• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    League of Legends Farewell Doublelift

    League of Legends Farewell Doublelift

    Farewell Doublelift

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:00 AM PST

    100 Thieves welcome GoldenGlue as Academy Head Coach

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:04 PM PST


    Welcome @GoldenGlue as our 2021 League of Legends Academy Head Coach!

    Greyson has been playing LoL competitively for the past 7 years. We're excited to bring his experience and game expertise to 100 Thieves under a coaching role for the 2021 season! #100T

    GoldenGlue's announcement of retirement as a player:


    submitted by /u/February14th
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    CoreJJ Appreciation Thread

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:20 AM PST

    There really are just not adequate words to describe the value CoreJJ brings to the LCS and this region. Aside from being consistently among the top in his role if not the best, he is now going out of his way to carry this region on his massive back via organizing these in-houses ( which if you haven't watched, I highly recommend tuning into his Twitch or CaptainFlowers, IWillDominate, or others' to view).

    Not only are these in-houses providing high quality training for high level players, they are bringing visibility to young and lesser known talent which has been so cool to see! It's also created a proper league with rankings within it. Aside from this he is absolutely smurfing in the league so far and has been insane to watch!

    I mean, think about how many imports have been brought over and their impact to the LCS. Some have been good, others have been accused of being around to just collect paychecks, but could anyone have foreseen the value CoreJJ would bring? TL absolutely killed it with bringing him over and this is the sort of drive in players I LOVE to see that make me excited for our region!

    submitted by /u/bryvl
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    2017 Worlds Winner Lee "Crown" Min-ho Retires.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:44 AM PST

    - Best known as Samsung Galaxy Midlaner 2015 - 2017 and Gen G in 2018 .
    - NA viewers may remember him for playing for both Optic and CLG during 2018 - 2020. Also for this
    - He moved back to Korea this very 2020 to play for OZ Gaming which would end third place during CK summer Playoffs.

    Post on his Instagram (Korean): Minho_crown

    Rough translation in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Misanthropy_7
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    Lustboy joins 100 Thieves as Role Coach

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:37 PM PST


    Welcome @LustLoL as a Role Coach for our 2021 League of Legends program!

    Lustboy has been in the scene since 2012, competing professionally for 4 years & coaching for another 4, across NA & KR. We're excited to have him on 100 Thieves to develop & further support our players!

    submitted by /u/FIooke
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    Patch 10.25 Preview [Full Changes]

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:20 PM PST

    A follow up from the previous post yesterday

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the patch 10.25 preview with the full changes.

    Patch 10.25 preview with lists of changes. Put on your reading glasses.

    • We shifted approach on a few things and added some champs

    • These are almost final, a few may change by the time the patch ships

    Image version of the changes: https://imgur.com/a/eEMaUcN

    >>> Item Nerfs <<<

    Bami's Cinder

    • Cost: 1000 >>> 1100

    Sunfire Aegis

    • Health: 450 >>> 350

    Frostfire Gauntlet

    • Slow effect ratio: 275 >>> 250

    • Mythic Passive size increase: +7.5% >>> +6%

    Turbo Chemtank

    • Supercharged slow duration: 2 >>> 1.5s

    Seekers Armguard

    • AP: 30 >>> 20

    The Collector

    • Execute works on all enemies >> Execute works on Champions only

    Eclipse (Ranged)

    • Ranged shield value: 100 (+30% bAD) >>> 75 (+20% bAD)

    Duskblade of Drakthaar

    • Proc slow is now melee only

    Muramana (on mages)

    • Procs on all abilities >>> Procs on Phyiscal Damaging abilities

    >>> Item Buffs <<<


    • AD: 55 >>> 60

    • Active Cooldown: 90 >>> 60s


    • Cost: 1200 >>> 1050

    Phantom Dancer

    • Cost: 2700 >>> 2500

    Essence Reaver

    • AD: 50 >>> 55

    Mortal Reminder

    • Cost: 2700 >>> 2500

    Lord Dominic's Regards

    • AD: 30 >>> 35

    Mercurial Scimitar

    • Cost: 2900 >>> 3000

    • AD: 30 >>> 40

    Rapidfire Cannon

    • Cost: 2700 >>> 2500

    Infinity Edge

    • Grants 8% crit damage for each 20% crit chance >>> If you have 60% crit chance gains 35% crit damage

    Bandleglass Mirror

    • Cost: 1050 >>> 950

    Imperial Mandate

    • Cost: 2700 >>> 2500

    • Initial proc: 60-100 >>> 36-60

    • Ally proc: 60-100 >>> 90-150

    Moonstone Renewer

    • Cost: 2700 >>> 2500

    • Initial heal: 60-90 >>> 70-100

    • Heal multiplier in combat 25% per s (up to 100) >>> 12.5% per s (up tp 50)

    Shurelia's Battlesong

    • Cost: 2700 >>> 2500

    • Bonus damage buff: 40-60 >>> 35-55

    Locket of the Iron Solari

    • Cost: 2700 >>> 2500

    • Shield: 250-420 >>> 230-385

    Ardent Censer

    • Blasting Wand replaced with Amplifying tome (total cost unchanged)

    Staff of Flowing Water

    • Blasting Wand replaced with Amplifying tome (total cost unchanged)

    Zeke's Convergence

    • Health: 300 >>> 250

    • Armor: 30 >>> 25

    • Mark duration: 4 >>> 8s

    • Damage against marked enemies: 25-50 >>> 35-70

    Luden's Tempest

    • Ability Haste: 10 >>> 20

    • Magic Penetration: 10 >>> 6


    • Ability Haste: 10 >>> 20

    >>> Champion Nerfs <<<


    Base stats

    • MR: 34 >>> 30


    • Passive on hit AP ratio: 25 >>> 20%


    Base stats

    • Armor: 38 >>> 35


    • Base damage: 75-155 >> 65-145

    • Cooldown: 6-4 >>> 7-5s


    Base stats

    • Mana per lvl: 57 >>> 37

    Morgana (Mid)


    • DPS: 12-60 >>> 12-52



    • Movement Speed: 30-60 >>> 20-50%


    • Pushed to next patch



    • Knocks up any immobilizing CC >>> Knocks up only knocked up enemies


    • Lifesteal: 100% >>> 66%


    • Lifesteal: 100% >>> 66%



    • Bonus AD ratio: 45-75% >>> 35-65%

    >>> Champion Buffs <<<


    • Posted earlier

    Pantheon Top

    • Posted earlier



    • Return damage: 45-125 >>> 45-145



    • On hit damage: 8-42 >>> 12-44 (+15% bAD) (+10% AP)

    Wukong (Jungle)


    • [NEW] Deals 150% damage to monsters

    Rengar (Jungle)


    • Extra healing from monster damage: 50% >>> 100%

    • Deals 65-130 bonus damage to monsters (scaling with champion level)

    Ekko (Jungle)


    • Damage to monsters: 150% >>> 250%



    • [NEW] Hitting a target with both bolts deals 25% increased damage

    • Damage: 80-200 >>> 70-210

    • [REMOVED] Damage falloff after passing through a target

    • [NEW] Deals 70% damage to minions



    • Deals 50% >>> 100% damage to monsters for stones after the first hit

    • Worked ground radius: 450 >>> 375



    • Attack speed: 30-50% >>> 40-60%


    • Slow amount: 25-45 >>> 30-50%


    • Bonus AD: 20-40 >>> 25-55



    • Isolation bonus: 20-40% >>> 30-50%



    • Mana cost: 20-44 >>> 20-40

    • AP ratio: 30 >>> 35%



    • Spear min damage: 70-130 (+50% AP) >>> 70-150 (+70% AP)

    • Spear max damage: 210-390 (+150% AP) >>> 210-450 (+150% AP)

    • Mana cost: 50-90 >>> 50-70


    • Mana cost: 60-120 >>> 50-90

    Lee Sin

    Base stats

    • Armor: 33 >>> 36


    • Cooldown: 14 >>> 12


    • Damage: 80-240 >>> 100-260



    • Healing: 6 >>> 8% max HP


    • Cooldown: 6 >>> 5s



    • Cooldown: 14-10 >>> 12-8


    • Shield AP ratio: 80 >>> 90%

    • Cooldown: 12-8 >>> 10-6


    • Attack speed: 0.623 >>> 0.7



    • Cooldown: 8-4 >>> 7.5 >>> 3.5s

    Seraphine (Mid)

    Base stats

    • HP per level: 80 >>> 90


    • [NEW]

    • Shield increased by 50% for Seraphine only


    Base stats

    • Attack Speed per level: 2.5% >>> 3.5%


    Base stats

    • Attack Speed per level: 2.5% >>> 3.5%


    Base stats

    • AD: 63 >>> 65


    • Cooldown: 12-8s >>> 11-7s
    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Faker was the final 'step/test' for LS to be a coach

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:29 AM PST

    LS talks about coach position at T1 on his first stream after that drama. It also seems like he is streaming from T1's HQ right now. He is also talking about other stuff. He will not be LCK caster anymore thou :(


    EDIT: He just said he talked with Faker for 2 hrs about draft, game state, game overall etc.

    LS will have translator on his stream as well.

    submitted by /u/The_origin_of_evil
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    Prime Time Chime Time

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:57 PM PST

    The most disgusting Kata play in the History of League of Legends

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:58 AM PST

    Rekkles on leaving Fnatic

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:47 AM PST

    Meet FlyQuests New Jungler, and the Prince of NA Solo Queue: Josedeodo

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Riot has no idea what they are doing with new Tank items, they are even nerfing Frostfire Size God knows why

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:50 PM PST

    The only problematic Tank item is Sunfire and Riot fails to understand that.

    Tank Junglers are only op right now because they can shred objectives alone with Sunfire.

    Instead of Riot removing that passive because it is unnecessary they are nerfing yet again jungle clear (Bami Cinder and Sunfire/Frostfire/Chemtank) when the Jungle clear is way worse than previous Season.

    At this point Old Bami Cinder is better than New Bami Cinder damage wise and cost wise.

    Old Bami Cinder:

    Unique Passive - Immolate: Deals 6 − 23 (based on level) magic damage per second to nearby enemies (325 range). Hitting an enemy with an immobilizing ability deals 6 − 23 (based on level) (+ 1% bonus health) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage to nearby enemies (12 second cooldown). Immolate's damage is increased by 100% against minions and monsters.

    900 Gold, you could buy it first back without selling refillable potion if you full cleared.

    Considering you are level 4 after buying it, you deal 22 base damage to monsters + 22 base dmg instantly on explosion.

    New Bami Cinder after nerf:

    Unique Passive - Immolate: Taking or dealing damage activates this passive for 3 seconds. Deal 15 (+ 1% bonus health) magic damage per second to nearby enemies, increased by 25% against minions and 25% against monsters.

    1100 gold, it's impossible to buy it first back unless you get an assist or kill early. Prior nerfs it was 1000 gold before and you had to sell Refillable potion to buy it.

    You deal 19 base damage with no explosion to monsters.

    That's a big nerf considering it costs 200 more, has no explosion passive and deals less damage.

    Now with Mythic Tank items/Cinderhulk.

    Cinderhulk (2500 gold):

    UNIQUE – IMMOLATE: Deals 12 − 29 (based on level) magic damage per second to enemies within 325 (+100% bonus size) units. Hitting an enemy with an immobilizing ability deals 12 − 29 (based on level) (+ 3% bonus health) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage to enemies within 400 (+100% bonus size) units (12 second cooldown). Immolate's damage is increased by 300% against minions and monsters.**

    Considering you are lvl 9 when you buy it you deal 84 base damage to monsters + 84 with explosion damage.

    Sunfire/Frostfire/Chemtank (3200 gold):

    UNIQUE – IMMOLATE: Taking or dealing damage activates this passive for 3 seconds. Deal 12 − 30 (based on level) (+ 1% bonus health) magic damage every second to enemies within 325 (+100% bonus size) units, increased by 25% against minions and 150% against monsters (100% for Sunfire).

    Considering you are still lvl 9 when you buy it, you deal 52 base damage to monsters with no explosion (42 base damage with Sunfire)

    It's a huge nerf to jungle clearing and they are hitting the wrong stats.

    Sunfire is the only problematic item.

    Frostfire slow was nerfed from 35% to 25% for no reason and its size is being nerfed, wtf??????

    Chemtank is being nerfed even tho like only 3 champs use it.

    All the other mythic tank items are being nerfed because of Sunfire for no reason because of tank op circle jerking

    Oh and one thing Zac is getting gutted after this, champ feels horrible to play early game as it should but he feels horrible late game because his healing is non existent.

    Riot buffed him in season 9 to heal more late game but with 60% GW he doesn't heal anything.

    They buffed his healing to 7% at lvl 16. Prior that, it was always 4% at all ranks.

    4% to 2.3% if 40% GW

    7% to 4.2% if 40% GW

    7% to 2.8% if 60% GW

    It's basically a nerf since Spirit Visage was nerfed and there is less HP in tank items and Cinderhulk was removed.

    Which means less healing, which is a revert to the buff and nerf

    He is already on 48% winrate, I can't even imagine after the nerfs

    submitted by /u/Erknaite
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    LS says he is no longer casting LCK

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:33 AM PST

    EG Promoted Deftly from academy to LCS

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:20 AM PST


    It was rumored that they would sign Lost, but i guess that with Doublelift retirement TSM decided to invest on Lost and so EG decided to promote Deflty.

    submitted by /u/OneInATrillion6
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    [Cosplay] Genderbent Yasuo

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:19 AM PST

    just your average yasuo main's first cosplay attempt :) scuffed like my gameplay but i tried my best

    link to album here

    submitted by /u/p1kahchoo
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    We recreated the G2 Rekkles announcement video with a budget of 59,25€

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:00 PM PST

    12/1 PBE Update: Battle Queen Diana Prestige Edition Splash Art & More

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Team Liquid Academy 2021 Roster Announced

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:18 AM PST


    Top - Jenkins

    Jungle - Armao (Grig)

    Mid - Haeri

    ADC - Yeon

    Support - Eyla

    Haeri and Eyla are both OCE players from ORDER last year. Yeon is someone some people might be familiar with, he's the last player from 100x to get on an LCS academy team and he's been grinding in the CoreJJ in houses.

    submitted by /u/PKAYBeam
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    T1 Re-sign Ellim and promote Oner to the main roster

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:02 PM PST


    "Ellim" 최엘림 선수가 계약을 연장함과 동시에 "Oner" 문현준 선수가 아카데미에서 콜업되었습니다. 세 명의 정글러로 맞이하는 이번 시즌, 많은 기대 부탁드립니다.

    We're excited to announce that Ellim extended his contract and Oner is called up to finish our roster.

    This confirms that Kanavi is not coming to T1 (especially as he already re-signed with JDG before worlds lol)

    submitted by /u/SeizureLizard
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    Riot Jag on the State of Seraphine Mid

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:52 PM PST

    /u/RiotJag tweeted:

    Seraphine thoughts:

    As we've learned more about Seraphine mains and what they care about, I think it's pretty clear that she'll be played more as a Support than a Mid unless there's a huge power difference. "Supportive Mid Laner" almost certainly invokes the "Support" player motivation more strongly than "Mid Laner" part, and so I believe with everything else being equal, Seraphine players will more often prefer to play her as a support. This is cool to see, and I'm glad that people have attached to her in whatever fashion they enjoy.

    Does that mean we're going to balance primarily around Support? Not at all. Seraphine has much better tools for being a Mid Laner than basically any other Support; after all, her win rates are slightly higher in Mid (and I think that will be even more true after 10.25).

    Seraphine Mid players, I can assure you - you're going to be balanced to be a viable pick Mid. Right now, she's underpowered in that she's way too vulnerable in bad matchups, and next patch will send some help there.

    If players end up thinking that she's more optimal as Support over Mid, that's fine for them to believe - but you're never going to feel like you're in the wrong lane by picking Mid. And we won't have to leave Support Seraphine behind to accomplish this.

    tl;dr Mid and Support Seraphine players are Seraphine players. We care about the experiences of both players, and we're going to continue to make both feel natural and fun to play.

    Oops, for context I forgot to repost the 10.25 Seraphine changes:

    Base Stats

    -HP/lvl 80 >>> 90


    -Shield increased by 50% for Seraphine only

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    Effort leaves T1

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:03 AM PST

    Spirit Blossom Katarina - Jun Seong Park

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:15 PM PST

    SANDBOX head coach and DWG creator Micro: "I started from the bottom with DAMWON Gaming as an experiment, and the result was great. However, I thought the result might because I got lucky. So I wanted to try again. I didn't need to join a complete team."

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:04 PM PST

    Doublelift talks about SwordArt and his dilemma with the off season struggles. Doublelift didn't want to grind it out anymore without a confirmed SwordArt and TSM moved on.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:49 AM PST

    No where near enough choice in itemization game needs more Mythic items

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:38 AM PST

    Meta builds have quickly developed and the game feels the exact same 'build the same thing' almost every single game.

    A lot of the bad champs right now just feel bad because the itemization for them just doesn't really exist, a lot of the choices just don't really give you something you'd ideally want, and the OP champs are the opposite of this they are lucky to have a mythic that just synergises really well with them.

    I think the game needs a lot more mythics to promote more choice and I'm leaning towards twice as many as there are now.

    Most 'classes' of champs e.g bruiser or tank or adc have 3 mythics, 1 of which is usually garbage and you would never ever build unless your trolling, 1 you will build maybe super situationally and another you will build 99% of the time, I'm getting bored very quickly and feel like there's hardly any room to experiment.

    submitted by /u/Only_Corki
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