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    Thursday, December 10, 2020

    League of Legends 5 Hooks in 20 Seconds

    League of Legends 5 Hooks in 20 Seconds

    5 Hooks in 20 Seconds

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:22 AM PST

    Ruined King: A League of Legends Story | Official Gameplay Trailer

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:33 PM PST

    League of Legends wins Best Esports Game of 2020 and Worlds 2020 wins Best Esports Event of 2020 at The Game Awards 2020

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:06 PM PST

    Rell: The Iron Maiden | Champion Trailer - League of Legends

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Riot copied art for the "Playful Pup" emote

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:28 PM PST

    When looking at the emote store, I noticed that the art in the "Playful Pup" emote looked very similar to art that I had seen before.

    To confirm, I made some quick google searches and found two of the pieces of art that match two of the heads of the emote nearly exactly with only small changes being made and a recolor.Here is my comparison: https://i.imgur.com/ULLhyyd.png

    I was unable to find the original sources of these two drawings, so if someone finds the original artists I would love to put their links in this post.

    EDIT: Found the middle head. Here's a comparison after a small edit: https://i.imgur.com/2Qp0ooX.png

    Also, for anyone who isn't convinced, here is the original emote next to what you get if you combine all three pieces of art into a recreation of the emote. https://i.imgur.com/rg6udWR.png

    EDIT2: Source for the artist of the rightmost head: https://starfishey.tumblr.com/post/64901540721/so-due-to-popular-demand-i-decided-to-make-a
    (Thanks u/SlurpTurnsMeGreen!)

    submitted by /u/IAmCorgii
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    My league content is being stolen and i have no clue how to prevent it

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:49 AM PST

    Hey guys, i'm sorry for this post, but considering i'm a league-only creator, i feel like this deserves to be posted here.

    I'm a small youtuber mainly memeing 4 my friends and reddit (500 subs) and after numerous and painful all nighters of trying to make my videos somewhat unique/ Less clunky/ more funny, i finally got some strongly good return from the community as a whole. I'm really happy as of how things are going, but recently i've been contacted by numerous people about a facebook meme page stealing my content. at first i thought they just posted it and credited me in the post but they just said " cre : Reddit "

    Ngl i did not feel really that bad but let's just say that my friends on discord calling me a cuck for working my ass off the whole night and making another person's profit on this kinda made me mad, because it's true. I tried contacting the owner to tell him i was cool with it being posted but if i could atleast get properly credited

    I'm now seeking for any suggestion to deal with this, anything really.

    Here is my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3YClB21geg&t=

    Here is my League of memes post https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/k9evt2/the_absolute_state_of_toplane_in_2020/

    And here is the facebook page https://www.facebook.com/K98Legend/videos/194598772273286

    Edit : Thanks a lot for all the suggestions. Surprisingly, some of you never made any content and still are more knowledgable than me on this matter. I have filed a complaint to Facebook. I hope that it will works out. Either way thanks a lot to everybody that took time to explain things i am unfamiliar with.

    Edit 2 : Hello / seeing how things are turning, i hope you guys can understand some things here:

    1. Legal actions have been taken, I'm awaiting FB's approval but surely, it will work.
    2. you MUST NOT threaten/Dox/ Ask for self harm to the dude. It is indeed a scummy thing, but does not deserve such things as killing himself+ It does more harm to the cause than anything else. please keep your cool. Thanks a lot for the support and pray with me that the DMCA works.
    3. As expected, facebook does not care, at all. here is their response about this : Bonjour,

    Nous vous remercions pour le signalement que vous nous avez adressé. Le ou les liens (URL) que vous avez fournis ne semblent pas correspondre à du contenu sur Facebook. Pour cette raison, nous ne pouvons pas donner suite à votre signalement pour le moment.

    Vous pouvez contacter le tiers qui a publié le contenu signalé afin de résoudre le problème directement avec lui.



    Translation ( made by me ) : Hello,

    We thank you for the report that you just made. The URL submitted seems to not be affiliated with Facebook content ( My youtube video ). For this reason, we cannot give a follow up to your report.

    You can try to contact the person that published the reported content in order to solve the problem directly with him.

    Cordially, leopold

    Well i tried atleast. Thank you all for the support, but i'm guessing that all i can do from now on is
    to put a huge watermark that will be annoying as hell.

    submitted by /u/BlizzFanboySince2k5
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    Swain Traditional Skin

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:35 AM PST

    Swain Traditional Skin

    Hello again everyone !As long as a lot of people told me to draw the "traditional skin" on the Swain rework after the Yorick's one, I couldn't wait to do it and it was very cool ! Just tell me what you think about it, I would be happy to hear your thoughts !Thank you :)


    submitted by /u/TorokArt
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    Interview with CoreJJ -- CoreJJ's reaction to Doubelift retiring, aging in esports, making the LCS a better environment for the next generation, and his own role in it: "I want to break the narrative that the NA is bad. I want to tear apart the narrative that age is disproportional to performance."

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:46 AM PST

    thegameawards - Showmaker win best esport player of the year

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:49 PM PST

    Rell Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:00 PM PST

    With the positive response to Golfer Jhin yesterday, I thought I'd share my idea: Jarvan FORE

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:09 AM PST

    Obviously the Prince of Demacia has got some spare time on his hands and what else would the heir to the throne do than play a little golf? This was an idea I've had for a few years but after u/sdbucs Golfer Jhin post yesterday, I was inspired to share it finally.

    What could be better than physically assaulting the enemy team with a golf club? Physically assaulting the enemy team knowing that you're immune to oversight because your father is the king.

    Q: Jab with your trusty driver

    W: Golf ball does a slow around you or something

    E: Obviously a flag pin falls from the sky

    R: a big ole bunker will keep the enemies from shooting par


    Edit: Some additional stuff

    Taunt: "keep your head down" or "I'll show you what a real hazard looks like" or simply golf claps

    Joke: "this driver is the only club I need" or "I always play better on the back nine" or "just pick it up if you can't finish"

    Other quotes: "FORE" (when E-Q), "hole-in-one" (on champion kill), "didn't you hear those dogs barking" (on champion death), "I'll just take a bogey" (on champion death)

    submitted by /u/Botvader
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    Battle Queens 2020 | Official Event Trailer - League of Legends

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Yorick Classic Skin

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:30 AM PST

    Yorick Classic Skin

    Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've not posted on Reddit.
    As long as I played League since season 1, I've seen all reworks go by, and that's why sometimes I'm nostalgic of old versions, especially when we're not having classic skins anymore for champions reworks. For some champions, I would like to give them life ( classic skins ) through my concepts !
    So I'm beginning with Yorick which is one of my favorite rework :)
    My concept is a paintover based on the original in-game model proportions to be the most faithful.


    submitted by /u/TorokArt
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    Misfits 2021 Roster Announcement

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:08 AM PST

    Genuine question, why is a champ like ekko allowed to jungle but not a champ like Sylas

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:44 AM PST

    Ekko has recieved another buff for his ability to clear the jungle, meaning riot is happy for ekko to be a flexible pick, however they have made it almost impossible for sylas to jungle, he lost his shield and he cannot heal off camps and his passive doesnt apply talisman burn, meaning he gets abysmally low to the point where a fiddlesticks could invade him and kill him, my question is how is it decided who gets to jungle and who has to lane and lane only, i'm genuinley curious, because i enjoy playing sylas personally but not in lane

    submitted by /u/shinomiya2
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    Nexus Blitz: Smite's damage being affected by nerfs and buffs is problematic

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 10:15 AM PST

    You know in ARAM, to keep things balanced, champs gets hit with things like -5% damage, or +5% damage taken, nerfs are buffs, right?

    The same thing happens in Nexus Blitz, which sort of make sense. However the nerfs also applies to Smite's damage which can screw you over. Because the game displays the damage it should do rather than the damage it will be doing.

    To make it simple: imagine you play as Urgot in the jungle, you reach level 4 and you are about to smite. The game displays that your smite will do 450 damage, which you assume will be the value of your Smite's damage right? Well you are WRONG because it will 427 damage instead. Which puts you either at a disadvantageous position (you have the same level as the enemy junglers yet your smite is weaker) or at a confusing position (do I really need to calculate the value of my smite's damage minus 5% all the time?).

    So either the damage needs to ignore buffs and nerfs, or the damage should be properly displayed to avoid confusion.

    submitted by /u/MerouKeK
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    Rell: The Iron Maiden | Champion Theme (ft. Ecca Vandal) - League of Legends

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Battle Queens | Official Skins Theme 2020 - League of Legends

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Enjoying Veigar's Meteorite Slam while going Full Burst mode on Preseason

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:11 AM PST

    Double stopwatch and the greatest outplay of my life

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:07 AM PST

    I got CCd for ten seconds straight

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:56 PM PST

    Singed only needs a simple, tiny buff to be fine again

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:22 AM PST

    TL;DR at the bottom

    Scroll down to see The issues that singed currently faces

    For those who don't know, I am Minishcap1, multiseason challenger Singed one trick who has mained the champion for almost 8 years as of 2021.

    According to u.gg, 10.24 Singed had a 47.75% winrate. This is a steep drop from Singed hovering around 51.5% to 52% winrate for almost all of Season 10 and most of Season 9.

    My thoughts on Singed currently and how to help him:

    The thing to note about singed is that he is very low skill floor (mechanically) but very high skill ceiling. There is a LOT of depth to his kit, the way you spread poison, whether you go for goo fling or save W to block dashes, proper repositioning of enemy champs with fling, proper charging of the passive to get in range, knowing how to approach each matchup in lane or proxy (the best singed players have to know how to lane and proxy both. Not being able to do both is only playing half of a champ.)

    So in essence you have to know how to get through really difficult laning phases vs hard matchups, but you also have to know how to use proxying to push any advantage that you might somehow get - but if you die to a coordinated enemy gank enemy top gets ahead and you sacrifice a lot. It's a high risk high reward playstyle that has a lot of macro skill involved as well as some micro involved in outplaying ganks. Just because a champion's kit is simple doesn't mean that the champ doesn't take skill, as evidenced by Riot's own mastery curve ratings, where Singed is among the highest mastery curves in the entire game.. (I have to post chart whenever singed is discussed on this sub because redditors just try to detail the threads by spamming "singed no skill noob champ, Nerf Singed 😂"

    This chart is bout 4 years old. according to Scarizard (no longer works at riot) after the initial games the winrate dropped down to around 54%ish.

    According to Lolalytics, as of last patch the highest winrate singed mains had a 53.6% winrate https://lolalytics.com/lol/singed/build/?patch=10.24.

    Bear in mind that that number is the high end of winners. Most people playing singed currently are mains and are experiencing negative winrates.

    The issues Singed currently faces:

    • He really needs one small buff IMO to be fixed: a scaling HP buff. Singed has a lower base HP at level 18 than almost every single ADC and most assassins and mages in the game. Why is this a problem now?


    • Singed S10 used to build Rylais + Liandrys combo @ 5700g for 600 hp. After this he would build DMP + morello + Visage or Abyssal. This gave him 1875 to 1825 bonus hp for 14.4k to 14.5k gold, not including boots.
    • Now Singed spends 6000 gold for Demonic + Rylais, for 700 hp. Then he buys Mythic (either 150HP riftmaker or 0 hp Liandrys) for 3200 or 3400, DMP @ 2900g for 475 hp, FoN @ 2900g for 350hp, or Morello @ 2500g for 250hp.
    • Singed Season 11 Hp bonus at full build ranges from 1675 hp @ 15K gold on the high end buying riftmaker + FoN, or 1425 hp @ 14.8k gold going Liandrys + Morello. This isn't even including if you have to replace DMP for Zhonya's because the enemy team comp has Camille or Fiora, which it does almost every single game in high elo.
    • You can also mix/match FoN/morello/Zhonyas with each other but there is no situation in which Singed gets comparable HP value to his old builds for decent gold cost.
    • Even at 3, 4 or 5 items he is a weaker even tho demonic Rylais gives 700 hp, it's way more expensive and the rest of the build is less hp for more gold.


    • Singed is now paying more gold per health, while getting less health, than before, with less resistances on his tank items overall, in an extremely burst/high damage oriented meta. I think that Singed is stronger at 6 items now, but games almost never go 6 items. Most games are decided around 1-2 items, where Singed's power spike has been made weaker due to the item changes. He needs small scaling HP buffs so he doesn't get one shot at the start of every single fight. Around 10 to 15 extra hp per level honestly would be enough to push him to positive winrate again, IMO, which is a really minor buff.
    submitted by /u/Minishcap1
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    PSG Talon signs Maple, extends contract with Hanabi, River, Unified and Kaiwing

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:09 AM PST

    PSG announces the signing of Maple after he left LNG. Maple didn't have a great time at China, though putting Maple in the PCS seems like a big fish in small pond move.

    https://mobile.twitter.com/PSG_Talon/status/1337016473294794757 PSG's Tweet.

    Also, on previous tweets, PSG announces the extension of contrscts for Hanabi, River, Unified and Kaiwing. Tank has left the team.

    submitted by /u/Mikhailing
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    Riot Forge teases a gameplay video for Ruined King at The Game Award tonight

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:26 AM PST

    With the release of Ruined King coming soon, Riot Forge finally ready to show us the gameplay of the new game Ruined King: A League of Legends Story at The Game Award. TGA is happening tonight.


    submitted by /u/GipJoCalderone
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