• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 13, 2020

    League of Legends Korean Youtuber finds out that a low-hp Yuumi on Soraka gives a permanent movement speed buff. lol.

    League of Legends Korean Youtuber finds out that a low-hp Yuumi on Soraka gives a permanent movement speed buff. lol.

    Korean Youtuber finds out that a low-hp Yuumi on Soraka gives a permanent movement speed buff. lol.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 11:55 AM PST

    Kayle Traditional Skin

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Kayle Traditional Skin

    Hello guys and girls !
    We are continuing the challenge to create fan "traditional skins" that have never been made by Riot Games ( and will probably never be made ).
    A lot of people were asking for Kayle ( I know you guys are asking a lot of other champions but I do my best to satisfy everyone ♥ )
    If you wanna see the other skins paintover I've made, check out my profile !
    Hope you'll love this one, cheers !!


    submitted by /u/TorokArt
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    Reminder: Normals are NOT ranked. You DON'T lose ranking when you lose. So for the love of god, stop being toxic and talking shit to players who happen to have a bad game

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:21 AM PST

    There are those of us that use normals for practice, to avoid affecting our rank.

    We're still playing to win, we're not trolling, we're not feeding, we're not purposely doing anything to ruin the match.

    I've lost count the amount of times I've seen someone get a rough game, where they're camped by an enemy jungler and just die about 4 or 5 times. It happens. You know what won't help and make things worse? Calling that player bad and giving them shit. THey're probably already frustrated at themselves for playing poorly. Don't pile on and be an asshole to them. Its fucking normals dude, calm down.

    People have bad games. Don't be that dipshit that just flames your teammates in a NORMALS of all thing. Do you really want to get banned over normal games? And of course, you shouldn't do this at all. Don't flame people period. People have bad games, it happens. Accept it and move on, better yet, tell them that its okay and that hopefully they have better luck in their next game.

    submitted by /u/Alphazonex
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    Much like her armor, Rell's attitude doesn't fit her.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:26 PM PST

    To me, voice lines like "Friends just get in the way", "Fighting together? Guess it's not that bad.", "If I trusted people I'd need even more armor", etc. Are a bit weird coming from a character that can do nothing on her own (She can't use her E unless there is an ally nearby, which also means her Q doesn't heal her). Her attitude seems a lot more fitting for a Solo-Lane Bruiser.

    submitted by /u/Mighty_Epsilon
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    Flame retires from pro-play

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:44 AM PST

    Nemesis cyber bullying with the bird

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 09:35 AM PST

    I hate the obese snowball guy

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:08 AM PST

    pretty much title. i am a hard stuck gold jungler maining ww and noc (since season 3) and cant wrap my head around the current meta and nunu is the epitome of that fun. Perma ganks, insane objective control, sustain, more ms than hecarim at times.

    Playing against this with ww or noc just feels like u are at such a huge disadvantage just by not picking that unfun snowball rolling obese furball.

    I know pick to the meta or shut up... but ww and noc is all my bad energy drinks powered ass can play and currently it feels like even with beeing ok with those two compared to picking a new champ just isnt cutting it.


    submitted by /u/sadgoldguy
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    Has Rell been the least hyped champion release?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:50 AM PST

    I didn't even notice she was released, and I also couldn't tell from my games because noone bothered to even ban or pick it. Usually on new champion releases you have some players wanting to first time the champion in ranked but I haven't seen Rell at all. Personally, it looks like a super boring champion to me so I would never consider playing it. Is it the same for you guys?

    submitted by /u/LigoLegendo
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    When did the Rift Herald learn how to Moonwalk?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:23 AM PST

    malphite spoonfeeding penta to galeforce kogmaw

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:55 PM PST

    Clean Escape with Twitch

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:40 PM PST

    Lethal Tempo Soraka + Yuumi Bot in Ranked, weird Interaction with Soraka Passive gives her the Zoomies

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Yasuo was released on this day 7 years ago and i can't get my head around that.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Just as the title says, I've been playing this god forsaken game since 2012 and when Yasuo was released I hated him with a passion and i still do to this day, its one of those champions that i hated since launch date like the new Akali or Sylas but whenever i think about Yasuo's release and how it changed the game i never notice it happened 7 FCKING YEARS ago.

    I just think "man i miss when champions didn't have a billion jumps, shields and kits with 200 different mechanics" but that's been like the majority of the time in this game now, guess I got my nostalgia googles so stuck to my eyes they're affecting my blood flow and I just can't think properly.

    submitted by /u/Asgavin
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    Riot changed the Playful Pup emote after the stolen art controversy

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:40 AM PST

    As share by /u/IAmCorgii in his POST , it seemed that (not riot directly) but the people in charge of making the Icon "Playful Pup" straight copied it.

    On the new PBE patch they changed it to THIS Icon


    submitted by /u/NoPlaceForHideo
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    The Disappearance of the mid lane control mage, and why Supports keep stealing Mid Mages.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:04 PM PST

    It's no surprise that Mid Lane Mages have been dwindling out of mid for several years. Morgana, Zyra, Brand, Taliyah, Seraphine, Swain, and now Anivia. With Anivia's new buffs, and her sudden spike in playrate with support. I have once again, entered a war I can't win, where a mid lane mage, that was once exclusively a mid lane mage, will see play in support, and I will suffer the consequences of it through balancing. Seraphine was immediately stolen from mid by support players, who also got their new champion Rell. Anivia, along with various other mages, are no longer able to function in mid like they used to, because of the huge amount of burst, and mobility that comes with an Assassin Meta. When Riot adds multiple new mobility tools for Assassins via Items, as well as increasing overall burst, the need for mid lane control mages dwindles, because Assassins can just dominate them early game. I noticed that Froggen had commented on how Anivia might be better as a support now, and that disappoints me, because as a mage player I hate having to sit there, not farm, and deal with the horrors of a duo lane. I am angry here, because my two mains, Zyra, and Anivia, are both being threatened by this massive creep towards bursty assassins, and divers.

    When will Riot let us have our mid mages back?

    submitted by /u/StormersEdge
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    I think it´s time for Riot to forget this Client and start making a new one.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:54 AM PST

    As you probably know, League´s client is an absolute disaster and I think it´s time for Riot to start making a new one, this time, with up-to-date technology and several improvements.

    9 Months ago, Riot announced a new project called "Client Cleanup Campaign" which the goal was to fix the client. Even tho they said that they wouldn´t be able to clean up the Client completely, I´ve noticed very minor improvements.

    The only noticeable improvement was definitely the time that the client takes to open, which had a significant improvement, props to Riot for that.

    But, apart from the bootstrap improvements, I really couldn´t notice any more improvements. The client is still clunky, laggy, confusing, buggy, still consumes a lot of RAM which mainly affects players with low spec computers. Right now I have my League client open and it is consuming about 650 MB of RAM when I´m literally not using it... this is a big problem.

    Secondly, the bugs seem to be endless. Every patch Riot fixes a bug but 10 more appear in compensation. Literally every patch I manage to find a new bug. I found this one recently: When you finish a game and you click on the button "Skip Waiting for Stats" the client doesn´t detect that you´ve ended that game and makes you wait a couple of minutes before you can queue up again.

    Thirdly, get rid of all the useless features, the Client has a lot of features, but nearly no-one uses them, one example is the "drag your friends into the lobby to invite them".

    Fourthly, prioritize funcionality over beauty. What does it matter to have a beautiful looking client when it doesn´t work? I´d rather prefer a Client with a basic design but that was functional and didn´t have this ton of issues that you already know what are.

    To finish, It will take several years for Riot to fix all the issues that this Client has. Instead of wasting several years of work trying to fix something that will never be completely fixed, what about spending that time on making something better? Make a client from scratch and this time do not save expenses.

    submitted by /u/Gradeientt
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    FNC Selfmade gets 1st pick in champion select while not being 1st pick

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Sorry Tryndamere, but I don't like you.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:55 PM PST

    There is just something about his playstyle that I feel is so wrong. He is just defying the rules of the game. First, it's stupid how quickly he gets the crit. No squishies has a chance on that. Second, IMO you should die when your HP is at 1 and you take any more dmg. Also the sound he makes when he uses his E is just disgusting.

    Sorry Tryndamere, but I don't like you.

    submitted by /u/MrYellowfield
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    Man I love the MMR system in place right now

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Guys, I must say this has to be the most rewarding mmr system to date. I absolutely love grinding 15 games winning 13 of them in order to reach plat 3. My favorite part is that your hot streaks are so well rewarded by losing one game and destroying the 3 previous wins worth of progress. The grind just really gets my rocks off.

    submitted by /u/JimBobGoat2
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    Drawing all champs day 88 - Poppy

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:47 PM PST

    Drawing all champs day 88 - Poppy

    Just a yordle with a hammer. Hammer that is like 2 times her size. Shading weapons is werid. But hey at least I'm happy with the nose, that's something.

    One more thing. Because every few pics someone comments that my drawings are shit and that I'm some kid I wanted to clarify - I am 21 years old and I'm fully aware that I'm not a good artist, so if you want to criticize me, tell me something I don't already know.


    submitted by /u/MrKisiel
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    i didn't think it would happen in prize fight but it did (yuumi 1v1)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:46 PM PST

    What's with the quitter mentality in League?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 01:09 AM PST

    It seems like the proper etiquette in league has become to surrender as soon as it looks like the team will lose - as if the only point of playing the game is only to accumulate wins. When a game starts out a little rough, people start planning to ff at 15. The countless times people have whined "ff please! " makes it clear that most player don't know how to lose AND enjoy a game. This means ~50% of the time, games won't be fun! That is sad. Games should be fun - win or lose. What is the value of sports/games? Unless your getting paid winning doesn't matter much, the point is to have fun and build character. There is a satisfaction in not giving up. Win or lose there is a chance to learn. I can ignore trolls and jerks, but when all my teammates want to quit and will be angry if I don't surrender - that sucks. Be kind, have fun, try your best, and don't give up easily is generally a good approach in life, I think. Sincerely, your Dad.

    Edit: I'm not saying to never surrender, but encouraging people not to surrender easily. And make the best of the game.

    submitted by /u/treacheroust19
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    Epic escape by Kayn

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:02 PM PST

    "Maokai Support"

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:38 AM PST

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