• Breaking News

    Friday, November 20, 2020

    League of Legends Cloud9 Welcomes Perkz

    League of Legends Cloud9 Welcomes Perkz

    Cloud9 Welcomes Perkz

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:01 AM PST

    G2 LoL Roster Announcement

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Welcome WildTurtle to CLG

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:04 PM PST

    FlyQuest | Bienvenido Josedeodo!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 01:03 PM PST

    Thank You, Martin | FNATIC Rekkles Farewell

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Leona 0/10 1v1 Lucian ADC

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:16 PM PST

    Welcoming Alphari & Santorin to our 2021 Roster

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:00 AM PST

    Bwipo twitlonger on Thorins rant

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:30 AM PST


    I'm going to write down the statements that lead me to believe generalization of the Korean community was happening. An explanation will come after compiling the statements that I believe are relevant to me stating that there was generalization of the Korean community.

    Thorin goes on about his point to come to the conclusion that "In Korea, they don't fuck with gay people, they don't fuck with them". Which I interpret as "Koreans don't want any business with gay people".

    Thorin argues that in Korea people have an unspoken discrimination to find ways to seperate or push gay people out of their workplaces.

    Thorin mentions that the number one religion in Korea is Christian. "They're like the old-school Christians. They're not going on "your" values", referring to American values. Thorin puts emphasis on the fact that The Bible is "pretty strict about that shit" referring to homosexuality.

    Thorin explains that there has been a large amount of vitriol towards LS, which leads him to believe that there's more to it than worried fans that are discussing LS his capabilities.

    This vitriol spilled over into Discord, where people "don't have their public faces on".

    Thorin explains that the reasons for this vitriol are because LS is a "foreigner and gay".

    Thorin claims that openly condemning homophobia would turn Korean fans against the organisation and enrage said Korean fans because Korean fans would react with "What's wrong with that, like, in Korea we can just be like that".

    Thorin claims Western fans would never tolerate not condemning homophobia so T1 is in the middle of a difficult situation.

    Finally, there is the point where Thorin comes to say that he's only talking about the most mental fans and that there are loads of fans in the middle that just have their own opinion on the game.

    Thorin explains he lived there two years, and how he doesn't claim to be an expert on Korean culture. He read a bunch of books about people that wrote about the Korean mind, Korean culture.

    At this point I've gathered enough from the video to explain why I believe the content of this podcast generalized Korean culture.

    For me, it comes down to the fact that Thorin can't have been talking about "the most mental fans" given the nature of his arguments. Unless Thorin has information that to my knowledge isn't public, about who was spreading this vitriol and hatred.

    I'm going to go ahead and go out on a limb to say Thorin does NOT have this information.

    How is it possible that Thorin knows these specific mental fans "don't fuck with gay people"? Isn't it possible these so called mental fans have gay friends and or family? How can Thorin establish their religious choices? Where is it stated that they are "old-school Christians"? How do these arguments come into play if we are talking specifically about this subset of fans?

    The fact that I let Thorin go on about this rant without interrupting him and demanding reasoning as to why these arguments are relevant to the discussion at hand is why I admit responsibility. I sat there and listened, even nodded. That's unacceptable to me, and I am sorry. I am uneducated on the matters in Korean culture, which is why I didn't speak out. I only managed to reach an understanding of the situation after closely listening to the podcast again myself. I am sorry for my incompetence in this regard.

    The reason why I should have spoken out is because these arguments are irrelevant when referring to the "mental fans" because Thorin to my knowledge cannot prove that these fans "don't fuck with gay people" OR are old-school Christian. Thorin just assumes so in his speculation, which is based on generalization. And whilst assuming he rants about Korean culture.

    All this seems like valid grounds to call out "generalization of Korean culture when voiced by other people" as stated in my apology.

    I was mostly referring to Thorin in my statement. This is why this statement is aimed towards Thorin, as he has decided to burn bridges with me under the notion that I am appeasing to "the liars who am to do the careers of me and my friends harm unjustly". I am not appeasing to anyone other than my own sense of fairness. I was told that the generalization of the Korean fans and culture is what bothered reasonable fans in my original message to my fans, in the first message I drafted to them. I felt like an apology was fair, especially given that I had made the same error originally.

    Thorin also accused me of being a liar in a PM. I am not a liar. I repeat, I am not appeasing to anyone or anything other than my own sense of fairness.

    Finally, I will end my statement by stating that I believe IWillDominate did not generalize Korean culture. I apologize to him for not making that clearer. My focus was on the content of the podcast, and I failed to specify who overstepped in my opinion.

    I appreciate Bwipo and his contributions to the community. He went out of his way to call out both T1 and Thorin when he could have just as well stayed quiet.

    submitted by /u/shojmaarensum
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    According to Carlos, Rekkles has signed with G2 for the next 3 years.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:28 AM PST

    This is the tweet in which he says it.

    Signing for 3 years really shows how committed Rekkles is to G2 because it makes returning to Fnatic any time soon almost impossible. By the time this contract expires, Rekkles will be 27 years old and likely past his prime.

    submitted by /u/UndercoverEel
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    CLG parts ways with Stixxay

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 12:33 PM PST


    Champion. Teammate. Always CLG.

    Thank you @Stixxay for your legendary career on CLG.

    As a CLG fan myself, it's bittersweet to see him go. I'll always remember his role in the 2016 squad and wish him the best in the future.

    submitted by /u/Usteen
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    Upset to Fnatic, per Esportsmaniacos

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:12 AM PST


    Upset will be Fnatic's ADC in 2021, per Yuste from Esportsmaniacos.

    According to my information, Upset would be the preferred option to enter Fnatic next season. Players prefer it for being a more versatile and safe option than anything else that is free on the market.

    🇬🇧 Upset to Fnatic, guys!

    submitted by /u/Diet_Fanta
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    Bwipo wont be appearing on Crack Down or Summoning Insight anymore.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 03:07 AM PST

    Thorin just announced on Twitter that Bwipo will be blacklisted from his content

    Since Bwipo insisted on publicly siding with the liars I'll do this publicly too. His name is added to the blacklist. You won't see me appear in content with him.

    Fuck anyone who appeases liars who aim to do the careers of me and my friends harm unjustly!

    This is likely comes as reaction to parts of Bwipos Twitter longer where he stated.

    The third error, was not standing up for the Korean people that are not homophobic, racist, or anything remotely close during a recent podcast aired on the 18th of November. I was present in a podcast where statements that could be construed as such were discussed. I am uneducated on the subject, and lack knowledge of the culture to discuss such a matter. However, this is no excuse to sit there and accept the generalization of Korean culture when voiced by other people. Though I had already understood that before making this statement, I have failed on this front during the podcast. I apologize.

    This can be seen from Thorins retweets of these 2 tweets Here and Here

    As a viewer this kind of drama is always sad to see because Bwipo has always been entertaining guest on shows.

    submitted by /u/MrPraedor
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    Travis Gafford on projected TSM 2021 roster

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 01:02 PM PST


    Here's what Travis thinks the 2021 roster for TSM looks like. What are your guys' thoughts? According to him the Swordart deal still has a small chance to go through, but it's looking very bleak. Aside from that, it looks like the AD will be between Doublelift or Lost, and TSM has about a 50% chance to secure Huni as well as Palette as their replacement support.

    submitted by /u/jacobtredd00
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    K/DA - DRUM GO DUM ft. Aluna, Wolftyla, Bekuh BOOM (Official Concept Video - Starring Bailey Sok)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Jack on Breaking the Bank for Perkz - Talk to Thorin (LoL)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Huge appreciation thread for Flyquest

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:26 PM PST

    With so many teams filtering through unwanted International talent and not giving rookies a shot Flyquest lost their entire world's roster and managed to not only bring in a quality roster but its also a roster with 4 NA players and 1 young LAN player.

    2 really hyped up rookies to add onto. If we as fans of North America want to see more rookies get chances and more domestic talent then we NEED to show support when a franchise decides to do it and honestly there isn't a single org thats better to do it. Flyquest has been a class act in this community with their Charity actions and they've treated all their players the way they should be treated.

    For anyone who is looking for a team to support please look into Flyquest!

    submitted by /u/SoupySpud
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    Freeze becomes new Assistant Coach for 100 Thieves

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST


    Welcome @FreezeLoL as our new LCS Assistant Coach!

    Freeze joins us from EU with both coaching and pro play experience. Coupling his game knowledge with confidence in growing individual players, his contribution will guide us in reaching new heights this season.

    New assistant coach for 100 Thieves. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Falconhero123
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    Sources: Chovy to remain in the LCK for 2021

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:46 AM PST

    Korean E-sports writer Min-seop Yoon has reported that Chovy will remain in the LCK for the upcoming year of 2021. It's been told that he has dedicated to once again shoot for the Summoner's Cup with a Korean team. Which specific team he is signing with, however, is yet to be known.

    Min-seop Yoon has been one of the most credible sources of transfer market rumors this year, having been the first to report the surprising transfer of Zefa and Daeny to T1.

    Full article (Korean) at : https://sports.news.naver.com/news.nhn?oid=005&aid=0001383131

    submitted by /u/danielkwonwu
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    Farewell Forg1ven.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:17 AM PST


    Well it was about time this happened anyways . Dude was getting paid to sit the majority of his contract and talk about the past . Do you think any team would like to try him out or does he have nuclear heat right now ?
    He case is a really curious one . There are always people willing to hype him up even though we have not seen anything of value in the previous years .

    Who knows, maybe we are going to see his redemption arc soon .

    submitted by /u/BongZeraa
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    Washington Post Story: "The enduring and ongoing legacy of Bjergsen"

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Today Ocelote talked about the Perks situation on Esportmaniacos.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:17 AM PST

    Questions started here

    Mellado: I have a question, Perks renews his contract for 2 years knowing that he is going to play as ADC.

    Ocelote: mmm

    Yuste: That's the question.

    Ocelote: Yes.

    Yuste: And change his mind later, because some personal issues?

    Ocelote: No no no, don't start with crap like the dramas in spain(farandula), don't do that shit to me, there is no drama, there is nothing, the kid wanted to play mid, and he is going to play mid

    Yuste: But he resign knowing that he is going to plays as ADC, and 6 months laters, says i don't want to plays as ADC

    Ocelote: Exactly, welcome to the life of a professional player, with ups and downs, covid, without leaving home, suddenly your father dies, think about this things.

    The people doesn't have perspective, dude the people lack of perspective , they only think about whats is in front of them "ohh perks want to leave" and they made their owns conclusions in their minds, this has been a rough year, if the kid wanted a change of air, the kid is my friend and he will get a change of air

    Sorry about my english

    submitted by /u/LucianStoleMyElo
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    When Rekkles talked about Caps leaving on steam - foreshadowing

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:55 AM PST


    Rekkles said that caps left because he saw problems in the team and his ultimate goal was to win. He had emotional intelligence to understand that his friend was right for leaving him, because he just wanted to achieve his goal. At first I doubted that he would ever leave FNC, but this man has put his goal of winning a world title above anything else, he's always been one of the most committed players. We need to give this man the credit he deserves, leaving the money and comfort of FNC to achieve his goal, probably the most difficult decision of his life. I'll be cheering for him and G2 from Cali.

    submitted by /u/Danky_Rex
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    Some Chinese reactions to Rekkles joining G2

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:16 PM PST

    Source: https://twitter.com/LnlyHikikomori/status/1329886126207889411

    s8 2.0

    Rekkles x Candice ship is no more [since no LPL Reki]

    First glance, I thought this is fake news

    Caps: Finally, I was waiting for you~

    F***, I thought he would come to LPL

    Rekkles: Caps, All Encounters are Long-separation Reunion [Reference to Bai Luomei's famous book's title]

    [Image from GoT] "What do we say to the God of ADC?" "Welcome to G2, Mr. Rekkles"

    Why don't just buy FNC?

    Next, G2 announces, that they will be renamed to FNC

    Waiting for G2 Selfmade next year

    My favourite player went to my favourite team!

    Double C from 2018 is back together! Never thought I would see it! [Rekkles' Chinese name is Cheng, hence the double C]

    submitted by /u/ActiveLow6
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    Official Announcement: LIMIT joins Schalke 04 Esports for the 2021 LEC Season!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Meet LCK announcer Yoon Su-bin, who shares her appreciation for LoL and her job: "I was unsure if I was allowed to be this happy on my way to work"

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:28 AM PST

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