LoL Guide What is the weakness of yasuo/yone? |
- What is the weakness of yasuo/yone?
- Grandmaster Player Coaches Early-Game Macro and Wave Management
- Break scuttle shields for your jungler if they can’t
- GUIDE: ADC POSITIONING in Teamfights and Skirmishes (from ex-Season 10 Challenger)
- Review
- How can I counter Darrius
- Counter against Pyke from a noob.
- How does on hit work?
- How to stay even in lanes where you're being zoned?
- Shoving and getting turret plates or freezing and denying enemy from cs?
- When should I pick what.
- Graves lategame?
- why does it feel like my wave always autopushes?
- Anivia Support - The new lost mid laner tearing up the ladder!
- Dominating my lane but still losing the first tower
- So Jarvan IV ADC is a thing.
- How do I get more income as an ADC?
- How do I get used to using actives?
- How do you play as a midlane mage these days ( veteran player )?
- Set your cursor to 100%
- [Guide] Shyvana for Beginners
- how do you lane against annie
- How the hell do you beat trynd top as first pick?
What is the weakness of yasuo/yone? Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:51 AM PST they dont use mana/energy, they have pretty low cooldowns, they can reach 100% crit easily, they have cc, dash, poke, shield. yasuo has 50% armor pen while yone deals crit magic damage. seriously what are the weaknesses of these champ? what is the exact counterplay for them in lane? [link] [comments] |
Grandmaster Player Coaches Early-Game Macro and Wave Management Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:56 PM PST Hey guys, For those of you that don't know me, my name's UJard. I peaked Master tier in Season 9 and Grandmaster Tier 120LP in season 10. I had a coaching session with one of my subscribers and when I went back to review it I figured I should post it here since there's a TON to be learned from the video; from early game Macro to Wave Management and what to do after the laning phase is over. I leave the video right here in case any of you were interested in it. Have a nice day :) [link] [comments] |
Break scuttle shields for your jungler if they can’t Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:54 PM PST If you're roaming and have nothing to do and not enough time to kill scuttle yourself, break the shield of the scuttle crab for your jungler if they can't break it. Champions like Lee Sin, Wukong, and champions whose only hard cc is attached to a high cd dash like Shen and Gragas will appreciate this. DO NOT do this if your opponent has a cc-less jungler and your jungler isn't nearby though. [link] [comments] |
GUIDE: ADC POSITIONING in Teamfights and Skirmishes (from ex-Season 10 Challenger) Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:45 PM PST Hey! I'm evnes, a Season 10 700 LP Challenger Peak ADC main. I decided to make a guide video showcasing good positioning decisions and what it actually looks like in a high elo game. This should be helpful for pretty much **every** rank! Here's the link: If you guys liked it, please consider also checking me out on Twitch (evneslol) ^-^ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:07 PM PST Can you give me some help, I am specifically looking for opinions on where you think I can get to as a player, and any info you think you can give me to help me improve such as limiting my champ pool, what to think about for season 11 and help getting into any teams? (mainly for experience and fun playing with people in tornaments) Edit: For the record, I havn't duo'd on this account all solo [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:46 PM PST Hello, I noticed that when I'm going against Darius it is more likely for him to win if not always. No matter who I play I always manage to give him a kill or even feed him. I am in silver I(got demoted) and I know that Darius is the ultimate low Elo stomper. If you can tell me any counter plays against Darius or even counters that will help a lot(seriously I'm desperate). I'm tired getting flamed by my teammates for feeding or giving Darius the advantage. Keep in mind that I try to play safe if I'm losing against him but he always finds a way to kill me(probably my fault for not being patient to stay in turrent at all times). I try to play Teemo against him but the range deference isn't really safe because if you get grab at level 6 you are most likely dead. [link] [comments] |
Counter against Pyke from a noob. Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:43 PM PST I have been mostly playing support with my buddy as adc while I learn the game and all of the characters mechanics. I mainly play characters such as Leona, morgana, and thresh. However every time we play against a pyke we get absolutely rolled no matter the other adc. I'm still pretty new to the game so any advice to counter play or counter pick against this champion would be appreciated. An example of a game we got rolled was an Ashe and pyke, V.S Leona and kaisa. You can maybe use that as an example to explain strategies for me. I'm still very new under 20 games played so be gentle with me lmao. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST Hi, I some what new to the game started almost a yr ago, and I realized I never fully understood what on hit meant. I know that on hit abilities can proc herald's eye but that's pretty much it. How does it work? Also some interactions like does Jax e and shen shield block on hit abilies like Elise q? Or does it count as an ability not auto attack? [link] [comments] |
How to stay even in lanes where you're being zoned? Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:23 PM PST I've been trying to pick up mid and I've found my last hitting and farming is decent into matchups where the wave is even or pushing and the enemy and I are similarly aggressive. However, there are some lanes where it seems I absolutely cannot walk up to farm without the enemy going for a trade or outright all-in and they use this to zone me off of farm. For example, I played Lux into a Swain mid that simply walked past my melee wave to constantly E and harass me if I walked up to farm and I couldn't outtrade him in early levels. I've had similar issues with champs like Zyra and even Ahri where they zoned me off my walking up and I wasn't sure what to do. I play Lux mostly, so I do throw out abilities to harass, but I often need those same abilities to farm into matchups like this, especially against someone who can outtrade me at level 1. How exactly do you play into aggressive laners/lane bullies who are looking to zone you off of CS as much as possible? [link] [comments] |
Shoving and getting turret plates or freezing and denying enemy from cs? Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:25 AM PST I am an adc main. Mostly play lane bullies like caitlyn and have lane priority most of the time, but sometimes i'm not sure if i should zone enemy from cs and try to starve them or shove the lane and take plates. There are some cases where i 100% know which is better, for example if enemy jungler is botside and is threatening a gank on us, i should definitely not push in as i will most likely get punished for that. Or lets say enemy team has ezreal adc so i wont have much success in starving him from cs as he can freely farm with his q. But lets say the enemy jungler is nowhere near botlane, we have lane priority, enemy botlane cannot farm from distance and turret plating is still up. In this case which option will get us more ahead? Turret plates or denying cs? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:43 PM PST In what situations should I pick an assasin, in what situation should I pick a control mage. And yes I know to pick assasins when they have a high priority threat and to pick mages when u need zone control but still dont understand what that means. How do I know when they have a high threat and when would I need zone control [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:37 AM PST Hello all, I'm a jungle main trying to make the move into ranked in 2021. Starting out in early 2020, I played a lot of tank/engage junglers like Zac, Sejuani, Nunu because I didn't feel like I had the skill to carry the game. Then I onetricked Kayn for 3 months or so. Since about August, I've been trying to play carries a lot more because I know that's the way to really improve. You can't trust anyone in solo queue, so be strong yourself rather than set up allies. I've mostly refined my core pool into Graves, Lillia, Kha'Zix, Kayn occasionally. So onto my question. I'm to the point with Graves where I don't often make mistakes early game. My clear is efficient, I play the early game safely then can consistently invade enemy camp respawns. I try to be as oppressive to enemy jungle as possible during the early-mid transition. If they show on map and I'm not in a position to immediately countergank, I invade for camps. In my games, I usually am first or second in CS. How do I translate that into lategame? As Graves in particular, I feel like I get kited a lot or sometimes get locked down and focused. I guess the overall question is how do you properly teamfight as Graves? How do you stay in range to be effective while not just taking enemy CC to the dome and dying? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
why does it feel like my wave always autopushes? Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:19 PM PST Just played against a nasus that 1v9ed and won his team the game. The entire lane phase I tried to freeze while the wave was on my side, but It felt like even when I was last hitting at late as possible, my wave just constantly started slow pushing. What am I doing wrong? And is it better to be down by 2 or 3 minions to freeze? [link] [comments] |
Anivia Support - The new lost mid laner tearing up the ladder! Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:42 AM PST You may have seen it popping up occasionally when anivia is not banned right now (approaching 9% of her overall pick rate) but as well as being strong midlane anivia is crazy good as a support right now. I am not going to go into many anivia specific topicss here like wall placement but highlight why she is now a good support. Previous to this patch a few dedicated anivia players already played her in the role to mixed success (up to grandmaster in some cases) but I always wrote it off as a love of anivia getting those ranks, despite, not because of the pick. Anivia however in 10.25 had three big changes for support, her other good highlights such as crazy damage and teamfight zone control are not changed so I will not cover them as much.
For build and runes it is fairly flexible but you want to go mandate and take electrocute with POM secondary, rest are personal preference. For the future on anivia support be careful to watch how riot nerfs her, the biggest changes on q speed and auto speed they are unlikely to change, leaving anivia in a good spot for support still. I have made a video below summarising the above points as well as showing off a full example game in d3, I have been having decent success with the pick so far especially given I only recently picked the champ up. [link] [comments] |
Dominating my lane but still losing the first tower Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:17 AM PST Hey, I've played a game yesterday as Shen vs Sett Toplane. It went really good and he took stupid trades. Eventually I went 4/0 in my lane. I denied Sett lots of cs and so I was in a really good position to carry this game. Sadly the enemy midlaner was really fed too and he was about to win the game in the end. Now there's something I don't understand about laning. Towers. I decided to use my ult quite frequently to help the botlane whenever there was a fight going that we could win. I didn't bother helping mid as it was already lost. In the time where I was helping out elsewhere Sett was just pushing like a maniac and destroying my tower. He kept on splitpushing in the endgame as well. Now I wonder, when I should go for the tower, too. Was it ok to sacrifice the first tower (of the lane) in order to help my allies? This actually happens to me quite frequently: I start off really well dominating my lane but I never deal damage to the tower. Is there some way I can decide whether I should destroy the tower or whether I should recall? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST Hi, I've been a J4 one-trick since Season 1, and I believe that I've found the optimal way to play him at a sub-Diamond level -- especially as metas have become increasingly fast-paced. J4 is well-known for its versatility, but did you know that you can trot him out as an ADC and consistently dominate? See my win rate as J4 ADC this pre-season for blinds and draft. That's 52 wins out of 85 games -- good for a 62% win rate. No small sample size limitation here! Of course, I'm no Ranked player, so feel free to invalidate my success if your goal is to purely climb the ladder. No hard feelings. However, if you want to know more about how to play J4 ADC, please ask questions. I can write a whole book about J4 (of potentially dubious quality, I guess), having roughly 10 years of experience playing him. I really just enjoy discussing about my favourite champion, but I don't really know where to start. [link] [comments] |
How do I get more income as an ADC? Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:09 AM PST As the title suggests, I need tips on how to gain more gold during games. In my stat triangle, my combat and map control is rather okay, but when it comes to income, it's lower behind the two. My CS is usually not that bad, but I feel like there are many windows of opportunity when I can gain a lot more gold, but I can't pinpoint those situations and use it to my advantage. I'm open to suggestions to help me improve! [link] [comments] |
How do I get used to using actives? Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:54 AM PST My binds aren't necessarily bad imo, and they work in pretty much any other game. I can use something like ghost blade because it doesn't happen in the moment but with something like QSS or Zhonya's I always fail to use it in a situation where it works. Especially with the addition of goredrinker and the new rocket belt being essential items for some, I always feel at a loss when I could've easily used the item to help there. How do I get used to using items like that? [link] [comments] |
How do you play as a midlane mage these days ( veteran player )? Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:45 PM PST I never thought I would ask how to play as a mid lane mage but here I am. I have been playing league since when Khazix came out and I got the game because I thought Zyra was cool, back then I played her mid and it went really good for me and I was climbing ranked really fast and easily. flashforward too now, Zyra is mostly supporting ( and you get raged if you played her mid) and I really struggle with other mid lane mages as Orianna, Xerath, Syndra these days. I try to stay at my lane and getting stronger but I have to move to help with dragon or rift herald since the mid assassins are always harassing my teammates while they try to take those things. It starts to feel like they bring nothing to the table. Even when I hit all my spells and the enemy is 1/3 of their life down, that is still good odds for an assassin since they usually do not even need to harass, they can kill you with their full combo. meanwhile, my mana is gone trying to get them low. Even tanks are good against mages like Galio, Malphite, Zac. In the past it felt okay that Mages could not split push, roam, most do not have an escape, they use a lot of mana (regen items are pretty much gone), a lot of them do not have ways to bring back health ( however the best mages like morg and swain do), and a lot of them have to aim which is harder these days since movement speeds have gone up from when I started playing league and everyone was slower. Maybe I am too stuck in the past and this season is like the tipping point for me but maybe I have just misunderstood something about how to play as a midlane mage? EDIT: Thank you, everyone, for your responses, I will try to play as an assassin to get a better understanding of what I am doing wrong as a mage. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:01 AM PST I just discovered that you can increase your cursor size in settings. It feels way better to have it maxed out, at least for me. I have high dpi so my cursor movement is shaky and chaotic, when maxed out I get less misclicks since I never lose my cursor [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:31 PM PST Hey all. Wanted to write a beginner guide to shyvana, as she's one of my favorite champions, and is pretty decent right now. This guide will mostly cover playing her jungle. We'll go over aspects of her kit, how to build (including the two major "build styles", AD bruiser and AP mage, and the pros and cons of both), and more. Section 1 - Her kit, stats, and how she worksPassive - Shyvana gains 5 armor and MR for each dragon her team has killed. She also deals bonus damage to dragons. A lot of new shyvanas will over prioritize dragon, and this makes them predictable to the enemy jungler. While shyvana can easily solo dragon at pretty much any point in the game (I've even been able to do it lv 3), you shouldn't over-focus it, since the gold value of her passive isn't all that big. It's sorta a "win more" passive, but isn't the end-all-be-all of her power, like Nasus's stacks are. It's especially unimportant for AP shyvana, since she won't need the defensive stats, firing Es from afar. Q - Q is really interesting. Q is an auto-reset that makes your next attack strike twice, applying on hits twice, with the second attack dealing less of your AD. At max level, this hits overall for 180% AD + two on-hit procs. Q's cooldown is reduced by a half-second each time you auto. This essentially makes it like Master Yi's passive, every X auto is doubled. The more attack speed and AH you have, the more Qs. Q can also be used to clear wards faster (auto-Q kills wards nearly instantly), proc press the attack (again, auto-Q -> instant PTA), and more. W - This is a little magic damage over time field that also grants you a decaying movement speed buff. This helps you farm, helps you escape, helps you chase down enemies, or just helps you move around. Scales with AD, making it one of the few magic damage abilities in the game that scale with AD. The duration is extended by autoattacking. E - Ah, the legendary shyvana E, the core ability of AP shyvana, but also important for AD bruiser shyvana. This fires a little puff of fire that pierces everything but champs (stops at the first champ hit), dealing magic damage and marking them. Autoing targets that are marked deals about 4% of their max hp. This is double-able with Q, since it's an on hit. This ability scales with both AD and AP, but significantly better with AP. The main purpose of it outside of ult form is to farm or just mark targets for autoing. R - Her ult transforms her into a dragon, gives her bonus HP, and empowers her abilities greatly. Her Q now cleaves in front of her, applying the effect to everything hit (the area is similar to nidalee's cougar E). Her W gets larger, and her E gains better scaling, and explodes upon hitting max range or a champion, and leaves behind a damage field. Her ult lasts until her fury depletes (more on fury below). Generally, if there's a teamfight going on, you should be in R form. Her ult also dashes unstoppably towards where it's cast, making it a great escape or engage tool, ideally engage. The dash will also push champs it hits towards the destination. Section 1.1 - On fury and the importance of attack speedShyvana benefits greatly from building attack speed. All of her abilities benefit from it (her Q can be used more, her W gets extended duration, her E can proc the %health more, her ult gets a reduced cooldown and extended duration). Her ult is the especially important thing. Since her ult has no cooldown and instead is based entirely on fury, she must autoattack frequently to get her ult back, or maintain it. This is to control the power of AP shyvana, as AP shyvana is almost entirely reliant on being in ult, but tends to auto less than bruiser shyvana. She does generate fury over time, but mostly from on-hit attacking. With decent attack speed, it's possible to have a very very short ult "cooldown". Generally only one AS item is necessary, either Trinity force, Wit's end, Bork, or Nashors. AP will usually go nashors, bruiser will typically get trinity force, or pick up nashors later after building a bit more health to not be squishy. That's right, shyvana can build both AD and AP. She's one of the few remaining hybrid champions like Jax. Section 2 - Builds, and the two stylesLike I mentioned earlier in the guide, shyvana can be built two ways, like an AD bruiser, or full AP like a mage. Both are viable with s11 items, and it mostly depends on the enemy comp, your comp, and your personal preference. Personally, I almost always go AD bruiser, since it's the safer, more stable, less reliant on getting a lead option. AD Bruiser AD bruiser will typically build like a darius or similar juggernaut would. With this build, she will deal mixed damage (almost all of my games I do almost perfectly split phys and magic), making it hard to itemize against her if you're ahead. However, this form makes her kitable (since a lot of her damage is tied up in autos) so building rylai's or smart use of W/blue smite is necessary. She is also less reliant on ult form, and is very capable of dueling outside of ult. Typical runes are PTA/Conq, Triumph, Alacrity, and either Coup or last stand. Secondary can be either resolve or domination. If resolve, go tank runes, if domination, go healing runes. She has 3 good mythics, pick one of:
Personally I go trinity force most of the time. AP Mage AP mage shyvana will put all of the eggs into the basket of hitting Es while in ult form. Since her E has a 100% AP scaling in ult, this can lead to gigantic burst damage, often one-shotting targets without MR. With this build, she deals almost entirely magic damage, and is quite squishy and useless outside of ult. Runes can be typical burst mage runes, such as dark harvest, cheap shot, eyeball collection, and ravenous, with sorcery secondary. Don't go ultimate hunter, since again, her ult has no "cooldown" to reduce. Mythic should be either Night harvester (max burst vs squishies) or Liandry's (the mana is wasted, but good into tanky teams). From there, Horizon focus (especially good with the after-burn from E, since the initial hit from E procs the item), cosmic drive (for AH), Rylai's, void staff, demonic embrace, etc. Unlike with bruiser shy, AS is less important, and haste becomes more important, to maximize the number of Es you can fire off during ult. Q is essentially for farming and killing wards (since you're too squishy to actually auto anyone), and W is only for farming and movement speed, since it only scales with AD. Section 3 - Pathing, farming, and objectivesShy has a very healthy and fast clear, which gets exponentially faster the more items she has in AD bruiser form. AP farming mostly involves hitting E on as many monsters as possible. Typically as with other junglers, you want to start on a buff. I typically start E for the %health on hit, then take Q or W second depending on what side I'm on, Q if blue side, W if red side. From there, just clear as normal. Blue side can go blue -> gromp/wolves -> raptors -> red -> krugs. Red is similar, but in reverse. She lacks CC for scuttle, so save smite for that. If forced to start leashless, go W first and start raptors, like a kayn would. You can also just smite first buff. As shy's ganking is kinda... ass until lv 6 where she can CC & blast people with ult, shy is typically a full clear jungler. She can gank if you can manage to get behind them (so they have to run into you) and her early damage with PTA can nab kills, even easier if your laner has CC. If you see the enemy jungle top while dragon is up, you can take it. Like I said earlier, due to her passive she can take dragon at pretty much any point solo, and end with around half health. However, since her early game dueling is kinda bad compared to current meta jgs, you won't fare well if anyone rolls up on you while you're attempting to take it. It's also alright to ult to take it faster, especially late game AD bruiser since your ult "CD" is very short due to attack speed. Like almost all junglers, she can take herald at any point (herald is miles easier to solo than dragon, almost all junglers can just take it early). Unlike AH, shy DOES get benefit from cloud dragons, they increase her fury generation. Late game with enough cloud drakes, this can lead to infinite ult, so long as you can keep autoing something. Section 4 - Ultra late game and final thoughts
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, corrections, or need further clarification, comment below! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:46 PM PST I'm pretty sure I have a 0% success rate against annie out of this entire season, I can't seem to deal with her with all the champs I play and I've complained about her many times in all chat and they just respond with something along the lines of "get good" or "mad cuz bad" I need to understand what im doing wrong Zed - Poking her out with my combo is near impossible to do when she has E that gives her both a shield and ms buff, she can freeze lane, shove lane and roam and I can't do much about it. She can also zone me off the wave by holding stun. After 6 I rarely have an opportunity to use ulti on her because using my R directly on her with, or without her stun up, she will just E away from it and outtrade me. If shes out of range of my R, i have to either wait for her to use stun or blow 2 or more cooldowns for me to be able to get on top of her (Which rarely happens) and after all that I have to burn my W shadow to get in range to ult her which in no world will succeed in me killing her. Annie has 0 reason to burn E without getting one my 20s or 1m cooldowns in this lane, because E isn't her damage to clear wave, if the jungler ganks she uses E to escape or flash if needed and then waits 10s for her E back. She also never has mana issues since her Q restores mana. TL;DR poking her will do nothing for me because my poke ability cooldowns are longer than hers , can't all in her at any opportunity in lane. Yasuo - Annie is one of yasuo's hardest counters, this has been established already over years and years of matches. Talon - Again like Zed, she has no reason to use E unless she severely oversteps into my W range in which case she will have to E out of. If I jump on her with Q i will be fighting her in minion wave, while she kites me with E and her CC. But talon's strength was never in lane fighting, it was roaming. Well it just so happens that Annie has really, really great wave clear so my roams are always punished really heavily. She has no reason to leave lane, because she rarely has mana problems or when she finally does need to recall, theres no guarantee im going to be in prime roaming position. [link] [comments] |
How the hell do you beat trynd top as first pick? Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:19 PM PST If I pick first how do I beat Tryndamere? I always get the advice that you just pick a tank into him but if your first pick you can't do anything. I played as Yone and I got my shit kicked in by him top and so I'm wondering how to beat him if you're not first pick or if I should just dodge. [link] [comments] |
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