LoL Guide So is Top lane just lane bullies/super defensive now? |
- So is Top lane just lane bullies/super defensive now?
- How are people watching high elo replays these days?
- New player coming from a different moba (Smite) and have a few questions.
- Knowing damage types
- Hi I am very new to Ivern, need so much help, as he's a confusing champion to play.
- Good beginner adc duo for pyke?
- Tried my best to not feed while behind but my whole team flamed me and I was useless
- Why Futures market isn't used? and how to use time warp tonic effectivelly.
- What should I look for in a spread of main ADCs?
- What are some good AP toplaners?
- How to play more aggressively as a jungler without inting?
- question to junglers: i play mid, where do you want me to ward at 3:15?
- How realistic is obtaining GM as a D3 played
- How do I stop thinking about the game's balance?
- S11 Ready Kha'zix & Lillia & Graves Guides | Grandmaster+ EUW | Itemization + Runes & Information! | 1.000.000 + Views | Feel Free To Leave Feedback
- Best High level Viktor focused educational streamers?
- Why is no one building Spirit Visage? Especially on bruisers.
- How to improve without feeding?
- How do you comeback from a loss?
- Coming Back From An Individually Tough Spot (Video)
- What am I supposed to do when I win lane, but other lanes lose ?
So is Top lane just lane bullies/super defensive now? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:33 PM PST I play fairly casually as in i get back into the game for a month or two, then peace out for a while and return. My mechanics are decent, i usually get to Plat every season within 100 games, but i am beyond bored playing top right now. Every game is Darius, Quinn, Vayne, Heimer and Panth. I enjoy playing top cause it feels like you get the 1v1 fight more often, but right now it feels like i can't ever blindpick anything that isn't super safe cause then i'll just get to sit under tower and leash experience.. I don't play League that much to win anymore, just to have fun and i am having a really hard time having fun right now. What are your guys suggestions? How are the other lanes feeling and are they any more diverse than top lane right now? [link] [comments] |
How are people watching high elo replays these days? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:53 PM PST I've noted one of the ways I've had the most success improving with has been comparing patterns from my own games to high elo players. This is more or less where I learned the fundamentals of the game. Previously I've largely used streamers for this, but I'm getting to the point where I'd really appreciate being able to search for specific lane matchups and watch replays. Does a service like this exist? If not, is there a way to download and watch high elo replays? [link] [comments] |
New player coming from a different moba (Smite) and have a few questions. Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:56 AM PST
[link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:33 AM PST Is there a quick and fast way to reference champ damage types? In game I try to make a habit of looking at the opponents champ list and itemization when I'm shopping - my issue is I am sort of limited to the champs I've played and the ones I've looked up. I am a lower ranked silver player who started in feb. of this year. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Hi I am very new to Ivern, need so much help, as he's a confusing champion to play. Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:40 AM PST How do I start off games? How do I path? What do I do while waiting for groves? Which camps do I prioritize smiting? What do I do when behind? What do I do when the jungler is ranged? What do I do when I keep getting counterjungled? How do I use my W? Sorry if this is a lot but thank you for answering these questions. I'm still very new to Ivern and have no idea what I'm doing. [link] [comments] |
Good beginner adc duo for pyke? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:52 AM PST Hello, my friend and I like to casually play league. Usually I like to play support swain but he has now gotten really into pyke. Who is a good adc for pyke in an unranked learning setting? I saw recommendations all over the board of ashe, tris, caitlyn, mf, and more. My favorite is twitch who doesnt seem to work that well with pykes roaming. Would vayne work? [link] [comments] |
Tried my best to not feed while behind but my whole team flamed me and I was useless Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST Gold 1. I play Irelia in the top lane usually. I was up versus a Mordekaiser and we traded very aggressively level 5. (The wave was pushed into my tower). I try to chase for a kill, but Lee Sin comes. I flash backwards and escape. However, from there, the wave was pushing into the enemy tower , and Lee was still hovering topside, even throwing a few Qs stopping my recall under the tower. I lose experience, mordekaiser freezes the wave and I am forced to tp to my tower since Lee was (probably) waiting for my tp. So from the freeze, morde hits level 6, I am forced to overextend and with no way to dodge his E or break the freeze, he pulls me in, ults me and kills me. What followed was a farm fest. The guy was legit untouchable from that point on and any poke i had made he just healed back up with his riftmaker. He wasted his ult at one point so I tried to go for a kill again, but I ended up dying. Maybe it's because of my champion, but from that point on I was legit useless. I could not do anything, and everyone else was able to 1v1 me. Morde ended up carrying them with my whole team flaming me for losing lane. What should I have done? [link] [comments] |
Why Futures market isn't used? and how to use time warp tonic effectivelly. Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:40 AM PST i dont understand how to use time warp tonic, or in what champs or situations i would like it, and, why only a few people use futures market? isnt it very useful to get your items (for example a tiamat or a mythic) faster, and be powerful a little earlier? especially on mid-late game champs that want their items as soon as possible. TL;DR: Why people dont use futures market? and how to use time warp tonic. [link] [comments] |
What should I look for in a spread of main ADCs? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST Hey, all. Up-and-coming ADC main, still terrified to play games against real people. I've mostly settled on a few ADCs to main; Samira is definitely my main main, she's basically the reason I got into the game, followed by Jinx, Kai'sa, and Senna (in no particular order). So, my questions are twofold: One: Do any of mine overlap in use so much that I'm better off focusing more time into one? And two: Is there anything huge that I'm lacking in my roster, that I should aim to find in someone else? Also, because I've yet to do well in my lane against him, any of them particularly good against Jhin? He seems to kick my ass almost every time. [link] [comments] |
What are some good AP toplaners? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:27 PM PST I've started playing with some friends from school recently. And we lose. We lose a lot. And I picked up on something in the post game screen. After yet another loss. Well, I noticed two things. 1. All of our champs are AD, and 2. The enemy seems to always build armor. So I figure I should probably play an AP champion. Currently I play Top. (Renekton, Garen if banned). Thus, I am here. Asking for AP toplaners. So that we have a slightly better chance. [link] [comments] |
How to play more aggressively as a jungler without inting? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:44 PM PST Hey guys I main support and jungle (support junglers) and I started trying to play carry-style junglers but I fail miserably.I either int or play too passively seeming like I afk farm.I would like to learn khazix since I have noticed that you can carry games if you put hours into him but I suck at playing him now.Should I try some other jungler?Any advice is welcome and would be highly appreciated.Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
question to junglers: i play mid, where do you want me to ward at 3:15? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:44 AM PST i try to get prio and place a ward before 3:15 vision crab spawn so that at 3:15 there is vision. i think that this helps the jungler but i don't know which side is better ward: usually jungler start from red than do something get blue and get vison crab where blue is which means side nearest to mid tower. some questions: -which side? you want me to ward the microbush in the river, blue side (=where you are) or you want me to ward the other side where you are not present? -where to ward? you want me to ward the microbush in the river, bush on the side of the river (mid turret side/our side of the river)? or that open field area (near chickens)? there are many options: chickens ally side/enemy side, bush side of river our side/enemy side, microbush where you are/opposite side ("neutral" because it's in center) [link] [comments] |
How realistic is obtaining GM as a D3 played Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST I've always wanted to hit my goal of GM but as a casual ranked player I've only ever hit D3 consistently. Many seasons ago I peaked D1 but back then I had a lot more time. What's the skill gap these days between D3 and GM? How much effort and time am I looking at? I'd love to hit GM or at least Masters next season. [link] [comments] |
How do I stop thinking about the game's balance? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST Last game of today, I played VS Akali (wasn't laning against her) Whenever one E of hers hits me and deals 800 dmg through Maw, I can't ever think about "hey, I could have dodged it" or "hey she's very strong in the context of the state of this specific game in the moment (so she's spiking rn)", all I can think is "that's not fucking balanced." I only realized because I started semi-screaming that "that's fucking broken", followed up immediately by "I'm an inter, I could've dodged her stupid fucking E" about 2-3 times. Now I want to clarify, my problem isn't X or Y champ being strong, my problem is that I can't ignore the balance of this video game and focus on playing better. Not in game at least. Does anyone have any tips as to take my mind just a slight bit off the balance and more on the immediate current state of a match I'm playing? I'd be very thankful if I could get some help here [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:29 AM PST Hey guys, I've created my guides about half a year ago. I've updated them regularly and just recently updated them today to make them S11 ready and help you guys out with builds and playstyles. Feel free to check them out and leave some feedback below here for anything thats unclear or could use improving. I've spent over 12 hours working on each guide and I strive to improve them to the fullest. Voting really helps me more than you could imagine. It takes 15-30s of your time but it helps me out massively. You don't need to register either! Since this is the summonerschool subreddit please leave feedback, and I can't stress this enough, so I can improve the guides even more for the large amount of players reading them! Kha'zix: Lillia: Graves: Thanks in advance guys! [link] [comments] |
Best High level Viktor focused educational streamers? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:22 AM PST I've been working on my Viktor since the rework, but I've been having trouble finding good educational vids of people with true Viktor mastery. I started with this sub's recommended streamers. Pekinwoof's were the best, but even then you can tell he's not a Viktor master but rather is just so good overall it can make up for his lack of viktor specific experience. Most of what I'm finding is either pre-rework or more entertainment focused (Dun). I've looked at replay vods of top Viktors, but are there any Viktor experts that also have educational vods of modern post-rework games? [link] [comments] |
Why is no one building Spirit Visage? Especially on bruisers. Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:09 AM PST MR itemization kinda sucks. Maw is an actual laughing stock of an item compared to Steraks. Force of Nature is only gold efficient with the passive stacked iirc. Spirit Visage however synergizes with a lot of bruiser items now. So many people are taking Ravenous hunter and building stuff like Divine Sunderer and Steraks which both heal and Steraks gives a big shield, but if they need MR it seems like statistically people are building FoN or nothing at all according to websites. So I ask, why are people not building Spirit Visage much with how much item/rune healing there is? I like playing Vi and if their team is 3+ AP I tend to pick one up after Steraks. [link] [comments] |
How to improve without feeding? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST I've been having great success with basically feeding all game but trying to win fights. I've learnt more in the past few weeks playing 100mph league of legends than I have in all of my other playtime combined. I'd like to stop upsetting my teammates however with feeding, although it appears to be the most effective method of learning the game. I don't understand how one can improve on their champion without making mistakes. So why not go the fastest route, make all the mistakes you can think of, get it out of the way as soon as possible and then be chilling afterwards. I'm confused as to this 50/50 sort of try sort of int playstyle of learning a lot of people use. If not going 100mph exposing all of your mistakes in one go and dealing with them as soon as possible, what other methods of improvement are there? gg everyone [link] [comments] |
How do you comeback from a loss? Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:05 PM PST For example, I end laning phase at 1-4 on Annie. Combination of some limit testing, some dives by opponent, a death in dragon fight, and a gank. I'm falling behind in gold and exp. What do I do? Annie has poor wave clear, so do I just focus on farm in sidelanes? My team is araming mid and lose because 4v5. OR I get jumped on by 3 enemies while in a jungle camp or sidelane. So I rejoin team for another dragon fight. Get off some good stuns and an ult, contribute to some kills but still die first cuz super squishy and now I'm 1-7. I continue to try to farm sidelane but in comes my Sett who tears through the wave and gets all gold while typing all chat, "I guess we're all reporting Annie." League just seems like such a snowball game. If you dont have lead in first 10 minutes, you're screwed for the next 20-30 minutes. Might as well FF. How do you claw your way back? [link] [comments] |
Coming Back From An Individually Tough Spot (Video) Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:46 AM PST Hi everyone, Here's a recent video of mine on how to come back when you have a rough match yourself. Featuring mental game, various tips and tricks, Double Armguard and more. Presented through a commented match (Cassiopeia Vs Wukong) and edited for your convenience, also to help you integrate the insights. So that you can have a story to go with the concepts which helps to better remember/apply what you found learned. :) Thank you for taking the time to read this and good luck out there! [link] [comments] |
What am I supposed to do when I win lane, but other lanes lose ? Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:46 PM PST I'm silver 1, and almost every game (out of 9 games or so) always 1-2 lanes purely int. What am I supposed to do then? Like I either won lane, or lane is neutral. Am I supposed to just completely roam and try the fight the fed enemy and hope to win despite having good cs lead ? [link] [comments] |
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