- I made a video on How to Counter Renekton, I feel like he is really hard to play against especially for lower elos as he has so much burst, sustain, and survivability so heres how you can beat him...
- I'm one bad behaviour away from a ban,and I'd like to reform.
- The new meta; Galeforce Rengar: How and why
- ADC Questions from a Struggling Marksman
- Since there was a chess-league of legends comparison here some days ago: Some of my thoughts I had for a while
- Off meta strategies?
- How do you get lvl 6 as soon as possible on farming junglers?
- Knowledge about wave control
- When should I go back to playing support as someone currently learning mid?
- How to Wave Management (With ADC Examples)
- Pool variation
- How does Liandries Anguish Work!?
- Baron Nashor. When and Why?
- Why no Darius in pro play
- How to get high cs as a midlaner
- I feel like one of league's worst players, how do I cope with it?
- How do the health bar dividers work?
- As adc, which Last whisper / GW item do you buy?
- Season 11 Barrier-Esque Animation
Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:52 AM PST Ive been a renekton main for a couple of years now and season 11 has been pretty good for him. Ive been playing him top with great consistency, 70% winrate and good kda across multiple games (https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=MindGames) and I made a video on how to play Renekton and what to build, but this time I wanted to help the players that struggle with Renekton. When I play Renekton I ban Malphite every time and everytime I play against a Renekton they do the same, so If he's up for grabs then there you go, but if he's not, Aatrox is surprisingly a really good matchup into Renekton and that's what I play in the video I made. Nevertheless though the tips in the video apply to not only Aatrox but anyone you play when going up against Renekton so if you have trouble with him then take a look. Video: https://youtu.be/snvjoYrcnpI TLDR: -Take Bone Plating -Buy Tabis, Bramble/Executioners, Refillable Potion early -Respect Level 3 Short Trades (And Level 2 if he leveled W) -Play off his Cooldowns, he isn't really an auto champ like darius, irelia, wukong or sett -Don't take bad trades or even trades, he out sustains almost everyone -Don't take anything other than TP -Watch out for Flash Empowered W all game long -The way you win against him is denying him kills, as long as you have good cs and good tower plates you are fine [link] [comments] |
I'm one bad behaviour away from a ban,and I'd like to reform. Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:04 AM PST I got back to playing league after 5 years of completely dropping the game, In general,in the past few years I havent been playing competitive games at all , since I felt like they stress me out too much and take too much mental energy from me. I started on my old account,so I think back in the day I got chat restricted before, I recently got my first 25 games chat restriction , and i realized if I dont change my ways - I'm a sensitive lady therefore I get emotional quite easy and fire back at flaming team mates,I almost never innitate the bad behaviour,I just stoop down to other people's level and pay the price. I've been told to play with muted chat but Im scared people might report me for trolling or not communicating,and I want to work on myself in order to not lose the account. If anyone has any words of wisdom,any videos or stuff to read to help me for that,i'd really appericiate it. Remember,my issue is not that I flame players,i'm the type to talk back - and that shit gets me in trouble. [link] [comments] |
The new meta; Galeforce Rengar: How and why Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:01 AM PST TLDR Build galeforce into collector into infinity edge. Take electrocute and cosmic insight. Use your galeforce active in the direction they are moving as soon as you see the damage number from your initial leap. Video tutorial: https://bit.ly/39V1Mhp After losing tiamat, we are all very sad. How are we to get that extra burst in the middle of our leap? Fear not brothers for I have found THE HOLY GRAIL. Galeforce on rengar: You may ask "Why the fuck not go lethality?" Oh ye of little faith. Crit rengar actually does MORE than lethality to every target except ZERO armor ones. And who doesnt build steelcaps when theres a rengar on the enemy team? Nobody with a brain. The main appeal of this item is twofold. If you use it AS you hit them with the jump (Just as you see the damage number go off), use it in place. it will reset your autoattack, and a hail-of-blades-esque effect will occur. They take the initial leap damage, galeforce damage, and your autoattack reset damage all in the span of about 0.1 seconds. If theyre playing caitlyn or anyone with a dash, use galeforce at max range instead to crush all their dreams. Works against anyone with flash too. Secondly, it works like protobelt. You can galeforce out of a bush and THEN leap, effectively DOUBLING your jump range. The stat appeal of course is that it makes the build very streamlined. Your core will be Galeforce rush into collector, and then infinity edge. Anything but the tankiest of tanks now falls before you, and if they have those, build the grudge next. If not, ravenous hydra to oneshot their entire team at once. Literally. For your last items, navori quickblades, bloodthirster, lord doms, chainsword, youmuus or edge are all good picks. You dont really need crit chance past 60%. Boots are situational as always. The runes you want are Electrocute, Sudden impact, eyeball collection, and ultimate hunter. Then cosmic insight and boots. Reasoning should be obvious. Now get out there and hurricane some fools. [link] [comments] |
ADC Questions from a Struggling Marksman Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:28 AM PST Hey all! I've been trying to learn ADC lately but have struggled to get a consistent winrate from most of my games. I found some points of improvement but had some questions on the execution. 1) Where can an ADC ward early outside of supplementing support wards? 2) How does one farm after the laning phase? Do you take whatever farm you can find? Do you focus on farming your own lane and pushing it out? Obviously there are a million ways to do this but I often struggle to know when to be farming and when to be with my team. 3) How much can kiting do for you with melee champs? I find that even if I do most of my kiting correctly, they still catch me without consistent peel. Is this normal? 4) As ADC I often struggle to output consistent damage in fights due to being approached or jumped on by brusiers/assassins/tanks and needing to go into retreat mode. Is this just going to happen a lot in solo queue? Do I wait until *all* big abilities have been used up to go in? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:41 AM PST Hi, by no means I'm any where near high elo player, neither in chess nor in league. But I think in the few years of playing both I've achieved some knowledge about the two games and I would love to hear the comments of better players on my thoughts. And hey, maybe it helps someone else climb a Division or two. In chess there is a saysing of an austrian chess player named "Rudolf Spielmann": Play the opening like a book, the middle game like a magician and the endgame like a machine. Early game Your early game is, mostly, just a sequence of actions you will do every game. Maybe you don't even know it or do it intentional, but if you've played a thousand games, you will have a sort of habit you use every game. It may, or should, differ depending on the champion you are playing and facing. But the first recall, the first item, the first waves should look basically the same in each and every time you play a certain matchup. Learn your "openings" on your champion. In chess you can read a lot of books on openings. Since you have a limited amount of moves you can make, those openings are easier to use in the games. In league your openings depend on champions, matchups and other players to some extend, so they may not always work as intended. But you can learn at what level your champ is stronger than your opponents champ - and maybe even more important: At what level is his champ stronger? Also, early game in chess is focussed on development. Your try to control the center and position your pieces to "active" squares, from where they can influence the pace of the game. In League, your early game should also follow the "development" rule. Try to farm, try to get experience and to get vision control on your lane. You don't need to play aggressively in the most matchups, if you can get with 0-0-0 to level 6 with perfect farm and maybe a exp lead, you are mostly fine. (If you play sth like Renekton vs Kayle top - forget what I wrote. Body this fool, Jensen.) Middle game Play the middle game like a magician. Outsmart your enemy. This may be the time for flashy plays, nice roams and some worthy global trades. Deathtimes aren't that long and sometimes dying for a triple kill on your feam member will win the game for you, even if it means your are not the primary carry this time. But always remember, that you have to use your lead. If you destroy a tower on botlane and in the next 20 minutes nobody on your team touches the wave down there, the tower was just worth the gold your team got. If you get rift herald at min 10 and you have to spawn it in your base because there was never a good time and place to use it - meh. Late game Play the endgame like a machine. This is the time where every mistake may be the last you'll make this game. In late, there is usually not the right time to make big plays and get footage for the montage. This is the time, where you have to be analytical, wigh your options and spamping your team to victory. A bad call everyone follows is usually better than a good call nobody follows. Your LP don't depend on how good your calls where, it depends on how good you synergized with your team - which are mostly strangers in soloque. Try to be the person who can adapt to your teams playstyle rather than to be the person who forces his way of thinking onto others. You would have to start from zero at every game and teach your team, if you train your adaption skills you have learned something for life. Mama can be proud. If you are the one who makes the calls, because the team saw you are a good leader: spamping rather than writing. The new chat is awesome, if you put the scale to zero you can completly ignore it - even if there is a good call in between the everyday courtesy of the league chat. Maybe this helps, maybe this is bullshit, it's yours to decide. TL;DR: Watch chess learning tutorials on youtube. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:44 AM PST Hello everyone, I would like to try something different. I'm not referring to weird builds specifically, but something more like a different strategy, eg River Shen. Do you guys have any suggestions? Maybe I could try them in some normals. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
How do you get lvl 6 as soon as possible on farming junglers? Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:41 AM PST I am a Plat jungler and I have the most success playing shyvana, though i may want to switch to some other junglers as well such as graves. I am a bit confused on how to get lvl 6 the most reliably and fastest to get my lvl 6 powerspike. I have gotten to lvl 6 many times before at a pretty early time such as at 5:30 or 6 minutes, but I never really pay attention to what I did differently those games, and I want to know what exactly do i do after I full clear the jg, what paths do i take, and are there any important times I need to know on camp respawns to be as efficient as possible? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST Im bad at waves control. And don't k.ow how to learn it, i watched some video but just keep forgetting about it in games. Mid is fine since the way go to mid from base is short. I don't miss a lot of minions and when on lane it's just push push push. But when i play top or bot, i always don't know when is the best timing for base. And especially when playing top, trading health and controling the wave along with it is very important. any suggestions, video tutorial recommend or how do i practice these in real game [link] [comments] |
When should I go back to playing support as someone currently learning mid? Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:29 PM PST I used to be a support main but after learning about how support doesn't really teach you much about the game and how it puts your understanding behind other roles, I decided to not play support anymore and began playing mid lane instead. Now, I enjoy playing mid lane a lot, particularly playing seraphine, orianna and cassiopeia. But they don't give me the dopamine highs that Rakan did. I loved playing Rakan support. Losing didn't even matter since I had so much fun, even in ranked. I miss playing support but it feels like the scenario where you know something isn't good for you but the experience feels so good. I've thought about secondarying support but I figured I'd never get mid and would essentially be a support player. Any thoughts on this? [link] [comments] |
How to Wave Management (With ADC Examples) Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:39 PM PST Hey guys! I'm evnes, a former Season 10 Challenger Player. I got this question a lot when I was coaching people so I figured a lot of people actually have this question. I decided I'd make a small no-edit Youtube video giving you guys tips and tricks on how to manage waves. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6K8EXObEko If you guys liked it, I'm a completely new streamer that also makes Youtube videos sometimes. Please check me out ^-^ (evneslol on Twitch) How to TRADE on ADCs as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb-RnmPHS18 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:52 PM PST Hello fellows! Bronze II alistar main right here! I feel I need to change constantly my pool, even if that means a Lane/role change. Rn, I really want to play jinx. If someone can help me about pool management/main choice I would be really appreciated. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
How does Liandries Anguish Work!? Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:42 PM PST So late game, full built, it says 22 (AP) + 1% max health damage. So does this mean literally 22 AP Flat on hit, and then 1% max health damage every 4 seconds. Does it have to run out before you apply it again? Does it just reapply? Explain like I'm 5 please, this item is confusing to me. Give me a real game example if possible. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:07 AM PST I'm pretty new to league still. This is my 1st season started mid July and have played around 200 matches. Finished season 10 bronze. I mostly play jungle and have been one tricking. Just trying to learn macro play. From what I've seen there's basically 2 reasons to do Baron. The 1st reason is because you think you can end with baron buff and the 2nd reason is to deny the enemy team baron buff. Is this right? What all should I be considering when thinking about baron? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:30 PM PST Hi! Low elo dumbass here. Why doesn't Darius get picked in pro play at all? I mean, I don't play much too lane, but when I do, I get rolled by that champ every time...he just seems so oppressive. Also, when I watch tier list videos he's always really high tier (s+,s, or at least A). So why don't they play him? I get that he can be kited, and he's not the best team fighter or scaling champ ever, but I mean they play renekton like all the time, and he's got the same weaknesses. What gives? [link] [comments] |
How to get high cs as a midlaner Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:29 PM PST I usually play toplane and consistantly have high cs from pushing sidelanes. im learning midlane and am having a hard time getting good cs because 1) I cant safely push side lanes very far as a squishy mage abd 2) the adc comes mid and takes my waves midgame. how do I get high cs as a midlaner? [link] [comments] |
I feel like one of league's worst players, how do I cope with it? Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:09 PM PST Hello to everyone, I'm known as Frappas on EUNE. So I have a disgusting ammount of games but I'm still Silver III. To be clear, I have 300+ ranked games and 2000 games overall, (lvl 212). I've been playing for a full year and still haven't been able to climb to gold. I was so very close right before the preseason. 96 LP, S1 to be precise. But then I started playing like shit, and I often blamed my teamates. I had found myself in situations where I always won lane but always lost the game and didn't know what to do. People often bring up this stat and make fun of me and call me human trash. That being said it doesn't really help with my deppression all that much. I mute them immedietly but that comment is planted into my brain and I feel bad for the rest of my games for the day. So how do I cope with the feeling? I tried just not caring about it but found no success with that strategy. It always comes up eventualy and even when I finally forget about it, someone brings it up and I feel like shit again. The worst case is when a guy posted my stats on a discord server I was on to publicly humiliate me, and I had like 10 people messeging me and typing in the chat that I'm just sad, garbage etc. Anyone else in a similar situation or somebody who knows how to deal with this stuff can help me? [link] [comments] |
How do the health bar dividers work? Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:06 AM PST Hello! Can someone explain to me, please, how the division within the health bar works? Some separators are slim (I guess they stand for 100hp steps or something similiar), but some are thicker. Now, I always thought that the thicker line marks the 50th percentile. But some champions have several of those marks, or they are not in the center, but more to the right (like a 70/30 thing). So, what do they indicate? I am playing league for good 7,5 years now and I am ashamed to say that I just can't read the health bar... [link] [comments] |
As adc, which Last whisper / GW item do you buy? Posted: 10 Dec 2020 11:30 AM PST As an adc, you are given two options when you want to buy a %ArmourPen / Grevious Wound item - Lord Dominik's Regards and Serylda's Grudge for the former, Mortal Reminder and Chempunk Chainsword for the latter. I can see a pattern between the two type of options: one gives crit and attack speed (LDR and MR), the other gives ability haste (SG and GC). What champions would want which? [link] [comments] |
Season 11 Barrier-Esque Animation Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:12 AM PST Since the start of season 11 I see this really weird shield animation pop off of characters like it's reflecting damage coming from the source direction if that makes any sense. I attached an imgur link to the effect if anyone can teach me what it is? I think it might have something to do with Eclipse or Graves as I usually recall seeing it in a situation like that. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
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