LoL Guide 10 Tips for Kai'Sa Players |
- 10 Tips for Kai'Sa Players
- What is your permaban champion and why? Give and receive tips!
- 2 big issues I've got has an Assassin
- 9 Page Xerath Support Guide ..
- how to not pointlessly run around the map while jungling?
- I need help versus Nasus
- Looking for a new champ to main.
- Tips for jungling as the losing team’s jungler
- I would like someone to analyze my match.
- Can someone explain to me what i need to know about low elo macro play
- General “Chat Guidelines”
- I think I make the game less fun for others. Should I keep playing?
- Creating simple thought proess for laning
- How do I improve while in smurf queue as a new player?
- Lethality and new items
- Who is the best support player right now?
- Machine Learning passion project website I made to help you learn about your teammates (0.8 R^2!)
- Why is Nasus a mid game champ that falls off in the late game?
- Losing streak help?
- Some op and fun stuff
- Is yone good to main in low elo
- Why is Ziggs so bad?
Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:11 AM PST Hey there, last time we covered Ashe (if you missed it: ), and today I got some Kai'Sa knowledge for you. As usual, I made a text version of the guide and also a video version if you prefer watching over reading. Video guide: Text version (works entirely without the video if you have a good imagination and some game knowledge): Tip number 1: There is a trick that lets you skip Kai'Sa's evolve animation when she upgrades a basic spell, allowing you to save precious time. You can cancel any evolve animation with Recall, and then cancel Recall itself with a movement command, which means you can act instantly. The timing for execution is rather strict though, so here are the two easiest methods. For method one, you manually click on the evolve icon with your mouse, and then instantaneously press B on your keyboard. If done correctly, the ability evolves and the Recall animation starts playing, allowing you to move right away. If the evolve animation starts playing instead, that means you pressed B too late, so try it faster next time. For method two, you are only using your keyboard. Firstly, map your Recall to both your B key and to the combination of "Ctrl + B." This doesn't interfere with your muscle memory while Recalling regularly (simply pressing B still does the trick), while at the same time making the following technique easier to execute. Hold down the Ctrl key, then press B first and then the key of the ability you want to evolve. Here, the timing is equally strict. If you press the ability key too late, it won't evolve. Just spend some time in Practice Tool until you get it to work consistently. Tip number 2: Kai'Sa can fire a basic attack during W's cast animation. So, if you want to basic attack an opponent, you can always sneak in a W against them as well, without losing extra time. The optimal combo would be basic attack + W + basic attack. The same is true for your Q spell, which means your full burst combo is auto, Q, auto, W, auto. Tip number 3: The targets for your Q spell are determined right as you press the button and cannot be changed mid-cast. This means you can Q your opponent at max range and then use Kai'Sa's E to kite away, while every single bullet from your Q will still connect with its original target. The Q + E combo is especially useful, because you cannot use basic attacks while E is active, but Q will keep firing regardless. Tip number 4: You can always use Flash during Kai'Sa's W's cast animation. The W missile will fire from your new location, which means you can use this trick to outplay opponents who are trying to body-block for a low health team-mate. What's more, if you Flash at the very end of W's cast animation, something extremely weird happens. Here, the missile looks like it's travelling from your original location, but the actual hitbox is still firing from wherever you are after your Flash. You can use this phantom W to make it even harder for your opponents to react appropriately and catch them off-guard. Tip number 5: Kai'Sa's ultimate is not just a repositioning tool with a shield, but you can use it to actually increase your damage output. In a 1v1 situation for example, you can cast your ultimate right after using a basic attack. The ultimate will reset Kai'Sa's basic attack timer, allowing your next attack to fire faster than your attack speed limitation would normally allow. Tip number 6: Kai'Sa's W provides vision for your team both when you hit an opponent with it and while it is travelling across the map. This means you can use it as a utility spell to scout the nearby enemy jungle and gather valuable information. Tip number 7: Kai'Sa's Q and her ultimate can combo into each other. This means, you can cancel your Q animation by dashing to another opponent with R, allowing you to burst down your initial target and immediately jumping to the next one. This also means, though, you can first cast your ultimate and then use Q mid-dash at any point to either attack an enemy along the way or to start firing at the opponent at your destination as early as possible. Tip number 8: W can be cast at any time during Kai'Sa's ultimate as well, allowing you to hit your target at point-blank range without wasting a single second with W's cast animation. As long as your cursor is on top of your opponent while pulling off this trick, your W will hit them. Aiming like this can be difficult due to Kai'Sa's dash speed, so make sure to practice this combo in Practice Tool first. Tip number 9: If an opponent affected by your passive is standing closely enough to a wall, you can use Kai'Sa's ultimate to go behind that wall by clicking the outer part of the circle. Offensively, you can use this trick during fights in the jungle to attack your enemies while being protected by terrain. Defensively, this move opens up important escape routes for you on which opponents can only follow if they either have a mobility spell or if they can afford to use their Flash. Tip number 10: After unlocking your stealth, Kai'Sa's E has a lot of outplay potential. The best way of tricking your opponents is to first cast E and only then start moving in your intended direction. If you do it vice versa, you become rather predictable, so make sure to always keep them guessing. The best part, however, is that using Flash will not break Kai'Sa's stealth, which drastically increases your options. GLHF and happy climbing! :) [link] [comments] |
What is your permaban champion and why? Give and receive tips! Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:43 AM PST In this thread you tell your permaban champion, reason why it is your permaban and others give tips how to counter the said champion. I'll start. My permaban is Nunu. I hate playing vs her. I hate her ability to quickly rotate around the man. She creates a huge pressure by just existing since she can rotate and gank so quickly. So, how should i play against nunu or is she just OP in soloQ? I feel like none respect her gank potential and she just snowballs her laners with ganks. [link] [comments] |
2 big issues I've got has an Assassin Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:38 PM PST Hello everybody, - When i play an assassin (melee) VS a ranges, actually i learn to wait that he use his main CC ability to jump on him and trade (ex: I play Qiyana VS a Luc, i try to wait her to use her CC ability before i jump on her). I know that it's when they have it that there is a danger if i blindly go on them, so i wait. But if it's a good player, who know that and conserve his ability, what can i do ? I heard that i must bait his ability, but most of the time i just don't escape and get CC and take a big burst, and if it's a good player he will not land it on me because he will know it's a bait. I know that ranged mage/or just ranged aren't a threat to melee assassins, i just must learn how to wait, bait, don't let the wave go in a bad spot etc. and that's especially what i want to learn. - Speaking of the waves, when I'm an assassin melee (again, but this time we'll say i play Ekko or Qiyana again, VS a good Orianne who manipulate very well waves) or with any champ if i get in the following situation : my ennemy shove to me so the wave bounce to him, and now he freeze under his tower. My question is : what can i do ? It's a very dangerous place : i'm weak to ganks, can't farm properly or i get poked, can't jump on him because of the tower... What could i did to avoid this ? When he shoved me, or when the wave bounced to him, should i have done something to not come to this situation ? I tried to do some things like roam, but sometimes there is no opportunity. Tried to help but my jungler isn't near. Tried to get the plant but i don't need it because i'm close to full ressources. Or maybe i should just recall, but i don't have many golds either. Even for ward, i don't have it so i can't ! I found all these issues after watching VOD of pro, my VOD and also videos of Coach Curtis. Maybe i wrote too much, but i would really like to have answer and get help to improve, also because i seriously came back into ranked. Thanks to all ! [link] [comments] |
9 Page Xerath Support Guide .. Posted: 23 Dec 2020 06:15 PM PST Hello Summoners, My name is Wike, also known as Wikelive on twitch and I am a Vayne / Xerath Support Two trick. I peaked D1 in S8 and consistently hover around Diamond 2 in Season 10. I am usually an ADC main but whenever I play support I usually go with Enchanter supports. One day I randomly picked up Xerath and tried to play it as support (before it was even a thing) and just started dominating lane.. Check out the guide here! If you like it I would appreciate if you'd like the guide and/or Follow my Socials !! Thanks! [link] [comments] |
how to not pointlessly run around the map while jungling? Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:49 AM PST i've been playing league for some time i can kite camps and plan which lane i should be focused on, but it feels pointless cause i always end up running around lanes not getting kills just losing pressure on, unless enemy is pushing hard. Do you guys have any tips on how to read enemy jungle pathing or how to know on which side of the map i should be on while still farming? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:32 AM PST I can bully him and freeze (in the game that made me write this post he was still lvl 1 after i reached 3) but whenever he gets sheen and resist/armor boots i cannot touch him anymore. It has goten even worse because of divine sunderer he does %health damage and heals even more than before. After six and these items he just runs me down no matter how ahead I am and i cant kite him since i refuse to play ranged top. Its really frustrating pls help. Sry for my english its not my first language [link] [comments] |
Looking for a new champ to main. Posted: 24 Dec 2020 03:00 PM PST Hey, so I am a Vladimir one trick and I wanna expand my champ pool and I have tried out new champs such as Ekko oriana tf and such more but I can't find the one that i would wanna practice and put my time in to are there any suggestions ? I really don't like champs that rely on getting kills to actually play the game. I am looking to actually impact team fights and and not just play kata and run down at their Adc and get hard cc on the way and gg. [link] [comments] |
Tips for jungling as the losing team’s jungler Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:11 AM PST I've played several games recently that have brought to my attention a major lacking point in my jungler skill set. As the game goes on, specifically if we get pushed back, how am I supposed to keep up my jungle advantage? I start losing out in all my opportunity to buff myself and acquire gold as the enemy team can just freely roam through my jungle taking buffs and setting traps, and once pushed back to a certain point it becomes borderline impossible for me to complete objectives and contest the enemy jungler, because at that point the whole team is doing his job. This is particularly problematic in "fed games" where I really start to lose the edge. If I'm lucky, I can get into their jungle, but it usually ends in net loss as someone doubles back and I can't safely beam back from their side. It also hurts because I lose the ability to play from the jungle and ambush, which I use quite heavily. What are some things I can do to better cope with the losing jungle disadvantage? [link] [comments] |
I would like someone to analyze my match. Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:18 PM PST OP.GG NA I am a unranked on league, but i would like to start playing ranked games. I play with Veigar and I really want to know what I should do to play better this game. I think that I have knowledge regarding the game, but I don't know how I apply it. I also have some problems in focusing and I don't have a nice early game... So before I start playing rank games I would like to know what things I need to improve, 'cause I don't want to get a bad elo. I'll be really thankful if someone could analyze my last match and could tell me what I must and need to improve. [link] [comments] |
Can someone explain to me what i need to know about low elo macro play Posted: 24 Dec 2020 03:52 PM PST I started playing league a couple months ago. i've decided to go mid lane as it interests me the most. I changed champs like 10 times. jumped from yasuo to annie to yone to diana to akali .... everyone keeps talking about how low elo players should main champs with easy kits like malzahar and annie because the low elo p;layer should learn about the 'fundamentals of the game' like cs, missions, wave management etc... it's funny because the same people talk about how low elo players don't know what their doing. i don't expect to carry my team in low elo because they are all inting. i'm in that elo for a reason lol. i could learn all about the fundamentals and all what i meantioned and still play with people that could make us lose the game. i really don't see what is there that takes SO MUCH time to learn about the fundamentals that i can't pick a champ with a slightly hard kit. i'm currently maining akali btw and i'm looking into yone and i love his playstyle just like i love yasuos. but people said yone is like an easier version so that's why i'm looking to possibly change champs. then again, people don't recommend him for low elo players. All in all, i'm playing to have fun AND win. playing a boring champ in my opinion like malzahar or annie won't keep me invested a lot in the game when i could play champs that are more fun for me. playing a champ i find really fun but ending up losing most of my games isn't great either. so i'm looking for a good balance. I'm relatively new to the game so i could use some guidance! would be apprecated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Dec 2020 03:16 PM PST Seeing how league is plagued with flaming, tilting and behaviour that won't be tolerated by people anywhere that's not on the internet, I was hoping to do my share in helping reduce it. Recently, I was playing a game where our jungler wasn't doing well... after repeatedly getting killed while trying to sneak a dragon, our support thresh started with subtle aggression and flaming, constantly writing: "Graves, why the **** do you keep doing that?!". Although seemingly better than just writing "Graves, you suck" - I wanted you guys to see how this style of communication is just as bad as flaming, if not worse. ———————————- This was recently posted in the Mindfulness community, by @BravoMike1015 How To Be Mindful When Speaking: SOCRATES' TRIPLE FILTER TEST In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day an acquaintance ran up to him excitedly and said, "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about Diogenes?" "Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me, I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test." "Triple filter?" asked the acquaintance. "That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about Diogenes, let's take a moment to filter what you're going to say. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?" "No," the man said. "Actually I just heard about it." "All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about Diogenes something good?" "No, on the contrary..." "So," Socrates continued. "You want to tell me something about Diogenes that may be bad, even though you're not certain it's true?" The man shrugged, a little embarrassed. Socrates continued. "You may still pass the test though, because there is a third filter, the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about Diogenes going to be useful to me?" "No, not really." "Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me or anyone at all?" **Added bonus follow up question Socrates did not ask.. "Then why did you want to tell me this?" "I guess I wanted to feel important, relevant or valued." Socrates then said, "Well, why don't you work on that directly?" The "what" questions find the problem. The "why" questions find the solution. ——————————- Now, back to our graves and thresh... Following thresh writing "graves, why do you keep doing that?!" what are graves possible reactions? A. Reply thoroughly the reasoning behind his misplays, which require deep understanding of himself - which the process of will enlighten him to the problematic nature of his gameplay, causing him to drastically change his gameplay style (all while still playing a high paced moba game). B. Get frustrated that his already bruised ego from having a bad game is being poked by a player that isn't playing his champion, or his role, and is probably doing noticeable mistakes just as well, causing graves to lose focus and tilt even more. C. Completely ignore thresh, maybe even muting him - leading to thresh not being able to communicate viable information to graves if it's ever needed, and graves, although taking the higher ground, having some resentment to thresh, probably subconsciously playing away from thresh causing some misplays. So, looking at the top three most common/probable reactions graves has - we clearly see that Thresh's subtle flame (subtle, because he's not directly calling graves himself bad names, he's calling his actions bad) has NO GOOD PROBABLE OUTCOME. Then, why would you ever write something that has no good outcome for you and for others?! (And this, my friends, is a whole other subject to explore - which the Socrates post touches a bit on... thresh was looking for an outlet for his frustration, probably, while he should actually work on maturing up, recognising his emotions and taking ownership over them - eventually learning to enjoy the game even when there team loses). Now, what are some good options thresh could've chosen to do, in my eyes: A. Ping, and not chat. If he sees something he believes graves doesn't see - ping, providing immediate relevant information. With that, try not to spam ping - that's a form of flaming just as well. B. Provide constructive criticism - if he really believes he can see something graves cant, say it: maybe tell graves "hey graves, i think you shouldn't go there alone again"... this is positive, doesn't state facts but his own thoughts, and allows graves to accept it in a more subtle way. C. Nothing. Shut up and play the game as best as he can, understanding that just like he sometimes has a horrible game - so does everyone (my preferred method). So, to conclude - guys, try to have compassion for other players that aren't doing well in your team, control your emotions and learn to communicate better... it'll help you climb, it'll help you enjoy the game more, and it might actually help you be better people. [link] [comments] |
I think I make the game less fun for others. Should I keep playing? Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:48 PM PST I am horrible at League of Legends (I did a few calculations based on MMR and lane win rate and stuff, and I think I'm in the 2nd percentile of players) and it seems that people have less fun playing with me. I noticed that, since I always end up feeding or something, I end up frustrating people. There are always going to be toxic people, I know, and that's not something that offends me at all. What worries me is that I am ruining the experience for others. I am an ADC main, and I notice that my support is almost always either raging or dropping everything to protect me from literally everything and not having fun. Often times a player quits mid game because they would rather get the temporary ban than spend another second playing with me. On the other hand, I genuinely enjoy the game, and I have made some good friends online there. Should I stop playing for the sake of the sanity of others? [link] [comments] |
Creating simple thought proess for laning Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:46 AM PST Hey I'm Dan. Here's a quick tip for those who are struggling to know what to focus on in lane (level1-6ish). Simple Thought Flow When the enemy is hitting the wave a lot and trying to push you under the tower, you need to hit the wave back. When the wave is too close to the enemy tower try to crash the wave and have it bounces back to the middle. If all of your minions go under the tower the wave will come back to you if you only last hit. CS is really important, its gold you can get in every game and it is a key to being consistent and improving. 5 minutes practice in the training tool as a warm up every day can make a huge difference. Remember to add a bot in the practice tool as minions scale with allied champion experience. If you don't add a bot the enemy minions will always be level 1. One aspect of CS safely is dodging skill shots. I have found a good way to practice this is playing an ARAM game a day with the sole goal of working on your movement and dodging skill shots. 1v1 vs champs you struggle to dodge are also very helpful. Don't force trades. Look for openings and chances to pressure, often the threat of a trade is enough to gain a small advantage. You don't need to kill your opponent straight away, small advantages add up and eventually the enemy will have to leave lane or you will kill them. Stay patient and stick to your game. [link] [comments] |
How do I improve while in smurf queue as a new player? Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:28 PM PST I just started playing league and after stomping my first few games I started matching with increasingly hard players. It's gotten to the point where I get little to no CS and go 0/10 every game. It is hard for me to improve my mechanics and macro at a substantial rate in PVP games and bot games don't provide any challenge. As a new player, this is really frustrating. Is there any way to start matchingwith players of my skill level [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:43 AM PST It seems that with the new items lethality no longer scales with levels like it used to, so now you get full value out of lethality when u buy it right? If so what impact does it have on assasins? Does it make it better to rush serrated dirk instead of boots and swords for roaming champs like Talon and Qiyana? How should mages like Orianna deal with assassins since the extra low base armor (in Ori's case) makes it really hard in the first place? [link] [comments] |
Who is the best support player right now? Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST Who is the best professional league/SoloQ player right now, that I can watch and learn from? And do you have some youtube channels, that can help me to become better support player. I'm platinium 3 right now, my peak was Diamond 4. Back in my days I have watched Mata and Madlife. But after Mata became a coach i haven't been up to date with the pro scene. Can someone recommend me players/youtubers. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Machine Learning passion project website I made to help you learn about your teammates (0.8 R^2!) Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:24 AM PST Hello! I'm a League of Legends fan (and a Zac jungle main) who also has a passion for coding! As a fun (free to use!) side project, I made a website tool ( which uses Machine Learning to both predict a summoner's performance and explain statistical drivers behind the prediction. Example output from my website is as follows: - Summoner Name [Input provided by user]: Poppytom5 - Prediction: Summoner is strong in this lane - Win-Likelihood: 75% - Explainer [Still in development]: Out-farms opponent/Rarely Dies/Weak lane pusher KnowYourTeam, the name of my website, adds value to your experience by improving your familiarity with your teammates. I often found that playing with strangers can be frustrating; I just didn't know their playstyles and couldn't tell who was my strong/weak link on the team. KnowYourTeam, like websites such as, adds value to players by pulling their teammates' historical stats to help the player learn about their team. KnowYourTeam is unique, however, as it leverages Machine Learning to do the analysis for the player with very high accuracy (93% accuracy on validation data set of 8000 games || 0.8 R^2 || 0.97 AUC). Recent wins/losses and KD ratios do not capture the full story behind any Summoner's play, and my algorithms take into account far more factors (e.g damage/level differentials at various time marks within the game). This analysis is easy to interpret as the drivers behind the Machine Learning prediction are explained to the player. Please check out my website next time you play! It's very much still a work in progress, but I wanted to combine my passion for League with coding! Hope you find it useful. [link] [comments] |
Why is Nasus a mid game champ that falls off in the late game? Posted: 23 Dec 2020 11:52 PM PST Statistics say otherwise. Nasus' winrate gets higher the longer the game goes. I'm using the default settings on Lolalytics: global platinum+. So why does everyone insist that Nasus falls off in the late game? The data shows that he is the strongest in the late game. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:43 PM PST I really want to get better at this game but I'm like 2/15 over the past 2 days and have been demoted twice. I don't want to quit because I want to get better and I think I was getting better before this streak of days but I don't know what to do at this point. They say spam ranked games at low elo and being in bronze I thought that was a good idea but going 2/15 over a 2 day span looks really bad. Idk what to do anymore. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:47 AM PST =[TOP]= - Warwick / 52 wr G+ / 53wr P+ - Olaf / 50wr G+ / 52wr P+ - Anivia / 55wr G+ / 55wr P+ (Low pickrate 0.4) -Rengar / 51wr G+ / 52wr P+ (Full vamp) -Skarner / 52wr G+ / 53wr P+ (Extreme low pickrate 0.13) =[JG]= - Wukong / 52wr G+ / 53wr P+ - Pantheon / 51wr G+ / 53wr P+ - Poppy / 51wr G+ / 53wr P+ =[MID]= - Taric + YI JG / 61WR ALL RANKS / 59wr G+ / 60wr P+ (Extreme low pickrate 0.10) - Ivern/ 55WR ALL RANKS / 57wr G+ / 60wr P+ (Extreme low pickrate 0.11) - Xin / 52 WR ALL RANKS/ 50wr G+ / 52wr P+ (Extreme op into melee matchups (yas,yone,zed... 60% firstblood rate) (Extreme low pickrate 0.11) - Kled / 54wr G+ / 54wr P+ (Full vamp or tank) - Gragas / 53wr G+ / 54wr P+ - Graves / 52wr G+ / 51wr P+ (Full lethality) - Wukong / 53wr G+ / 53 wr P+ (Full vamp) - Tristana / 53wr G+ / 53wr P+ - Pyke / 52wr G+ / 52wr P+ (Good pickrate=tested) =[ADC]= - Swain/ 54wr G+ / 54wr P+ (Good pickrate 1+%=that means its tested a lot) - Karthus / 54wr G+ / 55wr P+ (Extreme low pickrate 0.13) =[SUPP]= -Gragas/ 50wr G+ / 50wr P+ (Imperial,zeke?) =[BOTLANE SYNERGY]= - Karthus+ Janna supp / 58wr G+ / 61wr P+ (Extreme low pickrate 0.8-) -Seraphine + Sona/ 57WR ALL RANKS / 56wr G+ / 59wr P+ (Extreme low pickrate 0.10-) -Ivern + Rengar ? / 50wr all ranks (Extreme low pickrate ???) [link] [comments] |
Is yone good to main in low elo Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:41 PM PST Hello I just wanted some advice about whether or not to main yone. I've been playing for a couple months now so i'm relatively new to the game compared to others. I've decided to play mid lane. i'm determined to learn and improve! I checked out the mid lane options to main and i liked yone and akali the most. i've been playing with akali the past months and she's insane. I hate the hitbox on her E tho. I really liked yasuo's playstyle but i looked into it and people don't recommend him for people that aren't in high elo. So i picked yone as he has a similar playstyle and is much easier to play with. i find his mechanics pretty simple. Kassadin and swain are also champs im looking more into but don't interest me as much as akali and yone. Please help :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:57 PM PST I've noticed he is low average at best in all the tier lists. That reddit compilation post of all OTP streamers has no Ziggs representation. Xerath, Vel Koz and Lux are abundant in games. Zwag is a well known Xerath challenger, and the other 2 have Challenger representation as well. But nothing for Ziggs. What is it about the explosive rodent that has him left in the cold? Where is his kit lacking? Is it that he has no CC like Xerath and Lux? No upfront burst capabilities like Vel Koz and Lux? He does have great tower taking power, but as a mage he cant split push sooo.. What else makes him so forgettable and underrepresented? How could these shortcomings be accounted for via item build? [link] [comments] |
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