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    Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    LoL Guide If an epic monster spawns on your arrival, you're NOT in time.

    LoL Guide If an epic monster spawns on your arrival, you're NOT in time.

    If an epic monster spawns on your arrival, you're NOT in time.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Taking a mayor - probably game deciding - objective takes alot. Especially it takes control over the area it spawns and is fought in.

    The team that holds this area and has their entire vision on that area is mostly superior in every aspect of the upcoming fight. In that regard you have to set up vision and deny the enemy vision.

    Especially after Preseason 10, the dragon changes in particular, the existance of the dragon soul and the game-winning Elderdragon buff objectives got more and more important. Losing dragons, two or maybe three dragons early put you on a timer. The worst Dragonsoul already has a winrate of over 87%.

    If your team pings the dragon timer, and it shows 20 seconds or less, dont reset. 40 AP wont win the game when the enemy gets donated a free Dragonsoul. Leave the juicy cannon wave in mid lane. Its not worth to lose the entire game off off a late back just because you wanted to have the item spike you drool for.

    To actually take an objective savely, which includes to set up vision, slay the objective and be prepared for the (maybe occuring) fight afterwards, you need time. If you're approaching the area after the sweet little hourglass on the minimap turns gold, youre too late.

    For a complete macroguide make sure to check out my YT; been doing a PowerPoint presentation series to give you a clue of how to play the macrogame.

    submitted by /u/HD_Bagger
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    I think you should stop fighting at drakes when behind

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:25 PM PST

    This is one thing I never understood. Sometimes early game goes haywire. Enemy bot, mid and jungle all have a significant lead, and also have strong early / mid game champions. And for reasons unknown, in such a situation your team still wants to play for drakes.

    Fighting when behind is the worst possible idea because the odds you win are very low and if you lose it pushes the snowballing even further. If you decide to fight for early drakes while you're clearly losing, there's a high chance you'll lose that fight, allowing the enemy to take not only the drake, but also a nice amount of gold, plates and / or tower(s).

    A much more clever move is to just concede the drake. Drakes are really worth it when you get the soul, so if they're getting their first or even their second drake, it's ok. Use the space given to you to take some farm, crash a wave, and wait for opportunities to come back. Sure conceding a drake isn't ideal but it's ALWAYS a better move than to throw any chance you might have on a suicide mission.

    That doesn't mean you should give it for free. If the enemy jungler is overconfident and go for it solo or with just his midlaner while you're all in place, you of course have to punish their cheekiness.

    submitted by /u/applecat144
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    What’s most important in order to climb from silver to gold?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:38 AM PST

    Hey guys! My NA username is Shady Seth and despite practicing a more focused champ pool, watching lots of guide videos and playing to gain practice, I seem to be hard stuck in silver IV and can't gain any leverage to help me climb. I don't want to have that "my team sucks and holds me back" mentality I just want to know what is most important to learn so that I can play at a gold level. I main mid as zed with Diana, malzahar, galio, and pantheon in my champ pool with jungle as my secondary (rip amumu season 11 so now I mainly play yi and graves). I would like to know just exactly how a gold player thinks as opposed to a silver player and what really differentiates the two leagues. I don't wanna hear it from a pro guides perspective I want general opinions and feedback from the players. Any champions you guys could recommend for me to learn so I can hard carry or just tips for my mains zed and Diana would be really appreciated.

    EDIT: I've already gotten some great tips and aspects of my matches to consider more, and I would love it for you guys to upvote this and share this post with anyone you know who feels like they're stuck in silver with no hopes to improve and climb naturally (meaning not expecting to win every game but instead to get better) I hope other people learn something useful in this post! Maybe I'll try and post an update if I ever manage to make the climb happen later on.

    submitted by /u/Sethysethseth1
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    There are no good antimagic items

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Spirit Visage was nerfed for s11 and although it was given a new functionality, it does not compensate for what it now does, the magic resistance was reduced and the base regeneration never meant anything useful, this item is only good if you have a support that is you constantly giving heals or shields, and you, being a bruiser / tank, your supp won't give the buffs to you. Then there's Force of Nature, which is probably one of the worst items ever created against magic damage, movement speed is minimal and irrelevant, stats are bad. Considering how strong mages are and how much damage there is in the game right now, this items feel underwhelming to me

    submitted by /u/Asvalendorf
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    Percent Movespeed should now be based off of Winged Moonplate, not Aether Wisp

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Like the title says. I made a comment on the post talking about tank epic items saying as much, but figured I should make a post as well as I dont think anyone has paid much attention to this fact.

    Gold efficiency for stats is calculated using the simplest and then the cheapest item. Percent movespeed only appears on epic items and higher: winged moonplate, aether wisp, zeal, and their legendaries/mythics. It used to be calculated from aether wisp (850 gold, 39.5 gold per percent ms) but it should now be calculated from moon plate (800 gold, 80 gold per percent).

    I dont know why no one has changed it on the fan wiki yet, but this does have major implications for all items. Effectively tanks have been nerfed when it comes to percent MS, while every other class is quasi-buffed since they are paying the same value for the same stat, and yet that stat is more expensive than it used to be.

    Of course, this is the wiki's definition of stat gold, and riot could have a different cost analysis. Perhaps to riot, percent ms should cost differently per class which gets it because of the stratification classes fall into when it comes to base ms. Food for thought.

    submitted by /u/AlchemistWiz
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    Please help me get started learning to Jungle

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:08 AM PST

    TL;DR: I am currently one-tricking Quinn top. I want to branch out so that I don't get stranded higher up while trying to learn new roles and champs. I have picked up Cho top because he is strong and easy, and I would like to learn Skarner and Kindred jungle. Any information, guides, or random opinions you can offer are appreciated.


    So basically, I started playing League with friends way back before Season 1 even started, and I've regularly quit for years at a time since then. Over the past maybe 6 years (I think ever since draft pick), whenever I come back, it's always been the same pattern: latch onto a cool/fun champ, play only them until I get burnt out (takes awhile for me), then find that I can't try anything new without being crushed. I love roaming and flanking with Quinn but it's getting frustrating quickly as people are becoming more aware of things going on in the fog of war, and autofill jungle happens a lot. I want to roam the jungle and fill a spot most people apparently have trouble with, but I'm not very good and the highest I've ever gotten was one-tricking Brand mid to Plat in season 7. Everything is different and there's a giant purple eye monster that junglers want me to control and the map changes with dragons and almost all of the old champs I used to like have been reworked into some overcomplicated bullshit and I don't know where to ward and every champ has like 4 different build paths. I miss Swain and Fiora, but Cho will have to do.

    When jungling, where the hell do I start, and where do I go? When do I go back? What goals do I need to prioritize? Where should I ward and when? Do I just run into bushes otherwise? Should I usually do buffs + lvl 3 and gank? Should I fight the enemy jungler, and how to ensure I'll win? What happens if I run away? If anyone can provide some beginner friendly jungle stuff that is also relevant to a crotchety old veteran, especially anything relating to Kindred or Skarner, please share it. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/asgasdfgw432
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    Pantheon scaling after mini rework.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:01 PM PST

    I watched a Pro-guides video and they said about pantheon being one of the most buffed champ in pre-season. They also mentioned about pantheon having a bit of scaling in mid and late game. Myself was a pantheon enthusiast, won lanes, lost game because I am in low elo, the games are long and I fell off like warm butter.

    I took him into practice tool and saw the (+120% bonus ad) stuff. Does that mean he is viable in late game now(maybe not a hyper carry)?. Am bad at math and stuff, so I have this rough idea that +x% Ad means the respective champ scales.

    I am thinking of adding him to back to my champion pool(voli and fiora, Kai'sa if I can't get top in blind picks) plus he can also flex between top, jgl and mid. So, was wondering if someone could tell me about his viability into longer games and basic scaling math(difference between base ad, total ad and bonus ad scaling).


    submitted by /u/Mathayikiller
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    3 REAL REASONS Why You Can't Climb In League of Legends

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Initially, I thought that I could pretend to be that 'nice guy' and be okay with the way people play and talk about the game, but the reality is I am just not okay with it and I feel like this is what people need to hear. There is too much beating around the bush in the League community about improvement so, here are 3 real truths as to why you can't climb in League of Legends. Whether you are hardstuck iron, hardstuck bronze, hardstuck silver, hardstuck gold, hardstuck plat, hardstuck diamond, hardstuck Grandmaster X LP, hardstuck Challenger Y LP, it doesn't matter, the same principles still apply. Improving at League of Legends takes effort, which goes against how the game is fundamentally designed - as a tool of relaxation. This is why majority of the player base of League of Legends can't climb. If you want to improve your league of legends play, start with this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtsxuUJANXQ&feature=youtu.be as it might just save you several years of misery.

    Happy New Year's Eve.

    - Prowler

    submitted by /u/prowler_1
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    Is it my job to keep the support alive in bot lane as the ADC?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:59 PM PST

    I hold on to heal, and I saved my ultimate (Ashe R) when my support got caught because I didn't think it would matter.

    Seraphine got snared by Swain E and ignited and I figured my Heal through ignite wouldn't save her.

    Later, we spot enemy Vi in the river, and my seraphine facechecks the brush and gets a vaultbreaker to the face.

    She said I should have used my R (Ashe) to save her. In my opinion, she was already dead and shouldn't have died to the jungler that we had on vision.

    It's a common trend for me to save my heal for myself and to use my spells for my benefit and not my supports.

    I find though, that supports keep getting mad that I don't heal them after they are ignited.

    In my opinion it's the supports job to keep me alive not the other way around... Maybe this is changed since ADC isn't really relevant anymore?

    What are your opinions?

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    Looking for support help (champion pool) and general advice to get out of plat

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:20 PM PST

    I'm a plat support main who took a break from league ranked and when I came back to it I realised I lost my support touch. And I decided to create a new account to climb up again and learn new champs and my goal for s11 is diamond in euw. I'm here asking for champion suggestion that are good to main. I'm currently comfortable playing two champs in the support role and they are Rakan and Pantheon. I would appreciate champion suggestions that would be good to add to my champ pool. Ps.(If you read all of this thank you for taking your time reading it)

    submitted by /u/zBluee
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    Mid-Game Advice: Funnel Gold and Experience to your carries

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:03 PM PST

    If you are a tank or support then you should not be rushing to beat your AP or AD carry to the big side wave in the lane. Let them catch the wave for gold and exp. Otherwise you set them back and end up flaming as to why they don't do as much damage as the enemy carry. It's because you got greedy and set them back 1K+ gold and a level or 2 throughout the midgame.

    submitted by /u/Caleb_Krawdad
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    Try Hard Tier List (Question)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:09 PM PST

    My brother and I have always enjoyed queuing up in the rift for some casual, safe fun. Many a game starts with hitting them with the GLHF in all chat. I play a sleepy right clicker like Caitlyn in the bottom lane and he rocks a beefy Mundo in the top lane and the occasional DJ Sona.

    He hit me up recently though telling tales of wanting to start learning Akali. "I wanna get those Penta kills that you barely get away with. I want to sweat. I want to TRY HARD." Me too! I want to slap my keyboard incessantly! I want to hold my breath while I dwindle at 10 percent health, chasing the fifth kill. I want to make people ff at 15! I want to make someone ban my champ next game lest they experience that pain once more.

    I need a TRY HARD TIER LIST. What qualifies someone to land on this list? I am open to suggestions but they should probably:

    • Be a Melee Champ.
    • Play in either the Top or Mid position.
    • Be capable of consistent Pentakills.
    • Have a high skill cap.

    So - lay it on me. What is your TRY HARD TIER LIST?

    submitted by /u/PainterAfraid
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    Phanteon jungle-top-mid Guide

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:28 AM PST

    (The title was meant to be Pantheon... I fucked up so hard lmao.)

    Hello everyone!

    I am WholesomeViewer, a former Challenger Coach. Until a few weeks ago, I was only active on reddit, several discord coaching servers and on the TSO Server. I have coached over 100 players in only the last year, and at least 300 in my entire "Coaching Career" while at the same time coaching scrimming teams. I haven't gotten into YouTube since I never knew how to edit a video.

    I still don't (:D) however I was urged by a friend of mine to make a YouTube channel and start posting videos. With it I have decided to also change my branding. I was known as Writer in most of the communities I was a part of, semi-toxic but knowledgeable. Now, however, I will be trying to be as nice as possible and change the community as much as I can while also teaching people the game.

    I would like to present to you all my first champion guide that I have worked on for the channel! I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out and leave some feedback while you are at it! Thank you very much!


    submitted by /u/Andrei_Besliu
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    Looking for good powerfarming junglers

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:13 PM PST

    I'm a support main who's recently been playing a bit of Master Yi. I play frequently with friends that are lower rank/mmr than I am, so I've been trying roles with more agency/carry potential than support. When I've tried jungle in the past, it seemed too complex, like there were too many things I could do wrong. I constantly worried about pathing inefficiently, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, not ganking the right lanes, etc. I'm low gold, so I know I don't need to play perfectly to see results, but I still like knowing when/why I make mistakes. However, the role felt a lot better when I started playing Yi recently. With Yi, I've been able to quickly make up for any mistakes by killing out of position enemies easily, powerfarming, and denying enemy camps. I've found that Yi has been incredibly forgiving when my opponents are bad enough, and playing him made me realize how much I love powerfarming. Since you all know the role better than I do, what are the best junglers to complement my playstyle? Generally, these are what I look for in a champion:

    • The ability to scale. I like the sense of getting more powerful as the game goes on, even if I'm behind. Comeback games are my favorite, and I love surprising the enemy team with a loss if I'm able to get to lategame. I feel like most powerfarming junglers will fit this criteria to a certain extent.
    • Not too much mechanical complexity. Most of my skill comes from my macro and knowledge of the game. I'm not very good at mechanical champions, and I like to rotate the champs I play semi-often. Therefore, I usually don't put in the time needed to get good at mechanical champions. I can get by playing medium-micro champs like Graves or Kindred, but I'm inconsistent with things like Nidalee, Lee Sin, or Karthus.
    • Similar to mechanical complexity, I don't like having to out-micro my camps. I like looking at the map while I clear and only diverting about 25% of my attention to the camps I'm taking. I can do some basic kiting, but having to kite really well ends up taking too much time away from my macro. This is another reason I don't like Nidalee or Karthus, as their clears involve too much ability usage + auto kiting, and if I don't kite well, I lose too much HP to fight efficiently.

    To illustrate these points, my main support champs are Sona, Nami, and Maokai. These three champs scale, and aren't too mechanically complex for me. I'm looking for junglers with a similar macro playstyle of mechanically simple + scaling. I realize two champs that probably fit this criteria are Kindred and Ivern, but I've have some specific problems with them. I hate Kindred's mark mechanic. I can play her fine, and she scales, but missing a mark because of one bad macro decision feels super bad, so I don't like playing her. Ivern is fun, and it seems like he would fit my criteria, but looking at his winrate-vs-gamelength on Lolalytics, it seems like he falls off really hard. This is strange to me as, in the support role, enchanters tend to scale well. Why does Ivern specifically fall off? Is the Lolalytics graph somehow misleading?

    Another jungler I'm considering is Shyvana, but her kit feels so bad. Each of her abilities feel like they're missing something, like they don't do enough to be real abilities, and I don't like the design of her ult/resource bar. It seems like they decided to give her a static/unchanging cooldown arbitrarily. Her most popular build, AP, seems like a cheese build that only strives because she has a crazy hitbox on one high AP scaling ability.

    Graves and Kha'Zix seem great in concept, but I'm unfamiliar with them. Kha'Zix seems to scale according to winrate-vs-gamelength, but I'm not sure why. Most Kha'Zixes I see lategame get oneshot in teamfights and manage to contribute little to nothing unless the enemy team isolates themselves. When I hear Graves's lategame talked about, people seem undecided on whether or not he scales, as do I. Half the people I see talking about him seem to think he falls off, and I see that in a fair amount of games, and the other half thinks he scales, which I also see on occasion.

    Are there any junglers I haven't mentioned that I should be considering given my playstyle? Do I have the wrong idea about any champs I did mention? I'd love to hear from those with more experience in this role than I have. I tried posting this in r/jungle_mains, but for some reason, my post wasn't showing up.

    submitted by /u/Masterfulidea
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    Why bother playing Evelynn? What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:10 PM PST

    I'm a plat 3 eve main, but lately I've been questioning maining her. When I play Eve I have to try really hard compared to some other junglers. I play Graves, Elise, or Kha'zix and I don't have to try nearly as hard and get better results.

    I'll get a little fed, say 3/4 kills and get a laner or two a couple kills, but then I have to try really hard to play around fights and not get one shot while trying to assassinate the enemy carries. I play Kha, just jump in, kill them, jump out. Elise I have multiple ways to get in and play around a fight with no issues.

    It's just much harder on Eve in my experience for not as good results, so why bother?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_STRESSORS
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    What is the overall Value of Minions vs towers, vs Dragons?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:06 PM PST

    So i am not new by any means but i am hard stuck low gold.

    I am trying to improve my mindset and find out what is most important to focus on in the mid game.

    Alot of the time, i get in a position where we have like 2 turrets down mid, and top and bot turrets are standing and we kind of just ARAM it for 10 minutes.

    I am a jungle main and wanting to know like whats better for me to get ahead and push my advantage? A full jungle worth of creeps are up sometime, so i have to prioritize my clear right? Because when i do they level up and become worth more? Or... Is it worth more to go top and catch a wave of CS + try to take the tower while my camps sit idle? Is bot turret + top and mid turrets all worth the same amount of gold ?

    How much is a minion worth, does it change over time? Caster vs melee vs cannon ? How much are they worth compared to my jungle if it is 10-15 minutes in , or even 20-25. Where do i prioritize?

    submitted by /u/infestation871
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    Jungle back timing

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 12:01 PM PST

    So back in season 4, I started out as an Udyr one trick which I played for like 3 seasons then switched to other roles/positions.

    I'd say I got to the point where I was pretty good but since end of season 9 ish I noticed the level of junglers vary massively in low elo (silver/gold) so I'm looking to main it again.

    Due to this, I'm working on issues I have in preseason. One of those I noticed is decent back timing.

    Often I find I struggle to find a good time to reset after first dragon spawns. It happens with all my pool too so champ is irrelevant.

    What tends to happen is I'll 3 camp, gank or full clear then gank depending on openings then I'll back. This is fine.

    After buying part of an item plus a pink I'll 3 camp then solo drake unless botlane is super vulnerable then I'll gank first or if their jungler is on my side of the map I'll hold off and reverse my clear so I can end up botside to drake when they shouldn't be around.

    The problems occur because if I get drake, then I end up feeling the need to finish my clear or ill get my opposite side jungle stolen (as should happen but doesn't always). Then I find the enemy jungler hasn't been arsed to match me and get herald so I do that and usually end on a gank after to go for immediate herald drop.

    The problem is, doing all this takes time without backing and I often end up with 4k+ gold in one go. Obviously having gold is nice but it doesn't mean shit if you haven't spent it. Last game I had 5k gold because after herald I got a couple of decent ganks before backing.

    How do you know if piloting towards been super greedy like that is bad or good? What I worry about is taking all that farm/objectives in one go is leaving me too weak to pull off what I'm trying to do and ends up more coinflippy than it should be as a result.

    submitted by /u/Rift-Duck
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    [Question] Which classes items feel underwhelming?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Which niche is unfilled with the current items? What class or role do you think has the worst items?

    I personally think there's a lack of health items in the tank class. Except for Warmog's Armor, there's no items that you can build if you want to stack Health. Also Support items feel a bit weak to me. What do supports like Rakan/Thresh build?

    There are half as many Support legendaries as legendaries in any other class.

    submitted by /u/purpey
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    How do I keep up with farm mid/late game in low elo

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:20 PM PST

    I'm s4 atm and sometimes I struggle to have good cs scores because obviously as everyone knows I guess teamfights just randomly break out in low elo and usually if I'm not there we just end up losing those fights, I mostly play rengar and sejuani, If get superfed then i don't really care about cs as much but if im even or just slighty ahead I struggle if my team is araming 24/7.

    submitted by /u/Zealousideal_Flan529
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    Deciding to jump back in! Schools in session.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:21 AM PST

    I played a bit back when LOL first came out while I was in high school, I think I made it to gold once or what ever the equivalent was back then, so I'm not very good. Normally when I try and jump back in league I learn the meta and try to figure out what's best and then learn from there. This time will be different. I'm putting some high school game theory back into this hoping I enjoy it more, and I honestly have. I have decided to just play my favorite champion, play bot games until I can CS good then do some unranked draft until I feel comfortable for ranked, (it'll be awhile). So I am proudly claiming tryndamere 1 trick status. Any advice on playing tryndamere in top or bottom let me know! Oh I play teemo sometimes too.

    submitted by /u/nevlah
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    How much does champion size matter?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:14 AM PST

    How much does champion size really matter in league?

    Let me explain what i mean:

    Zac, Cho'gath and malphite's sizes increase based on their HP (Zac), armor (Malphite) and ult stacks (Cho), but does that really change anything?

    Does their ult radius and/or range change? Does Malphite's E range change? Does their hitbox become bigger? Do towers have more range against them?

    What about other champions with elixir of iron or sterak's gage??

    Does Braum's shield size or R size change? Can he eventually protect 2 people standing next to each other? What about big champions? Can Braum's shield or Yasuo's windwall still protect a cho'gath if he covers 50% of the screen?

    submitted by /u/Rh4s
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    Item Cost Value, and Efficiency - Helpful Info

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST

    I've noticed a lot of folks brigading about item cost value, perceived item efficiency etc.

    New folks, take a little bit to watch this video.


    Phreak's channel has a ton of great info when it comes to item analysis, stat strength, diminishing returns etc, backed with hard math. He also often has great insight, being that he is himself a long time Rioter.

    This information, while slightly outdated, will give you a good view of the new item's balance and stat efficiency. Items haven't changed TOO much with the exception of Eclipe, Sunfire and other problematic items, which he did follow up videos for.

    This is a great resource and I highly recommend you take the time to watch it, it will make you understand what you are truly spending your gold on, instead of "perceived" strength.

    Take great care when someone recommends an item or build on some anecdotal reason that they did once.

    Good luck on the rift!

    submitted by /u/Skias
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    When should I follow the mid lane enemy ?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Hey folks, got a question for you pro mid laners out there. I play League for 3 months now and I am glad about the great advices that people gave me for my question: "How to farm safely in mid ?" I was able to improve my average cs from 4,6 to 6,2. But now I wonder what to do when my enemy is straight going down to the bot lane and try to kill them probably. (Imagine he pushed 2 waves into my tower before he went.) should I chase him and prevent him from pressuring the bot lane or should I stay and farm even though I am behind ? Lot of these times, team mates (bronze) blame me for not going down and help them. I wasn't sure what to do in this situations especially when I fall behind. What would you do ? May you explain it like in the other thread with some examples so I could relate it.

    submitted by /u/EloDesu
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