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    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    LoL Guide I made a PowerPoint presentation to improve your Wavemanagement.

    LoL Guide I made a PowerPoint presentation to improve your Wavemanagement.

    I made a PowerPoint presentation to improve your Wavemanagement.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:39 AM PST

    Wassup everyone!

    As a former League-Coach for my university and being bored at Corona-Times I took time to create a PowerPoint presentation about Wavemanagement for my friends, which I ultimately presented on my stream.

    I am a Diamond 2 support player that plays in that elo for like 5 seasons straight.
    But as said, more importantly, I have experience in teaching League for some semesters, since I was employed at "Hochschulsport Münster" - TLDR; sport-courses for students midsemester - for three semesters straight before ending my Education at that University.

    Why should you watch it?

    As I've noticed in even my Diamond games, most people dont really get what to do with minion waves. After getting kills Junglers senselessly leave the lane instead of pushing it, People dont crash properly before they Recall getting frozen to death etc.
    The presentation itself is of course very theoretical, but gives insight on the "How-To's" of Wavemanagement, whilst other media is just relatively boring to read into.

    My english isnt the best, but I still hope you guys enjoy it.

    Link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/818780128

    UwU and out,

    PS: I am also planning on doing some more presentations; If you guys like to see content on a specific topic just comment - or reach out to me otherwise!

    submitted by /u/HD_Bagger
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    I made a Spreadsheet to track and improve your Gameplay

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:25 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    As I recently took a little class in Spreadsheet I started creating one to track my League games with the hope of improving while doing so. However I must warn you this is work in progress and im still learning so things might be messy or just generally badly done. I still feel like some people may enjoy it anyways.

    But before I share it with you im gonna try to answer a question.

    Why use the manual Spreadsheet over something easy and automated like OP.GG?

    While Websites like op.gg are a very convenient way to track your stats for league games the Spreadsheet helps you with something very important. Reflecting on your Games, Realizing the Mistakes you made and Learning from them. Since you will be actively engaged in tracking your stats by filling in the sheet you will be thinking about the game you just played. This goes without saying that you should be tracking games right after you finished them. While doing that try to think about what happened in the game and why it happened. For Example: Why did I die 7 times or Why did I finish with 4 cs per Minute. Now when you realize some of the mistakes you made or just things that you could've done better, you can use the Notes Section to write things down for that certain game. Now you are already involved in improving your gameplay since you are actively thinking about mistakes you're making and how to improve them. By filling in stats immediately you also should be somewhat able to prevent tilt since you're not hopping right into the next game and have some time to breath through. I usually look over the sheet at the end of the day and try to think about the games I played using the notes I made.

    About the sheet itself, its fairly simple: You have your Gamesheet which you use to track your stats and a Matchupsheet where you can make matchup specific notes. (This one might be more interesting for OTP's) The rest ist calculated for you. Certain Stats like KDA, Winratio, CS/M are color coded making it easier to understand the sheet since it can get a bit messy. This is my first time doing something like that so I hope you can forgive me.

    To use the sheet make a copy of it so you can edit it!


    If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

    Have fun tracking and improving.

    submitted by /u/Suttikus
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    Why is sunfire so op and not gauntlet?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:14 AM PST

    so sunfire gives more damage for the surrounding people around you. 60% at max stacks. however, frostfire gauntlet gives more armor, and overall more hp and size when you start buldijng items.

    I don't see a reason to ever go sunfire unless you want to deal dmg (which isn't the point of tanks)

    So why not just get frostfire?

    submitted by /u/gitrikt
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    There is more healing/lifesteal/omnivamp in the game than you probably expect and a grevious wounds component won't cause too big of a delay to your mythic to not pick one up.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:06 PM PST

    So many games I've been able to win lane just based of the fact that I could outheal or out damage their reduced healing because of a simple 800g investment. I've found in a lot of my games I have to tell people to buy anti healing and then we start winning team fights after being aced multiple times in a row. It's really a much bigger impact than you may think. Just a brief look at the list on each page can show how much is in the game, note that some things appear twice if they have omnivamp as they also count it as life steal. Hopefully with this you'll go over the getting aced part and just win team fights. Good luck on the rift.


    Life Steal


    submitted by /u/NairodI
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    Preferred Item Slots in Preseason 11

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:37 AM PST

    Sorry if this is post is all over, or if it's formatted weirdly. I don't often use reddit and it's early in the morning.

    Since I stared League of Legends towards the end of Season 7, I've used the preferred item slots function in the item sets. I found this allowed me to have enforced muscle memory for certain items to certain slots. An example of this is corrupting potion, where I usually have it assigned to slot 2, and Tiamat to slot 3.

    After the new UI the shop always defaults to recommended for me, and this is really inconvenient for me because, to my knowledge, this doesn't follow the slots I had set up previously. I will mentally go from, "I'm getting Rengar ulted, I'll Zhonya's" to "Where is my Zhonya's??"

    My main question here is what is the best course of action for me? Is there anything in the settings that I've missed, or is there any way for me to just, "relearn" managing my inventory?

    submitted by /u/LinMinsu
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    Game is starting to click again, but I'm not sure what to focus on (macro vs mechanics)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Hi! I used to play league wayyyyy back in S1 when no one had any idea how to play, and I quit until last November and was completely lost when I came back, so I decided to relearn the game from scratch. I've settled into maining support and playing off roles other than ADC pretty decently, and over the summer my support game finally clicked-- I wasn't KSing anymore, I learned how to actually help my carry with waves instead of just messing with their freeze, I started to get some decent roams off, and my vision/objective control went from zero to decent. Over the same period of time, my off roles went from terrible to passable for similar reasons-- my gamesense and macro improved as I understood what was going on better.

    That said, I'm a very weak player mechanically. Even when I see a window, if it requires any difficult execution I'm likely going to choke. I think part of this is that I'm not a great video gamer in any context that requires more than strategy, and another part of it is that I play on NA servers from Alaska, so I always have over 100 ping. That said, I'm not struggling to pull off a Shen flash-e-q combo or a Brand e-q-w combo--I can execute combos or maneuvers if I plan them out consistantly ahead of time or get familiar with them, but if you put me on Zed, Irelia, or most high mechanics champs I'm just gonna get stomped.

    That said, I think practicing my mechanics would likely make them better! My question is essentially should I do so and expand my champ pool to facilitate high-mechanics champs, or should I stick to my macro/gamesense style of play and simple champs to improve at that?

    EDIT: I forgot, but I wanted to say that me grasping what I do of the game is thanks to this sub, a few mains subs who really helped me out on their champs, and watching the LCS to understand macro plays.

    submitted by /u/theyeshman
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    Crit on samira's ult

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:08 AM PST

    So, crit now deals 75% increased damaged (up to 115% with I.E.), but Samira's ult does more crit damage than that, it is not exactly the same as the old crit damage (while testing we got a weird 237% (which isn't even the old +100% + new 40% from I.E.) and sometimes it did a little bit more or less (with 100% crit, so that's weird, no RNG should influence the outcome) but more than the 75% increased damage (115% with infinity edge).

    Does anyone know how this works?

    submitted by /u/Hatsefiets
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    Why do people shame for Climbing in Pre-Season? Does it "Not Count"?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:11 PM PST

    So ive been trying to improve for a little while.
    i Finished the season Plat 1 98lp. (rip)

    I spent pre-season playing about 250~ Games. I have a 56% Winrate in them with 150W 118L
    This has sent me up from Plat 1 to Diamond 2 52LP. The mmr im in matches me with mostly Diamond 2's a few Diamond 3's.

    People just say in chat that im lucky to have climbed and climbing in pre-season doesnt count.

    Surely the players in pre-season are still trying. I've been getting decent scores and good wins.

    What are your guys' thoughts of climbing in pre-season?

    submitted by /u/50ShadesMKay
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    How not to tilt on myself

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:54 AM PST

    Good day fellow Summoners, and while I acknowledge that this might be a common question, I want to ask how you manage the tilt on yourself.

    I played League for about an year, and basically I don't get to tilt or care about what other people do in game. Is someone inting? Okay, everyone gets to do that once in a while. Is anyone flaming? Well, that pathetic guy might had a bad day, I can just mute him etc.

    My problem is that I tilt all of a sudden on my own mistakes. I can overlook my Jungler getting executed, but if I miss a cannon minion my thoughts would instantly implode that I can't keep focusing on macro.

    Is there anyone having a similar issue, or any feedbacks to alter such situation?


    submitted by /u/kss082
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    Getting back in from stopping around S6. Struggling hard to perform well.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:16 AM PST

    So short introduction, I played allot season 1 through 6. Then barely anything. Now started again at preseason start. Used to hover around plat 2/1, not playing more then 40 or 50 solo/duo's per season.

    I'm now placed in bronze 2 and I am NOT doing well. Since I only played 15 games, I'm not gonna say I'm hard stuck, but I lost like 9 of those, which isn't good at all. I feel I should be better then bronze.

    I mainly played jungle yi. So I farm pretty hard early. I'm used to playing from behind and coming online at mythic + boots. But I've had games where we lost 2 inhibs by the time I had mythic + boots. And it's nearly impossible to pull it back then, since people tend to fully give up then. I feel the game is often getting lost around me, and I can't do much about it. I pick fights when gank opportunities arise, but I know yi needs to be very careful about going in early in the game. So I tend to stick to farming and focusing scuttles and the occasional drake.

    I also can't hard win lane, which I should probably be able to do in bronze. Or did bronze players get allot better

    Can someone give me some pointers as to what I'm doing wrong ?

    submitted by /u/gjerdsen
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    New-ish player looking to change their mentality

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:35 PM PST

    Hi there, unranked level 44 here (: I started playing league probably two months ago now(?), and have been loving the game and all of the champs it has to offer. I've tried every role briefly but have just always resorted back to the bot lane (primarily support as of right now). I hate not being as flexible as most people, but I don't know what I should even try to play in each role. I really enjoy league, but since being stuck at a negative overall win rate (47%...) I'm just super bummed out and I don't even want to play the game anymore. I really enjoy the champs, but I feel terrible for not even being good at a game I love so much. (It's also the only game my online friends have been playing)

    I enjoy the champs and I love getting to play with online friends but it's been worse than ever as of late and I feel like people don't even want to play with me at this point. I've been thinking about uninstalling and even though it's just a game, it gets me a bit down, you know? I want to get better for both myself, and my friends. I know we learn with time but I'm so far behind my friends and whenever I ask for help it's just brushed under the rug I suppose.

    Any advice on how I can change this mentality or what I can do to try branching out? TLDR; enjoy league, love the champs and getting to play games. feel like a bad player all of the time and feel like no one wants to play with me. don't want to stop playing yet constantly feel terrible for being bad. want to change my attitude and also improve.

    submitted by /u/Piikes_
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    Roaming against someone permashoving?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Let's say I'm Kled vs Sion with stacking armor. Obviously I'm not going to kill him, and as Kled I want to snowball, so my next game plan (post 6) is to shove and roam repeatedly.

    How do you do that if he's constantly shoving in your wave? I don't really want to leave him alone in lane when his demolish procs take all of my plating. I guess I can wait for him to run out of mana but that happens once in a blue moon and then I have just 20 seconds to do something productive (maybe less depending on if he ults or TPs back to lane).

    Obviously jg can help but I don't really want to have to rely on jg.

    Also goes for in general as well, but I feel like Sion is particularly problematic for all of the above reasons.

    submitted by /u/theydonism
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    Item keybind

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Hi, newcomer to the game! Having a lot of fun so far, except when I buy items from the shop I'm completely unable to use them as my number keybinds won't work at all?

    Is anyone able to help? I'm starting to feel extremely limited trying to play without using items at all.

    submitted by /u/bennyrose-
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    VOD reviewing a Diamond ADC in team scrims

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:31 PM PST

    I am often asked, "What are the differences between Diamond and Challenger players?" In this video, we observe some of those aspects in action, especially as they pertain to organized team play. This analysis shares some thought processes for improving at ADC in a team environment. Some of these concepts are transferable to solo queue and/or other roles.


    submitted by /u/value247
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    How do people feed so badly?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:12 PM PST

    This is totally going to come off as whining or a rage post but hear me out. I've been seeing quite a few people go something like 0/8 in mid or top lane recently. As a support I thought I'd give it a shot. I played lux and veigar which are both squishy mages and I have definitely seen them feed hard. I had bad matchups most of the time (assassins) and managed to at least go even in lane by just farming. I simply don't understand how some people can't just stay by tower and farm when they get down even if they lose cs instead of continually trying to fight. Once again genuinely curious. Do people not know to not fight or is it just impossible to farm in some match ups once you get behind?

    submitted by /u/StickIntelligent9270
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    What should I do when I'm not sure what to do next?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:15 AM PST

    In the middle of a game, sometimes I just kind of stand there, not sure what to do next. All my teammates are off doing something else. I could farm, try to push a lane, stay safe enough until I can buy another item. I could roam to another lane but that's gonna take time and by the time I get there, the teamfight could be over, and I just wasted time.

    When I get this feeling, what should I do next? What's a valuable thing to do?

    submitted by /u/ZiraFox
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    Questions: Lifeline clarification Maw/Sterak's

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:47 PM PST

    So Maw/Hexdrinker says "upon taking magic damage that would drop you below 30%....FIRST gain a shield..." and Sterak's, though I know is not exclusively magic damage, doesn't say "First" gain a shield but rather just "gain a X shield".

    Is this a mechanical difference or just inconsistent wording?

    **The intent of this post is to solely focus on the in/exclusion of the word "First", not any other item differences**

    Also, does anyone know why Emerald chromas are 10K in the emporium?! lol

    submitted by /u/Necessary-Sport5558
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    Toplane Macro

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:45 PM PST

    I know this type of question gets asked a lot but I'm a bit lost on how to play out post-laning phase on carry/splitpusher type champions specifically.

    For context, I was a Quinn one-trick last season. This preseason I've committed myself to learning other toplaners, specifically I've been spamming Irelia. When I one-tricked Quinn, I was able to utilize her ult to save a lot of time and not have to "commit" to any play. For ex. I would push sidelanes and then be able to join a midlane skirmish in a matter of seconds, or when waiting for something to happen mid I could quickly catch a wave bot and come back without missing any action.

    I noticed that these macro habits are ingrained in me, and they seem detrimental when I'm playing most other champions. I greatly underestimate the time it takes to push top lane to tower -> walk mid/drake. Or the time it takes for me to leave mid, take krugs, and walk back. Additionally I'm not very confident using TP. I believe the central problem here is that I have trouble "committing" to any one play. So I'm a bit lost on a few things and have some questions.

    1.) When should I be drawing pressure and staying in a sidelane versus simply pushing and walking back mid?

    2.) Should I be saving TP for drake/objectives? I know the typical TP strat is to draw pressure to a sidelane and then TP to team for a numbers advantage. But I often find myself just sitting on TP mid-late game because I always think I'll need it more at a different time, and just walking to where I want to go.

    3.) Is TPing bot early worth it on carry champions like Fiora or Irelia? What specific conditions should I be looking for in an early bot TP? (ult up/item spike/drake up?)

    Any other macro advice oriented to "carry" type champions would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/AsleepOcelot6
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    When is Luden's worth it over Night Harvester?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:00 PM PST

    These two seem to be covering the same niche where poke champions build them, but honestly, I just build Night Harvester 99% of the time because it does SO much more damage.

    I've seen people talk about the mana on Ludens, but even on people like AP Lux, Zyra, Morg etc I don't have mana problems even with me having "AGGRESSIVE LANER" flags on like every league stat site.

    Ludens seems to have a bit more wave clear, but I play my AP mages as support so wave clear isn't a huge issue for me, and basically every AP mage I listed above can easily clear an entire wave in seconds anyway regardless of using Ludens

    Am I under estimating Ludens? Or when is it worth building over a Night Harvester? I dunno if Night Harvester is OP but it's basically BIS on every mage that doesn't build Liandries (and beats it some of the time too) IMO

    Related question: Who should build Riftmaker? Is that a decent poke champion item for people like Zyra and Morg etc? I thought it was for like AP Bruisers, but Teemo with Riftmaker is absolutely hilarious, although I don't even really understand why it works so well on him, I guess all his DoT makes him stay "in combat" ?

    submitted by /u/YobaiYamete
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    Identifying mistakes?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    I wanted to focus only on improving to get the best rank possible next season, question is how do I do it? How do I identify the mistakes I make so I can fix them? One of the things that are still plaguing me is not looking at the map, I have matches with awareness of a very skilled player but more often I have those where I can go minutes without even looking at bottom right part of my screen? How did you learn to constantly check map, and more importantly how did you noticed other mistakes you made?

    submitted by /u/KubaTheQbax
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    Do multiple imperial mandate's stack? Or can an enemy only be inflicted by one at a time?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:58 AM PST

    The title is the question, but I suspect I need to buff this out a bit. I recently did a game where I played Zyra support and built imperial mandate. After a particularly egregious teamfight I noticed my ADC, Ashe, had also built imperial mandate.

    So I figured I'd ask. Do they stack? Do you get double damage if we both hit the target with a CC?

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    Pretty specific Jungling Question

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:43 AM PST

    So there's a certain situation, that right now happens in at least 1/4 of my games:

    Botlane wins by a lot (50%, since pretty much every game has one botlane stomping the other). They are really deep so we dive, take dragon, farm jungle...

    Eventually though, they are at 2nd or 3rd tower (should probably swap top, but noone does that in gold/plat) and obviously get collapsed on, giving up huge shutdown bounties. Often this happens 2 times or more and the game is basically over after that.

    As a Jungler I really don't know what I am supposed to do in that situation. Should I be with them diving second tower (but they might just get herald and push into our top base) or help other lanes and take Herald myself, which pretty much guarantees our bot dying.

    Both of those options result in me missing out on tons farm as well, though.

    I'm kind of lost here.

    submitted by /u/Lost_My_Reddit_Mail
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    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:50 PM PST

    So i started maining kai'sa a couple days ago and i really like the champion,i import the runes from Blitz so if you have any advice on gameplay etc. I would appreciate it. Btw i dont see her played at all,in all the matches i have ever played i have only seen here a few times,is there a problem abt her or?

    submitted by /u/nile26
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    How do people calculate the gold effiency of items?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:02 AM PST

    250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum 250 character minimum

    submitted by /u/ahmet41trk
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