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    Wednesday, December 23, 2020

    LoL Guide You can't flash Rek'Sai's R

    LoL Guide You can't flash Rek'Sai's R

    You can't flash Rek'Sai's R

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:38 AM PST

    In Patch 9.4, Riot made a change specifically to prevent you from flashing Rek'Sai's R. You need to move more than a 1000 units away while she's leaping at you in order to dodge it. So please, save your flash and accept your death if you are low health.

    A quick PSA post to people who haven't played against Rek'Sai for a while.

    EDIT: For proof, watch these videos:



    If you manage to move a 1000 units away, Rek'Sai will stop following you and dash through your most previous location. If you do not achieve that distance, Rek'Sai will always reach you. The only surefire way to dodge it is by becoming untargetable. The distance between the targeted dummy's initial and final positions is about 1000.

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    Passive Top Lane Strategy to Die Less

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 01:34 PM PST

    I die. A lot. After a lot of googling for "how to die less" I was frustrated with the advice. Most of it seems to boil down to:

    1. Don't be out of position
    2. "It depends" (the most frustrating advice for a new player) - basically "know everything about every champ, item, rune, and situation and you won't die."

    Fixing out of position

    I know a lot of my deaths are from being out of position or overextending. This is something I know how to work on. I can review game deaths and learn from them.

    • I can see when I was trying to take a T2 tower and no enemies are visible on the map.
    • I can stop trying to harass my lane partner under their tower to make them miss CS when I don't know where the enemy jungler is.
    • I can stop getting cc'd then wombo'd in team fights because I wasn't keeping distance when I don't know if anything is on cooldown. (or perhaps just skipping that team fight altogether.)

    Fixing it depends

    But the majority of my deaths are, "I was surprised by that."

    This is an infuriating deficit to try to improve. It's overwhelming how many things there are to know in the game. There doesn't seem to be a shortcut for "play 500 games and you'll start to get a feel for it." If I'm honest, even a ton of my "out of position" deaths are in reality, "I was surprised by that" because if I would have known the camp's abilities, their CD, and their range I would have known to back off.

    There is no way to fix "it depends".

    Or is there?

    My passive top lane strategy

    The thought of having to suffer 100s or 1000s of games until finally, I know enough is not an appealing prospect. I've been experimenting and I think I've found a way to make the game more bearable while I learn.

    My inspiration was a Star Trek TNG episode) where Data couldn't beat an arrogant Kolrami in a game of Strategema. He eventually figured out that he was losing because he was trying to win and the opponent was just capitalizing on his mistakes. Eventually, he played a game where he didn't try to win at all, his goal was to stalemate. The Kolrami got so tilted he just quit.

    Instead of trying to win lane my goal is just to go even and don't die. If I exit lane with 0 deaths (or even 1 or 2) I have "won lane" in my mind. When I try to win by killing my opponent I end up feeding and making them giga strong, but by trying to stalemate the lane I basically make them irrelevant. The game outcome becomes a coinflip depending on if my team carries, but that's better than an auto-loss due to my feeding.

    AND while I play these stalemate lanes I'm learning match-ups on my way to my "500 games".

    AND sometimes my passivity will tilt my opponent. They'll overextend, dying to minion and tower agro trying to kill me.

    AND I can split push late game which sometimes can get me fed on farm + influence a win.

    Playing to stalemate

    • 0/0 + highest CS + most objs taken = you win! (even if your team loses).
    • Take a champ with high sustain
      • Tryn q
      • Udyr w
      • Nasus passive
      • etc.
    • Primary Runes
      • Take Fleet with tenacity and last stand. Fleets heals you a bit and the move speed helps you run away.
    • Secondary Runes:
      • Take Resolve tree.
      • Always take Demolish. Splitting and chunking towers mid/late game is what keeps you from being completely irrelevant.
      • Take Second wind, bone plating, or Revitalize. All are good for sustain.
      • Take Unflintching if you know or think your lane/Jungling opponents have cc.
      • Demolish/Revitalize is my "set and forget" or "I don't know the match up".
    • Items
      • Take D-shield every time
      • Maybe start Corrupting Pot if you need the mana
      • Building Goredrinker then Ravenous hammers home the sustain theme
    • Gameplay
      • Only last hit and let the wave push to you.
      • Turtle under tower. Love the tower, the tower is your friend.
      • Miss farm and soak XP
      • Miss XP if they are hyper annoying aggressive with long-range CC or the JG keeps repeat-ganking you.
      • If you die once, back up more.
      • Farm under tower (or even just soak XP behind your tower if they have annoying long-range abilities or AA that let them poke/chunk you without taking tower agro. Looking at you Urgot.)
      • Use your sustain, trade HP for CS
      • Freeze the wave and zone them off. (This is when the strategy is most successful. You don't get any kills, but they don't either and they will be really far down in CS when the landing phase ends.)
      • Don't sweat it if it's opposite where they double your CS. As long as you don't die and you are getting XP, you are "winning".


    I am a very aggressive person naturally. I die so much because I love to kill things. I need to constantly remind myself to back off and be patient. If you are a naturally passive person this strategy might not work for you.

    The goal of this strategy is learning not climbing. If your goal is to climb I have no advice for you as I am a bronze newb.

    Play norms not ranked. It's kinda a dick move to intentionally not try and win in ranked.


    What do you think?

    Any tips/tweaks/advice?

    submitted by /u/sweablol
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    I Created a Simple Tool to Play in the Background of your Games to help with your Macro.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:06 PM PST

    Yo! Slunt here with edition 2.0 of my macro tool. The first one got a ton of great feedback from this community so I added a few things that I think will make it better.

    Context: I believe that one of the top things that is holding back lower elo players is their Macro ability. After playing tons of games at one champion our MICRO is likely pretty good. So I made this tool to help remind you when things are spawning and when cannon minion waves are about to spawn so that one day you will be able to do all of these things in second nature.

    What this video will do for you:

    You can load it up as soon as the game starts and it will alert you 60-90 seconds before key objectives like scuttle crab, dragon, rift and baron (obviously just the first of these, but getting ahead early is crucial to extending your lead). Also this tool will alert you 15 seconds verbally before the first Siege minion wave and will alert you with a subtle ring for the ones thereafter (so it wont be super annoying). Knowing when Siege minion waves are coming is crucial for deciding when to roam or back or just decide your next move (because these waves take the longest for the enemy to push into tower/punish you).

    In version 2.0 of the macro tool I added pictures of the 4 main objectives with timers that count down! So If youd like to, you can play this on a second monitor or your handheld device/ipad. This will allow you to know down to the second before something spawns and you can better prepare/ward/get prio for these objectives.

    I really believe that this tool can help a lot of players out with improving their macro, even in the slightest. I personally use it most for the siege minion spawns because it can kind of hard to keep up with during the game. Obviously, this tool isn't for everyone and if you already have crazy good macro this probably isn't for you.



    How to set up video:

    Start within 10 seconds of the start time of game. Ideally you want to start the video right whenever the game starts, but if you aren't able to that is fine just know it will be a few seconds off.

    At the 10 second mark you will get a verbal queue. This is so you can adjust your volume accordingly to my voice.

    Video will end at the 25 minute mark because there are no more first objectives and also siege waves start to spawn every wave.

    I really hope this helps you all, if you have any feedback please comment below.

    Love you all happy holidays/whatever you celebrate


    submitted by /u/ACslunt
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    Playing safe to avoid feeding to strong lane bullies, but don't they scale as well?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 01:37 AM PST

    I'm curious about certain champs where if you get counter picked, the best option is often to play safe and survive the laning phase. This I understand very well, but how does it work against strong late game scaling champs?

    For example, lane bully adcs like Lucian and Draven. If I'm playing someone like vayne against them, I know I'm supposed to play safe in lane and set up ganks etc. In the situation where I don't feed, they don't get ahead in kills, they don't die, and we are quite equal on cs, don't they just scale just as well into late game and win all duels since they are naturally higher damage than you?

    I just feel like for adc it's a very different story because all of them are meant to scale very well into late game. So how do you actually play safe against aggressive adc in game and not let them scale ahead of you, even without dying once?

    submitted by /u/iAteACommunist
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    How did you climb from low diamond to d1/master+ in da jungle?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:06 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    After browsing for a bit, I mostly find tips & tricks to get to diamond or to get out of silver/gold but there's a real lack of content i feel like for higher elos. I was only able to find oldish content from a few years back but now, we are finally getting out of this 2020 year.

    I was wondering what you guys d1/master+ jungler did to get there from low diamond (d3 for me).
    Did you focus on your decision making specifically? Did you train yourself to read enemy junglers? Did you focus on understanding minion waves better to time your ganks better?

    What was the process to get there too? Did you try to find yourself the mistakes you made by watching replays? Watching pros & other better players?

    I'm mostly asking since It seems that the method I've been using to get to d3 isn't really working anymore to improve beyond.

    Have a good one, guys!

    submitted by /u/fluffy_thalya
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    My struggles as a OTP. How do I overcome it?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:29 PM PST


    Hi, my in-game name is McBaze Fanboy on the North American Server. I currently only main Zed and my peak rank was Gold 3 65 LP.


    When I first played League of Legends, I was extremely desperate to find a main to enjoy and play. I was getting tired of Master Yi and needed a new way to play the game. I stumbled upon Zed when I was playing aram.

    At first, I had no idea what I was doing. The champ at the time was too mechanically difficult for me and I also had to learn how to play the game. This is my first mistake, not knowing how to play the game properly.

    Nevertheless, I played Zed and was getting better every day. Suddenly, I was stuck in Bronze 1 for a few months. I somehow spammed Zed more and ended up on Gold 4 and its where I mainly reside.

    Main Struggle

    After 2 years of playing the game on and off. I can not believe I have to ask this question, but how do I play the game properly?

    I completely skipped over macro, wave-management, map awareness and everything else that is core in LoL.

    Every time I play a character that is not Zed, I end up inting hard.

    How do I rebuild my foundation in LoL and learn macro properly? Are their any videos you all could link?


    Played Zed for two years. I climbed solely on mechanics alone. I have no clue what proper macro is.

    edit: Clarification.

    submitted by /u/IndependentNarrow689
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    How does abyssal mask work?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:41 PM PST

    How does abyssal mask work? Obviously it works on roots, but does it also work on stuns, for example volibear or pantheon stun?

    filler text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler textfiller text filler text

    submitted by /u/high_IQ_pigeon
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    How to JUNGLE out of LOW ELO - Guide from Master/Grandmaster Jungler | Prepare for Season 11 Ladder

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:37 PM PST

    Hey, i'm a master/grandmaster jungler playing both in EUW and NA and have peaked Diamond 2 in Korea servers - I do content. I will explain to you exactly how to get out of Bronze-Diamond as a jungle player. The information will also help Lane players as jungle tracking is an important concept when getting better at the game.

    This first video will explain the fundamentals of jungle & what you need to focus on in an easy to understand method. The second part of this video will consist of jungle drills and putting my teachings into practice. I discuss 3 drills in this video that you can do on your own time to improve at both Lane & Jungle play.


    The second video is (me) coaching a challenger jungle player against a famous streamer, Super Metroid. The game is a Master/Challeneger average game - we discuss high-level concepts in the jungle that may be difficult for some to understand at first, however, once you've recognized the patterns - you will find quick success.


    (please be advised that this video is very advanced If you do not understand the concepts, skip to the next videos where I explain the game in slightly more simple terms)

    This third video is me smurfing in DIAMOND 3 ELO - Where I pick kindred and I explain my thought processes and how you can use these concepts and "flow charts of knowledge" - in order to find success in elos like diamond or below.


    This final video is again me playing in Diamond 1 (EUW) with 120 PING from (NA). I am playing Rek'Sai and I will again, explain basic and advanced through processes that higher level players use in order to create advantages. I have posted this to illustrate how jungle movements can pretty much carry you out of your ELO when your mechanics won't be as reliable. League does not take fast hands, it takes mental APM. Fast hands are a bonus. (This does not excuse the fact that mechanics are a very important concept - and not having mechanics will continue to gate you in the highest of levels - however below diamond 4/3 - you will be okay)


    My final note in this post, please do not believe everything people post on this subreddit unless they are high elo themselves. After reading many of these posts, there is a ton of misinformation. Take the advice with a grain of salt and search credibility and any source that attempts to present some kind of knowledge to you. Take what I say and question everything - Feel free to rebuttal any of my calls/concepts or routes if you believe that you are correct because at the end of the day - it does help us all grow. Good luck on season 11 solo queue.

    submitted by /u/Zen-coaching
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    An Issue trying to play the game.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:23 PM PST

    So.. first of, if this is the wrong sub, im sorry. Idk where else to put it.

    So a friend of mine recently started playing, and has a weird issue that his game wont properly "start" after champ select. So.. when he's supposed to see the 10 champs in the loading screen, his screen just keeps black, and cant seem to get ingame. this happens like.. 1 out of 3 games.

    I personally have searched for alot of issue fixes, like driver updates, compatibility mode, turning on DPI settings, etc. But it all doesnt fix it, and the bug is hard to reproduce since it doesnt trigger every game.

    Does anyone here have related issues? how did you fix them?

    submitted by /u/scalingsun
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    How to review vods correctly?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:12 AM PST

    I know it's a common tip to review your vods and see what you did wrong and what you could've done better, but I feel like it doesn't work that well simply because people don't have enough knowledge to correct themselves.

    Example: You towerdived someone and died

    You may review the vod and come to the conclusion: maybe I shouldn't have dived that in the first place

    But what if diving WAS the play, and it turns out it was a mechanical misplay that caused you to die there. Now the real issue (mechanics) is overlooked and instead you're focused on something else. So now you may not go for as many dives anymore, even if they are the correct play.

    So I guess my question is, what is the correct way to review your vods so that you're focusing on the actual problem?

    submitted by /u/Some-Cake
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    Dealing with aggressive early laning as ADC

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:04 AM PST

    I've only been really playing for a month now and I've been trying to get better and working on CSing and such. I main MF and I keep finding myself under my tower, down to half health and falling behind in the first 10 minutes. I am usually able to get back even on gold and objectives later in the game, but by that point the damage is already done.

    What sorts of things should I be working on to win the early lane?

    submitted by /u/patangpatang
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    Have you ever wondered why you take the runes you take?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 01:27 PM PST

    So I was thinking one night... Why doesn't anybody know what runes they're taking? They go on websites like mobafire and opgg and just copy their builds without even asking. I decided that I would take it upon myself to fill in this niche and create a video series explaining all of the runes that newbies should take on a certain champion and why you should do that.

    You can find these here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3xx_yQW3w0&t=24s

    I was wondering if there were any other questions you new summoners had about League of Legends because I'm looking into training a new generation of players :)

    submitted by /u/jesuselier123
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    It might not be worth it to try so hard

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:02 PM PST

    I made it my goal last year to just try to get good at the game. I didn't get anywhere and I only ended up tilting at all the smurfs and unwinnable games. I know how to play, and I can look at my vods to make improvements but it seems like the harder I try the worse I do.


    I've been taking a new approach recently and it's working out a lot better. I just kindof relax and watch what's going on, if I don't know what to do I don't do anything and it works out.


    It may not be worth it to try your hardest every game because you know you can do something but can't repeat it. You can just sit back and hope your game skills carry you passively. At least it's working for me and by not trying to force things and just taking them as they come I seem to be doing a lot better

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    How can I end games quickly

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:20 PM PST

    I am a bronze player that has had the game for about 4 months and I think a big part of my failure is that I'm taking way to long to actually end the game.I'll get fed as akali,Fiora or kayn and get a Bunch of kills but I always take to long to end it and the enemy seems to always catch up which is especially bad if they have a yi.Also I'm really just sick of having 50 minute games even if I End up winning.

    submitted by /u/Blackkage1
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    What to do as a support after your adc dies ?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:14 AM PST

    It feels really awkward as i can't do much in lane and I don't feel confident in what i should do next, so i usually just kinda walk around and conserve resources til my ad is back. I don't know if i should just take the L and back, leave and establish vision, stay and try to defend tower or something else entirely? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/dziugass
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    Ranked anxiety and tilt

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:53 PM PST

    I have been playing league for a couple years now and I have always mainly played normal games because I am scared of playing ranked. I really don't know why because most of the time I play the game I try and improve. I've been watching tons and tons of videos about laning and all of this stuff that I know now but I can't apply it because what happens is I play one ranked game and win but than I am too scared to play another or I lose and get extremely tilted off of mistakes that I make and than I have to stop playing for a bit so I don't tilt que. How can I fix or overcome this? I don't want to sound cocky or anything but I think I have enough knowledge and mechanics to get to a higher elo but my mental is stopping me from doing so. Help.

    submitted by /u/Aex_Kards
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    When to stop prioritizing jungle when ahead

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Hello guys, I'm mostly khazix main on g1 euw and I'm having some issues snowballing as khazix. What I mean is that usually I outjungle the enemy by stealing red and camps or double crap or getting one or two kills early in the game, which is great for khazix as far as I know. However I find myself perma doing my jungle and I feel that I should be doing something else. Also when the game is in the mid/late-game I also dont know exactly how to continue without afk-farming my jungle or preparing to fight objectives, I think I know moreless the gameflow of the game but I lack iniciativity in the game.

    For context, I've recently rerolled into jungle from adc, I dont play much league and only in certain periods of the year, when I get the mood again to play after trying to beat my peak elo unsucsessfuly. Last time i left League was last summer '19 in P1 95lps otp jinx.

    Hope you can help me out!

    I'm open to detailed guides or extense videos to learn.

    Thanks in advace.

    PD: My op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=kaozkronos

    submitted by /u/iZakre
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    Why is nobody playing Elise toplane again?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:02 PM PST


    I saw many older posts asking about lane Elise (top and mid) and never seen any good reason, except for "her mana costs are so high" which to be honest... is just not true.

    For the last month, I've been spamming Elise toplane, and find it to be super great. There are barely champs that can trade/fight her in lane. For runes I use fleet footwork, cause it gives you extra sustain even in ranged form. I don't miss the extra damage of other runes at all.

    The PROS:

    I used to build Riftmaker (for the sustain) or Liandry for the extra DPS and waveclear, but I recently started to build Everfrost. Hitting E, followed by Everfrost just feels so smooth.

    Sustain in lane is amazing, especially with ravenous hunter. Your Q procs on-hit effects, so it also procs your passive heal. After an all-in, you can safely use E to get away from minions and their aggro.

    Her towerdiving and general pressure under tower is amazing, too. You can pull out a full combo in both human and spider form under the enemy tower and then just E to an enemy minion to get rid of the tower aggro.

    Now some CONS:

    Her Q in human form is pretty weak until rank 3 (less damage than auto attacks), while having 80 mana costs. I only use it super early to last hit, gain spiderlings or when I need the extra poke. Other than that, the mana management is super easy on her, since your spider form has no mana cost. Past rank 3 in Q, it becomes a great poking tool.

    Some champs I struggle with are: Renekton with his Q vs all your spiders. BAN RENEKTON. Nasus after lv6. AP Volibear melting your spiders, though it's fairly chill in lane. Teemo is quite toxic as always, but I still won all 3/3 matchups vs him.

    So now my question: Why is NOBODY playing her toplane? Ofcourse her jungle is amazing, but that's not an argument against playing her top, since you are not the jungle.

    submitted by /u/KingDanius
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    [Discussion] Anyone have their champ/lane down to a science? i.e. Coach Curtis Ekko

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:28 AM PST

    I know when I'm playing bot lane, I do the exact same thing every single game at the start of the game and it will almost always win me the lane unless something nutty happens:

    - Contest level 2. Slow push. Crash cannon wave. Crash 4th wave.

    - Last hit and let the wave slow push into me. Thin it if enemy keeps autoing wave.
    - a) Avoid enemy jungle gank by playing safe, freezing if needed, then slow pushing back.
    - b) get a kill from my jungler/mid gank around 5:00 when mid is level 6 and we're level 4 on the roam, crash wave, then reset.
    - c) slow push wave into enemy turret and reset.

    **NOTE: Only reset if you have essential item upgrade IF POSSIBLE. Usually 1100-1300g. Sometimes you'll have to take inefficient backs and get longswords/daggers, but this messes up the pace of my games and I find myself faltering the mid game.

    - Come back into lane with Noonquiver, try to make enemy bot lane stay while I have item advantage. Get prio for dragon.
    - a) If they leave, crash wave and rotate to dragon with jungler or get plates.
    - b) If they stay (and their jungler is not there), stay pushed up and take favorable trades and keep river warded and rotate into river with jungle.
    - c) If they stay (and their jungler is there), freeze wave outside turret and take it easy.

    - Wait for their recall, then crash wave and recall.

    - Look for skirmishes/teamfights around objectives, push for tower plates with team, then rotate objective side and fight with team.


    Coach Curtis has a similar minigame with ekko by getting blasting wand/control ward on first back, then getting 2 amplifying tomes by level 7 and you can 1 shot casters and look for plays on the map and dives with your ult at level 6.

    submitted by /u/Lloyd_NA
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    How to punish aggression?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I'm still trying to pick up the fundamentals of mid and one of the things I struggle most with is very aggressive laners. I play Malzahar a lot and I get bullied constantly by players on ranged mages like Ahri and even Annie who wipe out my voidlings and then proceed to walk up to the position of my melee minions, thereby zoning me off of farm. I've had similar issues even with long range mages like Lux, where a Swain simply walked ahead of the minions to zone me off. The obvious answer seems to be trading, as they'll almost certainly take minion aggro by walking that far up, but I frequently lose these trades and I'm not sure why. How should I be punishing aggression in the laning phase? Should I be looking to punish much at all and instead focus on farming up consistently?

    submitted by /u/FusRohDad
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    Vi seems to be weak for me this patch can you guys help me?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:31 PM PST

    Can you all suggest a mythic item for vi which can make her tanky and gives her DMG. I used to go with streaks and deadman before mythic items came, Now most people suggest me to go eclipse but it doesn't suit my play style where I build vi tanky then go DMG which always. Even though this vi is good I need to think hard before I jump in else I die easily.

    submitted by /u/WarRaiders
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