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    Saturday, December 5, 2020

    LoL Guide Keep attacking when you're snared / rooted

    LoL Guide Keep attacking when you're snared / rooted

    Keep attacking when you're snared / rooted

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Snares and roots only make you immobile, but you can still use your abilities and auto attack or use item actives and so on.

    When you are immobilized play like a caged lion. Punish them for stepping in your ability range, bite back, don't just let them poke you with a stick. Stop right clicking when you're immobilized. Instead use A-click so you can attack anything in range.

    And don't panic. The best play when exiting CC-lock isn't always to flash in the opposite direction of the enemy team. This is esp important for mechanical champions who can actually look for an outplay instead of just running away.

    submitted by /u/SexManlius
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    am I the only one losing an absurd amount of games?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:35 AM PST

    it feels like every game I play is unwinnable. I either get ahead or go even in lane every game I play, but every single game I play, at least 2 teammates are just running it down. I'm unsure about what to do, if I'm cursed I don't know, but it's insane. what do I do? every game, I get inting teammates and the enemy team is significantly better than mine. when season ended, I was gold 2 55% winrate and since preseason started, I have a 19% winrate. I simply cannot win. I have no idea what's going on with this matchmaking but it's incredibly demoralizing. I consistently do well, but my teammates int every game. I'm not exaggerating either, every single game, at least 2 teammates run down, and sometimes I'm able to carry. I need help with this shit

    submitted by /u/Amxricaa
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    See yourself as a blackhole

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:14 PM PST

    When you're on the map in a vulnerable position, everyone can see you. That may sound obvious but low elo players get caught all the time after getting kills or just farming lanes in the mid to late game. If you're pushed up on the map, you're like a blackhole. You're pulling everyone in. It's not if their team will come for you, it's when. You should assume they've started coming for you immediately and act accordingly unless you know for a fact they are otherwise engaged. This is doubly true if you're the only person on the map to them. If all your teammates are in the base or jungle you should be expecting multiple people to walk up on you. Don't try to fight back just because you're a little fed and the first one you see you can 1v1. It will never be a 1v1 for long.

    submitted by /u/Kithka
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    Narrate yourself whilst playing

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:32 AM PST

    I know this may sound weird as hell, but go on your phone/any other recording device, when rift opens start recording yourself narrating your gameplay. Literally talk to yourself and say what you're doing or what you're about to do.

    When you watch the replay you'll have both your visual play displayed, along with mindset/narration/emotion captured. I swear you win more games doing this, plus you get to learn about yourself and what sort or mindset you were in in certain plays.

    I.e. when this happpened did I have a ward in my stash, should I have dropped it? Or was I going to get clapped anyway?

    When this happened, did I get tilted and fuck up, or did my teammates fuck up and I'm not the reason?

    You still have to be honest with yourself, but I think it keeps ya honest also. Try it out!

    submitted by /u/Realfriends1
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    How to shut down AP Twitch

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:57 AM PST

    I just got a pretty decent game off, went 12/3 as AP Twitch.
    I love Twitch, I've been playing him since Season 6, and there's just something about stealth ADCs playing like assassins. This season, its even better, but I want to get ahead of the curve and see what are the common ways to deal with AP Twitch, so I can prepare myself for them.
    As of now, my opponents are melting too quickly for them to do anything, but I'm sure higher elo people have already figured it out. I don't want to start losing because I didn't think about the countermeasures.

    submitted by /u/PositiveIndependent
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    10 Tips for Senna Players

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Hey there, last time we covered Jhin (if you missed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/jr0wo0/10_tips_for_jhin_players/ ), and today I got some Senna knowledge for you. I made a text version of the guide and also a video version if you prefer watching over reading.

    Video guide: https://youtu.be/rmV27KC3Pl8

    Text version (works entirely without the video if you have a good imagination and some game knowledge):

    Tip number 1:

    Not only does Rapid Firecannon buff Senna's auto attack range, but the range of her Q is affected as well. Interestingly enough, the Rapid Fire proc is not consumed when you attack with Q, unless you hit a champion or a tower with it. This essentially allows you to keep fishing for super long-ranged poke until you hit an important target.

    Tip number 2:

    When kiting, most Senna players use the combination of auto attack plus Q plus auto attack. This is a good trading pattern, but if you need to get your passive proc as fast as possible, you can cancel your auto attack's wind-up animation with Q. When you do it that way, Senna will complete the auto attack as soon as your Q finishes, ripping out the soul instantly.

    Tip number 3:

    The item Runaan's Hurricane has an interesting interaction with Senna's Q. When Senna is auto attacking, you reduce your Q's remaining cooldown by one second. However, this cooldown refund is coded as an on-hit effect, which means it applies to Hurricane's passive. It literally triples its value with this item.

    Tip number 4:

    Mist Wraiths only have one HP. Despite this, Senna applies Life Steal and Omnivamp to them as if she dealt a full auto attack's worth of damage. This is why Legend: Bloodline is so commonly picked on Senna AD carry. She can simply trigger Life Steal way more reliably than any other champion.

    Tip number 5:

    Senna's W is a rather slow projectile, and your enemy will dodge it more often than not. However, you can use Flash during W's cast animation to greatly reduce the time in which your enemy can react, so do this when chasing or engaging. The same trick can be used to hit your target when other enemy units are body-blocking for them. Simply Flash sideways in this situation to quickly alter W's angle.

    Tip number 6:

    When Rapid Firecannon is ready, auto attacking Mist Wraiths will not consume your Energizer proc. Therefore, you can simply collect a soul on the ground to trigger your passive movement speed bonus, which then allows you to gap-close and still keep your bonus attack range to pressure the nearest enemy.

    Tip number 7:

    Senna is extremely vulnerable while casting R, because the spell has such a long wind-up. If enemies focus you, you might die before the shield even comes out. Luckily, you can still use Flash during your ultimate's cast animation, so use it to reposition in a pinch. The spell will still go off and fire from your original location in the intended direction.

    Tip number 8:

    When you cast Q, your primary target is not necessarily your intended target, as Q's hitbox is much larger than its cast range. You can use this to attack from much farther away by placing down a ward in front of you and then immediately targeting it with Senna's Q. The same can be done with minions (or any unit really), but your enemies will be expecting this. Therefore, use wards for a quick sucker punch.

    Tip number 9:

    Despite being THE ranged champion par excellence, Senna is not using a projectile for neither her auto attacks, nor her Q. This means, wind walls have zero effect on her two most important tools, which allows you to hard-counter Yasuo and Samira with her.

    Tip number 10:

    Collecting a Mist Wraith from the ground puts Senna in combat. This is very bad news for Ghostblade's passive and for Relentless Hunter, as you lose the out of combat movement speed bonus all the time. On the other hand, this is very good for the rune Grasp of the Undying. Especially during the lane phase, you can deliberately wait before collecting a Mist Wraith to stay in combat for longer and ultimately get more Grasp procs.

    GLHF and happy climbing! :)

    submitted by /u/MissFortuneDaBes
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    CS/farming question as support

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:52 AM PST

    I am very new to this game and play Lux as sup as my main. So, I notice my ADC always dances back and forth during minion waves and isn't actively basic attacking the minions until last hit. My question is - why can't ADC hit full life minions while waiting for low life ones to he within 1 last hit? Wouldn't it help push earlier if minions are cleared sooner? Likewise, why can't ADC be basic attacking full health minions in 1 wave and sup basic attacking full health minions in the incoming wave? Making sure I don't get them low enough to where my ADC will miss last hit. Again I'm new af so don't make fun if this is a stupid question haha.

    submitted by /u/wannaclime
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    How to Draft as ADC in SoloQ (Tips from Season 10 Ex-Challenger)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:00 PM PST

    Hey guys! I'm evnes, a former Season 10 Challenger Player. I got this question a lot when I was coaching people so I figured a lot of people actually have this question.

    I decided I'd make a small no-edit youtube video giving you guys tips and tricks on how to draft as ADC in SoloQ.

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdiCjgp0Bvk

    If you guys liked it, I'm a completely new streamer that also makes Youtube videos sometimes. Consider checking me out ^-^ (same as reddit username)

    submitted by /u/evneslol
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    Can someone review my lv1 ?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:18 PM PST


    Because the Yasuo was playing very far back. I wanted to slow push into cheater recall. But I could not hold the wave long enough. What should I have done ?
    I think my first AA was too close from the minions (Yasuo was too far) I should have not AA and waited for Yasuo to be extended enough to be far enough to let me AA into instant retreat to not pull the melee minions.

    Otherwise, is there anything I have missed ?

    submitted by /u/infinitysoulpit
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    Don't Expect To Carry On Support(ive) Champs In Low Elo

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:01 PM PST

    The term 1v9 and carrying is thrown around a lot, however it seems to not be commonly understood among low elo players the difference between doing well and carrying. While that in itself is a broad topic, in this post i'm going to be focusing on this very basic and important fundamental:

    Carry champs carry, supportive champs support them.

    I think most champs in the game can be classified as a carry or supportive based on: carries are going to kill everything, supportive champs are going to help them do that. The important distinction is not support champs, but supportive champs. For example: Sion is very much not a (meta) support, but his kit and general playstyle revolve around CC and tankiness (except for lethality sion, but that's less common) so I would consider him a supportive champ.

    Why is any of this important? Because it's important to understand your role. Sion can get a 5 man ulti and a 5 man knockup, but if his ADC is on scuttlecrab in botlane during baron he could still lose, and reveresed if MF starts an amazing ulti but Sion is rage splitting then she will be jumped on and killed. This is why both roles must exist in harmony, and why 5 carry teams are just as bad as 5 supportive teams.


    If you are intending to carry, you need to play a carry. That MF is still more likely to be able to take over the game compared to the Sion if they were both equal skill. Nobody smurfing from Diamond+ in silver is playing something like tank ornn top and trying to win. Can you still carry? of course you can, but your capacity is much lower. Ornn can't quite kill five people the way a Darius can.

    This is especially prevalent in lower elos where if you are playing supportive to carries who are completely lost with 3cs/min, you should know the position you are putting yourself in before hand. This is why nearly every high elo bot laner is a duo, a carry and support that are both good can win pretty much every game up to high elo. This is interchangeable by lane, every role can be a carry and every role can be a support.

    This is why some champs are amazing in pro play but not so much in soloq. Why was Galio such a god tier support in pro? because everyone could coordinate and go in on his cc and he was a menace. I can tell you from experience that galio support was nowhere near as effective if you were solo.

    Supportive champs become stronger the higher the elo, just as solo carry champs weaken, and it all evens out.


    "Bruh ma team's are why i'm silver" No, it's because you're playing alistar mid with dark harvest

    If you believe you are a plat player but are stuck in gold, you need to play carries to carry yourself out

    If you are in a rank = to where you should be, either works

    If you are elo inflated / rusty / duoing with a higher elo player, go supportive for the better players.

    In the end you can climb on any champ, any role, but only if you understand where you fit in. Hope this was helpful!

    submitted by /u/ShadyBoi47
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    How do you beat a team with multiple hyper carries?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:30 AM PST

    I've had a few games recently against teams with 2+ ADCs or just champions that can hard carry games. I've lost all of them since even just one getting a little fed, especially with new items, pretty much means we lose. Late game we don't stand a chance once they get full build or close to. Anyway to reliably beat them?

    submitted by /u/TrueString
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    As a squishy backliner how can I keep myself safe from assassins?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:41 PM PST

    So a majority of my champion pool is mid-lane control mages, and when mid/ late game rolls around I find myself dying to ambushes/ flanks/ dives from assassins a lot. A lot of the time these attacks feel unavoidable. Even with a zhonyas and banshees I still get fucked over. I figured maybe I'm just not positioning right? or maybe I'm not utilizing zhonyas/ banshees correctly? any tips to die to assassins less would be appreciated thanks.

    submitted by /u/JLWtheOtaku
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    Free Jungle Coaching, From D4 & D2 Jungler! Sign up!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:30 PM PST

    Hi guys, I posted a post couple of weeks ago about getting from bronze 3 to d4 in my first season as a jungler. Now, my schools out for winter break, and I am looking to help junglers like me get to the elo they desire, as well as strengthening my jungling by teaching.

    I am a diamond 4 jungler, and my friend is a d2 jungler and we will be the two coaches teaching jungle to you guys.

    I have a google form down below where you can register for your session.

    and also feel free to join our discord below

    We primarily coach a carry style of jungle, with champs like graves, hecarim, etc.

    But we can also teach supportive jungle.

    Look forward to seeing you guys on our server. See ya soon

    our op.ggs



    Register Form




    submitted by /u/Ok-Pudding-8903
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    Perma pushers

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:28 AM PST

    I am gold Azir player look for advice on what to do when you are vs something that can clear the wave faster/equal than you. for example vlad he can wave clear with no punishment if poked he can heal and he has insane wave clear with his aoe E. as well other matchups you can where match the wave clear but you are left with an empty lane and nothing to do but ward and track jungle. if you roam you will lose farm, but staying in lane you are getting nothing so you lose either way

    submitted by /u/shaggysci3
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    I cant win against aggressive laners.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:12 PM PST

    I'm quite new to the game, I started 2 or 3 months ago. I'm currently in bronze 1.

    If the enemy laner is aggressive I constantly lose. They always feel stronger than me and seem to do more damage, when I try this I just get rekt. I understand the basics of the game having watched alot of YT videos. So even though I'm new I've put alot of hours in.

    Quite often when the lane is more passive with small trades and just generally battling over CS ill come out on top but soon as someone starts poking me or running me down with a melee champ ill have low hp out of nowhere. Ill run back to tower while trying to get some hits off, which always leads to me having to back while they are staying with a good amount of health or ill commit to an all in and lose.

    This happens often and its really bugging me, any tips are much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/JalapenoHancock
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    Gold 4 adc please help

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Hey, I'm a gold 4 adc player and I am need of help. I have been playing the role for a little over a year and a half and at first I was seeing tons of improvement (used to be s4), now I feel like every time I try and improve on something I just get worse which is not only extremely discouraging but also extremely tilting which than causes my friends to get tilted. I find this especially relevant in my laning but it still there throughout the whole game. I have watched tons and tons of coaching videos and I understand what they are saying but I have trouble executing it and knowing when to execute it. Is there still free coaching on this sub? If anyone has any tips or knows where I can get free adc vod review that would be amazing. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Aex_Kards
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    Now that season 11 is almost here, I want to climb from Silver to Diamond as a top lane Urgot main, what steps do I take to accomplish this goal?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:33 AM PST

    I have been playing League of Legends for almost 6 years now and I have always been a silver player.

    Now that Season 11 is almost here, I have decided that I want to become the best I can possibly be at the game and try to rank up to my goal rank which is Diamond 4. I know going from Silver 2 to Diamond 4 in a single season seems pretty unlikely but I am willing to try my best to climb the ranks in hopes of one day reach the rank what I have always dreamed of.

    What steps do I need to take to reach this goal of mine?

    submitted by /u/Cameron0312
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    Hail of Blades Botrk synergy as adc.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:09 AM PST

    Have you ever tried rushing Botrk with HoB on those adcs who can use this rune? Kaisa, vayne, maybe tristana, ashe (lucian without HoB is fine too). You legit get insta bork's slow which has only 20 secs CD and can synergize well with HoB CD (8 secs). It's a 200 gold cheaper item than Mythic items and you get a good first item power spike. In a world where crit is unbalanced and lethality soon nerfed (thanks god), botrk opening can impact very well for adc.

    submitted by /u/MahhTheSixth
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    What desktop app?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:37 AM PST

    What do you think is the best desktop app and why? I tested porofessor and mobalytics. Both are great. I mostly want to see during champ select the main roles and performance of my team to decide to dodge in case of autofills. Other Features like runes, builds etc are nice too. What can you recommend?

    submitted by /u/Coneeect
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    A bit of an help for a low elo midlaner

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:54 AM PST

    Hi, silver midlaner here.

    I always wondered what to do after a roam. Walk back to mid? Recall? Watch for objectives even if the roam timer was too short?

    And what is a good time to recall, i always try to push before recalling but are there some other tips about this?

    submitted by /u/manuelmont04
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    How do the chromas for blue essence work

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:39 AM PST

    I have the PROJECT Jinx skin, High Noon Jhin skin, and Spirit Blossom Vayne skin. Those 3 are my go-to adcs and I noticed that the high noon jhin chroma was available for blue essence, I was wondering when and if Id get the chance to buy chromas for BE with jinx and vayne.

    submitted by /u/ouv123
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    What is the equivalent of throwing a flashbang and blinding your whole team?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:20 PM PST

    For me, the closest is Ulting as Kindred. Immortality followed by end heal. People simply do not understant that I have ult ready and that they should wait 4 seconds to kill.

    Or the situations where an ally steals an rift herald. They do not respect that I can heal a rift herald 25% after it rammed into a tower. And minions, which keeps everyone alive longer from tower fire.

    I imagine there are similarities with your champs?

    submitted by /u/Jobapplicant0074321
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    How to rotate from top with no tp?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:48 AM PST

    To summarize, Im an akali main in the toplane and I usually go with ignite and flash cause it secures many kills. I dont use ignite with other champs in top (mordekaiser and malzahar are my other main picks).

    The thing is; unless I play really well and destroy the enemy tower fast (or at least get 2-3 plates) I cant really go help bot cause my opponent would deal too much dmg in top. So usually I cant go bot until laning phase is over.

    So the options I consider are: forget about bot and let the jungler help them, tell the jungler to defend top when Im rotating or just dont use ignite (least favourite option). If its none of those options Im defo missing something here, thus why Im asking for help. Any advice?

    And thank you for reading

    submitted by /u/FETU55LAYER
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