LoL Guide Drakes vs plates? |
- Drakes vs plates?
- Another post on dodging.
- Don’t just be content to win your lane
- Does practicing to CS in practice tool actually work?
- What is it with kill stealing?
- How do you keep up in CS as jungle?
- Season 11 Kai'Sa Guide for Beginners
- What made you significantly improve at Jungling ?
- When to push?
- how to kayn
- seraphine root/stun
- Does the slows applied by Rylai's prvent dashes and the like?
- 1-3-1 vs 4-0-1
- Helping a Friend, who is New to League
- Picking up a midlane assassin
- [Question] Presence of mind or biscuit delivery on Lux mid?
- Best app to let you know if you should dodge a game?
- What to do in low Elo when team only groups mid and runs it down?
- The idea of role?
Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:57 AM PST A lot of the times when my bot is shoving early I start a drake and ping for help. Sometimes they come, sometimes only the support comes, sometimes I'm alone. A lot of the time in this situation three players are needed to take it, or even to just safely disengage, because the useful time frame is narrow. What happens often when only my support rotates is that we die and lose the drake. If I'm alone I usually manage to give it up and run away, but it still isn't good. How can I understand when plates are better than drakes and my botlane really needs them, so I know that I can't start that drake? EDIT: thanks for the award! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:49 AM PST I often saw tips like "use dodging as a tool for climbing" but i never understood why i should dodge? Like i lose LP if i dodge and i want to gain LP, no? But i recently tried dodging as a climbing tool and i am more than satisfied. i am currently on an 8 game win streak and sit on 60 % wr. I figured out that it is only MMR that matters, not LP. if you maintain high mmr you get better teams more often (my experience). If you also dodge some games with terrible win conditions it improves your winrate to the max level! I was never outstanding at LoL, always sitting at around 51 % wr. and now, as i said. 60% wr and currently on 8 game win streak. You dont want to dodge even games or where you are slightly in disadvantage. You want to dodge those games where you would have written "i knew i should have dodged" in after game lobby. My dodging reasons are the following: -Any teammate but support is on lose streak bc of tilt. (A tilt losestreak you recognize on his KDA. Do not doge if the player had just unlucky games and his KDA is fine) -more than 2 members with less than 45% winrate -Autofilled jgler or ADC that never played jgl/adc the last 30 games. -OP enemy team comp: If enemy has Darius, Anivia, Master Yi, Leona, Jhin and your team has Yasuo Top, Zed Mid and Vel koz support JUST DODGE. It isnt autolose but lowers your winrate EXTREMELY -People start arguing and flaming in lobby That is it. I dodge for any of those 5 reasons which is about every 4-5 game and it helped me a lot. Maybe this post motivates you also to use dodging for climbing as a tool. I can recommend it. [link] [comments] |
Don’t just be content to win your lane Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:49 AM PST So this is something I see so often and it's honestly infuriating how many players seem to just tunnel vision their lane and not try to do anything elsewhere on the map. If you're winning your lane really hard, go transfer that lead to other lanes. Chances are, in any given game, at least one of your lanes is going to be having a hard time, that's just simple probability. If you're mid, and your top laner is having a hard time, don't just sit there and kill minions and get chip damage on your laners turret. Shove your wave, and ROAM! Go make something happen! Not only will you snowball even harder, but you'll give your teammates the chance to be more useful in the game. You don't get to just sit in your lane and then flame your teammates for not being useful enough or being too heavy to carry. If someone is behind in their lane, you can't just yell at them to get it together. Use your advantage to be proactive. This seems so incredibly obvious but damn if I had a penny for every game I've played where someone got so far ahead in their lane but we lost anyway and I have to see "gg team too heavy" in the post game lobby, I'd be Jeff bezos by now. [link] [comments] |
Does practicing to CS in practice tool actually work? Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:25 AM PST Hello, so I keep seeing people suggest in guides/videos etc to go into a practice tool to practice to CS, and I was wondering if there's anyone that's tried this and if it was beneficial? I'm like level 403 and it's kind of getting embarrassing not being able to CS properly on my main champions (Lux, Ahri etc). I don't know if I'm just bad or if it's because I'm a support main (I'm venturing out to mid/adc now though) and I've never actually needed to CS in my life lol [link] [comments] |
What is it with kill stealing? Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:56 PM PST I was just in normal draft game and was playing Xerath mid. My bot (MF and Pyke) where shouting at me all game because I kept "stealing" kills from them even though I never had the intention of doing so. I am still relatively new to LoL so i'm not sure when and when not to leave kills for certain champs. They where all like "report mid for griefing, he isn't pinging his lane opponent is missing and stealing my kills" The pyke was getting exceptionally tilted at me cause he was like "I could of been fed if you didn't steal any of my kills but he was going like 0/4/4 at the time. And I had only been involved in 1 fight with the pyke. If someone could clarify if I done something completely wrong and is it punishable? I dont see how but I guess a second opinion could help. Thanks and Happy New Year :) [link] [comments] |
How do you keep up in CS as jungle? Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:30 AM PST I've been playing a lot more jungle recently to try and prepare for the coming season, but every game I have played in the last few weeks I've been substantially under-farmed. It hasn't prevented me from winning games, but it has made a noticeable difference in how long it takes me to become impactful in each match, with some games putting me at 20-30 cs behind the enemy jungler around 15 minutes (a significant difference). Although I know the best thing I can probably do is just practice paths and play more games to get experience - I'm wondering if there is some general advice for junglers that could be helpful for staying relevant in a game with cs & exp. [link] [comments] |
Season 11 Kai'Sa Guide for Beginners Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:55 AM PST Hey /r/summonerschool! I'm Vapora Dark, a high Diamond ADC main and long-time guide writer on MOBAFire. I've just published a video guide for how to build and play Kai'Sa in the new season. It's not too in-depth and mainly focuses on itemization/runes, but I hope many of you can find it helpful. Feedback is welcome! (Sorry for the repost, previous post got removed. I hope I'm not in violation of any rules this time) [link] [comments] |
What made you significantly improve at Jungling ? Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:18 AM PST My division is Gold II and my goal is to reach Diamond. This question is addressed to Jungle Mains who skyrocketed their division after doing some certain things. All youtube videos and coaching stuff that I've searched and watched so far , show some very basic concepts or concepts that are not so easy to apply. Most of the time , these videos are confusing me even more. They say that you should counterjungle , clear all camps , countergank , gank overextended lanes . All of these tips are great but it's easier said than done , doing all these things simultaneously. I've encountered many Diamond smurfers junglers in my games , which have huge impact early on the game and close the game very quickly. They literally can win me effortlessly and close the game around 15-20 all by themselves. My question is WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY DOING? What mistakes are they abusing against gold players like me , so they can win so easily? They seem that they are always at the correct place , at the right time. There must be something that I'm missing and I really want to find what it is. I am looking for an eye opener tip , like the tips Throxon from LeagueCraft 101 gave. The Trading Stance was an eye opener from a friend of mine. When he became aware that you can trade easily with the enemy , when they go for a minion, he went from Gold IV to Diamond IV , in a period of 2 months. So what piece of advice can you give me , that once I become aware of it , my division as a jungler will skyrocker in a short amount of time? I'm by no means the type of player who thinks his teammates are trash and are holding me behind. I really believe that my current division is the division the I deserve to be in. I really want to improve as a player. Thanks in advance :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:40 AM PST One of my main roles rn is ADC. I've been watching a lot of instructional videos lately, mostly from Saber, and trying to focus mainly on laning plans. For context, I duo with a dedicated support main, we almost always play Rakan + Kai'sa. I usually try to figure out and communicate a "game plan" with him in loading screen. From my understanding, it is generally better to push your lane in when possible/safe. This creates map pressure, gives us the poke advantage, allows us to rotate quicker to drake or skirmishes, and usually creates a CS lead. I am having trouble determining under what circumstances we should be pushing. I know the enemy jungle champion matters a lot. It is hard to run from a hecarim/WW/vi even if we have the area well warded so it is not wise to push unless we have vision of them elsewhere. But it is hard for me to determine what the enemy support pick means for pushing. Some are self evident, I wouldn't push against a Leona. But for example, let's say they have a morgana. It could be dangerous for us if we push in, its safer to be rooted close to your tower. However, it is also harder for the morg to root us if we have more minions on our side, blocking her angles. The situation also might change if I have cleanse. Same thing applies to other skillshot based "catch" champions like thresh. so TLDR: as a Kai'sa + Rakan lane, what enemy support champions should we look to push into? And what enemy supports should we never push into? Specific examples and reasoning would be well appreciated [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:57 AM PST How do you play Kayn? My main problem is that I just do my q, w and..... that's about it. I start to run out of steam and everyone just seems to pummel me super easily or just turn around and start walking away from me. Most of the fights I don't even get to pop off conqueror because I can't get the ten hits in. Compared to junglers like Kha or Jax I feel like Kayn has very little firepower, but I imagine its because I don't know how to play him. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:54 AM PST hey guys! quick question about seraphine- her E can root and stun if someone is slowed/immobilized. do any of her abilities/combos slow or immobilize or are they referring to when someone gets slowed/immobilized from someone else? (for example, ashe W, miss fortune E, any other roots or stuns, etc) [link] [comments] |
Does the slows applied by Rylai's prvent dashes and the like? Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:55 AM PST I've heard "Break their knees" having been mentioned when playing against dash champions like Kalista and Akali, and they build Rylai's to help with that. And I was wondering, does the slows from Rylai's prevent Kalista, Akali, and anyone else with a dash, from dashing? It's a cc so that kinda makes sense but it also seems a bit op if it just removes ALL dashes. I am not sure. Any help would be helpful! Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:05 AM PST 1-3-1 and 4-0-1 are the most common lane set assignments in later stages of the game. Lets say our team looks like this: Top: Jax Jungle: Gragas Mid: Ekko ADC: Sivir Support: Yumi Ekko and Jax run teleport. I would only go for a 1-3-1 when ALL lanes are ahead, so we can snowball harder. If a fight occurs we double tp flank. Since TP cooldown is really high (420-240s) compared to most ultimates (Malphite 130-80s, Leona 90-60s). In case a tp flank fails, we are getting punished really hard, because afterwards we have to group as 5 in order to protect our base/towers from another 5 man dive, thus lowering Ekko's and Jax' incoming. Normally I would let Jax splitpush, if a fight happens he can tp for a flank. While Jax' tp is on cooldown you let Ekko splitpush and Jax stays with the team, if a fight happens Ekko can tp for a flank. Rinse and repeat. Let me know how you would play against this strategy. PS: I am aware that most 1-3-1 team comps resolve around teamfight/flanking, with e.g. a nocturne jungle or a galio mid lane. [link] [comments] |
Helping a Friend, who is New to League Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:11 AM PST My Flatmate got a New PC and finally can and wants to play League. How much should i explain/should he experience in his own? If i duo with him (i am not playing ranked but play nearly everyday for over 1 year), how hard will be matchmaking for him? What should i tell him to avoid in the beginning? (For instance i never properly learned to CS BC i only played supp in the beginning) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:21 AM PST Hey guys, I've been playing league 4-5 years now, recently relocated to midlane having jungle and support mained in the past. Hard stuck B1 at the moment (lol) and thinking that I need to pick up an assassin to add my champ pool. I play Galio, Malz and Lux mid (If I need to), malphite/Shen top. I always feel like assassins have more carry potential than what I'm working with at the moment. I'm not the most technically correct player when it comes to mechanics but my macro is ok (helping out the jungler, roaming etc). My farming admittedly needs some work too. Any advice on an easy-ish assassin to pick up going into the new season? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
[Question] Presence of mind or biscuit delivery on Lux mid? Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:53 AM PST I'm playing mostly Lux mid and I'm having a hard time figuring out my secondary runes. Currently, I'm running boots/timer and biscuit delivery. However, I have a few friends who run presence of mind instead in the secondary tree and it seems to help them regenerate quite a bit of mana throughout a game (though I'm not entirely sure how to interpret the "resource restored" stat since it also regenerates health on kills), as well as coup de grace (this does not seem to do much damage in their final stats over the course of a game). For context, I find myself to have mana issues in laning phase around the 6-7 minute mark, just before I want to shove out and back for Lost Chapter, so I'm considering if PoM might give me more sustain in lane. I also tend to play a late-game focused, scaling approach, so I'm trying to figure out if this rune might be more beneficial over the course of a game (though I also appreciate the early boots/cheaper sorc boots I get as a result of inspiration). What are your thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Best app to let you know if you should dodge a game? Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:37 PM PST Pretty self explanatory. As a returning player, I finally managed to climb out of silver, all the way to gold 2 too. I'm pretty happy with this outcome but some games are a lot more difficult than they should be, due to tilted-bad players (some of whom are on loss streaks or whatever) and I'd rather have to deal with this as little as possible. [link] [comments] |
What to do in low Elo when team only groups mid and runs it down? Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:53 PM PST I play midlane and in almost every single game my team will farm for 15 minutes or so and then just group mid and take big teamfights for no reason and at the worst times (people aren't full health, ults aren't up, etc) What can I do to positively drive the game forward after laning phase while my team just groups mid and looks for fights? If I spam ping objectives we never have any vision setup prior and usually lose the team fights, and if I split push I get chased down and my team doesn't do much to capitalize on the man advantage they have when I'm getting ganked 1v2 in the side lane. I normally play control mages so I can't exactly 1v9 very easily, especially when a lot of my CS gets stolen by my own teammates setting up their tents in mid 15 minutes in. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:02 PM PST In league you learn that most champions can fit into a specific role, and that each person migrates to a specific champion. What I find or what this post is about is that I am curious if other people think it is a bit misleading. For example champions like sion can play tank but also build ap to maximize damage or as to maximize the passive dps output. I get these are all valid builds but the idea that one size fits all for champions is kinda disturbing, even with differing builds and ruins the stigma around that champions of a certain type should only do that type does not really sit well for me. What I am trying to say is that with champions and build paths that are slightly different and changing it is good to allow for that to occur since almost all scenarios are different. You might go jg sion and change half way into the game to go ap from tank. It may not be entirely effective but it works. I may just be really touchy about this and feel like it is not really my place but it just feels slightly disturbing the stigmas and ideas wow what each champion should be. Side note:(Sorry new to redit so if their are grammar or spelling mistakes please be patient.) [link] [comments] |
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