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    Saturday, December 26, 2020

    League of Legends How are these people riot partnered content creators?

    League of Legends How are these people riot partnered content creators?

    How are these people riot partnered content creators?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:07 PM PST

    How are these people riot partnered content creators?

    Im a gold player in a gold/low plat draft game. In comes pants are dragon telling us we need to pick all ad so he can be full magic pen karthus. I entertained his idea cuz i didnt care that much. On goes the game and we were winning by quite a bit. And by around ~15 mins he says that we need to stall the game so he can eventually build 6 items. Then he proceeded to start soft inting so the other team can catch up on his bounty. He also asked us to int as well so he can get his "content". He is literally trying to stage games for clickbait youtube videos while claiming to be a top challenger player.


    submitted by /u/DisgruntledPoodle
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    TIL Lillia has never been buffed or nerfed.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Since her release in 10.15, Lillia has never appeared in balance notes, only receiving minor bug fixes, while having presence in every level of play.

    All champs eventually incur some adjusting as the game itself continuously evolves, but I wanted to take a moment to appreciate this simple, fun, "balanced" champion.

    submitted by /u/john58129343
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    Kha zix casually strolling by

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:37 AM PST

    KatEvolved is really good at Yasuo

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:18 AM PST

    The PantsAreDragon post on the frontpage is a witchhunt

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:14 PM PST

    In reference to this post:


    It was claimed that Pants was soft inting from minute 15 onwards, making it hard for his team to win, but if you go on the gold graph in the match history, you can clearly see here: https://imgur.com/a/kex3Rk5 that they were never even in a position to lose or even go down in gold. In addition, the same graph shows when each champion died, and the only time that PantsAreDragon died near the 15-minute mark is at 16 minutes when he died to Draven (and got a double kill at the same time). After that, he dies only at around the 28-minute mark. I doubt he means soft-int as in just farming a sidewave too, since Pants was also able to grab multiple kills in the same timespan.

    I know that a lot of people dislike PantsAreDragon, but are we really going to resort to witch hunts like this where there is literally no proof outside of him typing two messages in chat (which if done by almost any other person would just be perceived as a joke)?

    submitted by /u/willf_sucks
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    First Experience with Teemo's Passive

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:46 PM PST

    It would be nice if there was a reward for reaching 1 million mastery points on a champion.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:40 AM PST

    I always found it weird how Riot never really did anything to celebrate such a colossal milestone for players that dedicate themselves to a champion.

    It doesn't have to be anything grandiose and over the top.

    Maybe it could be some sort of an effect that is added to the mastery emote like for example:

    • Fireworks that explode around your mastery emote.
    • Rainbows that surround your mastery emote.
    • Using your mastery emote shoots a beam of light at your champion.
    • The entire mastery emote gets set on fire and burns off or gets frozen in ice and crumbles.

    And many others.

    My point is that it takes a lot of time and effort to reach one million points on a champion and i believe that the dedication required to reach that milestone should be rewarded in some way.

    submitted by /u/throwaway8498497
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    Graves getting reminded how his auto attacks work

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Why is Katarina allowed to buy ADC Mythics, AP Mythics, and even Tank Mythics if she wants to?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:57 PM PST

    I legit don't know what to expect when facing a Katarina. If she wants she can go On-Hit (While doing 3 types of damage at the same time), or she can go full AP, or she can even go Sunfire too. I played against a Kat OTP who went Prowler's Claw first even. She builds On-Hit Items, AP items while being a mobile assassin with a blink. Does anybody actually think that Kat is in a good spot right now? Good spot being balanced or being in a similar spot as she was in S10.

    She is miles better than she used to be with Gunblade, safe to say that she doesn't care about losing the item after her entire kit was buffed to match. Losing one item shouldn't mean that your entire kit gets buffed to compensate.

    submitted by /u/mbbroXD
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    Soraka's ult used to remove Grievous Wounds before applying the heal

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:51 AM PST

    but they removed it back then when they reworked Grievous Wounds to only affect self-healing making that mechanic basically useless for her team.

    Later, they reverted GW to affect all healing effects again but Soraka never received her mechanic back. Now there are tons of new GW items in the game I think this mechanic could help Soraka a bit with some tweaks, of course.

    Patch 5.22

    GRIEVOUS WOUNDS: Now only affects self-healing from healing from all sources.

    Patch 5.24

    R - Wish

    SALT IN THE WOUND No longer removes Grievous Wounds

    Patch 6.9

    GRIEVOUS WOUNDS: Now affects healing from all sources instead of self-healing.

    submitted by /u/SirKraken
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    When I reconnect to the game and realize I have 1 hp

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Stayed at my girlfriends parents for Christmas and didn’t bring my laptop. Remembered I’d installed league on hers some years ago and thought I’d play while she slept, only to get graced with this gem of a loading screen one last time while it updated

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 08:22 PM PST

    League of Legends is rewarding bad plays and this is not right

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:14 AM PST

    As someone who enjoys playing Fizz, it just doesn't feel right when you go for the engage against your midlaner, at minute 11, both being 0/0/0 at about full hp, having basically no items, missing your ultimate because your opponent dodged it (thats my point, he dodged it) but you still manage to erase him because your damage is more than enough to kill him. In this situation I do not want to get the kill for failing my play when we both were equal. This is way too much damage. I did not good, I do not deserve it. From then on, the rest is just snowballing your opponent out of the game because every catch is ending up in a kill. This is why a lot of Fizz or similar Champ Mains get a lot of kills in a game but still lose it in the end. It makes them think they deserve better when they basically lose the game rightfully because of a lack of knowledge and all the other factors . Same goes for champs such as Evelynn. You dodge her first Q with a flash but it doesn't matter because her second cast is still going to charm you and result in a kill. Or what about Zed, LeBlanc etc.? They actually do not need to hit every spell correctly, but the game will reward them with a kill.

    What is your opinion on that? Maybe I'm wrong and the game is just supposed to get faster to make it more attractive for new players at the cost of rewarding misplays. For reference, I was d3 peak and ended up d4 but its fine, I'm currently not better than that. In the end its mostly about positioning but I'm speaking especially for new players who practice and do well for 10 minutes not dying and keeping your laning equal, but end up getting deleted out of the sudden because they simply do not see that coming.

    Don't forget that while I'm making out these points, I always assume an early game equal laning phase. I know that the enemy 6/2/2 Fizz does not need to hit all his spells to kill you.

    Enjoy your days off and stay healthy.

    Edit: As some people are stating I actually lost to a Fizz and wrote it in a way to hide it, you're not that wrong. It goes both ways. I often lose to a Fizz simply because of the same reason. Compared to other Fizz players in my elo, I'm not even a good one. When writing this thread, I was referring to the ‚miss and still kill' kind of thing. This is my point. It applies to a variety of champs. Fizz was just an example.

    submitted by /u/MediocreStock9
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    Drawing all champs day 101 - Ryze

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Drawing all champs day 101 - Ryze

    RYZE TELEPORTATION 英雄联盟 400 CS 24 MIN HACK??? 闪光灯传送Doinb播放器ryze CENTUPLE FLASH 器 | 英雄联盟 DOINB RYZE HACK?英雄联盟 400 CS 24 MIN DOINB RYZE HACK?英雄联盟 400 CS 24 MIN DOINB RYZE HACK?英雄联盟 400 CS 24 MIN DOINB RYZE HACK?英雄联盟 400 CS 24 MIN DOINB RYZE HACK?英雄联盟 400 CS 24 MIN


    submitted by /u/MrKisiel
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    Pretty sure thats not how ekko's stolen ult is supposed to work???

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:46 PM PST

    [skin idea] Bee Hive Malzahar

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST

    [skin idea] Bee Hive Malzahar


    More bee skins!

    Malzahar's void cloud could be a little swarm, the rest honey or something.

    It's a quick sketch to visualize the idea, but I'm still not too sure about bee voidling...maybe shorter legs to make it more cute and wobbly.

    submitted by /u/Silvarspark
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    I gifted 6 of my friends skins for Christmas and had to individually message each of them because none of them were notified in any decent way

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:14 PM PST

    When you gift a skin to someone it shows up in their notifications but I don't think the system is very visually obvious. One of them even told me he noticed the skin in champ select but had no idea where it came from. Has anyone else had this issue?

    submitted by /u/AGhostReverie
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    I’d rather watch a slower-paced strategic game of League than a clown fiesta with a kill every minute.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Been watching League for nearly 6 years now and I really don't like how fast these last few seasons have been in pro play. I like watching League because of how awesome it is to see teams flawlessly set up for objectives, and to force their opponents into unwinnable situations through superior decision making. I have a hard time enjoying watching when it feels like Riot keeps intentionally making those skills less valuable every season. I'm still enjoying playing the game (I do still get a bunch of slow-paced games at my very low mmr), but I really don't have any fun watching it as things stand currently.

    submitted by /u/Lhivorde
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    The disparity between self heal through omnivamp and dedicated support healing items and abilities seems wildly imbalanced.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:48 AM PST

    As the title says. It legit seems absurd how much you can heal through damaging abilities and omnivamp and items compared to how much you heal with a support or teammate with a champ and build specifically dedicated for it. You have champs that can heal back like 2000 health in 1 goredrinker active and ability combo after a couple items, meanwhile moonstone, a mythic specifically dedicated for healing, heals what seems like 150 health per second fully stacked while in combat? Which means teammates are taking damage in combat, which with the insane damage in the game right now, basically makes it useless.

    It feels like every single ability or item that is intended to heal a team member is just useless after the first 10-15 minutes of the game. I understand you cant balance burst heals because that might be too broken but with the game as burst damage oriented as it is, sustain healing just seems useless.

    submitted by /u/fakename233
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    New champion already for 11.2?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Is there a reason they're pumping out so many new champions? It feels like in 2019-2020 they did more than they have since the early league days. it's like every 3-4 patches we get a new champion. (Not mad at it, just hope this champion is more like lillia, not samira)


    submitted by /u/flamesofkarma
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    With things like mastery, eternals and level borders, there's no reason for enemy borders to be hidden in loading screen.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Riot has had this weird anti-intimidation stance for a while. Basically what I mean by "anti-intimidation" are things like not showing enemy borders in the loading screen. Before things like mastery and eternals you basically had no information about the enemies in loading screen but now with mastery and eternals you have... well... more information than before at least.

    So where is the line drawn? In ranked all 10 players will have very similar borders with the exception of smurfs so why not make the loading screen a bit prettier and show the borders?

    It's slightly more understanding in normals but then you're also showing the level 500 border, their 600,000 mastery and their stacked eternals (not indications of skill necessarily but you get what I'm saying)

    So really what I'm asking is... what's the point in keeping loading screen borders hidden at this point? I know that eternals, levels etc aren't a measure of skill but casual players will find them just as intimidating as a border. At least turn them on in ranked (where most players that actually care will be using blitz app or op.gg anyways).

    submitted by /u/bbjimin
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    Merry Belated Christmas 2020 (Original Content)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:37 PM PST

    Merry Belated Christmas 2020 (Original Content)

    Sorry for the late Christmas post, but here's my Nidalee fanart as the year 2020 slowly comes to an end. I realised I did a fanart of her about a year ago, hence I decided to redraw Nidalee again and post it today!

    Christmas Nidalee 2020!

    Another Nidalee Fan-art that I did a year ago! This is also the my first fan-art digitally. (Dec 2019)

    submitted by /u/Toffi_Coffee
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    Why lock smite till level 9?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:07 PM PST

    I understand why they would put levels in fornt of new summoners. it gives new players something to strive for, and will hopefully help them to become addicted to the game. I can tell you for certain making players go duo top for their first 10-15 games is detrimental to their understand of the game. On top of this, it is even more infuriating when they're forced to play blind pick and two possible outcomes happen. One option is, the new players team does not have someone that has smite. This forces their team into a duo top situation. This is most frustrating when the enemy team happens to have someone that has smite unlocked. This obviously then forces the new players team into a 2v1 top lane while one team has a jungler. scenario #2 is the opposite. New player is forced into a team that has a jungler, they're then sent into a 2v1 lane. Anyone who has experienced this knows that it is incredibly unfun, especially for someone who doesn't even know how to play the game yet.

    I've made a lot of new accounts, for various reasons. I can honestly say, from my experience, this is one of the biggest complaints from most newer players. Locking smite till level 9 takes away a huge key portion of the game.

    submitted by /u/Life__Underground
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    JD Gaming vs Team WE / Demacia Cup 2020 - Semifinals / Postmatch Discussion

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:44 AM PST

    JDG 2-3 WE

    Game 1 - JDG

    Game 2 - WE

    Game 3 - WE

    Game 4 - JDG

    Game 5 - WE

    With the win, Team WE move on to face TES in the finals of Demacia Cup 2020.

    submitted by /u/iNTact_wf
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