LoL Guide why does no one ever go future market? |
- why does no one ever go future market?
- I have anger problems(with leauge)
- Some things to keep in mind when you have Rhaast on your team
- When to take Cleanse on ADC
- How can I prevent a CS deficit from snowballing?
- [Improvement] Mentality & Mindset
- Has anyone figured out a good way to play with friends who are new to the game?
- I do way less damage than enemies?
- How to climb as support main in low elo?
- The most viable AP junglers in this patch?
- Made the switch to having my secondary as mid-lane, but now i'm consistently inting every game. Need advice.
- How do I balance my kills and farm
- Why is Arcane Comet a rune anyone would ever take
- Just shared some inner pressure
- Is jungling just in a really bad spot right now?
- Should I play different roles from time to time?
- is having tf enough ap?
- Ahead In Lane? Danger Lurks In Complacency. (Cassiopeia Vs Aatrox Video)
- New Player LF Discord Community to Grow and Learn With
- Jungler close to Mordekaiser
- Is Attack Move Only for ADC Players
- Why are starting items worth it?
- Frustration over bad playing
- Simply put, how/who do you play midlane into all these assassins?
why does no one ever go future market? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST title. it seems like a really good rune. Are u ahead? u can get even more while being in debt, are u behind? well u got 300g lend, especially now that games are ended when u get 2 items the rune seems turbo good to me. Currently playing brand support and the extra gold that helps me get my powerspike items seems really good [link] [comments] |
I have anger problems(with leauge) Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:46 PM PST Dont know if i should post this here or in the league of legends reddit, but since I'm asking for advice i will post it here. When i play leauge my emotions depend of the state of the game. When my team is doing good, i feel motivated and dedicated to win the game. But when i have an afk, inting, bad teammate i completely get tilted. I get tilted to the point that i write in chat how much i hate them for doing x thing. I got many chat restrictions before(probably 3) and i know im getting close to getting a perma ban. So i am asking for advise cause i dont seem to improve, what can i do? [link] [comments] |
Some things to keep in mind when you have Rhaast on your team Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:06 PM PST If Rhaast is ulting a low health enemy, please let him take the kill. This is because, if Rhaast is still inside his victim's body when his victim dies, he does not receive the huge 70% pre-mitigation heal from his ult. Instead, he pops out of his victim's body like a loser, doing nothing, and his ult goes on full cooldown. In a teamfight, his ult is basically a HP reset; typically, Rhaast outputs DPS until he gets low, he ults, gets healed, and continues to fight with a renewed HP bar. By taking out his victim before he emerges from their body, you are essentially indirectly killing your own teammate by not letting him heal himself. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:59 AM PST Hello, I'm an ADC main who mainly plays cait/Lucian and was wondering what bot lane or champs in general I should be picking cleanse into. I've been taking it vs Ashe and Leona but was wondering if anyone had a full list of champs I need it for. Thanks [link] [comments] |
How can I prevent a CS deficit from snowballing? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:59 AM PST I'm trying to learn mid lane, and I end laning phase most of the time not having died. However, and this is especially common for me against strong early game champs, I tend to be down 10-20 CS. I'm playing mostly AP mages so I'm able to waveclear well by this point, but it seems like the rest of the game I play on the back foot unless I'm able to solo kill my laner or our team has a really good fight. What should I be doing in these scenarios? [link] [comments] |
[Improvement] Mentality & Mindset Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:54 AM PST Hi! I have realized, that a lot of people have issues with their mental while playing league. I have had similar issues in the past, and decided to share some thoughts. Also, sorry for spelling mistakes. So first things first, some settings: -get ping volume lower -disable all chat -disable emote display Second, your mentality. So if you want to climb, your mindset should be, you want to improve, not win. Winning will come with improvement. Remember, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. Analysts say, that it's better to lose games where you made right decisions, instead of winning but being useless. Think as a lose, as a way to improve. Also I wanna tell you the fact, that if you play good every game, then you can have 4 feeder teammates, and the enemy can have 5. That means that troughout your climb, there will be more trolls in the enemy, even if it doesn't seem like it. Good players make up for their teams bad decisions, and abuse enemy mistakes. If you play a lot, and you deserve to be higher elo, you will get to higher elo. Everyone loses now and then, it just happens, you can't win every game. Even some unranked to challenger seriouses, pro players lose some, because its unwinnable. When you lose, just try to learn from it and not tilt. If you tilt, you will probably lose your next game because of it. If you tilted, just take a little break before your next game. It can help a lot to regain your focus. Also lemme tell you a situation that has happened to me: Okay so, wich one is better? One Vladimir with full build or 5 champions with 2 items? Obviously the vladimir. I was playing jax, and I was splitting botlane, around the 25th minute mark. I got 2 towers, and I stole some enemy jg, got some deepwards. I got a total of 1600 gold. My 4 teammates died, and started flaming me. The enemy team got around 2k gold, but shared, so around each of them got 500. And that was the worst case scenario, because my team died. If they know this, sit back, and dont fight 4v5, then we come out on top with a bigger lead. So I know I did the right play, and that they messed up. Yet they started flaming me, and they wrote stuff like "noob jax no help" or "rep jax useless". So here I tried to explain them, that I did the right play. We started arguing, and they didn't understand me. Then I messed up big time, and we lost the game. If I have muted them, we could have won easily. Takeaway from this: use mute when teammates are annoying, and ignore them. The worst thing you can do is writing back to them. They are not gonna understand, and you will lose focus. Mute them, ignore them, focus on yourself and focus on improving. One thing that has helped me tilt less, is entering flowstate and having the right mentality. I recommend this video, if you wanna know more about flowstate: And this video has helped me a lot, to not get too emotional during games: One thing that I also reccomend, is to listen to some music during games. This will help you being calm. But dont put the music on high volumes. The human reactions are faster, from sounds. So if ahri throws a charm at you, you will react by hearing the charm sound, rather than seeing the charm. So even if you listen to some music, make sure its not loud. Thats all my advice. If you have other advice on the topic, please share it in the comment section. Merry christmas and good luck in the rift! [link] [comments] |
Has anyone figured out a good way to play with friends who are new to the game? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:13 PM PST I've had a few friends try to play league and it's always been a miserable experience getting them to the point where we can play together and matchmaking is decent. My most recent friend played Warwick top against a diamond kayle and irelia and though we ended up winning I think he'd have a much better time if he were matched up against someone a similar level to him. I've tried playing on my main account as well as smurf accounts and I've found the main account to generally be better because smurf queue can be pretty demoralizing. Obviously this kind of thing could be solved by my friend queueing on his own, but the biggest draw of league to him rn is being able to play with his friends. I thought about perhaps setting up in houses with other new friends but other than that I have no clue. Has anyone else gone through this and had any better ideas? [link] [comments] |
I do way less damage than enemies? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:21 AM PST I started playing league a few days ago and cant help but notice that it seems like I do very minimal damage compared to anyone I play against / my team. I play thresh mainly and there are times I can hook someone in, use my ULT and all my other abilities on this player. Maybe for half of enemies health but in that time I am literally pretty much dead cause the other player has sat in front of me taken all my shots and then just dealt way more damage than I could. Is there something I'm missing when playing? [link] [comments] |
How to climb as support main in low elo? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:40 AM PST Well me and my duo partner are pretty much tilted. We were used to play Bot lane together, but since a few weeks he is maining Mid lane and is pretty successful on Qiyana. But most of the games we could possibly win it's just frustrating when the jungle can't smite/ team is playing all mid/ etc. What can I do to get successful or in general have fun again in this beloved game? [link] [comments] |
The most viable AP junglers in this patch? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:36 AM PST I've had too many full AD team comps (excluding the support), and it doesn't take a genius to armor stack against us. Right now my jungling pool is pretty shallow: Vi, Nocturne, Olaf. I'm looking for AP junglers who are easy to master and do not rely on a one-trick-cheese to work (no AP Twitch or AP Shyvana). Does Nunu work as an AP jungler or is his damage too miniscule to care? I'm in Gold rank btw. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:47 AM PST Howdy! Im a low silver player that mains jungle and is an ADC secondary. My jungle mains are kayn, nunu, hecarim. ADC mains are MF, Tristana (just picked her up), and Aphelios. I made the decision to drop being an ADC due to the current state of it. I don't feel like I can make much impact in a game whether fed or behind. No matter how fed I get, I still get one shot by most champions. I used to main mid-lane way back when I first started, but I dropped it for ADC since the role was fun. Now that i've climbed out of low bronze it's getting harder to play ADC. When I played Mid I was a Sylas/Swain/Yasuo main. However, now that i've been playing mid again, I feel like the role is so alien. I'm losing every trade im in and keep getting stomped by other players. Is there anything I can do to transition more smoothly? [link] [comments] |
How do I balance my kills and farm Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:41 AM PST So I'm having this problem in almost all my ranked games and It's either that I have good CS but I'm way behind in kills or I'm down 20 to 40 farm from my laner but I killed him a couple of times. [link] [comments] |
Why is Arcane Comet a rune anyone would ever take Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:01 PM PST Title basicaly says all. I legitimately do not understand why people use arcane comet. In terms of "main runes" I feel that runes like dark harvest, electrocute, conquerer (although I see a lot of ranged champs use arcane, so maybe not this one) just are so much better than arcane comet. For example, let's take lux. If she hits her q somehow, most of the time she is probably going to be able to land her e and auto once, which is enough to proc electrocute and probably do more damage than if she had arcane comet? [link] [comments] |
Just shared some inner pressure Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:10 AM PST So lately I have not been playing LOL for a week now because of one simple but silly reason that bugs me a lot. I get hurt easily when someone becomes toxic towards me for bad gameplay plus I had been playing League for just a month so I don't know a lot about it. My question here is that how do I make myself resistant to these toxic teammates as it leads me to self-doubt in the game. Maybe this post is not quite relevant to the motive of this subreddit but I am glad that I shared it. [link] [comments] |
Is jungling just in a really bad spot right now? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:05 PM PST Returning player after a few years off, tried falling back into my comfort roles of Top/Jungle. I've still got my top mechanics down, CS well and harass fine, win my lane more often than not, but jungling is a whole other story. I've tried out a variety of my old fave junglers, Nocturne, Shyvanna, Sejuani, Olaf, Xin, Jax, Rammus. Played a few games each on them and I am consistently way behind all of my teammates in CS, Gold and Exp. My opponent top/mid are 6 before myself or the enemy jungler (unless one of us gets a good gank or two) which makes it way harder to land ganks on them when they have their ults and I don't. I've tried just power farming to get to 6 as fast as possible and I'm still about a half level behind mid/top on both teams if nobody has kills by then. Ganking doesn't feel like a good use of my time because I'm not gaurenteed a kill, usually will just get a flash out of the opponent, then I've lost exp and gold per minute by spending time walking to top or bot, waiting in brush, fighting, and having to b for potentially just a flash which is no net gain to me at the time. I'm fine on objective control, keeping an eye on dragon and herald/baron, but I just don't feel like junglers can keep up with laners without kills. It feels like jungle is just really poorly balanced right now, designed to be underfed and unable to hit 6 for a hard gank before any lane which severely reduced their threat. Is this a problem other people are having? Was last season like this? Is there a specific path I should be taking to maximize my exp earning? I've tried blue>gromp>wolves>raptors>red>krugs>scuttle and red>krugs>raptors>wolves>blue>gromp>scuttle while looking for ganks in between. Should I not be doing full clears and just ignoring krugs or gromp or raptors depending on who I'm playing? Thanks for any advice [link] [comments] |
Should I play different roles from time to time? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:45 PM PST I've been playing since the end of season 4/the preseason to season to 5 and like a looot of people I've mained quite a few different roles over the years. Started in support, going over to top, playing mid for quite a while, then going back top and finally settling in the jungle which has always been my second role no matter what I ''mained'' at the time. It's the roly I like to play the most and it's the role I have mained the longest so far. I don't really see myself changing it ever again and that is fine for me. But that is not why I am writing this. I am writing this because I know a time where we theoretically had to be able to play every single role (kind of) because many seasons ago draft pick was not a thing. Thank god it is today. I haven't thought about this for ages because I kind of took draft pick for granted but recently I realized that I haven't played a different role other than jungle in.. oh my.. like.. 10 months. At least. I'm not joking. For many many months I've been playing alone again and trough the draft system I've always gotten my role. I'm not kidding. I can't remember playing anything other than jungle in the past like.. year. Now I didn't really think about this until recently. For some reason the question should I play other roles from time to time started popping into my head. There was a time where I played multiple roles every week but these days I don't even have to think about it and I'm not sure if only playing jungle is good for my overall gameplay. You know what I mean? Maybe this doesn't matter too much but maybe I should at least consider playing something else from time to time. I should probably say that I am not really too much into ranked at the moment. I have not finished my placements this year since I have been matched with players between G4 and P2 in my normal games mostly so I didn't even bother playing ranked since I am already matched with players who are mostly better than me. I see myself as a G4-G2 player which is not something to write home about. So I just didn't play ranked at all this season. But hey, maybe I will play ranked next season again. Who knows. Maybe S11 will finally be season I really start to improve properly. Gotta admit that I never really sat down and tried to improve my gameplay properly. Maybe I should do that in 2021. Maybe I should play more roles than just jungle in order to accomplish that. Anyway. Thank you for your time and guidance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:12 PM PST title. i am mainly forced to pick ap mid a lot of games and was wondering if in the scenario where everyone on my team is ad it's okay to pick tf, i understand s10 this would not have been recommendable cuz the roa build didn't give much dmg but with the proto/nh lich build its viable to play tf in those scenarios, or is it just better to play a higher damage ap like viktor akali [link] [comments] |
Ahead In Lane? Danger Lurks In Complacency. (Cassiopeia Vs Aatrox Video) Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:58 AM PST Hello everyone, Another video today on keeping up the pressure when ahead in a matchup that can quickly turn around. Presented through a recent commented game of mine, edited for your convenience. Join in on a fun journey. :) The format is also chosen to help you integrate the insights. A story to go with concepts helps to better remember/apply what you learned after all. And maybe there's something in there for broad reflection on your approach to the game and other relations. Thank you for taking the time to read this and good luck out there! [link] [comments] |
New Player LF Discord Community to Grow and Learn With Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:08 AM PST Title says it all, played for a couple weeks, watched some streams/vids on youtube to learn and get better. now i need people to play with on the mic that are understanding of my noobiness, also just bought some skins to give me a little extra coolness ign: Derpsadopy Discord: Derpsadope#8276 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:25 PM PST I was wondering if there was a Jungler similar to Mordekaiser, i am kinda new to the game and i liked Vel'koz but now i play Mordekaiser. So if anyone knows a jungler that is like Mordekaiser i would be happy to know that champ :) (or can i just play Mordekaiser in jungle?) [link] [comments] |
Is Attack Move Only for ADC Players Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:56 PM PST I'm a top laner but I've always heard about attack move but I wasn't sure if it was something I needed. I know some higher elo players use it a lot but from what I'm reading it is mostly ADC players. So my question is it something I should get accustomed to using if I don't play ADC? [link] [comments] |
Why are starting items worth it? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:04 AM PST I am a Silver 2 player in my first season and I know I'm not an expert on anything. However, I feel like right now you need to rush your mythic as quickly as possible and the 450 gold you spend on a starting item seems counterproductive if you can't get the 450 gold in value back with it. I've been playing Garen top and with second wind, you have 2 regen abilities so the extra small healing from Dshield isn't super important. So if I theoretically was to buy a long sword and a refillable, I would be able to get to my mythic faster and even do more damage early game. Feel free to rip this opinion to shreds I'm here to learn. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:48 PM PST I came back to League this fall after a 3 year hiatus. In the beginning i was hardstuck at silver 2 for a couple of months but in the last 2 weeks i've managed to climb to gold 4. But for all my recent sucess I still feel angry over all the mistakes I make whether i win or lose. My skills are lacking in key concepts like map awareness, vision control, wave control, teamfight positioning, and general playmaking. I have learned to identify when I do things wrong, but I cannot stop repeating the same mistakes. It gets better when I focus all of my energy on thinking about all the things i should do and why i should do them. But after a few minutes of tryharding I naturally and involuntarily resort back to auto pilot, and before i know it the game is lost or I have made myself virtually useless. How do I combat this? Is there a way to keep myself from resorting to auto pilot or make myself do it correctly whilst I'm in auto pilot? [link] [comments] |
Simply put, how/who do you play midlane into all these assassins? Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:44 PM PST I don't find playing bursty assassins any fun, but picking control mages into these characters is asking for trouble. Normally I would be able to poke them out of lane, but so many champs have lifesteal or other forms of sustain that makes it very hard. The only champ I've been able to find success with is Vel'Koz/Xerath because he can play sooo far back and his ult is usually a free kill if you don't massively screw up, but he's still super vulnerable to ganks and you can't really count on your solo Q jungler to help that often. Is there a character that I can pick into the Zed/Yasuo/Kat/Akali/Fizz type players that won't just get bullied, or is this more of a playstyle thing that I just need to become a better midlaner. [link] [comments] |
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