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    Friday, November 6, 2020

    LoL Guide Switched from adc to top lane and i started to actually enjoy the game and win(story)

    LoL Guide Switched from adc to top lane and i started to actually enjoy the game and win(story)

    Switched from adc to top lane and i started to actually enjoy the game and win(story)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 01:22 AM PST

    I would consider myself a decent player even though i never grinded ranked much because i would just get exhausted after 3 games. Recently i decided to switch regions because i wanted to play with my friends irl, so i got my account to level 30 grinding through smurf queue in normals which is torture because i get a plat 4 smurf and enemy gets rank 8 player but whatever. I knew adc was in a really bad spot right now in terms of carrying games but i didn't expect it to be this bad. I had to insanely tryhard to not lose games in gold and any game where my support was autofilled or playing really passive was just a flip to see if the enemy team ended before my item spikes. I had a negative winrate on my main champion(Twitch) and it was honestly depressing. I was starting to think i just suck at the game but then i went into some normals to play mordekaiser because i had just read his lore and it was super cool. I didnt know solo carrying this hard was possible. Nearly the entire outcome of the match is dependent on my performance, and i am no longer losing to players below my rank but actually winning very hard against people MUCH higher than my rank which just feels great. I have now started playing ranked again as a top lane main this time, playing jax, morde and camille with a winrate of %85 and right now it's going like how it should have went the first time. My account is no longer in smurf queue because i lost so much on adc so i'm waiting for the season to end as to not ruin any games. So here is my advice, if you main adc and you feel like you are playing good but not winning any games, try some other roles.

    TL;DR: Negative winrate on a new account below my rank, not having fun, not winning. Switched roles from adc to top, winrate is the highest it has ever been and i love playing the game now

    ADC2020 Lul

    submitted by /u/cestrrl
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    I played 10+ SoloQueue games a day for the last 10 days and here is what I learned.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 07:21 AM PST

    DISCLAIMER: My english is not the best. I hope everything is well readable.

    I know that some people like Tyler1 do this alot and it's nothing special to them, but for me and most other league players this is not very common. Usually I would play around 20 Ranked games a week if not less.

    So I wanted to challenge myself for the final 15 days of the Season and see if I learn something from grinding as much as I can. Basically If i wasn't cooking/eating/sleeping, I would grind Ranked nonstop.

    Some people maybe ask why I would even consider doing this challenge, since it's commonly know that playing this much is not very productive (I will get into that later).

    The main Reason was my Ranked anxiety. You see before this challenge, I was Diamond 1 around 50LP and I started having serious Ranked anxiety (since I was so close to Master which would have been a new peak rank.)

    That ranked anxiety caused me to play less and less. At one point I felt really rusty and just overwhelmed since my warmup game was my only game that day. I felt like I really lacked pracitce.

    I wanted to break free of this Ranked anxiety so that's how it all started.

    The Following 10 Days I kept grinding game after game. 1pm-2am with food breaks inbetween.

    The results? I played a total of 119 Ranked Games over the last 10 Days. I won 45 games and lost 74. Which is a winrate of under 40%.

    I went from Diamond 1 50ish LP all the way down to Diamond 4 0LP, completely destroying my Rank and my soloqueue winrate.

    Now from these results you maybe think my conclusion is that this whole challenge was a huge mistake and I regret not sticking to one game a day and ending the season around Diamond 1.

    However that was never the purpose of this challenge. While it is true that I really wanted to reach Masters, I wanted to break free of my ranked anxiety and look to learn as much as possible. So here is the aftermath:


    The biggest one is, my ranked anxety is pretty much gone. I feel way more confident, since this whole challenge actually made me improve alot as a player.

    I became alot better mechanically and I mean alot. My laningphase got much better and I ended up winning most lanephases and did less and less mechanical missplays.

    I set myself new goals for reach games and I could see myself slowly reaching those

    However the one change I feel the best about is that I feel more knowledgable about the game. Playing this much actually teaches you alot if you don't do it mindlessly. Some examples of things I learned about the game as a Toplaner are:

    • It's not just about having a lead, it's about using that lead to get as deep pressure as possible
    • Being ahead yourself does not matter, if you dont manage to get your whole team ahead by the end of the game. You will always lose if you are the only one strong.
    • Greeding for dragons that you can't get is the biggest throw.
    • Ping your teammates where you are, so they don't fight at dragon 1 minute before it spawns when you are on the way.
    • Dont be too late to objectives.
    • Toplane is 90% about how well you play around junglers/gank pressure and move to crabs.
    • Rift herald is OP

    Now this sounds good and all, now lets get into the cons.


    The biggest one was definetly my mental. It took a huge hit during this time. I can definetly relate to Tyler1 spamming ff the whole game.

    While I wasn't really toxic, I had a extremely negative mindset. My bot loses, my mental would see the game as lost.

    I also kept playing eventho I was extremely hungry/tired at times, which wasn't a very nice feeling.

    Ontop of that I had many games where I just Autopiloted due to being so stressed out and just playing nonstop. After a few Games I completely lost focus and only saw the Time of the season left.

    This whole Autopiloting caused me to do many mistakes eventho I was aware of them. For example getting ganked at extremely obvious times.

    Honestly If I didn't plan this whole challenge, this could really screw someone over mentally for a longer period. The amount of stress this caused can really be harmful.

    Aaaand obviously I lost over 300Lp. That's a big con.


    Many people would see this challenge as a failure and honestly when I demoted to Diamond 4 I was seeing it as a failure myself. I can't lie. Eventho the goal of this challenge wasn't to rank up I still wanted to reach Masters Inside. But each day I got further and further away from my goal.

    However I am actually glad I did this whole thing. I am glad I finally put myself out of my comfort zone and beat my ranked anxiety.

    If you look at it shortterm, yes it was a failure. However I think it's a great longterm investment. I learned alot and this all gave me a ton of confidence.

    However, I could have reached the same results just playing a few games a day but being consistent with them. My problem was that my Ranked anxiety caused me to take many days off ranked if not weeks.

    However If you want to learn as much as possible in as little time as possible, yes then this is a way.

    I think if i could make it so close to Master before this challenge, that after this whole thing. I definetly have what it takes to make the push for Masters ..... Just not this Season .... and not with 10 games a day.

    I actually am still shocked how far I dropped since my MMR actually tried to help me staying in higher rank. When i was D1 I got +19 LP and when I demoted to D2 0LP I got +23 for a win. My guess Is that if your MMR is better, the system makes it harder for you to win. (just a guess) Since everytime I had bad MMR in the past, I ended up winning way more games.

    With all that said, I for sure wont ever do this again. Eventho it taught me alot, the constant stress of soloqueue is simply not worth it.

    I have mad respect for each professional player who does this daily for years. Because I couldn't last more than 10 Days.

    Next season I am probably gonna play around 3-4 games a day. Aslong as I do it consistantly and daily. It should should make sure I stay in shape without stressing myself out like this.

    After all this tho, I need some time off my PC and definetly time off ranked and just have fun In preseason occasionally. I am way too burned out to even play another SoloQueue game this Season. Altho I probably need to hide my account from my friends, since I have never ended a Season in D4 before :<

    However there is one big lession I learned from this, that I wish I respected more in school. Its actually even a life lession.

    This is why we don't study for an exam the last week. Your mark still wont be great and you are much better off just studying over a longer time with less effort at a time.

    If you are more interested about the Quality > Quantity topic, I highly recommend you check out Dr.K's Video about how he valued Quality > Quantity while studying in Medschool.

    You could even compare it to working out, since it's commonly known that working out too much wont really help you and you can reach even results if you work out less but consistantly.

    Do I recommend to try this at home? No

    Was it worth it? Hell yes it was.

    submitted by /u/Renaaaaaaa
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    Does everyone play on a smurf account?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Every single match I am the worst player by a large margin. I'm level 50, but that's mostly AI games and a lot of URF. I have about 100 normal games played.

    Being new, I expect to suck. I'm learning a lot every game, but damn is it frustrating.

    When all 10 people are like level 40-60 I think "ok people are new like me." But no one else is. They all have way more understanding than me. I get flamed constantly.

    I study and practice as much as I play. Tons of YouTube and reddit trying to learn macro. But there's no way other people are as new as me and know what they know. I'd expect a few savants to pick it up fast, but everyone?

    I don't understand, are there seriously no new players? Has every been playing for multiple seasons and I'm the only one that's not on a secondary account?

    How do I get into games with other new players so I can learn against people my same skill level?

    submitted by /u/sweablol
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    I went from Iron III to Gold IV this year

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 01:06 PM PST

    I started playing ranked about a year ago. Otherwise, I played sparingly back in 2013.

    I forced myself to learn the ADC role in ranked by spamming Jhin and Miss Fortune. I was so bad, and would get flamed by my teammates in the majority of games. I maintained around a ~30% win rate for quite some time. After a whole year of learning by playing every role in normals and playing ADC/jungle in ranked, I was able to reach gold last night. 303 wins later.

    I would love to share experiences I've had if it could help anyone climb as well. It's been a long journey and it feels great to hit my goal just a few days before the season ends. My summoner name is pmane, in NA.

    submitted by /u/sandote
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    My tips for getting out of Bronze/Silver/Gold And Improving in General

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Hey guys! I've used this subreddit occasionally and really enjoy the helping spirit people seem to have here, so I decided to give my take on how to focus on climbing if you're in a lower elo and want to hit plat/diamond. I average Diamond 1/ Master playing just about every lane, do coaching, and sometimes play in silver/gold/plat elos with friends for fun and to help them understand the game better. Below are things that I believe will truly help you climb and improve in League.

    1. Focus on improving your basics. In lower ranks, you don't need to have amazing macro or amazing mechanics. If you play difficult champions, you don't need to be doing flashy plays all of the time. I saw this a lot with friends that played champions like Lee Sin, Yasuo, etc ( I actually play both as well ). They would try to make flashy plays, often burning summoner spells unnecessarily. These little things add up. Often times you can achieve what you want to by focusing on the basics.
    2. Laning: Managing the wave properly is such an underrated thing that I don't see many lower elo players doing. You can create insane advantages for yourself and for your teammates if you do this well. It doesn't require anything fancy or anything flashy, just knowing when to setup a freeze, when to push, and when to back. If you're playing a champion that you know beats your lane opponent, allow them to push you in close to your tower. (The only caveat to this is if scuttle is spawning soon, in which chase you would want to shove as fast as you can to be there for your jungler before your laner gets there - and only if they are contesting on your side of the map. Otherwise, setup a freeze. Wait for your power spike to chase them down the lane instead of pushing them in constantly. You only want to be hard shoving into their tower when you need to rotate for objectives, skirmishes, or looking for a roam on other lanes. If you counter your lane opponent and you constantly push them in, all you're doing is giving up your advantage, making yourself vulnerable to ganks, and making it so they can actually farm under tower. Say you're playing Renekton top/mid. You're against an easy matchup such as Yasuo. If you push the wave too much, Yasuo is going to sit under tower and actually be able to CS. You can't really dive him if he's decent until level 6. Instead, allow him to push, pull minions away from your tower, setup a freeze, and deny him CS. It's easier to get a kill or engage if the lane is closer to your tower or middle of the lane than close to their turret. Anytime you're denying your laner gold, you're creating x1.5-x2 as much a lead for yourself since for every cs you get they lose out one, because if they walk up to you, you have kill pressure to get them out of lane or even kill them - at which point you'd want to hard shove since anytime you hard shove into a tower, the wave will push back into you.
    3. Constantly look at your Minimap I can't say this enough - get in the habit of looking at your mini map every other second in between poking and csing. If you do this long enough, it'll become a habit for you. It gives you free information. Take advantage of it. Often when I was duoing with a lower elo friend, I'd warn them of ganks and rotations that they wouldn't see. Spam ping your teammate if you saw something that they should be careful of. Chances are, they may have missed it. Always buy control wards when you back if you can. I noticed most players don't buy them in the early game and only buy them occasionally for objectives. The information you get from a 75 gold control ward is massive. Ward one side of the map (if you're mid) and position on the side you have a ward in constantly, because you have information there. If a gank comes in, you'll likely see it. If you're on the side of the lane that you don't have information from, you're easily gankable. Jungle tracking if you're laning is also insanely useful, but that's a more complicated thing to explain, so I really recommend watching a video on learning how to track the enemy jungler. It fills information gaps for when you don't have vision.

    Understand Your Powerspikes: Taking advantage of a stronger level 2, 3, 6, etc, will allow you to catch your opponent off guard if you immediately level your ability and engage if they are still 1-2 cs off from leveling up. I would often times get first blood with Diana at level 2. I would let them push me close to my tower and immediately engage when I hit level 2. (I start Q, then take E second if the enemy champion is one that can be bullied early such as TF, Veigar, Ryze, Kassadin, etc. Champions that need level 3 or 6 to really utilize their kit.) Think of how your ultimate works compared to theirs. Do you counter them with it? Do you lose the trade if you're both 6? EX: A diana into a Vel'Koz is an easy level 6 engage. You cancel his ultimate with yours, so it's an easy kill if he has no flash for example. Wait for him to ult before you ult to cancel his. Little things like this matter in creating advantages. Always be thinking of them, and always try to find these opportunities. Is your laner low mana? Engage them if it's safe to do so. Did they suddenly change their play style and start playing aggressively even when it doesn't feel right for them to? Their jungler may be around. Back off for a bit.

    Losing matchups and CSing If you're playing a losing lane, it's even more crucial to manage your wave well, and know when to play safe. If you hard push into a counter, they can setup a freeze and deny you cs (like the example I gave earlier) or even kill you in lane if you overstep. Allow them to make the mistakes, you don't need to be proactive in engaging unless your jungler is around. Play passively, let your jungler know you won't have priority, so they should focus other areas of the map. Coming out of a losing matchup slightly behind in CS or with just 1 death is a HUGE win for you and your team, instead of being down alot of cs and having died 2-3 + times. You can't always get every CS - understand that. That's okay. We aren't pro players - we don't need to be getting every single cs if it means putting yourself in a position where your laner can punish you hard over 1-2 cs. I always ask people I coach this question when explaining this to them, because they often over value getting every single CS. What's better? Losing that 1-3 cs and getting the rest of the wave, or trying to go for that CS now, getting punished by your laner if you can't contest it, and then having to recall or die, then losing out on even more CS and XP? You don't always have to be the carry in your team. Identify your win conditions if you know you won't be able to carry coming out of laning phase. Are you playing a tank top, but have a fed adc that has been doing well all game? Buy a Knight's Vow for them if the support hasn't/can't. Are you playing a champion with really good CC? Protect your carry, you don't need to engage and leave your carry alone. Save your CC for them if you think they are going to get back line dove. Play for them in teamfights. They are your win condition. Allow your win condition all the opportunities to be the carry - set your ego aside. I've had games where I was down cs by quite a bit compared to my laner, but won because I played for my win conditions. I see this alot in low elo - players think they have to carry every single game, and they try to force things even when behind, allowing the enemy team to snowball out of control.

    After laning phase: You want to be buying control wards ANYTIME you recall. I can't stress this enough. Ward, Ward, Ward. Wards are information. They prevent you and teammates from getting caught, from dying before an important objective, and gives your team the ability to avoid fights if you need to. You want to recall 40-50 seconds before an objective spawns. This allows you to buy items before an objective and get there in time to secure vision. Ping your teammates to rotate with you and look for picks on the enemy. If you control vision on a dragon or baron for example, it's super easy to catch the enemy team out because they have to face check with no vision. If you and your team are late to an objective, it's a dangerous spot to be in - you get caught easily.

    Don't overvalue objectives: What I mean by this is don't contest or force an objective fight if you know your team will lose the fight. Chances are you'll lose the fight, giving enemy team 1000+ gold AND losing the objective. League strategy is a lot about minimizing loss. Losing a dragon is better than losing a dragon AND having your teammates die, giving enemy more of a lead than if you had just let them have the dragon. Same thing with towers. If you can't contest it and you know you can't, spam ping your team off of it.

    Communicate When I play in lower elo, I'm shocked by the lack of communication that teams have. Ping summoners if they just got used. Turn on your chat timestamps to know when a summoner will be back up through pings. Direct your team if you know what you should be doing. Often times it seemed like people just ran around a bit aimlessly, wasting time and not knowing which objectives to go for. If you just took an inhibitor mid, look at side lanes, when does dragon spawn? when does baron spawn? Should we back now to reset for an objective? Are we all too low hp to fight again after they respawn? Can we push a side lane before they respawn? Ask yourself all of these questions, and it'll come naturally with time. Let your team know what you think you should be doing. Ask for assistance on warding before an objective spawns. If you see your team over extending, spam ping them off. (I know spam pinging is annoying, but it's necessary in lower elo where people don't notice them as much).

    Itemization, Runes, Summoner Spells If you're playing a champion you aren't comfortable with for whatever reason, check the typical builds and runes when you're in champ select. Proper runes and itemization is such a big thing that I see people not take seriously. Having an armor rune instead of an MR one against an ap lane could make it difficult for you to lane. Always Always Always try to figure out who you're laning against to take the proper rune (armor or MR). If you're a laner who is going against a champion who usually takes TP, match it if having ignite or barrier won't create an insane lead for you in lane. Ignite's usefulness tends to fall off a bit as the game goes on compared to Teleport, so if you think you're going to go even/slightly lose/lose the lane, take teleport so you can respond to rotations on other parts of the map. It'll impact the game more than you having an aggressive lane spell that you can't do much with anyway in the matchup.

    There are so many more things that I'd love to add, but I think that focusing on these core things *will* help you climb. None of them are really flashy or fancy, but they're more than enough to get you to *atleast* Plat and likely Diamond. If you guys have any questions let me know, I'd love to answer anything or clear up anything that was unclear!

    submitted by /u/reevoalex
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    No low elo mid will ever understand how bad their map awareness is unless they play a control mage.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 11:50 AM PST

    I love assassins and in fact I am an Akali one trick but I've always had this fascination with champions that gain leads by out playing their opponents in a macro sense rather than killing them over and over again. I recently picked up Ryze and Twisted Fate and oh my god this was a huge wake up call. The number of times I died to a gank because I did not lean, or did not respect the fact that my root or gold card was on cooldown was unbelievable. It made me understand that while these champions may be strong late game or they may provide amazing utility, they need to be piloted almost perfectly in lane in order to have any impact on the game. Also, the number of times I missed a Realm award or Destiny opportunity was so stupid.

    So please, if you are an assassin low elo player play champs that don't have any mobility. Challenge yourself to learn the macro aspects to League because as I have gotten better at control mages my assassin gameplay has gotten infinitely better.

    submitted by /u/Eustince
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    Should I stop buying so many control wards?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 11:18 PM PST

    Hey, folks. I'm switching to the ADC role after playing support for many seasons. When I go back to base, I buy my item or items, and if I have 75 gold and an item slot left over, I buy a pink ward. Later in the game, I like to have 2 available. It's only when we get super super late and I have 5 full items + boots that I stop buying pinks.

    I don't see other ADCs do this, and I don't see most streamer ADCs doing this either. My vision score is usually #2 on the team, and WAY ahead of the vision scores for my enemy ADC.

    Am I wasting gold? Should I only be buying pinks when I expect there to be a fight for an objective? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    5 Things Every Ezreal Player Needs to Know [5 minute, No-BS guide]

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:57 PM PST

    Ezreal can be INSANELY strong when you know what you're doing, so in my latest YouTube video I've brought you guys some tips in a concise and no-BS format.

    Here it is: ** https://youtu.be/Ef-b9Kn9jIM**

    For those of you that are too lazy to watch, here is a very dumbed down version of what's in the video:

    1. Obviously, weave auto attacks between your abilities

    (I go a bit more in depth and show an example of the damage differences it can make)

    2. Proper Arcane Shift usage.

    (Go a bit more in-depth with how to use the ability in lane and the importance of the ability in Ezreal's kit)

    3. Utilize the Q- Flash mechanic.

    (Explain "why" and how as well as the different situations where it is useful)

    4. Utilize the E-Flash mechanic.

    (Explain "why" and how as well as the different situations where it is useful. Explain cursor placement to ensure it's not messed up.)

    5. Correct Ultimate Usage.

    Various tips such as the usage of fog of war, when you should use your ultimate, and how it can be used to stack passive in team fights.

    I highly recommend that anyone who wants to play Ezreal watches this video. I go into depth for all the points and explain my thought process to give a better understanding of the champion. You can learn a lot more from spending 5 minutes here than 30 minutes in one game.

    Thanks for your time, hope it was helpful! Let me know what champion I should do next

    submitted by /u/MugheesJ
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    How do I learn to carry?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 04:59 PM PST

    For context I've been playing this game casually for quite a few years and this season made the push to mid diamond on NA.

    A bunch of my friends started playing the game within the last year and I've created a new account to play with them (in normals), but I find it really hard to carry games even in low silver. I'm able to consistently detect mistakes that the enemy makes, but I have a hard time punishing effectively. I'm a top lane main, and even playing my main role I feel like the only way I can actually accrue lane advantages is by outfarming my opponent and manipulating the wave so it's always favorable for me (eventually leading to me just stat checking them and running them down in the long lane). I figure this reflects a problem that I have masked on my main where I actually don't know how to carry, but I can function well as a low econ tank top that absorbs pressure and remains useful into the mid and late game. Bottom line is my winrate playing in silver on my main role is about 50% which is a little disheartening, so I'm wondering what I can do to improve my ability to actually identify what I need to do to win and execute on it. Clearly there's not just some magic bullet strategy, moreso I'd just like to find a way to learn how to build the skill of carrying myself.

    If it helps, I pretty much exclusively play top lane tanks (zac, maokai, sion) and enchanter supports (zilean, nami, janna) when I'm playing with friends. Playing these champs, I can usually win lane but often I can't win the game. If I play other stuff (adc, mages), I tend to lose lane which isn't fun for my friends because it likely means we just lose. The games we do win tend to be me just sorta being some sort of military general and moving around my teammates on the map with macro, but that's not really carrying per se.

    submitted by /u/Low-Tie-2586
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    Going against mage bot lanes

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 06:13 PM PST

    Just looking how to deal with people picking mages instead of traditional ADCs. I main Jhin but no matter what adc I play I tend to get giga fucked by any enemy mage adc. Especially when they also have a mage support. Something like Brand+Zyra for example. Late game they tend to not be so much of a issue but in lane sometimes they get too far out of hand to either just be able to win off that lead or to tilt my teammates into say "bot dif" and then giving up.

    Just looking for general tips for any variation of the matchups

    submitted by /u/TheNumberPurplee
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    Silver 2 hecarim OTP looking for tips/answers to some questions

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 01:40 PM PST


    Just started league less than 4 months ago or so and I'm quite addicted. Looking to make gold before season ends so looking for some last minute tips. Do I need to focus more on CS or am I doing alright there? Also, I hear I should typically focus on winning lanes to camp instead of messing with the feeding mid and trying to keep him in the game. Is that pretty much always the case? Such a pain in this elo to get 1 or 2 lanes really ahead and just have the other lane or two going 1/12. When I'm fed should I be split pushing as hecarim or following my team around when they ARAM? Any generic how to carry when fed tips? Don't feel like you need to answer all these questions, any tips are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Dabss4dayss
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    Jungle Tip most players don't know about | JUNGLE Monster Levels

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I've been noticing a lot of games where my junglers get greedy mid game for camps even when there are tons of objectives up. When I'm jungling I see tons of laners not taking advantage of jungle exp so I wanted to point out a couple of things because I was very surprised most of my friends that have played longer than 5 years didn't know this.

    Jungle Monsters have a level and level up every time they are killed giving more exp and gold (for skuttle crab)

    Around when mid game starts the jungler can't be everywhere chasing dragons, rift and clearing their entire jungle.

    As a laner sometimes after pushing in a wave and warding there is really nothing better to do, it's best to clear your own jungler's camps if they are on the opposite side of the map if you think it will spawn again by the time they get to it. I sometimes see laners stand in front of their opponent's towers unable to poke or dive just waiting for wave after wave until they get ganked. There is a fine balance to this. If your jungler is really behind and can't path well to getting things done and you know he's going to be one your side of the jungle don't touch it. As you practice this you will have complete win/win scenarios and you want to practice till you have perfect timings.

    Also if your jungler is better off staying bot side you can influence where he goes based on what camps you take. You can deny the other jungler stealing your camps all while having your jungler steal theirs.

    Clearing up your own jungle as a laner gives your jungler priority to steal the other jungler's camps and contest for objectives. Sometimes as a top laner if I'm really fed and I shove my wave in I will clear my whole jungler's top side. Doing that allows my jungler to be able to apply pressure on the other side of the map and denies the enemy jungler camp steals and lets your jungler go for deep baron/dragon wards and camp steals. By the time my jungler gets back to my side the camps will respawn giving him more exp.

    Now of course when you have the vision and priority you should definitely try to ward the other jungle and steal as well but this is more for those situations where Krugs would have sat Top unkilled for 5-9 minutes which happens all the time. Don't be too bashful post 14 mins asking your jungler if you can have red. Just take it or the other jungler might. If you think he's going to be on the other side of map since Dragon is up in 40 seconds and the other jungler is conceding the dragon for steals.

    This goes both ways for junglers as well. If you see that dragon is come up soon feel free to shove bot lane so we get prio or fix the wave for us so it pushes into their turret or resets for us. These little assistances keep more money on the table for your team.

    One thing to keep note of is to make sure you are safe when you do this. Some champs can steal camps very early (Yorick lvl 6 and Urgot lvl 9 come to mind for my lane) while for some champs you might be risking too much going to raptors. It's best to get some practice and know what your champ can get away with. If I'm Yorick and I have my Maiden and 4 ghouls I can steal their entire jungle by the time they clear a dragon. Make sure you know where the other jungler and other laners are when you do this. Every 1/8 games I still get caught out thinking I was safe. It's important to start recognizing these windows and assessing how much risk-reward these plays will have.

    As I said before there is a fine line between just aimlessly taking your jungler's camps and helping him get more pressure and exp on the map. A good rule of thumb is if your jungler is very ahead and invading the other jungle camps and has priority on objectives he's not going to miss 3 camps you take. The leads you get from these camps are huge. 3 camps is more than 1 kill in Gold so if you can manage that while your wave is pushed into their turret you're going to get a huge lead on your opponent. Happy climbing everyone and feel free to add or criticize what was said since there are so many variables and I would love to see if my reasoning is sound as well.

    submitted by /u/meowmeowkittyclub
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    Playing the game effectively if you're a bad laner?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 02:20 PM PST

    My laning phase is pretty terrible as are my mechanics. I play AP mages in the mid lane and tend to prefer a borderline passive, farming-based laning phase, and the matches where I do play aggressive and manage to force my laner out, I can't build as much of a lead as I'd like. Ultimately, by the 15-20 minute mark, I'll be 10-20 CS behind my laner if they're another mage, or just even if they're an assassin. As a result, I seem to be consistently playing from behind, so my question is how I should approach these kinds of scenarios. Should I go to side lanes and last hit, push the wave with abilities, or constantly group mid to fend off the ARAM-type sieges happening there?

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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    Changing FOV

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 10:15 PM PST

    I recently watched a video that explained how to change the height and width settings in the league config files to get a wider FOV on a smaller monitor. Is this a legitimate thing that people do, and is it against the rules in any way? I've always wondered how to get a wider FOV, because I'm not very used to using an unlocked camera.

    submitted by /u/myspoon2313
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    Am I playing jungle wrong ?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 05:02 AM PST

    I've been playing League of Legends for a few weeks. It's a lot of fun even though I still have a lot to learn. But my team mates always insult me that I don't gank too early or never gank even though I'm actually farming or on base right now. I'm playing Eve right now because I know she's broke in the late game. As far as I know, she's very weak at the beginning and starts to get strong at level 6. From then on, I'm starting to engage and fight. But my mates want to teach me that this is wrong and that I have to kill as soon as possible and give a shit to the opponent Jungler, who got a level advantage. Now I don't know exactly what I'm doing wrong but from guides I know that I'm going with Eve as soon as possible on the first route and then contest. I don't thing that I'm doing everything properly but my team always feeds the shit in the enemies so that it's becoming harder to gank. I don't know what to do then I am trying hard but my team mates are still toxic.

    Anybody got any solutions ?

    submitted by /u/EloDesu
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    Why did the enemy get Miss Fortune in draft pick ?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:32 PM PST

    I was showing intent to take miss fortune from the start but the opponent still got to pick MF. How does draft pick really work? It was kinda frustrating cuz I'm new to the game and don't know how to play a lot of champs. I play MF and Jinx so I banned Jinx (I didn't want to face my other fav.) and I ended up getting none.

    submitted by /u/nancity
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    How to play this lane?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:24 PM PST

    Yesterday I was playing as support brand.

    Teams were:

    Red: - Support: Brand, ADC: Jinx, Jungle: Rek'sai

    Blue: - Support: Nami, ADC: Senna, Jungle: Shaco

    Normally I like to play Brand fairly aggressively. However, there were several things working against that:

    • Enemy lane had double sustain bot lane
    • Jinx has a weak early game
    • In order to overcome their sustain, I needed to play aggressively, but this made me vulnerable to Shaco

    What actually happened is that Shaco cleared Red => Raptors => Krugs and then immediately ganked reaching bot lane at a very early 2.34 whilst I was still level 2. I died. At level 5, whilst we were level 4, Shaco ganked bot lane again, using his q to bypass wards. We both died, putting us considerably behind.

    I've tried looking back at these two deaths in a replay, and yes - I made some micro mistakes. But I'm also interested in the big picture. How should I have approached this match-up? Was it possible to, in any sense, win lane under these circumstances?

    submitted by /u/cathartis
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    hello new player that is around lv 25ish

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 03:59 PM PST

    I have been watching a stupid amount of videos and played a TON(started playing like around 2ish weeks ago and be been super addicted to the game) and I was wondering if anyone could recommend me like 3rd party tools I could use and really good video I could use to improve. Also would be great if some people could give me some tips

    ps, warding is my weakest thing but I just keep forgetting to ward although all my other stuff is trash since im so new to the game

    submitted by /u/d4s0n
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    How to play vs double jungle?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    I had an interesting game today, we faced Akali-Darius-Brand-Ashe-Ivern as Neeko-Cait-Nami-Yi-Renekton.

    Well expected Ivern jungle and Brand supp, but it turned out that Brand was their main jungler, while Ivern (who was supposed to be support) took smite and Unsealed. He never showed in botlane, but rather started counterjungling our topside while our Yi started bot.

    So how to play vs something like this? Mid was kinda even, we obviously smashed bot 2v1 taking 5 plates and having a 40 cs lead, but our top got rekt hard (well dont wanna blame, everyone gets Darius'd in a while), so cant really tell how this would have worked out in the long run.

    Their invades werent about killing Yi, but rather to starve him out (he tilted ofc). So what do we do? Do i abandon bot and let the adcs duke it out 1v1? But i dont think thats possible before my ward quest is done.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    High Res Summoner's Rift + Lanes + River Objectives but this time it isn't on URF

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 02:35 PM PST

    I posted some images, and then people rightly pointed out some ways they could be improved. Here's the updated set with river objectives as a bonus: https://imgur.com/a/gZJO0z3

    Great for if you need high res images of SR to reference, draw on, cut up, etc.

    For quick and easy, someone recommended https://riftkit.net/

    submitted by /u/Totobean
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    Low Elo - Get Team to let me split

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 02:13 PM PST

    So, Let's say I'm a fed Fiora, Jax, Tryndamere, whatever - I won lane hard and can now 1v1 everyone on the enemy team.

    From my limited bronze understanding of Macro, I should now split away from the upcoming objective to draw pressure and/or trade objectives (this is even better if I have tp), however quite often in these scenarios I notice something like this:

    • baron is coming up
    • my botlane is insisting that it's "their lane" and "their farm", even when I clearly describe to them in chat why they should go to baron while I split bot
    • I try to go top, to at least do something productive while jungle and mid are at mid
    • someone pings me about "why i'm going top when we're fighting mid"

    How do I avoid this? am I making the wrong calls here or is this a communication problem?

    submitted by /u/DaOverWatchGuy
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    I always feed and end up losing my team the game

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 01:02 AM PST

    I'm fairly new but I'm considering quitting because it feels terrible to be the reason why we lose most of my games, even without being flamed. I have tried to improve, I've watched a lot of guides and stuff to try and learn and it's not like I always do badly, but I still have a sub 50% WR and I feel like even when I win I either go neutral or get carried. Does anyone have any advice on dealing with this? I know I should play ranked but I somehow got placed in Bronze 1 and it's the same story. I don't really want to ruin people's ranked experiences until I finally reach a rank where I'm not always the worst perosn on the team.

    submitted by /u/cherry_doughnut
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