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    Tuesday, December 29, 2020

    LoL Guide I made a second PowerPoint presentation to improve your Macrogame.

    LoL Guide I made a second PowerPoint presentation to improve your Macrogame.

    I made a second PowerPoint presentation to improve your Macrogame.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:46 AM PST

    What's up everybody.

    That virus legit made my life gigaboring. Over my christmas holiday I've been working on a continuation on my Macrogaming-PowerPoint-series. For everyone who missed my others here is a quick introduction of myself:

    I am a Diamond 3 support player that plays around that elo for like 5 seasons straight. But more importantly, I have experience in teaching League for some semesters. I was employed at "Hochschulsport Münster" - TLDR; midsemester sport-courses for students - for three semesters straight before ending my Education at that University. Given that I could call myself a League of Legends coach that actually got paid.

    So here I am with the second PowerPoint presentation about Macrogaming. This one is prolly kinda boring, but to have a complete series about Macrogaming we gotta have a good foundation covering every aspect of objectives first before we go into detailed strategies you can use in your games.

    Why should you watch it?

    "Go for nash, or, uuh, maybe just push? Yea, push."
    We've all been in that scenario. To say the least making good choices isnt easy. And even high-diamond players struggle to find a nice and clean ending to their game.
    A risk-free, quick and clean ending of a game can only occur through excellent macro.
    In a series of presentations about that topic we'll go through main aspects of macro as a whole and try to minimize your mistakes in order to make your elo rise.

    I hope you guys enjoy it, and as always I appreciate all feedback you give me, positive or negative, and try to answer every question.

    Link (Twitch VOD): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/854100204
    Link (YT Upload): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQf6vAkccB0

    You can also find the other presentations on my Youtube and Twitch.

    UwU and out,

    submitted by /u/HD_Bagger
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    It's fine to steal a kill if an ally is in danger.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:22 PM PST

    Most of the time, players cry when I steal their last hit, not knowing that they will die if I didn't help in dealing damage. But I would rather get flamed than see them dead, get tilted, and rage quit. In other cases, when they die, they will rage in chat saying "why didn't you help, now I'm dead", etc..

    Example. A full health Katarina at level 5 and a low health slightly fed Vladimir at level 6. Assuming that Katarina gets exited to kill the enemy disregarding that Vladimir builds an omnivamp item, obviously Katarina will lose even on a full combo without Barrier spell. So what's left for her is to run back because all her skills are on cooldown. Now I stole the kill with my Jinx ult because she will die if I didn't. But if I let her die and get the kill, she will lose even more gold from not killing minions, while as if I killed Vladimir, Katarina will get a chance to farm and get Vladimir behind gold.

    edit: quoted words.

    submitted by /u/JN1003
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    Respect Ivern ganks

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:05 PM PST

    For those that do not know, Ivern does not kill his camps, he consumes them after waiting a period of time after applying his passive, in the early game this takes quite a while so he has plenty of time to gank while he waits for it to be ready.

    So when against an Ivern please acknowledge the fact that he has the ability to gank alot more than your jungler and apply early pressure. Far too often i am getting hard flamed for not being able to match all the Ivern ganks, junglers are not ganking machines, they need to farm as well.

    Edit: I'm sorry for saying "consumed" and not "freed"

    submitted by /u/jackhart01
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    Is it just me being dumb or is ADCs not a weak role at all?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:59 AM PST

    It seems to me like ADCs are not weak at all, unlike what the LoL subreddit has been telling me. Feels like I get Lucian/Trist/Jhin mid every 2 games I play, mages are a thing of the past. It is always ADCs or Assassins that go mid these days. Lucian in particular feels unbeatable as any mage in the laning phase and he scales quite well as well if he gets even a small lead. I can't ever win trades against Tristana players and damn they scale even better than any champ I play hmm

    How do you win matchups such as Zoe/Ahri/Lux/Sol vs Lucian and Trist? What do you do if they just pushes you under turret all the game and jumps on trade whenever you make a slight mistake then heal back through Doran blade?

    submitted by /u/Argensa97
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    Laning tip: Watch your opponent(s) not yourself.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 03:16 AM PST

    I feel like a lot of people don't know this, but it's a tip from fighting games to always watch your opponent not yourself. It helps you react to their animations and better track their gameplay patterns so that you can sense when they're going to make moves.

    This is one of the real advantages of mastering your own champion, you don't have to look at yourself to know what you're doing, you just know it.

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    Low Elo and New Player Map Awareness Trainer

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I created a device that mounts next to the mini map. It flashes an LED on for 3 seconds and off for 3 seconds, with the intention of providing an extra visual stimulus for lesser experienced players to look more frequently at their maps and train it as a habit.

    I understand that higher Elo and more experienced players would have no use for this but I am curious about how lower Elo players feel about it?

    I've attached a link below of the device:

    submitted by /u/jzaacrki
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    Need help with Kindred

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 11:49 AM PST

    So I jungle and I have been using kindred a lot. I like the playstyle. I think the ganks are good, and I like her mobility. The ult is incredibly fun, but tricky to get the timing down.

    Now I seem to have the issue of dying once then being behind the rest of the game. People have said kindred can kind of be feast or famine and I really feel it. Getting behind during one bad gank makes it very hard to get marks, and I feel like kindred being a weird adc hit a lot of power spikes later in game, making contesting things hard, again unless im ahead. While ahead it reall

    Does anyone have advice for what to do if you are behind, or having trouble contesting with better early game junglers. Kindred has good enough ganks and does good dmg, but seems to be struggle immensly in one v ones if your a level down early game. Like if your opponent does a full clear and you do a partial going into lvl 3 ganks. On top of it the scuttle is hard and slow to take without having hard cc. Its a painfully slow dance to try and take scuttle quickly.

    I guess it boils down to, what suggestions do you have if an early gank goes poorly, or i give up a silly kill and get behind. Also any suggestion about managing marks while behind.

    Im using standard recommended run pages, nothing crazy.

    submitted by /u/LordSlickRick
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    What do I do as top if mid lane and jg are constantly ganking?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:03 PM PST

    I'm a new unranked player and I played a game where our mid was incapable of applying pressure to mid lane, allowing for the enemy Zoe to gank top like 3 times within the first 15 minutes, in addition to the enemy Hecarim hitting twice separately.

    I was playing Garen into Anivia top and got flamed for feeding when I can't even reliably stay under tower without getting dived by ganks or poked by Anivia. What can I do in this situation if my jg doesn't show face top and is glued to bottom?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_IKE
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    How do I get good at league, fast?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:18 PM PST

    I'm completely new to MOBAs but I just started playing league and I really enjoy it. My main question is how do I get good at a quick rate? I'm not new to gaming, but I never really played MOBAs. I have bullet points of what I think are good questions, and you can feel free to answer them/add more important answers I should know.
    • What new terms should I know?
    • What are the top characters, and what kind of items should I build them with?
    • What kind of keybinds should I have?
    • How should I farm minions?
    • What do all the characters do?/ Is there a guide for all the characters?
    • What should I do in combat?
    • What are the each stages of the game, and how should I play them?

    There are many more questions I could ask, but these are the questions off the top of my head. Any answers would be greatly appreciated, and feel free to add anything important I missed. Thanks

    submitted by /u/SurgicalBullets
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    What do I do against champion who can dive the backline as an adc?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:50 PM PST

    No matter if they are assasins, or some kind of bruiser like Irelia, or even Yas.

    I'm trying out the adc role for a change, and it's pretty hard so far. I'm working on my kiting skills, I think I'm noticably better even after a bit of practice. One thing I don't know how to counter is "unkiteable" champs. Pretty much anyone who can jump on top of me easily.

    I'm always trying to position myself behind my team, and play at my max range, but I rarely get any tanks in my matches, so I have to play around 3 other squishies, and maybe an offtank/bruiser. My guess is that I have to rely on cc in this case, and play safer, but I don't know. There must be something more to it than just fully relying on others to keep me alive

    submitted by /u/Szabi90000
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    How do I do more damage when using Lux?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 10:05 AM PST

    This is probably a waaaay open ended question, but I'm new to league and I usually play Lux. I always try to use my Q to stun them and E when I can, but I wanna say 60% of the time I use my R it doesn't fully kill them. I'm sorry if this is such a noob question ): I'm genuinely trying to be a better player. I wanna be a good Lux. Any tips would help. Please help. Lmao

    submitted by /u/FabulousMongoose4164
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    Which is the better buy?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:24 AM PST

    So, I just played a game, as Kai'sa with Lulu, vs Jhin/Raka. I backed with 1530 gold, and purchased Noonquiver/pink/refill pot, which was 30 AD 15 Attack speed. Though with that money, I could have bought exe/double long sword, which would have been 5 more AD, but no attack speed, and the rend passive. Which do you guys think would have been the better buy in that situation? Looking back at it, and re-watching the game, I think the exe buy was better there, since it was good against my lane, as well as the rest of their team (urgot/olaf/kass), let me know what you think, I'd appreciate the help! Don't know if I should mention or not, but I'm currently Silver 1 67 LP. Gold 4 is my peak, and it was season 9, mostly cause I stopped caring as much about ranked in season 10, but I feel like getting back into it. Anyway, thanks again, and have great day all!

    submitted by /u/HowdyFriendlyPeople
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    How do you deal with the early damage output from grasp shen?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 07:13 AM PST

    I havent played against many shens, but it seems like his damage output is insane. They always have grasp and shield-bash, so the combo is taunt>aa>q>aa>w so when the taunt wears off I can't trade back because of his w aa remover. It usually runs into some crazy trades for him with nothing I can do in return since his q is pretty much off cooldown by the time the whole ordeal finishes so he gets a shield and another bash proc. Taunt is also super hard to dodge since he usually uses it point blank when you step up for cs. What's the counterplay to that wonky shen damage?

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    Important things to note about early neutral objectives (Dragons/Heralds)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:50 PM PST

    I see these mistakes in Gold and even in Plat sometimes too so here are some things to keep in mind.

    • The first two dragons of the game ARE NOT ESSENTIAL. They're nice buffs but if you're not in position to take them, don't consider taking them or fighting for them. If mid/bot don't have prio, or they're at item deficits because they didn't back, it's better for them to stay in lane, establish vision elsewhere, pressure elsewhere, go for plates, TAKE HERALD, etc., anything but try to fight a lost teamfight. Once a team gets two dragons is where things get serious; their next dragon gives them soul pressure, meaning you're forced to fight for it.

    • Adding on to the above point, take into account enemy champions and team comp. Who will come out ahead in the first two dragon fights? Galio/Ivern/Kai'sa/Pantheon, or Vladimir/Kayn/Vayne/Lulu? If you're in a super good position, sure the latter team could win, but in a neutral position (even items, even vision/priority), the former team will almost always win.

    • First Herald is often worth more than early drags. It gives you plates, lane pressure, and potentially first turret gold. (This and the below point assumes that one of the junglers will take Herald before plates/first turret are taken, as is often the case).

    • Second Herald is pretty much always after plates are down, and oftentimes after first turret is taking, too. If you as a jungler can't solo the second Herald, don't bother taking it. It'll most likely not take a turret, or at most, destroy a turret that was going to die anyways. People will start grouping, the Herald will die really quickly after being summoned, it's not worth more than one person's time. That other person could spent their time getting vision, gold, and experience, pushing out lanes, getting favorable backs, etc. rather than getting second Herald.

    submitted by /u/sangerino
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    So I lost lane to a skill matchup, what do I do now?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    This is in reference to mid mainly and specifically mage vs. mage mid lanes. I know every matchup has various power spikes and moments that we need to play around and abuse to win lane, but say I get solo killed in a skill matchup or find myself taking several bad trades and being zoned and down quite a bit of CS. At this point, what should I do? Should I look to rotate to other lanes and help in trying to get them ahead? Should I ask for jungler help to try and shove out and get prio? Should I just play passive, soak as much XP as I can, and let the wave slowly push to me?

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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    Ranged tops DO NOT counter Nasus.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:28 PM PST

    So many times do I hear people say: "Just pick ranged into Nasus" when realistically Nasus counters or at least does more or less well into every ranged toplaner.

    Before I get into the stats, the main reason for this is that Nasus wither allows him to force all in very easily or at least doing an extended trade, as well as putting him into a favourable position to all in by slowing attack speed. As a ranged champion, you just lack so much all in potential that it is practically impossible to lane against a Nasus from level 6 especially in a long lane being top. By the very same logic, champions like renekton who mainly specialize in trades would also struggle into that matchup if you don`t play it perfectly. Now yes, you could always try freeze the wave closer to your tower, but this can be done with most champions and it wouldnt really completely take Nasus out of the game and if you are loosing lane prio to a Nasus like that, then its not really the situation you wanna be in.

    But, that is purely my intake on this and it may or may not be accurate. Looking at it statistically, Nasus goes very positive into heimer, kennen, vladimir and is good into vayne, teemo, gnar, ryze, lucian, kayle (although some of these are genuinely too low-winrate for it to count). He only goes negative into quinn, but given quinn`s higher winrate it still wouldnt exactly be a bad matchup.

    What really does well into Nasus are pure juggernauty champs that can win all-ins vs him, i.e. champs like wukong, darius, some tanks or champions that have very realiable ways of denying the all in (possibly quinn included) but that would still be very hard with just how much wither slows for.

    submitted by /u/LaDominator
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    Looking for a new jungler

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:59 PM PST

    Hi everyone! My jungle pool now is composed by Hecarim, Kha'Zix, Nocturne, Lillia, Cho'Gath and sometimes Trundle/Nunu. I didn't really like Nunu that much and I don't think Trundle is a good jng at the moment. I had some thoughts about Rengar/Elise. Which champ should i play next to have a more resourceful pool?

    submitted by /u/Bob_Sava_K
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    Why do laners ping back off to junglers on lanes that are about to crash?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:38 AM PST

    I've been playing a bunch of jungle lately and noticed this trend of laners (Who usually just died) ping you to back of their lanes even though the lane is going to crash at tower and they have no teleport up.

    What's the deal? Isn't it better for someone to soak up the xp and last hits rather than it just dying to tower?

    Another scenario is you freezing the lane for them and taking like 2 or 3 last hits but then getting spam pinged again.

    submitted by /u/Derreston
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    Is seekers actually that great? Is it better to get more health and tabis instead?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:47 PM PST

    So, I don't know if it's just me, but there are some games where I'm playing an ap champion and I feel like getting seekers in the first back doesn't help me at all against certain champions (mainly Zed, Yasuo and Yone).

    I have seen some high elo streamers saying that get health early game is better than armor/mr. So I'm wondering, would it be better statistically to get health + tabis against them if you're struggling with the match up? Especially Yasuo and Yone since tabis reduce the damage from autos. Or is seekers really the best option?

    Keep in mind that in the case, seekers would also be in the build, but just not as a number one priority.

    submitted by /u/MadAtDisney_
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    Returning to game after changes

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Hello summoners, I quit the game before the pre season and I just started playing again. I'm still a bit confused with the new items and how they work. I was wondering if I should always build the mythic item as the first item or do I buy whatever I need first? which is more suitable?

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    Why do junglers take magic resist? (Or better put, why are the highest winrate runes always taking MR over Armor?)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:26 PM PST

    I don't understand this and can never find any info on it. Even if the enemy comp is magic damage heavy, wouldn't the armor still be more efficient for having a healthier clear? AFAIK all jungle creeps (bar Baron) do AD damage.

    FWIW I have asked my friends and they don't know either.

    submitted by /u/Pinked
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    It's always important to be aware of the player and the champion

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:48 PM PST

    I noticed a post here detailing adapting to a player's pattern of dodging abilities, and I agree but it also reminded me of the importance of adapting to a player and champion during a game; which I thought I'd sharr.

    Essentially, when you play the game its important to observe how a player "plays" the lane and matchup. By this I mean you should observe the minor things about their gameplay to effective "read" how they function as a player, how they space, when they will go for certain CS, when and how they take trades in lane. These subtle things can tell you a lot about the player which can really benefit you in lane.

    One such example that I took for granted is when I played Pantheon into Fiora. Now usually I consider this matchup coinflip because essentially its a battle of wit, effectively if the Fiora has good enough reactions they can beat you by perfectly timing reposte. It however is not that simple, its a battle of wit because you can often make the Fiora misjudge when you are going to engage with smaller trades etc. Essentially the matchup is not 100% a loss, its somewhat skillful and somewhat luck based (trust me you'll know when a Fiora got lucky with a riposte)

    So to judge if this Fiora was good at the champ, i deliberately walked up with 5 stacks of Pantheons passive and autoe'd, the trick here is that I am waiting to see if she tries to predict the W or has insane reactions. I also switched up when I went for the trade, as Pantheon you can become too telegraphed, especially in this situation where I had PTA rather than Conq. By going PTA my opponent knows im relying on Panths empowered W to proc it. This gives me somewhat of an edge because it allows me to go for shorter trades with a 4 stacked W into an empowered Q.

    This is a small tidbit but it's an important little read especially if you're a toplaner. Knowing how your champion works is important, knowing how an opposing champion works is another but knowing how an enemy plays the game is another vital aspect of this game that is sometimes ignored. Gradually however it becomes second nature, especially if you one trick a champion and play certain matchups habitually. For instance, after facing multiple Wukongs, as a Panth player I can instantly tell if a Wukong player is good with the champ simply by judging the first few trades before level 6. I don't wanna type it out here but essentially how they work the clone tells a lot about the player etc.

    Anyway, I hope this helps someone out their is their last few games before New Years.

    Edit: Another thing, usually at the 3 or 4 minute mark your opponent will ward to avoid getting ganked. If you play top they will try to ward river or tri. At the 5 or 6 minute mark you can judge how a player likes to play the game by watching their movements. If they play aggressive at those minutes this tells you one of the following: this player is confident enough to 1v2, this player gives zero fucks about jungle pressure or the enemy jungler is somewhere nearby.

    Now this info is important because it divulges a lot about how you can win lane, if the former than its completely up to you kr your jungler if you want to fight them. If you feel confident then wait for your jungler. If they give zero fucks about jungle pressure - make them give a fuck about jungle pressure by telling your jungler to gank (it should be easy kill if he is that far up with no wards which he shouldn't have at rhe 5/6 minute mark because they usually ward at 3/4 minutes into the game to avoid early game ganks). If the latter (which can only be determined by seeing the jungler outside of your lane), you should from the jump play cautious. Don't underestimate the situation, if you see the jungler suddenly appear mid (from botside this is important) or botlane - your opponent gives zero fucks about jungle pressure and must be punished.

    submitted by /u/TheGemGod
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    How do bounties work?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:38 AM PST

    I've been playing for over a year and I still have no idea how bounties work. Sometimes I'll have 3 kills and a 300g bounty, 2 kills and a 150g bounty, sometimes I will have 2 kills and a 250g bounty, and sometimes even 7 kills in a row and still have a 250g bounty. How do they work?

    submitted by /u/UgandanFerdinand
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    What's up with Yone?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:33 PM PST

    I main jg in Silver and throughout preseason I've noticed a trend with yones. Fortunately I've seen this mainly on yones on my team but it seems like whenever yone makes some mistakes early on like not checking minimap and overextending and dying a couple times in lane, it ends up not biting him in the ass whatsoever. I've seen yones go 0/5 at 15 minutes just to suddenly yolo into three enemies and get an easy triple. Its almost frustrating for the enemy team because I literally don't understand how that's possible. They always seem to make really bad decisions and think theyre invincible just to repeatedly die until suddenly theyre actually invincible. Usually ends up shit talking the enemy team calling them bad and by time we win I almost feel dirty getting the W because of it. So what's the deal with Yone? I'm assuming he's not just simply completely OP so there must be something I'm missing. Does someone's good mechanics make up for the poor decision making? Are the enemies in silver just not punishing him correctly? As someone who's played a fair bit of mid but never tried Yone, I'm curious as to what's different about yone compared to other champs that may not be obvious. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Blasayy
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