammates that much because of my jungle being invaded 24/7 and loss of XP, what should I have done and what should I do in the future if this occurs again?

    Any feedback would be much appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/SmallChiliDog
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    How do you counter fed ADC's?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 01:43 PM PST

    I experienced this multiple times but I still don't know how to play against it. I was pretty fed and I was playing against an ADC who was equally fed and levels lower. I flashed in and did my entire combo well as Riven and yet they still won against me by healing. I even built crit on riven. Not only riven but every single time there is a fed ADC I can't do anything. Even building armor in that game did nothing. How do I counter this?

    submitted by /u/TrepidationTD
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    Is it worth it to ignite someone just to push them out of lane?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 01:13 PM PST

    I've seen a few clips of this happening to some streamers where they get harassed and ignited by their lane opponent. The ignite seems to always drop them below at least 100 or so, and they seem to be tilted off the fact they have to either recall or force to farm in kill range. Is it ever worth it to ignite knowing you won't get the kill?

    submitted by /u/DryBreadLoaf
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    Go in or dont?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 06:56 AM PST

    After reading and posting some posts i feel i play better but still cant win games but i feel okay with it cause no one can win all games. But biggest question is when my team trying to fight in mid/late game even we cant win that fights and i never know what do to because if i dont go help my team they lose and enemies gets free gold and objectives and if i go help my team and we lost that fight we can lose whole game cause enemies can end or do baron when we dont have inhibs and its impossible to deff baron with underfed teamamtes.

    EDIT: Btw i am looking for someone who can help me improve. :P

    submitted by /u/Fidnlol
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    How do I punish the enemy properly when freezing with champions with AoE skills? (that would inevitably break the freeze)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 12:33 PM PST

    Hello, I'm a relatively new player (6 months playing) who mostly plays toplane, otp Garen but I also play other easy toplaners like Nasus, Sett, Malph, Morde or Darius. Since I've started playing I've watched and read millions of guides, and also have been given a lot of advice by more veteran friends, even watching and coaching my games.

    One of the most common advice they give me when playing toplane is to freeze the lane, as I'm usually playing bully champions like Garen, Darius or Morde. However, I rarely end up freezing and struggle to get kills (and deny cs) because I keep letting them farm under tower, as I never manage to freeze properly.

    My main issue with freezing is simple. I know how to freeze. I need around 4 more caster enemy minions alive than mine to keep it. This obviously depends on the distance from the towers and the type of minions, I know that. That's not my issue.

    My problem is, once I set up the freeze, I end up just letting the enemy farm freely, and even hit me sometimes (which is bad because he has more minions), unless my jungler is near to gank. I know I should punish them, but I don't. Why? Because then I'd break the freeze.

    Example: I'm Garen vs Nasus. Classic matchup for me. I set up a freeze. Nasus walks up to try to Q a minion. I try to punish him with my Q into E combo. Unless I have ult, I won't kill him with just that, even with ignite. And I will have broken the freeze because of my E AoE damage. So the wave will push into his tower, he will farm freely and even get that HP back since he is Nasus.

    I have this similar problem with stuff like Darius Q, Morde Q, Sett W and E (to a lower extent tho).

    What am I doing wrong? I can't really drag the fight outside the minions, or at least not always, so it's really frustrating.

    submitted by /u/Jiro_7
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    Jungle fights 1v1

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:58 AM PST

    I recently came back after 5 years so while familiar i am quite new to certain concepts and shiet.

    I main jungle, most games go well, some don't, especially solo queue.

    My biggest problem is that a lot of times, early game i meet the enemy jungler and I can easily 1v1 him and get away with health to steal his camps. The problem is, his teammates always show up from god knows where to help them, while i dont get pinged or helped at all by my teammates. What should i do in this situations. Just disengage if i believe i might get 2v1?

    Anyway to let my teammates know i'm fighting in jg without typing so that they engage their laners or at least keep an eye on them?

    submitted by /u/Azgabeth
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