LoL Guide Ranked flairs are back! |
- Ranked flairs are back!
- How to improve your Mechanics FAST!
- Getting used to S11 as a tank support
- How do I one trick?
- This Simple Dodging Formula will help you Climb.
- As a jungler, how do I keep track of wave states?
- Dodge When at Tank Disadvantage - Low Gold
- Been playing ARAMs and custom games vs bots now for like 3 months. Because the extreme anxiety i get on the thought of playing 5v5 summoners rift vs real people. I've read posts that tell how to get rid of this but don't have the mentality to get it done. Anyone have some secret tips I dont know of?
- Breakdown of Amateur tournament
- Why are base MR values so much lower than base Armor values?
- How do I stop clicking with my mouse to level my abilities?
- How do some players always know exactly when and how someone will do something?
- Every viable runepage for Vladimir (Season 11)
- Which role do you think offers the most to the team as a whole?
- Why is scuttle so important?
- How do I teach my friends, lvl 40ish, to play safe without being afk in lane?
- How to finish a game out when fed?
- Learning gangplank
- OTP Matchup problems
- So, Ive tested a bit and the gold cap from minions on the jungle item seems bugged.
- What training schedule should I follow to work on CSing
- Some tips to counter Anivia
- When and at who adc is it worth to build Galeforce?
- How to become a “carry” with bad mechanics?
Posted: 12 Dec 2020 05:04 PM PST Hey, summoners! First things first, we'd like to take this moment to acknowledge that we've recently hit a pretty major sub benchmark at 500,000 subscribers. We're very proud of the community we've been able to grow here at Summoner School and we're happy so many people have found the sub helpful on their League of Legends journey. You guys are the best. Now with that out of the way, we'd like to officially announce the return of our ranked flair system. It's been a long time coming and we appreciate how patient everyone has been. The new system is different from the old one in that we require you to make a post on our new dedicated flair sub /r/feralflairs rather than on our previous website. The title of your post should be your in-game summoner name (the body of the post itself is irrelevant). You'll receive a verification code from our new flair bot that you'll be required to enter into your League client. After the bot has verified your account you'll receive the appropriate flair based on your current in-game rank. You can find these steps repeated in the stickied post on /r/feralflairs which will be linked to in the sidebar. While we're excited to unveil this new system, please do note that we're still in the testing phase and some interruptions to service are to be expected. We'll try to address any problems as they pop up. We'd like to extend a special thanks to /u/GarenTopLane for developing this new system and to our community for bearing with us during the downtime. And from all of us here at Summoner School we'd like to wish you all a safe and happy holidays. Here's to a better year of climbing in 2021! [link] [comments] |
How to improve your Mechanics FAST! Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:51 AM PST Core Concepts to understandMicro MechanicsAre you misclicking a lot? Is your camera locked or in the wrong places? Are you pressing keys in the wrong order? Are you missing skillshots? These are mechanical abilities linked to the five senses and physiological ability – response time, eye-hand coordination, etc. Macro MechanicsThere are also macro (game knowledge) ideas directly linked to micro mechanics. Are you taking bad trades? Are you missing CS? Are you playing teamfights wrong? They have macro ideas supporting behind them – why are you taking bad trades? Why are you missing CS? Both of the above are the hardest thing to train in League Of Legends. They naturally grow over time as you play more games. However, if you want to speed this process, I've got you covered. In this post, I will show you some of the best ways to practice and improve your mechanics in League Of Legends. We will work on your specific issues and drill them. This allows you to specifically work on your biggest mechanical weaknesses and improve them fast! In order to achieve the best results, we will follow a step-by-step proven formula. I've followed this formula myself, and I managed to go from D4 to Masters in just 2 weeks. I've also taught all of my students this formula and helped them instantly improve their micro management and mechanics. I will share with you the basic concept here, but I cannot share all the details. I'll keep some things secret since I offer paid coaching too, and I don't want to disappoint my students, who've paid for this information. I hope you appreciate this. Step 1: Understand your mechanical weaknesses and track your progress.This step is crucial, yet most League players skip on this part. If you don't know your weaknesses you can't improve fast. Why? Because you don't consciously work on them. You may randomly work on them whenever you feel you're wrong on something but that does not lead to fast improvement. You need to put in some serious (productive) effort if you want to improve fast. Also, if you don't know your weaknesses, you can't track your progress which means you cannot strategically practice. For example, let's say you are bad at taking trades and you know this. So you put the time into studying some basic concepts around that topic and then you maybe practice them for some games. If you don't spectate and write down what the results were (lost vs won trades) and don't aim for a better number each game, you won't improve fast. Also, if you don't track your progress, you won't even ask yourself why you're losing these trades, so your improvement has an expiration date. In order to become mechanically better, faster, you need to understand your mechanical weaknesses and track your progress. You can understand your weaknesses by watching a VOD + the replay of you playing, so you can also understand your point of view and what was really happening in the game. You may notice some things you were doing wrong. The next thing you'll do to understand even more things you're doing wrong is compare your VOD to a pro player VOD who is playing the same matchup, and understand how he plays better. Then you'll notice much more things you were doing wrong. Write down in a paper or in an excel sheet some of your mechanics that aren't on point and keep track of them from now on. Let's write down some common mechanical weaknesses you can copy and keep track of. Please don't just copy this list. Spectate your own gameplay, you'll notice some things I don't mention here. Micro mechanics
Macro Mechanics
Step 2: Choose optimal competitive settings and stick to themThe first thing you need to do after you understand your weaknesses and before practising them, is choosing optimal competitive game settings and sticking to them. In order to choose optimal settings, you can watch a YouTube Guide like this one. (It's not outdated yet but the chances are it will soon be, so keep your eye on this after major updates). But why should you choose these settings? Especially if you're low elo the chances are your settings ar enot optimal and what I mean by this is that you waste time when you're pressing your buttons or it's really hard to execute your combos the right way. That's why the pro players follow some common patterns when it comes to LoL settings. You should actually follow these patterns until you're as good as them (This one sounds tough but trust me it will have a significant impact on your gameplay in the long term). My friend who had some weird settings followed this advice and changed his settings to a pro player ones. He managed to execute an average of 5 more combos successfully per game with his one trick Rengar. This led to an average of 2 more kills per game which is HUGE! He climbed from platinum 3 to diamond 1 this year without studying the game for 1 second (he is too lazy). He only accepted to change his settings and noticed this huge difference. Warning: This one is going to be tough in the beginning. I know because I've changed my setttings before and it took me some time to get used to them. Consistence will make them work in your favor, and you'll eventually become better and win more games. Step 3: Practice your weaknesses consistentlyYou can train your mechanics with these games in your league queue times or use them as your warm-up exercises. For most of my students (myself too) the second option works better.
Don't forget to keep track of your numbers each game so you can track your progress. You'll be amazed by how good these numbers will eventually become. ConclusionFor all mechanical related ability, you cannot get better if you do not put in the time, with discipline. You must train regularly and do it well. I ask my students to train daily, for around 30 minutes at least. Also, as I mentioned above, some mechanical skills are related to your game understanding. This means you also need to put some time into studying the core concepts of the game. [link] [comments] |
Getting used to S11 as a tank support Posted: 12 Dec 2020 11:11 PM PST I main hook champions and Leona/Braum/tank supports in low Gold since season 7. Took a break in August this year for my college semester, just recently came back to all the new changes and champions. Can't find success now, I keep dying a lot and not able to estimate damage or my stats. I felt like I'm a whole division worse than I was before the break. Any tips on getting used to this season? Especially if you're a tank support main: was there anything you adapt your playstyle to? Edit: Thank you guys. Reading the comments it seems like maybe I just need to get used to the new landscape. Not just some of the micro in my role has changed, but also other roles as well. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:57 AM PST Now I've heard the best way to climb is by choosing a main and only playing them. This is so you can learn all the matchups and be really consistent with one champion. But the problem is I'm not good at one tricking. If I do bad one game it makes me want to play. Different champion the next game. It's not that I get bored it's that I feel like I'm not doing anything in that champion. So how do you guys keep one trucking even if you have 10 bad games in a row? TLDR: how do you keep your one trick even after going on loss streaks? [link] [comments] |
This Simple Dodging Formula will help you Climb. Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:49 PM PST Yo! It's that time of week again! SUNDAY QUICKIES. This week I was reflecting on some of the key things that really helped me climb this season and one of the most simple/effective point was absolutely DODGING THE GAME. So I tried to create a formula with the thought process I go through each time I'm deciding whether or not to stay in the lobby or dodge, take the loss and save my MMR. In order for this to be streamlined/quick I would suggest using or porofessor (automatically comes up whenever you go into lobby) Video Version of formula + example: So the formula I came up with is this: First off - Dodge or no Dodge is decided by finishing the formula with either a positive or negative number. EX: +1 or -1 Team champion win rates - If they have between a 47-53% wr, I give that summoner a 0. Above 53% is +1 Below 47% is -1 Next point is team comp (obviously as you get to higher elo's there are many different types of team comps/strategies, but I'm just keeping it basic for this formula) Team comp should consist of - some sort of engage, a good carry to tank ratio, and make sure your team isn't all AD or all AP. good team comp = +1 bad team comp = -1 The next point is simple. If you have an autofilled jungle = its -2 points Cold Streaks. If someone has lost 3 in a row it is -1 (no matter if they have a good w/r with champion) The Last point, if you notice your team flaming before the game even starts and multiple people are engaging it is also = -2 points. Obviously dodging isn't this simple all of the time, there will be those games where someone is first timing a champion on a certain account other than their main. Or you will have a team comp that is very poke heavy without an engage. This tool is just meant to be a basic outline of how I think about dodging and when I decide to dodge a game. With the new season coming up I feel like dodging is a very valuable tool to help you climb and to save your MMR on games that are doomed before they even start. Full Example: Bottom - Vayne with 46% wr: = -1 Support - Leona with 45% wr: = -1 (you are AP mid) = 0 Top - Renekton OTP with 55% wr: = +1 Jungle - Ekko with 54% wr: = +1 Team composition - we have engage, a good tank to carry ratio, and pretty even AP/AD = +1 No-one is flaming = 0 Jungle is not autofilled = 0 Total result = +1 = NO DODGE I would really like to collaborate with you all, If you have any key points you think you could add to make this formula better please let me know. Any constructive feedback is welcomed. Happy Sunday, I hope you all have a good start to the week tomorrow. -Slunt [link] [comments] |
As a jungler, how do I keep track of wave states? Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:51 AM PST I was playing clash last week and ended up winning quite easily. One of the things I noticed is that I was able to talk to my teammates and say things like "I want to start dragon will you be able to rotate?" And my teammates would be able to communicate back with how their lane state is and whether their wave is in a good spot for them to rotate. I came out of that clash tourney with a new state of mind when it comes to playing around objectives, but it's so much harder to keep track of wave states when you aren't in a voice chat and there isn't that level of communication. Since I don't play a lot of games outside of the jungle and am not amazing at wave control, what are some tips for checking wave states and knowing what will happen in the future so I can play for objectives better? Edit: I already use F keys and I know how to look at lanes while clearing. The issue I have is not knowing how wave control works and not getting the information I need when checking lanes [link] [comments] |
Dodge When at Tank Disadvantage - Low Gold Posted: 13 Dec 2020 11:50 AM PST As an adc main in low gold it feels like every game where the enemy team has two or three tanks, and my team does not, we are not likely to win. Yes it happens... but the odds are stacked against us. It feels much harder to make a comeback against tanks than it is against squishier higher damage champions who you could potentially catch out of position and kill quickly. But when tanks get ahead, you can't even catch and kill before their team shows up, or they 1 for 1 against 3+ people... So is it worth it to just dodge every game you are at a tank disadvantage? I also think that games are just much more fun to play as an adc when you have tanks on your team to play around. I also try to encourage tank picks in team select chat. And I ban Malphite if no one is to pick Malph on our team. Thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:30 PM PST So this is the reason I quit League 6 years ago, and I thought it would have gone away by 6 years later, but seems like it's actually worse. Back then I could play ranked from time to time.... Now for 3 months I've been only playing aram and customs even tho I love the idea of playing 5v5 on the rift, becoming better, learning champs/roles etc... But as I said my anxiety hinders me alot. I can literally look at the 5v5 play button for like 5-10 minutes trying to gain courage to queue up and play. And when I actually start to play, my heart starts pumping ALOT and I get really nervous. The very few times I acutally gain the courage to play, first 1-2 games feels really bad but game 3-4 it actually feels really better and I feel like I could keep playing if I didnt get exhausted after like 4 games. But after that, the next day, it feels like I am back to square one being afraid to start playing that first game and just ends up playing arams. I've read alot on this and how you just have to keep plowing through does hard games and it will get better with time. But it just feels like I don't have the mentality or brain power to do it. All tips or just some comforting/explantaions would be really helpful <3 I know this is a good community even tho some people are real assholes ingame sometimes ;( . [link] [comments] |
Breakdown of Amateur tournament Posted: 13 Dec 2020 11:45 AM PST Hi all! Ive been doing breakdowns recently of games from an Amateur tournament I cast in. I go through basic concepts of the game and what goals certain comps have and how they achieve success. If this is something you like let me know! -Vega [link] [comments] |
Why are base MR values so much lower than base Armor values? Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:45 PM PST I've been playing for some years as of now, and never understood the reason for that decision. I read on the league wiki that both Armor and MR reduce damage the same way - you can read about it here. So I never understood why base MR is inherently lower, even though AP champs deal about the same amount of damage as AD champs, and even more sometimes. Would be glad to get an answer. [link] [comments] |
How do I stop clicking with my mouse to level my abilities? Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:10 PM PST Hi, I've played the game for 6 years but I still click to level my abilities like a noob :( my hand just never got used to moving down to ctrl. I binded ctrl to a button on my mouse and its super easy to click but it seems like my brain is wired to click on the ability. I do it subconsciously. [link] [comments] |
How do some players always know exactly when and how someone will do something? Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:17 PM PST I've recently been watching a lot of kingstix and karasmai who I've been trying to learn to jungle in because im a new player in bronze .A problem I always have is that I never know what the opponent will do or how they will react to things.Yet it seems when I watch kingstix or karasmai they say what someone will do or go and that's exactly what happens they do this quite consistently too.I'm wondering how I can get this level of depth in my thinking and always knowing what the opponent will do and react I'm any given circumstance like they do? [link] [comments] |
Every viable runepage for Vladimir (Season 11) Posted: 13 Dec 2020 01:17 PM PST Hey everyone, its Chen Chen here! I create numerous guides and high level gameplay about Vladimir specifically on my channel. I peaked rank 8 vlad NA and have over 1 million mastery points on the champion! I created a guide mentioning every single viable option in terms of runepage for Vladimir, and the associating mythic item. Season 11 has definitely brought about more variety in Vlad's playstyle and I hope this video can help you decide what runes to run! [link] [comments] |
Which role do you think offers the most to the team as a whole? Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST I main mid lane as Fizz and Ekko. I definitely am comfortable in the role, and feel strong in it as well. My ability to roam top to bottom feel great, and it makes my game presence strong. I had a game this afternoon as Fizz in which our tanks engaged poorly, and it really disadvantaged the entire team. As an assassin, I rely on good engagement, to an extent, in team fights to give me a chance to get to the back line before I get focused down. I played the game okay, finishing 8/4/10 by the end of our lost game, but felt like I wasn't able to turn the game around without a proper engagement, which we lacked as a team. I've been considering learning tank more lately, and have been practicing renekton and mordekaiser, but am having a difficult time committing to the role when I feel as comfortable as I do midline; as if I am giving up my (generally) winning lane to someone who might have less presence than myself in the role. This whole situation leads to my question: How much presence/affect do you think each role brings to the game? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:15 PM PST Im active on r/GravesMains and it seems that double camping blue-gromp is crucial so your healthy for scuttle. Why is it so important to get scuttle? I always see higher ranked players asking their laners for prio around 3:30 so that they can take scuttle. How/why is it this important? [link] [comments] |
How do I teach my friends, lvl 40ish, to play safe without being afk in lane? Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:27 AM PST I enjoy playing with friends but when our winrates are about 5 wins out of the last 30 games it just doesn't feel good. Most games the 3 of them will have about 10 deaths+, usually about 6 or 7 in lane. If I tell them to play passive they have about 100 cs less then the laners which is about as bad as staying even in cs and dying. Are there any good guides, videos, tips etc that can help them not die repeatedly each game? [link] [comments] |
How to finish a game out when fed? Posted: 12 Dec 2020 10:43 PM PST I play champs that never lose lane like zed , yasuo, and akali but i feel like even if I'm 21/3 after the landing phase I get one shot or heavily focused on team fights and can't "carry" hard enough, what should I do? And does yasuo fall off in s11 because these item changes have not been too kind to him? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Dec 2020 09:21 AM PST So I'm not even level 30 yet, but I play support (blitz/nautilus) and top (garen, cho'gath, and Mordekaiser). Since I enjoy top lane more, I've been looking to add another champion to round out my pool, and I've decided gangplank (if you have other suggestions, let me know). I like his kit, and was wondering if there are tips you all can give me. I've played a few games with him, with mixed results (still missing some barrels, etc.), and enjoyed the experience nonetheless. I'm primarily looking for item help and help for when to use my W and R. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:13 PM PST I commited to onetricking Irelia at the end of last season and it has paid off, I went from high silver to platinum, I understand every matchup but there are some that are just unplayable, I know exactly what the enemy is going to do but I can't stop it. I find myself with the counterpick but I can't play other champs at a platinum or even gold level. What should I do? [link] [comments] |
So, Ive tested a bit and the gold cap from minions on the jungle item seems bugged. Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:13 AM PST Basically a friend of mine told me he saw a lane yasuo building smite so he had red smite in lane, i told him it didn't work because you earn less gold from minions if you have smite and have farmed more minions than jungle monsters, and to my surprise, he tested it on practicing tool and the gold wasn't cut down, so i though he did something wrong and tested it too, and yeah, the gold was normal didn't matter what i did, can someone explain to me what is happening? Is it bugged only on the practice tool? is it bugged everywhere, is there something specific to the bug? Is it not a bug and im retarded? Edit - Tested it in custom games and its also not working as intended [link] [comments] |
What training schedule should I follow to work on CSing Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:21 PM PST I have my goal to average 7 cs/min. So far I am not able to reach it in 3 weeks. How should I plan/fill my training schedule to practice and improve as effectively as possible . [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:18 AM PST Hi fellow Summoners! Anivia exploded in 10.25, from a niche pick she went into godmode, sporting the 3rd highest pickrate and winrate in midlane ( not counting Taric and Ivern shenanigens). She is very obnoxious to face i must admit, she can bully almost anyone in lane, and there are some champs that she counters extremely hard. Here is what happened to her in 10.25: She got reduced manacosts, higher burst from q-e, AND her q is faster now AND her autos are very smooth. She also got a significant cd change on her r, which went from 6 on all ranks to 4/2.5/1. This resulted in cheaper, harder hitting and more reliable damage, with faster powerspikes and an extremely flexible buildpath, and she can be very oppressive. To understand a champion better the generic advice is to play her a couple of times to get a feeling for her playstyle and what her goal is, if you dont want to bother with that, here is a quick rundown of what to expect from her: The most common rune on her is Electro-Cheap shot-Eyeball-Ravenous/Relentless with Precision PoM-Tenacity/Last stand/Coup. With that setup she is a big bully to anyone who has sub 1k range, here is what to look out for: Her autos are superlong ranged (600), the only mid who outranges her is Annie, she can easily harrass with autos early, she can proc electro with 3 autos level 1 or auto-q-auto, that is a big chunk, look for that. her autos also fuel PoM, to give her some mana sustain. Level 2 she gets e, if her q-e-auto connects, she basically wins any trade, its almost onpar with Zoes e-q (though easier to hit!). An other quick combo of hers is auto-e-auto, with electro it is also decent. Anivia usually takes w lvl 4, this opens up her famous q-"use-w-to-push-the-other-dude-into-q"-e play, needless to say it hits hard. Her w has a fixed direction, it is ALWAYS perpendicular to her, so try to move towards her side, it makes it harder to get bumped into her q. Lvl 6, she has ult, which should be respected. ult itself does less damage than it used to, but it still sets up for empowered e and the slow for a q and you might get trapped, and its only a 4 sec cd (same as e). Also watch out for her items! She can legit build any single ap mythic in the game, and do well with them, Liandries is the most common, it is "just" damage, but with Everfrost/Rocketbelt she can gain access to amazing actives (r-q/w-w/q-e-Everfrost-e with some autos inbetween usually kills anyone), or she can just run you down with r (bait dash)-Belt (it cancels her r)-q/w-w/q-e-r. Both items make her fairly bulky. Rift (Leer) offers nice sustain, and its good in extended fights. So this is what she generally wants to do, and this is how you can ruin her day: first of all a ban is definitely justified, especially if you plan to play stuff like Vlad/Kayle/Ryze, aka shortranged dash and cc-less champions, in a 1v1 she will have wavecontrol and killpressure. You will need junugler assistance for sure in matchups like these. Most assasins are skillmatchups, but slightly Anivia favored, here the deal is simple, dodge her q with mobility and use that window to trade/allin (beware of her passive ofc!!!), Fizz is the most annoying, 2 mobility, one of which is untargetability and hard cc on ult. Do not get poked down early on, lvl 1 and 2, and look for level 3 trades/allin (when her q is down), with minion advantage from the inevitable bounce towards her (if she plays correctly). The actual hard stuff: long ranged mages like Xerath/Ziggs/Velkoz and Viktor, they outrange her (duh), are faster and they all can cc her, this leads to less mana from PoM autos, and since she lacks sustain early (she needs either Leer or Ravenous stacks) poke sticks to her. Dont get close though, keep abusing the range advantage. She is also a prime target to gank, early bullying and the lack of mobility opens her up to lvl 2/3 ganks. Anivia remained the slowest champ (except Skaarl-less coward Kled and dismounted Rell), so she cant really roam, or respond to roams well, snowballing off of her is not easy, try to make your roams worth it. She will very likely to get nerfed, but if those nerfs are just slight damage nerfs on q/e or mana cost increases (tbh i find it ridiculous that a plain Tear is enough, and she can finish Seraph 3rd just fine), and her q speed and low cd-s remains the same she will still be annoying to face, though will feel less oppressive. [link] [comments] |
When and at who adc is it worth to build Galeforce? Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:14 AM PST I haven't exactly found yet a reason to build Galeforce at any other adc,except Jhin, as the other mythic items are seems to be more viable. Kraken slayer is better for dealing with tanks and has the best consistent damage output, Shieldbow is good for surviving burst and lifesteal and Eclipse is obviously for lethality builds. The dash hasn't enough range to make it a reliable way to escape for an assassins. The damage that the dash has afterwards encourage to come close to your enemy when you probably want to be as far as you can and generally feels awkward. Any reason to buy Galeforce instead of the other mythics? [link] [comments] |
How to become a “carry” with bad mechanics? Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:46 AM PST I have been playing this game for around 2 years, and in those 2 years I can count on the fingers of one hand how many games did I carry (2 times with Illaoi, one with Neeko "support"). When I first started playing, I was told that the best role for beginning is support (plus, I'm already a support main in Overwatch). I got gibbed often, but that's understandable since I was new to the game. I did the same thing that I did when I was trying to improve in OW: by watching a lot of guides, tips&tricks videos ect, but I never actually improved at the game. A lot of times I got straight up carried by my teammates (the only "impact" that I had was being a heal/shield bot because I kept missing roots/stuns that I'm supposed to land as a support). After 6 months or so, I decided that I need to become more independent so I switch to top lane, where I basically one-tricked Illaoi. My main problem there was not that I was feeding my lainers kills – they were just consistently outCSing me without me being able to punish them. Even in those rare instances where I managed to "win" my lane by outSCing them, I wasn't able to deal with other enemy that got fed. After a string of particularly bad losses on top cca 3 months ago, I decided to come back to support while trying to learn jungle (where I one-trick Seju), which brings me to the title – my mechanics are absolutely terrible. E.g. in a "good" game whit ADC I'm "only" 30-40 SC behind – in a bad one I'm over 150 CS behind, and that is happening consistently. I have been told that jg required the least mechanics in general (especially if I play a tank), but my problem is that I'm STILL getting gibbed – I practically haven't seen red buff in weeks because I'm constantly being invaded and I have no idea who to deal with that (I lose 1v1s with other jg constantly so I straight up avoid them). It's painfully obvious that it's not the "role" that is holding me back – it's my horrible mechanics. I don't know how to improve, honestly. I have been told to "just play until I get better" but I'm getting extremely disheartened after I'm repeatedly being dominated by my lainer and I just wanna stop playing tbh, but I'm to emotionally invested by this point. Is there anything that I can do to be able to "carry", even with bad mechanics? [link] [comments] |
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