• Breaking News

    Friday, December 11, 2020

    League of Legends Wild Rift just showcase how bad League's client is on PC.

    League of Legends Wild Rift just showcase how bad League's client is on PC.

    Wild Rift just showcase how bad League's client is on PC.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:56 AM PST

    So yeah Wild Rift just got released on EUW and I've spent a fairly amount of time on it. I was happily surprised how the game was fun responsive and not buggy.

    It's astonishing how everything is better in the client side :

    • Model Viewer in the shop instead of a still picture
    • Model Viewer in the champ select and item set page
    • Insane animation for each skin in the game
    • Animated splash art for each skin in the game
    • Event and Mission that are well done with simple quest
    • Lots of nice and free rewards
    • A beautiful and user-friendly interface
    • Quick and responsive with very few bugs
    • An hextech tab that actually loads without needing to click on the shop to make it work
    • Wild Rift allow all champions (even not purchased) in practice tool
    • You can honor all teammates instead of one
    • Changing language for both voice and text as you wish
    • A champion select that doesn't crash or dodge for no reason

    Let's just hope one day we will get rid of the client we have now and have something a game in 2020 deserve.

    EDIT : Didn't expect the post to blow up that much, thanks for the awards. I've updated the list with common thoughts.

    To clarify, yes the models in the shop are not the same that are being used in-game but they are still super high-quality and could be use on PC. And still, there is overall improvement (ie Gothic Orianna).

    And yes, building from scratch on Unity is easier than having to fix a huge spaghetti mess but it's upsetting that League is one of the most played game and yet has one of the buggiest client available on the market. There is nothing going on in the game apart of new skins and "event" (grindy unrewarding battlepass with gamemode that shouldn't be temporary) so fixing the client should really be a priority for 2021.

    submitted by /u/Ozaiko
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    Sjokz silencing the haters

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:39 AM PST

    Galio Traditional Skin

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 11:04 AM PST

    Galio Traditional Skin

    Hi League lovers !
    Here is my 4th concept for my "traditional never seen skins" !
    I've already done Yorick, Swain and Evelynn if you wanna check them !
    Hope you'll like my Galio also :D


    submitted by /u/TorokArt
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    interesting flash play at elder drake (by our 0/20 brand)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 03:01 AM PST

    Flash has not been changed for 8 years as of December 4th!!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 12:33 PM PST

    I saw this meme today https://old.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/kb2bns/nerf_flash/ And thought it was really funny.

    Thank you based /u/Z0MBGiEF: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/kbaq7n/flash_has_not_been_changed_for_8_years_as_of/gfgbm5p/?context=3

    Then I thought to myself, when was the last time flash got adjusted? So I checked the League wiki: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Flash , https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/V1.0.0.152

    Flash has not been changed since Preseason 3, 8 years ago now as of December 4th!!!

    Just kind of insane when you think so much of the core game has changed from that point but Flash is still the same Flash it was back then.

    How could Riot change Flash, or the whole Summoner Spell system for the better? Would they ever? Is there any good reason to change them? Just interesting to think about, I by no means have any ideas myself.

    Edit: Thank you everyone, this has been a real treat and quality thread.

    submitted by /u/ThisIsSnake
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    Riot's music department should make a girl punk band featuring Jinx and Vi so we can get more songs like "Get Jinxed" and "Here comes Vi"

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:24 AM PST

    Recently riot has been putting a lot of effort into band skinlines like True Damage and K-DA, these mixed media projects have really high production value on their songs and albums and I don't think this is going to stop any time soon. With a pentakill revival not too far off into the future I think it's a bit sad that we won't get any more songs like Get Jinxed or Here comes VI from those two since there's no virtual band associated with them to have a 'comeback'.

    I propose that riot form a punk band with Jinx, Vi and a few other champs so the music department can continue to produce punk rock. It Would be nice to add to the musical diversity of league since we already have Hip-Hop, K-Pop and Heavy Metal. Since punk bands tend to have rebellious or ironic names you could call them something like "Jinx and the Feeders", "Bad Teamcomp" or "Off Meta" or something.



    These are the Members of the skinline I propose:

    Jinx - Main vocals

    • Because of course she would be, she loves being the centre of attention and isn't afraid to showboat

    Vi - Bassist

    • It's hard to pluck guitar strings with those massive gloves lol

    Morganna - Lead guitarist

    • Literally rebels against the celestials and denounces them to walk amongst the humans. She has beef against her sister in Pentakill (was taliyah but morg fits way better)

    Annie - Drummer

    • Aesthetically think of Noodle from Gorillaz who was 10 at the start. A Little girl who's sadistic and has a murder teddy bear really fits and could make make an amazing scott pilgrim refrence to Crash And the Boys.

    Xayah - Rythm Guitar

    • She's the ultimate edgy hot topic girl so of course she'd be in a punk band, throws guitar picks at people

    Rakan - Groupie/Fanboy Because it's imorral to make a xayah skin without Rakan lmao, he'd be wearing a band t-shirt of her in a big heart and really cheering for her in the splash art"


    Edit: After reading some comments i re-looked through the roster and someone like Morg, Kalista or Sivir would suit way more than Taliyah, sorry girl I tried, maybe you'll suit a low-fi hiphop ensemble or bedroom pop group or something.

    submitted by /u/Izzywizzard
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    Pre-Rework Characters Have Become Myths

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:46 AM PST

    A trend that I have noticed is that people tend to mystify the previous iterations of pre-rework characters, and fantasize them to be things that they really weren't. There are many examples of this, but lets focus on one thats closer to me, Aatrox. If you were to hear from a great portion of veterans, you would think that old Aatrox was this unstoppable 1v5 machine. That solo carried games and everyone loved. But if you look at the vast majority of his existence he was... Incredibly weak, and incredibly underplayed. Not only was pre-rework Aatrox weak meta-wise, he was barely played. It was pretty much a dead character. However, the moment he was reworked, everyone started worshipping as a god. Hell, you would think he was one of the most popular characters in the game if you just looked at reddit. So why does this happen? There are literally more nostalgia comments for old Aatrox than there were mains ! Is nostalgia truly that strong of a force? Do people just like bitching? If Taliyah got reworked, would everyone make her old iteration a legend who everyone misses?

    submitted by /u/Orcus_The_Fatty
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    Evelynn Traditional Skin

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:23 AM PST

    Evelynn Traditional Skin

    Hi there !
    Today I'm showing you my version for Evelynn traditional ( if traditional skins was still a thing after champion reworks ). I've already done that for Swain and Yorick ( they are on Reddit if you wanna see ). I based my art on the original image from Riot Games, with painting and photo manipulation.
    Hope you'll enjoy her design as I did ♥


    submitted by /u/TorokArt
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    I saw the post about AP Gangplank being fun. I tried it out. This is how it went.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:34 AM PST

    My Self Made Katarina Cosplay :D

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 01:25 PM PST

    So Valorant Is getting Christmas themed things and we're here in runeterra where it barely feels Christmas at all...

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:12 PM PST

    As title says, i still do not get why Riot decided to stop making Christmas themed stuff, ok they sell less ? But ffs at least 1/2 skins or some snow around the edges of the rift, some lights...

    If they sell so poorly why even try to sell Christmas stuff in their other game Valorant? They even got a Snowball throwing game mode :C

    World of Tanks fucking called Chuck Norris for the Christmas event and we're here with the Battle Queens ,That are basically star guardians but more edgy.

    Ye those are cool but it's not the right time of the year. IMHO.

    Elderwoods are good too but can you just imagine Christmas Tree Ivern and Santa Ornn ... what a waste.

    it's not Christmas without snow down or porto king arams :(

    EDIT: Some typos, english not my main , only mastery 5

    submitted by /u/NoPlaceForHideo
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    Items changes planned for 11.1 by Mark Yetter

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:32 PM PST

    • Duskblade of Draktharr
      Nightstalker (passive) Damage :: 100 (+30% Bonus AD) >>> 65 (+25% bonus AD)
      Attack Damage :: 55 >>> 60
    • Prowler's Claw
      Sandswipe (active) Damage :: 100 (+30% bonus AD) >>> 65 (+25% bonus AD)
      Ability Haste :: 10 >>> 20
    • Hextech Rocketbelt
      Supersonic (active) Damage :: 175-250 (+15% AP) >>> 125 (+15% AP)
      Ability Power :: 80 >>> 90
      Health :: 250 >>> 350
    • Night Harvester
      Soulrend (passive) Damage :: 125-200 (based on level) (+15% AP) >>> 125 (+15% AP)
      Ability Power :: 80 >>> 90
      Health :: 250 >>> 300
    • Trinity Force
      Attack Damage :: 35 >>> 25
      Ability Haste :: 10 >>> 20
    • Goredrinker
      Active Damage :: 110% Total AD >>> 100% Total AD
      Thirsting Slash Heal (per champion hit) :: 20% Total AD (+12% missing health) >>> 25% Total AD (+12% missing health)
      Thirsting Slash heal is now calculated sequentially for each champion hit, meaning there are diminishing returns on hitting multiple champions as the missing health contribution is decreased by the previous heal.
    • Stridebreaker
      Active Damage :: 110% Total AD >>> 100% Total AD
      Attack Damage :: 50 >>> 45
      Ability Haste :: 10 >>> 20
      Link: https://twitter.com/MarkYetter/status/1337542538467528704
    submitted by /u/longviddd
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    The current state of Yasuo & Yone right now.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Armut shares his first impressions of his new team MAD Lions "I expected them to be funny, which they really are. Especially Carzzy, the crazy little kid", his goals for 2021, and top laners he wants to beat: "Broken Blade used to be my rival, and it will be really good to play against him again."

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:15 AM PST

    Family Man Yorick

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:17 AM PST

    OK so I've seen some sweet skin ideas here lately, and I want to toss mine in as well:


    Introducing Family Man Yorick. Straight out of leave it to beaver. Yorick, the missus, and his kids go for a nice walk down top lane.

    Lot of potential for fun voice lines.

    Rito you're welcome.

    submitted by /u/TreeOfMadrigal
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    Infographic - UZI

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:29 AM PST

    After an early afk-player surrender is accepted, that player can move and troll the whole team into losing

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:25 PM PST

    I've experienced this twice now. A player gets killed multiple times in early fase, decides to go afk in base and triggering a prompt for the other 4 players to surrender without losing lp. We all accept ofcourse, because playing with 1 player less is a guaranteed loss. What the "afk" player actually did was to stop moving long enough for League to think he's afk, giving us the prompt to surrender and accept it, and then move their champ a little bit.

    For some reason, League accepts the surrender but because the player who is trolling moved their champ right after the surrender was accepted, it counts as a normal defeat because the player "wasn't afk"

    Kinda crazy how something like this is possible. Not gonna lie also kinda genius though

    submitted by /u/kakjebakje
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    Riot charges €40 for Eternals. Why are they turned off in Nexus Blitz but they do work in Aram?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:49 AM PST

    I didn't buy the RP Eternals myself but I do think it's a bit scummy that Riot just turns off something purely cosmetic that they do ask a lot of money for. The argument could be made that they only want them to be stacked in normals but in ARAM you can rack up take downs much faster than on summoners rift as well and they do work there.

    Oh and if you have upgraded your mastery emote with eternals and play Nexus Blitz(or any temporary mode) your emote will revert back to the original unupgraded one. This is probably unintentional because it is kind of weird.

    submitted by /u/Adamantaimai
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    Drawing all champs day 86 - Ornn

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:19 PM PST

    Drawing all champs day 86 - Ornn

    I can't understand why it took 5 years for him to get a skin. It's not like he's forgotten unplayable champ, as far as I can remember he was popular and strong. And there is so much things that you can do with thicc horned blacksmith god.


    submitted by /u/MrKisiel
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    I tried to make some Teemo shrooms out of chocolate today. They could have been a bit more green, but I think they turned out okay so I wanted to share them with you all!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:30 PM PST

    Evil Genius Amateur Team Reveal 2021

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 01:18 PM PST

    Looks like more and more North American teams are getting into the Amateur following 100T Next with Cloud 9 Amateur and now Evil Genius Prodigies.

    I'm glad to see more and more teams pick up amateur teams, as it's the foundation of growing good North American talent and the future of LCS.

    The Roster is Top: Srtty Jungle: Tomio Mid: Aspect AD: Dan Supp: Mist and Coach: Ido.


    submitted by /u/Retro4214
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    LCS DOMINANCE; Worlds WOES; KEY Context - Reflecting on Doublelift's Career - League of Legends

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Poppy vs Yorick in URF Deathmatch

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:09 PM PST

    The Most Anticipated Skin of the Year Was Released Today - League of Legends Patch 10.25

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:18 AM PST

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