• Breaking News

    Monday, December 7, 2020

    LoL Guide *Update* My brother and I created a massive website where we post in-depth, comprehensive guides made by players who got challenger by playing that champ. Best part is that it is ENTIRELY FREE!

    LoL Guide *Update* My brother and I created a massive website where we post in-depth, comprehensive guides made by players who got challenger by playing that champ. Best part is that it is ENTIRELY FREE!

    *Update* My brother and I created a massive website where we post in-depth, comprehensive guides made by players who got challenger by playing that champ. Best part is that it is ENTIRELY FREE!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Hi guys, RTO here.

    9 months ago I posted about a new website that I was making to create Challenger made guides entirely for free and this is an update to all that has happened with it since it was launched. Original post is here

    As of now we have created:

    He have so much more planned however the site has not gotten nearly as much traction as we hoped it would. The site is currently ready for translations, Legends of Runeterra and TFT sections and of course getting a massive Season 11 content and UI/UX overhaul.

    However as of now, the site just doesn't have the traffic that we were hoping for to keep it from being just a massive money/time sink. We have decided to pause updating the site unless things change. Even if we don't keep it updated, the content that we have released will be super helpful in Season 11 and probably past that and I will continue keeping the servers live so players can access the hard work put into it completely for free like I promised when starting it.

    If you are interested in helping out the project in anyway, let me know and I really hope you guys can enjoy all of the work that we put into this.

    My brother /u/hvzchris and I will be in the comments answering questions like we did in the last post.

    submitted by /u/RTO_LOL
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    What exactly is Macro ? | A Layered model for league | Why those top 10 tips vids aren't working for you

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:41 AM PST

    A lot of vids out there are "top 10 tips" types of vids that try to give you tips and rules to use in your own games. I appreciate the effort of the content creators (some of them) trying to convey information in this manner but there's a core reason I think those type of vids aren't successful at helping people most of the time.

    To me league is a pattern recognition game that can be broken down into several layers.

    The first layer is ground rules. Ground rules are what people mistake for "macro". An example of a ground rule is "You should roam after building a slow push / crashing a wave under enemy turret, when you have tempo". I didn't pick the easiest or most basic rule but lets stick with this one.

    If this layer was the only layer, that would mean you could write a rule book for what to do in league and that'd be enough to win every single game. But that's not how it works right ? This also explains why some lower elo players think they are "good at macro / stuck because of micro".

    A lot of them think that knowing those ground rules (which in truth is already better than not knowing them at all) makes you "good at macro".

    The second layer is draft / champion pick. The champions inside the game and the champion you're playing influences the ground rules and changes the decision making tree you're using.

    If we think about the previous example, lets say we're playing Galio into Vlad with a Graves against a Nidalee. Junglers meet in top side river and start posturing to fight over scuttle while both waves are in the middle of the lane. The ground rule tells you that neither Galio nor Vlad should be moving to that fight because its not the ideal roaming scenario and they didn't secure priority / tempo before moving.

    In reality Galio would ditch wave and roam even if he loses CS in most cases. Why is that ? Why is it ok for Galio to ditch a wave and not follow "the ground rule" ? Well because of how Galio functions as a champion. Galio isn't a selfish champion that looks to get himself farmed and strong. In fact if Galio and Vlad duke it out in a 1v1 for 20 minutes then Vlad will win 100% of the time. That's just how his kit functions. On the other hand Galio is a great early game 2v2 champion because of his bulkiness and reliable CC and on top of that Graves is a carry jungler which means putting him ahead is a good win con for the Galio player.

    You might disagree with my example and it doesn't really matter. What I'm trying to show is that this second layer exists. Didn't it feel natural to you when I started stating who was in that game ?"I was playing TF and my bot lane was Nautilus and Draven so I was looking to ult bot lane" ; "I was playing TF and my bot lane was Yuumi Ezreal so I didn't want to play bot side".

    Keep in mind every single champion in the game on both teams has and should influence your decision making because those champions (the draft) is what defines your win con and the enemy team's win con at a base level.

    The third layer is the game state layer. Items/levels of each champions/where are they on the map etc.

    This is the third and last layer that influences your decision making. Lets take the previous example but this time lets add some spice to it. On top of the situation described earlier ; lets say that you're ready to go for that roam in river as Galio and ditch your wave to try to help with top side scuttle, however the enemy top laner is crashing a huge wave into your top laner and enemy support has been missing for a while.

    Now this layer is what makes league an extremely complex game and makes every game played different from the previous one.

    So if we wanted a summary of the rule we were talking about then you could say "You should only roam if you have pushed into the opponent unless you're playing Galio because he's an early game 2v2 champ and if Galio has a carry jungler he should help him but keep in mind that if enemy top is missing then you can't roam to that side of the map specially if enemy team has a roaming support that's missing."

    You can see where I'm going with this. You could add an infinity of "but"s to a rule. "But if you're 3 0 then you can still roam to that play but if Nidalee is also 3 0 it might not be a good idea but then again Nidalee has no flash and your top laner could TP to the play" etc etc.

    For those of you who are already nitpicking on this example : I hope you get the idea behind what I'm talking about.


    Next time you meet someone who thinks their macro is godlike while being very low elo just remember most of the difficulty in league is layer 2 / 3 and not layer 1. Layer 2/3 decision making is not something you can easily put in words and it's all about pattern recognition. People get good at it over time and with repetition. You can't pick up a book that'll tell you what to do in every possible scenario.

    This goes for watching league content as well. I'd advise you to try to look for coaching sessions / vod review types of content instead of bullet points "what to do to win games" types of videos. Remember nothing beats playing the game and experimenting with your decisions and thinking about why this type of decision worked and why this other decision didn't work.

    I'm open to discussion about this way of thinking about league. Thanks for reading in any case.

    submitted by /u/ekkoOnLSD
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    Low Elo Clash

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 10:36 PM PST

    Excuse my horrendous formatting as I'm on mobile. Also take my word for a grain of salt, it's just my personal insight into things as an average gold player

    Although I'm definitely not high elo, I think Ive cracked the code to low elo clash (T4, T3)

    In these lower elos, people often face a few major mistakes: ARAMing and not closing out the game. This makes a few compositions surprisingly strong.

    I'm the past couple of clashes, we've ran a late-game, tank team fighting composition and it's seems a pretty high rate of success. In the games we ran this comp, we usually made it to at least finals. It's simple really since people in this elo don't know how to counter it.

    You typically want a tank top and support, scaling adc and mid, and a mid game or late game that are very strong at team fighting. Support can be an engage support too. Basically, tanky comp with good peel and engage for team fights that also scale into late game.

    Ex: (Top. JG, Mid, ADC, Support) Ornn Sejuani Orianna Ezreal Leona Malphite Amumu Annie Jhin Nautilus Maokai Graves Vladmir Ashe Thresh

    All these comps have a few similarities: they have strong team fight, good peel, and scale well.

    Early game, you give a few early drakes unless botlane has prio but prioritize farming as main objective. Jungle should try to trade objectives (rift for drake) and take free gains in pushed in lanes. Of course, rotate when necessary. Around the 25 minute mark, you start doing some damage, you can contest objectives better and look for some fights now. Try to get a good engage to start a fight, whether that be Malphite, Ornn, Orianna, Leona, Thresh, etc. Your comp is meant for this, the enemy will practically be perma cc'd and if needed, focus the priority target. Wombo combos are also very nice such as a Leona ult into Ori ult into Amumu ult. When you start winning team fights, force objectives and threaten baron. Constantly force fights and siege and just keep destroying in team fights. Of course, take free picks and kills if you can and try not to die.

    Basically: Play safe outscale

    The reason why this works is that people don't know how to end games. Split pushing results in your team forcing 5v4 while most early game compositions don't know how close the game out. This is just how I see the game: if you don't see it this way feel free to comment. Thanks

    submitted by /u/awesomeness2078
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    Problems with Yuumi

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:23 AM PST

    I've been a support main since I first started League back in the end of 2018, playing Thresh and Leona, but I have since abandoned the usual support picks because it was too boring and looked for different stuff to keep me playing. Playing with weird champions is a lot of fun in this pre-season patch, such as Sett with Glacial Augment and Stridebreaker, and Azir with Dark Harvest with Night Harvester. I don't play these picks on ranked and I usually play with friends so as not to leave some people wanting to erase me from existance.

    However, since her launch, I've never found a good way to deal with Yuumi, I forced myself to buy Bramble Vest and Executioner as a first item and now, in this patch, Oblivion Orb became a must. Still, with the new support mythic items, Assassins being a pain in the ass and ADCs becoming smart and buying QSS, I feel like there is no way of stopping a Yuumi unless we mercilessly run over their entire team on the start of the game or force our Top Laner to play Singed and our Jungler to pick Skarner. I've even tried support Malzahar with Rylai as well as the anti-heal item and I still feel like I'm doing nothing.

    Do you guys have any pick (a normal pick or a random pick, it doesn't matter), build, runes or general rules or tips on how to fight a Yuumi? She is not fun and I've been perma-banning the cat since last year and it's time I try to face the creature.
    Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/LynnBlackmore
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    Alot of the time idk what to do ingame

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:31 AM PST

    When i go into a game and I win lane pretty hard and I snowball myself by roaming. I still don't know how to translate that into towers objectives etc. I just had a game right before writing this, where I did exactly that, but we lost anyway cause i didnt do anything to get objectives and towers

    My problem was that we couldnt win a 5v5 and my teammates didnt want to split push. I could ofcourse as ekko go and do it myself, but then they would have cought me in the side lane i feel like.

    You can check out the vod here if you want

    submitted by /u/bjar3064
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    Ever feel stuck, unsure of how to strategize? A template for planning your game.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:23 PM PST

    One thing I see frequently on this subreddit is people saying "I don't know what to do after lane" or something along those lines. I thought I would post a simple framework that resembles how I organize my thoughts for making plays.

    1) Establish a goal, this should usually involve a major objective such as a turret, dragon or rift herald. This goal is always easy to define success in with a yes or no. (Did we take mid with the rift herald? Yes or No)

    2) Define a handful of tasks to accomplish this goal. 2-3 is usually a good number, sometimes more are needed.

    3) execute on these steps, and set a new goal afterwards.

    Example: The scene is set at 15 minutes game time, I am Garen and just killed toplane turret as first turret of the game. My opponent is [insert generic toplane champion]. My jungler is Kayn vs Nunu and mid is Zed vs Syndra. The game is largely even beyond my mild toplane lead that got me first turret.

    - Our midlaner is Zed. Enemy midlaner is Syndra.

    1. I want to break mid tower so that Zed can roam more and do assassin things.
    2. To do this I can

    - Kill Syndra

    - Take Rift Herald

    So, with this all decided, I will start with Rift Herald.

    1. I want to take rift herald.
    2. to do this I must:

    - Shove out top

    - Have wards to warn me of approaching enemies

    With this decided I will go to base, making sure I have a control ward, and go set up my rift herald take. I will take rift herald, and go mid, hopefully killing syndra, but if not I will drop herald in lane and seek out a possible dive with Zed.

    1. I want to kill syndra, by diving if needed.
    2. to do this, i should:

    - Approach mid from a dangerous angle

    - try to get syndra to stun and combo ME and not zed, because I can tank it with my W. This should be the same strategy if we must dive.

    submitted by /u/Spacemn5piff
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    Lee Sin Lich Bane

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Hey guys, I know this sounds extremely troll but hear me out.

    Is Lich Bane Lee Sin a terrible idea?

    His kit, except ult is like 2 abilities in one, basically 6 abilities.

    Your passive makes your get back energy in the next 2 AA after using an ability. This is a good combo with Lich Banes +150% AD damage as BONUS damage. This with a 1.5 second cooldown, that cooldown is probably over when you reactivate your ability, 150% AD again.

    You also get 80% AP on your W as a bonus shield. I know it's not much, but along with its strong passive it feels like a good choice?

    submitted by /u/Fanaax
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    Why is glacial augment not a thing on ekko?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:19 PM PST

    Whenever i play wkko jungle im usually pretty useless early. However, when i bring glacial augment, i can even gank tanks and do a big differance. Just using the E itself is a 50% slow, pair that with a Q W and u are a monster. I was able to just straight up run around taliyah every time she used her combo because she was slowed and i was sped up.

    Pair it with a night harvester + nashors tooth (or protobelt). And it deals some serious damage.

    Ive been going glacial, proto, nashors and an early orb and ive crushed mundo jungle every time.

    Even if i fall behind, ill build a rylais and still deal serious damage late + tons of soft CC. I actually nearly like it more than dark harvest.

    Last time i tried it in my gold 4 games in went 20/2.

    submitted by /u/Emotional-Umbrella
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    Question about Lord Dominik's Regard item

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:30 AM PST

    So I was playing Caitlyn and I was playing against 2 tanks Sion and Sejuani and I built an item that say's it does 15% more damage to champions that have more than 2000 max health than u. So now I'm about confused about that part or maybe I'm not reading it right does that mean once the champion reaches above 2000 hp I do more damage to them or when champion has 2000 more than u then I get the full effect of the item

    submitted by /u/Coolkick
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    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:00 AM PST

    So how important is it to your team have a tank cause how I see it is that mages and marksmans simply need that protection from tanks but then again there are a lots of op assassins that can easily pick these highdamage champions with weaker defence from behind of the tank champion which makes tank in that case useless. Also there is the fact that the most tanks are quite boring and not many plays them. Also on what role is it most important to be a tank atleast i think tank supports are quite good especially when playing in lower ranks where all the mage supports always just miss all their spells and die a lot by acting like tanks. So simply put is it okay for a team to have 0 tanks and what about team that has more than 2 tanks.

    submitted by /u/rasse768
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    How do I win games as a hardstuck Gold ADC main?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I'm a hardstuck ADC main with about 305 wins in Gold. I've ventured into trying top with Jax in G2, but that just made me drop all the way to G4, before I decided that it wasn't for me. I peaked at G2 100LP this season. I just enjoy playing ADC so much more, and I do so much better with it. I average a 54.5% w/r with my picks, spread between Jinx, Jhin, MF, Cait, Sivir, Ashe and Senna. Most of these games were before pre-season, so I'm aware Jhin and MF are the more 'stable' picks now. I have a horrendously negative winrate with other roles, and after so many games with different ADCs, I'm aware that these are my comfort go-to picks. I'm have a slight interest with Vayne as well now, but I'm still very new with her.

    I play in the SG Garena server, so I don't have an op.gg. I do have my match history, which can be filtered by ranked games (albeit both flex and solo/duo).

    I realise that I have a problem, which is that I'm unable to win/carry games even while fed. I can have pretty good leads, but I'm unable to translate them into a team win. I hate to be that guy, but I'm usually doing pretty fine, either winning or going even in lane, rarely losing lane. I can't seem to make up for the deficits my teammates generate - a jungle gap taking all our objectives, a fed top laner or mid laner diving me or one-shotting me. I do my best to ward and generate vision, but one person can only do so much with vision (I think?)

    I play with a mid duo (hardstuck as well), and it's really frustrating, when at the end of the game, you're the only two not feeding in the team (I mean, naturally, I guess?). I may be exaggerating a bit, but it's usually the case recently. I try to generate macro leads by pinging and going for objectives, taking lane priority when dragon is up and pinging for it, etc, but it doesn't seem to work. I feel like I can't play ballsier and push/extend my lead without my team, or I'll just get blown up, so I just farm sidelanes when I can, and group up for teamfights.

    Is there anything I can do? ADC is my favourite and best role and I'm horrendous at the others, so a role change isn't the best idea. Perhaps I should go into getting coached? (I don't have much money for that though). Maybe it's the preseason, with the new items? Input and help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MediocreFPS
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    My friends always complain about tanks that can do huge damage.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 06:55 PM PST

    So, for some context, I've played LoL for 5 years now, and know how to counter match-ups at a basic level. Newer champions like Sett, Seraphine, and Samira, I don't know how to counter them much. Besides the 2020s champions Riot has rolled, older champions I can handle.

    I have a bunch of friends that I introduced to play LoL a season ago, and they are near to LVL 100, (some are higher than that mark) And for some reason, they hate tanks a lot. Just right now, at the time of this post, they complained about Shen top being too OP. Last week as well, they complained about Sion being too OP with a long stun, too tanky, and has a big knock up.

    Can someone explain to me so at least I can understand their suffering?

    submitted by /u/Jackyjackvn123
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    Playing against AP adc

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:20 PM PST

    I am relatively new player and I am mainly playing as adc. Most of the games as ADC i am rushing for my first mythic and then go for either crit or more damage. But I am having a hard time playing against AP ADC/Support combo. Recently I played against a brand and swain and could not even make it to my first item as I started buying MR items which ended up with me doing less damage. Any help is appreciated. TIA.

    submitted by /u/13ugatti
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    How do mid laners deal with top lane champs and adc ?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:57 AM PST

    I started playing League of legends about 2 months ago. I decided to pick mid as my main role as i'm determined to learn and improve in it. I've been playing with yasuo just like most beginners lmao. the reason i play yasuo is actually because i love his play style not because of his "flashiness and popularity". So obviously i like yone too. I've been advised to change champs and go for easier champs to play with so that i could like more about the game and not about the champs for now. People recommended orianna, annie, and diana. I liked diana the most so i've been maining her for a while. Hated annie tho. I hate playing braindead champs. I'm still looking for a champ to main in low elo that isnt too easy to use but not hard to a point where the champ is only recommended for high elo players. I'm looking for a champ that is great in teamfights and decent in lane.

    So my main problem is ganks and teamfights. In a team fight, i always find it hard to deal with the top laner and adc mainly. the top laner is usually tanky and takes ages to kill and deals decent damage. and the damage the adc does to me is crazy. so it's challenging for me to deal with both sometimes because my team doesn't do shit and i have to deal with the enemy. I feel like mid laners are mostly squishy compared to other lanes. I'm still new and probably don't know shit but the way i see it is that the mid lane champs are a mix between decent damage, fair hp and good mobility. while top laners have insane hp and adc to insane damage. i'm not saying that mid lane champs don't do great damage but it's hard to deal with adc's for example because they have much more range and deal insane damage when you are a melee champ in some cases. Your help in all points that i mentionedd would be very appreciated !!! :)

    submitted by /u/PunanyDestroyerr
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    [Serious] How do you end games? (Low elo)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:48 PM PST

    Hi summoners, I'm still relatively new to the game (level 35) and I got ranked as Bronze 1. I started looking into guides on macro, and learned a lot about warding and roaming etc. However, when I spectated my silver friends' games for fun I saw that either team threw their leads and ultimately the game a lot. The thing is, none of my friends really knew what they were doing wrong and were just glum they lost a game. This happens a lot to me as well, but I didn't find a lot of guides on this topic surprisingly (only "how to play from behind" videos) and I'm curious what you guys think. Imo you shouldn't force fights when there is no objective and split push, and NEVER play aram midlane, but not sure if this is the best answer. Thoughts?

    I didn't want this post to become this long, but here are some examples (spectating Silver 2 players)

    1. Red team has a fed Lee and Malphite. Samira and Leona are also doing decently well. Blue team has an Ornn, Jax, Irelia, Syndra, and Sona. Blue team loses laning phase, but after many minutes of siege and well timed Ornn ultimates in teamfights Blue team comes back and wins the game. What should red team have done here?

    2. Red team has an Aatrox, Jax, Akali, Vayne, and Pyke. Blue team has a Garen, Kindred, Sett, Galio, and MF. In laning phase top is toe to toe, but every lane except Jungle gets smashed to the point I'm wondering why they aren't FFing at 15. Red team's Vayne and Pyke are fed, and Blue team's Garen is even going tank. Then after a couple individual throws for KDA and teamfights Kindred's items are up and Red team loses. This one I think Red should've put all their energy into peeling Vayne while Akali assassinates Kindred, with Jax and Aatrox split pushing when there's no objectives

    Thanks for reading this long post!

    submitted by /u/Cantbeatjustbe
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    An Advice Leaving and Queue Dodging

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:41 PM PST

    All the people here advise the opposite but I am here to present the unpopular opinion that is more correct and healthier for the game in the name of improvement.

    I hope I can be helpful in a healthy discussion.

    Players from all skill brackets complain the times are too long to start a game and even if it's more of a time being a thing a large chunk of it is about summoners dodging and not being away from the keyboard in champion select.

    A stale, repetitive and boring standard it is to avoid playing a game with troll picks or general toxicity in game lobby before the game even started but you gotta ask yourself - Can I afford the penalty of it?

    Small faster loss and time not wasted but more importantly mental health not ruined.

    Nope. You lose way more time and energy surrendering that "misfortune" than actually trying to finish it and mute and report the tryharder just because someone had a bad game or is build different than you and you waste time looking at their profile for signs instead of putting some effort into your runes and game plan beforehand instead you act like coward and I am sorry for saying that.

    I am speaking from hearing some experiences from the community.

    However, it may be a possible won and deserved victory that many people forget to ignore and refuse to take risk and remove the excitement from the game.

    I am not saying you should play with Disko Ghost Cleanse Nunu and Willump Jungle or someone banned your main on purpose.

    It may be something as simple as playing Lux against Zed on mid and someone thought you have zero chance and alt+f4 from you but who knows, maybe this Zed is bad, maybe he will grief, maybe you are just passive toxic and don't let this player want to try to fight Zed with Lux, not necessary in ranked but it still happens.

    FF15 that is not caused by lag disconnect or afk for a valid reason can be abused and that's why it's not encouraged by decent players and for the sake of an argument, I am going to say challengers are not decent because they leave games too often just because they can predict the outcome of the game because not all of us are streamers that need good lucky outplay content for their viewers and watching 30 minutes of a clock is not much fun if you are not too talkative, shy or not entertaining.

    Anyway, do we actually want to predict the outcome of the game and not let the tilt waste our potential?

    Most people will say yes and then lose the very next game but will still be happy for saving 15 minutes of their eight-hour losing spree.

    This is for me now. Tell me what you think about that so we can expand a kind and respectable debate and I hope it's not too cringy or stupid for you.

    submitted by /u/MiximumDennis
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